SAQA - 14921 - Learner Guide

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ID 78965 LEVEL 4 – CREDITS 165

SAQA: 14921

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Learner Guide Introduction

About the Learner This Learner Guide provides a comprehensive overview of the DESCRIBE
CONFIGURATIONS , and forms part of a series of Learner Guides that
have been developed for FURTHER EDUCATION AND TRAINING
LEVEL 4 – 163 CREDITS. The series of Learner Guides are conceptualized
in modular’s format and developed for NATIONAL CERTIFICATE:
improve the skills and knowledge of learners, and thus enabling them to
effectively and efficiently complete specific tasks. Learners are required
to attend training workshops as a group or as specified by their
organization. These workshops are presented in modules, and
conducted by a qualified facilitator.
Purpose The purpose of this Learner Guide is to provide learners with the
necessary knowledge related to DESCRIBE THE TYPES OF COMPUTER
Outcomes People credited with this unit standard are able to:
• Describe past, present and future computer hardware
• Describe categories of computer system applications.
Assessment Criteria The only way to establish whether a learner is competent and has
accomplished the specific outcomes is through an assessment process.
Assessment involves collecting and interpreting evidence about the
learner’s ability to perform a task. This guide may include assessments in
the form of activities, assignments, tasks or projects, as well as
workplace practical tasks. Learners are required to perform tasks on the
job to collect enough and appropriate evidence for their portfolio of
evidence, proof signed by their supervisor that the tasks were
performed successfully.
To qualify To qualify and receive credits towards the learning programme, a
registered assessor will conduct an evaluation and assessment of the
learner’s portfolio of evidence and competency

Range of Learning This describes the situation and circumstance in which competence
must be demonstrated and the parameters in which learners operate
Responsibility The responsibility of learning rest with the learner, so:
• Be proactive and ask questions,
• Seek assistance and help from your facilitators, if required.

Learning Unit
1 Describe the types of computer systems and
associated hardware configurations

: 14921
FIELD : Business, Commerce and Management Studies
SUB FIELD : Marketing

This unit standard is intended:

PURPOSE: • to provide conceptual knowledge of the areas covered
• for those working in, or entering the workplace in the area of Information Systems &
Technology Management
• as additional knowledge for those wanting to understand the areas covered
• People credited with this unit standard are able to:
• Describe past, present and future computer hardware configurations.
• Describe categories of computer system applications.
The performance of all elements is to a standard that allows for further learning in this


The credit value of this unit is based on a person having prior knowledge and skills to:
Demonstrate an understanding of fundamental mathematics (at least NQF level 1)
Demonstrate PC competency skills (End-User Computing unit standards, at least up to NQF level 3).

Describe past, present and future computer hardware
Learning Outcomes
• The description lists the characteristics of the configurations.
• The description justifies categorisation of examples.
• The description explains performance characteristics of the configurations.
• The description explains the environmental requirements of the configurations.

Describe past, present and future computer hardware configurations.

Computer configurations and hardware
In communications or computer systems, a configuration is an arrangement of
functional units according to their nature, number, and chief characteristics. Often,
configuration pertains to the choice of hardware, software, firmware, and
documentation. The configuration affects system function and performance.
Computers are very important to preserve pace while using high rate world. With no a
computer system, you are generally surely going to lose a number of amazing
opportunities to advance ahead throughout life. Nevertheless, if you have in mind
buying computer by yourself, it is vital to take note of few points.
Although there are several things to consider at some time of getting a PC, you must
ensure you get checked the idea for computer hardware configuration. It’s also wise to
make sure your personal machine can quickly be improved after invest in. This is the
stage where you’ll need to install brand-new hardware to switch the elderly one.
Nevertheless, if that you do not discover how to find right sort of computer hardware,
you need to keep next things planned.
It will not matter prefer a Hard Computer, Floppy Travel, Power Present or some other
type of computer systems, you should look into shopping over the web. The explanation
is that will help you make a decision form your wider variety of options and will also be
able for you to upgrade your personal machine correctly.

Another thing to be aware of is that you can always look from a realistic site. This can
be one major issue for this option of getting hardware over the web. There are generally
many internet sites selling ineffective parts and these are generally the sites that you
should avoided by any means.
What is the difference between a Stand-Alone Computer and Networked Computer?
• A standalone pc is exactly that: alone, and not in a network.
• A networked pc is connected to other pcs in a network.

A standalone computer is a self-sufficient system. There is no connection to any other

computer. For various tasks such as writing a memo or creating a spreadsheet, the
software applications installed on the standalone’s hard drive are used. The standalone
may also have a printer, scanner, or external hard drive attached to its CPU to use to
print or scan a document, or implement a backup system.
An advantage of a standalone computer system is that it is more secure than
computers that are part of a network. A standalone lessens and possibility eliminates
the concern that hackers, spyware, or viruses can compromise confidential information
by accessing it.

The major disadvantage of not being part of a network is not being able to accomplish
any tasks that require an internet connection such as e-mail, browsing the internet or
sharing files with other users – anything that is not locally stored on the computer’s hard
A network computer is a computer that connects to one or more computers for the
main purpose of communicating.
The advantage of a network computer is that it shares resources such as software
applications, printers, disk drives and data files with the other networked computers.
A disadvantage of being a network computer is the real possibility of becoming a
victim of computer hackers, viruses or spyware. With the possibility of a real threat, it
would be in your best interest to install a virus protection and malware software.
Although, a standalone computer system has certain security advantages compared
to a network computer, it is not very effective in today’s world of technology. Data
communication and networking are the way of the world, requiring the need to create
a highway of data through a network computer.

Advantages and disadvantages of using a network compared to a stand alone


Some Advantages Some Disadvantages

A user can logon to a computer anywhere on

If something goes wrong with the file server the
the network and access their work files from the
whole network is unable to operate
file server

The technical skills needed to manage a

Computers can be managed centrally - with
network are much higher than working on a
the same software installed on each one
stand-alone computer

Time - it is much faster to install an application It would take a long time to install software
once on a network - and copy it across the applications on each computer - one at a
network to every workstation time!

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It can be frustrating to print to a printer in
Sharing printers, plotters, modems etc saves
another room - and then find after a long trek -
money and time
that there is no paper in the printer!

Security - the Network Manager can allocate Users may use up too much of the storage
usernames and passwords to all users to try to space and this may cause problems on the
prevent unauthorised access network

I is easy and convenient to monitor users - for Users may use too much bandwidth - for
example websites visited or documents printed example when listening to music files or
- this can be done using software running on watching video clips - preventing others from
the server using the network facilities properly

Midrange computers, or midrange systems, are a class of computer systems which fall
in between mainframe computers and microcomputers.
The class emerged in the 1960s and machines were generally known at the time as
minicomputers - especially models from Digital Equipment Corporation (PDP line), Data
General, Hewlett-Packard (HP3000 line), and successors), and Sun Microsystems (SPARC
Enterprise). These were widely used in science and research as well as for business.
IBM favored the term 'midrange computer' for their comparable more business-oriented
System/3, System/34, System/32, System/36, System/38, and AS/400 ranges.
Since 1990s, when the client–server model of computing became predominant,
computers of the comparable class are instead universally known as servers to
recognize that they usually "serve" end users at their "client" computers. Since the client–
server model was developed in Unix-like operating systems, using this term frequently
implies support of standard—rather than proprietary—protocols and programming
The client–server model is a distributed application structure in computing that
partitions tasks or workloads between the providers of a resource or service, called
servers, and service requesters, called clients. Often clients and servers communicate
over a computer network on separate hardware, but both client and server may reside
in the same system. A server is a host that is running one or more server programs which
share their resources with clients. A client does not share any of its resources, but
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requests a server's content or service function. Clients therefore initiate communication
sessions with servers which await incoming requests.
The client–server model was developed at Xerox PARC during the 1970s. It is now
prevalent in computer networks. Email, the World Wide Web, network printing are
typical examples of the model.
The client–server characteristic describes the relationship of cooperating programs in
an application. The server component provides a function or service to one or many
clients, which initiate requests for such services. The model assigns one of two roles to
the computers in a network: Client or server. A server is a computer system that
selectively shares its resources; a client is a computer or computer program that initiates
contact with a server in order to make use of a resource. Data, CPUs, printers, and data
storage devices are some examples of resources.
This sharing of computer resources is called time-sharing, because it allows multiple
applications to use the computer's resources at the same time.
Clients and servers exchange messages in a request-response messaging pattern: The
client sends a request, and the server returns a response. To communicate, the
computers must have a common language, and they must follow rules so that both the
client and the server know what to expect. The language and rules of communication
are defined in a communications protocol. All client-server protocols operate in the
application layer.
Whether a computer is a client, a server, or both, it can serve multiple functions. For
example, a single computer can run web server and file server software at the same
time to serve different data to clients making different kinds of requests. Client software
can also communicate with server software on the same computer.[2] Communication
between servers, such as to synchronize data, is sometimes called inter-server or server-
to-server communication. For years Independent Software Vendors (ISVs) have created
complex client server applications which combine the compute power of the end

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computer using a “client” software module to communicate with the application and
database on a server. These client server applications have tremendous advantages
and are seen across all verticals and sizes of businesses. Many of these client server
applications even have hooks back into the client “end user’s” desktop to generate
reports in Excel or Access and documents such as invoices or pick lists in Word taking
advantage of the Microsoft Office software running on the end user’s desktop. This
integration makes saving, sharing, and printing the reports or documents as simple as
using any other Office application. A great concept and great value. However, as
end users want to use different devices and more and more application delivery has
become web or browser based, the restrictions of the “client” software don’t match
end user’s expectations of Cloud or web delivery. Rewriting a client server application
to support web and mobile based users can also be time consuming and expensive for

The description lists the characteristics of the configurations.

What is a Computer Configuration?
Computer configuration is termed complete when all the major functional parts which
include hardware and software parts of it get assembled. Proper assembling plays a
major role in the performance of the computer. The performance and productivity of a
computer completely depends on how smart is your choice of accessories.

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Before you start using your PC, first you must configure it with all the basic set ups. Basics
setups needed for assembling a PC includes the main memory, hard disk drive, card
reader, CPU, CD drive, monitor, modem, and definitely a windows operating system.

Multi-user is a term that defines an operating system or application software that allows
access by multiple users of a computer. Time-sharing systems are multi-user systems.
Most batch processing systems for mainframe computers may also be considered
"multi-user", to avoid leaving the CPU idle while it waits for I/O operations to complete.
However, the term "multitasking" is more common in this context.
An example is a Unix server where multiple remote users have access (such as via
Secure Shell) to the Unix shell prompt at the same time. Another example uses multiple
X Window sessions spread across multiple terminals powered by a single machine - this is
an example of the use of thin client. Similar functions were also available under MP/M,
Concurrent DOS, Multiuser DOS and FlexOS.
Some multi-user operating systems such as Windows versions from the Windows NT
family support simultaneous access by multiple users (for example, via Remote Desktop
Connection) as well as the ability for a user to disconnect from a local session while
leaving processes running (doing work on their behalf) while another user logs into and
uses the system. The operating system provides isolation of each user's processes from
other users, while enabling them to execute concurrently.
Management systems are implicitly designed to be used by multiple users, typically one
system administrator or more and an end-user community.
The complementary term, single-user, is most commonly used when talking about an
operating system being usable only by one person at a time, or in reference to a single-
user software license agreement. Multi-user operating systems such as Unix sometimes
have a single user mode or runlevel available for emergency maintenance.

• Single-user, single task - As the name implies, this operating system is designed to
manage the computer so that one user can effectively do one thing at a time.
The Palm OS for Palm handheld computers is a good example of a modern
single-user, single-task operating system.

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• Single-user, multi-tasking - This is the type of operating system most people use
on their desktop and laptop computers today. Microsoft's Windows and Apple's
MacOS platforms are both examples of operating systems that will let a single
user have several programs in operation at the same time. For example, it's
entirely possible for a Windows user to be writing a note in a word processor while
downloading a file from the Internet while printing the text of an e-mail message.
• Multi-user - A multi-user operating system allows many different users to take
advantage of the computer's resources simultaneously. The operating system
must make sure that the requirements of the various users are balanced, and
that each of the programs they are using has sufficient and separate resources
so that a problem with one user doesn't affect the entire community of users.
Unix, VMS and mainframe operating systems, such as MVS, are examples of multi-
user operating systems.

The description justifies categorisation of examples.

Difference between single processor and multiprocessor?
Single-processor system has only one actual processor, while Multiprocessor system has
more than one, both types of systems can have more than one core per processor.
Multiple processors per system have long been used in systems that need a lot of
processing power, like high traffic servers and when lots of computational power is
needed. However these systems have been expensive and not needed by normal
home or office users.

In recent years it's become typical that one processor has 2, 3, 4 or even 8 cores. These
multicore processors behave the same way as if you had multiple processors.
One core can only do one task at a time. Multitasking is done by sharing the time of the
processor between processes (program), one process runs for a short time, then
another, then another or maybe the first one again. The switching is done so fast that
the user wont know the difference. Multiple cores can run multiple processes at once
for real.

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It depends on your software how well you computer can use the advantage of having
multiple processors/cores, dividing the task to different processes.

A multi processor is a single computing component with two or more independent

actual central processing units (called "cores"), which are the units that read and
execute program instructions. The instructions are ordinary CPU instructions such as add,
move data, and branch, but the multiple cores can run multiple instructions at the
same time, increasing overall speed for programs amenable to parallel computing.
Manufacturers typically integrate the cores onto a single integrated circuit die (known
as a chip multiprocessor or CMP), or onto multiple dies in a single chip package.

The description explains performance characteristics of the configurations.

In general, in one aspect, the invention features a modular computer including a
portable computer module providing a first set of performance characteristics. The
modular computer further includes an expansion module reversibly coupled to an
exterior surface of the portable computer module to provide, in combination therewith,
a second set of performance characteristics. The modular computer further includes a
docking module reversibly couplable both to the portable computer module singly and
to the portable computer module when combined with the expansion module to
provide, in combination therewith, a third set of performance characteristics.

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Implementations of the invention may include one or more of the following features.
The second set of performance characteristics may include multimedia capabilities,
enhanced sound production, increased memory capacity, faster computing speed,
and extending battery capability. The third set of performance characteristics may
include an enlarged keyboard, an enlarged monitor, a higher resolution monitor, an
enlarged pointing device, an enlarged speaker, an enhanced fidelity speaker, a
printer, a scanner, and network interface capabilities.
High Performance Server Configurations
Check Out Our Vast Array of High Performance / High Availability Solutions

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If you have ever experienced a server crash or your site becoming unavailable for an
extended period of time, it is time to adopt a more highly available configuration. As
the way we host data is rapidly developing and usage volumes fluctuate, the varying
needs of enterprise solutions are calling for increased security, flexibility, availability and
performance. We at Liquid Web have been proactive in using our knowledge of the
market to develop the most flexible and easily adaptable hosting solutions available.
Choose us to host your next project, and we will introduce you to high-performance
environments with on-demand scalability, reliable load balancing and an unmatched
availability – be it developing a scaled hosting model for an ongoing project, or adding
features to your server configuration as traffic increases.
High Performance Features
• Clustered File Systems
• Redundant Networking Devices
• Dedicated Load Balancers
• Database Clustering Options
• Increased Resiliency in Application Hosting
Our High Performance Server Configurations are designed to intuitively address Failover
-- the ability to automatically access mirrored data on standby systems in the event of
increased traffic or error causing a server crash -- via full redundancy throughout
scalable server clustering. The diagram on the right is one example of how we manage
the fluctuating traffic on some of the world’s most popular websites. With multiple
servers managed by a Load Balancer, we have created a solution for applications that
can’t afford even a momentary lapse in service, let alone a full-scale crash. Adding
a High Availability MySQL Cluster to manage your database services beneath a Cisco
managed switch for data intensive solutions and you will never have to recreate
databases or fear losing existing data again.

The description explains the environmental requirements of the configurations.

Managing Multiple Environment Configurations
When developing an application you will most likely have a number of environments
that your code will need to run in. For example, you may have a "development"
environment, a "staging" (or "testing") environment and a live "production" environment.
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If each member of your team is developing an application on their own machine then
they may each have their own specific environment requirements.
Let's take a look and how different environments may be handled using an object
oriented approach.
Environment properties
Your application will have a standard set of environment "properties" that differ within
each environment. This may include datasource details, file paths and domain names.
You may also have a set of configuration properties that should be the same across all
of your environments, such as a company name or application constants.
Let's assume that for each of your environments you need the following variable
properties defined:
• assets Path
• documents Path
• datasourceName
• datasourceUser
• datasourcePass
And assume that the common properties for your environments are:
• assetsUrl
• documentsUrl
• company Name
There are many ways of storing this information, but a common technique is to use an
XML file. Let's create a single XML file that contains details for all of the environments.

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Describe categories of computer system applications.
Learning Outcomes
• The description identifies categories of computer system applications.
• The description justifies categorisation of examples.
• The description explains the performance characteristics of the categories.

Describe categories of computer system applications.

Computer Applications
It is not easy to divide computer applications into any exact categories, as there is no
clear definition available to categorize computer applications. However, here is a list of
different types of computer applications.

1. Embedded Systems
2. Windows applications (also called ‘Desktop applications’)
3. Web Applications
4. Web Services
5. Console applications
Embedded Systems:
When a name, address and other information is saved in the Mobile Phone or Digital
Diary, a small computer program ‘Embedded’ into a chip in the device inside the
mobile phone or digital diary completes the task and known as Embedded Systems.

Windows applications:
Windows Applications is a form based standard Windows, Microsoft word; Paint is
example to the Windows application, and also called ‘Desktop applications’.

Web Applications:

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A web site is also called ‘web Applications’. A web applications is a collection of web
pages hosted on a special computer called ‘web server’. Web server can be located
anywhere and visitors can be located anywhere .It will work through Browsers (EG.
Internet Explorer, Mozilla, Netscape).

Web Services:
Web services are web applications that give services to other applications through the
internet, for example, Google search engine, Yahoo Search engine etc. which allows
other applications to delegate the task of searching over the internet.

Console Applications:
Console applications runs inside the command prompt i.e. DOS window, It is a light
weight program and which is used commonly for test applications.

Computer Systems application

The Computer Systems application allows you to quickly and easily browse and
manage computers and configuration items (CIs).
The Computer Systems application can be directly launched from a link on the
MAXADMIN Start Center or by navigating to Go To > IT Infrastructure > Computer
The Computer Systems application displays CI records that are classified as
IT\SYS.COMPUTERSYSTEM. The CI may have been created in the CI application or
imported using the Appliance CI Import function. The Computer Systems application
displays the CI attributes, along with several of the specification attributes associated
with the IT \ SYS.COMPUTERSYSTEM classification.
The Computer Systems application contains the following tabs:
Press Enter to display a list of computers, along with a description, status, host name,
and operating system. Click on a computer and the Computer tab displays.
The Computer tab displays computer details, CPU and RAM information, and operating
system information,
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Batch, interactive and real-time processing systems in terms of processing, response
time and user interface requirements.
• Data is pretty useless unless it is processed in some way.
• The way in which the data is processed can be different …and the mode of
operation is different depending on the situation.
• The decision as to which operational mode to use is made during the design stage.

Batch Processing
• Data is processed in batches.
• The batches tend to be large and of identical type.
Common examples of where batch processing occurs include the processing of bank
statements, utility bills and credit card transactions
• No user interaction is required.
• Batch processing usually takes place during the evening or on the weekends, when
there is less demand on the processor.
• Both of these facts mean that daily work can continue with little disruption.

• The main problem with batch processing is the delay in receiving the output from
the data input.
• For example, sometimes you can pay for something using a credit card, but the
money is not taken out straight away. If you aren’t aware of this and you think
you have that money in your account you might go spending the money…thus
putting you into debt!

Interactive Processing
• Also known as a transactional processing system.
• Data is processed one transaction at a time.
• Any response or update must be completed before the next transaction can
take place.
• Data inputs tend to be small and input interactively by the user.
• The user inputs data into the system when prompted to do so.
• Their actions are limited to what the system allows them to enter.
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Real-Time Processing
• Data is processed within a given maximum time limit (usually under 4 seconds).
• The time limit will depend on a number of factors:
– User requirements
– Type of processing
– Amount to process
• It is normally assumed that data will be processed as soon as it is received.
• This could result in data being updated straight away on a database, or an
action taking place.
• A good example of real-time processing is in auto-pilot systems.
• They wouldn’t be very useful in the following example…
Batch Autopilot

What to do now
Create and complete the following summary table:

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Batch Interactive Real-Time


Response time

User interface

The description identifies categories of computer system applications.

General purpose application
General purpose application software is a type of software that can be used for a
variety of tasks. It is not limited to one particular function. For example a word processor
could be classed as general purpose software as it would allow a user to write a novel,
create a restaurant menu or even make a poster.

Impress presentation software inLibreOffice 3.3.0

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Examples of General purpose application software include: Word processors,
Spreadsheet and Presentation software. Whatever you do, do not use brand names!
Special purpose application software
Special purpose application software is a type of software created to execute one
specific task. For example a camera application on your phone will only allow you to
take and share pictures. Another example would be a chess game, it would only allow
you to play chess.

Chromium web browser

Other examples of special purpose application software are web browsers, calculators,
media players, calendar programs etc. Again, make sure that you don't use brand
Bespoke application software
Bespoke application software is tailor made for a specific user and purpose. For
example a factory may require software to run a robot to make cars, however, it is the
only factory making that car in the world, so the software required would have to be
specially build for the task.
Other examples might include software for the military, missile/UAV operations, software
for hospitals and medical equipment, software being written inside banks and other
financial institutions.
There are several things to consider before purchasing bespoke software, on the plus
Software is built for and will meet your precise needs
However, you must also consider
Software will be expensive as you have to cover all of the production costs

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It may take some time to develop the software, when special purpose software could
be brought straight away
The software is more likely to be buggy as it probably won't have thousands of clients
using and testing it
Information Systems and Computer Applications
Description of the Examination
The Information Systems and Computer Applications examination covers material that is
usually taught in an introductory college-level business information systems course.
Questions test knowledge, terminology, and basic concepts about information systems
as well as the application of that knowledge. The examination does not emphasize the
details of hardware design and language-specific programming techniques.
References to applications such as word processing or spreadsheets do not require
knowledge of a specific product. The focus is on concepts and techniques applicable
to a variety of products and environments. Knowledge of arithmetic and mathematics
equivalent to that of a student who has successfully completed a traditional first-year
high school algebra course is assumed.
The examination contains approximately 100 questions to be answered in 90 minutes.
Some of these are pretest questions and will not be scored. The time candidates spend
on tutorials and providing personal information is in addition to the actual testing time.
Knowledge and Skills Required
Questions on the Information Systems and Computer Applications examination require
candidates to demonstrate knowledge of the following content. The percentages next
to each main topic indicate the approximate percentage of exam questions on that
Information Systems and Office Application Software in Organizations
• Standard office suite tools (word processors, spreadsheets, presentation packages,
end-user database packages)
• Basic user functions of a desktop operating system
• Office systems (electronic mail, conferencing, cooperative work environments)
• Web browsers
• Internet and other online services and methods (World Wide Web, FTP, Web search
engines, Web bots)
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• Specialized systems (statistical analysis, expert systems, DSS, GIS, BI)
• Electronic Data Interchange
• Enterprise-wide systems (ERP, CRM, SCM)

The description justifies categorisation of examples.

The description explains the performance characteristics of the categories.
Higher performance in hard disk drives comes from devices which have faster
performance characteristics. These devices include those with rotating media, hereby
called rotating drives, i.e., hard disk drives (HDD), floppy disk drives (FDD), optical discs
(DVD-RW / CD-RW), and it also covers devices without moving parts like solid-state
drives (SSD). For SSDs, most of the attributes related to the movement of mechanical
components are not applicable, but the device is actually affected by some other
electrically based element that still causes a measurable delay when isolating and
measuring that attribute. These performance characteristics can be grouped into two
categories: access time and data transfer time (or rate).
Access time

A hard disk head on an access arm resting on a hard disk platter.

The access time or response time of a rotating drive is a measure of the time it takes
before the drive can actually transfer data. The factors that control this time on a
rotating drive are mostly related to the mechanical nature of the rotating disks and
moving heads. It is composed of a few independently measurable elements that are
added together to get a single value when evaluating the performance of a storage
device. The access time can vary significantly, so it is typically provided by
manufacturers or measured in benchmarks as an average. For SSDs this time is not
dependent on moving parts, but rather electrical connections to solid state memory, so
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the access time is very quick and consistent. Most testing and benchmark applications
do not draw a distinction between rotating drives and SSDs so they both go through the
same measurement process.
The key components that are typically added together to obtain the access time are:
• Seek time
• Rotational latency
• Other
• Command processing time
• Settle time

The end

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