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WORK, ENERGY, POWER b. Determine the power generated by Jerome.

7. A new conveyor system at the local packaging

1. Renatta Gass is out with her friends. Misfortune plan will utilize a motor-powered mechanical arm to
occurs and Renatta and her friends find themselves exert an average force of 890 N to push large crates
getting a workout. They apply a cumulative force of a distance of 12 meters in 22 seconds. Determine the
1080 N to push the car 218 m to the nearest fuel power output required of such a motor.
station. Determine the work done on the car. 8. The Taipei 101 in Taiwan is a 1667-foot tall, 101-
2. Hans Full is pulling on a rope to drag his story skyscraper. The skyscraper is the home of the
backpack to school across the ice. He pulls upwards world’s fastest elevator. The elevators transport
and rightwards with a force of 22.9 Newtons at an visitors from the ground floor to the Observation
angle of 35 degrees above the horizontal to drag his Deck on the 89th floor at speeds up to 16.8 m/s.
backpack a horizontal distance of 129 meters to the Determine the power delivered by the motor to lift
right. Determine the work (in Joules) done upon the the 10 passengers at this speed. The combined mass
backpack. of the passengers and cabin is 1250 kg.
3. Lamar Gant, U.S. powerlifting star, became the 9. The ski slopes at Bluebird Mountain make use of
first man to deadlift five times his own body weight tow ropes to transport snowboarders and skiers to
in 1985. Deadlifting involves raising a loaded the summit of the hill. One of the tow ropes is
barbell from the floor to a position above the head powered by a 22-kW motor which pulls skiers along
with outstretched arms. Determine the work done by an icy incline of 14° at a constant speed. Suppose
Lamar in deadlifting 300 kg to a height of 0.90 m that 18 skiers with an average mass of 48 kg hold
above the ground. onto the rope and suppose that the motor operates at
4. Sheila has just arrived at the airport and is full power.
dragging her suitcase to the luggage check-in desk. a. Determine the cumulative weight of all these
She pulls on the strap with a force of 190 N at an skiers.
angle of 35° to the horizontal to displace it 45 m to b. Determine the force required to pull this amount
the desk. Determine the work done by Sheila on the of weight up a 14° incline at a constant speed.
suitcase. c. Determine the speed at which the skiers will
5. While training for breeding season, a 380 gram ascend the hill.
male squirrel does 32 pushups in a minute, 10. The first asteroid to be discovered is Ceres. It is
displacing its center of mass by a distance of 8.5 cm the largest and most massive asteroid in our solar
for each pushup. Determine the total work done on system’s asteroid belt, having an estimated mass of
the squirrel while moving upward (32 times). 3.0 x 1021 kg and an orbital speed of 17900 m/s.
6. During the Powerhouse lab, Jerome runs up the Determine the amount of kinetic energy possessed
stairs, elevating his 102 kg body a vertical distance by Ceres.
of 2.29 meters in a time of 1.32 seconds at a 11. A bicycle has a kinetic energy of 124 J. What
constant speed. kinetic energy would the bicycle have if it had …
a. Determine the work done by Jerome in climbing
the stair case.
a. … twice the mass and was moving at the same and travels as a projectile along the path shown. At
speed? point F, Olive is a mere picometer above the ground.
b. … the same mass and was moving with twice the Assume negligible air resistance throughout the
speed? motion. Use this information to fill in the table.
c. … one-half the mass and was moving with twice
the speed?
d. … the same mass and was moving with one-half
the speed?
e. … three times the mass and was moving with
one-half the speed?
12. A 78-kg skydiver has a speed of 62 m/s at an
altitude of 870 m above the ground. 16. Suzie Lavtaski (m=56 kg) is skiing at Bluebird
a. Determine the kinetic energy possessed by the Mountain. She is moving at 16 m/s across the crest
skydiver. of a ski hill located 34 m above ground level at the
b. Determine the potential energy possessed by the end of the run.
skydiver. a. Determine Suzie's kinetic energy.
c. Determine the total mechanical energy possessed b. Determine Suzie's potential energy relative to the
by the skydiver. height of the ground at the end of the run.
13. Lee Ben Fardest (esteemed American ski c. Determine Suzie's total mechanical energy at the
jumper), has a mass of 59.6 kg. He is moving with a crest of the hill.
speed of 23.4 m/s at a height of 44.6 meters above d. If no energy is lost or gained between the top of
the ground. Determine the total mechanical energy the hill and her initial arrival at the end of the run,
of Lee Ben Fardest. then what will be Suzie's total mechanical energy at
14. Chloe leads South’s varsity softball team in the end of the run?
hitting. In a game against New Greer Academy this e. Determine Suzie's speed as she arrives at the end
past weekend, Chloe slugged the 181-gram softball of the run and prior to braking to a stop.
so hard that it cleared the outfield fence and landed 17. Nicholas is at The Noah's Ark Amusement Park
on Lake Avenue. At one point in its trajectory, the and preparing to ride on The Point of No Return
ball was 28.8 m above the ground and moving with racing slide. At the top of the slide, Nicholas
a speed of 19.7 m/s. Determine the total mechanical (m=72.6 kg) is 28.5 m above the ground.
energy of the softball. a. Determine Nicholas' potential energy at the top of
15. Olive Udadi is at the park with her father. The the slide.
26-kg Olive is on a swing following the path as b. Determine Nicholas's kinetic energy at the top of
shown. Olive has a speed of 0 m/s at position A and the slide.
is a height of 3.0-m above the ground. At position B, c. Assuming negligible losses of energy between the
Olive is 1.2 m above the ground. At position C (2.2 top of the slide and his approach to the bottom of the
m above the ground), Olive projects from the seat
slide (h=0 m), determine Nicholas's total mechanical counter. The coefficient of friction between the
energy as he arrives at the bottom of the slide. pitcher and the counter top is 0.28.
d. Determine Nicholas' potential energy as he a. Determine the work done by Pete on the pitcher
arrives at the bottom of the slide. during the 48 cm push.
e. Determine Nicholas' kinetic energy as he arrives b. Determine the work done by friction upon the
at the bottom of the slide. pitcher.
f. Determine Nicholas' speed as he arrives at the c. Determine the total work done upon the pitcher .
bottom of the slide. d. Determine the kinetic energy of the pitcher when
18. Ima Scaarred (m=56.2 kg) is traveling at a speed Pete is done pushing it.
of 12.8 m/s at the top of a 19.5-m high roller coaster e. Determine the speed of the pitcher when Pete is
loop. done pushing it.
a. Determine Ima's kinetic energy at the top of the 21. The Top Thrill Dragster stratacoaster at Cedar
loop. Point Amusement Park in Ohio uses a hydraulic
b. Determine Ima's potential energy at the top of the launching system to accelerate riders from 0 to 53.6
loop. m/s (120 mi/hr) in 3.8 seconds before climbing a
c. Assuming negligible losses of energy due to completely vertical 420-foot hill.
friction and air resistance, determine Ima's total a. Jerome (m=102 kg) visits the park with his church
mechanical energy at the bottom of the loop (h=0 youth group. He boards his car, straps himself in and
m). prepares for the thrill of the day. What is Jerome's
d. Determine Ima's speed at the bottom of the loop. kinetic energy before the acceleration period?
19. Justin Thyme is traveling down Lake Avenue at b. The 3.8-second acceleration period begins to
32.8 m/s in his 1510-kg 1992 Camaro. He spots a accelerate Jerome along the level track. What is
police car with a radar gun and quickly slows down Jerome's kinetic energy at the end of this
to a legal speed of 20.1 m/s. acceleration period?
a. Determine the initial kinetic energy of the c. Once the launch is over, Jerome begins screaming
Camaro. up the 420-foot, completely vertical section of the
b. Determine the kinetic energy of the Camaro after track. Determine Jerome's potential energy at the top
slowing down. of the vertical section. (GIVEN: 1.00 m = 3.28 ft)
c. Determine the amount of work done on the d. Determine Jerome's kinetic energy at the top of
Camaro during the deceleration. the vertical section.
20. Pete Zaria works on weekends at Barnaby's e. Determine Jerome's speed at the top of the
Pizza Parlor. His primary responsibility is to fill vertical section.
drink orders for customers. He fills a pitcher full of 22. Paige is the tallest player on South's Varsity
Cola, places it on the counter top and gives the 2.6- volleyball team. She is in spiking position when
kg pitcher a 8.8 N forward push over a distance of Julia gives her the perfect set. The 0.226-kg
48 cm to send it to a customer at the end of the volleyball is 2.29 m above the ground and has a
speed of 1.06 m/s. Paige spikes the ball, doing 9.89 c. Determine the amount of cumulative work done
J of work on it. upon Vinko's body as he crashes to a halt.
a. Determine the potential energy of the ball before 24. Nolan Ryan reportedly had the fastest pitch in
Paige spikes it. baseball, clocked at 100.9 mi/hr (45.0 m/s) If such a
b. Determine the kinetic energy of the ball before pitch had been directed vertically upwards at this
Paige spikes it. same speed, then to what height would it have
c. Determine the total mechanical energy of the ball traveled?
before Paige spikes it. 25. In the Incline Energy lab, partners Anna Litical
d. Determine the total mechanical energy of the ball and Noah Formula give a 1.00-kg cart an initial
upon hitting the floor on the opponent's side of the speed of 2.35 m/s from a height of 0.125 m above
net. the lab table. Determine the speed of the cart when it
e. Determine the speed of the ball upon hitting the is located 0.340 m above the lab table.
floor on the opponent's side of the net. 26. In April of 1976, Chicago Cub slugger Dave
23. According to ABC's Wide World of Sports show, Kingman hit a home run which cleared the Wrigley
there is the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat. Field fence and hit a house located 530 feet (162 m)
On March 21 of 1970, Vinko Bogataj was the from home plate. Suppose that the 0.145-kg baseball
Yugoslavian entrant into the World Championships left Kingman's bat at 92.7 m/s and that it lost 10% of
held in former West Germany. By his third and final its original energy on its flight through the air.
jump of the day, heavy and persistent snow Determine the speed of the ball when it cleared the
produced dangerous conditions along the slope. stadium wall at a height of 25.6 m.
Midway through the run, Bogataj recognized the 27. Dizzy is speeding along at 22.8 m/s as she
danger and attempted to make adjustments in order approaches the level section of track near the
to terminate his jump. Instead, he lost his balanced loading dock of the Whizzer roller coaster ride. A
and tumbled and flipped off the slope into the dense braking system abruptly brings the 328-kg car (rider
crowd. For nearly 30 years thereafter, footage of the mass included) to a speed of 2.9 m/s over a distance
event was included in the introduction of ABC's of 5.55 meters. Determine the braking force applied
infamous sports show and Vinco has become known to Dizzy's car.
as the agony of defeat icon. 28. A 6.8-kg toboggan is kicked on a frozen pond,
a. Determine the speed of 72-kg Vinco after skiing such that it acquires a speed of 1.9 m/s. The
down the hill to a height which is 49 m below the coefficient of friction between the pond and the
starting location. toboggan is 0.13. Determine the distance which the
b. After descending the 49 m, Vinko tumbled off the toboggan slides before coming to rest.
track and descended another 15 m down the ski hill 29. Connor (m=76.0 kg) is competing in the state
before finally stopping. Determine the change in diving championship. He leaves the springboard
potential energy of Vinko from the top of the hill to from a height of 3.00 m above the water surface
the point at which he stops. with a speed of 5.94 m/s in the upward direction.
a. Determine Connor's speed when he strikes the
b. Connor's body plunges to a depth of 2.15 m
below the water surface before stopping. Determine
the average force of water resistance experienced by
his body.
30. Gwen is baby-sitting for the Parker family. She
takes 3-year old Allison to the neighborhood park
and places her in the seat of the children's swing.
Gwen pulls the 1.8-m long chain back to make a 26°
angle with the vertical and lets 14-kg Allison (swing
mass included) go. Assuming negligible friction and
air resistance, determine Allison's speed at the
lowest point in the trajectory.

31. Sheila (m=56.8 kg) is in her saucer sled moving

at 12.6 m/s at the bottom of the sledding hill near
Bluebird Lake. She approaches a long embankment
inclined upward at 16° above the horizontal. As she
slides up the embankment, she encounters a
coefficient of friction of 0.128. Determine the height
to which she will travel before coming to rest.
32. Matthew starts from rest on top of 8.45 m high
sledding hill. He slides down the 32-degree incline
and across the plateau at its base. The coefficient of
friction between the sled and snow is 0.128 for both
the hill and the plateau. Matthew and the sled have a
combined mass of 27.5 kg. Determine the distance
which Matthew will slide along the level surface
before coming to a complete stop.

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