APS U10 10.1 Mythbusters - Is Yawning Contagious KEY

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re Hour: Date: Lesson 10.1: Day 1: ls Yawning Contagious? ‘Mythbusters investigated this question. Here's a brief recap. Each subject was placed in a booth for an extended period of time and monitored by hidden camera. 34 subjects were given a "yawn seed” by one of the experimenters: that is, the experimenter yawned in the Subject’ presence before leaving the room, The remaining 16 subjects were glen no yawn seed. 1. Draw an outline of Mythbuster's experiment. Grouel Yawn 4) > (3 seed \. rgenpere 7 yawns roue2 "Ne 7? Seed Civ) 2. Here are the Mythbusters results Subject Yawned? Yawn seed? ___ No. Total Yes 24 34 No 4 12 16 Total 14 36 50 Call p: the true proportion of people who given the yawn seed will yawn. , = 1 _ y= 24 Ay =.2S Call p2 the true proportion of people who given no yawn seed will yawn. p, = What is the difference in proportions A, - p,? O-L4- 0-25" .O4 2 ‘Nes. sab ae oa ives eres Why? 4 weed ro@ oH107 Fran people Nok gwert Hrd jou seecl. (24 +0 -2S)- im Savage and Jamie Hyneman, the cohosts of Mythbusters used these data to conetade that yawning is contagious. Do you agree? vveppened that (NO, \+ Bo oe econ wag nse Yt eee more Oe" ACD RCC wp ThestatsMedic Name: Hour: Date: 'n this Activity, your class will investigate whether the results of the experiment are Statistically significant OR if they could have occurred purely by chance due to random assignment. 4. What is the null hypothesis? . The treatment doesnt offer Wo: PP =O > whether or Nok He person yauuns . The 50 people in the experiment are represented by the cards. A person is either a yawner oF a non-yawner, no matter which treatment they are randomly assigned. 5. Shuffle the 50 cards and put them into two piles, one group of 34 that gets the yawn ‘seed and one group of 16 that does not get the yawn seed, Record the proportion of People who yawned in each group. You will do this three times. Proportion who yawned Proportion who yawned Difference in Trial in yawn seed group, », no yawn seed group, p, proportions, , A a. A A” 1 Ge P+ *,-P.= 2 3 6. Make a class dotplot of the difference in proportions. Sketch below: Panaomi2zahon Distriautian of B- P.-P2 P-value “15 -Iv -09 0 7. In what percent of the class's trials did the difference in proportions equal or exceed 29% - 25% = 4% (what Mythbusters got in their experiment)? ep P-value = # circled Face tote 8. What conclusion can you draw about whether yawning is contagious? We dont nave Coninana evidence Pook Yanna, Contagious - sp ThestetsMedic = tewdled doff total tof doy Name: Hour: Date: Lesson 10.1 Day 1: Sampling Distribution for a Difference in Proportions Important ideas: LT al Shape, Center, spread oF +n2 sampliricy dishituhon of @.-p.- [Saeed wormed [Conter:\ pend Large outs Ab BP Y, adres Mee, Ga; Rte aoe nz, eo ; 2 Nx (I-Pd 210 "a" (I- Py ZI Check Your Understanding R % Your teacher brings two bads%6f colored goldfish crackers to class. Bag 1 no 259 04 crackers and Bag 2 has(35% red crackers. Each bag,contains more than 1000°crackers. Using a E ae er cup, your Teacher takes an SRS oC Srackers from Bag 1 and a separate SRS of 40 drackers from Bag 2. Let pi; — p; be thejdifference in the sample proportions of Ted crackSTn 7) n 2 4 (a) What is the shape of the sampling distribution of p; — p27? Why? Large Counts : 50x78 = 125 40x.35= 4 Soe BO 206 (5-2 eal gees ee ~ oprox. Normo$ (b) Find the mean of the sampling distribution. 6,7 19 -,35 = —|0 (c) Calculate and interpret the standard deviation of the sampling distribution. 4 2] ROP , AlI-P2) 5-8 a ea = .3S% a 2 ae i S5res 017 : sample vroprtins typically Varies by ie Br ee aE Prep. of —10. sp ThestatsMedic

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