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Date: March 5, 2024

I. Objectives

At the end of the 60-minute session, the students should be able to:
a. identify the ICT text as means of connecting to the world;
b. Analyze a radio play and ICT texts as a means of connecting to the world; and
c. Formulate your ways on preventing negative effects of using social media.

Subject Matter
Topic: Relevance and Truthfulness of the Idea
Lesson: Relevance and Truthfulness of the Idea
Materials: Laptop, TV
Learning competency: Determine the relevance of and the truthfulness of the ideas presented in the
material viewed.
Reference: English Quarter 3 – Module 2: Relevance and Truthfulness of the Idea

II. Procedure
A.Preparatory Activities
1. Classroom Routine
1. Prayer
2. Greetings
3. Attendance
4. Classroom rules
Word Chain

The teacher will provide a word, the class will continue providing the word making
the last letter of the teacher’s word as their first letter, then continue to the whole

B. Lesson Proper

B.1. Activity:

Hear me?

The teacher presents a short clip from the radio play, “Sorry, Wrong Number”.

B.2. Analysis.
1. On that clip, what could have happened if it happens in 2024?
2. How did the operator police react to Mrs. Stevenson?

B.3. Abstraction.
The teacher will discuss the concept.
Social networking sites encourage us to be more public about our personal lives.
Because intimate details of our lives can be posted so easily, we often don’t use the
filters we might normally employ when talking about our private life. What’s more, the
things we post remain available indefinitely. While at the moment, a photo of friends
doing shots at a party may seem harmless, the image may appear less attractive in the
context of an employer doing a background check. While most sites allow their users
to control who sees the things they posted, such limitations are often forgotten.

How did the character from the radio play connect to the world? Is connecting

B.4. Application.

Students will answer the following questions.

1.As a student, what are the effects of social media on your daily life?
2.Do you think you can live without it? Explain
3. How does social media changed our life?

IV. Evaluation:

Answer the following questions:

1. Name a social media that you often use to connect with other people?
2. Enumerate the pros and cons of using social media?
3. Justify this statement “Machine can do anything a man can do”.
4. Formulate your ways on preventing negative effects of using social media.

V. Assignment:

From the situation below, choose a reaction between Flight or Fright.

1. Saw a snake in a forest.

2. Saw your boyfriend/girlfriend cheating on you.
3. You are in a heated argument with your friend.
4. You’re in a situation where you’re given a challenging task that you’re unsure how to handle.
5. You’re in a social setting where someone makes a disrespectful comment towards you.



Date: March 6, 2024

III. Objectives

At the end of the 60-minute session, the students should be able to:
a. identify solution on the specific situation;
b. appreciates the emergency personnel for specific situation; and
c. Provide critical feedback/reaction to a specific situation.

Subject Matter

Topic: Relevance and Truthfulness of the Idea

Lesson: Relevance and Truthfulness of the Idea
Materials: Laptop, TV
Learning competency: Determine the relevance of and the truthfulness of the ideas presented in the
material viewed.
Reference: English Quarter 3 – Module 2: Relevance and Truthfulness of the Idea

IV. Procedure
A.Preparatory Activities
1. Classroom Routine
1. Prayer
2. Greetings
3. Attendance
4. Classroom rules

Guess the Gibberish

The Teacher will give the students a gibberish word, and the students will have to
guess what is the correct word for it.
1. Es-pe-etch
2. Sta-muk
3. Bi-day-yow
4. Ay-day-as
5. Ka-low-ray-es
6. Sim-to-ums
7. Pa-law-ers
8. Co-oh-loh-ors
9. Ba-am-bo-oh
10. Am-ay-zay-ing

B. Lesson Proper

B.1. Activity:

Fight or Flight?

From the situation below, choose a reaction between Flight or Fright.

1. Saw a snake in a forest.
2. Saw your boyfriend/girlfriend cheating on you.
3. You are in a heated argument with your friend.
4. You’re in a situation where you’re given a challenging task that you’re unsure how to handle.
5. You’re in a social setting where someone makes a disrespectful comment towards you.

B.2. Analysis.
The teacher asks:

1. How did you react on the following situation given in the activity?
2. What specific factors led you to consider fighting or fleeing?
3. How confident are you in your initial assessment of the situation.

B.3. Abstraction.

What are your reactions on some specific events?

In emergency situations, it's crucial to remain calm and take swift, appropriate
Remember to always follow local emergency protocols and seek assistance from
trained professionals when needed.

1. Medical Emergency
2. Fire Emergency
3. Natural Disaster (e.g., Earthquake, Flood)
4. Crime or Threatening Situation
5. Power Outage or Utility Failure
6. Transportation Accident
7. Severe Weather
8. Environmental Hazard (e.g., Gas Leak, Chemical Spill)

B.4. Application.

How do you respond to an emergency situation? Whom do you call for help? For each critical
situation below, indicate your life-saving solution.

Critical situation Life-Saving solution

1. Your sister complains and falls to the
ground, unconscious.

2. Somebody in fear and in panic calls on

your cell phone asking for your help.

3. A student's purse is snatched in front of

you inside a jeepney.

4. Your uncle's house is on fire.

5. A hazardous chemical in the lab spills,

producing smoke and a suffocating scent.

IV. Evaluation:

Answer the following questions:

1. Identify an event wherein your reaction/feedback on situation is needed.
2. Describe how you react on the situation you least expected.
3-4. “You saw someone get stabbed in the street, the culprit ran and the victim is unconscious”

3. Who are you going to call? Explain why?

4. Formulate a solution on how you are going to stop it from happening in the future.

V. Assignment:

Learners are task to research public local hotlines to contact during an




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