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top 10 senior .

NET developer interview questions

1. What is dependency injection?

This is one of the classic senior .NET developer interview questions designed to test your knowledge. Ideally, you
want to provide a detailed explanation, showing that you have ample expertise.

Dependency injection involves providing the objects that objects require — known as the object’s dependencies —
instead of having the object construct the dependencies itself. This process allows developers to mock or stub out
the various dependencies, an approach that’s incredibly helpful during testing.

It also allows the developer to follow SOLID patterns more easily, since it is based on dependency inversion and
inversion of container principles, which are two powerful techniques to avoid high coupling in code.

2. How can you relate SOLID principles and dependency injection?

This is another senior .NET developer interview question that aims to explore your knowledge, so you’ll want to be
reasonably thorough.

Dependency injection helps us to enforce SOLID principles in the following ways:

Single responsibility: You can enforce single responsibility by detecting code that should not be in the current class,
creating a class/interface pair, and using IoC to inject the new dependency. Dependency injection also assumes the
responsibility of creating new object instances and managing their lifecycle.

Dependency inversion: The dependency injection framework will automatically inject the dependencies in your code,
but you still need to reduce your coupling by encapsulating it in a lower-level abstraction.

3. Which types of locking mechanisms do you know in C#?

With senior .NET developer interview questions like this, you need to demonstrate knowledge while referencing your
personal experience in the answer. Along with describing the locking mechanisms, you can add details about your
past use of them.

.NET provides different classes and keywords to allow developers to create thread-safe code and lock specific code

Lock keyword/Monitor: Creates a basic code zone where only one thread can enter at the same time. This is precisely
the same as using Monitor.Enter/Exit class.

Mutex: This is similar to Monitor but can be named and shared between processes and async code (which lock
keyword cannot).

SemaphoreSlim: This is a lightweight version of Semaphore which works within the same application. It allows you to
fine-tune the number of threads that can enter into the critical zone.

ManualResetEvent/AutoResetEvent: These classes can be shared among threads to allow precise control regarding
when some code should wait and when it can execute. The major difference here is that the code is not restricted to
a critical zone.

These are the main mechanisms, but there are many other specialized tools in C# development to control thread

4. How do you make thread-safe code?

With interview questions of this nature, you need to draw on your knowledge and experience.
There are many ways to make your code thread-safe. The most important approach, however, is to avoid the need for
thread-safe code. That will save you from some future headaches.

If we attempt to avoid shared state and mutable structures, and use pure functions most of the time, the code will be
automatically thread-safe.

There are certain situations in which we cannot use immutable structures due to factors like memory restrictions. To
overcome these situations, we can use Concurrent Collections such as ConcurrentDictionary, or use adequate locking
mechanisms as explained in the previous question.

5. What are the differences between class and struct?

This is one of the senior .NET developer questions that makes its way into many interviews. One of the primary
reasons it appears so frequently is that even some senior developers cannot answer it correctly, allowing the
interviewer to identify the best candidates with greater ease.

There are many differences. The most important ones that you want to include are:

Classes are passed by reference while structs are passed by value.

Classes are hosted on the heap, and structs are allocated on the stack.

Structs are more limited than classes.

Class objects are created using the new keyword, while struct instances are not.

You can assign a null value to a class variable, but you cannot do this for a struct variable.

You can have two class variables pointing to the same object. If you have two struct variables, however, they are
entirely different structures even though their data is the same.



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6. What are the differences between class and record in C#?

When you answer senior .NET developer interview questions that ask about differences, you need to focus on your
knowledge. Your answer can also reference your experience if you want to discuss use cases. Doing so can help you
respond to questions like these in a more compelling way.

The main difference between class and record type in C# is that a record’s primary purpose is storing data, while a
class defines responsibility. Additionally, records are immutable, but classes are not.

Other differences between class and record type include:

We define records using the record keyword instead of the class keyword.

Records should not have any state changes after instantiation, while classes change properties (of course, we could
have record state changes, but doing so would lose the full benefit of immutability).

We create new records from existing ones when we want to change state with a keyword. With classes, we modify
the existing instances.

Records automatically define Equals, ToString, and GetHashCode methods.

When comparing two different records, value comparison is used, while classes use reference comparison.

Records are a better choice when defining Database Rows, Value Objects, or Data Transfer Objects; pure value
objects that don’t contain logic at all or contain very small chunks of logic (more helper methods than business ones).

7. Endpoint response time troubleshooting

Here’s the question:

An endpoint returns a result of 5 seconds, but the requirement says 2 seconds is a max. How are you going to
troubleshoot it?

This is one of the common senior .NET developer interview questions that require the developer to have some
hands-on experience. Mainly, this is because questions like these have no exact answer. Luckily, you can follow this
checklist when facing troubleshooting questions of this nature to create an answer that’s thorough and impressive:

Break it down: Systems are composed of different subsystems, so we need to break them down and detect which
one is causing the slowness. One example: for a classic web application, we have a frontend app, network latency,
backend app, external services, and databases, so we need to identify which component is slow.

Measure it: Once we have detected the component that is delaying our processes, we need to understand how long
it is taking to do its job. To do that, we could use code profilers, database profilers, and logging. Once we are able to
measure the slowness, we need to ask: is the component slow with all the invocations or just specific ones?

Narrow down the options: Once we realize which component is slow, how slow it is, and whether the slowness is tied
to a specific case or is experienced generally, we have effectively narrowed our options:

If slowness is general: This may affect the current environment. Check things like Processor usage, Memory usage,
Number of requests per second, and any other infrastructure-related problem. General slowness can also be caused
by flaws in the architecture and components not scaling correctly.

If slowness is specific: We need to identify which parameters are causing the service to be slow. Normally, we do this
by checking logs. Once we have isolated the offending parameters, we can create specific tests to replicate the issue
in a controlled environment, and perform code changes or database index tuning based on the test results.

8. How does the lazy loading approach work?

Here’s another knowledge-based senior .NET developer interview question. With your answer, you’re mainly
describing how the lazy loading approach functions. Questions like this also create an opportunity for you, since your
response can include references to your past use of lazy loading if you want to personalize it a bit.

Lazy loading is an approach that helps us defer the loading of an object until the point when we need it, and then
store it in memory.
Some advantages of using lazy loading include:

Minimizing the start-up time of the application

Enabling applications to consume less memory until the moment when they need to load an object

Reducing the number of external services or database calls because lazy loading acts as a small in-memory cache

Preventing other threads from entering the object initialization code at the same time, making it thread-safe (note: a
loaded object can be thread-unsafe)

Of course, this can add complexity to our code, so it is a tool that should only be used to solve specific problems.

9. What is the difference between async calls and parallel calls?

Interviewers ask this or a similar interview question for several reasons. One of the main reasons is that these are
concepts that are frequently mixed up or misunderstood, and some people answer that async code runs in parallel,
which is not always the case.

The main difference lies in how we control the task awaiters. If we’re launching async code instructions and not
awaiting them, then we’re effectively loading them in parallel:

var result1 = MyAsyncMethodA();

var result2 = MyAsyncMethodB();

However, there is a problem with this code because we don’t know when the method executions are finished,
rendering the result variables useless. Fortunately for us, C# has many tools that help control the asynchronous flow
of method calls.

Let’s say we have methods A, B, and C, and we want to send A and B in parallel, invoking C after that since it depends
on the A and B results. In this situation, we can use Task.WaitAll to effectively wait until A and B are finished, and
then launch method C.

var taskA = MyAsyncMethodA();

var taskB = MyAsyncMethodB();

Task.WaitAll(new [] {taskA, taskB});

Var result = await MyAsyncMethodC(taskA.Result, taskB.Result);

Note that there is no guarantee from the .NET framework that it will execute tasks A and B in parallel. Everything is
managed by the Task model, and it could be busy with other tasks.

Finally, there are other options in C# to manage this scenario, such as Task.WhenAll, Parallel class, or async for each.

10. How do you create a LINQ extension method?

Since this is one of the more technical senior .NET developer interview questions, you’ll need a highly detailed
response. In some cases, you may even need to create code during the interview to answer questions of this nature,
though that isn’t always the case.

Extension methods are really useful because they allow you to add methods to an existing class without modifying it.
To go further in this explanation, we can also use extension methods over generic types or base interfaces, which will
add the new method to any object matching the generic or the instance signature.

LINQ methods normally work with IEnumerable<T> or IQueryable<T> generic interfaces, which are implemented by
all common collections in the .NET framework, such as arrays, lists, dictionaries, hashsets, etc.

On top of that, most LINQ methods are chainable, since the return type is the same. In the case of IEnumerable<T>, it
takes one or many predicates as a parameter, so the logic is customizable.

When we combine all these concepts, creating a new LINQ method is straightforward. For example, if we want a
method that creates a Dictionary but updates records if it finds duplicates instead of throwing exceptions, the code
could be:

public static Dictionary<TKey, TElement> ToSafeDictionary<TSource, TKey, TElement>

(this IEnumerable<TSource> source, Func<TSource, TKey> keySelector, Func<TSource, TElement>

elementSelector, IEqualityComparer<TKey> comparer)

if (source == null)

throw new ArgumentException("source");

if (keySelector == null)

throw new ArgumentException("keySelector");

if (elementSelector == null)

throw new ArgumentException("elementSelector");

Dictionary<TKey, TElement> d = new Dictionary<TKey, TElement>(comparer);

foreach (TSource element in source)

if (!d.ContainsKey(keySelector(element)))

d.Add(keySelector(element), elementSelector(element));

return d;

---------------------------------------------------------------------- END-----------------------------------------------------------------------

.NET can be used to develop different types of high-performance applications such as gaming applications. It provides
better monitoring, scalability, performance, and consistency for a whole range of applications such as console apps,
GUI apps, web apps, web API apps, Windows services etc.

.NET MVC(Model-View-Controller), provides a large set of additional functionalities to create modular applications. It
eases the whole application creation process by providing component-based development and testing.

.NET Core interview questions

1. What is .NET Core Framework, and how does it work?

2. What is the latest version of .NET Core? Share one specific attribute.

3. Share specific features of .NET Core?

4. What is .NET Core used for?

5. Discuss critical components in .NET Core?

6. What is the difference between .Net Core and Mono?

7. What is .NET Core CoreFX?

8. What is CoreCLR?

9. How is .NET Core SDK different from .NET Core Runtime?

10. Where should you not use .NET Core?

11. What are the advantages of .NET Core?

12. What is Kestrel?

13. What do you know about .NET Core middleware?

14. What are Razor Pages in .NET Core?

15. What are service lifetimes in .NET Core?

16. What are the differences between .NET Core and .NET Framework?

Advanced .NET Core interview questions

1. Explain Docker in .NET Core.

2. What is .NET Core CLI?

3. What is Hosting Environment Management?

4. Briefly explain Garbage Collection, its benefits, and its condition.

5. Discuss CTS types in .NET Core.

6. Explain CoreRT.

7. Why is Startup Class important?

8. What do you mean by state management?

9. What is the best way to manage errors in .NET Core?

10. IS MEF still available in .NET Core?

11. What is response caching in .NET Core?

12. What is a generic host in .NET Core?

13. What is routing in .NET Core?

14. What is Dependency Injection in .NET Core? Explain its advantages.

ASP.NET MVC interview questions

1. What role does IIS manager play for ASP.NET MVC?

2. Discuss role-based authentication in ASP.NET MVC?

3. How would you differentiate ASP.NET from ASP.NET MVC?

4. Which feature of ASP.NET Core MVC has been used as a new way of exposing server-side code that renders
HTML elements?

5. What is the view component feature?

6. What do you mean by MVC application life cycle?

7. What are the different return types used by the "controller action" method in MVC

8. What is Scaffolding in ASP.NET MVC?

9. What is the role of Action Filters?

10. How to intercept exceptions using ASP.NET MVC?

11. What is ASP.NET MVC? Explain its components.

12. What are the advantages of ASP.NET MVC?

13. Why use an area in ASP.NET MVC?

14. What is the difference between ViewData and ViewBag in ASP.NET MVC?

15. Describe the request flow in the ASP.NET MVC framework.

Final Thoughts
Basic .NET Core Interview Questions

1. What is .NET Core Framework, and how does it work?

.NET Core framework provides an open-source, accessible, and general-purpose platform to create and run
applications onto different operating systems. The framework follows the object-oriented programming principles
that we can use C#, .NET, VB, Perl, Cobol, etc., programming languages. The framework provides various built-in tools
such as packages, classes, libraries, APIs, and other functionalities. We can create a diverse range of applications.

It works as follows:

 Once you have finished developing codes for required applications, you need to compile those application
codes to Common Intermediate Language.

 The framework uses an assembly file to store the compiled code with an extension (.dll or .exe)

 Now, the Common Language Runtime (CLR) of the framework convert the compiled code to machine code
(executable code) using the Just In Time (JIT) compiler.

 At last, we can execute this executable code on any specific architecture used by developers.

2. What is the latest version of .NET Core? Share one specific attribute.

The latest version of .NET Core is .NET Core 6.0, and its release date is July 12 2022, according to Microsoft
Documentation. The newest release includes the .NET Runtime and ASP.NET Core Runtime. It has introduced
Android, iOS, and macOS SDKs for developing native applications. You can check this documentation to know the
setup instructions and develop .NET MAUI applications.

3. Share specific features of .NET Core?

.NET Core has these 4 specific features:

 Cross-platform: It supports various platforms and is executable on windows, macOS, and Linux. You can
easily port the codes from one platform to another platform.

 Flexibility: You can easily include codes in the desired app or install them per requirements. It means you can
use one single consistent API model for all .NET applications with the help of the same library on various

 Open Source: You can use it by downloading it from the Github library. You don't need to pay to purchase a
license. The framework has been licensed under MIT and Apache.

 Command-line tools: You can efficiently execute applications at the command line.

4. What is .NET Core used for?

You can use .NET Core in many ways:

 For developing and building web applications and services that run on diverse operating systems

 For creating Internet of Things applications and mobile backends

 For using any development tools on any operating system

 For creating and deploying applications to the cloud or other on-premises services.

 Flexibility, high performance, and lightweight features allow for the development of applications quickly in
containers deployable on all operating systems.

5. Discuss critical components in .NET Core?

Since .NET Core is a modular platform thus, its components could be stacked into these three layers:

 A .Net runtime: It consists of different runtime libraries that allow you to perform functions such as type
safety, load assemblies, garbage collections etc.

 A collection of Framework libraries: It also consists of libraries that offer utilities, primitive data types, etc.

 A collection of SDK tools and compilers: It permits you to work with .NET Core SDK quickly.

This stack could be divided into these four components:

6. What is the difference between .Net Core and Mono?

Point .Net Core Mono

What is A part of.NET framework which is specially optimised It is also part of .NET family frameworks, but this framew
exactly? for designing modern apps and supporting developer optimised for iOS, macOS, Android, and Windows device
workflows the Xamarin platform

Best  To design command line applications  Mobile app development

 Web application development  Designing games
 Designing background service apps  Code compilation within the browser

 Desktop application  Designing multi-platform desktop applications

Specific  Natural acquisition  Native User Interface

 Modular framework  Native API Access

 Smaller deployment footprint  Native Performance

 Fast release cycles  Productivity

App Models UWP (Universal Windows Platform), ASP.NET Core Xamarin iOS, Xamarin Android, Xamarin Forms, Xamarin

Base library CoreFX Class Library Mono Class Library

7. What is .NET Core CoreFX?

CoreFX is the introductive class library for .NET Core. It consists of collection types, file systems, console, JSON, and
XML for class library implementation. You can use this code as a single portable assembly. Since it provides platform-
neutral code, thus you can share it across different platforms.

8. What is CoreCLR?

CoreCLR is the .NET execution engine in .NET Core. It consists of a garbage collector, JIT compiler, low-level classes,
and primitive data types. Garbage collection and machine code compilation are its primary functions.

The following image shows .NET Core Compilation. You can clearly write codes in different languages that compliers
like Roslyn would comply with. The compiler will generate the respective CIL code used by the JIT compiler for further
compilation. Since CoreCLR is embedded in the JIT compiler, it would eventually generate machine code. Check its
source code available on GitHub

9. How is .NET Core SDK different from .NET Core Runtime?

.NET Core SDK builds applications, whereas .NET Core Runtime runs the application. Consider SDK is a collection of all
tools and libraries you need to develop .NET Core applications quickly like a compiler, CLI. Consider Runtime as a
virtual machine consisting of runtimes libraries and helps you run those applications.

10. Where should you not use .NET Core?

Consider these application areas where you should prevent using .NET Core

 Avoid using current .NET framework applications in productions or migration because there is a possibility
when you are unable to execute third libraries from apps running on the .NET core. Although, these libraries
are executable from the .NET framework.

 Avoid using .NET Core in designing loosely coupled and new large monolithic applications. It is because of
computability issues while consuming libraries with the .NET framework. You can create such applications by
running on the top of the .NET framework and with the help of CLR libraries.

 Any applications that need sub frameworks like WPF, WebForms, Winforms as .NET Core don't support these.

 Prevent trying .NET Core in applications requiring higher level frameworks such as WCF, Entity Framework,
and Windows Workflow Foundation.

11. What are the advantages of .NET Core?

 Cross-platform development and deployment: It can support application development on different

platforms such as Windows, Linux, Mac, etc. Also, the deployment is supported on multiple platforms
through containerization(Docker, Kubernetes, Service Fabric). This makes .NET completely portable and
runnable on different platforms.

 Open-source: All .NET source code and documentation is freely available for download and contribution. This
results in faster software releases, enormous support, and usage of the latest tools in development.

 Supports a plethora of applications: It has the capabilities to support a wide range of application types such
as desktop, web, AI, cloud, mobile, IoT, gaming, etc.
 Secure: Provides easy-to-incorporate security measures like authentication, authorization, and data
protection. It has mechanisms to protect the sensitive-data like keys, passwords, connection strings, etc. For
e.g. in terms of authentication, ASP.NET Core Identity allows you to integrate your app with all major external

 High performance: With every new release of the .NET core, the performance is improved for the benefit of
users. For example, in .NET 5, the garbage collection is improved for faster speed, scalability, and reduction in
memory resets’ cost. Detailed account of performance improvement in .NET 5.

 Flexible: Provides the flexibility to use any database and infrastructure as per choice. It provides the ability to
change, evolve and grow easily according to external factors.

12. What is Kestrel?

Kestrel is an event-driven, I/O-based, open-source, cross-platform, and asynchronous server which hosts .NET
applications. It is provided as a default server for .NET Core therefore, it is compatible with all the platforms and their
versions which .NET Core supports.

Usually, it is used as an edge-server, which means it is the server which faces the internet and handles HTTP web
requests from clients directly. It is a listening server with a command-line interface.

Advantages of Kestrel are:

 Lightweight and fast.

 Cross-platform and supports all versions of .NET Core.

 Supports HTTPS.

 Easy configuration

13. What do you know about .NET Core middleware?

Middleware is a layer, software, or simple class through which all the requests and responses have to go through. The
middleware is assembled of many delegates in an application pipeline. Each component(delegate) in the pipeline of
the middleware decides :

 To pass the request to the next component.

 Perform some processing on the request before or after passing it.

The below diagram shows a middleware request pipeline consisting of many delegates called one after another.
Where black arrows mark the direction of execution. Each delegate in the diagram performs some operations before
or after the next delegate.

More details from Microsoft’s documentation.

14. What are Razor Pages in .NET Core?

Razor Pages is a new server-side framework which works on a page-based approach to render applications in .NET
Core. They are stored as a physical .cshtmlfile.
They have the HTML and code in a single file, without the need to maintain separate controllers, view models, action
methods, etc. We can also have the code separate from the HTML in a different file which is attached to the Razor
Page. Both types are shown below in the diagram:

Razor Pages framework is flexible, lightweight, cohesive, page-based, easy to learn and maintain compared to MVC. It
can be used in conjunction with traditional MVC (Model-View-Controller) architecture or Web-API controllers.

15. What are service lifetimes in .NET Core?

.NET Core supports a design pattern called ‘Dependency Injection’ which helps in the implementation of
IoC(Inversion of Control). During registration, dependencies require their lifetime to be defined. The lifetime of
service decides under what condition the instance of the service will be created and till what time it will be live.

There are three types of service lifetimes supported by .NET Core:

 Transient Service: Instance is created each time it is requested.

 Scoped Service: User-specific instance is created once per user and shared across all the requests.

 Singleton Service: Single Instance is created once a lifetime of the application.

16. What are the differences between .NET Core and .NET Framework?

.NET Core .NET Framework

Completely open-source. Few components are open-source.

Compatible with Linux, Windows, and Mac operating systems. Compatible with only Windows.

Does not support desktop application development. Supports web and desktop application development.

Supports microservices development. Does not support microservices development.

Lightweight for Command Line Interface(CLI). Heavy for Command Line Interface.

Practice Skill: Test your C# knowledge here.

Advanced .NET Core Interview Questions

17. Explain Docker in .NET Core.

Docker is an open platform for developing, shipping, and running applications. It allows you to quickly isolate your
applications from the infrastructure to transmit software. You should leverage this feature for managing
infrastructure and deploying codes fast. It would help reduce the time needed between writing and running codes in

Three main functions:

 Quick and constant delivery of applications

 Responsive deployment and scaling

 Efficiently run more workloads on the same hardware

Take care following points while using Docker in .NET Core

 You can use the Docker client's CLI for managing images and containers

 You must adequately integrate Docker images, containers, and registries while designing and containerising
applications or microservices

 Use Dockerfile for rebuilding images and distribute them with others

18. What is .NET Core CLI?

.NET Core CLI is part of .NET SDK that provides a cross-platform toolset to develop, create, and run .NET Core
applications. You can install multiple versions of the toolset on your machine. You can use the following standard
syntax to use CLI:

dotnet [verb] [arguments]

It provides four types of commands

 Basic commands: All commands required to develop applications like new, restore, build, run, etc.

 Project Modification commands: It allows you to use existing packages or add packages for developing

 Advanced commands: It gives various commands to perform additional functions such as deleting nuget.

 Tool management commands: You can use these commands to manage tools.

19. What is Hosting Environment Management?

It is a new feature of .NET Core that permits you to work with multiple environments with no friction. You can use
this feature through the available interface, Hosting Environment. The interface has been open since the first run of
the application. Its execution depends on the environment variable and switch between the configuration files during

The interface reads a specific environment variable named "ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT" and checks its value.
Check its following values:

 If value: Development – You are running the application in Dev mode

 If value: Staging – You are running the application in staging mode

This feature permits you to manage the different environments as well.

20. Briefly explain Garbage Collection, its benefits, and its condition.

Garbage collection is another powerful feature of .NET Core. The primary function of this feature is to manage
memory allocation and release. The .NET Core has "Zero Garbage Collector" to execute this function. You can call it
Automatic Memory Manager.


 You don't need to put effort into releasing memory manually

 Efficient object allocation on the heap

 Ensure memory security by ensuring object's usage

 You can reclaim objects that are no longer needed, free the memory, and use it for other purposes.

Three conditions that allow garbage collection

 The system has low physical memory

 In case of an acceptable threshold

 When the GC method has been called

21. Discuss CTS types in .NET Core.

Common Type System or CTS standard defines and explains how to use data types in the .NET framework. The
"System.Object" is the base type that derives other types in the singly rooted object hierarchy. It is a collection of
data types, and Runtime uses it to implement cross-language integration.

You can categorise this into two types:

 Value types: This data type uses an object's actual value to represent any object. If you assign instance of
value type to a variable, that variable is given a fresh copy of the value.

Examples: Built-in value types, User-defined value types, Enumeration, Structure

 Reference types: This data type uses a reference to the object's value to represent the objects. You can say it
follows the concept of pointers. It doesn't create any copy if you assign a reference type to a variable that
further points to original values.

Examples: Self-defining types like array, Pointer type, Interface Type

22. Explain CoreRT.

In .NET Core, CoreRT has been used as a native toolchain that performs compilation to translation. In other words, it
compiles CIL byte code to machine code. The CoreRT uses ahead-of-complier, RyuJIT for compilation. You can also use
it with other compilers to perform native compilation for UWP apps.
As a developer, you can utilise its following benefits:

 It is easy to work with one single file generated during compilation along with app, CoreRT, and managed

 It works fast because of the prior execution of compiled code. You don't need to generate machine code or
load the JIT compiler at runtime.

 Since it uses an optimised compiler, thus it generates faster output from higher quality code.

23. Why is Startup Class important?

The Startup is a critical class in the application. The following points make it imperative:

 It describes the pipeline of the web applications.

 You can use individual startups for each environment.

 It helps to perform the registration of all required middleware components.

 Reading and checking thousands of lines in different environments is tough, but you can use various startup
classes to resolve it.

24. What do you mean by state management?

Regarding .NET Core frameworks, state management is a kind of state control object to control the states of the
object during different processes. Since stateless protocol, HTTP has been used, which is unable to retain user values;
thus, different methods have been used to store and preserve the user data between requests.

Approach Name Storage Mechanism

Cookies HTTP Cookies, Server-side app code

Session state HTTP Cookies, Server-side app code

Temp Data HTTP Cookies, Session State

Query Strings HTTP Query Strings

Hidden Fields HTTP Form Fields

HTTPContext.Items Server-side app code

Cache Server-side app code

25. What is the best way to manage errors in .NET Core?

There are mainly four ways to manage errors in .NET Core for web APIs.

 Developer Exception Page

 Exception Handler Page

 Exception Handle Lambda

 UseStatusCodePages
But, in all these four, the best way is "Developer Exception Page" as it provides detailed information (stacks, query
string parameters, headers, cookies) about unhandled request exceptions. You can easily enable this page by running
your applications in the development environment. This page runs early in the middleware pipeline, so you can easily
catch the exception in middleware.

26. IS MEF still available in .NET Core?

Yes, MEF or Managed Extensibility Framework is still available. This library plays a major role in developing
lightweight and extensible applications. You can easily use extensions without configuration. You can restore the
extensions within and outside the application. You can smoothly perform code encapsulation and prevent fragile
complex dependencies.

It has been considered outdated but is still available. If you want to use it, you must use it using some plugins systems
and namespaces like "System.Composition", "System.ComponnetModel.Composition", and "Microsoft.Composition".

27. What is response caching in .NET Core?

During response caching, cache-related headers are mentioned in the HTTP responses of .NET Core MVC actions.
Using these headers, we can specify how the client/proxy machine will cache responses to requests. This, in turn,
reduces the number of client/proxy requests to the web server because the responses are sent from the cache itself.

As we can see in the below diagram, the first request has a complete cycle from client browser to proxy server
and then subsequently to web server. Now, the proxy server has stored the response in the cache. For all the
subsequent requests, the proxy server sends the response from the cache itself. Hence, the number of proxy/client
requests to the web server is reduced.

28. What is a generic host in .NET Core?

The generic host was previously present as ‘Web Host’, in .NET Core for web applications. Later, the ‘Web Host’ was
deprecated and a generic host was introduced to cater to the web, Windows, Linux, and console applications.

Whenever a new application is started we are required to take care of the below points:

 Dependency Injection

 Configuration

 Logging

 Service lifetime management

.NET generic host called ‘HostBuilder’ helps us to manage all the above tasks since it is built on the original
abstraction of these tools.

29. What is routing in .NET Core?

It is a process through which the incoming requests are mapped to the corresponding controllers and actions.
The .NET Core MVC has a routing middleware to perform this task. This middleware matches the incoming HTTP
requests to the executable request-handling code. We can define the routing in the middleware pipeline in the
‘Startup.Configure’ file.

As we can see in the below code snippet, there are two methods or pair of middleware to define routing:

 UseRouting: Adds route which matches the middleware pipeline.

 UseEndpoints: Adds end execution point to the middleware pipeline and runs the delegate of the endpoint.

public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IWebHostEnvironment env)

if (env.IsDevelopment())



app.UseEndpoints(endpoints =>

endpoints.MapGet("/", async context =>

await context.Response.WriteAsync("Hello World!");



30. What is Dependency Injection in .NET Core? Explain its advantages.

.NET Core has been designed to support Dependency Injection(DI), which means the application is loosely coupled. It
is a technique to introduce Inversion Control(IoC) between the classes and their dependencies. In other words, the
object maintains only that dependency which is required during that particular task. A dependency is an object on
which another object depends, by dependency injection, the application becomes better testable, maintainable, and

Dependency Injection has three steps:

 An interface or base class is present to provide an abstraction for dependency implementation.

 Dependency is registered in a service container, a built-in container IServiceProvider is present in .NET Core.

 Service is injected into the constructor of the class where dependency is used.

Advantages of Dependency Injection:

 Code is flexible, implementation can be changed without much overhead.

 Code becomes easy to test because of the use of interfaces.

 Code is loosely coupled, clean, and easy to maintain.

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ASP.NET MVC Interview Questions

31. What role does IIS manager play for ASP.NET MVC?

The application deployment process requires a windows server with an installed IIS manager. You need to use the IIS
manager to perform deployment after the development of the applications. Without deployment, you can't bring any
application to the market; thus, the IIS manager plays a primary role in completing this process. Click this link to
know all steps of deployment using IIS manager.

Another deployment option is to use the Docker environment, which first deploys the docker package on any server
machine and then implements the next deployment stage.

32. Discuss role-based authentication in ASP.NET MVC?

Roles define the permission to access something. A user can access any resource if they have permission. Role-based
authentication is essential to ensure the security of applications and their data. It defines the role of providers and
membership. The main task of providers is to give permission and assign roles to users to ensure authentication and

Check this image to know how it works and establish security in applications.

33. How would you differentiate ASP.NET from ASP.NET MVC?

Check the following points to understand how ASP.NET is different from ASP.NET MVC:

 ASP.NET is a web platform, whereas ASP.NET MVC is an application framework for building web applications.

 ASP.NET offers a layer that resides on the web server's top layer for creating web applications and services.
Conversely, ASP.NET MVC framework stays on top of ASP.NET to design web applications with the help of

 ASP.NET is based on a simple event-driven programming model, whereas ASP.NET MVC is based on the
"Model-View-Controller" architectural model.
34. Which feature of ASP.NET Core MVC has been used as a new way of exposing server-side code that renders HTML

The new "Tag helper" feature of ASP.NET Core MVC helps expose server-side code that renders HTML elements. It
brings the same features of "HTML Razor helpers, " which looks like standard HTML elements. There is no need to
switch context between HTML and Razor Syntax. Tag helpers are objects, and you can bound them to the models and
dynamically render HTML elements according to their properties. Some of the common Tag-helper objects are as

 asp-action – To use action methods

 asp-for – To use model binding

 asp-route-id – To use route expression

 asp-validation-summary – For validations

If you are a front-end designer working on CSS, JS frameworks or libraries, this feature can help you to quickly change
or update the "View" without knowing the programming language. Additionally, they are reliable and reusable, which
could be used in multiple views.

35. What is the view component feature?

View Component is another new feature that has been considered a powerful version of partial views. It is used for
solving many problems. The primary function of this feature is to split the complex views into reusable parts. With
the help of partial views, you can also access the parent page's view model.

But, one drawback of this feature is that it can't access the page model and can operate on the passed arguments.
Thus, the best application of this feature is to use it to render reusable pieces of pages that might consist of logic. Use
this feature through dependency injection, which makes it robust and reusable.

36. What do you mean by MVC application life cycle?

MVC application life cycle has two stages of executing applications.

First stage: Creating the request object

 Fill the route table using route collection

 Fetch the route to create "RouteData" object

 Now use this object to create "RequestContext" object

 At last, create a controller instance to control the class instance

Second stage: Creating the response object

 Execute the action

 Send the response to the browser as a result

37. What are the different return types used by the "controller action" method in MVC

In ASP.NET MVC, controllers, controller actions, and action results are linked. You can consider that the action is a
method on the controller which is called whenever someone requests URL in the browser address bar. The controller
responds to the requests and also exposes controller actions. In simple, this action returns action results in different
return types. Check this following table to know these return types, which inherit from the base Action Result class.

Return Type Meaning

ViewResult It represents HTML and markup

EmptyResult It represents no result

RedirectResult It represents a redirection to a new URL

JsonResult It represents a JavaScript Object Notation result which could be used in an AJAX application

JavaScriptResult It represents a JavaScript script

ContentResult It represents a text result

FileContentResult It represents a downloadable file (with the binary content)

FilePathResult It represents a downloadable file (with a path)

FileStreamResult It represents a downloadable file (with a file stream)

38. What is Scaffolding in ASP.NET MVC?

One of the essential concepts of ASP.NET MVC that help developers like me generate code to perform basic
operations – Create, Read, Update, Delete. You can make changes in the codes as per needs. That's why, we call it a
"code-generation framework" for developing MVC applications. It helps enhance the code which interacts with the
data model of applications. It also supports reducing the development time to execute data operations.

Additionally, the framework includes multiple templates, including page templates, field templates, , entity page
templates, and filter templates. You can call them Scaffold templates. These templates permit you to design and build
a fully functional website.

39. What is the role of Action Filters?

The central role of Action Filters in ASP.NET MVC is the execution of filtering logic after an action method is called.
You can call these filters to "custom attributes" which helps to clarify declarations of pre-action or post-action
behaviour to the controller's action methods. These attributes are derived from the "System.Attribute" which could
be attached to classes, methods, fields, or properties. You can utilise any of these filters to implement filtering.

Filter type Function

OutputCache It caches the output of a controller action for a specific period

HandleError It handles errors raised when a controller action executes

Authorise It enables you to restrict access to a particular user or role

40. How to intercept exceptions using ASP.NET MVC?

An intercepting exception is an essential part of application development and execution. The exception handling's job
is to respond to exceptional conditions. ASP.NET MVC has various ways to intercept exceptions, including

 HandleError attribute on controllers and action method – A simple method to handle errors and exception

 Try-catch-finally – A simple three blocks to catch the exception

 Overriding OnException Method – A void method that takes an argument as an object of ExceptionContext
to manage exception

 Setting a goal exception handling filter – You have to take care of HandleErrorAttribute and need to add it

 Extending HandleErrorAttribute – It permits you to create your Exception Handler to manage the errors

41. What is ASP.NET MVC? Explain its components.

It is a lightweight and open-source web development framework, which is used to decouple data(Model), interface
(View), and logic(Controller). It provides a pattern-based way to create dynamic websites and supports TDD-based

An MVC(Model-View-Controller) architectural pattern separates the application into three components and
provides separation of concerns.

 Model: Represents the state of application/logic, where the business logic and implementation logic is

 View: It is responsible for providing the view through the user interface.

 Controller: Handles user interaction, works in tandem with model and view components.

It provides the latest web standards and many features like routing, model binding, model validation, dependency
injection, web APIs, razor view engine, filters, etc.

42. What are the advantages of ASP.NET MVC?

 Provides full control over HTML rendering.

 Provides separation of concerns(SoC).

 Reduction of complexity by dividing the application into three components.

 Supports test-driven development(TDD).

 Easy integration with JavaScript, JSON, jQuery, etc.

 Uses the latest technology and supports the latest trends.

43. Why use an area in ASP.NET MVC?

Any large ASP.NET MVC project has many controllers, views, and model classes. With time, it will become very
difficult to manage it using the default MVC project structure.

The area is used to physically partition the large application into small functional units. Each unit has its own MVC
folder structure and model, view, and controller folders.

The below example shows how each area - admin, finance, HR has its own set of model, view, and controller folders.

44. What is the difference between ViewData and ViewBag in ASP.NET MVC?

ViewData and ViewBag in ASP.NET MVC are used for transferring data from controller to view. Below are the
differences between them:

ViewData ViewBag

It is a dictionary object of the ‘ViewDataDictionary’ class having key- It is a wrapper around ViewData and is a dynamic
value. property.

Faster than ViewBag. Slower than ViewData.

Type conversion code is required. Dynamic hence type conversion code is not required

45. Describe the request flow in the ASP.NET MVC framework.

The request flow has below stages in the MVC framework:

 Routing: It is the first step which matches the pattern of the request’s URL against the URL present in the
route table.

 MvcHandler: It starts the processing of the request using the ProcessRequest method.

 Controller: Uses ‘IControllerFactory’ instance and calls the ‘Execute’ method, where ‘IControllerFactory’ is a
default controller factory or a custom factory can be defined.

 Action execution: After controller instantiation, ‘ActionInvoker’ defines which action to be performed on the

 View result: The ‘action’ method prepares the response and then returns a result.

 View engine: ‘IViewInterface’ of the view engine selects a view engine to render the result.

 View: ‘ViewResult’ returns and renders an HTML page on the browser.

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Final Thoughts

We are here to help you prepare for your .NET Core Interview Questions. We hope these questions will help you
sharpen your .NET Core knowledge. Read these interview questions to learn how to succeed in any interview. Join us
and practice your skills before your tech interviews. We'd love to hear your questions in the comment section.

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