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Lab in psychology

Psy 310

Lecture 1

Non scientific method

- Method of authority- wht the authority tells u to do. For eg a authority tells u to do
something u sometimes believe in or u don’t. going by authority is easy for u. its easy to
follow the authority because u don’t hve to see if its true or not. They give enough truth so u
don’t question them.
- Method of tenacity- believing in wht u already believe in. for eg- forming streotypes.
- A priori method
- These above 3 methods are obv not good for us but we still follow it bcoz its easy for us.

Scientific method- we generally do not follow this scientific methods and follow the above non
scientific methods is because we find them easy to consume. In this course we r going to learn about
this scientific methods and we will try accepting it.

- Determinism- smthng determines the other. When things follow a rule that is deterministic
system. U can make rules In this system. For eg- ahmd traffic is deterministic.
- Empiricism- it is abt observing the world. Knowledge that is given by observing the world.
Obseravavble facts if it is not observable it is not scientific. U stick to it u don’t change it that
is knows as dogmats. Its theory are knows as dogmatic theory u just stick to it u don’t
change it.
- Self correction

Scientific expalanation

- Concepts and constructs- concepts are readily accessible. We don’t disagree on concepts.
We disagree on constructs bcoz we don’t see it. Concept eg- things fall from above.
Constructs eg- god pushes things down. Concepts are there we don’t need to justify it
whereas constructs need to be justified.
- Theory- this justification comes for theory. It is the statements that do not contradict with
each other. Set of related statements that explains a variety of occurances. Two parts os
statements shldmt contradict and it shld explain something in the world. We need this
theory to
- 1. organize data- as we have a lot of data we need to organize this beliefs.
- 2. Predict future observation- if u hve a theory u cn predict future occurances, future
- Induction and deduction
- Problem of induction- David hume gave this. Things that happen in the past doesn’t mean
they will happen in the future as well. Eg- after uttarayan there comes summer, just because
it happen last uttarayan doesn’t mean it will happen again. Just because this things happen
together. Doesn’t mean uttarayan is the course and summer is the effect. U cant solve the
problem of induction bcoz this things happen since years.
- Deduction- u hve some data and u make prediction according to it. Deduction is fine
induction is not.
- Karl popper gave this things to solve the problem of induction
- 1. Demarcation between science nd non science- u hve to see if the statement is falsifible or
- 2. Falsifiability- if theories are non falsifiable they are scientific vice vera.

Evaluating theories

- Parsimory- u don’t explain it based on 100 variables. Better theory explains with lesser
variables it will helps in feeling up the data. This is called occam’s theory.
- Precision or specificity of the explanation- more precise the description better the theory.
- Testability or falsefibility
- Ability to fit the data- it shld hve the ability the fit the data, no motter whatever the of the
above data we use.

Intervening variables

Science of psy

- Thomas Kuhn
- Applied nd basic research
- Rene Descartes
- Francis bacon

Lecture 2


- Independent vari- manipulated by the experimenter

- Dependent vari- response measure of an experiment
- Extrenaeous vari influences the dv.
- Confounding vari- can influence both iv and dv,
- Control variable- a potential iv that is held constant.

What is an experiement?

- Systematic manipulation of iv and measure its effect on a dv y controlling for extraneous

- There shld be 2 levels of iv.
- Experiment is a way of trying and knowing which theory is the best.
- Critical exp- tests theory by making prediction about the outcome, u need to know the
theories in this. More efficient.
- What if exp- hypothesis out of the blue, inefficient, u just come up with a hypothesiws out of
curiosity thus u wont get much out of an outcome.

More abt vari

- Iv is manipulated, dv is observed control vari (cv) is constant for the extraneous variability.
- When the iv causes no change or no effect on dv it is a null result.
- A good dv shld be stable.
- Floor effect and ceiling effect.

Multiple iv and dv
- reasons for multiple iv exp-more efficient to manipulate 3 IVs in one except than doing 3
separate experiments. – more control over confounds. – results generalizable across several
- There can multiple DVs as well.
- Interaction- effect on iv depends on levels of other ivs.

Advantages of experiment

- Good control over extraneous variation.

- Economical- efficient way of producing knowledge.
- Can help us to know about causation. What causes what.

Experimental design

- Within subject design- same subjects at each level of IVs.

- Between subject design- different subjects at each level
- Mixed design- an experiment with both within and between subject factors.

Photo pasete

Quasi experiment

- When experiment has no control over iv. Eg- subjects variable(iq)

- Iv changes but the experimenter did not do anything to manipulate it. For eg- natural
calamity (not in control of experiment but u hve multiple ivs, when iv is generally in control
of the experimenter)

Research process

- u define objectives and variables

- Start planning and designing the study
- Experiment procedure- data collection
- Analysing data
- Interpreting the results
- conclusion

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