The Analysis of Work-Life Balance On Job Performance Among Medical Office Practitioners

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, 2023



0009-0009-9743-34621, 0009-0004-6988-13172, 0009-0007-7446-9433, . 009-0008-7489-98954, 0000-
0002-3118-30795, 0009-0006-4267-05656
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Kapalong College of Agriculture, Sciences and Technology Maniki, Kapalong, Philippines



This research aims to explore how work-life balance affects job performance among medical office
practitioners in Barangay Maniki, Kapalong, and Davao del Norte, using a descriptive-correlational
approach. The respondents in this study were medical office practitioners residing at the mentioned
address. There were 156 total respondents in this study. The results gathered from this study showed
that the average level of work-life balance is 3.92. The level of job performance among medical office
practitioners is very high, with an overall mean of 4.25. The test for the significant impact of work-life
balance on job performance among medical office practitioners in Barangay Maniki, Kapalong, Davao del
Norte, yielded an R-value of 0.52 and a probability value of 0.001 at a 0.05 level of significance. In
relevance to this, the study concludes that work-life balance directly influences the job performance of
medical office practitioners. Thus, it is suggested that hospitals must strengthen the work-life balance of
their office employees to enhance their performance in their duties.

Keywords: work-life balance, job performance, medical office practitioners

working hours, handling critically ill patients,
Due to their profound negative impact on emergency and night duties, ongoing medical
human life, healthcare practitioners endure one of education, personal development pursuits, and
the most stress-inducing occupations. A sustained pursuing higher goals. The stressors intensify
and cross-sectional investigation reveals that when practitioners lack control over their work
practitioners face stress levels significantly higher environment, face insufficient job recognition,
than the general working population. Numerous contend with a rigid organizational structure, and
studies highlight the adverse effects of stress on experience financial strain (Aslam et al., 2017).
the physical and psychological well-being of The COVID-19 outbreak has caused
healthcare practitioners globally. Factors significant physical and psychological concerns for
contributing to heightened stress include long
125P – ISSN 2651 - 7701 | E – ISSN 2651 – 771X |
AET, A.J.I., CONCON, J.M.J., DASAS, M.B., MANLAUNAN, M.J.L., DAGA-AS, J.D., GANIERA, G.P., The Analysis of
Work-Life Balance on Job Performance Among Medical Office Practitioners, pp. 125 - 131
all medical practitioners worldwide. The rapid members. There have been studies that are
changes in the health care system frequently cause related, such as the studies of Melayansari and
a lot of stress, which has an adverse effect on the Bhinekawati (2020), Sheppard (2016), and Dousin
job stability and performance of medical et al. (2019), which focused on work-life balance
professionals, negatively affecting patient care. As but showed no relationship with job performance,
such, a study that was conducted in one of the and the respondents were not medical office
government hospitals in Dubai, United Arab employees. It is on the premise that the
Emirates, examined the impact of work stress researchers see their necessity to conduct this kind
during the COVID-19 pandemic on healthcare of study to determine the effectiveness of how
practitioners' job fulfillment and performance. The work-life balance affects job performance.
findings show that stress at work significantly Moreover, this study is based on the spillover
affects job performance. The pandemic crisis theory proposed by Wilensky (1960), the in-role
caused 21% to 36.8% of the staff to experience conflict theory developed by Greenhaus and
high or very high levels of stress, with workload Beutell (1985), and the work-family enrichment
being the major cause of this. In accordance with theory that was attributed to Powell and Greenhaus
the study, stress may have an influence or cause (2006). These theories state that there is a specific
for this. According to the study, stress may relationship between the perceived work-life
influence the productivity and well-being of medical balance and job performance.
practitioners. Due to the discomfort that a heavy Studying this concern is timely since some
workload may bring, medical professionals' poor medical employees are struggling with how they
job performance may affect their patients' health can balance their personal life and there have been
(Joshua et al., 2021). medical employees not sure how to balance their
Meanwhile, initial studies from the Philippine work and personal life as a result of poor job
context indicated that health practitioners were performance. Some employees are good at their
subjected to an unorganized medical facility and a jobs even though they are not sure about balance
heavy amount of work during the COVID-19 because they prioritize and focus on their work
problem, which exposed them to a relatively high rather than their personal lives. Also, having this
extent of weariness on physical, emotional and study is relevant to the improvement of
mental increased exhaustion, which had a negative organizations as this could give valuable
impact on job performance, productivity, and information that would give a new perspective with
clinical outcomes. A study carried out in Baguio regards to work-life balance and its relationship
City under COVID-19 sought to examine the with the employee, particularly in the locality where
association between nurse exhaustion and this study will be conducted. Thus, this study could
productivity at work in facilities for adults. This be used by medical employees to be productive as
means that as Job performance declines, burnout a basis for possible programs that will be used to
rises, and vice versa. Burning and performance at efficiently deliver services to the people.
work did not significantly change when considering
practitioners' years of working experience and OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY
assignment units (Al Sabei et al., 2022).
The researchers have not encountered the This study specifically aims to evaluate
medical office practitioners' job performance and
study of Employment Performance and a Balance
work-life balance in Maniki, Kapalong, and Davao
between the Life and Work of medical office staff

126P – ISSN 2651 - 7701 | E – ISSN 2651 – 771X |

AET, A.J.I., CONCON, J.M.J., DASAS, M.B., MANLAUNAN, M.J.L., DAGA-AS, J.D., GANIERA, G.P., The Analysis of
Work-Life Balance on Job Performance Among Medical Office Practitioners, pp. 125 - 131
del Norte. In essence, the research seeks to address data, interpreting the findings. Conclusions
the following specific objectives. and recommendations were drawn from the study.
1. To determine the amount of work-life balance, Strict adherence to precautionary
there is among the medical office practitioners measures and sanitary procedures was maintained
in terms of: by the concerned offices and the Department of
1.1. managing self; Health (DOH) to address public health
1.2. managing time; emergencies.
1.3. managing stress; and Statistical tools included using mean to
1.4. managing leisure determine the level of work-life balance and job
2. To determine the level of job performance performance among medical office employees.
among medical office practitioners in terms of: Pearson r was employed to establish the causal
2.1. work habits; link between balancing life and work and job
2.2. work skills, and success for medical office employees in Maniki,
2.3. social skills Kapalong, and Davao del Norte.

3. To determine the significant relationship

between work-life balance and job performance RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
of medical office practitioners.
1. Summary of the Level of Perceived Quality
of Mathematics Instruction Summary on the
METHODOLOGY Level of Work-life Balance of Medical Office
This study employed a quantitative
research design with descriptive-correlational Table 1
techniques to examine ambulant vendors' financial Summary on the Level of Work-life Balance of Medical Office
inclusion and well-being in Kapalong, Davao del Practitioners
Norte. The focus was gathering and analyzing Indicators Mean Description
numerical data to identify patterns and averages, Managing Self 3.91 High
develop projections, assess casual relationships,
Managing Time 3.88 High
and generalize results to a broader population
Managing Stress 3.96 High
(Babbie, 2014).
The study targeted medical practitioners 3.92 High
from the Rural Health Unit, Kapalong District
Overall 3.92 High
Hospital, and Corpuz Medical Clinic in Maniki,
Kapalong, Davao del Norte, chosen based on
established inclusion and exclusion criteria. The Presented in Table 1 is the overall level of
selected offices recognized as significant medical work-life balance of medical office practitioners in
institutions within Barangay Maniki, Kapalong, terms of managing self, managing time, managing
included 33 respondents from the Rural Health stress, and managing leisure. The data revealed
Unit, 122 from Kapalong District Hospital across that the level of work-life balance of medical office
Clinical, Nursing, and Administrative Departments, practitioners has a total mean of 3.92 with the
and one respondent from Corpuz Medical Clinic. descriptive equivalent of high. This indicated that
Data collection involved obtaining permission the level of work-life balance of medical office
from the heads of the target medical offices and practitioners is oftentimes manifested. The findings
utilizing research instruments approved by a panel supported the assertion made by Wedgwood
of experts. After distributing and collecting (2022), which claims that having a good work-life
completed questionnaires, the researchers balance is crucial for one's health and relationships
verified, tabulated, and analyzed the statistical

127P – ISSN 2651 - 7701 | E – ISSN 2651 – 771X |

AET, A.J.I., CONCON, J.M.J., DASAS, M.B., MANLAUNAN, M.J.L., DAGA-AS, J.D., GANIERA, G.P., The Analysis of
Work-Life Balance on Job Performance Among Medical Office Practitioners, pp. 125 - 131
and has the potential to boost one's productivity practitioners in Maniki, Kapalong, and Davao
and, ultimately, performance. del Norte.

2. Level of Job Performance of Medical Office Table 3

Practitioners in Terms of Work Habits Significant Relationship between Work-Life Balance and Job
Performance among Medical Office Practitioners
Table 2 Variable Mean R-Value P-Value
Summary of the Level of Job Performance of Medical Office
Practitioners Work-Life
3.92 .52*** <.001 Ho Rejected
Indicators Mean Description

Work Habits 4.26 Very High This is based on a result that showed a
Works Skills 4.23 High probability level of <.001, which is less than the
Social skills 4.26 Very High significance level of 0.05. Thus, this implied that
Overall 4.25 High there is a substantial connection between the two
variables, work-life balance and job performance.
Displayed in the Table 2 is the overall level The findings supported Wilensky's (1960) claim
job performance of medical office practitioners in that there is a connection between one's
terms of work habits, works skills, and social skills. professional and personal lives, implying that both
The data revealed that the level of job performance spheres impact one another.
of medical office practitioners has a total mean of
4.25 with the descriptive equivalent of high. This CONCLUSIONS
indicated that the level of job performance of
medical office practitioners is oftentimes This research provides an in-depth response
manifested. This lends credence to the finding of to sub-questions posed in the preceding chapter.
Tummer et al. (2022) which states that effective job Respondents, consisting of various medical office
performance is required to enhance interventions practitioners in Maniki, Kapalong, Davao del Norte,
at the levels of macro, mesa, and micro that these demonstrated a high level of work-life balance. This
interventions pertain to governing, leading, and indicates frequent manifestations of effective self-
personal qualities and skills to guarantee that management, time management, stress
healthcare will continue to be available at management, and leisure management. The
reasonable costs and to the greatest number of results suggested that despite the demanding
people, organizations that provide medical care, nature of their work, medical employees effectively
governments, and lawmakers all face substantial balance their personal and professional lives. This
obstacles. balance is crucial for stress avoidance, allowing
them to explore and enjoy both aspects of life,
3. Significant Relationship between Work-Life ultimately contributing to good job performance.
Balance and Job Performance Furthermore, the findings indicated that job
performance among medical office practitioners
Exhibited in Table 3 was the outcome of the surpassed work-life balance, reaching a very high
significant relationship between work-life balance level. This suggests consistent manifestations in
with a mean of 3.92 and job performance with 4.25 work ethics, job competencies, and social
as a mean, respectively, of medical office competencies. The conclusion is that medical
employees exhibit a strong focus on their careers,

128P – ISSN 2651 - 7701 | E – ISSN 2651 – 771X |

AET, A.J.I., CONCON, J.M.J., DASAS, M.B., MANLAUNAN, M.J.L., DAGA-AS, J.D., GANIERA, G.P., The Analysis of
Work-Life Balance on Job Performance Among Medical Office Practitioners, pp. 125 - 131
excelling in prioritization, training, development, focus on balancing personal and professional
and commitment to their duties. Adherence to lives. Team-building exercises and family outings
government regulations and rules further are suggested to enhance life enjoyment during
contributes to their high job performance. free time. Future research is encouraged to explore
The overall correlation between the two other predictors of job performance and investigate
variables unveiled a significant link between the the study further with different populations.
work-life balance and job performance of medical
office practitioners in Maniki, Kapalong, and Davao REFERENCES
del Norte. As a result, the hypothesis was rejected,
Al Sabei, S. D., Al-Rawajfah, O., AbuAlRub, R.,
concluding that work-life balance affects some
Labrague, L. J., & Burney, I. A. (2022). Nurses' job
medical practitioners' job performance.
burnout and its association with work environment,
empowerment and psychological stress during
RECOMMENDATIONS COVID-19 pandemic. International Journal of
Nursing Practice, 28(5), e13077.
The study indicates that the work-life
balance of medical office practitioners in Maniki,
Aslam, H. D., Jamil, R., & Tariq, A. (2017). Stress of
Kapalong, Davao del Norte is at a high level.
medical practitioners in private healthcare
Recommendations include encouraging
industry. Asian Social Science, 10(22), 111-116.
practitioners to maintain this balance to avoid work
conflicts. Administrators should emphasize the
importance of self-discipline, self-awareness, and Dousin, O., Collins, N., & Kler, B. K. (2019). Work-life
self-care for both staff and them. The study balance, employee job performance and satisfaction
suggests practical ways to effectively manage time among doctors and nurses in Malaysia. International
and promote a sensible balance between work and Journal of Human Resource Studies, 9(4), 306-319.
home. Stress management is emphasized,
advising practitioners to take breaks and address Babbie, E. (2014). The Practice of Social Research.
stressful situations to protect their mental health. file:///C:/Users/User/Downloads/1606930922-earl-
Leisure management is highlighted as babbie-the-practice-of-social-research-cengage-
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free time for relaxation and administrators provide
Greenhaus, J. H., & Beutell, N. J. (1985). Sources of
opportunities for staff to enjoy downtime. The study
conflict between work and family roles. The
underscores the high level of job performance Academy of Management Review, 10(1), 76-88.
among medical office practitioners, recommending
continued excellence and the implementation of
workplace motivators, such as appreciation and Joshua, R., Chehab, F., David, R., & Salim, N. A. (2021).
reward systems. It also advises administrators to Impact of work stress during COVID-19 epidemic on
job satisfaction and job performance among nurses
recognize and appreciate good work habits, social
in critical care units, United Arab Emirates
skills, and talents, while encouraging continuous
2020. International Journal of Clinical and
learning and development.
Experimental Medicine Research, 5(2), 225-231.
The study concludes by emphasizing the
significant relationship between work-life balance
and job performance, recommending a continued Laguador, J. (2017). Work-life balance and job
performance among employees of a tertiary hospital
129P – ISSN 2651 - 7701 | E – ISSN 2651 – 771X |
AET, A.J.I., CONCON, J.M.J., DASAS, M.B., MANLAUNAN, M.J.L., DAGA-AS, J.D., GANIERA, G.P., The Analysis of
Work-Life Balance on Job Performance Among Medical Office Practitioners, pp. 125 - 131
in the Philippines. Asia Pacific Journal of Academic Jean Mae Concon
Research in Business Administration, 3(1), 9-24. successfully attained her Bachelor of Science degree in Office
7_Work- Administration with a
specialization in Office
Management from the esteemed
Melayansari, M., & Bhinekawati, R. (2020, April). The institution, Kapalong College of Agriculture
impact of work-balance on employee performance Sciences and Technology (KCAST), last June
mediated by employee loyalty (Lessons from female 2023. Presently, she holds the position of an office
employees working in international environment in staff at BananaTel Company, where she is
greater Jakarta, Indonesia). In 6th Annual engaged in professional pursuits within the
International Conference on Management Research
organizational framework.
(AICMaR 2019) (pp. 113-118). Atlantis Press.

Powell, G. N., & Greenhaus, J. H. (2006). Managing Michellie B. Dasas started her
incidents of work-family conflict: A decision-making professional journey as she
perspective. Human Relations, 59(9), 1179– successfully accomplished the
1212. requirements for the degree,
Bachelor of Science in Office
Sheppard, G. (2016). Work-life balance programs to
improve employee performance. Walden University.
Administration, with a
specialization in Office Management, in Kapalong
Wedgewood, J. (2022). The importance of work-life College of Agriculture Sciences and Technology
balance. (KCAST). Concurrently, she remains diligently
work-life-balance/ engaged in her pursuit of professional
opportunities, seeking a suitable placement to
Wilensky, H. (1960). Work, careers and social apply and further enhance her acquired skills and
integration. International Social Science Journal, knowledge.
12(4), 543–560.
Mary Joy Manlaunan attained her
Bachelor of Science in Office
Administration, with a distinct focus
AUTHORS’ PROFILE on Office Management, from the
Kapalong College of Agriculture
Aira Joy I. Aet finished her Sciences and Technology (KCAST)
Bachelor of Science in Office in June of 2023. Presently, she occupies the role of
Administration, majoring in a field auditor at BananaTel Company. This
Office Management at vocational engagement signifies a practical
Kapalong College of application of her academic accomplishments and
Agriculture Sciences and underscores her commitment to the integration of
Technology (KCAST) last June 2023. While
theoretical principles of office operations with
studying, she was an intern at Kapalong
Cooperative last June 2022 as an office staff and professional responsibilities
at Provincial Health Office as administrative
assistant. Moreover, she is currently working as
sales revenue auditor at BananaTel Company.
130P – ISSN 2651 - 7701 | E – ISSN 2651 – 771X |
AET, A.J.I., CONCON, J.M.J., DASAS, M.B., MANLAUNAN, M.J.L., DAGA-AS, J.D., GANIERA, G.P., The Analysis of
Work-Life Balance on Job Performance Among Medical Office Practitioners, pp. 125 - 131
Jandy D. Daga-As, LPT, MAED, Commons Attribution – Noncommercial 4.0
finished his baccalaureate degree in International License (
Bachelor of Secondary Education
major in English at Kapalong
College of Agriculture, Sciences,
and Technology (KCAST) last April
2018. He graduated with his master's degree in St.
Mary's College of Tagum, Inc. in 2022. He has
been a faculty member of KCAST since 2018. He
continued to widen his specialization by attending
and completing numerous trainings and seminars
conducted by different organizations in teaching
and research.

Grace P. Ganiera, MBA, CHRA,

finished her undergraduate degree
of Bachelor of Science in Business
Administration major in
Management Accounting in
Kapalong College of Agriculture,
Sciences and Technology. She earned her
master’s degree in Business Administration in the
University of Mindanao Tagum College. She also
holds an eligibility as a Certified Human Resource
Associate (CHRA). She was once a senior high
school teacher in the Department of Education,
being assigned in Kapalong National High School
at that time. Currently, she is the program head of
Office Administration Program of Kapalong College
of Agriculture, Sciences and Technology. She is an
active member of different organizations and
associations such as the People’s Management
Association of the Philippines and Kapalong Davao
North Lady Eagles Club. As an entrepreneur, BIR-
accredited bookkeeper, mentor, and a mother of
three, she is an empowered woman who is always
striving for professional excellence and career
success in her fields which include business
administration, office administration, and human
resource management.


Copyright of this article is retained by the

author/s, with first publication rights granted to
IIMRJ. This is an open-access article distributed
under the terms and conditions of the Creative

131P – ISSN 2651 - 7701 | E – ISSN 2651 – 771X |

AET, A.J.I., CONCON, J.M.J., DASAS, M.B., MANLAUNAN, M.J.L., DAGA-AS, J.D., GANIERA, G.P., The Analysis of
Work-Life Balance on Job Performance Among Medical Office Practitioners, pp. 125 - 131

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