Grammar Practice Modal Verbs Must Have To Should For Obligation and Advice

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Grammar Practice

Modal verbs: must, have to and should for obligation and

have/has to must should

Impersonal obligation Personal suggestion,

Personal obligation (You
(Another person thinks it is express an opinion or a
think it is necessary).
necessary). point of view.

The teacher said I have to do

I must work hard if I want to You should drink more
my homework every day.
be successful. (I believe it is water. (I think it is a good
(The teacher thinks is
necessary to be successful) idea, that's my opinion)

External obligation. Facts, Written rules and

facts and rules

not opinion. instructions.

Children have to wear All passengers must have a

uniforms at school. (It’s a valid train ticket. (It’s the
rule of the school) law).

Deduction and strong

Giving neutral advice

Look at the snow. It must be

You should apply for that
cold outside. (I am certain
job. (I think it’s a good
that it’s cold if there is snow

do/doesn’t have to must not should not

Something is not necessary Something is prohibited or

(you can do it if you want, forbidden. (You can’t do it

but it’s not an obligation). even if you want).

I don’t have to wake up early

You mustn’t play with
on Sundays. (I can wake up
electricity. (you can’t do it
early if I want, but it’s not
because it’s very dangerous)
Negative advice

Giving a negative advice.

You shouldn’t work so

hard. (I think it’s a bad

© 2020 Moro Gregorio PHOTOCOPIABLE 1

Grammar Practice

Read and put the phrases in the correct group.

1. Drive on the right side of

2. Complete a lot of 3. Arrive at the airport
the road in the UK –
exams, study hard and early in case there are
everyone drives on the
training to be a doctor. delays.

4. Call the emergency 5. Be seventeen years old 6. Always get enough

services if you just have to drive a car in the sleep before driving a
a cold. UK. car.

8. Rest and drink lots of 9. Show your passport or

7. Cross the street when the
liquids if you have a identity card to get on a
light is red.
cold. plane.

You have to You mustn’t You should

Put the words in brackets in order to make sentences.

1. _______________________________________ (You / anyone! / tell / mustn’t)

2. _______________________________________ (have / We / early / be / there / to)

3. _______________________________________ (salad / fruit! / should / try / this / You)

4. _______________________________________ (call / remember / I / Dad / to / must)

5. _______________________________________ (don’t / to / pay / have / You)

6. _______________________________________ (class / You / late / mustn’t / for / be)

8. _______________________________________ (to / You / eat / don’t / all / have / it)

9. _______________________________________ (it / shouldn’t / about / worry / He)

© 2020 Moro Gregorio PHOTOCOPIABLE 2

Grammar Practice

Must vs Have to for obligation and advice

Complete the sentences with have to or must.

1. It’s raining outside. Tim ______________ take his umbrella.

2. You ______________ stop at the red light!

3. Mrs. Parks can't see very well. She ______________ wear glasses.

4. You ______________ return them. They are too small for you.

5. I am broke, I ______________ borrow some money to buy a new bike.

6. You _______________ stop smoking. It’s very harmful!

7. Tom is travelling abroad this summer, so he ____________ get his passport soon.

8. All the students ______________ obey the school rules.

9. It's freezing outside, so we ______________ take the car and not walk.

10. I have a terrible headache, so I ______________ leave early.

11. Snow has blocked the roads. We ______________ stay here until it’s cleared.

Circle the right words to complete the sentences.

1. I’m tired. I have to / must go to bed early.

2. John has to / must go to school on Saturdays.

3. This is a great book. You have to / must read it.

4. A soldier has to / must to obey the orders.

5. We have to / must go to london for a metting this weekend.

6. You have to / must try to spend more time at home.

7. I have to / must quit smoking.

8. Annie I has to / must do her homework every Sunday morning.

9. Some children have to / must wear uniforms at school.

10. I can’t come tomorrow. I have to / must work until late.

Mustn’t vs don’t have for prohibition and unnecessary things

© 2020 Moro Gregorio PHOTOCOPIABLE 3
Grammar Practice

Read and complete with mustn’t or don’t have to.

1. ______________ to have a cat. 2. ______________ get to class late.

3. ______________ wake up late. 4. ______________ leave toys on the floor.

5. ______________ play tennis. 6. ______________ forget your ticket.

7. ______________ stay up late. 8. ______________ eat spaghetti.

9. ______________ become famous. 10. ______________ watch TV all day.

11. ______________ talk to strangers. 12. ______________ make noise in class.

13. ______________ swim at the beach. 14. ______________ cheat on exams.

15. ______________ eat apples. 16. ______________ buy expensive clothes.

Complete with mustn’t or don’t have to and the words in brackets.

1. Fire is dangerous. You ________________________ with it. (play)

2. I don’t want anyone to know that. You ________________________ anyone. (tell)

3. He ________________________ a suit to work, but he usually does. (wear)

4. I can wake up late tomorrow because I ________________________ to work. (go)

5. There is an elevator, you ________________________ the stairs. (climb)

6. You ______________________ what I told you. It’s very important. (forget)

7. Don’t make too much noise. We ______________________ the baby. (wake up)

8. I ________________________ too much. I supposed to be on a diet. (eat)

9. You ________________________ a good player to enjoy a tennis game. (be)

10. I _______________________ any homework today, there is no school tomorrow. (do)

11. You ________________________ his birthday again. (forget)

12. She ______________________ to the dentist with me. I can go by myself. (come)

Must / mustn’t, have to / don’t have to and should / shouldn’t

for obligation, prohibitions and advice.

© 2020 Moro Gregorio PHOTOCOPIABLE 4

Grammar Practice

Read and choose the correct options to complete the text.

Hi Sally, I’m in the school play! I (1)______ to say much. The first meeting is tomorrow. We
(2)______ be late. Mrs. Green says that a good actor (3)______ be well-organized and brave.
That’s why, in the first meeting, we all have to stand in front of the group and say some lines
from a play. Luckily, we (4)______ to sing! I (5)______ find something that I know well –
maybe something from Romeo and Juliet. I’m studying that in English. Anyway, I (6)______ do
my homework now.

1. a) mustn’t b) shouldn’t c) don’t have

2. a) don’t have b) mustn’t c) have to

3. a) have to b) shouldn’t c) must

4. a) don’t have b) mustn’t d) have to

5. a) shouldn’t b) mustn’t c) should

6. a) mustn’t b) don’t have c) must

Complete the sentences with the right modal verbs without using the words in brackets.

1. You ______________________ do all the housework. Ask your children to help you. (don’t)

2. You ______________________ write in this book. It a library’s book. (shouldn’t)

3. Dan, you ______________________ feed your cat only twice a day. It’s too fat. (don’t)

4. You ______________________ start doing homework soon. It’s getting late. (must)

5. We ______________________ finish out project tonight. We can give it to our teacher next
Monday. (must)

6. Before you buy something, you ______________________ try it on. (must)

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