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Sakura (Halloween)

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E-mail: [email protected]
If you find any errors in the translation, please inform me by e-mail - [email protected]

R: row inc-hdc: 2 half double crochet stitches in a same
Rnd: round stitch
Ch: chain stitch inc-dc: 2 double crochet stitches in a same stitch
slst: Slip stitch inc3-dc: 3 double crochet stitches in a same
sc: single crochet stitch stitch
hdc: half double crochet stitch inc4-dc: 4 double crochet stitches in a same
dc: double crochet stitch stitch
st, sts: stitch, stitches dec: 2 single crochet stitches together
dec3: 3 single crochet stitches together
inc: 2 single crochet stitches in a same stitch
FLO: crochet through front loop only
inc3: 3 single crochet stitches in a same stitch
BLO: crochet through back loop only
[ ]: crochet in a same stitch

✓ Yarn: I used Susan and YarnArt Jeans
• Skin color: Color 07 (Susan)
• Beige: Color 07 (YarnArt Jeans) or Color 18 (Susan)
• Carrot: Color 03 (Susan)
• Gray black: Color 52 (Susan)
• White: Color 06 (Susan)
• Red: Color 24 (Susan)

✓ Crochet hook suitable with your yarns ( I used 2mm crochet hook)
✓ Safety eyes size 7mm
✓ Embroidery thread, sewing needle, scissors, some pins, buttons, fabric glue
✓ Pink blush makeup powder .
✓ Soft wires size 2mm (optional)
✓ Finished product: 21cm ~ 8inch
✓ Body: Crochet the doll with tight stitches.
✓ Skirt, waistcoat, hat: Crochet loosely or use a 0.3 mm bigger hook.

Arm (make two) Rnd 19: 1 sc, 1 inc, 8 sc (11)
Rnd 20: 2 sc, 1 inc, 8 sc (12)
Right arm
Rnd 21 – Rnd 27: 12 sc (12) {7 rounds}
Work in spiral rounds. Begin with skin yarn.
Crochet 2sc more. Fasten off. Stuff the left leg.
Rnd 1: 7 sc in the magic ring (7)
Ruffle of the shoes
Rnd 2 – Rnd 13: 7 sc (7) {12 round}
Change to carrot color yarn. With red yarn, crochet in the front loops of round
Rnd 14: 7 sc (7) 6: FLO 9 slst (9). Fasten off
Rnd 15: BLO 7 inc (14) leave a long wool Right leg: Do the same as the left leg from
working into the FLO of Rnd 15 Round 1 to Round 27. Change to carrot yarn and
FLO (2 ch, 1 slst) * repeat 7 times crochet 8sc more.
Rnd 16: 10 dc, 4 sc (14) Stuff the right leg. Continue to crochet the body.
Rnd 17: 3 dc, 2 inc-dc, 5 dc, 4 sc (16)
Rnd 18: 8 dec (8) Shoe sole (make two)
Fasten off and leave a short tail. (Pic 1) Work in spiral rounds, work around the
Left arm foundation chain. Begin with beige color yarn.
Rnd 1 – Rnd 15: Do the same as the right arm Rnd 1: Ch 5, start to crochet at the 2nd chain
Rnd 16: 4 sc, 10 dc (14) from the hook:
Rnd 17: 4sc, 5 dc, 2 incdc, 3 dc (16) 3 sc, inc3, 2 sc, 1 inc (10) (Pic 5)
Rnd 18: 8 dec (8) Rnd 2: 1 inc, 2 sc, 3 inc, 2 sc, 2 inc (16)
Fasten off and leave a short tail. (Pic 1) Continue to join with the shoes by 16slst (Pic 6)
Legs and body
Left leg 1 2
Work in spiral rounds, work around the
foundation chain. Begin with red color yarn.
Rnd 1: Chain 5, start to crochet at the 2nd chain
from the hook:
3 sc, inc3, 2 sc, 1 inc (10) (Pic 2)
Rnd 2: 1 inc, 2 sc, 3 inc, 2 sc, 2 inc (16)
Rnd 3: BLO 16 sc (16)
Rnd 4: 16 sc (16) 3 4
Rnd 5: 5 sc, 3 dec, 5 sc (13)
Rnd 6: 3 sc, 2 dec3, 4 sc (9)
Change to white color yarn.
Rnd 7: BLO 9 sc (9)
Rnd 8: 9 sc (9)
Rnd 9 (Gray black color): 9 sc (9)
Rnd 10 – Rnd 11 (White color): 9 sc (9) 6
Rnd 12 (Gray black color): 1 inc, 8 sc (10) 5
Rnd 13 (White color): 1 sc, 1 inc, 8 sc (11)
Rnd 14 (White color): 11 sc (11)
Rnd 15 (Gray black color): 11 sc (11)
Use a piece of soft wire about 22cm length for
the left leg (Pic 4)
Bend the end of the wire and insert the wire in
the leg . Start to stuff the leg 7 8
Change to white color yarn.
Rnd 16: 1 sc, 1 dec, 3 sc, 2 inc, 3 sc (12)
Rnd 17: 1 sc, 1 dec, 3 sc, 1 dec, 4 sc (10)
Change to skin color yarn.
Rnd 18: BLO 10 sc (10)
FLO (1 sc, ch2) * repeat 10 times (white color).

Rnd 28: Chain 3, 12 sc (left leg), 3 sc on the
chain between 2 legs, 12 sc (right leg), 3 sc on
the chain between 2 legs (30) (Pic 9)
Rnd 29: 1 inc, 25 sc, 1 inc, 3 sc (32)
Rnd 30 – Rnd 31: 32 sc (32) {2 rounds}
Rnd 32: 16 dec (16)
Keep stuffing the legs.
Rnd 33 – Rnd 40: 16 sc (16) {8 rounds}
Rnd 41: Join arms with body:
4 sc on the body, 8 sc on left arm, 8 sc on the
body, 8 sc on the right arm, 4 sc on the body (32)
10 11
(Pic 15-17)
Take a piece of wire, bend the end of the wire
and insert the wire in the arm. (just stuff the
sleeves, don’t stuff the arms). (Pic 19)
Change to skin color.
Rnd 42: BLO (2 sc, 1 dec) * repeat 8 times (24)
FLO (1 sc, ch2) * repeat 32 times (96) (carrot 12 13
Rnd 43: (1 sc, 1 dec) * repeat 8 times (16)
Rnd 44: 8 dec (8)
Rnd 45: (2 sc, 1 dec) * repeat 2 times (6)
Rnd 46 – Rnd 47: 6 sc (6) {2 rounds}
Continue to crochet the head.
14 15


16 17


Rnd 48: FLO 6 inc (12) 20
Rnd 49: (1 sc, 1 inc) * repeat 6 times (18)
Rnd 50: (1 sc, 1 inc, 1 sc) * repeat 6 times (24)
Rnd 51: (3 sc, 1 inc) * repeat 6 times (30)
Rnd 52: (2 sc, 1 inc, 2 sc) * repeat 6 times (36)
Rnd 53: (5 sc, 1 inc) * repeat 6 times (42)
Rnd 54: (7 sc, 1 inc, 6 sc) * repeat 3 times (45)
Rnd 55 – Rnd 63: 45 sc (45) (9 rounds)
Rnd 64: (7 sc, 1 dec, 6 sc) * repeat 3 times (42)
Rnd 65: (5 sc, 1 dec) * repeat 6 times (36) 21
Rnd 66: (2 sc, 1 dec, 2 sc) * repeat 6 times (30)
Start stuffing the head and place safety eyes
between Rnd 57 and Rnd 58. The space between
2 eyes is 8 stitches.
Rnd 67: (3 sc, 1 dec) * repeat 6 times (24)
Rnd 68: (1 sc, 1 dec, 1 sc) * repeat 6 times (18)
Rnd 69: (1 sc, 1 dec) * repeat 6 times (12)
Rnd 70: 6 dec (6)
Fasten off and leave a long tail. Weave the tail
through the front loops of the last round and pull it 22
tight to close the hole.
Ear (make two)
Use skin color yarn
6sc in the magic ring (6) (Pic 22)
Fasten off and leave a long tail. Sew the ear
between Round 57 and Round 58 of the head. The
space between eye and ear is 6 stitches.

23 24

Begin with white color yarn. Second layer (6 strands)
Rnd 1: 6 sc in the magic ring (6) The second layer is crocheted in the BLO of
Rnd 2: 6 inc (12) Round 3. At the end of each strand, 1 slst in the
Rnd 3: FLO (1 sc, 1 inc) * repeat 6 times (18) next stitch of Round 3
Start to crochet the hair strands (S). S1: Ch 26, start to crochet on the 2nd chain from
Fisrt layer (24 strands) the hook, 25slst, 1 slst (25)
S2: Ch 15, start to crochet on the 2nd chain from
The first layer is crocheted in the FLO of Round
the hook, 1slst, 13 sc, 1slst (14)
3. At the end of each strand, 1 slst in the next stitch
S3 – S4: Ch 16, start to crochet on the 2nd chain
of Round 3.
from the hook 2 slst, 8 sc, 5 hdc, 1 slst (15)
S1: Ch 19, start to crochet on the 2nd chain from
{2 strands}
the hook, 2slst, 16 sc, 1 slst. (18)
S5: Ch 15, start to crochet on the 2nd chain from
S2 – S5 (2 strands in a same stitch of Round 3):
the hook, 1slst, 13 sc, 1slst (14)
Ch10, start to crochet on the 2nd chain from the
S6: Ch 26, start to crochet on the 2nd chain from
hook: 9sc, 1 slst (9) {8 strands}
the hook, 25slst, 1 slst (25)
S6: Ch 19, start to crochet on the 2nd chain from
Fasten off.
the hook, 2slst, 16 sc, 1 slst (18)
S7 – S10: Ch 21, start to crochet on the 2nd chain Third layer (2 strands)
from the hook, 2slst, 18 sc, 1 slst (20) {4 strands} The third layer is crocheted in the BLO of Round
S11 – S12 (2 strands in a same stitch of Round 2.
3): Ch 21, start to crochet on the 2nd chain from the 2 strands in to the same st: Ch 6, 1 slst on the 2nd
hook, 2slst, 18 sc, 1 slst (20) {4 strands} chain from the hook, 4 slst, 1 slst , ch 6,
S13 – S18: Ch 21, start to crochet on the 2nd chain 1 slst on the 2nd chain from the hook, 4slst, 1 slst.
from the hook, 2slst, 18 sc, 1 slst (20) {6 strands} Fasten off.
Don’t cut the yarn, continue to crochet the second Use some pins to secure the strands of hair on the
layer. head and glue them carefully. The wrong side of
the hair is up, the right side is glued to the head.

25 26

27 31






Begin with carrot color yarn. Crochet loosely or use a 0.3 mm bigger hook.
Row 1: Ch 22, start to crochet at the 7th chain from the hook (to make a button hole): 16 sc, Ch 2, turn. (16)
Row 2: (FLO inc4-dc, BLO inc3-dc) * repeat 8 times (56)
Work in joined rounds. Slst and Ch 2 at the beginning of each round.
Rnd 3 – Rnd 5: 56 dc (56) {3 rounds}
Change to gray black color.
Rnd 6: 56 sc (56)
Fasten off. Sew button to the skirt. (Pic 35)

34 35

Begin with gray black color yarn. Chain 1 and turn at the end of each row.
Row 1: Ch 30, start to crochet at the 2nd chain from the hook: 2 sc, inc3, 8 slst, inc3, 5 sc, inc3, 8 slst, inc3,
2 sc. (29)
Row 2: 4 sc, ch2, skip 10 sts, 9 sc , ch2, skip 10 sts, 4 sc. (21)
Row 3 – Row 6: 21 sc. (21)
Row 7: (1 sc, [1 hdc, 1dc, ch2, 1 dc, 1 hdc], 1 sc) * repeat 7 times (56).
Note [….]: Crochet in the same st.
Fasten off. Sew white yarn on the front of the waistcoat.

36 37

38 39

Begin with gray black color yarn.
Rnd 1: 5 sc in the magic ring (5) 40
Rnd 2 – Rnd 5: 5 sc (5)
Rnd 6: 4 sc, 1 inc (6)
Rnd 7: (2 sc, 1 inc) * repeat 2 times (8)
Rnd 8: (3 sc, 1 inc) * repeat 2 times (10)
Rnd 9: (4 sc, 1 inc) * repeat 2 times (12)
Rnd 10: 12 sc (12)
Rnd 11: (2 sc, 1 inc) * repeat 4 times (16)
Rnd 12: 16 sc (16)
Rnd 13: (3 sc, 1 inc) * repeat 4 times (20)
Change to red color yarn.
Rnd 14: 20 sc (20)
Change to black color yarn.
Rnd 15: 20 sc (20)
Rnd 16: FLO 20 inc (40)
Rnd 17: 40 sc (40)
Fasten off.
Begin with red color.
In the magic ring: 2 hdc, 1 slst, 2 hdc, Leave a long piece of wool to sew on to the hat.

Thank you so much for choosing and using my pattern. I hope you enjoyed working on this as
much as I did. And hey! I would love to see your creations so please tag me
@moonlightcrochet89 or #moonlightcrochet89 on Instagram ♥



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