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International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON)

Founder-Acharya: His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada





CANTO 1 – 6
Unit 7 - Canto 2 (Chapter 1 to 4)


Verses 1-6:

Çukadeva Gosvämé describes Mahäräja Parékñit’s question as glorious and beneficial to all.
People who are too attached to materialistic life and family are gåhamedhés. He describes
their symptoms and then points out one’s actual duty, to hear about, glorify and also
remember the Personality of Godhead. This will lead to perfection of life.

Verses 7-13:
Çukadeva Gosvämé cites his own life as an example to demonstrate how even the topmost
transcendentalists take pleasure in describing the glories of the Lord. Çukadeva Gosvämé
will now recite that very Çrémad-Bhägavatam he heard from his father for Mahäräja Parékñit.
He recommends the process of constant chanting of the holy name of the Lord for all,
whether one is free from desires, desirous or self-satisfied, and cites the story of Mahäräja
Khaöväìga to demonstrate that even a moment of full consciousness can bring perfection of

Verses 14-21:
Çukadeva Gosvämé recommends detachment from material life and fear of death. One should
leave home and practice self-control in a sacred place, bathing regularly. Sitting alone, one
should chant the praëava mantra (oàkära), and the mind will become progressively
spiritualised. Thereafter, one can progress to meditation on the form of Viñëu and come to
the level of devotional service.
Verses 22-39:
In answer to Mahäräja Parékñit’s inquiry regarding how and where to fix the mind so that it
can become purified of ‘dirty things’, Çukadeva Gosvämé describes meditation on the gross
universal form of the Lord, because there is nothing more than this in the material world.
One who does not concentrate his mind upon the Supreme Personality of Godhead will be
misled and will cause his own degradation.



1. How is the First Canto specifically helpful to the neophyte devotees? (Invocation)
2. What makes a question glorious? (1)
3. What was Maharaja Pariknit’s question in the previous chapter? Why is it herein
described as loka-hitam? (1)
4. What does the word medhī, in gṛhamedhīs, indicate? (3)
5. Describe at least 4 symptoms of grhamedhis. (2-4)
6. Who are referred to as fallible soldiers? (4)
7. Explain the meaning of “ante nārāyaṇa-smṛtiḥ”. (6)
8. In what activity do topmost transcendentalists take pleasure? (7)
9. What is the meaning of brahma-sammitam? (8)
10. What helps a impersonalist become attracted to the personal activities of the Lord? (9)
11. How did Maharaja Pariksit and Sukadeva Gosvami, respectively, attain salvation? (10)
12. What does Srila Jiva Gosvami instruct about the chanting of the holy name of the
13. How are Srimad Bhagavatam and Bhagavad Gita interdependent? (29)


1. Why does Srila Prabhupada entitle the First Canto “Creation”, and the Second Canto
“The Cosmic Manifestation”? (Invocation)
2. What comparison is made between the topics of Lord Krishna with the Ganges
3. Explain the analogy of the “great ocean of material nature.” (4)
4. Explain Srila Prabhupada’s statement in 2.1.10 purport, “Śrīla Vyāsadeva explained
Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam unto Śukadeva Gosvāmī from the very beginning of the janmādy
asya verse, and so Śukadeva Gosvāmī also explained it to the King.
5. Briefly Describe the incident of Maharaja Khatvanga. (12-13)
6. Why is one recommended to quit home just to get rid of material attachment? (16)
7. What is recommended for a neophyte who is unable to realize the transcendental
personal form or name of the Lord on account of their imperfect senses ? (17)
8. Explain the reason that even samadhi stage fails to control the materially absorbed
mind. (18)
9. Explain why worship of the Visnu forms in great temples of India is not idol worship,
with reference to 2.1.19 verse and purport and relevant verses from Bhagavad-gita.
10. Why did Maharaja Parikit inquire from Śukadeva Gosvāmī about the impersonal
virāṭ-rūpa of the Lord considering that he was already directly connected with the
personal feature of the Lord Śrī Kṛṣṇa? (22)
11. List 5 features of the virat-rupa as described in 2.1.25-37.
12. In how many planetary systems is the universe divided into? Why are they described
from the bottom to the top? (26)
13. Explain how the exhibition of the Lord’s virat feature demonstrates His kindness?


1. Briefly describe the incidents leading to Srila Sukadeva Gosvami reciting Srimad
Bhagavatam to Maharaja Pariksit with reference to appropriate verse and purports.
2. Srila Prabhupada writes in the purport to 2.1.1, “…any question about Him (Krsna) is
original and perfect.” Discuss the statement, with reference to 2.1.1 verse and purport
and the Bhakti-sastras.
3. Describe the symptoms of a grhamedhi, as mentioned in the beginning of this chapter,
and discuss the significance of Srila Sukadeva Gosvami beginning his narration with
this topic. Give reference to 2.1.2-4, and the Bhakti-sastras in your response
4. Srila Prabhupada writes in the purport to 2.1.8, “So the complete text of Śrīmad-
Bhāgavatam, beginning with the janmādy asya verse up to the last one in the Twelfth
Canto, was spoken by Śukadeva Gosvāmī for the attainment of salvation by Mahārāja
Parīkṣit.” Explain this statement and discuss its significance with reference to this
section of Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam
5. Srila Prabhupada writes in the purport to 2.1.8, “Although Śukadeva Gosvāmī was a
liberated soul from the very day of his birth, he still had to take lessons of Śrīmad-
Bhāgavatam from his great father, Vyāsadeva, who compiled the Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam
under the instruction of another great soul, Śrī Nārada Muni. Discuss the significance
of this statement for the practice of Krsna consciousness. Give reference to this section
of Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam and the Bhakti-sastras in your response.
6. Srila Prabhupada writes in the purport to 2.1.8, “The bona fide spiritual master
reasonably explains everything to the disciple on the authorities of Vedic wisdom. The
disciple can receive such teachings not exactly intellectually, but by submissive
inquiries and a service attitude.” Discuss the significance of this statement for the
practice of Krsna consciousness. Give reference to the meeting of Srila Sukadeva
Gosvami and Maharaja Pariksit and the Bhakti-sastras in your response.


7. “One can deliver himself from the effects of all sins by surrendering himself unto the
Lord. One can deliver himself from all offenses at the feet of the Lord by taking shelter
of His holy name. But one cannot protect himself if one commits an offense at the feet
of the holy name of the Lord. (Srila Prabhupada Purport 2.1.11). Discuss the
significance of these principles, with detailed reference to the Ten Offenses.
8. Srila Prabhupada writes in the purport to 2.1.8, “Any nomenclature which is meant
for the Supreme Lord is as holy as the others because they are all meant for the Lord.
Such holy names are as powerful as the Lord, and there is no bar for anyone in any
part of the creation to chant and glorify the Lord by the particular name of the Lord as
it is locally understood.” Discuss the significance of these principles for the practice
and spreading of Krsna conscipusness. Give reference to this section of Śrīmad-
Bhāgavatam, and the Bhakti-sastras, in your response.
9. Srila Prabhupada writes in the 2.1.12, “The powerful holy name of the Lord can
certainly deliver one from sinful effects, but one who desires to utilize this
transcendental potency of the holy name of the Lord in one’s sinister activities is the
most degraded person in the world. Such persons are never excused by the Lord or by
any agent of the Lord.” Discuss the relevance to practitioners of Krsna consiousness.
Discuss with reference to First Canto and Bhakti-sastri verses and purports.
10. Describe the incident of Maharaj Khatvanga. as mentioned in the purport to 2.1.13,
and discuss its relevance for the practice and spreading of Krsna consciousness. Give
reference to Bhakti-sastri texts in your response.
11. Srila Prabhupada writes in the 2.1.21, “Pantheism, or the system of feeling the
presence of the Almighty everywhere, is a sort of training of the mind to become
accustomed to the devotional conception, and it is this devotional attitude of the
mystic that makes possible the successful termination of such mystic attempts.”
Explain how the process of meditation on the virāṭ-rūpa, as described in this chapter,
is related to the practice of devotional service. Include in your response an
explanation of the acintya-bhedābheda-tattva philosophy of Lord Śrī Caitanya
Mahāprabhu, as mentioned in Srila Prabhupada’s concluding purport to this chapter.
Give reference to this section of Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam, and the Bhakti-sastras, in your
12. Srila Prabhupada writes in the 2.1.20, “Everything created by the material energy can
be dovetailed with the Absolute by an attitude of service, which is the essential part of
living energy. The pure devotee of the Lord knows the art of converting everything
into its spiritual existence by this service attitude, and only in that devotional way can
the theory of pantheism be perfected.” Explain how the process of meditation on the
virāṭ-rūpa, as described in this chapter prepares one for practice of devotional service.
Give reference to this chapter of Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam, and the Bhakti-sastras, in your


Verses 1-7:
Çukadeva Gosvämé describes the futility of fruitive endeavour. The conditioned souls hover
in dreams of such heavenly illusory pleasures, but actually they do not relish any tangible
happiness. He thus recommends that the necessities of life be kept at a bare minimum so
that one can become fixed in devotional service, by which one can end the conditioned
state of existence.

Verses 8-14:
The Lord in the heart is described. The process of meditation should begin from the lotus
feet of the Lord and progress to His smiling face. This gradual process will purify the
intelligence. The viräö-rüpa meditation (2.1.22-39) is a prerequisite to meditation on the
personal form for those who have not yet developed a sense of loving service unto the
Supreme Lord.

Verses 15-32:
Çukadeva Gosvämé describes how the a successful bhakti-yogé, who is able to quit his body
as he likes, can purify himself of material gross and subtle bodies, extinguishing all material
desires. After pushing his life air through the cerebral hole and gradually ascending through
the higher planets, he can at last pierce the outer coverings of the universe and enter into
the kingdom of God. This process was described personally by Lord Kåñëa unto Brahmä.

Verses 33-37:
Çukadeva Gosvämé recommends direct devotional service (bhakti-yoga) as the most
auspicious means of deliverance for those who are wandering in the material universe. He
explains that Lord Kåñëa is the Supersoul, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and that
devotional service to Him is the perfection of religion; therefore, one should hear about,
glorify and remember the Supreme Lord.


1. What is the paravyoma? (Purport 2.2.8)

2. List 4 aspects of the beautiful form of the Lord, as described in verses 2.2.8 to 11
3. List the three headings sex life is summarized in as described in the purport to 2.2.12.
4. Who is recommended to meditate on the gigantic virat-rupa? (2.2.13-14)
5. How does the pure devotee stop creating perplexities? (Verse 2.2.18
6. What is the prime inclination of the materialistic mind? (Purport 2.2.22)


7. List 3 of the mystic siddhis, in English or Sanskrit, possessed by the residents of
Brahmaloka and Dhruvaloka (22)
8. What is Sisumara? (Verse 2.2.25)
9. What is the duration of life in Satyaloka? (Verse 2.2.26)
10. Why can no sane man can ignore the statements of Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam? (26)
11. What is Lord Brahma study the vedas three times? (34)


1. What is the forgetfulness of Lord Brahma compared to? (Purport 2.2.1)

2. How can one counteract forgetfulness? Discuss how this chance is only available to
one in the human form of life with reference to Srimad Bhagavatam 2.2.1.
3. How can Brahma’s service be distinguished from the altruistic services performed by
humans? (2.2.1)
4. Explain the analogy of children on a merry-go round? (Purport 2.2.2)
5. Why is the material world compared to a “jugglery of names”? (Purport 2.2.3)
6. Why is a voluntary life of renunciation advised? (Purport 2.2.4)
7. Explain the analogy of the mirage in a desert. (Purport 2.2.6)
8. Describe the process of meditation on the paramatma given in 2.2.8-12.
9. For whom is the meditation upon His impersonal feature, the virat-rupa, or universal
form recommended and why? (Purport 2.2.14)
10. List 4 of the six circles of movement of the life air in English or Sanskrti (20)
11. Explain the two types of transcendentalists and their destinations? (Purport 2.2.17)
12. Briefly describe the (19-21)
13. Explain the difference between the travel of materialists and that of the
transcendentalists? (Purport 2.2.23)
14. What qualities is a person who meditates on the virat-rupa endowed with? (2.2.23)
15. What are the two different ways of reaching the spiritual sky? (Purport 2.2.32)
16. In Satyaloka there is no pain nor anxieties of any kind except what? (27)
17. What is the calculated extent of the cosmic phenomenon diametrically? (28)
18. List the 9 methods of devotional service. And explain why hearing is considered most
important. (Purport 2.2.36)


19. What is the verdict of Lord Brahma in regards to the most auspicious path for those
suffering in the material world? 2.2.33-34


1. Describe the recommendations of Sukadeva Gosvami for the renounced order with
reference to verses and purports of 2.2.3-5. Discuss the relevance if these
recommendations for contemporary ISKCON preachers.
2. Srila Prabhupada writes in the purport to 2.2.12, “The conclusion is that those who
are still entrapped by sex indulgence should never progress to meditation above the
feet of the Lord; therefore recital of Srimad-Bhagavatam by them should be restricted
to the first and second cantos of the great literature.” Discuss the relevance of this
conclusion for practicing and preaching Krsna consciousness with reference this
chapter of Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam and the Bhakti-sastras.
3. Briefly, describe with reference to 2.2.19-23 verses and purports and the Bhakti-
sastras, the process of mystic yoga recommended Sukadeva Gosvami. Discuss the
relevance of these instructions for practitioners of Krsna consciousness.
4. Explain the process of the yogi’s elevation to the spiritual world as described by
Sukadeva Gosvami in 2.2.24-31. Discuss the relevance of this process, for the modern
age, with reference this chapter of Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam and appropriate verses from
5. Briefly explain the creeper of devotion, and unwanted weeds, with reference to 2.2.30
verse and purport.
6. Srila Prabhupada writes in the purport of 2.2.37, “By sufficient hearing of Srimad-
Bhagavatam, the polluted aim of life, namely lording it over matter, will subside, and
the people in general in all parts of the world will be able to live a peaceful life of
knowledge and bliss.” Discuss the relevance of this statement for the mission of Srila
Prabhupada with reference to 2.2.37 verse and purport and relevant statement from
the Srimad Bhagavatam, first canto verse and purports.


Verses 1-12:
Çukadeva Gosvämé describes benefits of worshipping various demigods to fulfil various
material desires, but he recommends that a person of intelligence, whether full of material
desire, without material desire, or desiring liberation, should worship the Personality of
Godhead. Only by the association of the pure devotee of the Lord can one achieve the
highest perfectional benediction, which is unflinching attraction for the Supreme Personality
of Godhead.

Verses 13-16:
Çaunaka Åñi implores Süta Gosvämé to continue narrating the dialogue about the Supreme
Lord between Çukadeva Gosvämé and Mahäräja Parékñit. Mahäräja Parékñit was a great
devotee of the Lord from his very birth, and so was Çukadeva Gosvämé. When such
devotees are assembled together, there can be no topics save discussions of the glories of
the Lord, or bhakti-yoga.

Verses 17-25:
Both by rising and by setting, the sun decreases the duration of life of everyone, except one
who utilizes the time by discussing topics of the all-good Personality of Godhead. Çaunaka
Åñi gives many analogies to support his appeal that engagement in the service of the
Supreme Personality of Godhead is the only beneficial activity for a human being, and that
all other occupation place one as either animalistic or lifeless.


1. What is the duty of a man especially when he is preparing for death?(2.3.1)

2. Why are the leaders of nonsensical persons still more nonsensical? (2.3.9)
3. What result does a person get if he fails in the discharge of yoga practice? (2.3.15)
4. Briefly describe aspects of the life of Parikshit Maharaj as mentioned in the purport of
5. Explain the terms nitya-siddha and sadhana-siddha. ( 2.3.15.)

6. List 4 of the analogies, spoken by Sukdev goswami, describing materialistic life.



1. Give the English meaning of the term manisi. Explain why Pariksit Maharaja has been
addressed by the Gosvami as the “manisi.” (2.3.2)


2. How has Jīva Gosvāmī has explained this desirelessness in his Sandarbha? (2.3.10)
3. Explain how thoughts of becoming one with the Lord, or being merged in the
brahmajyoti, can also be exhibitions of kāma spirit. (2.3.10)
4. Srila Sukadeva Gosvami is described by Srila Prabhupada as “a poet amongst the
sages.” Discuss the significance of both Saunaka Rsi and Srila Prabhupada appreciating
this quality. (2.3.13).
5. List any 10 of the 26 qualities of a Vaisnava. (2.3.13)
6. How can we accept Mahabharata as the fifth Veda? (2.3.14)
7. Explain the analogy of the pure devotees compared to swans. (2.3.14)
8. Explain how literatures like Mahabharata, the Puranas and similar other literatures are
also transcendental and how these should be discussed. (2.3.14)
9. What happens to those persons who have failed in the proper discharge of yoga
practices? (2.3.15)
10. According to the Smriti Sastras, as quoted by Srila Visvanath Cakravarti Thakura,
what is the results of money is given in charity to a fully qualified brāhmaṇa and to
one who has factually realized the path of the Vedas? (2.3.17.)
11. Who is compared to a prostitute in the verse 2.3.20?
12. List 4 are the eight transcendental symptoms manifested in bhava stage? (2.3.24)
13. Briefly explain pañca-upāsanā. (2.3.24)


1. Summarize the conceptual flow of Chapters 1 to 3 of the Second Canto and discuss
their significance in relation to the first two Cantos.
2. “As the unmixed sun ray is very forceful and is therefore called tīvra, similarly
unmixed bhakti-yoga of hearing, chanting, etc., may be performed by one and all
regardless of inner motive.” (Purport, 2.3.10). Explain this statement with reference to
Sukadeva Gosvami proposing worship of different demigods, 2.3.1-10, giving specific
reference to the verse akamah, sarva-kamah moksa-kamah etc. (2.3.10), in your
3. In the purport of 2.3.11, Srila Prabhupada writes, “Only a pure devotee…” Explain the
significance of this statement in relation to the mission of SB, with reference to 2.3.11
verse and purport and relevant verses from the Bhakti-sastras.
4. Srila Prabhupada writes in the 2.3.14, “Thus He plays exactly like the social, political
or religious leaders. Because such roles ultimately culminate in the discussion of


topics of the Lord, all such preliminary topics are also transcendental. That is the way
of spiritualizing the civic activities of human society.” Discuss this statement in regard
the relevance of the epic histories of Rāmāyaṇa and Mahābhārata in the Sankirtan
movement. Give reference to 2.3.14 verse and purport and relevant verses from the
5. Srila Prabhupada writes in the 2.3.15, “Our father encouraged us in all respects to
observe all functions such as the Ratha-yātrā and Dola-yātrā ceremonies, and he used
to spend money liberally for distributing prasāda to us children and our friends. Our
spiritual master, who also took his birth in a Vaiṣṇava family, got all inspirations from
his great Vaiṣṇava father, Ṭhākura Bhaktivinoda. That is the way of all lucky Vaiṣṇava
families." Discuss the significance of this statement for development of grhastha life in
ISKCON. Include in your response the examples of Mahārāja Parīkṣit, Srila
Bhaktisiddhanta Thakura and Srila Prabhupada. Give reference to 2.3.15 verse and
purport and relevant verses from the Bhakti-sastras.
6. “Superficially, Maharaja Pariksit and Sukadeva Gosvami might seem to be
opposites…” Explain this statement with reference to 2.3.15-16 verses and purports.
7. “Similarly, a moment passed in the association of a pure devotee by hearing and
chanting the transcendental messages of the Lord is a perfect guarantee for eternal life,
for returning home, back to Godhead.” Discuss the significance of this statement in
relation to Srila Prabhupada’s mission with reference to 2.3.17 verse and purport and
relevant verses from the First Canto of Srimad Bhagavatam.
8. Srila Prabhupada writes in Srimad Bhagavatam 2.3.18 purport, “Prolonged life without
spiritual value is not very important.” Explain this statement, with reference to 2.3.18
verse and purport, and appropriate verses from Bhagavad-gita.
9. Explain, with examples from contemporary society, Śrīmad-
Bhāgavatam’s categorization of the common man into the society of dogs, hogs, camels
and asses. ( 2.3.19). Give reference to 2.3.19 verse and purport, and appropriate verses
from Bhagavad-gita, in your response.
10. Srila Prabhupada writes in Srimad Bhagavatam 2.3.22 purport, “Book knowledge is
theoretical, whereas the arcana process is practical.” Discuss the relevance of this
statement with reference to 2.3.22 verse and purport, and appropriate verses from
Bhagavad-gita, in your response.
11. “Lord Sri Krsna is the property of His pure, unconditional devotees, and as such only
the devotees can deliver Krsna to another devotee; Krsna is never obtainable directly.”
Discuss the significance of this statement with reference to 2.3.23 verse and purport,
and appropriate verses from Canto 1, in your response.
12. Present Sukadeva Gosvami’s description of materialistic life to a modern audience,
with reference to the verses and purports of Srimad Bhagavatam 2.3.20-24 and
appropriate verses from Bhagavad-gita.


13. “Advancement of material science without God consciousness is a heavy load on the
head of human society, and so one must take heed of this great warning.” (2.3.21)
Explain this statement and Saunak Rsi’s other analogies describing those who do not
utilize their time by discussing topics of the all-good Personality of Godhead.
14. Srila Sukdeva Goswami expounds in 2.3.24, “Certainly that heart is steel-framed
which, in spite of one’s chanting the holy name of the Lord with concentration, does
not change when ecstasy takes place, tears fill the eyes and the hairs stand on end.”
Discuss this statement in relation to the so called ecstasy of the sahajiyas and the eight
symptoms of real, steady bhava. Give reference to 2.3.24 verse and purport, and
appropriate verses from Canto 1, in your response.



Verses 1-4

Süta Gosvämé describes how Mahäräja Parékñit, who had a natural attraction for Lord
Kåñëa, fixed his mind upon Him with rapt attention, giving up all family attachments and the
regulated activities of religion, economic development and sense gratification, after hearing
from Çukadeva Gosvämé.

Verses 5-10

Mahäräja Parékñit praises Çukadeva Gosvämé because he is without material contamination

and is narrating the topics of the Lord. He then inquires about the Personality of Godhead
creative activities by His different energies and expansions. He concludes by praising the
transcendental activities of the Lord, and Çukadeva Gosvämé who, being a great devotee of
the Lord, is therefore as good as the Personality of Godhead.

Verses 11-25

Çukadeva Gosvämé glorifies Lord Kåñëa and prays for the ability to answer Mahäräja
Parékñit’s inquiry. Then he begins to describe a conversation between Närada Muni and
Lord Brahmä.


1. Explain the meaning of satim. 2.4.1

2. In what two ways was Maharaja Pariksit blessed by Krsna as explained by Srila
Prabhupada in the purport of 2.4.1?
3. Define the term dehatma-buddhi (SB 2.4.2 purport)
4. What is the grossest type of namaparadha offense? (SB 2.4.2 purport)
5. List 3 examples each of detachment and renouncement done by Maharaj Parikshit
6. What is the crucial test of hearing Srimad-Bhagavatam ? (SB 2.4.5 purport)
7. How is the Lord’s internal and external potencies displayed? (SB purport 2.4.10)
8. What is the meaning of “veda-garbhah”? (SB 2.4.25 purport)


1. Summarize the questions asked by Maharaj Parikshit in 2.4.6-9.


2. List the three principal energies. (7)
3. How does the Vedic phrase acintya-bhedābheda-tattva describe the Lord in terms of
His diversities? (7)
4. Explain the term vibhūti-bhinnam as quoted by Srila Prabhupada from Brahma-
samhita. (8)
5. Give two examples, listed in the purport to text 10, which show how a powerful
devotee of the Lord is, by the grace of the Lord, more than the Lord Himself.
6. By whom are the Lord’s “external works” directed? (10)


1. Srila Prabhupada writes in Srimad Bhagavatam 2.4.1 purport, “Fortunately Maharaja

Pariksit had already been attracted to the Lord from the very beginning of his body, in
the womb of his mother.” Considering that Maharaja Pariksit was already attracted to
Lord Krsna, why did he accept Srila Sukdeva Goswami as his spiritual master?
Respond with reference to 2.4.1, verse and purport, relevant statements from Canto 1.
2. Srila Prabhupada quotes from a news release from Moscow dated 2/21/60 in the
purport of 2.4.8. Discuss the significance of Srila Prabhupada’s approach in this regard
in terms of presenting the teachings of Srimad Bhagavatam.
3. With reference to SB 2.4.23 verse and purport, describe the mood of Sukadeva
Gosvami in offering his prayers to Lord Krishna. Select and discuss statements from
this purport which you found particularly inspirational.
4. Srila Prabhupada writes in Srimad Bhagavatam 2.4.15 “One may worship the form of
the Lord in a temple, or one may impersonally offer the Lord devotional prayers in a
mosque or a church.” Discuss the significance of Srila Prabhupada’s statement here in
relation to preaching Krsna consciousness to the general public.
5. Srila Prabhupada writes in Srimad Bhagavatam 2.4.18 purport, “...if the leadership of
world affairs is entrusted to the devotees of the Lord, for which a worldwide
organization under the name and style of the International Society for Krishna
Consciousness has already been started, then by the grace of the Almighty Lord there
can be a thorough change of heart in human beings all over the world…” Discuss the
role the Srimad Bhagavatam can play in ISKCON’s mission to change the heart of
human beings all over the world with reference to 2.4.18, verse and purport, and
other statements from Chapters 1-4, in your response.
6. Explain why Mahārāja Parīkṣit asked Śukadeva Gosvāmī for information about the
creation. Give references from Srimad Bhagavatam 2.4.8 verse and purport and the
Bhakti-sastras in your response.


7. Srila Prabhupada writes in Srimad Bhagavatam 2.4.24 purport, “One should therefore
try to understand the Vedic scriptures, or the nectar transferred by the Lord to His
consorts in the conjugal humor, from the lotuslike mouth of Vyāsadeva or Śukadeva.”
Explain this statement with reference to Srimad Bhagavatam 2.4.24 verse and purport
and appropriate verses from Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 1.
8. Select and discuss statements from Srila Sukadeva Gosvami prayers in 2.4.12-24,
which are useful for preaching Krsna consciousness. Give reference to 2.4.12-24,
verses and purports in your response.
9. Explain how can we accept that the statements of creation explained by Śukadeva
Gosvāmī are not at all, as the mundaners suggest, theoretical, but are perfectly
correct? Give reference to Srimad Bhagavatam 2.4.25, verse and purport and
appropriate verses from the Bhaktisastras, in your response.


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