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Chapter 1


Background of the Study

Indigenous people who hunt and fish develop skills like hand-eye coordination, accuracy,

reflexes, strategic planning, strength, balance, agility, patience, and intuition, at a young age

through engaging themselves in playing games (Indigenous Corporate Training Inc., 2019). ICTI

(2019) revealed that the skills indigenous people have learned in their childhood years, through

play, were nurtured as they grow up as adults, and were also the skills they utilized as they hunt

and fish food in order to survive. Furthermore, ICTI (2019) added that aside from the

aforementioned valuable skills, tradition indigenous games develop the people’s physical and

mental health.

In his Indigenous Traditional Games Planning Resource, Ken Edwards (2017) revealed

that Australia is a great place for sport and recreation, due to its geography, the weather, and the

nature of the societies that lived in the country. Edwards stated that some of Australia’s societies,

like Traditional Aboriginal and Torres Strait, had fascinating pastimes and diversity of traditional

games. He added that due to the European colonization of the continent and to the north of

Torres Strait, there are only a few numbers of traditional games left. With the curtailed number

of games, people are encouraged to preserve these games and efforts must be increased to

encourage people to understand and play these activities, as it will help them to appreciate and

experience their cultural identity. Furthermore, according to Edwards, these traditional games is

also a great training ground in furthering people’s social interaction, aside from the gun and

enjoyment it provides.

In the Philippines, bloggers and writers claimed that children of today’s generation are

not aware and no longer play different traditional games of the country (Booc, 2019). Statista

Research Department (2021) revealed that there is increased number of children playing video

games in the Philippines, about 300 million increased of revenue of the video game market in

2020, over the previous year, in which COVID-19 pandemic played a huge role, as people seek

way to entertain themselves. The research data presented above is a manifestation of people

losing interest in playing traditional games.

In an article, in the Province of Davao Oriental’s official website (2019), it was narrated

that the first inhabitants of the community were the “lumads”. They came first before the

Muslims and the Christian Spaniards. The following IPs are as follows; Kalagan, Manobo,

Mangguangan, Tagacaulo, Mamanua, Mansaka, and Mandaya – who lived on the forests and

mountain ranges of the province, some were near the rivers, and others were near the Pacific

Ocean shores (Province of Davao Oriental, 2019).

Josefa Matucol Piamonte (2022) stated that the population of the Municipality of Caraga,

Davao Oriental. is composed of 97% Mandaya people. The Mandaya, are known to be a distinct

tribe, with rich culture and tradition.

Aside from the rich dances and songs of the Mandaya tribe, they also have fun and

exciting games which are being passed from generation to generation. With the advancement of

technology in today’s time and age, it is important that these games are preserved and promoted.

However, there is lacking or no information regarding the different traditional games.

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (2021) stated that a

key challenge in furthering the development of sports and societies, in on how to preserve,

protect, and promote Traditional Sports and Games or TSG, as “sports practices and intangible

cultural heritage”

While there is no sufficient number of researches conducted on the traditional games of

Mandaya, in this study, the researcher will explore the different traditional games of the

Mandaya tribe, focusing on the games’ history, equipments needed, the set-up, how it is played,

rules of the game, and their application to physical education.

Statement of the Problem and Hypothesis

The main purpose of this research study is to discover the different traditional games of

the Mandaya tribe in Davao Oriental, specifically in the municipality of Caraga, and how these

games are preserved, create a magazine containing all the discovered traditional games, and

interpret how these games are applied in the field of Physical Education.

Specifically, the research aims to answer the following questions:

1. What are the popular traditional games of the Mandaya tribe?

1.1 History of the games

1.2 Equipments used and game set-up.

1.3 Mechanics of the game

1.4 Rules of the games

2. What is the application of the games in the field of Physical education in terms of the

movement concepts:

2.1 Body Awareness

2.2 Space Awareness

2.3 Qualities of Effort

2.4 Relationships to person, object, and environment

3. What are the ways done in preserving these traditional games?

Significance of the Study

The research study regarding the traditional games on Mandaya, will be significant in the

following individuals or institutions:

National Commission for Culture and the Arts. The research study will be beneficial

as an additional material to be added in the collection of resources by the commission,

specifically in the Mandaya tribe.

Provincial Local Government Unit of Davao Oriental. This research study will be

helpful as additional information regarding an important ethnic group in the province, the

Mandaya tribe. The PLGU of Davao Oriental can also use the result of the study in furthering the

tourism and preserving the existing culture and traditions present in the province.

Davao Oriental State University. The study will be of great help as an additional journal

published in the institution, and can be used for future academic and research purposes. The

research can help future researchers who would like to engage in topics related to this study.

Physical Education Teachers. This research study can be used as a tool which they can

incorporate in improving their teaching strategies and techniques, like utilizing it as motivational

activities on certain topics or as a performance task on related lessons. This will also help

teachers to add new information to their existing knowledge regarding the different local

indigenous traditional games.

Students. The research can help in adding new knowledge to students, especially to those

Mandaya students, who do not know regarding the different traditional games of their ethnic

group. This will also help students to appreciate the beauty of the culture of the Mandaya.

Scope and Delimitation

The respondents of this study will be the Mandaya Villagers, of Caraga, Davao Oriental,

specifically, from the CADT-01, Sitio Sangab. Barangay Pichon. Other Mandaya from different

places of Davao Oriental are not included in the research study. Other ethnic groups like the

Kalagan or Mansaka, are not included in the research study.

This study will revolve on the discovery of the indigenous traditional games of the

Mandaya tribe. The researcher will delve in the different games played by the Mandaya people in

their community. Different research instruments will be utilized in gathering data to born and

raised citizen in the community, with Mandaya roots.

Definition of Terms

Mandaya. This refers to an Indigenous group in the Province of Davao Oriental. This IP

group populates in the uplands, where they inhabited Davao Oriental, way before the coming of

the Christian Spaniards and Muslims. They are known as protector and lover of the environment.

Traditional Games. It is also referred to as Indigenous Games. This term refers to the

games that are played by a group of people in a certain community. These games are preserved,

played and passed from generations to generations – a manifestation of richness of culture.


In this section, provided are different articles, journals, newspaper, internet data, and

books regarding different traditional games. The discussion will be all about different traditional

games here in the Philippines, and the application of traditional games in movement concepts.

Philippine Traditional Games

The Philippines has been known for its rich traditional music and folk songs, but it is also

known for games played by 90’s kid, the Philippine Traditional Games (Steemit, 2016). These

Philippine Traditional Games are divided in to three categories, namely; “Larong Bahay”, or the

games played at home or indoors, “Street Games” or outdoor games that are played in spacious

area, and “Festival Games” or those games that are played in fiesta celebrations (Steemit, 2016).

1. Larong Bahay

A. Sungka – This is a traditional games in the Philippines which is played through the

use of cups or holes and stones and shells. The winner of this game is determined if

the player’s set of cups or holes do not have stones or shells left in them anymore.

B. Dama – This game in the Philippines is a popular pastime game, using a “dama”

board and chips as materials of the game. The goal of this game is to wipe all the

opponents’ chips, in order for a player to be declared as winner.

C. Jackstones – This is common game in the country that young girls loved to play, with

the use of a small ball and stars. This game is played in different level of difficulty

and played in different exhibitions that are needed to be done. If a player fails to

execute or perform a specific exhibition or lever, your opposing player/s will call you

as the “Baboy” or Pig as translated in English.

D. Dampa – This game is played with the use of “lastiko” or rubber band, and the use of

the hands formed as a silencer.

E. Bahay-bayan – This is a game where children form a house, and will role-play a

specific family member.

2. Street Games

A. Luksong Tinik – Jump over the thorns, as translated in English. The hands will serve

as the thorns where the opposing player will jump over, in which they need to surpass

different levels to win.

B. Luksong Baka – Jump over the cow, as translated in English. This is a variation of the

Luksong Tinik but player uses his/her crouched body as to where the other players

jump over.

C. Patintero – This game is also referred to as “Tubigan”, where the game’s objective is

blocking the player of the opposing team to pass by and reach the home base.

D. Piko – This is also called as hopscotch. This is played with the use of a drawn figure

in the floor and a cue ball.

E. Tumbang Preso - The game uses a can and the slippers as materials of the game.

Thep layers need to hit the tin can with the slippers, and run the base and help your


F. Sipa – The material used in this game is a shuttlecock-like ball. The goal of the game

is to attempt to kick as many times the shuttle-like materials, with the use of the

player’s hand, knee and shoulder.

G. Holen – This game uses a marble as the material of the game. Players need to hit the

marble of the other players or gain points by shooting the marble in the hole.

H. Trumpo or Kooti – In this game, the player manipulates the “trumpo” or an egg-like

shape piece of wood, with a pointed iron nail attached in it.

I. Tago-agoan – This is also called as Hide and Seek in English.

3. Festival Games

A. Palo Sebo – In this game, the players race to climb at the top of a bamboo and get the

flag on top of it.

B. Hit the Pot – A player will be blindfolded and is going to hit the pot with the use of a


C. Pabitin – Players need to jump in order to get the hanging items.

D. Agawan ng Niyog – Players will secure the greased coconut to the other players.

E. Hanapan Pera – Players will treasure hunt, by finding the coin or money, in the plate

filled with flour.

F. Face Coin – A coin will be put in the face of the player and must be moved down

through the use of facial movement.

Laro ng Lahi

Filipino Indigenous Games, also referred to as “Laro ng Lahi”, was made into name and

made popular by the Samahang Makasining (Artist Club), Inc., and was done in order to research

indigenous games in the Philippines, and be able to preserve it. (Samahang Makasining, 2007).

A. Game of the General – The game is also known as “Salpakan”, which means “to crash”

or “to collide”. This original Filipino game is a developed quasi-derivative form of chess

board game, in which the strategy and tactics of the players are tested. In a ”war”, in the

game, used as pawns are “modern-day” pieces (Paciente, D., 2022)

B. Agawan Base – In this game, two teams will be competing against each other. Each team

will have their own base. The goal of the game is to tag the base of the opposing team,

without getting tag by them. If tagged, the player will be transferred to the opposing

team’s base, and must be rescued by his team members (Guardiano, J., 2016).

C. Tatsing – In this game, players must have high level of control and must have tactical

skills, because the goal of this game is for players to collect as many bottle caps possible.

This game is played with the use of “pamato” and bottle caps. The opposing player’s

vulnerable “pamato” can be eliminated, by hitting it using the playing player’s pamato

(Malino N., 2012).

D. Chinese Garter – Using a stretched garter, two people will hold both ends of it

horizaontally. The other players will try to jump over the garter, without getting tripped

with it. The garter gets higher each round, than the previous round. As the game goes on,

the player can now cross the garter by doing cartwheels (Guardiano, J., 2016).

E. Pitik-Bulag – The game is involved with 2 players, where one player will cover his eyes,

and the other one will be flicking a finger on the opposing player’s hand that covers the

eyes. Both of them will give a number using their other hands. The players will exchange

roles, if the number they chose are the same (Guardiano, J., 2016).

F. Lupa’t Langit- This is a chase game. In order for to survive to be not the “it” or “taya”,

you need to find something to go to somewhere elevated, which will serve as your

“langit” or heaven. But, you cannot just stay always in the heaven, so you need to look

for a place where you can go to afterwards. As for the “it” of the game, the player cannot

just guard someone thoroughly, because the other players will sing the chant “Bantay

Suka, Doble Taya!” (Mafipeng, 2012).

G. Buwan-buwan – The game is played with the use of a rough circle drawn on the floor or

the ground. The game is played by assigning one person to be the “it”. This player is not

allowed in entering the circle. That player can only enter the circle, if another player gets

tagged. The tagged player will be the next one to be the “it” (Guardiano, J., 2016).

H. Teks – This game uses a texted card printed with comic strips. The game is played by

tossing the cards of the players in the air. The player with the card that lands in the

ground where the image of the printed comic strip face upwards, will win the game and

collects the other player’s cars as a reward (Guardiano, J., 2016).

Unfamiliar Traditional Filipino Games

FilipiKnow (2022) revealed in their website the list of Filipino Traditional Games that

people have seldom heard of. The blog introduced a list of fascinating games, but are lesser-

known by Filipinos, which are as follows:

1. Sangkayaw – This game uses coconut shells tied to strings as materials in playing. In this

game, two groups will be formed, consisting 10 to 12 members each team. The winner of

the game is determined by whoever team finishes the race first. The race is done by each

player taking turns walking with the use of the coconut shells as footwear, as they reach

the goal line. A player will be disqualified if after falling, two steps were taken.

2. Bati-Cobra – This game involves two bamboo sticks as materials, 1 long stick and 1 short

stick. The sticks are used to “hit and catch”, which are commonly played outdoors. In

playing the game, a batter tosses the shorter bamboo stick and tries to strike it with the

longer stick using the other hand, and the other player will try to catch the flying stick

that is hit by the other player.

3. Araw-Lilim – This is a running game, but with a twist, where this is played during sunny

days. This game is played by around 10-20 players, and are played with the presence of

shade and light. Whoever is in the light, are touched by the tagger or the “Taya”, and

those who are staying in a shade can avoid being touched by the tagger.

4. Bulong Pari – This game is also known popularly in the Visayan region as

“Honghonganay”, or a whispering game. The game is played with two competing teams,

compossed of 10 to 20 members. Each team must have a leader. One person will serve as

a “prienst”, and must be five meters away from each team. Team A leaders will go to the

Priest and whisper a name from the other team. The priest will ask to summon a member

of the other team by saying “Lapit”. If the member that will step forward is the sam with

the name mentioned by the leader of the Team A, the priest will shout “Bung”, and that

person will become a prisoner of Team A. The winner of the game will be identified,

when the team has the most number of prisoners.

5. Lawin at Sisiw – The translation in English is “Hawk and Chicken”. This game needs 10

to 20 players, where one player will act as the hen, and another will act as hawk, and the

remaining players will be the chicks of the game.

6. Babuy-babuyan – This game will require players to catch ground insects, as many as they

can, by baiting an insect through the use of pulled human hair that is tied on its one end.

The winner will be identified through the most number of caught insects.

7. Juego de Anillo - This traditional game is of Spanish influence, where the orginial

version of the game is played with a horse, where players ride the animal as they hold a

dagger and catch a hanged ring at tree. The Filipinos adopted the game through changing

live horse into bicycles or broomsticks.

Movement Concepts in Traditional Games

Rakhman, A., et al. (2020), revealed that when individuals’ muscle function, where

locomotor, non-locomotor, and manipulative skills are developed, and neuromuscular aspects,

where harmony between nerves are increased. Furthermore, individuals develop their

“imagination, creativity, strategy, anticipatory self-control, cooperation and honesty” through

playing traditional games (Rakhman, A., et al., 2020).

According to Collier, C., Perlman, D., and Fissette, J. (2009), when children play

invasion games, where children bunch together, problems that are associated the space awareness

is obviously seen. In other games, it is less or not obviously seen.

Nourbakhsh (2006), revealed that children’s academic skills were supported

fundamentally through the development of perceptual motor skills, as results from previous

research. The body awareness, spatial awareness, qualities of movement, directional awareness,

temporal awareness, and relationships, are the consisted movement components that construct

perceptual motor skills. The development of physical fitness and perceptual motor skills is done

through engaging in physical activities, and one of those activities is playing traditional games

(Rakhman, A., et al., 2020).

Theoretical Framework

Tutorsploit (2021) stated that Theoretical Frameworks are the foundation of a qualitative

study, by which it serves as a guide of the researcher in analyzing information obtained and the

interpretation of the study’s results. Grant, C. and Osanloo, A. (2014), that without a theoretical

framework, the research study will have an unclear vision on where is it going and will not have

a good structure, that it will be like a house without the presence of a blueprint – will not be

constructed. With that, the researcher followed a framework made by Prof. M. Thanga Darwin

(2021), regarding ethnography. In this framework, the research will be done through different

methods; formal and informal interview, participant observation, and collecting texts and images.

The interviews will undergo with transcription. The observation of the participants will be done

through field notes. The collected images will undergo with documentary analysis. In analyzing

and presenting the data, the transcripts, field notes, and documentary analysis, will be utilized.

Figure 1. Theoretical paradigm of the study

Chapter 2


In this chapter, the procedures and methods of the research study is presented, including

the research design, the research subjects, research instrument, data gathering procedure,

research locale, ethical consideration and other data needed in executing the study.

Research Design

This research study will use a qualitative approach. According to Shank (2002) a

qualitative research is “a form of systematic empirical inquiry into meaning” (p. 5). In 2000,

Denzin and Lincoln revealed that a qualitative research uses a naturalistic and interpretative

approach in interpreting data or information: “This means that qualitative researchers study

things in their natural settings, attempting to make sense of, or to interpret, phenomena in terms

of the meanings people bring to them” (p. 3). The researcher chose this research design since it is

suited in answering the objectives of the research. Since this research deals in discovering the

different traditional games of the Mandaya tribe in Caraga, Davao Oriental, qualitative research

as a research design will be of great help in gathering data that will be interpreted in this research


The specific type of qualitative research that will be used in this study is ethnography.

Ethnography is a research method used in the “systematic study of people and cultures” (Baral,

Uprety, and Lamichhane, n.d.). Ethnography suits as the method of the research since the study

will deal with the indigenous traditional games of a specific group of people, the Mandaya.

Furthermore, it will best contribute in crafting publication material regarding the Mandaya

indigenous traditional games.

Research Subject and Locale

This part discusses the research respondents, time of data gathering, and the research

locale. The respondents of this research are Mandaya Villagers from a specific community in

Caraga, where culture, customs and traditions are preserved. The research will be conducted in a

span of one month, from 4th of July to 3rd of August 2022.

The conduct of the research study will take place at a specific community in CADT

(Certificate of Ancestral Domain) - 01, Barangay Pichon, Municipality of Caraga, Province of

Davao Oriental. This community is mostly populated by pure blooded Mandaya people. Deloso,

K. (2019), stated that the CADT-01 has 13 sub-villages, and part of them is the Sitio Sangab,

where Mandaya villagers gather when they celebrate their “Kalindugan Festival”, a annual

festive celebration showcasing their ancestral land’s rich and diverse culture, customs and

tradition. The researcher chose this as the locale of the study because of the preserved and

cultivated Mandaya culture of the place.

Research Instrument

The research study will be using three modes of gathering data; field notes, transcripts,

and documentary analysis. In the Transcripts, the researcher will be conducting formal and

informal interviews from Mandaya Vilagers, especially those old residents of the community.

The questionnaires that will be used in the conduct of the study will be contextualized, adopted

and will be validated by panel of experts. The researcher will be using open-ended questions

regarding the; history of the games, equipments used and game set-up, mechanics of the game,

rules of the games, and preservation of the games. Cornelia Zull (2016) revealed that open-ended

questions are survey questions, answered by respondents, without a set of response options.

Ethnographic research is done by observing the lives of group of people. Another

instrument that will be used in the conduct of the study is participant observation, through field

notes. Phillippi and Lauderdale (2018) claimed field notes as a recommended means when

contextual information or data is documented, when conducting qualitative researches. Field

notes were considered as an important part of a rigorously done qualitative research (Phillippi

and Lauderdale, 2018).

Researchers are encouraged to use field notes as a qualitative research method, as it

enables the enhancement of information gathered by researchers, and a rich context for the

analysis of data is provided. (Creswell, 2013; Lofland, Snow, Anderson, & Lofland, 2005;

Mulhall, 2003; Patton, 2002). The researcher will use the writing field notes, as a tool in in

observing the Mandaya villagers play the different traditional games and the different observable

phenomena done by the people in preserving the indigenous games.

Another instrument that will be used in gathering data is documentary analysis. Bruce

Frey (2018), revealed that document analysis is the systematic process of analyzing and

interpreting documented evidences in observing a phenomena, as specific research question are

being answered. In this research study, the researcher will document the entire duration of the

conduct of the study, during the month-long period, and will be interpreted afterwards.

Data Gathering Procedures

After securing the research instrument, the gathering of data will be done through the

following procedures, as the research delves in into the different indigenous traditional games of

the Mandaya tribe of Caraga, Davao Oriental:

Seeking permission to conduct research study. When research instruments are validated, the

researcher will write a letter to the Program Head of Bachelor of Physical Education, to request

the conduct of the study, through a 1 month immersion in the research locale. Afterwards, the

BPEd Program Head will endorse the letter to the Dean of the Institute of Education and Teacher

Training. The IETT dead will endorse the letter to the Director for Instruction, then the DI will

endorse it to the Vice President for Academic Affairs. Lastly, the VPAA will endorse the letter to

the University President. If approved, the researcher will now write a letter of assistance to

conduct a research study to the Office of the Provincial Tourism, Culture, and Arts of the

Province of Davao Oriental. The researcher will also send a communication letter to the Tribal

Chieftain of CADT-01, Barangay Pichon, Municipality of Caraga, so as to the City Mayor of the

municipality. After all the necessary approval from different offices and individuals, the

researcher can now proceed to the next procedure of the data gathering.

Administration of the instrument. The researcher will now conduct the research in the

scheduled time and date of the immersion. All throughout the month-long duration, the

researcher must thoroughly implement the research instrument, in order to get all the necessary

information or data needed for the study, and must ensured that through the data, research

objective will be met.

Compilation for analysis of data. After the conduct of the study, the researcher will proceed to

the compile all the data, and will start in analyzing them. The interviews will undergo with

transcription. The observation of the participants will be done through field notes. The collected

images will undergo with documentary analysis. The researcher will now arrange the compiled

data into how they will be used in the publication material.

Ethical Considerations

The conduct of ethnographic research allows the researcher to get to know the people

within the community he immersed. The research must ensure that after gaining the people’s

trust and building relations with them, utmost confidentiality must be maintained. Maanen

(2001) revealed that research conducting study must be ‘part spy, part voyeur, part fan, part

member’. Thus, researcher must embody integrity and professionalism.

Since the respondents are Indigenous People, the researcher must adhere to the

Memorandum No. 2017-001, stating the Policies and Regulations regarding Research involving

Indigenous Peoples / Indigenous Cultural Communities, of the Philippine Health Research Ethics

Board. In which, the researcher must following the following requirements:

1. Research involving IPs/ICCs must undergo ethical review for endorsement to the

appropriate NCIP authority;

2. The NCIP authority will review and approve the research through the process described

in NCIP Administrative Order no. 1 s. 2012;

3. The research ethics committee (REC) shall provide the ethical clearance only after the

pertinent NCIP authority has issued approval;

4. Procedures described in the protocol can only commence after the REC has issued ethical


Furthermore, the researcher must ensure to give Letter of Consent to the respondents,

ensuring that they will know the risks of the research, if there is, and that their identity is

protected. Moreover, the respondents must also know the clear goals and objectives of the study,

very well. Ethical aspects of this research study must be followed strictly and accordingly.


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