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Assault on Zuara 2

Welcome to Section M: Priority Missions, smaller one-shot

missions and scenarios to help out the hard-pressed GM. Inside this
PDF you’ll find a complete mission brief and full colour map to help
you run a shorter one-shot session, plus a set of Adventure Seeds to
provide inspiration for further adventures.

A mysterious Luftwaffe aircraft was spotted making what appeared

to be a forced landing at this airstrip and it is undergoing repairs
in a hangar on-site. The LRDG report that although it resembled a
Junkers G 38 bomber, it seemed to flicker in and out of sight as it

While the RAF remain sceptical, Section M are a little more

concerned when they hear each disappearance was marked by an
intermittent burst of blue light… What is in that hangar? A new
piece of Nachtwölfe wunderwaffe or some Black Sun devilry? Your
mission: sabotage or steal it, then report back!


• A ready made scenario featuring an Axis-occupied desert


• Detailed locations and a colour GM map and to add atmosphere

and flavour

• Blank player map for desktop or digital play

• Adventure seeds and inspirations for extending the experience

and alternative play

Requires the Achtung! Cthulhu 2d20 core books to play.

Section M Files: Priority Missions
Section M: Priority Missions Assault on Zuara 2

Assault on Zuara 2
During the North Africa conflict, airfield construction flak defences, especially in Egypt, where air bases were
was very much on an ad hoc basis by both the German often captured from the Allies who invested more in their
Luftwaffe and Italian Regio Aeronautica. Little material was construction. Enemy airfields were considered “fair game”
used in the construction in Libya aside from maybe a few by both Allies and Axis powers. Zuara 2 is a landing
basic concrete structures since these bases were often only ground in Tripolitania in Libya 103km west of Tripoli and
used for short periods of time. Anti-aircraft defences were 2.5km south-east of the town of Zuara, although it could
rare, although some of the larger airfields did boast light be repurposed pretty much anywhere in theatre.

A mysterious Luftwaffe aircraft was spotted making what
appeared to be a forced landing at this airstrip and it is Nazi Forces
undergoing repairs in a hangar on-site. The LRDG report
that although it resembled a Junkers G 38 bomber, it LUFTWAFFE FORCES
seemed to flicker in and out of sight as it landed. While Profiles for these troops (both the garrison and their
the RAF remain sceptical, Section M are a little more officers count as German Infantry) can be found on
concerned when they hear each disappearance was pages 181-182 of the Gamemaster’s Guide.
marked by an intermittent burst of blue light… What is
in that hangar? A new piece of Nachtwölfe wunderwaffe or ?
50 Wehrmachtangehörige – this includes the pilots,
some Black Sun devilry? Your mission: sabotage or steal it, engineers, and ground crew, plus any guards listed.
then report back! Half of these are on active duty, with the others off-
duty in their tents.

6 Luftwaffe Officers, including the Oberflugführer,
the Heer Hauptmann-equivalent commander of the
Blast Bays: One Bf 109. Fighter aircraft is parked in each
of these three U-shaped bays, covered by camouflage
netting. They can be pulled onto the runway using KFZ 2 NACHTWÖLFE FORCES
Tracked Motorcycles (Player’s Guide p.135), one of which Profiles for these troops can be found on pages
is kept on standby for just such a reason. It takes a round 199-206 of the Gamemaster’s Guide.
to move one of the fighters onto the runway. They provide
3 Cover resistance. ?
4 Nachtwölfe Pioniers, part of the test team of
Command Post: This concrete pillbox has a clear view of
the runway, with a petrol fuelled generator providing the ?
3 Nachtwölfe Scientists, the other part of the test
power in a basement. A radio operator is always on duty team of Fischadler.
here with two Officers. All five are on duty if the airbase
is alerted. There is a single entrance down some concrete
4 Nachtwölfe Troopers are the crew of the
Fischadler (pilots). They do not carry
steps, guarded by two Infantry troopers.
Sturmgewehr 44.
Fuel Dump: Buried deeply into the sand, the fuel drums
used by the planes and vehicles of the airfield are kept
1 Wolfesgard, Emilia Schaefer. Her role is to oversee
the repair mission, assess the tactical situation and
a short distance from the strip for safety reasons. When
take command, if she deems it necessary.
needed the Opel fuel bowsers refill here. Fuel usage is
carefully metered, and the bowsers are rarely left full on
the runway.

Section M: Priority Missions Assault on Zuara 2
Hangar: There is one main way into the aluminium
prefabricated structure, through the access door designed Der Fischadler
to admit a cargo plane. It requires an opposed Stealth
The Blohm and Voss BV-38 “Flying Wing” is named Der
test with the two guards (Gamemaster’s Guide, p.181)
Fischadler (“Osprey”) and is a prototype based on Der
outside who will shout a warning if the agents are spotted,
Adler, the experimental Nachtwölfe jet (Gamemaster’s
alerting the occupants, and potentially the base.
Guide, p.43). Smaller than its existing counterpart, it
For 1 Threat, one of the pilots or a pair of scientists utilises twin-mounted rear propellers. Experimental
emerge from the hangar for a smoke – just as the agents Blauer-Kristall enriched fuel injection provides the
are hiding bodies or sneaking in. power. Exceeding expectations in its first flight from
the Adlerhorst, Der Fischadler wandered off course and
Within is an experimental Nachtwölfe aircraft, Der straight into a RAF patrol.
Fischadler. There are clear signs of bullet marks
(a successful difficulty 0 Insight + Observation test to A test version of vehicle-based Hüllen (shroud) camou-
notice) on the odd aircraft which mounts rear-mounted flage is incorporated into the fuselage and wings.
propeller engines. Unfortunately for Nachtwölfe, the power drain required is
considerable, so Der Fischadler can only use it for short
A distinctive blue glow comes from the port engine, and intervals of up to five minutes at a time.
the Nachtwölfe Pioniers are all working around this engine.
The scientists have climbed onto the starboard wing and
are arguing over the bullet marks in the fuselage. One Living Quarters: Several tents provide the living quarters
believes the camouflage failure is down to the damage, the for the base crew. Designed to keep the desert chill out at
other believes the power requirements are to blame for the night and the desert sun off during the day, wind and sand
failure (the latter is correct). still seeps through the cracks. The cramped quarters mean
the inhabitants prefer to spend their time outside despite
If the agents have already alerted the airbase to their the shade offered. The command staff each have their own
presence, the crew (the Troopers) have taken cover behind tent, but the others each contain living quarters for 10
empty packing cases (2 Cover) on the left side of the troopers. Only half of the tents are occupied at any given
hangar. time, although it takes two rounds for sleeping troops to
wake up. Several latrine trenches are laid at the foot of the
If the agents have been stealthy, their arrival is unno- berm, downwind of the airbase.
ticed unless they fail an opposed stealth test. Schaefer is
Motor Pool: Neatly parked in rows beneath camouflage
standing watching the Pioniers, while the pilot crew sit
netting are a variety of vehicles. The keys for these are
playing cards.
kept in the Command Post. A single Trooper guards it.

If she has had sufficient warning and the base has been 5 BMW R75 motorcycles (Player’s Guide, p.130).
alerted, Schaefer is inside the aircraft, priming two Blauer- Used mainly as reconnaissance for expeditions into the
Kristall enhanced demolition packs. They are designed desert, they are rarely utilised except for messenger
to go off in 6[CD] rounds, which not only destroys Der duty or travel within the base.
Fischadler but will also cause 10[CD] physical damage
1 Kübelwagen (Player’s Guide, p.131). This is only
with the Area, Intense and Stun qualities to anyone (or
used by the airbase command for trips to and from
anything) remaining in the hangar. She does not wish to
the airbase to the nearby town of Zuara. The base
destroy the aircraft if it can be helped, but will do so if it
Oberflugführer prefers to use a BMW R75 motorcycle to
looks likely it will fall into enemy hands. If agents spot her
travel across the base and for recreation.
preparations, disarming the charges requires an extended
Reason + Engineering test at difficulty 2 with stress of 4 Opel Blitz Trucks (Player’s Guide, p.132). These
15, a magnitude of 3 and a resistance of 2. Each break- trucks are used as transport to transfer cargo and
through reduces the resistance by 1. personnel to and from the base and for travel to and
from the ammunition dump in the nearby fort.
Machine Shop: Functioning as both a Workshop and
3 Opel Blitz Fuel Bowsers. Converted from an Opel
Garage (Player’s Guide, p.110). Three Luftwaffe engineers
Blitz chassis, the rear of the truck has a fuel tank
are working here, machining parts for the BV-38 in the
added, replacing the passenger and cargo transport.
Hangar. As the work is noisy, any Stealth-based tests by
the agents gain one bonus Momentum. For 1 Threat, two 4 SD.KFZ.2 (Player’s Guide, p.135). Aside from the
of the Nachtwölfe Pioniers (Gamemaster’s Guide, p.203) one already on the runway these four workhorses of
are also in here. the Luftwaffe pull the aircraft to and from the dispersal
area, blast bays, and hangar. Only one is required to
move an aircraft the size of the Bf-109 II, but two or
more are required for heavier bombers or cargo planes
(and Der Fischadler).

Section M: Priority Missions Assault on Zuara 2
Old Fort: A ruined fort that has seen better days, it
provides shelter for the ammunition storage dump for the
Bf-109s as well as the ground weapons and small arms OPTIONS
of the airbase troops. An eerie place at the best of times, Bring the Rain! (1 Threat): While it doesn’t often
the wind here makes strange noises, so the ground crew rain, when it does, the airbase floods and the ground
drivers prefer to load and unload during the day. becomes a quagmire, gaining the Treacherous Ground
location truth – and tests involving vehicle-based tests
Plane Dispersal Area: Five Bf 109. II’s are concealed here
increase in difficulty by 1[CD]. Conversely visibility
under camouflage netting. A KFZ 2 can tow a plane onto
becomes limited, reducing the difficulty of any Stealth-
the runway in two rounds.
based test by 1.
Runway: Made up of natural sand packed down the
Bring the Rain: Redux (2 Threat): Just as the agents
landing site is generally firm. Transport planes can take
are making their plans, they hear approaching engines
off and land here. It measures 930 x 930 yards (850 x 850
(a difficulty 2 Insight + Engineering or Vehicles test
m) in a criss-cross pattern. In optimum conditions, a single
success identifies them as Allies from their engines)
BF-109 sits here ready with three others waiting in the
– a squadron of eight Douglas Boston light bombers
Blast Bays. A successful Reason + Tactics test identifies
of the South African Air Force are approaching on an
them as being part of the Jagdgeschwader 77 Herz, a
opportunistic bombing run. The agents may use the
veteran Luftwaffe gruppen.
chaos to complete their mission or abandon it totally.
Two guards walk the perimeter, equipped with whistles The resulting explosions provide a backdrop of carnage
and torches, although they only use the latter if they and chaos, as the Luftwaffe fighter pilots desperately
notice the agents. The runway is lit by a control in the try to get airborne.
Command Post, increasing the difficulty of Stealth-based
Fallschirmjäger! (1 Threat): A squad of nine of these
tests by two if the lights are activated.
elite paratroopers (Gamesmaster’s Guide, p.182) are
also stationed on the airbase, awaiting pickup from
MISSION OUTCOMES a transport plane. Since they feel they have been
forgotten by the German High Command, they gain +1
The agents have several options available to them.
to their Courage as they try to distinguish themselves
in battle.
Destroying Der Fischadler: If Schaefer thinks the base
is under attack or the agents might be successful in Repaired and refuelled (2 Threat): If the agents dither
stealing the prototype, she’ll set the demo charges to too much, the Pioniers complete their repairs and Der
go off. The agents may do this themselves of course – a Fischadler prepares to take off.
successful Reason + Engineering takes care of that.
Who’s the big feller? (1 Threat): If the agents are
Escaping into the night: Provided the agents haven’t
? trying to sneak into an area, they may run into this
drawn too much attention to themselves they can make solitary - and huge - individual, Kpl. Steinhart. He
a relatively easy escape back to their extraction point. won’t raise the alarm but will attempt to engage an
Otherwise, they’ll be pursued by infantry troops in agent in a fistfight. He has the same attributes and
the vehicles from the motor pool (the motorcycles and skills as a Nachtwölfe Stalker (Gamemaster’s Guide,
Opel Blitzes). p.201). Attempting to shoot him immediately raises the
Taking Off: Stealing Der Fischadler is achievable, but
it’ll take some careful handling to get it out of the
hangar and it needs a skilled pilot – or a couple of KFZ
2s from the motor pool could be used. The demolition “We need
charges can be spotted with a successful difficulty
of t here to get in
2 Insight + Observation test. Taking off from the quickly. and out
runway requires a difficulty 2 Insight + Vehicles test d ispose of Make for
success otherwise Der Fischadler crashes into the sand – t he guar t he hanga
ds, fire r,
and becomes stuck…
and be o t hat t hin
n t he ru g up
and read nway
y for tak
e off befor
anyone n e
ot ices.”

ieute n a nt D ina Fa ez,

Sect ion M

Section M: Priority Missions Assault on Zuara 2
Desert Airfield

210 280 350 420 490 560 630 700
0 70 140

Plane Old
Living Disp ersa l Fort
Quar ters Area


Comm and


Dump Blast

Ma ch ine
Sh op
Blast Ha ngar

Adventure seeds
Section M: Priority Missions Assault on Zuara 2

The following adventure seeds can be used as future The Elites: Kampfgeschwader 200 (KG 200) was a
adventure hooks or possibly secondary objectives. German Luftwaffe special operations unit during
World War II. The unit carried out especially difficult
Black Sun Cargo Heist: There have been sightings
? bombing and transport operations and long-distance
of Black Sun Troopers and a Canon at the airfield. reconnaissance flights, tested new aircraft designs
They have plundered arcane objects from the desert and operated captured aircraft. For some reason
(possibly Ophidian in origin – or even Ophidian they have been spotted at Zuara. Is this linked to the
bodies), and these are stored in crates next to the appearance of several cargo runs involving Nachtwölfe
runway. Perhaps a night raid might ensure a successful Pioniers expanding the base fortifications and boxes
heist? Alternatively, these are sealed caskets containing of ammunition being delivered to the old fort bearing
Black Sun horrors such as Die Toten. Nachtwölfe’s mark?

Digging for trinkets in the desert: Black Sun or

? Strafing Run: Allied aircraft keep disappearing over
Nachtwölfe are excavating the fort ruins. Is it another Zuara, but the base has not seen any new activity and
Ophidian outpost, Blauer-Kristall deposit, or entrance to remains relatively low-traffic. In truth, there is a fake
a Sheehad or Mi-Go lair below? runway and airbase constructed nearby which is a
“honey trap”, it is guarded by a trio of Blauer-Kristall
powered Skyhammer 88mm cannons. Knock them out!


Skyhammer Escalation, Inaccurate,

Heavy Weapons Long 32 Area, Stun
Cannon Giant Killer, Persistent

f r o m t h e air!
i n t h e i r battles
h e e n e my w m y p anzer s
“ T
k n o c k ou t
r c i n g s h ells.”
They n a r m or-pie
eric a
with Am – Field Marshall i ble!
im p o s s
Erwin Rommel w
“ That’s ly know ho
a n s o n
A m e r i c b l a d e s.”
The a k e r azor
to m – Reichsm
Herman G all

“We could do with some of those

razor blades, Herr Reichsmarshall.”
l l E rwin R ommel
ld M a r s h a
– Fie


Desert Airfield

210 280 350 420 490 560 630 700
0 70 140

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