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Here is a character list for “Of Love and Other Demons” by Gabriel García Márquez:

1. Sierva María de Todos los Ángeles: The young protagonist of the novel. Sierva María is
the daughter of the Marquise de Casalduero. After being bitten by a rabid dog, she is
believed to be possessed by demons. She is a complex and enigmatic character,
possessing beauty, intelligence, and a spiritual nature.

2. Father Cayetano Delaura: A priest assigned to exorcise Sierva María. Father Delaura
becomes infatuated with Sierva María and questions her possession, leading to a
forbidden love affair between them. He is torn between his duty as a priest and his
emotions for Sierva María.

3. Bernarda Cabrera: Sierva María’s mother, the Marquise de Casalduero. She is a socialite
and a member of the upper class. Bernarda is distant and uninvolved in her daughter’s
life, leading to Sierva María’s sense of abandonment.

4. Martina Laborde: Sierva María’s African slave nanny. Martina is the only person who
genuinely cares for Sierva María and understands her. She is knowledgeable about folk
remedies and traditions.

5. Abrenuncio: An eccentric and reclusive herbalist who lives in the swamps. He becomes
an important figure in Sierva María’s life, providing alternative explanations for her
condition and offering guidance.

6. The Bishop: The religious authority who orders Father Delaura to perform the exorcism
on Sierva María. He represents the rigid and dogmatic religious establishment.

7. Dr. Abrenuncio: A physician who examines Sierva María and believes her to be suffering
from a mental illness rather than demonic possession. He represents the more rational and
scientific perspective.
8. Father Cayetano Larmente: A Jesuit priest who mentors and advises Father Delaura. He
provides guidance and warns Delaura about the dangers of his relationship with Sierva

9. Don Ygnacio de Alfaro: Sierva María’s estranged father. He is absent throughout most of
the novel, but his actions and choices play a significant role in shaping Sierva María’s

These are some of the key characters in “Of Love and Other Demons.” Each character brings
their own perspectives, motivations, and conflicts to the story, contributing to the exploration of
love, faith, and the human condition in Márquez’s captivating narrative.

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