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appendix d

for Teachers
and Learners

here is a virtually limitless — and ever-growing —
body of material on the Internet for English
English as a Second or
teachers and students. Given the fluid nature of Foreign Language
the medium, by the time this book reaches your Aardvark’s English Forum. ( This site
hands some of the information in the following includes a student and teacher message board, and stu-
list (current as of early 2017) will no doubt be out of date, dent and teacher sections featuring resources like full-
but presumably many of these sites will be up and running text novels and the latest EFL/ESL news. Keywords :
for some years to come, so this list should help get you BBC news, quotes, idioms, schools of the day, interactive
started. The resources are divided into five broad categories exercises, English language teaching books.
as many sites cover a wide range of topics, activities, and Capital Community College Foundation. Guide to grammar
other resources available for English language teaching and and writing. (
learning. Unlike appendix C, which is more easily divided Grammar explanations and quizzes; writing at the word
into sections of reading, listening, and so on, the following and sentence level, paragraph level, essay and research
websites are not so easily differentiated and will require paper level.
further investigation on the part of the reader. However,
Dave’s ESL Café. ( Keywords : jobs, lesson
we have provided short annotations and/or keywords for
plan ideas, teacher forums, teacher training forums,
each site that highlight some of the topics and resources
grammar lessons, idioms, phrasal verbs, quizzes, slang,
available. Both the categories we have created and the sites
student forums, podcasts, ESL links.
within them are listed in alphabetical order.
EFL Tasks. ( Activities for beginning, inter-
When using these resources, you should keep two
mediate, and advanced students including webquests,
things in mind. First, some sites or aspects of sites (e.g.,
treasure hunts, samplers, and hotlists.
videos) may not be accessible in your host country. Before
suggesting a site to your student, be sure to check its func- EnglishClub. ( Materials for
tionality in the host country without a VPN (virtual private students and teachers in grammar, vocabulary, pronun-
network). Second, the resources listed here are in English; ciation, spelling, listening, speaking, reading, writing.
there are likely many more resources available in the Tools, tips, and resources for school administration or
students’ native language, and you should encourage them management. Keywords : tests, handouts, lesson plans,
to explore these resources as well. In fact, the availability of teacher forum, teaching tips, job board, TEFL articles.
resources is not so much the concern as making good use of ( Resources for
them, so you should encourage students to critically evalu- teachers and students from beginning to advanced
ate the materials they use to supplement their out-of-class learners, with exercises on grammar, reading compre-
learning. Finally, while many resources listed below are free, hension, vocabulary, listening.
some require subscriptions or fees. ( More than
We have marked websites that have an app for smart- 700 discussion topic handouts with more than 14,000
phones with an asterisk (*). For more app suggestions, see questions. Handouts can be printed in Word or PDF.
the Master’s In English site under the “English as a Second ESLgold. ( This site covers all language
or Foreign Language” category. skills plus business English and TOEFL/TOEIC.
Keywords : textbook recommendations, grammar expla-
nations, flash cards, language learning strategies, quizzes,
idioms, job search, games, activities, ESL videos.


esl-lounge. ( Keywords : lesson plans, TEFL Games. Free ESL games and quiz corner. (teflgames
teaching aids, flash cards, role-play cards, book reviews, .com/games.html). Keywords : interactive games, card
games, blog, ESL forum, quizzes, song lyrics, links, games, mimic games, 20 questions, quiz games.
embarrassing teacher stories. ( Keywords : job seekers, recruit- The English learner movie guides. (www ment, teacher training. Plot summaries, vocabulary, and ( Keywords : jobs, teacher training,
­discussion questions for a long list of films. courses, lesson plans, worksheets, worksheet generator,
ESL Resource Center. ( discussion forums, ESL administration resources.
Lessons and exercises for grammar, reading and writing, ( Keywords :
vocabulary and idioms, spelling, pronunciation, and placement tests, exercises, forums, games, audio and
listening. video files, interactive test builder, free weekly lessons. ( This site is WyzAnt Resources. ESL lessons & help. (
more ESL than EFL focused. Keywords : lesson plans, /resources/lessons/english/esl). Keywords : lesson plans,
activities, teaching tips, “Ask Judie” column. quizzes, learning strategies, grammar explanations,
Indiana University. How to recognize plagiarism: Tutorials punctuation, writing, videos.
and tests. ( Plagiarism tutorial
with videos, practice exercises, and tests.
General Sites and Applications
John’s ESL Community. ( Worksheets,
quizzes, games, and language learning strategies for Big Think. ( Provides short videos, articles,
each language skill. The site has the function to create and a podcast from experts on health, arts and entertain-
rubrics, puzzles, gap fills, and games. ment, business, personal growth, politics, science, society
and culture, and technology. Create playlists.
Lanternfish ESL. ( Keywords :
games, flashcards, songs, writing, worksheets, phonics, *Google Translate.( Translates
science, survival English, business English, ESL for between many languages, including English.
adults, young learners, ESL articles, lesson plans, holiday *PlayPosit. ( Allows teachers to embed
worksheets, job search. activities and other content into videos.
Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day. (larryferlazzo Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL). (owl.english.purdue A blog that lists and reviews many .edu/owl). Provides resources on general writing,
websites and resources for EFL teachers and learners at research and citation, teacher and tutor resources,
different proficiency levels. ­subject-specific writing, job search writing, ESL,
*Mastersin The essential guide to apps for learning ­vidcasts, and administrative staff writing.
English as a second language. ( Sites for Teachers. ( Provides
/essential-esl-app-guide). This site lists 97 apps for links to many sites for teachers including worksheets,
learning language. clip art, lesson plans, study tools, and games.
Rubistar. ( Aids for creating TeacherTube. ( Keywords : teaching
grading templates (rubrics) for oral, reading, and videos, audios, photos, documents, group discussions,
writing assignments. playlists, channels, on-demand, newsletter.
Sounds of English. ( Key- *TED. ( Expert lectures with
words : American English pronunciation, lesson plans, transcripts.
activities, presentations. *VoiceThread. ( Resource for discussing
Teaching English. ( Teacher topics and sharing ideas asynchronously through
development from the BBC and British Council recorded videos.
including teaching ideas for different age groups. *Words with Friends. (
Keywords : lesson plans, online conferences, webinars, -friends). This game app can help students with word
blogs, Shakespeare. form and spelling, and offers a social motivation for
students to improve their vocabulary.


*YouTube. ( Videos that cover pronun- to test their knowledge of grammar, vocabulary,
ciation, grammar, read-along books, culture, and many and idioms.
other topics; ESL/EFL channels geared toward different Journal of the Imagination in Language Teaching and Learn-
age groups. ing. (1997–2003). (
.html). Discusses relationships between the imagina-
Journals and Magazines tion and the acquisition of languages; for teachers at
all levels.
AILA Review. (
The Language Teacher. ( Bimonthly
/volumes). An annual journal with contributions from
publication of the Japan Association for Language
teachers and researchers all over the world investigating
Teaching; readable and practical articles. See also JALT
language teaching and learning.
Journal, linked from this site.
Annual Review of Applied Linguistics. (journals.cambridge
The Reading Matrix. ( Journal
.org/action/displayJournal?jid=APL). Research-oriented,
focusing on reading issues; includes other reading-­
thematic annual journal that looks at different issues in
related resources.
the field of language teaching.
SEAMEO Regional Language Centre. (
Asia Journal of English Language Teaching. (
.sg/Publications). Articles on language teaching in
.hk/ajelt). Research-oriented journal on topics relevant
RELC Journal.
to teaching in Asia; published by the Chinese University
of Hong Kong. TESL-EJ: Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language.
( Quarterly journal offering
Asian EFL Journal. ( Academic
articles on a wide range of teaching topics.
articles on English teaching in Asia; information on
conferences in the region. TESOL Connections. ( A free monthly
newsletter with resources and practical advice for
English for Specific Purposes World. (
English language teachers.
Web-based journal with academic articles from around
the world on teaching English for specific purposes. TESOL Journal. ( A theory-focused jour-
nal related to second and foreign language acquisition.
English Teaching and Learning. (
/en/publish/publish.php?class=102). Quarterly journal TESOL Quarterly. ( A more prac-
published by the National Taiwan Normal University. tice-focused journal looking at the teaching and learning
of English in the field.
English Teaching Forum Online. (
/english-teaching-forum-0). Quarterly journal on EFL
teaching published by the U.S. Information Agency; Professional Organizations
articles by teachers around the world. American Association of Applied Linguistics (AAAL).
English Teaching Professional. ( ( Based in the United States.
Selected articles from the print magazine. Asian Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign
ESL Magazine. ( Bimonthly magazine Language. ( Based in Asia.
serving ESL/EFL professionals worldwide. British Council. ( Based in the
Essential Teacher. (2003–2009). ( United Kingdom.
-publish/journals/other-serial-publications). Quarterly International Association of Applied Linguistics (AILA).
magazine of TESOL International Association; it ( Founded in France.
included columns, articles, and reviews.
International Association of English Language Teachers of
Humanising Language Teaching. ( English as a Foreign Language (IATEFL). (www.iatefl
Interesting variety of articles and features for language .org). Based in the United Kingdom.
International Society for Language Studies (ISLS). (
The Internet TESL Journal. (1995–2010). ( Based in the United States.
Monthly Web journal that included articles, research
Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages
papers, lesson plans, teaching techniques, book reviews,
(TESOL). ( Based in the United States.
links, and more than 500 quizzes students can take


Student-Focused Sites referencing, presentations, job applications, interviews,
meetings, letters, memos, emails, report writing,
and Applications IELTs prep, independent language learning, studying ( English study English online.
resources in multiple languages such as Chinese, *Lang-8. ( Write “diaries” and get feedback
German, and French. Keywords : English courses, audio from other users, including native speakers, using the
courses, practice writing, quizzes, articles. site’s track changes and other features. Though there
Activities for ESL Students. ( Grammar and are often more nonnative than native speakers on the
vocabulary quizzes in multiple languages; includes site, keep in mind that feedback from other nonnative
exercises and crossword puzzles. speakers of English can be just as valuable, if not more,
*BBC: Learning English. ( than that of native speakers.
Lessons for intermediate learners. Keywords : English Interesting things for ESL students. (www
my way, Shakespeare, English at university, English at Keywords : reading, sentences, listen-
Work, news report, the English we speak, lingohack, ing, vocabulary, pronunciation, games, puzzles.
6 minute English, pronunciation, drama, words in *Memrise. ( An interactive, social
the news. app that offers language courses and helps students
Churchill House. ( An memorize vocabulary; students can also learn from other
English language school. Keywords : English exercises, app users.
exam guides, useful learning websites, ask a language *News in Levels. ( Keywords :
question, learning videos. graded news stories, grammar, books, jokes, videos,
*Culips. ( Podcasts to learn conversational audios.
English. Keywords : podcasts, English conversations Randall’s ESL Cyber Listening Lab. (
at normal speed, simplified speech episodes, idioms, Keywords : listening exercises and quizzes of varying
phrases, common slang, everyday English expressions. difficulty and length.
*Duolinguo. ( Language learning app Repeat After Us. ( Listening and
in the student’s native language. pronunciation practice. Keywords : poetry, drama, fiction,
English Listening. ( Listening prose, nonfiction, children’s stories, nursery rhymes,
practice; Chinese language version available. tongue twisters, quotes.
*ESL Lounge Student. ( Simple English Wikipedia. ( This
Exercises and games for all levels. Keywords : grammar, site is designed to offer the same search and information
grammar guide, reading, listening, vocabulary, test prep, access as Wikipedia but for ESL/EFL learners.
phrasal verbs, pronunciation. *Speak English. ( Students can
ESL Radio and TV. ( Excerpts listen to native speakers talk about a variety of topics
from TV and radio shows with short quizzes to multiple times, record themselves saying some of the
check comprehension. same sentences, and compare their speech with that of
*FluentU. ( Contains authentic videos the native speakers’.
such as movie trailers, news, and talks containing cap- *Studycat. ( This site lists language learning
tions to help learners understand the content as well as apps for young children, including Fun English, Fun
the culture surrounding certain phrases. English Stories, and ABC Galaxy.
*Grammar Up. ( Talk ( Listening and
Keywords : adjective, adverbs, causative verbs, condition- speaking lessons, and articles.
als, grammar features. TOPICS Online Magazine for Learners of English. (www
Hong Kong Polytechnic University: Centre for Inde- Features articles written by and for
pendent Language Learning. ( English learners.
Keywords : discussions, essays, common error detector,


Texts, Corpora, and Other Library of Congress. ( Website of the
U.S. Library of Congress, which has many digital
Reference Materials authentic English language texts that could be used in ( Free access to a large the classroom.
range of great literary works, dictionaries, encyclopedias, Michigan Corpus of Academic Spoken English
and almost anything else you would expect to find in the (MiCASE). (
reference collection of a Western library. This is a collection of spoken data from authentic
BookBrowse. ( Excerpts from and academic contexts.
reviews of books. Michigan Corpus of Upper-Level Student Papers
British National Corpus (BNC). ( A ­(MiCUSP). ( This is a collection
searchable collection of British spoken and written data; of high-scoring student academic papers that can be
see the link for BYU-BNC. used as examples.
*Cambridge Dictionary. ( Dic- *Oxford Learner’s Dictionaries. (www.oxfordlearners
tionary resource for both American and British English. Dictionary resource geared towards
Corpora4Learning. ( English language learners.
/materials.html). List of sites and tools for doing corpus *Project Gutenberg. ( Collection of
searches and applying corpus data to language learning. 13,000 free electronic books, mostly older books in the
Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA). public domain.
( This site allows you to search *Wikipedia: The free encyclopedia. (
American English texts, TV shows, and more for Online, multilingual encyclopedia with entries on just
authentic usage of words and grammar. It can serve as about everything you could ask for.
a reference tool so that you do not have to rely on your yourDictionary. ( Online dictionary
native-speaker instinct. and grammar resource; includes a variety of other
Drew’s Script-O-Rama. ( A large language-related resources, such as a section on
collection of movie scripts. endangered languages.
JoBlo’s Movie Screenplays. (
.php). Links to sites with movie scripts.


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