Assessment 1 (B) Rubric

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EDF5638 Assessment 1b: Text analysis (1,600 words, 40%)

In this assessment, you are required to analyse the same two texts from Assessment 1(a) according tothree meta-functions (ideational, interpersonal and organisa

Criteria for marking

Identification of text-type(s) for two different kinds of texts

(1 mark)

Have you accurately identified the text type(s) of the text?

Identification and explanation of ideational meta-function (approx. 300 words)

(8 marks)

Have you accurately colour-coded participant, process and circumstance for at least 2 sentences in each text?
(4 marks)

Have you EITHER

1) Compared/contrasted the coding with a translation into another language (note that a word-for-word translation of the other language
back into English is required, in order to show where the meaning lies in the sentences)
2) Accurately explained the coding of the sentences in relation to more traditional grammar

(4 marks)

*You do not have to do both of these – you can choose the first or second option for both texts. If you would like to do one option for one text
and the other option for another text, this is also fine.

Identification and explanation of interpersonal meta-function (approx. 300 words)

(8 marks)*

Have you accurately explained the text from an appraisal perspective, and provided at least 2 examples from each text relevant to your
* Marks are attributed according to the links made between the examples and explanation of these: 2 marks per example and related

Identification and explanation of organisational meta-function (approx. 300 words)

(8 marks)*

Have you accurately explained each text from the perspective of ellipsis and/or lexical organisation, and provided at least 2 examples from
each text?

* Marks are attributed according to the links made between the examples and explanation of these: 2 marks per example and related

*You will not receive marks for explaining conjunction, reference or substitution.

Consideration of register (meta-functions) in relation to a chosen student profile (approx. 600 words)
(10 marks)

Have you accurately explained what aspects of register (ideational, interpersonal and organisational meta-functions) would be challenging for
a particular student profile (and also described age, language background and level of proficiency in the target language)?
(2 marks)

Have you made 4 relevant and useful suggestions (2 suggestions from each text) about how aspects of these texts could be explained to the
student to improve comprehension? (Your suggestions need to incorporate the 3 meta-functions. You need a suggestion relating to each meta-
function, and then the 4th suggestion can incorporate a meta-function of your choice).
(2 marks for each suggestion)

* Direct translation into another language cannot be used, but contrastive analysis (helping students focus on points of similarity and/or
difference can be used)

Presentation, including English expression and formatting

(5 marks)

Is your writing and formatting clear?

* Note that word count for each criterion is an approximation and there are 100 words missing from the overall word count (ie to add up to 1,600
words in total). Your explanation may need to be a little longer for some criteria than for others – this will be dependent on your chosen texts.

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