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To: The President

WSU Queenstown Rugby

I trust this finds you well. SheRef Her Legacy in partnership with Ngculu Zebras invites you to
the first annual Eastern Cape Sport Week (ECSW), Ngqamakhwe to be held on the 30th of
March 2024 at Zolile Somlota Multi-purpose Sports Facility (Nqamakwe Sports Field).

The objective of the ECSW

1. Encourage sport participation in our schools.
2. Revive sport in our communities.
3. Address skills developments beyond sport

Our main goal is to transform lives of our brothers and sisters through sports. We encourage
education, unity, peace, skills, growth, and development using sport as a vehicle to address
everything mentioned above. This one-day pilot event will consist of three Sporting codes,
namely Soccer, Rugby and Netball from clubs around Ngqamakhwe.

Four teams per sporting code will be invited by Ngculu Zebras to participate in the
tournament. The winner takes all format will be used.

Affiliation fee: None

Prize: R10 000 worth of sport training equipment
Incentives: ECSW will provide lunch packs, water for all participating teams
NB: Please confirm your participation by 01 March 2024

I hope this finds you well.

Do not hesitate to contact Club President: Mr. M Makalima @ 0615573060, or (Club Secretary)
Mr. X Mjakujo @ 0785302966 should you seek any additional information.

Yours in Sport Development

Xolisa Mjakujo
Ngculu Zebras RFC Club Secretary 25/02/2024
[email protected]

in partnership with
Akhona “SheRef” MAKALIMA
Founder, SheRef Her Legacy Foundation

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