Mech ATAL FDP Brouchure

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CHIEF PATRON The Faculty Members of the AICTE approved

President, CBIT institutions, research scholars, PG Scholars,
participants from Government, Industry
CHIEF ADVISOR (Bureaucrats / Technicians/Participants from
Prof. P. RAVINDER REDDY Industry etc.) and staff of host institutions
Principal - CBIT
A One Week Online
ADVISOR o No participant fees will be collected
Prof. P.V.R. RAVINDRA REDDY o Eligible participants will be selected based
AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL)
Head, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering on first come first serve basis and will be
Academy Faculty Development
intimated by e- mail only. Program (FDP)
o A Digital Certificate by the ATAL Academy
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering will be issued to the participants, who have on
an attendance of minimum 80 % and score
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
more than 60% in the test.
o On the last day of the program an
assessment test will be conducted for all
MEMBERS participants.
Dr. G. Chandra Mohan Reddy Dr. B.V.S. Rao
Dr. M.V.S. Murali Krishna Dr. N. Janardhan
Dr. P. Prabhakar Reddy Mrs. N Jyothirmayi REGISTRATION DETAILS 19th – 23rd October, 2020
Dr. G. Laxmaiah Mr. V. Jaipal Reddy
Mr. B. Suryanarayana Dr. P. Rama Lakshmi No Registration Fee
Dr. T. Ratna Reddy Mrs. Ch.V. Sushma
Dr. R.P. Chowdary Mr. K. Gurubrahmam Link for the registration: Participants are
Dr. K. Kishor Mr. T.N. Aditya requested to register compulsorily in the
Dr. V.V.R. Seshagiri Rao Mr. A. Chandrakanth
Dr. S. Solomon Raj Mr. D. Ravi following link.
Dr. Md. Aleempasha Dr. Rahul
Mr. P.R.K. Prasad Dr. Manowar Hussain OR
Mr. P. Kiran Kumar Mr. P. Surendar Reddy Organized by
Dr. L. Suresh Kumar Mrs. Ipsita Mohanty
Mrs. Y. Nagini Mr. Narasimha Kulkarni
Mrs. Ch. Indira Priyadarshini Mrs. D.S. Maduri After registration in the above link submit the
Mr. N. Venkateshwara Rao Mrs. KNV. Sreedevi scanned copy of the registration form to DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL
Ms. V. Sandhya Mr. Yasoda Sreeram
Dr. S. Narasimha Kumar Mr. Ch. Sharath Reddy [email protected] by 15-10-2020. ENGINEERING
TECHNOLOGY(A) This topic has also considerable overlap with
The Department of Mechanical Engineering, CBIT
CBIT is one of the premier Engineering Institute is offering two undergraduate courses; B.E in Nanotechnology, in that both are concerned
in INDIA, pioneer in Telangana State, which is at Mechanical Engineering and B.E- Production with the behavior of materials on the scale of
idyllic surroundings of Gandipet Lake, Engineering with an intake of 120 and 60 nanometers or smaller
Hyderabad. The college offers Nine UG and respectively and two PG programmes; M.E in
Eleven PG programs. It has been standing as a CAD/CAM and M.E in Thermal Engineering. The Topics to be covered in FDP
temple of knowledge for the past 41 years by department has 42 faculty members out of which Nanoscience Engineering
producing about 25,000 Eminent and skillful 20 are PhDs. In the last 3 years seven R&D
Nanodevices: Design and Manufacture
Graduate Engineers, who are successful in their sponsored projects worth Rs. 98 lakhs were
Careers, serving all over the world. The Institute sanctioned to the department, 4 patents were Science and Technology of Nanostructures
has been Accredited by NBA--AICTE and published, and 2 patents were filed, 22 workshops Surface Analysis of Nano Particles
NAAC--UGC. UGC has granted Autonomous and 2 FDPs were organized. In the last 3 years 16 Sensor and smart materials
Status from the Academic Year 2013-14 PhDs were awarded and two were submitted
onwards. The Grants received from AICTE/UGC 3D printing and Design
under the guidance of departmental faculty. The
are worth about Rs. 2.5 Crores. Brilliant and Department is well equipped with all state-of-the- Finite element analysis of nano particles
Meritorious Candidates with good EAMCET art equipment, Laboratories & workshops Digital manufacturing
Rank are seeking admissions at CBIT. CBIT providing all necessary facilities to the students.
Nano Composites
Students are prepared and perfected to secure The Hexagon Capability Centre, India has opened
Placements in MNCs through College Career Innovation laboratory in the premises of the CBIT. Surface Engineering
Development Center. The lab has been equipped with hardware and
software worth Rs.6.50 crore. B.E Mechanical RESOURCE PERSONS
Engineering, B.E Production Engineering and M.E
Resource Persons are scientists from Defense labs,
CAD/CAM Programmes were accredited by NBA IIT, Hyderabad, Osmania University and CBIT.


The objective of ATAL scheme is “To plan and
help in imparting quality technical education in the Dr N V Srinivasulu,
country and to support technical institutions in Professor.
fostering research, innovation and Dept. of Mechanical Engineering,
entrepreneurship through training in various CBIT, Hyderabad-500075
emerging fields” Contact No: 9848592815, 8919673860
The current FDP is highly interdisciplinary by Mail Id: [email protected]
nature, encompassing aspects of different
engineering fields like Materials science

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