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FI Localization for Ukraine

VAT Reporting and Accounting: System Report Documentation


Document Version: 6773 – March 2013

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Icons in Body Text
Icon Meaning
Additional icons are used in SAP Library documentation to help you identify different types of
information at a glance. For more information, see Help on Help General Information Classes and
Information Classes for Business Information Warehouse on the first page of any version of SAP Library .

Typographic Conventions
Type Style Description
Example text Words or characters quoted from the screen. These include field names, screen
titles, pushbuttons labels, menu names, menu paths, and menu options.
Cross-references to other documentation.
Example text Emphasized words or phrases in body text, graphic titles, and table titles.

EXAMPLE TEXT Technical names of system objects. These include report names, program
names, transaction codes, table names, and key concepts of a programming
language when they are surrounded by body text, for example, SELECT and
Example text Output on the screen. This includes file and directory names and their paths,
messages, names of variables and parameters, source text, and names of
installation, upgrade and database tools.
Example text Exact user entry. These are words or characters that you enter in the system
exactly as they appear in the documentation.
<Example text> Variable user entry. Angle brackets indicate that you replace these words and
characters with appropriate entries to make entries in the system.
EXAMPLE TEXT Keys on the keyboard, for example, F2 or ENTER.
Creation of Parked Incoming Tax Invoices (Ukraine)............................................................................... 5
Checklist for Incoming Tax-Relevant Documents (Ukraine) ................................................................... 7
Creation of Outgoing Tax Invoices (Ukraine) ............................................................................................. 9
Printing of Outgoing Tax Invoices (Ukraine).............................................................................................15
Printing of Outgoing Correction Tax Invoices (Ukraine) ........................................................................18
Checklist for Outgoing Tax-Relevant Documents (New) (Ukraine).....................................................21
Checklist for Outgoing Tax-Relevant Documents (Ukraine) .................................................................23
Register of Incoming and Outgoing Tax Invoices (Ukraine) .................................................................25
VAT Return (Ukraine) ....................................................................................................................................29
Creation of Parked Incoming Tax Invoices (Ukraine)

You use this report to create parked incoming tax invoices and correction tax invoices based on the relevant
source documents, for example, commercial invoices, credit memos, and debit memos. Parked documents
facilitate manual processing of actual tax invoices or corrections when they are received from the vendor.

Note that you can have the system automatically create a parked incoming tax invoice when a user posts an
accounting document. However, if you use the G/L splitting functions, you must use this report to create the
parked documents.


You have made the settings described in Customizing for Financial Accounting (New) under General
Ledger Accounting (New) -> Periodic Processing -> Report -> Statutory Reporting: Ukraine -> VAT
Accounting and Reporting -> Information About Customizing for Tax Invoices.

You have posted the relevant source documents using the standard functions.

The report creates parked incoming tax invoices and correction tax invoices based on the relevant source
documents. For a commercial invoice, the report creates a parked tax invoice. For a credit memo or debit
memo, the report creates a parked correction tax invoice.

On the selection screen, you enter parameters such as company code, vendor, and posting date. The report
selects the required documents and determines which of them are relevant for parked incoming tax invoices or
correction tax invoices. The report then creates the parked documents using the source documents as a

The report determines whether a source document is relevant by checking the following:

Whether a tax invoice has already been created for the source document
The report checks if there is already a tax invoice that contains a reference to the source document,
that is, the tax invoice contains the number of the source document plus the year (Doc.HeaderText
field). If a tax invoice already exists, the source document is not relevant.

Whether a tax code for input tax has been assigned to at least one of the source document items
The report creates a parked document only for items that have a tax code for input tax.

Whether the tax category of the G/L account assigned to the source document items is used for input
The report creates a parked document only for items that have a G/L account with a tax category for
input tax.

Whether the source documents are relevant based on the rules specified in the Define Conditions for
Generating Tax Invoices Customizing activity

On the selection screen, you can specify whether the report creates a batch input session. If you select the
relevant checkbox, the report creates a batch input session that you can then analyze and execute manually
using transaction SM35. If you do not select the checkbox, the report creates a batch input session, but it
executes the session immediately.

The report output is a list of messages that show the result of document processing. For each source document
selected for processing, the report displays an information message with the number of the selected document,
the year, and the company code. Below each of these messages, the report displays the following:

If parked document creation was successful, the report displays an information message with the
number of the parked document and the company code.

If parked document creation was unsuccessful, the report displays warning or error messages with
information about why the parked document could not be created (for example, the target tax code is

To access this report on the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Accounting -> Financial Accounting -> General
Ledger -> Reporting -> Tax Reports -> Ukraine -> VAT -> Incoming Tax Invoices -> Creation of Parked
Incoming Tax Invoices (transaction J1UF_PKDTIV).

Note that to analyze the status of incoming tax invoices and correction tax invoices, you can use the Checklist
for Incoming Tax-Relevant Documents report.
Checklist for Incoming Tax-Relevant Documents (Ukraine)

You use this report to analyze incoming tax invoices and correction tax invoices that relate to specific
accounting documents (for example, commercial invoices, credit memos, or debit memos). It enables you to
reconcile tax invoices on a daily basis.

When you run the report, the system selects the source documents based on your selection criteria. For each
tax-relevant, posted source document, the report provides the following information:

Status of the related tax invoices and correction tax invoices

For example, a green traffic light indicates that the total amount in the source document matches the
total amount of all related tax invoices and correction tax invoices.

List of related tax invoices or correction tax invoices (either posted or parked)

You can navigate from an entry in the list to the tax invoice or correction tax invoice, for example, if you
want to post a parked incoming tax invoice.


You have posted the relevant source documents using the standard functions.

If required, you have run the report for parked incoming tax invoices and corrections.

To access this report on the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Accounting -> Financial Accounting ->
General Ledger -> Reporting -> Tax Reports -> Ukraine -> VAT -> Incoming Tax Invoices -> Creation
of Parked Incoming Tax Invoices.

To enable the system to display a tax invoice or correction tax invoice for a specific document, the
document number concatenated with the year must have been entered in the document header of the
tax invoice or correction tax invoice.

You specify the selection criteria according to which the report selects the documents (for example, company
code, fiscal year, vendor, and posting date). Note that to use the report effectively on a daily basis, we
recommend that you limit the selection by date.

For mass processing, we recommend that you run the report in the background using a suitable variant. In the
variant, you must deselect the Collapse Items checkbox.

The report displays a list of documents with a traffic light that shows the status of the related tax invoices and
correction tax invoices. The statuses are as follows:

Green: Total amount of all related tax invoices and correction tax invoices corresponds to the total
amount of the source document.
Yellow: Total amount of all related tax invoices and correction tax invoices does not correspond to the
total amount of the source document; or parked tax invoices and corrections are available for the

Red: No tax invoices or correction tax invoices exist for the document.

Note that if you run the report in the background, the spool file displays the status as a cross instead of a traffic
light (that is, XOO for a red traffic light; OXO for a yellow traffic light, OOX for a green traffic light).

In the list of documents, you can do the following:

Filter the list, for example, to show all source documents for which no posted or parked tax invoices
exist in the system

Display the tax invoices or correction tax invoices for a particular document by expanding the
document list item

Navigate to a document by double-clicking the document number

Change and post parked tax invoices; the report updates the status accordingly

Navigate to the vendor details

To access this report on the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Accounting -> Financial Accounting -> General
Ledger -> Reporting -> Tax Reports -> Ukraine -> VAT -> Incoming Tax Invoices -> Checklist for Incoming Tax-
Relevant Documents (transaction J1UFRON).
Creation of Outgoing Tax Invoices (Ukraine)

You use this report to automatically generate outgoing tax invoices and correction tax invoices based on the
relevant documents, such as customer invoices (debit or credit memos), received down payments, goods
returns, clearings, or reversals.

You can run the report at any time, as required by your business processes; for example, after every goods
shipment, after issuing an invoice to a customer, or on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis.


General Prerequisites

You have made the settings described in Customizing for Financial Accounting (New) under General
Ledger Accounting (New) -> Periodic Processing -> Report -> Statutory Reporting: Ukraine -> VAT
Accounting and Reporting -> Information About Customizing for Tax Invoices.

To generate print requests for tax invoices and corrections in a batch input session, you have made
the following settings:

a) In Customizing for Financial Supply Chain Management under In-House Cash -> Basic
Settings -> Business Transaction Events/Event Control -> Create/Activate Partner
(transaction BF12), you have created the partner as follows:
Partner Activ Name of Area City

J1UF <selected> FI Ukraine Kiev

b) In Customizing for Financial Supply Chain Management under In-House Cash -> Basic
Settings -> Business Transaction Events/Event Control -> Activate Partner Product
(transaction BF23), you have activated the partner product as follows:

Partner Product


c) In Customizing for Financial Supply Chain Management under In-House Cash -> Basic
Settings -> Business Transaction Events/Event Control -> Define Function Modules (P/S) of
a Partner (transaction BF32), you have activated function module
J_1UF_CORR_NALOG_NAKLAD for 00001030 events.

For bulk data, you have generated non-unique indexes for the Accounting Document Header (BKPF)
table with the following fields:

o Client (MANDT), Company Code (BUKRS), and Document Header Text (BKTXT)

o Client (MANDT), Company Code (BUKRS), Document Status (BSTAT) and Reference
Document Number (XBLNR)
Additional Prerequisites for Creating Tax Invoices

To provide the correct material data in tax invoices created for advances with reference to sales orders,
you have made the following settings:

a) You have created the partner and activated the partner product, as described above for
generating print requests.
b) You have activated function module J_1UF_SAVE_ORDER_REF for 00001030 events in
Customizing for Financial Supply Chain Management under In-House Cash -> Basic Settings
-> Business Transaction Events/Event Control -> Define Function Modules (P/S) of a
Partner (transaction BF32).

For special down payment processing, you entered the sales order number in the Sales Document
field when you posted the down payment.

To create tax invoices for down payments if the tax base of a down payment exceeds the tax base of
the related sales order (for example, due to rounding when calculating tax from the gross amount of
the down payment), you must define the relevant tolerance percentage rate for the tax code that is
used for down payments.

You enter the percentage rate for a tax code in the Tol.per.rate (TAX_TOLERANCE) field in
Customizing for Financial Accounting (New) under Financial Accounting Global Settings (New) -> Tax
on Sales/Purchases -> Basic Settings -> Calculation -> Define Tax Codes for Sales and Purchases
(transaction FTXP).

Additional Prerequisites for Creating Correction Tax Invoices

You have created tax invoices.

To create correction tax invoices based on credit memos, you have done the following:

o Created a credit memo with reference to a specific invoice

o Cleared credit memos for paid invoices or another relevant document

If you use the SD component, a credit or debit memo must be created on the basis of a credit or debit
memo request with reference to the billing document.

To create correction tax invoices for down payment returns, you have posted down payment returns
with clearing of received down payments. In addition, the clearing document must have items.

The report selects documents that require tax invoices or corrections. It selects document items that have the
tax category "+" or "+B". It then checks if there are already tax invoices with a reference to the selected

When invoices (debit and credit memos) and reversal entries derived from sales are processed, the report
transfers material quantities, amounts, and numbers of sales order items from the SD billing document items to
the tax invoice items. Note that when you use the Sales and Distribution (SD) component, material data (such
as quantity and unit of measure) is usually not transferred from the sales invoice to the Financial Accounting (FI)
invoice. The report compares the total amount of tax-relevant items in the FI document with the total amount of
SD items. If it finds differences, the report enters all information from FI into the generated tax invoice.

The report has two basic modes for creating tax invoices: normal processing mode and special down payment
processing mode. In special down payment processing mode, the report takes data from the sales order and
includes data on materials in the generated tax invoice. The processing modes work as described below.

Normal Processing Mode for Tax Invoices

The report creates tax invoices for each document that contains certain tax codes, for example, invoices
(including SD), down payments, and down payment clearings (if selected). The report creates tax invoices only
for documents for which no tax invoices have been generated yet.

Note the following:

If the down payment is cleared before tax invoice generation, the report creates the tax invoice only for
the commercial invoice.

If reversal has been performed before tax invoice generation for the commercial invoice or down
payment, the report generates neither a tax invoice nor a correction tax invoice for the reversed
document and reversal document. The report uses the same logic for the cancellation of clearings.

In some cases, you can manually generate tax invoices by using a reference to a specific down
payment or commercial invoice. In this case, the report does not process these items. If you decide to
create tax invoices manually, note that to avoid inconsistencies in further processing, you must create
tax invoices for down payments or invoices only for the entire document amount. In addition, you must
enter the source document number (10 digits) concatenated with the document year (4 digits) in both
the BKTXT and XBLNR fields of the created tax invoice.

Normal Processing Mode for Correction Tax Invoices

The report creates correction tax invoices for each document that contains certain tax codes, for example,
credit memos or debit memos. The report creates a correction tax invoice only if a tax invoice already exists.

If a down payment is recalculated, a correction tax invoice is created for the invoice that was issued for this
specific down payment. There are three different cases:

If the down payment amount exceeds the commercial invoice amount, a correction tax invoice is
created for the down payment with the clearing amount.

If the down payment amount is equal to the commercial invoice amount, the correction tax invoice is
created for the entire down payment amount.

If the down payment amount is less than the commercial invoice amount, the correction tax invoice is
created also for the entire down payment amount.

Note the following:

If you created a debit or credit memo for an FI invoice only in FI, the report can create correction tax
invoices only if the invoice number and item are specified in the first item of the debit or credit memo in
the Invoice field.
Similarly, down payment recalculations must contain references to commercial invoices. For this
reason, the account and down payment must be cleared using the partial payment method only, or
using the standard Clear Customer Down Payment report.

If a credit or debit memo is posted for an invoice and the invoice is then reversed, the credit or debit
memo must be reversed too. This allows the report to generate the correction tax invoice based on the
reversal document. Note that you must not manually correct the reference field value after the
document has been generated because this might lead to inconsistencies.

If you clear several down payments with a commercial invoice simultaneously, you must recalculate
down payments with a mandatory reference to the FI invoice. Otherwise one correction document is
created for the entire clearing amount with reference to the first down payment.

The report creates correction tax invoices for the reversal document if tax invoices (or correction tax
invoices) have been issued for the related reversed document.

If reversal has been performed before tax invoice generation for the commercial invoice or down
payment, the report generates neither a tax invoice nor a correction tax invoice for the reversed
document and reversal document. The report uses the same logic for the cancellation of clearings.

Special Processing Mode for Down Payments

If you choose this option, the report automatically generates the following documents:

Tax invoices for down payment documents. The report includes material data from sales orders in the
tax invoices considering material data from all created tax invoices for down payments that refer to the
same sales order.

Tax invoices for commercial invoices that do not have any clearings with down payments.

Tax invoices and corrections for the clearing document or down payment recalculation document. The
report analyzes the entire group of documents related to the selected document (down payments,
invoices, debit and credit memos, returns, and clearing documents) and creates tax invoices and
corrections only if all down payments in this group are fully cleared.

To create a correct chain of tax invoices and corrections if there are several down payments and
invoices for one sales order, you have to process the clearing of down payments and invoices one by
one. You do this either for the full amount of the down payment or for the full amount of the invoice
using a partial payment transaction. The report compares only amounts or full material data
(depending on your selection criteria) from all created tax invoices and corrections with the SD billing
documents and credit memos and creates additional tax invoices and correction tax invoices, if

Tax invoices for debit memos that increase material quantity and correction tax invoices for debit
memos that increase price.

On the selection screen, you enter the parameters based on which the report selects documents for processing.

To improve system performance, make sure that you restrict your selection criteria (for example,
based on dates or customers). Not restricting your selection criteria may lead to a significant decrease
in running speed.

You also select how the report processes and posts documents. You can select two basic processing modes:
normal processing and special down payment processing.


We recommend that you use the report either in normal processing mode or special down payment
processing mode. Do not run the report in both modes. This might lead to inconsistent tax invoices or
prevent the creation of the relevant correction tax invoices.

As required by law, tax invoices for down payments have to include all ordered materials with the amounts
multiplied by the proportion of the sales order item amounts and the down payment amount. To meet this
requirement, select the Include Material Amounts from Sales Orders Proportionally checkbox if you use the
special processing mode for down payments.

For debit memos in normal processing mode, you must do the following:

To create tax invoices for all debit memos, deselect the checkbox Create Corrections for Debit Memos
with Price Change (in the Document Processing Options group box).

To create correction tax invoices for debit memos related to price corrections, select the checkbox
Create Corrections for Debit Memos with Price Change.

Note that for each tax-relevant item of a source document, the report creates 2 consecutive items with the
corresponding tax base amount in the tax invoice. These 2 consecutive items have the same amounts (taken
from one source document item) and opposite debit/credit indicators. The tax code of the first item is defined as

If the report creates a tax invoice, the tax code of the first item is the target tax code that was defined
for the tax code of the source document item.

If the report creates a correction tax invoice, the tax code of the first item is the tax code from the
corresponding odd items of the related tax invoice.

The tax code of the second item is the target tax code defined for the tax code of the first item.

The G/L account entered in the Tax Base Amt - Acct 1 (J_1UN_IMT6) field on the selection screen is used for
the odd tax invoice items. These are the main tax invoice items. These items normally contain material data
(such as price field XREF1 (price*100), quantity, and material number) retrieved from the corresponding source
document item. The debit/credit indicator depends on the corresponding source document item.

The G/L account entered in the Tax Base Amt - Acct 2 (J_1UN_IMT7) field on the selection screen is used for
the even tax invoice items. The debit/credit indicator is the opposite of the indicator for the odd items (that is,
the opposite of the debit/credit indicator for the Tax Base Amt - Acct 1 field). Each of these items fully
corresponds to the preceding odd item, but they have a different tax code (the target of the tax code in the
preceding item), they have no material data, and they have a debit/credit indicator opposite to the one in the
preceding odd item.
The report output shows all documents selected for tax invoice generation. The report uses traffic lights to
show the status of each document as follows:

Traffic Light Meaning

Green Tax invoice can be generated

Yellow Tax invoice can be generated, but you need to check if it is correct

Red Tax invoice cannot be generated

You can select documents with green and yellow traffic lights as required and create a batch input with the
name J_1UFPODXXXX, where XXXX stands for the company code. This batch input can be analyzed and
processed in the background or immediately.

To access this report on the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Accounting -> Financial Accounting -> General
Ledger -> Reporting -> Tax Reports -> Ukraine -> VAT -> Outgoing Tax Invoices -> Creation of Outgoing Tax
Invoices (transaction J1UFTVG).

Note that to analyze the status of outgoing tax invoices and correction tax invoices, you can use the Checklist
for Outgoing Tax-Relevant Documents report or the Checklist for Outgoing Tax-Relevant Documents
(New) report.
Printing of Outgoing Tax Invoices (Ukraine)

You use this report to print tax invoices in accordance with the legal requirements in Ukraine.

Note that the report uses standard SAPscript form J_1UFPODATNAKL_A. You can use this form or copy it and
adapt it to your requirements.


You have created the tax invoices that you want to print, for example, by using the Creation of
Outgoing Tax Invoices report. For more information, see the report documentation.

You have entered additional company code data that is used to fill the T001Z-PARTY field, as follows:

a) In Customizing for Financial Accounting (New), choose Financial Accounting Global

Settings (New) -> Global Parameters for Company Code -> Enter Global Parameters.
b) Select the company code and choose Details.

c) Choose Additional Data.

d) Enter the following data:

SAPU01 - Tax payer identification number

SAPU02 - VAT payer registration certificate number

You have defined and activated the required form. You can use standard SAPscript form
J_1UFPODATNAKL_A or you can copy this form and adapt it to your requirements. To display a form,
use the Form Painter program (transaction SE71). If there is no form in the relevant client, you can
copy a form from another client by using the standard procedure (choose Utilities -> Copy from Client
on the initial screen of transaction SE71).

You have made the following settings for correspondence in Customizing for Financial Accounting
(New) under Financial Accounting Global Settings (New) -> Correspondence:

a) Use the existing SAPU1 correspondence type or create your own type in the Define
Correspondence Types Customizing activity. Make sure that you select the following


b) Assign a report to the correspondence type and enter the variant in the Assign Programs
for Correspondence Types Customizing activity.

For example:

CoC Corresponden of
Name of the print program Text
d ce varian

When you create a correspondence query (as described below), the system uses the
specified text as the document correspondence text. The report prints this text on the tax
invoice. Note that standard text PODATKOVA_NACLADNA_TEXT is defined in Ukrainian and
means “Method of Payment”. You can change this text or create your own text by using
transaction SO10 and text ID FIKO.

c) Assign the form to the correspondence in the Define Form Names for Correspondence
Print Customizing activity under SAPscript-Based Forms.

For example:

CoCd Program Form


d) Determine call-up functions in the Determine Call-Up Functions Customizing activity.

For example:

CoCd Correspondence type DocEntry Pmnt DispDoc AccDsp

UA01 SAPU1 <selected> <deselected> <selected> < deselected>

You have created a correspondence query from the processed tax invoice. To do this, open the tax
invoice and choose Environment -> Correspondence. Select the correspondence type (for example,
SAPU1) and check the correspondence details (for example, if required, you can change the default
text that was defined using transaction SO10). Choose Continue. In the editor, enter a condition for the
settlement, which will be printed in the Settlement Condition field of the tax invoice.
For mass correspondence requests, you can run the Register of Incoming and Outgoing Tax
Invoices report. For more information, see the report documentation.

The report prints the tax invoice that was created in the system based on a Financial Accounting (FI) invoice or
down payment. The report automatically retrieves information from the company code data, customer or vendor
master record, and the tax invoice.

When you use the Sales and Distribution (SD) component and transfer data from the SD billing document to
the FI invoice, the system generates a separate FI document item for a discount. When you print the tax
invoice, the report defines the material price as the total of the target price plus or minus all discounts or
surcharges that refer to one item in the sales order.

In addition, when you run the report, it performs the following tasks:

1. It calculates the material unit price by dividing the tax invoice item value by the quantity specified for
the item.

2. It calculates the total material price by multiplying the unit price by the material quantity.
3. It compares the total material price calculated in step 2 with the total material price in the tax invoice
(XREF1 field) and calculates the difference between them.

4. Depending on your selection criteria, the report prints either the calculated material price in all cases;
or it prints the calculated material price only if the difference calculated in step 3 exceeds the threshold
value that you have specified on the selection screen.


The selection screen is divided into group boxes that represent specific sections of the tax invoice. On the
selection screen, you specify the VAT codes that are relevant for each section. You specify the VAT codes in
the report variant so that they are displayed in the corresponding columns and rows of the tax invoice. You also
select a form, printer, number of copies, correspondence type, and correspondence request parameters.


The report prints the tax invoice in the format that complies with the legal requirements in Ukraine. If you have
not specified a printer on the selection screen, the systems uses the printer from the user master record or the
printer specified during task planning.

The report saves the number of the printed tax invoice, accountant name, and branch in the Document
Numbers in Register (transaction J1UF_REE_NUM) view. These values are used to generate the register of
incoming and outgoing tax invoices that is submitted to the tax authorities (see Register of Incoming and
Outgoing Tax Invoices).


You can also print tax invoices using the standard correspondence functions. To access these
functions on the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Accounting -> Financial Accounting -> Accounts
Receivable -> Periodic Processing -> Print Correspondence -> As per Requests (transaction F.61).

To access the report on the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Accounting -> Financial Accounting -> General
Ledger -> Reporting ->Tax Reports -> Ukraine -> VAT -> Outgoing Tax Invoices -> Printing of Outgoing Tax
Invoices (Ukraine) (transaction J1UFPODNAC).

See also
Printing of Outgoing Correction Tax Invoices (Ukraine)

Creation of Outgoing Tax Invoices (Ukraine)

Printing of Outgoing Correction Tax Invoices (Ukraine)

You use this report to print correction tax invoices in accordance with the legal requirements in Ukraine.

Note that the report uses standard SAPscript form J_1UFCORRPODNAKA. You can use this form or copy it
and adapt it to your requirements.


You have created the correction tax invoices that you want to print, for example, by using the Creation
of Outgoing Tax Invoices report. For more information, see the report documentation.

You have defined and activated the required form. You can use standard SAPscript form
J_1UFCORRPODNAKA or you can copy this form and adapt it to your requirements. To display a form,
use the Form Painter program (transaction SE71). If there is no form in the relevant client, you can
copy a form from another client by using the standard procedure (choose Utilities -> Copy from Client
on the initial screen of transaction SE71).

You have made the following settings for correspondence in Customizing for Financial Accounting
(New) under Financial Accounting Global Settings (New) -> Correspondence:

a) Use the existing SAPU3 correspondence type or create your own type in the Define
Correspondence Types Customizing activity. Make sure that you select the following
b) Assign a report to the correspondence type and enter the variant in the Assign Programs
for Correspondence Types Customizing activity.

For example:

CoC Corresponde of
Name of the print program Text
d nce varia



When you create a correspondence query (as described below), the system uses the
specified text as the document correspondence text. The report prints this text on the
correction tax invoice. Note that standard text PODATKOVA_NACLADNA_TEXT is defined in
Ukrainian and means “Method of Payment”. You can change this text or create your own text
by using transaction SO10 and text ID FIKO.

c) Assign the form to the correspondence in the Define Form Names for Correspondence
Print Customizing activity under SAPscript-Based Forms.

For example:

CoCd Program Form


d) Determine call-up functions in the Determine Call-Up Functions Customizing activity.

For example:

CoCd Correspondence type DocEntry Pmnt DispDoc AccDsp

UA01 SAPU3 <selected> <deselected> <selected> < deselected>

You have created a correspondence query from the processed tax invoice. To do this, open the tax
invoice and choose Environment -> Correspondence. Select the correspondence type (for example,
SAPU3) and check the correspondence details (for example, if required, you can change the default
text that was defined using transaction SO10). Choose Continue. In the editor, enter a condition for the
settlement, which will be printed in the Settlement Condition field of the tax invoice.

For mass correspondence requests, you can run the Register of Incoming and Outgoing Tax
Invoices report. For more information, see the report documentation.

The report prints the correction tax invoice that was created in the system for a specific tax invoice. The report
retrieves customer and vendor data, as well as terms of sale information from the tax invoice for which the
correction was created.

The document number of the tax invoice for which you created the correction is stored in the Document Header
Text (BKPF-BKTXT) field in the correction tax invoice. When the report prints the correction tax invoice, it also
assigns a document number to the correction tax invoice. This number consists of a unique document number
for the correction tax invoice concatenated with the number of the original tax invoice.

The report distinguishes between two types of corrections: change in price and change in quantity. Based on
the type of correction, different columns are filled in the document during printing. Columns 6 and 7 are filled for
changes in quantity, and columns 8 and 9 are filled for changes in price. Depending on the correction type, the
report enters the data as follows:

If the price has changed, the revised amount and the original quantity are printed for the item.

If the quantity has changed, the revised quantity and the revised amount are printed for the item.

The report automatically calculates the price change by comparing the item in the correction tax invoice with
the corresponding item in the tax invoice. If the price in the correction document differs from the price in the
original tax invoice, the report regards this as a price change; otherwise, the change is considered as a quantity
change. On the selection screen, you can also specify a minimum amount of price difference above which the
report regards the correction as a price correction.

If you want to print a specific correction reason on the form, you must specify the reason by choosing Extras ->
Texts on the initial screen of the correction tax invoice. You enter the correction reason for the Correspondence
line. If you do not enter a correction reason here, the report prints Price Correction or Correction of Quantity on
the form.

The selection screen is divided into group boxes that represent specific sections of the correction tax invoice.
On the selection screen, you specify the VAT codes that are relevant for each section. You specify the VAT
codes in the report variant so that they are displayed in the corresponding columns and rows of the correction
tax invoice. You also select a form, printer, number of copies, correspondence type, and correspondence
request parameters.


The report prints the correction tax invoice in a format that complies with the legal requirements in Ukraine. If
you have not specified a printer on the selection screen, the system uses the printer from the user master
record or the printer specified during task planning.

The report saves the number of the printed correction tax invoice, accountant name, and branch in the view
Document Numbers in Register (transaction J_1UF_REE_NUM). These values are used to generate the
register of incoming and outgoing tax invoices that is submitted to the tax authorities (see Register of
Incoming and Outgoing Tax Invoices).


You can also print correction tax invoices using the standard correspondence functions. To access
these functions on the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Accounting -> Financial Accounting ->
Accounts Receivable -> Periodic Processing --> Print Correspondence -> As per Requests
(transaction F.61).

To access the report on the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Accounting -> Financial Accounting -> General
Ledger -> Reporting -> Tax Reports -> Ukraine -> VAT -> Outgoing Tax Invoices -> Printing of Outgoing
Correction Tax Invoices (Ukraine) (transaction J1UFCORRPODNAC).

See also
Printing of Outgoing Tax Invoices (Ukraine)
Creation of Outgoing Tax Invoices (Ukraine)
Checklist for Outgoing Tax-Relevant Documents (New) (Ukraine)

You use this report to analyze the status of outgoing tax invoices and correction tax invoices that relate to
specific tax-relevant accounting documents (for example, customer invoices, credit memos, debit memos, and
down payments). The report enables you to reconcile tax invoices on a daily basis.

When you run the report, the system selects the tax-relevant documents based on your selection criteria and
groups them with the related tax invoices and correction tax invoices, according to either the relevant sales
order or the relationships between the documents. To enable you to immediately determine the status of
document processing, each group listed in the report output has a status icon (for example, a green icon
indicates that the amounts in a tax-relevant document match the amounts in the tax invoices). You can display
the document details by expanding the hierarchy below the group name. The report output also has
subscreens for displaying the material items in documents that belong to a particular group.


You have posted the tax-relevant accounting documents using the standard functions.

You have run the report for creating outgoing tax invoices and correction tax invoices.

To access this report on the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Accounting -> Financial Accounting ->
General Ledger -> Reporting -> Tax Reports -> Ukraine -> VAT -> Creation of Outgoing Tax

To enable the system to display a tax invoice or correction tax invoice for a specific accounting
document, the accounting document number concatenated with the year must have been entered in
the document header of the tax invoice or correction tax invoice.

You specify the selection criteria according to which the report selects the tax-relevant documents (for example,
company code, fiscal year, customer, and posting date). Note that to use the report effectively on a daily basis,
we recommend that you limit the selection by date. You can also specify whether the documents are to be
grouped according to the sales order or the relationships between the documents.

The main screen displays a list of document groups. Each group has an ID that comprises the group number
(that is, a sequence number that represents the position of the group in the list); the sales order number (if the
sales order is unique within the group or, in the case of FI invoices, if it has been defined); and the customer
account number (if the customer account number is unique within the group). If the sales order number is not
unique within the group or in the case of FI invoices, the report displays a placeholder (***). The tax-relevant
documents and the tax documents are available in a hierarchy below the group name. You can display the
details of a document by expanding the hierarchy, and you can navigate to a document by double-clicking the
document number.

Each group has an icon that shows the status of the tax invoices and correction tax invoices. The statuses are
as follows:

Green: Tax-relevant documents completely correspond to the issued tax invoices and correction tax
invoices in amount, material nomenclature, quantity, and material price.
Yellow: The VAT amount of the issued tax invoices and correction tax invoices exceeds the VAT
amount of the tax-relevant documents, for example, because there are differences in material
nomenclature, deliveries are missing, returns have been made, or down payments have not been
cleared yet. Alternatively, tax-relevant documents completely correspond to the issued tax invoices
and correction tax invoices in amounts, but there are differences in material nomenclature. The status
changes to green when the required corrections have been made, for example, the material
nomenclature is corrected, relevant down payments are cleared, materials are delivered, or correction
tax invoices are issued.

Red: The VAT amount of the tax-relevant documents exceeds the VAT amount of the issued tax
invoices and correction tax invoices.

If you double-click the group ID, the system displays the material items in the tax documents and tax-relevant
documents in two separate subscreens below the main screen. In both subscreens, you can display a tax
summary by choosing the Display Taxes pushbutton.

From the main screen, you can display an overview of the difference between material quantities and amounts
in the tax-relevant documents and tax documents by double-clicking the group ID and then choosing the
Material Comparison pushbutton.

To access this report on the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Accounting -> Financial Accounting -> General
Ledger -> Reporting -> Tax Reports -> Ukraine -> VAT -> Checklist for Outgoing Tax-Relevant Documents
(New) (transaction J1UFRVN_NEW).
Checklist for Outgoing Tax-Relevant Documents (Ukraine)

You use this report to analyze the status of outgoing tax invoices and correction tax invoices that relate to
specific tax-relevant accounting documents (for example, customer invoices, credit memos, and debit memos).
The report enables you to reconcile tax documents on a daily basis.

When you run the report, the system selects the tax-relevant documents based on your selection criteria. For
each document, the report provides the following information:

Status of the related tax invoices and correction tax invoices

For example, a green traffic light indicates that the amounts in a tax-relevant document match the
amounts in the tax invoices and correction tax invoices.

List of related tax invoices and correction tax invoices

You can navigate from an entry in the list to the document.


You have posted the tax-relevant accounting documents using the standard functions.

You have run the report for creating outgoing tax invoices and correction tax invoices.

To access this report on the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Accounting -> Financial Accounting ->
General Ledger -> Reporting -> Tax Reports -> Ukraine -> VAT -> Creation of Outgoing Tax

To enable the system to display a tax invoice or correction tax invoice for a specific accounting
document, the accounting document number concatenated with the year must have been entered in
the document header of the tax invoice or correction tax invoice.

You specify the selection criteria according to which the report selects the tax-relevant documents (for example,
company code, fiscal year, vendor, and posting date). Note that to use the report effectively on a daily basis,
we recommend that you limit the selection by date. For mass processing, we recommend that you run the
report in the background using a suitable variant. In the variant, you must deselect the Collapse Items

The report displays a list of tax-relevant accounting documents. You can display the tax invoices and correction
tax invoices for a particular document by expanding the list item. Each tax-relevant document has a traffic light
that shows the status of the related tax documents. The statuses are as follows:

Green: Total amount of all related tax invoices and correction tax invoices corresponds to the total
amount of the accounting document

Yellow: Total amount of all related tax invoices and correction tax invoices does not correspond to the
total amount of the accounting document
Red: No tax invoices or correction tax invoices exist for the accounting document

In the document list, you can also do the following:

Filter the list, for example, to show all accounting documents for which no posted tax invoices or
correction tax invoices exist in the system

Navigate to a document by double-clicking the document number

Navigate to the customer details by double-clicking the customer ID

Note that if you run the report in the background, the spool file displays the status as a cross instead of a traffic
light (that is, XOO for a red traffic light; OXO for a yellow traffic light, OOX for a green traffic light).

To access this report on the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Accounting -> Financial Accounting -> General
Ledger -> Reporting -> Tax Reports -> Ukraine -> VAT -> Checklist for Outgoing Tax-Relevant Documents
(transaction J1UFRVN).
Register of Incoming and Outgoing Tax Invoices (Ukraine)

You use this report to create the register of incoming and outgoing tax invoices in a format that complies with
legal requirements. The register lists all received and issued tax invoices, correction tax invoices, and other
relevant documents, such as checks or customs declarations. Part I of the register is relevant for outgoing tax
invoices that you have issued to customers and part II lists incoming tax invoices that you have received from

As required by law, you must record all VAT-relevant operations and report them to the tax authorities. The
report allows you to perform the following tasks:

Create an internal XML file of the register that you can print according to your business requirements
(for example, on a daily basis)

Create an XML file of the register for the current month in an XML format that complies with legal

You submit this file to the tax authorities at the end of each month.

Create an XML file for specific outgoing tax invoices and correction tax invoices

Documents that meet certain legal criteria must be submitted separately to enable them to be
registered in the ERPN (Single Register of Tax Invoices). This applies, for example, to tax invoices for
excise or imported goods, or tax invoices with VAT that exceeds a specific amount defined by law.

Create an XML file that you send to the tax authorities to request a list of incoming tax invoices that
have been registered by the vendor in the ERPN


You have created tax invoices and correction tax invoices as financial documents.

We recommend that you use a separate document type for tax invoices, correction tax invoices,
accounting documents, and other documents that are relevant for the register (for example, transport
tickets and checks). This enables you to use the document type specified by the tax authorities and
ensures continuous numbering and fast data retrieval.

Correction tax invoices must have the number of the relevant tax invoice in the Document Header Text
(BKPF-BKTXT) field and the number of the clearing or reversal document must be stored in the
Reference Document Number (BKPF-XBLNR) field.

If you used the special down payment procedure, the clearing document must have the clearing
document number in the Document Header Text (BKPF-BKTXT) field and the invoice number in the
Reference Document Number (BKPF-XBLNR) field.

Accounting documents for the register of incoming tax invoices must have the number of the relevant
tax invoice or correction tax invoice in the Document Header Text (BKPF-BKTXT) field.

VAT adjustment documents must have the number of the relevant document that was adjusted in the
Document Header Text (BKPF-BKTXT) field.

For other document types, the reference to the source document (invoice or down payment) must be
stored in the Document Header Text (BKPF-BKTXT) or Reference Document Number (BKPF-XBLNR)
field. If the document number also contains the financial year, the year must be entered after the
document number without any delimiters and it must have four digits.

Note that if the financial year is not entered, the report uses the year from the tax invoice.

You have defined groups for tax balances and tax base balances in Customizing for Financial
Accounting (New) under General Ledger Accounting (New) -> Periodic Processing -> Report ->
Sales/Purchases Tax Returns -> Group Tax Balances and Group Tax Base Balances.

You must enter the tax codes relevant for each section in these Customizing activities. The tax groups
define how the amounts from the document items are distributed to the columns in the report output.
You can use tax grouping version REI for part 2 (register of incoming tax invoices) and REII for part 1
(register of outgoing tax invoices).

You have maintained the address master data for the company code or tax group.
You define tax groups in Customizing for Financial Accounting (New) under General Ledger
Accounting (New) -> Periodic Processing -> Report -> Sales/Purchases Tax Returns -> Assign
Company Codes to Tax on Sales/Purchases Groups.

To process a vendor or customer as a VAT payer, you have filled the Tax Number 1 (STCD1) and
Liable for VAT (STKZU) fields in the vendor or customer master data. If these fields are not filled, the
report processes the vendor or customer as a non-VAT payer.

To process the customer or vendor as a resident, you have entered the country key UA in the vendor
or customer master data. If you do not define a country key, the report processes the vendor or
customer as a non-resident.

The report uses structure J_1UF_REEI to generate part II of the register (register of incoming tax invoices) and
structure J_1UF_REEII to generate part I of the register (register of outgoing tax invoices). To display the
organizational unit in the report header, the report uses the FILLHEADBOOK procedure from the ZJ1UFBOOK

On the selection screen, you can restrict the number of processed documents, for example, based on company
code, document numbers, fiscal year, document date, tax group code, or VAT code. After specifying whether
you want to generate part I or part II of the register, you then enter the other selection criteria as required.

To create the XML file of the register, you first have to run the report for part II. The report stores the
results in a temporary database. You then run the report for part I. The report retrieves data from the
temporary database and creates the print file for both parts at the same time.

On the selection screen, you also select which XML file you want the report to generate and enter the relevant
data according to your requirements.
The report displays data in an SAP List Viewer (ALV) list. You can use the standard ALV list functions to view,
sort, summarize, or adjust data as required. The report creates the XML files selected on the selection screen
and saves them to the location you defined.

To access the report on the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Accounting -> Financial Accounting -> General
Ledger -> Reporting -> Tax Reports -> Ukraine -> VAT -> Register of Incoming and Outgoing Tax Invoices
(transaction J1UF_IN_OUT).

The example below shows accounting postings and how they are displayed in the register of incoming and
outgoing tax invoices.

You posted the following incoming vendor invoice:

Posting Key Account Tax Code Amount

31 Vendor P2 120.00-
40 20000000 Materials P2 100.00
40 64401000 Incoming VAT P2 20.00

You created the following incoming tax invoice for the above vendor invoice:

If the VAT amount is not zero:

Posting Key Account Tax Code Amount

40 TAXBASE0 Amount in Tax Return S1 120.00
50 TAXBASE0 Amount in Tax Return D1 120.00-
40 64102010 Tax Credit S1 20.00
50 64401000 Incoming VAT D1 20.00-
The 3rd and 4th items are automatically generated based on tax codes. The tax base is copied to the
tax data of the document.

If the VAT amount is zero:

Posting Key Account Tax Code Amount

40 TAXBASE0 Amount in Tax Return S0 120.00
50 TAXBASE0 Amount in Tax Return D0 120.00-
The D0 and S0 tax codes have similar settings to the D1 and S1 tax codes but the tax rate for them is
set to 0%. Therefore the tax amount is set to zero in the tax table (BSET).

You set up the mapping of tax codes to the columns of the register of incoming and outgoing tax invoices in the
Group Tax Balances and Group Tax Base Balances Customizing activities. In this example, you enter the
following record for tax grouping version REI in the Group Tax Base Balances Customizing activity:
Tax Code Description Transaction Key Group Number
S1 VAT invoice - 20%, which could be entitled for tax credit VST 9

As a result, the tax base with the S1 tax code is entered in column 9 of the register.

You enter the following record for tax grouping version REI in the Group Tax Balances Customizing activity:

Tax Code Description Transaction Key Group Number

S1 VAT invoice - 20%, which could be entitled for tax credit VST 10

As a result, the tax amount with the S1 tax code is entered in column 10 of the register.
VAT Return (Ukraine)

In Ukraine, all companies that are required to pay value-added tax (VAT) must create a VAT return and submit
it to the tax authorities (State Tax Administration - STA) on either a monthly or quarterly basis. The VAT return
consists of a main return and the following eight annexes:

Annex 1: Calculation of VAT corrections for VAT return

Annex 2: Calculation of the amount to be paid to the STA

Annex 3: Calculation of the tax refund amount

Annex 4: Tax refund claim

Annex 5: Explanation of tax obligations and tax credits of contracting parties

Annex 6: Data on operations

Annex 7: Calculation of the distribution rate for taxable and nontaxable operations and recalculation of
the actual rate

Annex 8: Documents for which the purchaser of the goods has not received a tax invoice or for which
the tax invoice is not registered in the Single Register of Tax Invoices (ERPN)

Branches: Branch within the company assigned to a group of company codes (that is, sales/purchases

You use the Advance Return for Tax on Sales/Purchases report to generate the data relevant for the VAT
return. You then run this report to print or create an XML file of the VAT return in the required format, which you
can then submit to the STA.

You have made the following settings in Customizing for Financial Accounting (New) under General Ledger
Accounting (New) -> Periodic Processing -> Report -> Sales/Purchases Tax Returns:

In the Group Tax Base Balances (transaction OBCG) Customizing activity, you have grouped the tax
codes and specified the relevant line of the VAT return for the tax base amounts. For more information,
see the documentation of the Customizing activity.

You must not enter a tax grouping version for the VAT return.

In the Group Tax Balances (transaction OBCH) Customizing activity, you have done the same for the
VAT amounts. For more information, see the documentation of the Customizing activity.

You must not enter a tax grouping version for the VAT return.

To create a consolidated VAT return for several company codes, you have defined the required tax
groups in the Define Tax on Sales/Purchases Groups (transaction OBCF) Customizing activity.
You have made the required settings or entered the required data for the annexes of the VAT return, as follows:

For annex 6, you have grouped the operation types and assigned them to lines 3, 4, or 5 of the VAT

You do this in Customizing for Financial Accounting (New) under General Ledger Accounting (New) ->
Periodic Processing -> Report -> Statutory Reporting: Ukraine -> VAT Accounting and Reporting ->
Group Operation Types and Assign to VAT Return for Annex 6.

For annexes 2 and 3, you have entered the required reimbursement data.

You do this on the SAP Easy Access screen under Accounting -> Financial Accounting -> General
Ledger -> Reporting -> Tax Reports -> Ukraine -> VAT -> VAT Return -> Reimbursement Amount
for Annex 2 and 3.

If you select the checkboxes for annex 2 and annex 3 on the selection screen of the report, the report
generates a print file of annex 2 and annex 3 with the required table of reimbursement data.

For annex 7, table 3, you have entered data for recalculating the VAT credit for fixed assets, taking into
consideration the distribution rate for three calendar years.

You do this on the SAP Easy Access screen under Accounting -> Financial Accounting -> General
Ledger -> Reporting -> Tax Reports -> Ukraine -> VAT -> VAT Return -> Recalculation of VAT
Credit for Fixed Assets for Annex 7.

If you select the checkbox for annex 7 on the selection screen of the report, the report generates a
print file for annex 7 and creates table 3 of annex 7 based on the data entered.

For Annex 8, you have created a document list of all original documents that you are submitting with
the VAT return to confirm the purchase of goods or services (for example, invoices, checks, or other
documents that confirm payment or receipt of the goods). The original documents are required if one
of the following applies:

o You have not received a tax invoice from the vendor.

o You have received a tax invoice, but it has not been registered with the tax authorities in the
Single Register of Tax Invoices (ERPN).

You create the document list on the SAP Easy Access screen under Accounting -> Financial
Accounting -> General Ledger -> Reporting -> Tax Reports -> Ukraine -> VAT -> VAT Return ->
Document List for Annex 8.

If you select the checkbox for annex 8 on the selection screen of the report, the report generates a
print file of the document list based on the data entered. On the selection screen, you also specify the
number of pages that you are attaching to the VAT return.

You have executed the Advance Return for Tax on Sales/Purchases report to generate the data for the VAT
return. You have to enter the run ID and run date on the selection screen of the report, as described below.
In the Selection of RFUMSV00 Program Run for Current Fiscal Period group box, enter the run date and
run ID that the system generated when you executed the Advance Return for Tax on Sales/Purchases
report for the current fiscal period, for example, for a specific month or quarter.

You can submit corrections to a VAT return from a previous fiscal period only in the current VAT return. After
you have entered the run date and run ID for the current fiscal period, enter the run date and run ID of the
previous VAT return that you want to correct in the Selection of RFUMSV00 Program Run for Previous
Fiscal Period group box and select the Mark Error Correction checkbox. The system marks with an X the
relevant line of the current VAT return to show whether it contains a correction to a previous VAT return.

In the Additional Selections group box, you define the following:

By selecting the relevant checkboxes, you specify which sections of the VAT return are to be printed
(that is, main declaration, annexes, and branches).

If you select the Round to Integer checkbox, the system rounds all calculated VAT amounts in the VAT
return, as well as the sum of the total amounts, to the nearest integer in the currency UAH (Ukrainian

If you select the Print Tax Group No. Instead of Sum checkbox, the system prints the line number to
which the relevant tax group belongs.

By entering the relevant number in the Amount Format field, you specify the numeric values that
appear after the comma in the amounts.

In the VAT Return Type field, select the type of VAT return that you want to generate.

In the Additional Selections for Several Company Codes group box, you define the following:

You can create a consolidated VAT return that includes several company codes by using a tax group.
To do this, you select the Consolidated Tax Return checkbox and enter the relevant tax group in the
Tax Group for Address Maintenance field. When you run the report, the system reads the data from
the tax group settings and generates a consolidated tax return.

Select the following checkboxes according to your requirements:

o Copy of Registry in Electronic Form

o Mark Qualifying Calculations

o No. of Original Customs Declaration (Page 5)

o Annex in Free Form

In the Fiscal Period group box, enter the year, quarter, and month that identify the fiscal period for which you
want to print the VAT data for your sales and purchases. You also specify the type of period and the calendar
date on which you will submit the VAT return. To submit corrections to a previous fiscal period in the VAT
return for the current fiscal period, specify the fiscal period to which the error correction refers in the Fiscal
Period for Which Errors Have Been Corrected group box.
If you have selected the Annex 1 checkbox in the Additional Selections group box, specify the following in the
Annex 1 Print Parameters group box:

Start and end date of the corresponding posting period

The report includes all correction tax invoices whose posting date belongs to the specified posting

Variants for the register of incoming and outgoing invoices

Minimum amount of price difference in the Threshold for Price Correction field

You can submit corrections to previous tax invoices. The correction can refer to the price or quantity of
the purchased goods that modify the tax amount. You can specify a minimum price difference that the
system considers as a threshold for a price correction. The report calculates the price of one unit and
compares it with the previous price in the relevant document. If the price difference is higher than the
specified threshold, the report handles the correction as a price correction.

To print the reference document numbers (field XBLNR) in the VAT return instead of the FI document
numbers, select the Print Ref. Doc. Number for Incoming Tax Invoice checkbox

To print the sequential number of the documents that belong to the relevant month, select the Monthly
Document Numbers checkbox
The numbering starts with number 1 at the beginning of the month. If you select this checkbox, the
system prints these sequential numbers in the VAT return instead of the document numbers from the
SAP system.

To exclude amounts that were reversed during the specified posting period, select the Exclude
Reversal Documents checkbox.

If you select the VAT Reimbursement checkbox in the Annex 4 Print Parameters group box, you indicate that
the VAT amount is to be reimbursed to your VAT account. The amount is displayed in line 23.1 of the VAT
return. You also have to enter the required information for the tax reimbursement in annex 4, that is, details of
the bank to which the tax authorities can transfer the reimbursed amount. If you do not select this checkbox,
the relevant VAT amount is transferred to the next fiscal period and is displayed in line 23.2 of the VAT return.

If you have selected the Annex 5 checkbox in the Additional Selections group box, specify the following in the
Annex 5 Print Parameters group box:

Start and end date of the corresponding posting period

The report includes all tax invoices whose posting date belongs to the specified posting period.

Variants for the register of incoming and outgoing invoices

Tax codes for operations with assets that you want to assign to separate lines in annex 5

To exclude lines with the amount zero (for example, a supplier line), select the Exclude Lines with 0
Amount checkbox.

To exclude amounts that were reversed during the specified posting period, select the Exclude
Reversal Documents checkbox.
In the Annex 7 Print Parameters group box, you can enter the corresponding run dates and run IDs of the
Advance Return for Tax on Sales/Purchases report, based on which the report calculates the distribution
rate and inserts it into annex 7. You have the following options:

To have the system calculate the distribution rate for the current fiscal period and insert it in the
second line of the annex, enter the run date, run ID, and the corresponding VAT rate in the Table 1
group box.

To have the system calculate the distribution rate for the previous fiscal year and insert it in the first
line of the annex, enter the run date, run ID, and the corresponding VAT rate in the Table 1 group box
and select the Rate Calc. for Prev. Fiscal Yr checkbox.

To have the system recalculate the distribution rate based on actual data for the current year, enter the
run date and run ID in the Table 2 group box.

Annex 8 is a list of original documents that you are submitting with the VAT return to confirm the purchase of
goods or services for missing tax invoices or tax invoices that have not yet been registered with the tax
authorities. If you are submitting annex 8 and the corresponding original documents with the VAT return, enter
the total number of pages that you are attaching to the VAT return in the Annex 8 Print Parameters group box.
For more information, see Prerequisites.

In the Signature of Persons Responsible group box, enter the name and ID of the persons who sign the
printed VAT return before it is submitted to the tax authorities. In the director ID and accountant ID fields, enter
the registration numbers of the director and chief accountant that identify them at the tax authorities. This data
is printed at the bottom of the VAT return.

In the XML Output Options group box, you define the following:

If you select the Main Declaration checkbox, the report generates an XML file of the VAT return, which
you can save locally. To include the annexes in the XML file, select the relevant annexes or branches.

In the File name field, select the folder in which you want to save the XML file. The report generates
the file names.

Enter the region and district of the tax office at which your company is registered as a taxpayer

The report generates the VAT return and annexes in the printable XML file format required by the tax
authorities and saves the files locally.

To access the report on the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Accounting -> Financial Accounting -> General
Ledger -> Reporting -> Tax Reports -> Ukraine -> VAT -> VAT Return -> VAT Return (transaction J1UFTAX21)

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