Comparisons of Two Typical Specialized Finite Elem

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Mathematical Problems in Engineering

Volume 2019, Article ID 9178626, 11 pages

Research Article
Comparisons of Two Typical Specialized Finite Element
Programs for Mechanical Analysis of Cement Concrete Pavement

Hanyan Gu ,1,2,3 Xin Jiang ,1,2,3 Zhenkun Li,1,2,3 Kang Yao,1,2,3 and Yanjun Qiu 1,2,3

School of Civil Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 610031, China
Highway Engineering Key Laboratory of Sichuan Province, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 610031, China
MOE Key Laboratory of High-speed Railway Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 610031, China

Correspondence should be addressed to Xin Jiang; [email protected]

Received 9 July 2019; Revised 28 August 2019; Accepted 6 September 2019; Published 25 September 2019

Academic Editor: Alessandro Della Corte

Copyright © 2019 Hanyan Gu et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
The structural mechanics analysis of the Portland cement concrete pavement (PCCP) is considerably complicated and distinctive.
From the application viewpoint, the capabilities and characteristics of two typical professional finite element software products,
named KENSLABS and EverFE, are analyzed. The similarities and differences between these two programs are compared. The
comparisons focus on some key factors of modeling and solution strategies, such as element type, meshing, traffic load and
temperature curling, boundary conditions, and contact conditions. Based on one specific case example, the two software products
were conducted to demonstrate their main functions. The research results clarify the performance of the two software products for
structural analysis of cement concrete pavement and indicate each application conditions from their respective features, which can
provide valuable references for software users and program developers.

1. Introduction discontinuous due to longitudinal and transverse joints

distributed between adjacent slabs. Transverse joints are
As an important part in the transportation infrastructure, often doweled for better load transfer, and adjacent slabs
Portland cement concrete pavement (PCCP) is generally may be tied at longitudinal joints. (5) Many distresses, in-
regarded as a layered system composed of surface course, cluding blowup, corner break, pumping and water bleeding,
base course, subbase course, and bed course built on sub- transverse and longitudinal cracks, and joint faulting, may
grade [1]. Some of the major features of PCCP are sum- occur frequently under the comprehensive influence of
marized below: (1) It consists of several different materials, traffic loads and temperature changes, thus resulting in the
such as fines, coarse aggregate, cement-stabilized material, sharp decrease of pavement performance [1].
and cement concrete, which are of strong nonlinearity, Carrying out the analysis of the PCCP structure can
nonuniformity, and anisotropy [2]. (2) The pavement system comprehensively obtain the mechanical response and failure
is repeatedly subjected to various wheel/axle load combi- mechanism under the traffic load, temperature gradient, and
nations with different speeds. These loads may be vertical or other environmental factors. It is of great significance for
horizontal. In addition to static effects, the load dynamic reasonable measures determination, design, and construc-
effects such as movement, impact, or vibration are very tion technology improvement. Traditional available ana-
strong [3, 4]. Furthermore, the positions of the loads are not lytical solutions may not realistically account for complex
fixed during the travel time. (3) As been exposed to natural loads, mixed boundary conditions, and arbitrary geometry
circumstances, Portland cement concrete slabs experience [9]. With the development of electronic computers, many
seasonal and daily temperature changes deeply, while the different numerical methods have been employed in the
performance of subgrade is also severely dependent on water rigid pavement structure analysis in the past several decades,
and temperature conditions [5–8]. (4) The plate should be such as finite element method (FEM), discrete element
2 Mathematical Problems in Engineering

method (DEM), boundary element method (BEM), and numerical simulation implementation of the PCCP structure
finite difference method (FDM). However, the finite element by large general-purpose finite element software packages
method is undoubtedly one of the mainstream methods due with theory development [32–35].
to its outstanding flexibility and acceptability. As early as
1965, Cheung and Zienkiewicz developed finite element 2. Comparison of EverFE and KENSLABS
methods for analyzing slabs on elastic foundations of both
liquid and solid types [10]. The finite element method (FEM) Similar to other finite element programs, both KENSLABS
is useful for both rigid pavement researchers and designers and EverFE contain three core components to conduct
who must perform complex mechanics-based analyses of PCCP numerical analysis: numerical model establishment
rigid pavement systems. Many special-purpose programs (preprocessing), calculation and solution, results output,
based on FEM were developed to conduct cement concrete and visualization (postprocessing). The details will be
pavement structure mechanical analysis with enough ac- circumstantiated below. It should be pointed out that the
curacy and higher efficiency. Though general-purpose finite DOS version of KENSLABS and the Windows version of
element packages, such as ABAQUS and ANSYS, have EverFE 2.24 are discussed for parallel comparisons in this
powerful ability to handle with complex problems [11–14], study while there are several versions available currently.
they can be difficult to learn and use effectively, model Macroscopically, both programs can be applied to a
generation can be time-consuming, simulation times can be maximum of 9 slabs and 12 joints. However, surface course
long in the case of 3D analysis, and extracting results of can be considered as one-layer or two-layer slabs in
interest can be difficult. Therefore, the particularity and KENSLABS. There are three different types of foundations
complexity of the analysis of the PCCP structure are difficult that can be assumed: dense liquid foundation (Winkler
to be illustrated in details. In the meantime, some special- foundation), solid foundation, and layer foundation.
purpose software packages were developed for PCCP When a dense liquid foundation is introduced, even the
structural analysis because they address the shortcomings of nonuniformity of the foundation can be taken into ac-
both the previously described approaches. There are many count. However, if a base or a subbase course is taken into
excellent software products currently available for cement consideration, a layer foundation is recommended for
concrete pavement structure analysis, including KENSLABS more realistic results. Symmetry of the model can be fully
[15], WESLIQID and WESLAYER [16], ILLI-SLAB [17, 18] utilized in KENSLABS. As a result, the half-structure or
(called ISLAB2000 from 2000 [19]), JSLAB [20, 21], RISC quarter structure can be introduced in analysis to save
[22, 23], DIPLOMAT [24], FEACONS-IV [25], KOLA [26], calculation time and data storage. But the slabs must be
and EverFE [27]. Most of them are on the basis of the two- rectangular, and this is one minor limitation.
dimensional finite element method due to the limitation of On the contrary, one-layer slab is a default setting in
hardware requirements and computing time. KENSLABS, a EverFE, and up to 3 elastic base layers can be specified. Each
2D program developed by Professor Yang H. Huang of one of them is assumed to be perfectly bonded to the
University of Kentucky, and EverFE, a 3D program de- adjacent layer, and the uppermost layer can be completely
veloped by Professor Bill Davids of University of Maine, are unbonded with the slab. A tensionless or tension-sup-
quite distinctive among them. They play a representative role porting dense liquid foundation underlies the bottom-most
to some degree in the history of PCCP mechanical analysis layer. The effects of linear or nonlinear aggregate interlock
and have been utilized widely and successfully in the con- shear transfer can be simulated at the joints. Two types of
crete pavement industry [5, 28–31]. elements are utilized to discretize the dowel and tie bars,
The finite element analysis (FEA) studies of the pave- and the looseness and misalignment of the dowel bars can
ment structure currently available emphasize the basic be modeled perfectly. Every dowel can be precisely located
theoretical aspects of the method with applications being across the transverse joints in the numerical model.
presented to demonstrate the essential practical nature of Contrary to KENSLABS, the full model must be adopted in
the technique. However, as anyone who has ever tried to EverFE. The slabs can be rectangular or quadrilateral, and
develop a finite element program will testify, there is an this is more flexible than KENSLABS.
enormous gulf between the basic theory and a working
computer code. In this paper, two typical finite element
software packages for PCCP analysis—KENSLABS and 2.1. Element Type and Mesh. Thanks to the plate theory,
EverFE—will be introduced to conduct comparisons from KENSLABS was designed as a two-dimensional (2D) FEM
application viewpoints; that is, numerical model estab- program. The slabs only need to be meshed on the plane.
lishment, calculation solution strategy, and results post- Nonetheless, it needs to be meshed by inputting the grid
processing will be investigated in details. Then, one specific lines locations of each slab manually. When dividing the
case example is going to be solved by both two programs, slabs into rectangular finite elements, it is not necessary to
respectively, and the resulting differences between them use very fine divisions. However, the regions near the load or
will be discussed. For one thing, this study will help around the area of interest must be meshed finer. In ad-
software users to improve these two programs application dition, due to the limitations of KENSLABS itself, the total
level. For another, the program developers will get valuable number of nodes is limited to 420. Up to 15 nodes in the x
references from these comparisons to release more pow- direction and 15 nodes in the y direction can be set in each
erful specialized software. Finally, this study may improve slab. To obtain more accurate results, the length-to-width
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 3

ratio of any element should not be greater than 5. The KENSLABS to simulate the thermal load. In contrast,
dimension of the overall stiffness matrix is limited to temperature distribution can be linear or nonlinear in
70,000. If the overall stiffness matrix dimension exceeds EverFE. Up to four temperature change points along the
70,000, an iterative method is activated automatically to thickness can be defined; i.e., the temperature distribu-
solve the simultaneous equations. There are one plate tion would be linear, bilinear, or trilinear (illustrated in
element, three types (liquid, solid, and layer) of foundation Figure 2). At the same time, the values at the control
elements, and one dowel bar element in KENSLABS. points are absolute temperatures specified arbitrarily,
The slabs will be divided evenly by EverFE according rather than relative temperature difference. Therefore, the
to the element number of three directions. Similar to influence of the overall expansion or contraction on the
KENSLABS, it is also required that the length-to-width slab with joint shear transfer can be studied. This would
ratio of elements needs to be less than 5. The total number be an equivalent method to simulate the early shrinkage
of elements is theoretically unlimited in EverFE, and the effect of PCCP in the meanwhile.
solved problem scale only depends on the computer
hardware configurations. Five types of elements are
2.3. Boundary Conditions. In KENSLABS, x and y di-
embedded in EverFE, as shown in Figure 1: 20-noded
rections’ (the horizontal direction) displacements of the
quadratic solid element for discretizing the slabs and
nodes are fixed, due to the basic assumptions of the plate
elastic base layers, 8-noded planar quadratic element to
theory. The foundation (dense liquid foundation, layer
simulate the dense liquid foundation, 16-noded quadratic
foundation, or solid foundation) provides the z direction
interface element to implement aggregate interlock and
constraint. It occurs when the slabs and foundation are in
the slab-base interactions, 3-noded embedded flexible
contact, which can be judged by the program itself or defined
element, and 2-noded shear beam element for discretizing
by users.
dowel and tie bars.
EverFE differs its default boundary conditions
depending on whether there is an elastic base layer: (1) If
the base layer is involved in the model, the shear stiffness
2.2. Traffic Load and Temperature Gradient. Exposed to
of the slab-base interface element constrains the dis-
natural circumstances, the cement concrete pavement is
placement of the slab in the x and y directions, and the z
affected by traffic loads, temperature gradient, and moisture
direction constraint is obtained by contact with the base
gradient. Different specialized software products treat these
layer. The rigid body motion of the base layer and the
factors differently. The following are some tips about the
subbase layer is prevented by limiting the displacement
differences when using these two programs.
in the x and y directions of a node on the x-face and
In terms of loads, rectangular uniformly distributed
limiting the x-displacement of a second node on the x-
vertical loads, concentrated forces, and moments can be
face. (2) If the slabs are modeled directly on a dense
applied to the KENSLABS model. If uniformly distributed
liquid foundation, i.e., no base layer is modeled, each slab
vertical loads are involved, the locations for four sides of
is restrained against x and y directions’ displacements at
the rectangular contact area need to be input manually.
one node on its x-face and against x-direction dis-
However, it is necessary to set the contact pressure for each
placement at a second node on its x-face to prevent rigid
wheel load area; namely, they can be different from each
body motion of each slab. Vertical support is provided by
other. The coordinates of each contact area and the contact
the dense liquid foundation. The z direction support
pressure should be determined according to the default
constraints of the overall system are provided by dense
coordinate system and axle weight prior to simulation.
liquid foundation. These conditions are always present by
Then, the complex axle combinations can be considered in
default and are not graphically displayed during mod-
KENSLABS by adjusting the contact pressure and locations
eling; namely, no additional manual specification is
of each loading area, respectively. For fatigue cracking of
the slabs caused by load reputations, damage analysis can
be carried out to predict the cracking index and design life
in KENSLABS. In EverFE, some commonly used axle 2.4. Contact Simulation. The contact relationships involved
combinations have been embedded, such as single wheel, in the PCCP structure have a great influence on the me-
single-wheel axle, dual-wheel axle, single-wheel tandem, chanical responses and need to be paid enough attention.
and dual-wheel tandem. For each axle combination, load These contact relationships include the interaction between
parameters can be adjusted according to the contact area, slab and base, slab and foundation, one slab and another
dual spacing, tandem spacing, and spacing between the slab, dowel bar or tie bar, and slab.
center of the two sets of dual tires if needed. The contact About the contact between slab and base, a bound or
pressure is calculated automatically on the basis of the unbound two-layer slab can be simulated in KENSLABS,
contact area and the axle weight; namely, the contact while the lower layer can be regarded as the base layer. To
pressure of each contact area should be same. Compared to capture slab-base shear transfer, EverFE employs 16-noded
KENSLABS, concentrated forces or moments cannot be zero-thickness quadratic interface elements that are
modeled in EverFE. meshed between the slab and base, as shown in Figure 3.
In the aspect of thermal load, the linear temperature The sliding of slab and base layer is defined by two con-
distribution along the thickness is the only selection in stitutive parameters: initial distributed stiffness and slip
4 Mathematical Problems in Engineering

2-noded embedded
shear beam element 3-noded embedded
flexural element

x 20-noded solid
y brick element

ing dir 8-noded dense liquid element
16-noded interface element n

Figure 1: Five types of elements embedded in EverFE [36].

Top Slab


Pairs of nodes vertically constrained

if compression is at interface

Horizontal relative
Figure 3: Tangential contact between the slab and base in EverFE

gap values at some nodes, and the program will determine

whether the slab is in contact with the foundation after being
loaded. That is to say, the contact condition of slab and
foundation can be defined as full contact, partial contact
without initial gap, or partial contact with initial gap (liquid
Bottom Temperature
foundation) in KENSLABS. However, only the full contact is
Linear assumed in EverFE because it is available for most of the
Bilinear time.
Trilinear To simulate the interactions between one slab and an-
Figure 2: Temperature distribution models in EverFE. other slab at the joint, dowel or tie bar, and slab, there are
generally four methods as follows in finite element analysis:
(1) a spring element connects two adjacent slabs directly; (2)
displacement, which is similar to an elastic-plastic model. a beam element directly connects two slabs; (3) a beam
The slab elements and base elements will not share the element connects two concrete slabs by spring elements; (4)
nodes in any case, thanks to such a process. three-dimensional (3D) solid elements are utilized to de-
The consideration approach of KENSLABS and EverFE scribe the contact behaviors. In KENSLABS, a more concise
is quite distinctive for the contact between slab and foun- method is selected, the first one, as shown in Figure 4(a).
dation, and KENSLABS can assume that some nodes may Whether there are dowels or ties, interactions should be
not always in contact with the foundation; namely, gaps may converted into a shear spring constant and a moment spring
occur after being loaded. In the meanwhile, the iteration constant at the adjacent nodes by a certain method. In
method can be adopted to determine if the slab is in contact EverFE, the joint simulation is implemented by the second
with the foundation. It is also possible to specify the initial and third method mentioned above. When the looseness of
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 5

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 4: Simulation methods of the joint in the two programs [1, 36]: (a) spring element; (b) beam element; (c) spring and beam element.

dowel is considered, the second one is activated auto- stiffness matrix in this iterative process is nonlinear due to
matically. The embedded flexural elements are directly the problem (considering shear transfer between the slab
connected to the concrete slab; both ends are embedded in and the base layer, using a dense liquid foundation that is
the concrete, and the gaps are symmetrically distributed on tensionless, looseness of the dowels, or selecting a non-
both sides of the joint, as shown in Figure 4(b). It can be linear aggregate interlock model).
seen that the model is nonlinear when the method is The comparison of the two software packages solution
adopted. However, if the combined method in Figure 4(c) strategies is shown in Figure 5.
is activated, that is the third method, the looseness of the
dowels cannot be considered. At this time, the model is still
linear, which is more convenient for calculation. The 2.6. Results Output and Visualization. KENSLABS can
computation time is saved, and satisfactory results can also output the calculation results directly in text format to
be obtained. More details are shown in Figure 4. computer hard disk, such as temperature curling, z-dis-
placement, plane stress, principal stress, shear of dowels,
and cracking index. All the input parameters during model
2.5. Solution Strategies. KENSLABS follows the general establishment are also output in the same TXT file to check
solution strategies of conventional analysis (stress and the data correctness. The results can only be visualized by
displacement): the overall stiffness matrix is obtained by some third-party powerful visualization tools like ORIGIN,
superimposing the stiffness matrix of the foundation, SURFER, and ParaView.
joints, and slabs. The uniform load is converted into the EverFE couples a highly interactive graphical user
nodal force, and then the nodal force vector is formed. interface for result visualization written in Tcl/Tk/Tix/
Therefore, the displacement matrix can be obtained by vTk. Its strong visualization capabilities and prominent
solving simultaneous equations, and then the stress and postprocessing capabilities can display the stresses,
strain of the node can be solved by the mechanical method. displacements, dowel shear, and moment in the graphical
Gauss elimination is employed to solve the problem. Of interface. Critical response values at any point in the
course, some unusual features can be seen in KENSLABS. model can be easily retrieved. More importantly, the
Considering when the foundation is liquid foundation, the views can be curves, cloud map, or contour map on any x,
slab may cause the separation of the slab and foundation y, or z planes. Additionally, similar to KENSLABS, all the
with loading, temperature curling, and self-weight. Or the model parameters and calculation results are saved to
slabs are not in contact with the foundation on the initial computer hard disk in text format.
condition, and the contact behavior may occur after
loading, temperature curling, and self-weight. The program
introduces an iterative idea to solve such a situation. 3. Example and Discussion
Update the assumption of the contact condition in the 3.1. Problem Description. Since only the liquid foundation
initial state over and over again until the assumption is can be applied in EverFE, appropriate modification of the
consistent with the calculation result. Moreover, the example in the literature [1] is made. Then, a particular
stiffness matrix is iterated too in such processing. This is of example is designed to illustrate the respective character-
great significance for the analysis of the nonlinearity of the istics of two programs. Assume that there is a two-slab
contact between the slab and foundation. system on a liquid foundation subjected to a dual-wheel
The solution strategies of EverFE for general linear and tandem axle load with a total weight of 142.4 kN. The front
nonlinear analysis resemble to KENSLABS. However, axle is applied at the joint with the outside loaded area
iteration is introduced only in the process of solving si- adjacent to the pavement edge. Assume that the slab is in
multaneous equations in EverFE. The displacement in- full contact with the foundation.
crement matrix is obtained by the residual force vector in
each iteration. Then, the stiffness matrix updates. The
displacement increment is superimposed cyclically, and 3.2. Finite Element Model. According to the model pa-
the node displacement matrix is obtained when the re- rameters shown in Table 1, the finite element models
sidual force vector sufficiently is close to zero. Multigrid- established by two software packages are diagramed in
preconditioned conjugate gradient (MG-PCG) solver is Figure 6. As mentioned above, since the limitation of
developed specifically for efficient computation. The present dimensions of KENSLABS, the finer meshes are
6 Mathematical Problems in Engineering

Assume contact Form initial stiffness matrix

conditions and residual force vector

Form the stiffness matrix

Solve equations
of the slab

Superimpose the stiffness matrix Superimpose displacement

of the foundation and the joint increment

Solve equations Update stiffness matrix and

and residual force vector

Are the
No Is the No
contact conditions
residual force vector
consistent with
close to 0?
the assumptions?

Yes Yes
Calculation and
Calculation and
results output
results output

(a) (b)

Figure 5: Solution strategies comparisons of the two programs: (a) KENSLABS; (b) EverFE.

Table 1: Parameters of finite element models.

Parameter type KENSLABS EverFE
(i) Eight 204.1 mm × 140.5 mm rectangular uniform loads
Axle load (ii) Contact pressure: 620.6 kPa
(iii) Dual spacing: 336.1 mm, tandem spacing: 1208.8 mm, and the overall width: 2317.7 mm.
(i) 4572 mm (length) × 3657.6 mm (width) × 178 mm (thickness)
Slab (ii) Joint width: 5.0 mm
(iii) Elastic modulus: E1 � 27580 MPa, Poisson’s ratio: ]1 � 0.15, and unit weight: c � 23.58 kN/m3.
(i) Length: l � 356 mm, diameter: d � 25.4 mm, and 305 mm on centers
(ii) Elastic modulus: E2 � 200,000 MPa and Poisson’s ratio: ]2 � 0.3;
(i) Dowel-slab support modulus:
3 K′ � K·d � 10338 MPa;
(i) Dowel support modulus: K � 407,000 MN/m .
(ii) Aggregate interlock: 0.5 MPa/mm
(software default).
Liquid foundation (i) Reaction modulus: 54.2 MN/m3. (i) Reaction modulus: 0.0542 MPa/mm.

only applied to the wheel paths (diagramed in Figure 6(a)), to be processed by other visualization programs. The results
which is helpful to improve the calculation accuracy. The of EverFE calculation can be directly displayed in graphics
mesh in Figure 6(a) is identical to the literature [1]. and saved in text format. Some other visualization tools are
Contrary to KENSLABS, such a restriction is overcome in utilized to visualize the results for parallel comparisons.
EverFE, so the mesh can be properly refined. Meanwhile, Since there are the discrepancies of coordinate systems
the length-to-width ratio of the element is strictly limited. between the two software products, a self-defined coordinate
The coordinate system employed by the two programs is system is employed for more intuitive comparison. In this
quite different. section, the coordinate origin and the x and y direction are
corresponding to Figure 6(b), and upward is positive for the
z axis. The compression stress is considered as positive.
3.3. Analysis and Discussion of Results. After calculating by The displacement in z direction, the stress at the bottom
KENSLABS, the results are saved in text format, which needs of the slab, and the shear in z direction at the joint (the
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 7

y (mm)
4572 4572

8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64 72 80 88 96 104

2 × 584.2
7 14 21 28 35 42 49 56 63 70 77
7 15 23 31 39 47 55 63 71 79 87 95 103

6 13 20 27 34 41 48 55 62 69 76
6 14 22 30 38 46 54 62 70 78 86 94 102

2 × 406.4
5 12 19 26 33 40 47 54 61 68 75
5 13 21 29 37 45 53 61 69 77 85 93 101

4 8 11 18 25 32 39 46 53 60 67 74
4 12 20 28 36 44 52 60 68 76 84 92 100

3 10 17 24 31 38 45 52 59 66 73

2 × 635
3 11 19 27 35 43 51 59 67 75 83 91 99

2 9 16 23 30 37 44 51 58 65 72

26 50
2 10 18 34 42 58 66 74 82 90 98
1 8 15 22 29 36 43 50 57 64 71
1 9 17 33 41 57 65 73 81 89 97
25 49
x (mm)
1524 1270 3 × 457.2 2 × 406.4 609.6 1016 1016 1524


572 mm
4 x(
. 69



332 Uniform wheel load, total 8


z (m
m) m)
y (m


Figure 6: Finite element models of the two programs: (a) KENSLABS; (b) EverFE.

dowels) calculated by KENSLABS, and the z direction The calculation results of the case example above il-
displacement of the top of the slab, the stress at the bottom of lustrate the following: (1) the macroscopic deformations of
the slab, the z direction shear and the moment of the dowels the slab obtained by the two software packages are similar;
along the length, and the z direction shear of the dowels at the maximum displacement values are − 0.80 mm and
the joint calculated by EverFE are plotted in Figures 7–10, − 0.89 mm, respectively; and the load transfer efficiency
respectively. (LTE) of the dowel bar expressed by the deflection ratio is
8 Mathematical Problems in Engineering

7000 –0.38
z (mm)
6000 –0.43
–0.6 5000 –0.48
4000 –0.53
–1000 ) –0.58
3000 mm
x( –0.63
0 2000 –0.68

1000 1000 –0.73


9000 –0.35
8000 –0.4
–0.2 7000
z (mm)

–0.4 6000
–0.6 –0.5
–0.8 5000 –0.55
4000 –0.6
) –0.65
–1000 3000
mm –0.7
0 2000 –0.75


1000 –0.85


Figure 7: Spatial deflection distribution of the two programs: (a) z direction displacement of KENSLABS; (b) z direction displacement of
slab top of EverFE.

80% and 83%, respectively. The results are in good agree- case example shows that the macroscopic deformation
ment. (2) The two software packages are corresponding in law and the critical responses at some key locations
stress results mostly, but partial discrepancies occur close to obtained from two programs are in good agreement.
the (transverse) joint, owing to the different simulation (2) Based on 3D FEM theory, EverFE can get the me-
method of the dowels and ties. (3) The macroscopic dis- chanical responses of concrete pavement with more
tributions of the dowel shear calculated by the two software structural layers and elements by powerful computer
packages are relatively congruous; however the different hardware. The distribution of the shear force and the
simulation methods should account for the discrepancies. moment of dowels along the length can also be
(4) In terms of the output of the mechanical responses of the obtained. Special conditions such as trapezoidal slab
dowels, the distribution of the shear and moment along the and nonlinear temperature distribution can also be
length can be received directly in EverFE. modeled. Moreover, the user-friendly preprocessing
graphical interface and visualization capabilities are
4. Conclusions and Suggestions the advantages compared to KENSLABS. EverFE is
an excellent FEM software package which is suitable
The development ideas, analytical capabilities, and solution for conventional mechanical analysis. It comes with
strategies of two typical PCCP structure analysis software outstanding performance in joint nonlinearity and
products—KENSLABS and EverFE—are comprised, and nonlinear temperature gradient simulation.
their functions are demonstrated in combination with a case
(3) KENSLABS developed on plate elements can
consider many important factors of PCCP struc-
(1) The structural analysis of PCCP is complex and dis- tural analysis, including nonliquid foundations,
tinctive under traffic load and temperature change. initial gaps between slab and foundation, and
Both programs can be applied to simulate reality after foundation nonuniformity with limited compu-
necessary simplifications and idealizations. The specific tational resources. Fatigue cracking damage
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 9


0.3 0.2
–0.02.3 4
– 0.

y (mm)








0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000
x (mm)
0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 –0.1 –0.2 –0.3 –0.4 –0.5 –0.6 –0.7 –0.8 –0.9 –1 –1.1 –1.2 –1.3 –1.4

σxx (MPa)





y (mm)









1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000

x (mm)
1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 –0.1 –0.2 –0.3 –0.4 –0.5 –0.6 –0.7 –0.8 –0.9 –1 –1.1 –1.2 –1.3 –1.4

σxx (MPa)


Figure 8: Stress distribution at the bottom of the driving direction of the two programs: (a) KENSLABS; (b) EverFE.

analysis can be performed by dividing each year gaps and damage analysis. The calculation accu-
into a maximum of 24 periods, each with a racy has been proved after application over thirty
maximum of 24 load groups. As a highly simplified years. Now this version has been constantly
2D FEM program, KENSLABS is restricted by the updated and improved to Windows version
personal computer performance when developing. (KENPAVE). If the functions of KENSLABS retain
However, it has outstanding advantages in the or extend and user interface is enhanced, a better
unconventional analysis of PCCP, such as initial special-purpose finite element program for cement
10 Mathematical Problems in Engineering

–1828.8 –1676
–1422.4 –1067
–787.4 –762
y (mm)

y (mm)
254 152
660.4 762
1828.8 1676
1 0 –1 –2 –3 –4 –5 –6 –7 –8 –9 –10 –11 0.5 0.0 –0.5 –1.0 –1.5 –2.0 –2.5 –3.0 –3.5 –4.0 –4.5 –5.0
z direction shear (×103 N) z direction shear (×103 N)
(a) (b)

Figure 9: z direction shear force of the dowel bars at the joint of the two programs: (a) KENSLABS; (b) EverFE.

2 12
z direction shear, Fs (×103 N)

Note: the dowel bar is
0 6 numbered 01~12 from the
Mr (×104 N·mm)

side far from the wheel load

–1 4
to the side near the wheel load.
2 Mr: moment generated by Fs
–3 Note: the dowel bar is –2
numbered 01~12 from the –4
–4 side far from the wheel load
to the side near the wheel load.
–5 –8
4200 4275 4350 4425 4500 4575 4650 4725 4800 4875 4950 4200 4275 4350 4425 4500 4575 4650 4725 4800 4875 4950
x (mm) x (mm)

Fs-01 Fs-04 Fs-07 Fs-10 Mr-01 Mr-04 Mr-07 Mr-10

Fs-02 Fs-05 Fs-08 Fs-11 Mr-02 Mr-05 Mr-08 Mr-11
Fs-03 Fs-06 Fs-09 Fs-12 Mr-03 Mr-06 Mr-09 Mr-12

(a) (b)

Figure 10: The distributions of the shear force and moment of the dowels along the length of the bars obtained by EverFE: (a) z direction
shear force distribution along the length of the dowels; (b) distribution of moment along the length of the dowels.

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