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Name: Kinza Iftikhar BCS21016

Data Flow Diagram

1. What is Data Flow Diagram?
A Data Flow Diagram (DFD) is a visual representation of the information flows within a
system. It uses a set of defined symbols that each represent the people and processes
needed to correctly transmit data within a system.
The objective of a DFD is to show the scope and boundaries of a system as a whole. It
may be used as a communication tool between a system analyst and any person who
plays a part in the order that acts as a starting point for redesigning a system. The DFD
is also called as a data flow graph or bubble chart.

2. What are the rules of a data flow diagram?

There are a few rules to keep in mind when creating a data flow diagram that’ll help you
make sure your visualization is clear, consistent-looking, and accurate.
 Directionality
Make sure your data flows in one direction — from the input to the output.
 Connectivity
Every flow of data should lead to either a process or a data store. This makes
sure that your data has a clearly defined source and destination.
 Naming conventions
When labeling processes, data stores, data flows, and external entities, keep
your naming consistent and clear. This helps make your data flow diagram easy
to understand for teammates and stakeholders.
 Process hierarchy
When representing different processes within a system, establish a clear
hierarchy to differentiate broader functions from more intricate ones. This helps
simplify the system’s complexity while clearly depicting a logical flow.
3. What are the Standard symbols for DFDs?
Standard symbols for DFDs are derived from the electric circuit diagram analysis and
are shown in fig:

4. Why we use a data flow diagram?

Data flow diagrams were originally used to show data flow in a computer system. But
today, they are used in different stages of ideation and design in various industries.
They are particularly beneficial to companies that rely heavily on data and information.
The following are examples of where data flow diagrams are put to use:
Software engineering:
Software engineers use data flow diagrams to design software foundations and
architecture before getting into the coding stage of software development. These
diagrams also help as an ongoing system analysis tool to measure the progress of and
implement improvements to a system.
Business management:
Management must fully understand the processes that make their company successful.
A data flow diagram is a useful tool for designing more agile processes and generally
improving a company's processes. It can be used to streamline the everyday systems
and workflow of a business.
Database development:
In today’s digital era, almost every business has an online component that relies on a
complex database structure to house users’ information. Data flow diagrams help to
map out and plot the movement and storing of data within these online databases. In a
world where cyber security and data protection are key, data flow diagrams create a
clear pathway for developers and businesses to follow.

5. What are the limitations of Data Flow Diagram?

 A data flow diagram may become complex and difficult to understand if there are
too many elements or processes involved.
 It may be time-consuming to create and maintain a data flow diagram.
 It may not provide sufficient detail about the processes or data being
 It may not accurately reflect the dynamic nature of a system or process.
6. Example of Data Flow Diagram.

0 Level Diagram:
A 0 level diagram gives an overview and it is the highest level in a data flow diagram,
containing only one process representing the entire system. It should be split into
major processes which give greater detail and each major process may further split to
give more detail.

Figure 1: 0 Level Diagram

Level 1 DFD:
Processes in diagram 0 (with a whole number) can be exploded further to represent
details of the processing activities. Example below shows the next level ((Diagram 1) of
process explosion.

Figure 2: Level 1 Diagram

Level 2 DFD:
If a process with a lot of data flow linking between a few external entities, we could first
extract that particular process and the associated external entities into a separate
diagram similar to a context diagram, before you refine the process into a separate level
of DFD; and by this way you can ensure the consistency between them much easier.

Figure 3: Level 2 Diagram

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