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ICT 8 Activity Sheet

Quarter 3 | Week 2
Creating a Publication


ZALDY M. TONDO, Division Science Coordinator
Introductory Message
Welcome to ICT 8!

The Learning Activity Sheet is self-directed instructional materials aimed to

guide the learners in accomplishing activities at their own pace and time using the
contextualized resources in the community. This will also assist the learners in
acquiring the lifelong learning skills, knowledge and attitudes for productivity and

For learning facilitator:

The ICT 8 Activity Sheet will help you facilitate the leaching-learning
activities specified in each Most Essential Learning Competency (MELC) with
minimal or no face-to-face encounter between you and learner. This will be made
available to the learners with the references/links to ease the independent learning.

For the learner:

The ICT 8 Activity Sheet is developed to help you continue learning even if
you are not in school. This learning material provides you with meaningful and
engaging activities for independent learning. Being an active learner, carefully read
and understand the instructions then perform the activities and answer the
assessments. This will be returned to your facilitator on the agreed schedule.
Name of Learner:_______________________ Grade and Section:______________
School:_________________________________ Date: ___________________________


Creating a Publication

Learning Competency:
Demonstrate in creating a new publication.

Support Competencies:
1. Customizing publication layout.
2. Changing or adding template.
3. Adding, rearranging, and deleting pages in a publication.

Background information for the learners

Publisher offers dozens of templates for almost any type of publication you would want to
create, including brochures, newsletters, and greeting cards. Understanding Publisher's templates
and layout tools will help you create publications that look the way you want.
In this lesson, you'll learn how to create a new publication using either a template or a blank
page. You'll also learn how to customize your publication by modifying page layout, applying a new
template, and adding, deleting, and rearranging pages.

Activity 1. Create a publication

To create a new publication from a template 5. When you are satisfied with the
1. Click the File tab to go to Backstage template, click Create.
view, then select New. The Available 6. The new publication will be created.
Templates pane will appear.
2. Select the type of publication you
wish to create. In this example, we will
select Newsletters.
3. From the newsletter template category, select
Banded template
4. A preview of the selected template will appear
in the Preview pane on the right. Review the
template, and modify template options as
To create a blank publication
1. Click the New tab in Backstage view, then
select a blank page size in the Available
Templates pane.

Customizing publication layout

Whether you chose to create a publication from a
template or from a blank page, you may decide to
change the publication layout. Three components
you can change are margins, size,
and orientation.
To modify page margins
1. On the Ribbon, select the Page Design tab, To apply a new template to an existing
2. then locate the Page Setup group. publication
3. Click the Margins drop-down 1. On the Ribbon, select the Page Design tab,
command. then locate the Template group.
2. Click the Change Template command.

4. A drop-down list will appear. Select the

desired margins.
5. The new margins will be applied.
3. The Change Template dialog box will
To change page size appear. Select a template to preview it
1. On the Ribbon, select the Page in the Preview pane.
Design tab, then locate the Page 4. Modify template options as desired.
Setup group. 5. When you are satisfied with the new
2. Click the Size drop-down command. template, click OK.
6. A dialog box will appear asking you
how you wish to use the template.
You can either:
o Apply the template to
the current publication
o Create a new publication that
includes the text and images
you have added
3. Select the desired page size from the 7. Click OK.
drop-down list that appear. 8. The new template will be applied to
4. Your publication's page size will be your publication
Adding, rearranging, and deleting pages
To change page sizepage orientation
1. On the Ribbon, select the Page Design tab, If you're creating a newsletter or another type of
locate the Page Setup group, then click publication with multiple pages, you might find
the Orientation drop-down command. the Page Navigation pane useful. The Page
2. Select Portrait orientation to make Navigation pane gives you a way to view and scroll
your publication taller than wide through the pages in your publication. It also
or Landscape to make it wider than includes features that let you add, move,
tall. and delete pages.

To open the Page Navigation pane, click

the View tab on the Ribbon, then locate
the Show group. Select the Page Navigation
check box.

3. Your publication's page orientation will

be changed.

Changing or adding template

If you create a publication from a template and later decide

the chosen template doesn't quite suit your needs, you can
always change it.
To add a new page: To delete a page
1. In the Page Navigation pane, right-click any 1. In the Page Navigation pane, right-
page, then select Insert Page. click the page you wish to delete, then
select Delete in the list that appears.
2. If the page is part of a two-
page spread, Publisher will ask if you
wish to delete one or both pages. Make
your selection, then click OK.
3. The page will be deleted.

Activity 2.
Perform the following tasks below.

2. The Insert Page dialog box will appear. Specify 1. Open Publisher and create a new
the number of pages to insert and the publication from a template. Be sure
location where you wish to insert them. to review the template options.
3. Choose what will appear on the new pages. By 2. Modify the page margins to make
default, the pages will be blank, but you can them wider.
also choose to create pages that include one 3. Change the page orientation to see
text box or pages that are duplicates of an how it affects the layout of your
existing page. publication.
4. Click OK. 4. Add a new page to your publication.
5. The new page or pages will be inserted. 5. Move the page you just added so it is
the first page in your publication.
6. Close the publication without saving

Activity 3.
Multiple choice. Select the letter of your choice.

1. What is the name of the tab to be used to

go to Backstage View?
To move a page: a. Home c. File
1. In the Page Navigation pane, locate the b. Page Design d. Insert
page you wish to move. 2. How do you delete a page in publication?
2. Click and drag the page to its new a. Click the page and delete.
location, then release the mouse. b. Go to File tab and click delete.
c. Click the navigation pane, right click
the page you want to delete and select
delete from the list.
d. None of the above.
3. How do change page size page orientation of a
a. On the Ribbon, select the Page Design tab
b. Locate the Page Setup group
c. Click the Orientation drop-down
d. All of the above.
3. The new page order will be applied. 4. The ____ tab is used to change the page
size of a publication.
a. Home c. File
b. Page Design d. Insert
5. What are the options you can set from
the preview pane when you start to
create a blank publication or using
a. Page size
b. Color scheme
c. Font scheme
d. All of the above
True or False. Write T if the statement is true and F if the statement is false.

6. The Page Navigation pane let’s you add, move, and delete pages.
7. You cannot change or add new template once you started working with your publication.
8. A page in a publication is fix and can never be disarranged.
9. You can change the margins, size, and orientation when customizing your publication layout.
10. Page orientation in a publication can either be horizontal or vertical.

Complete the statements below.
I understand_____________________________________________________________________
I don’t understand _____________________________________________________________
I need more information about ___________________________________________________

Links and/or Other References

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