Customers Satisfaction Towards Internet Banking o

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Article in GBAMS- Vidushi · December 2015

DOI: 10.26829/vidushi.v6i01-02.9719

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1 author:

Vasan M.
National College, Tiruchirappalli Tamilnadu INDIA


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June 2014-December 2015



The study has been conducted in order to meticulously evaluate and examine the level
of satisfaction towards internet banking services. The purpose of this study is also to observe
and analyze the purpose of using internet banking, reasons for chosen internet banking,
satisfaction of customers towards internet banking and to find out the problems encountered
by the customers. The primary data for this study was compiled through well-structured
questionnaire filled in on a one-to-one basis by 120 customers of ICICI Bank. The study
results clearly indicated that the majority of the users of internet banking were in the high level
of satisfaction. Hence, the study highlights the important points that ICICI Bank's top
management must consider in order to increase the number of internet banking users and to
improve their service quality.

Key Words: Internet Banking, Online banking, Customer Satisfaction, E-banking,

Remote Banking

The marvelous kinds of innovation in technology and hard line blend of it with
information technology made a paradigm shift in the banking industry. Technology itself
created its world in the globe of human beings. Advent of Internet banking happened in early
1990. This beginning of Internet Banking created a phenomenal system, Internet banking.
Internet banking is a kind of systems that enable financial institution customers, individuals or
businesses, to access accounts, transact business, or obtain information on financial products
and services through the Internet.

The Government of India enacted the IT Act, 2000 (Information Technology Act). This
Act came into effect from the 17th of October 2000. The purpose of this Act, in context of
banking, was to provide legal recognition to electronic transactions and other means of
Electronic Commerce. The working group set by Reserve Bank of India, has been working as
a watchdog on the different aspect of the Internet banking. ICICI bank was the pioneer bank to
use Internet banking for some of its services in India. ICICI bank and a lot of other Indian
banks use the Internet banking system to provide online banking solution.

In the current scenario, Indian customers are moving towards Internet banking, slowly
but steadily. Most of the leading Indian banks like SBI, BOB, BOI, etc. have started providing
Internet banking services.
*Assistant Professor, K. S. Rangasamy College of Arts & Science, (Autonomous), Tamilnadu 13

June 2014-December 2015

There is a clear need to develop a better understanding of how customers evaluate these
services and boost up satisfaction. Customer satisfaction is one of the main aspects
determining the success or failure of any electronic banking services. Customers' satisfaction
has tended to lag behind because practitioners have focused mainly on issues of usability and
measurement of use. Therefore, customer perception and preferences on internet banking
have a significant impact on bank's success.

As India is taking giant leaps towards globalization Internet banking is the sector to be
studied with great interest. The question of how attitude towards elements of existing banking
service might influence the consumer's decision to use internet banking has not been
investigated. As customers get more and more educated, getting insight about modern
banking, via internet banking has evolved as primary area of concern for all leading and
upcoming banks in India. This study provides an insight analysis on this aspect. The research
will assist bank administration to ascertain a better understanding of customers' satisfaction
towards internet banking offered by the ICICI Bank.


Research has been conducted in order to critically evaluate and examine the customers'
satisfaction towards internet banking of ICICI Bank. The purpose of this study is also to
observe and analyze the purpose of using internet banking, reasons for chosen internet
banking, satisfaction of customers towards internet banking and to find out the problems
encountered by the customers. Specifically, this study highlights the important points that
ICICI Bank's top management must consider in order to increase the number of internet
banking users and to improve their service quality.


Changes in banks' external environment, including globalization and deregulation,
have made the banking sector highly competitive. Banks find it hard to compete on price and
need to look at other ways to retain customers. As customers become more sophisticated, it
becomes imperative for banks to consider the use of technology to respond to their
continuously changing requirements. But current scenario in India shows that pace at which
technology in Internet banking proceeds doesn't march with the customers' usage rate. Even
though banks are more interested in adopting new technology to differentiate them in
competitive market, they are not getting expected return on investment. So, is this the fault at
the end of the technology or customers' perception? If any, then why? If both, then why? Is it
due to lack of skills or will? Update on technical skills through customers' education on
internet with simple software can create an interest in the customers' mind. However, interest
and desire to a great extent will depend upon his demographic factors. This will affect his
perception on Internet banking. This research is focused on what is the customers' satisfaction
on internet banking. What are the drivers that drive customers' towards better satisfaction?
Bank can evaluate its internet banking system with respect to the drivers and customers'
response to these drivers.

June 2014-December 2015


 To know the purpose of using internet banking services;
 To identify the reasons for maintaining internet banking account; and
 To measure the level of satisfaction of customers on Internet banking services
provided by ICICI Bank.

There is no significant difference between the demographic factors such as age, gender,
educational qualification, marital status, family size, occupation, monthly income and
Satisfaction with internet banking services.

Survey Method has been followed for the study. Both primary and secondary sources of
data were used. Well structured questionnaire was designed to elicit necessary data and details
from the customers of ICICI Bank. The secondary data were collected from the books,
journals, web portals, etc. The primary data was collected through the well structured
questionnaire consist of optional type and Likert's 5 point scale type questions. The
questionnaire consists of demographic factors of the customers, purpose of using internet
banking, reasons for availing internet banking facility and satisfaction with internet banking.

ICICI Bank was purposively selected on familiarity and it had unique performance
compared with the other private sector banks in India. The Convenient Sampling Method was
adopted to select the customers of internet banking of ICICI Bank in Erode. The sample size
constituted 120 customers of ICICI Bank. The data collected from the respondents were coded
and tabulated to suit the requirements of the study. Statistical Package for Social Sciences
(SPSS) was used for analyzing the data. The appropriate statistical tools such as Descriptive
statistics, Non parametric Friedman's test, K means cluster analysis and Multiple Regression
have been employed to analyze and interpret the data.

This study will be helpful to point out the important areas where banker lacks in
providing internet banking. The actions which can increase the satisfaction level of customers
on internet banking and motivate them to use internet banking efficiently. This study brings
the attentions of management towards the importance of training and development of
customers of internet banking.


This study analyses the customers' satisfaction towards internet banking of ICICI Bank
has been elicited and analyzed. Furthermore, this part consists of demographic profile of
customers and bank transaction details and reasons for using internet banking has been taken
into consideration.


June 2014-December 2015


Customers' demography is the study of the composition of a social entity in term of its
members' attributes. Demographics would include such factors as age, gender, educational
qualification, marital status, family size, occupation and monthly income. The researcher
would normally include those factors which are assumed to have explanatory value in the
Table -1: Demographic Profile
Demographic Profile Classifications Frequency Percent
Age Below 30 44 36.7
31-40 60 50.0
41-50 11 9.2
Above 50 5 4.2
Total 120 100
Gender Male 85 70.8
Female 35 29.2
Total 120 100
Educational Up to HSC 13 10.8
Diploma 12 10.0
Graduate 95 79.2

Total 120 100

Marital status Unmarried 31 25.8
Married 89 74.2
Total 120 100
Family Size Up to 3 35 29.2
4–6 81 67.5
Above 7 4 3.3
Total 120 100
Occupation Business 25 20.8
Govt. Employees 18 15.0
Private Employees 48 40.0
Professionals 29 24.2
Total 120 100
Monthly Income Below Rs.10000 8 6.7
Rs.10001 – 20,000 18 15.0
Rs.20,001 – 30,000 63 52.5
Above Rs.30001 31 25.8
Total 120 100
Source: Primary Data
June 2014-December 2015

The age of customers of ICICI Bank indicates that 50 percent, who were belonging to 31-40 years age
group, followed by Below 30 years age group. 70.8 percent male and 29.2 percent female. The
education qualification of the customers consists of 10.8 percent who were studied up to HSC, 10
percent who were Diploma holders and 79.2 percent who were graduates. The marital status wise
classification of the respondents depicts that 74.2 percent of the customers were married and rest 25.8
percent of them unmarried. Majority (67.5 percent) of the customers having up to 4-6 dependents
followed by 29.2 percent of the customers having up to 3 dependents in their family. A maximum of 40
percent of the customers were private employees followed by professionals, and business people,
which constituted 24.2 and 20.8 percent respectively. The monthly income of the customers were
Rs.20,001-30,000 and more than Rs.30000, which constitute 52.5 percent and 25.8 percent
respectively (Table 1).


In this phase, type of account, duration of accounting holding, Reasons for Chosen ICICI
internet banking, sources of information, duration of using internet banking, frequency of using,
purpose of using internet banking and reasons for availing internet banking were analysed with the
help of percentage analysis.
Table 2: Type of Account
Type of Frequenc Percent
Account y
Savings A/C 83 69.2
Current A/C 4 3.3
Both 33 27.5
Total 120 100
Source: Primary Data
A maximum of 69.2 percent of the customers were savings account holders. Hence, 27.5
percent of customers were having both savings accounts and current account in the ICICI Bank
(Table 2).
In this phase, type of account, duration of accounting holding, Reasons for Chosen ICICI
internet banking, sources of information, duration of using internet banking, frequency of using,
purpose of using internet banking and reasons for availing internet banking were analysed with the
help of percentage analysis.

Table – 3: Duration of Account Holding

Years Frequency Percent
< 1 Year 13 10.8
2–5 84 70.0
6- 10 23 19.2
Total 120 100
Source: Primary Data


June 2014-December 2015

The majority of the customers (70 percent) were keep account in ICICI bank for 2 to 5
years followed by 19.2 percent of the respondents availing banking services from ICICI Bank
for 6 -10 years and 10.8 percent of the customers having banking experience below 1 year
(Table 3).
Table – 4: Reasons for Chosen ICICI Internet Banking
Reasons Frequenc Percent
Brand Name 12 10.0
Better Services 57 47.5
Less formalities 23 19.2
Traditional bank account 28 23.3
with the same bank
Total 120 100
Source: Primary Data
The majority of the customers (47.5 percent) were chosen ICICI's Internet Banking
for its better services followed by maintaining traditional bank account with the same
bank, lesser formalities and brand name (Table 4).
Table – 5: Sources of Information
Sources of Frequenc
Information y
Self interest 24 20.0
Friends/Relatives 45 37.5
TV/Radio 19 15.8
Magazines/News paper 16 13.3
Bank officials 16 13.3
Total 120 100
Source: Primary Data
In the sources of information about internet banking indicates friends and relatives (37.5
percent) were considered as a vital source of information, followed by personal interest, television,
radio, magazines, Newspapers. Radio and magazines carry more important information sources
among the customers of ICICI (Table 5).
Table – 6: Duration of Using Internet Banking
Holding Period of
Frequency Percent
Up to 1 Year 41 34.2
2- 5 Years 73 60.8
Above 5 Years 6 5
Total 120 100
Source: Primary Data
June 2014-December 2015

The majority of the customers (60.8 percent) were used internet banking for 2
to 5 years followed by 34.2 percent of the respondents used internet banking services for
below 1 year (Table 6).
Table – 7: Frequency of Using
Using Frequency Percent
Daily 22 18.3
Weekly 28 23.3
Monthly 14 11.7
Rarely 56 46.7
Total 120 100
Source: Primary Data

The frequency of using internet banking reveals that 18.3 percent of the customers
were used daily, 23.3 percent of the customers were used weekly, 11.7% of the customers used
monthly and 46.7% of the customers were used the internet banking rarely (Table 7).

Table 8: Purpose of Using Internet Banking

Using Frequency Percent
Utility bill payments 68 56.7
To order cheque books 21 17.5
Loan repayment 87 72.5
E-Ticket booking 61 50.8
Funds Transfers 97 80.8
Balance Enquiry 92 76.7
Retrieving Bank Statement 29 24.2
Access Demat account 16 13.3
Opening of term deposit
accounts 12 10.0
Source: Primary Data Multiple Response

The customers were used internet banking for utility bill payments, ordering cheque
books, loan repayment, e-ticket booking, fund transfers, balance enquiry, retrieving bank
statement of accounts, access demat account, and opening of term deposit account (Table 8).


June 2014-December 2015

Table 9: Reasons for Availing Internet Banking

Std. Mean Chi-square
Variables Mean Sig
Deviation Rank Test
Awareness of the services and its 3.90 .541 3.43
The ease of use 4.71 .509 6.63
The safety and security of transacting 4.01 .572 3.78 259.066 .000
over the internet (d.f.8)
The cost of using internet banking 4.39 .759 5.54
The access to computer or internet 4.28 .700 4.93
Curiosity 3.92 .740 3.75
Reasonable service charge 4.43 .670 5.55
24 hours service 4.80 .512 6.88
Easy to maintain my banking transaction 4.22 .582 4.52
Source: Primary Data
The results of Friedman's Chi-Square test (Table 9) showed that there was a significant
difference in the reasons for availing internet banking (P<0.05). The mean ranks indicated that 24
hours service (Mean=6.88) was ranked first, (3.36) and followed by 'ease of use'.


Internet banking provides numerous utility services. In the bankers' perspective due attention
might not be given equally to all these activities because of the criterion of importance to the banker. At
the same time, the customers' attitude might be varied with these activities. In this connection, non-
parametric Friedman's test has been used to find out the significant difference in the customers'
satisfaction with internet banking.
Table – 10: Customers’ Satisfaction with Internet Banking
Std. Mean Chi-square
Variables Mean Sig
Deviation Rank Test
Easy to access 4.69 .523 10.24
Safety and Security 4.04 .556 5.16
Reliability 3.91 .635 5.32
Transaction limit to account 4.13 .602 6.49
Service charges and fees 4.54 .672 9.48
Account opening formalities 4.56 .632 9.43
Loan account activity 4.15 .669 6.78
Product information 3.88 .712 5.29 378.511 .000
Standing instruction facility 4.37 .634 8.07 (d.f.14)
Cheque book request facility 4.65 .560 9.95
Opening of term Deposit accounts 4.45 .684 8.76

June 2014-December 2015

Std. Mean Chi-square

Variables Mean Sig
Deviation Rank Test
Easy to access 4.69 .523 10.24
Safety and Security 4.04 .556 5.16
Reliability 3.91 .635 5.32
Transaction limit to account 4.13 .602 6.49
Service charges and fees 4.54 .672 9.48
Account opening formalities 4.56 .632 9.43
Loan account activity 4.15 .669 6.78
Security information provided by 4.24 .635 7.25
Cheque status enquiry 4.61 .577 9.62
Transfer funds between accounts 4.77 .496 10.71
Alerts to mobile phone 4.18 .480 6.66
Source: Primary Data
The results of Friedman's Chi-Square test depicts that there was significant difference in the
level of satisfaction towards the internet banking facility offered by ICICI Bank (P<0.05). The mean
ranks (Table 10) reveals the fact that the customers were satisfied with the transfer of funds between
accounts (Mean Rank=10.71). Hence, the customers had more fear with the safety and security


In this section, the classification of different type of clusters based on satisfaction with
internet banking facility offered by the ICICI Bank. K-means cluster analysis is applied to identify
heterogeneous groups of customers of ICICI Bank. This analysis is helpful in identifying different
groups of customers with homogeneous qualities.
Table – 11: Number of Cases in each Cluster
Number of
Clusters Percent
Low 21 17.5
Medium 39 32.4
High 60 50.1
Total 120 100
Source: Primary Data
The final cluster centre table revealed that there exist three heterogeneous groups of customers
based on satisfaction with internet banking. The third cluster of customers of 50.1 percent were in the
high level of satisfaction with the internet banking, 32.4 percent of the customers were in the moderate
level satisfaction and 17.5 percent of them in the low level of satisfaction with the internet banking
(Table 11).

June 2014-December 2015


In this phase, an effort has been made to identify some of the variables, which contributed
satisfaction with internet banking. For this purpose, Regression Analysis is applied to find the effect
among the independent variables namely Age, Gender, Educational qualification, Marital status,
Family size, Occupation, Monthly Income, Type of account, account holding period and Holding
period of internet banking. Satisfaction with Internet Banking score was taken as dependent variable.
Further, t-test is used to find out the significant effect of all independent variables included in the
Table – 12: Model Summary for Satisfaction with Internet Banking
Adjusted Std. Durbin-
R R Square F Sig.
R Square Error Watson
.651 .423 .085 4.036 1.499 1.853 .004
Dependent Variable: Satisfaction Score
The R value (.423) indicated that 42.3 percent of variation in the satisfaction with internet
banking was caused by the set of all the independent variables included in the model. The ANOVA
results depicted that there was significant difference existed between satisfaction with internet
banking and independent variables (P<0.05). It indicated that there was good correlation found
between the set of independent variables and satisfaction with internet banking (Table 12).
Table 13: Factors Influencing Satisfaction with Internet Banking
Unstandardized Standardized
Variables Coefficients Coefficients t Sig.
B Std. Error Beta
Constant 60.803 3.477 17.487 .000
Age -.081 .610 .015 0.133 .005
Gender -2.748 .829 .326 3.315 .001
Education Qualification -.266 .607 .042 0.438 .042
Marital status 1.374 1.078 .143 1.274 .005
Family size 1.380 .794 .167 1.739 .045
Occupation .421 .490 .106 0.859 .032
Monthly Income -.433 .864 .059 0.501 .017
Type of Account .466 .556 .099 0.838 .004
Accounting Holding 1.688 .805 .217 2.096 .038
Holding Period of Using -.769 .635 .117 1.211 .028
Internet Banking

Individually, the regression coefficients indicated that independent variables had created
positive effect on satisfaction with internet banking. All the independent variables included in the

June 2014-December 2015

model had significant effect on satisfaction with internet banking at 5 percent level, when the
regression coefficients were tested with t-test (Table 13).


In this part, an attempt has been made to identify the problems faced by the
customers with respect to internet banking.

Table 14: Problems Encountered by Internet Banking Users

Problem Faced Frequency Percent

Fear of pin number hacking 78 65.00
Delays in opening of web page 38 31.67
Distrust of online services 45 37.50
Worries about reliability 58 48.33
Source: Primary Data Multiple Response

The problems encountered by internet users indicated that fear of pin number hacking was a
daunting problem among the customers of internet banking followed by delays in opening of web
page due to ads and slow speed network, worries about reliability and distrust of online services.


To bring this study a really successful and worthy of being emulated by others in this area in
the years to come, the expectations of customers to have better performance of internet banking have
been elicited. This exercise will bring to light the need for improvements to be made by the banks and
these expectations will form the basis for the banks to follow proactive strategies to enhance the
internet banking services.

Table 15: Customers’ Expectations towa rds Betterment of Internet Banking

Customers’ Expectations Frequency Percent
Create Awareness about Inte rnet Banking 98 81.7
Maximum limit for fund transfer to be 46 38.3
Services charges to be reduced 34 28.3
Security aspects to be strengthened 92 76.6
Source: Primary Data Multiple Response

Majority of the customers (81.7 percent) of internet banking users were expecting to create
awareness on internet banking among bank customers followed by strengthening of security aspects,
increase in maximum limit for fund transfers and reduction of service charges.


June 2014-December 2015

 The banker should configure security systems and firewalls to the highest security
consistent with the level of protection according to customer requirements.
 The bank should increase their ability to control and manage the various risks inherent
from e-transaction activity. Banks should implement more security to minimize risk and
increase customer authentication such as personal identification number, audit trial for
 The banker should reduce the cumbersome formalities for getting internet banking
 The banker should reduce the processing charges for NEFT and RTGS.
 The results implied that people of less age group have given highest score, so banks have
to decide on strategies which will attract even the old aged people.
 Since computer knowledge plays important role in customer perception on internet
banking, so banker can give proper training to customers in usage of e-CRM tools.
 Banks have to educate their employees to give proper training to the customers to use the
facilities provided through e-CRM for better usage even for the old aged customers. It can
decide best user interface which is very friendly and easy to use, in order to attract more
 Since private employees and students have got good perception on internet banking,
banker has to adopt right strategies to attract even people of other categories like
government employees, professionals, etc.
 Account holding period is not having any relationship. This means that even people who
are maintaining accounts in a bank for a longer period may also be unsatisfied but they will
continue with the bank because of compulsion. Banks have to look into this category of
people and they should offer the best services to them so as to make them happier.
 The banks should provide proper instructions and personnel assistance on how to use the
internet banking to the employees and through them to the customers. The banks are
investing heavily on Information technology but unless banks arrange demonstration
programs for the customers and train them properly to enjoy all the services.

When investigating all the variables and the response by customers, this study reveals
that the perception of the customers can be changed by awareness program, friendly usage,
less charges, proper security, and the best response to the services offered.

The study also provides the kind of correlation between different factors. As per our
basic assumptions we consider only those customers who know how to use Internet and have
an access to Internet, and our study considered only the situation wherein banks provide
Internet banking services. By grouping the variables less than one relevant question may
result in proper implication for the bankers.

June 2014-December 2015

In case of the customers who don't use Internet banking services, having all facilities at
their disposal, technology was not the biggest issue. The first thing that all bankers should
concern about is the requirement of awareness. Even though these people are inclined towards
the manual banking, these can be turned to potential customers, it is well proven thing, which
says the surrounding influences the individual's behaviour or in India only environment that
surrounds the public determines the behaviour and decisions of the individuals. So if
consumer sees most of their colleagues or friends who surround him using Internet banking
then it may influence his decision to follow Internet banking option.

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