Drug Study Format

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Pamantasan Ng Lungsod Ng Marikina Name: MALAZA, ALYZHA NHES C.

College of Health Sciences Section & Group : 3BSN1

GENERIC NAME: Interferes with bacterial cell Respiratory system CNS: headache, Hypersensitivity to Patient monitoring:
Ceftriaxone wall infections, bones, confusion, ceftriaxone, other  Monitor for extreme confusion, tonic-
BRAND NAME: synthesis and division by joints, and skin; hemiparesis cephalosporins, or clonic seizures, and mild hemiparesis
binding to the cell wall, septicemia. CV: hypotension, history of severe
Rocephin when giving high doses.
causing the cell to die. Active palpitations, chest pain, hypersensitivity reaction
PHARMACOLOGI against vasodilation to any other type of β-  Monitor coagulation studies.
C CLASS: gram-negative and gram- EENT: hearing loss lactam antibiotic (e.g.  Assess CBC and kidney and liver
Third-Generation positive GI: nausea, vomiting, penicillins, function test results.
Cephalosporin bacteria, with diarrhea, monobactams,  Monitor for signs and symptoms of
THERAPEUTIC expanded activity GU: vaginal candidiasis carbapenems).
superinfection and other serious adverse
CLASS: against gram-negative Hematologic: Premature neonates up
bacteria. Exhibits minimally lymphocytosis, to a postmenstrual age reactions.
Anti-Infective  Be aware that cross-sensitivity to
immunosuppressed eosinophilia, bleeding of 41 weeks (gestational
AVAILABLE activity. tendency, age and chronological penicillins and cephalosporins may
FORMS: Hepatic: jaundice, age); full-term neonates occur.
Powder for injection: hepatomegaly (up to 28 days of age)
250 mg, 500 mg, Musculoskeletal: with Patient teaching:
1 g, 2 g arthralgia hyperbilirubinaemia,
Respiratory: dyspnea jaundice,  Instruct patient to report persistent
Premixed containers: diarrhea, bruising, or bleeding.
Skin: urticaria, hypoalbuminaemia, or
1 g/50 ml, 2 g/
maculopapular or acidosis, and if they  Caution patient not to use herbs unless
50 ml erythematous rash require IV Ca treatment the prescriber approves.
DOSAGE: Other: chills, fever, or Ca-containing  As appropriate, review all other
Adults: superinfection, infusions. IV
significant and life-threatening adverse
1-2 g/day IM or IV pain at the I.M. administration of
injection site, ceftriaxone solutions reactions and interactions, especially
once a day or in
anaphylaxis, containing lidocaine. those related to the drugs, tests, and herbs
equal divided doses
serum sickness mentioned above.
bid. Do not exceed 4
Pediatric patients: ADVERSE
50-75 mg/kg/day IV
or IM in divided doses Blistering, peeling, or
every 12 hr. Do not loosening of the skin,
exceed 2 g/day. chest pain, coughing up
blood, decrease in the
amount of urine.
Pamantasan Ng Lungsod Ng Marikina Name: MALAZA, ALYZHA NHES C.
College of Health Sciences Section & Group : 3BSN1

GENERIC NAME: Interferes with bacterial cell Respiratory system CNS: headache, Hypersensitivity to Patient monitoring:
Ceftriaxone wall infections, bones, confusion, ceftriaxone, other  Monitor for extreme confusion, tonic-
BRAND NAME: synthesis and division by joints, and skin; hemiparesis cephalosporins, or clonic seizures, and mild hemiparesis
binding to the cell wall, septicemia. CV: hypotension, history of severe
Rocephin when giving high doses.
causing the cell to die. Active palpitations, chest pain, hypersensitivity reaction
PHARMACOLOGI against vasodilation to any other type of β-  Monitor coagulation studies.
C CLASS: gram-negative and gram- EENT: hearing loss lactam antibiotic (e.g.  Assess CBC and kidney and liver
Third-Generation positive GI: nausea, vomiting, penicillins, function test results.
Cephalosporin bacteria, with diarrhea, monobactams,  Monitor for signs and symptoms of
THERAPEUTIC expanded activity GU: vaginal candidiasis carbapenems).
superinfection and other serious adverse
CLASS: against gram-negative Hematologic: Premature neonates up
bacteria. Exhibits minimally lymphocytosis, to a postmenstrual age reactions.
Anti-Infective  Be aware that cross-sensitivity to
immunosuppressed eosinophilia, bleeding of 41 weeks (gestational
AVAILABLE activity. tendency, age and chronological penicillins and cephalosporins may
FORMS: Hepatic: jaundice, age); full-term neonates occur.
Powder for injection: hepatomegaly (up to 28 days of age)
250 mg, 500 mg, Musculoskeletal: with Patient teaching:
1 g, 2 g arthralgia hyperbilirubinaemia,
Respiratory: dyspnea jaundice,  Instruct patient to report persistent
Premixed containers: diarrhea, bruising, or bleeding.
Skin: urticaria, hypoalbuminaemia, or
1 g/50 ml, 2 g/
maculopapular or acidosis, and if they  Caution patient not to use herbs unless
50 ml erythematous rash require IV Ca treatment the prescriber approves.
DOSAGE: Other: chills, fever, or Ca-containing  As appropriate, review all other
Adults: superinfection, infusions. IV
significant and life-threatening adverse
1-2 g/day IM or IV pain at the I.M. administration of
injection site, ceftriaxone solutions reactions and interactions, especially
once a day or in
anaphylaxis, containing lidocaine. those related to the drugs, tests, and herbs
equal divided doses
serum sickness mentioned above.
bid. Do not exceed 4
Pediatric patients: ADVERSE
50-75 mg/kg/day IV
or IM in divided doses Blistering, peeling, or
every 12 hr. Do not loosening of the skin,
exceed 2 g/day. chest pain, coughing up
blood, decrease in the
amount of urine.
Pamantasan Ng Lungsod Ng Marikina Name: MALAZA, ALYZHA NHES C.
College of Health Sciences Section & Group : 3BSN1

GENERIC NAME: Depresses all levels of CNS by Helps relieve Frequent: Pain with Hypersensitivity to BASELINE ASSESSMENT
Diazepam enhancing action of gamma- anxiety, especially IM injection, diazepam. Acute • Assess V/S immediately before administration.
BRAND NAME: aminobutyric if it is accompanied drowsiness, narrow-angle glaucoma, Anxiety: Assess autonomic response.
acid (GABA), a major by problems fatigue, ataxia. untreated open-angle
Valium, Diastat, and Musculoskeletal spasm: Record onset, type,
inhibitory neurotransmitter in sleeping also known Occasional: Slurred glaucoma, severe
Diastat AcuDial. the brain. Therapeutic Effect: as insomnia. This speech, respiratory depression, location, duration of
PHARMACOLOGI Produces anxiolytic effect, medicine may be orthostatic hypotension, severe hepatic pain. Check for immobility, stiffness,
C CLASS: elevates seizure threshold, used to treat other headache, hypoactivity, insufficiency, sleep swelling.
Benzodiazepine produces conditions such as constipation, nausea, apnea syndrome, Seizures: Review history
(Schedule IV). skeletal muscle relaxation. muscle spasms, blurred vision. myasthenia gravis. of seizure disorder. Observe frequently for
THERAPEUTIC symptoms caused Rare: Paradoxical CNS Children younger than recurrence of seizure activity.
by alcohol reactions 6 mos (oral).
withdrawal and also (hyperactivity/nervousn
Antianxiety, skeletal together with other ess in children, • Monitor V/S and mental status.
muscle medicines to treat excitement/restlessness • Assess children, elderly for paradoxical
relaxant, epilepsy (fits or in elderly/debilitated reaction, particularly during early therapy.
anticonvulsant. seizures). pts) generally • Evaluate for therapeutic response (decrease in
AVAILABLE noted during first 2 wks intensity/frequency of seizures; calm facial
FORMS: of therapy, particularly expression, decreased restlessness;
in presence of
Comes as a tablet, a decreased intensity of skeletal muscle
uncontrolled pain.
solution, and as a pain).
concentrate (liquid) Therapeutic serum level:
DOSAGE: 0.5–2 mcg/mL; toxic serum level: greater than 3
Adult: 2-10 mg 2-4 mcg/mL.
times daily depending headache, tiredness, PATIENT/FAMILY TEACHING
on the severity of dizziness, nausea, • Avoid alcohol.
symptoms. constipation, stomach • Limit caffeine.
Elderly: Reduce to discomfort, slurred • May cause drowsiness; avoid tasks that require
half of the dose. speech, increased alertness, motor skills until response to drug is
salivation, difficulty
Child: 1-2.5 mg 3-4 established.
urinating, involuntary
times daily, increase muscle contraction or • May be habit forming.
gradually as needed twitching; difficulty • Avoid abrupt discontinuation after prolonged
and tolerated. remembering, use.
confusion, double
vision, changes in
sexual drive.
Pamantasan Ng Lungsod Ng Marikina Name: MALAZA, ALYZHA NHES C.
College of Health Sciences Section & Group : 3BSN1

GENERIC NAME: Bactericidal: Inhibits DNA It is used to treat Dizziness, headache, Hypersensitivity to Assessment:
Metronidazole synthesis in specific (obligate) infections of the stomach upset, nausea, metronidazole and other History: CNS or hepatic disease, candidiasis
BRAND NAME: anaerobes, causing cell death; mouth, stomach, vomiting, loss of nitroimidazoles. (moniliasis), blood dyscrasias, pregnancy,
antiprotozoal- intestines, pelvic appetite, diarrhea, Concomitant use with
Flagyl IV lactation
trichomonacidal, amebicidal: area, genital tract, constipation, or metallic disulfiram within the
PHARMACOLOGI Biochemical mechanism of and skin. This taste in your mouth may last 14 days. Physical: Reflexes, affect; skin lesions, color
C CLASS: action is not known. medicine may also occur. Coadministration with (with topical application); abdominal
Nitroimidazole be used in (superinfection) alcohol or propylene examination, liver palpation; urinalysis,
Derivative combination with glycol-containing CBC, LFTS.
THERAPEUTIC other antibiotics to products during or Interventions:
CLASS: prevent infections within 3 days of therapy Black box warning:
after a surgery. discontinuation.
Anti-Infective, GI disturbances • Avoid use unless needed. Metronidazole may
Pregnancy during the
Antiprotozoal especially nausea &
1st trimester in the be carcinogenic.
AVAILABLE unpleasant metallic • Administer oral doses with food.
treatment of
taste, furred tongue,
FORMS: trichomoniasis. • Apply topically (MetroGel) after cleansing the
glossitis & stomatitis,
Tablets-250, 500 mg; weakness, dizziness, area.
ER tablets-750 mg; ataxia, headache, • Reduce dosage in hepatic disease.
capsules-375 mg; drowsiness, insomnia & Teaching points:
powder for injection- changes in mood or • Take a full course of drug therapy; take the drug
500 mg; injection500 mental state eg, with food if GI upset occurs.
mg/100 mL; lotion, depression or • Do not drink alcohol (beverages or
cream, gel0.75%; preparations containing alcohol, cough syrups)
cream, gel- for 24-72 hr of drug use; severe reactions may
1%; vaginal gel- occur.
0.75% • Your urine may be a darker color than usual;
DOSAGE: this is expected.
Pediatric: • You may experience these side effects: Dry
Anaerobic bacterial mouth with a strange metallic taste (frequent
infection: Not mouth care, sucking sugarless candies may help);
recommended. nausea, vomiting, diarrhea (eat frequent small
Amoebiasis: 35-50 meals).
mg/kg/day PO in three • Report severe GI upset, dizziness, unusual
divided doses for 10 fatigue or weakness, fever, and chills.
Pamantasan Ng Lungsod Ng Marikina Name: MALAZA, ALYZHA NHES C.
College of Health Sciences Section & Group : 3BSN1

GENERIC NAME: Agonist of kappa opioid Indicated for Frequent (36%): Significant respiratory BASELINE ASSESSMENT
Nalbuphine receptors and moderate to severe Sedation. depression; acute or • Question medical history as listed in
BRAND NAME: partial antagonist of mu opioid pain in where the Occasional severe bronchial asthma precautions.
receptors patient requires an (9%–3%): in an unmonitored
Nubain • Obtain vital signs before
within CNS, inhibiting opioid agent, and Diaphoresis, setting or in the absence
PHARMACOLOGI ascending pain other alternative cold/clammy skin, of resuscitative giving medication.
C CLASS: pathways. Therapeutic Effect: treatments have nausea, vomiting, equipment; • If respirations are 12/
Opioid partial agonist Alters been insufficient. dizziness, vertigo, dry gastrointestinal min or less (20/min or less in children), withhold
THERAPEUTIC pain perception, emotional mouth, headache. obstruction (including medication, contact physician.
CLASS: response to Rare (less than 1%): paralytic ileus). • Assess onset, type, location, duration of pain.
Synthetic opioid pain. Restlessness, emotional • Effect of medication is reduced if full pain
lability, paresthesia,
agonist-antagonist recurs before next dose.
flushing, paradoxical
AVAILABLE reaction.
InjectionSolution: 10 • Monitor for change in respirations, B/P,
mg/mL, 20 mg/mL EFFECTS rate/quality of pulse.
DOSAGE: • Monitor daily pattern of bowel activity, stool
Pediatric: Significant: Severe consistency.
0.1-0.2 mg/kg up to a hypotension (including • Initiate deep breathing, coughing exercises,
total single dose of 10 orthostatic hypotension particularly in pts with pulmonary impairment.
mg. and syncope), CNS • Assess for clinical improvement, record onset
depression; adrenal
Adult: of relief of pain.
insufficiency (more
0.3-3 mg/kg via IV often after >1 month of • Consult physician if pain relief is not adequate.
over 10-15 minutes. use); may cause spasm
Maintenance: 0.25-0.5 of the sphincter of PATIENT/FAMILY TEACHING
mg/kg as IV boluses if Oddi, increased serum • Avoid alcohol.
required. amylase; increased risk • Avoid tasks that require alertness, motor skills
of seizures (particularly until response to drug is established.
in patients with seizure
• May cause dry mouth.
hypogonadism and • May be habit forming.
androgen deficiency (in
patients receiving
chronic opiate agonist
or partial agonist
Pamantasan Ng Lungsod Ng Marikina Name: MALAZA, ALYZHA NHES C.
College of Health Sciences Section & Group : 3BSN1

GENERIC NAME: Antipyretic: Temporary CNS: Headache Severe hepatic Assessment:
Paracetamol/ Reduces fever by acting reduction of CV: Chest pain, impairment or active History: Allergy to acetaminophen
Acetaminophen directly on the hypothalamic fever; temporary dyspnea, liver disease (IV). Physical: Skin color, lesions; T; liver evaluation;
heat-regulating center to cause relief of minor myocardial
BRAND NAME: CBC, LFTS, renal function tests
vasodilation and sweating, aches and pains damage
Biogesic, Tempra, which helps dissipate heat. caused by GI: Hepatic toxicity Interventions:
Neozep common cold and and • Do not exceed the recommended dosage.
PHARMACOLOGI Analgesic: influenza, failure, jaundice • Consult physician if needed for children less
C CLASS: The site and mechanism of headache, sore GU: Acute renal than 3 yr
Synthetic Non- action are unclear. throat, toothache failure, renal • Reduce dosage with hepatic impairment.
Opioid P- (patients ages 2 yr tubular necrosis • Avoid using multiple preparations containing
and older), Hematologic:
Aminophenol acetaminophen.
backache, menstrual Methemoglobin mia
Derivative cramps, minor cyanosis; • Give the drug with food if GI upset occurs.
THERAPEUTIC arthritis pain, and hemolytic • Discontinue the drug if hypersensitivity
CLASS: muscle Hypersensitivity: reactions occur.
Analgesic, aches (patients Rash, fever
(superinfection) Treatment of overdose:
Antipyretic older than 12 yr) - Monitor serum levels regularly.
AVAILABLE EFFECTS Teaching points:
Unlabeled use:
FORMS: • Do not exceed recommended dose; do not take
Prophylaxis in
Suppositories, Hepatic injury (in doses for longer than 10 days unless directed.
children and
chewable tablets, higher then • Chew the chewable tablets before swallowing,
patients at risk
tablet, ER tablets, for seizures who are dissolve dispersible tablets in mouth before
anaphylaxis. Rarely,
disintegrating tablets, receiving swallowing; shake liquid forms well before
serious skin reactions
rapid-release tablets, DTP vaccination to using.
such as acute
capsules, elixir, liquid, reduce the incidence • Take the drug only for complaints indicated; it
of fever and pain.
solution exanthematous is not an anti-inflammatory agent.
DOSAGE: pustulosis (AGEP), • Avoid the use of other over-the-counter or
Pediatric patients: Stevens-Johnson prescription preparations containing
syndrome (SJS), toxic
- Doses may be acetaminophen. Serious overdose can occur.
epidermal necrolysis
repeated 4-5 (TEN). • Report rash, unusual bleeding, bruising,
times/day; do not yellowing of skin or eyes, and changes in voiding
exceed five doses in patterns.
24 hr or 10 mg/kg.
Pamantasan Ng Lungsod Ng Marikina Name: MALAZA, ALYZHA NHES C.
College of Health Sciences Section & Group : 3BSN1

GENERIC NAME: Antipyretic: Temporary CNS: Headache Severe hepatic Assessment:
Paracetamol/ Reduces fever by acting reduction of CV: Chest pain, impairment or active History: Allergy to acetaminophen
Acetaminophen directly on the hypothalamic fever; temporary dyspnea, liver disease (IV). Physical: Skin color, lesions; T; liver evaluation;
heat-regulating center to cause relief of minor myocardial
BRAND NAME: CBC, LFTS, renal function tests
vasodilation and sweating, aches and pains damage
Biogesic, Tempra, which helps dissipate heat. caused by GI: Hepatic toxicity Interventions:
Neozep common cold and and • Do not exceed the recommended dosage.
PHARMACOLOGI Analgesic: influenza, failure, jaundice • Consult physician if needed for children less
C CLASS: The site and mechanism of headache, sore GU: Acute renal than 3 yr
Synthetic Non- action are unclear. throat, toothache failure, renal • Reduce dosage with hepatic impairment.
Opioid P- (patients ages 2 yr tubular necrosis • Avoid using multiple preparations containing
and older), Hematologic:
Aminophenol acetaminophen.
backache, menstrual Methemoglobin mia
Derivative cramps, minor cyanosis; • Give the drug with food if GI upset occurs.
THERAPEUTIC arthritis pain, and hemolytic • Discontinue the drug if hypersensitivity
CLASS: muscle Hypersensitivity: reactions occur.
Analgesic, aches (patients Rash, fever
(superinfection) Treatment of overdose:
Antipyretic older than 12 yr) - Monitor serum levels regularly.
AVAILABLE EFFECTS Teaching points:
Unlabeled use:
FORMS: • Do not exceed recommended dose; do not take
Prophylaxis in
Suppositories, Hepatic injury (in doses for longer than 10 days unless directed.
children and
chewable tablets, higher then • Chew the chewable tablets before swallowing,
patients at risk
tablet, ER tablets, for seizures who are dissolve dispersible tablets in mouth before
anaphylaxis. Rarely,
disintegrating tablets, receiving swallowing; shake liquid forms well before
serious skin reactions
rapid-release tablets, DTP vaccination to using.
such as acute
capsules, elixir, liquid, reduce the incidence • Take the drug only for complaints indicated; it
of fever and pain.
solution exanthematous is not an anti-inflammatory agent.
DOSAGE: pustulosis (AGEP), • Avoid the use of other over-the-counter or
Pediatric patients: Stevens-Johnson prescription preparations containing
syndrome (SJS), toxic
- Doses may be acetaminophen. Serious overdose can occur.
epidermal necrolysis
repeated 4-5 (TEN). • Report rash, unusual bleeding, bruising,
times/day; do not yellowing of skin or eyes, and changes in voiding
exceed five doses in patterns.
24 hr or 10 mg/kg.
Pamantasan Ng Lungsod Ng Marikina Name: MALAZA, ALYZHA NHES C.
College of Health Sciences Section & Group : 3BSN1

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