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Agilent MassHunter Workstation

Requirements Guide
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October 2022 Revision A.00 changed, without notice, in future
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permitted by applicable law, Agilent A CAUTION notice denotes a
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© Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2022 any information contained herein, the like that, if not correctly
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Agilent Technologies, Inc.
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material in this document that conflict WARN I N G
with these terms, the warranty terms in
Software Revision the separate agreement shall control. A WARNING notice denotes a
This guide is valid for MassHunter hazard. It calls attention to an
Acquisition for LC/TQ 12.0, MassHunter Technology Licenses
operating procedure, practice, or
Acquisition for LC/TOF and LC/Q-TOF The hardware and/or software described the like that, if not correctly
11.0, MassHunter Qualitative Analysis in this document are furnished under a
10.0, and MassHunter Quantitative
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227.7202-3 (Rights in Commercial
Computer Software or Computer
Software Documentation).
In This Book
This document details the minimum computer hardware, software, and network
requirements as well as the minimum instrument firmware revisions required to
run an Agilent MassHunter Workstation or Agilent MassHunter Networked
Workstation. Also included are the supported instrument types and Windows
operating system configurations.
Table 1 Terms and abbreviations used in this document

Term Description

Content Management Database to manage your analytical data. The

database is provided as a component of OpenLab
Server. Always used in Client/Server systems,
optional for Workstations.

Control Panel Control Panel for OpenLab Shared Services

Microsoft Control Panel Part of the Microsoft Windows operating system

1 Hardware and Software Requirements

This chapter contains the hardware and software requirements for the different
components of a MassHunter system.

2 Network Requirements
This chapter describes the network requirements that must be met in order to
support the environmental computing needs of a MassHunter system.

3 Instrument Connections
This chapter provides information on the instruments supported by the current
revision of MassHunter and the required respective instrument drivers and
firmware revisions.

4 Software Compatibility
This chapter contains information on compatibility with other software.

MassHunter Requirements and Supported Instruments 3

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4 MassHunter Requirements and Supported Instruments


1 Hardware and Software Requirements 7

Software 10
General Software Requirements 10
Windows Compatibility 10
Computer Hardware 11
Disk Space 11
PC Recommendation 12
Windows 10 and Windows 11 Configuration 14
Required Actions 14
Required Settings 15
Performance Options 18

2 Network Requirements 19
Introduction 20
LAN Connectivity 20
LAN Power Management 21
Firewall Settings 21
Domain Requirements 22
Environments with Proxy Servers 23
Network Isolation 23
Specific Requirements for Compliant Systems 24

3 Instrument Connections 25
RC.NET Drivers and OpenLab CDS 26
Agilent LC 27
Agilent LC/MS 34
Drivers for non-Agilent Instruments 36
Incompatible Instruments and Modules 37

4 Software Compatibility 39
Software 40
Libraries and Databases 41

MassHunter Requirements and Supported Instruments 5

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6 MassHunter Requirements and Supported Instruments

1 Hardware and Software Requirements
Software 10
General Software Requirements 10
Windows Compatibility 10

Computer Hardware 11
Disk Space 11
PC Recommendation 12

Windows 10 and Windows 11 Configuration 14

Required Actions 14
Required Settings 15
Performance Options 18

This chapter contains the hardware and software requirements for the different
components of a MassHunter system.
Depending on the type of installation, you may need different hardware
components. The following graphics show the required components for each

MassHunter Requirements and Supported Instruments 7

1 Hardware and Software Requirements

Figure 1. MassHunter Workstation

All required components are installed on the workstation.

8 MassHunter Requirements and Supported Instruments

1 Hardware and Software Requirements

Figure 2. Networked Workstation system

The system includes both Networked Workstations and an OpenLab Server or

OpenLab ECM XT server or ECM 3.x server.

MassHunter Requirements and Supported Instruments 9

1 Hardware and Software Requirements


General Software Requirements

Component Details

.NET framework • NET 3.5.1 must be enabled on systems running

on Windows 8.1 or Windows 10 or Windows 11
• NET 4.7.2 or above (if needed, it will be installed
automatically by the MassHunter Installer)

Web browser • Google Chrome 40 or higher

• Edge

Anti-virus software* • Microsoft Windows Defender

* The listed anti-virus software has been tested to be compatible with the MassHunter software described
in this document. While other third-party AV solutions may also be compatible, they have not been tested,
and compatibility cannot be guaranteed.

Windows Compatibility

Only these Windows operating systems are supported:

• Windows 10 Professional Semi-Annual Channel: 1909 or newer.
• Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC editions: 1809 or newer.
• Windows 11 Pro (or Pro for Workstations) General Availability Channel: 21H2
or newer.

10 MassHunter Requirements and Supported Instruments

1 Hardware and Software Requirements
Computer Hardware

Computer Hardware

Disk Space

Disk space requirements depend based on the number and type of instruments,
archival frequency, and the method settings chosen for Acquisition. Agilent
recommends providing enough disk space for one year of lab operation, in
addition to the operating system and MassHunter Workstation requirements.
The MassHunter Workstation is available either with storage in the local file
system (MassHunter Workstation) or on a remote OpenLab Server or OpenLab
ECM XT server with built-in Content Management database (MassHunter
Networked Workstation).
Note that on Networked Workstations, data is only temporarily stored in a
secured location on the local computer until it is transferred to the OpenLab
Server/ECM XT server.

MassHunter Requirements and Supported Instruments 11

1 Hardware and Software Requirements
PC Recommendation

PC Recommendation

Table 2 provides the recommended hardware configuration for MassHunter

computers with a single LC/TOF or LC/Q-TOF instrument.
Table 1. Tested and recommended hardware configuration for Workstations and Networked Workstations for TOF/Q-TOF

Item For all LC/Q-TOF except 6546 For 6546 only

Description Standard MassHunter-ready Computer High Capacity MassHunter-ready Computer

Processor speed (CPU) Intel Xeon W-2123, 4 core, 3.6 GHz Intel Xeon W-2235, 6 core, 3.8 GHz

Physical memory (RAM) 32 GB 64 GB

Hard disk 1 TB M.2 NVMe SSD - Primary (C:\) Boot. 1 TB M.2 NVMe SSD - Primary (C:\) Boot.
4 TB × 2 RAID1 (4 TB) - Data (D:\) 6 TB × 4 RAID10 (12 TB) - Data (D:\)

Graphic Resolution 1920 x 1080 1920 x 1080

USB port* 1 USB port required for installation 1 USB port required for installation

LAN card - House Integrated Intel I217LM PCIe GbE Controller 1 Integrated Intel I217LM PCIe GbE Controller
LAN card - instrument† Integrated Intel I217LM PCIe GbE Controller 1 Intel Ethernet 210-T1 PCle

* If a USB port is not available, the installation media can be copied over the network or downloaded from
† A second LAN interface is required to isolate the instrument's data traffic from the local area network.

12 MassHunter Requirements and Supported Instruments

1 Hardware and Software Requirements
PC Recommendation

Existing MassHunter Workstations with the Agilent bundled Z4 G4 PC are

supported with MassHunter Workstation 12.0 running in Workstation
configuration only.
Table 2. Minimum hardware configuration for Workstations

Item For All TQ systems

Description Hewlett-Packard Z4 G4 Minitower

Processor speed (CPU) Intel Xeon W-2123 (3.6 GHz, 8.25 MB cache, 4 cores)

Physical memory (RAM) 16GB (2x8GB) DDR4 2666 DIMM ECC Registered Memory

Hard disk 2 x 500GB 7200 RPM SATA 6G Hard Drive (RAID 1)

Graphic Resolution 1920 x 1080

USB port* 1 USB port required for installation

LAN card† 2 × Integrated Intel I219 and I210 PCIe GbE

* If a USB port is not available, the installation media can be copied over the network or downloaded from
† A second LAN interface is required to isolate the instrument's data traffic from the local area network.

MassHunter Requirements and Supported Instruments 13

1 Hardware and Software Requirements
Windows 10 and Windows 11 Configuration

Windows 10 and Windows 11 Configuration

When setting up a MassHunter computer for the first time, some actions and
settings are required. The MassHunter installer configures Windows 10 with
required and performance settings.
These instructions show Windows 10. The changes apply to Windows 11 as well.

Required Actions

These steps must be taken for a new Windows installation, before the software is
1 In Control Panel > System, activate Windows with Microsoft.
Do this step only if the computer is customer-supplied. Computers from
Agilent are already activated.
2 In Windows Settings > Update and Security, click Check for updates to check
for updates and apply all patches.
Make sure all updates are downloaded and installed before you proceed.
Make sure that no reboot is pending.

Windows Update must not have a pending installation during installation of

C AU T I O N MassHunter Workstation.

14 MassHunter Requirements and Supported Instruments

1 Hardware and Software Requirements
Required Settings

Required Settings

Windows Control Panel Options

Power Options • Preferred plan = High performance.

• Put the computer to sleep = Never.
• Change advanced power settings > Hard disk > Turn off hard disk after >
Minutes = 0 (never).

Administrative In Local Security Policy > Local Policies > Security Options:
Tools • Network Access: Sharing and security model for local accounts = Classic -
local users authenticate as themselves.
Date and Time • Time zone of your computer’s location.
Network and In Change adapter settings > Local Area Connection > Properties > Configure >
Sharing Center Power Management:
• All check boxes cleared.

MassHunter Requirements and Supported Instruments 15

1 Hardware and Software Requirements
Required Settings

Programs and In Turn Windows features on or off:

Features • .NET Framework 3.5 (includes .NET 2.0 and 3.0) = selected
This option requires an Internet connection.

If this procedure does not work as expected, or the computer has no Internet
NOTE access, install .NET 3.5 from the Windows installation media (see details for
Windows 10 in If you do
not have installation media, create them as described

• .NET Framework 3.5 (includes .NET 2.0 and 3.0) > Windows Communication
Foundation Non-HTTP Activation = selected
This setting makes sure that the net.tcp components are properly initialized,
enable Non-HTTP activation
• .NET Framework 4.6 Advanced Services = selected.
• Telnet Client = selected.
• TFTP Client = selected.

The system must be rebooted after Windows features are turned on.
Windows Settings

System > Tablet • When I sign in: Use desktop mode


16 MassHunter Requirements and Supported Instruments

1 Hardware and Software Requirements
Required Settings

Apps > Offline • Metered connections = Off

Maps • Map updates = Off

Required Windows Explorer options

This Windows Explorer option is required.

View > • Navigation Pane = selected.


MassHunter Requirements and Supported Instruments 17

1 Hardware and Software Requirements
Performance Options

Performance Options

Control Panel
These Control Panel options enhance your system performance.

System > In Advanced > Performance > Visual Effects:

Advanced • Adjust for best performance = selected.
system settings
• For Custom, these are selected for better usability:
• Smooth edges of screen fonts
• Show shadows under mouse pointer
• Show shadows under windows
In Advanced > Performance > Advanced > Virtual Memory:
• Paging file size for each drive > Custom Size > Maximum Size = 2 to 3 times
the physical RAM on the PC. If available, use a drive different from the system
installation drive to create the paging file.
In Advanced > Performance > Advanced > Data Execution Prevention:
• Turn on DEP for essential Windows programs and services only = selected.
Windows Settings

Personalization • Transparency Effects = Off

> Colors

18 MassHunter Requirements and Supported Instruments

2 Network Requirements
Introduction 20
LAN Connectivity 20
LAN Power Management 21
Firewall Settings 21
Domain Requirements 22
Environments with Proxy Servers 23
Network Isolation 23
Specific Requirements for Compliant Systems 24

This chapter describes the network requirements that must be met in order to
support the environmental computing needs of a MassHunter system.

MassHunter Requirements and Supported Instruments 19

2 Network Requirements


MassHunter systems rely on network infrastructure in order to support the

communication between Networked Workstations and the OpenLab
Server/ECM XT server. This communication is based on standard TCP/IP
protocols. In order to provide optimum performance and uptime, the network
must meet design criteria for available bandwidth, IP address assignment, name
resolution and appropriate isolation of the lab subnet from the corporate
Refer to the Agilent OpenLab Server and OpenLab ECM XT Hardware and Software
Requirements Guide (p/n D0007295) for more details about networking

LAN Connectivity

All MassHunter Networked Workstations include at least two 1 GB Ethernet

network interfaces. One is reserved for PC-to-Instrument communication. The
other is used to communicate with the OpenLab Server / ECM XT / ECM 3.x.
Note these LAN Connectivity requirements:
• For the 6546: a 10 GB Ethernet adapter is required for PC-to-instrument
communication. In this configuration, high quality Cat 6 Ethernet over
twisted-pair cables or better are required.
• NIC teaming1: LAN cards should not be teamed on workstations, instrument
controllers, or clients.
• Communication between the Networked Workstation and OpenLab
Server/ECM XT must be on the same subnet. 1 GB Ethernet or greater
connection is required.
• For TOF/Q-TOF instruments only: The OpenLab Server/ECM XT server/ECM
3.x server must be located on the same physical premises as the Networked
Workstation. Co-located or off-premise/cloud-based servers are not
• USB network adapters are not supported.

1 Network Interface Card (NIC) teaming is also known as Load Balancing and Failover

20 MassHunter Requirements and Supported Instruments

2 Network Requirements
LAN Power Management

LAN Power Management

Avoid data capture or transfer interruptions in your data acquisition system by

making LAN communication cards available for instrument and system
component communications.
Windows may be set to turn instruments/components off to save power while
sleeping or hibernating. To change this setting:
1 In the Microsoft Control Panel, open the Network and Sharing Center.
2 Select Change adapter settings. Right-click Local Area Connection, and then
click Properties > Configure.
3 Select the Power Management tab.
4 Clear the Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power check box.
Depending on the model of network adapter, the name of this option can also
be Energy efficient Ethernet, Power saving Ethernet mode, or a similar name.

While applying Windows Updates, LAN Power Management might become

C AU T I O N reactivated. Be sure to check the LAN Power Management settings after all
Windows Updates.

Firewall Settings

If you are using a third party firewall or anti-virus software on the network where
MassHunter is installed, open these firewall ports to allow communication
between the system components of MassHunter. These apply to workstations
as well as to Client/Server systems as component communications rely on these
communication channels:
Table 3. Firewall ports

Ports Comment, required for

6570 SubscribeNet: active retrieval and release of product licenses

8084 Agilent OpenLab Licensing support

8085-8089 Alternative to port 8084 if that port is in use by another page or process

MassHunter Requirements and Supported Instruments 21

2 Network Requirements
Domain Requirements

Table 3. Firewall ports (continued)

Ports Comment, required for

8090 Hosts the viewing page of current license grants and consumptions found in the
OpenLab Control Panel administration interface

27000-27009 Communication of license availability

30101 Store and retrieve instrument data

53971 Activity log messages display notification

The MassHunter Workstation installer will automatically open required ports on

an enabled Windows firewall during installation.

You will need to disable Windows Defender Firewall when you update the
NOTE firmware.

Domain Requirements

Domains support the flow of information and user access rights across
machines in the network. This means that all machines and instruments within
the MassHunter Networked Workstation system must reside within the same
domain or have the appropriate cross domain trusts to allow name based
communications between all components in the system. In the case of a
workstation installation, domains are only relevant if you are using a Windows
domain-based authentication model. In this case the workstation or client must
always be able to communicate with domain components in order to function as
Installing MassHunter Workstation will apply network exceptions to the Windows
firewall under the domain profile to result in a functional system. The
components necessary to support MassHunter on a domain are:
• Domain controller – broadcasts the domain name and negotiates access to
• Domain name server (DNS) – maintains records of what host names belong
to which IP on the network. This component is always required for effective
components communications in networked systems.
• Active directory – maintains the list of users and their access rights on the

22 MassHunter Requirements and Supported Instruments

2 Network Requirements
Environments with Proxy Servers

The domain name server (DNS) must be able to resolve the IPv4 address of all
NOTE instrument controllers and instruments. Any unresolved instrument controller or
instrument will disrupt the functionality of MassHunter resulting in errors or
delays. IPv6 is not supported and must be deactivated.

MassHunter Workstation components must not be installed on the same

NOTE machine as the domain controller.
The domain components above host a variety of services and settings that must
be configured appropriately to allow communication across machines. The
following services and settings will need to be configured to fit your domain. Your
internal IT group is responsible for proper configuration of any custom domain
solutions. These include settings for:
• Lookup zones and hostnames
• Group and security policies
• Subnet masks and Virtual LANs
• IP reservation (static or DHCP)

Environments with Proxy Servers

The OpenLab server must be accessible via http or https in the network. If you
use proxy servers, verify that they can be accessed. If required, adjust the proxy

Network Isolation

MassHunter Networked Workstations must be isolated from network

environments that experience frequent failures due to faulty switching, viruses, or
worms. If network isolation is not possible, the machines should be reconfigured
and disconnected from the problematic network until these issues can be
resolved. On an isolated network, name resolution services must be hosted by a
separate machine to enable proper communications between system
components by name.

MassHunter Requirements and Supported Instruments 23

2 Network Requirements
Specific Requirements for Compliant Systems

An isolated network is completely physically isolated, so that no LAN switch

connections on the network are shared with the corporate network
infrastructure. Figure 3 shows a simple client/server topology.

Figure 3. Sample client/server topology: Network Isolation

Specific Requirements for Compliant Systems

If you intend to use your system in a compliant environment, ensure the following
settings related to time synchronization:
• Your network must have a time synchronization service to make sure that all
systems are using a consistent and valid time.
• To ensure that users cannot change the time on a client system, users must
not operate using an administrator account. This is important as the client
time is used during buffered activity logging during network outages.

24 MassHunter Requirements and Supported Instruments

3 Instrument Connections
RC.NET Drivers and OpenLab CDS 26
Agilent LC 27
Agilent LC/MS 34
Drivers for non-Agilent Instruments 36
Incompatible Instruments and Modules 37

This chapter provides information on the instruments supported by the current

revision of OpenLab CDS and the required respective instrument drivers and
firmware revisions.

MassHunter Requirements and Supported Instruments 25

3 Instrument Connections
RC.NET Drivers and OpenLab CDS

RC.NET Drivers and OpenLab CDS

MassHunter can control instruments and modules that use RC.NET based driver
software only.
Agilent and other vendors may release drivers independent of the
MassHunter releases. Agilent recommends always using the most recent
firmware revisions which include latest firmware features and improvements.
Agilent driver software is forward compatible with respect to firmware, i.e. the
firmware can be updated without the need of updating the driver or CDS.
More information on instrument drivers and firmware is available in the
respective driver release notes.
The following Agilent instrument driver software revisions are part of the
MassHunter Acquisition software package, and are installed by default with the
Table 4. Agilent driver packages shipped and installed with MassHunter 12.0 Instrument Driver Driver Software Revision

Agilent LC 3.5

CTC PAL XT B.01.08

Agilent TQ 3.0

Agilent TOF/Q-TOF Not an driver

Additional RC.NET instrument drivers are supported with MassHunter 12.0 and
will need to be installed separately.

Third Party Drivers

MassHunter Acquisition for 6400 Series Triple Quadrupole LC/MS or
MassHunter Acquisition for Ultivo LC/TQ does not support third party

26 MassHunter Requirements and Supported Instruments

3 Instrument Connections
Agilent LC

Agilent LC

Most Agilent LC Modules can be controlled with the current version of

MassHunter Workstation. LC driver 3.5 has been tested with this revision and is
installed by default with the software.

Recommended Firmware
Agilent recommends using current LC firmware sets with your MassHunter
Workstation. The latest LC firmware sets are 7.xx. See Table 5.
Firmware Set 7.xx can be downloaded from

LC and CE firmware revisions are grouped into sets for each module or system.
NOTE Firmware sets include just the latest firmware of each module.
Modules combined into one LC instrument always need to have firmware from
the same set. Firmware of one set is fully compatible with your CDS that
supports this firmware set. However, if one module uses a firmware revision
lower that the specified Minimum Firmware Revision some functionality might
not be supported.

Do not mix firmware revisions from one set with older or newer sets. Firmware is
NOTE not tested across set borders!
Table 5. Recommended firmware

Device Recommended Firmware

Agilent 1100 Series, 1200 Series and 1200 Infinity B.07.30 or later

Agilent 1200 Series, 1200 Infinity and 1120 Compact LC B.07.30 or later

Agilent 1200 Infinity Hosted Modules C.07.20 or later

Agilent 1260/1290 Infinity II Modules D.07.33 or later

You need to upgrade all existing modules to the latest version only if
• you add a new LC module to the existing system (recommended).
• one of the existing modules requires an upgrade due to a bug fix solved with
the latest release.

MassHunter Requirements and Supported Instruments 27

3 Instrument Connections
Agilent LC

For more information on downloading the current LC firmware, please refer to

the Agilent website at (LC Firmware
News and Downloads) and (Firmware
Update Tools & Procedures).
The tables that follow list the supported LC modules with the minimum required
firmware. Please note that using some driver features like valve-thermostat
clusters and new temperature control modes require firmware updates beyond
the minimum required firmware for related modules. For more information
please refer to the respective release notes.

Table 6. 1120 Compact LC / 1220 Infinity LC

1120 Compact LC / 1220 Infinity LC Version

G4286A Compact LC B.07.30 [005]

G4286B Infinity LC B.07.30 [005]

G4286C Infinity LC B.07.30 [005]

G4287A Compact LC B.07.30 [005]

G4287B Infinity LC B.07.30 [005]

G4288A Compact LC B.07.30 [005]

G4288B Infinity LC B.07.30 [005]

G4288C Infinity LC VL B.07.30 [005]

G4289A Compact LC B.07.30 [005]

G4289B Infinity LC B.07.30 [005]

G4289C Infinity LC VL B.07.30 [005]

G4290A Compact LC B.07.30 [005]

G4290B Infinity LC B.07.30 [005]

G4290C Infinity LC VL B.07.30 [005]

G4291A Compact LC B.07.30 [005]

G4291B Infinity LC B.07.30 [005]

G4291C Infinity LC VL B.07.30 [005]

G4292A Compact LC B.07.30 [005]

28 MassHunter Requirements and Supported Instruments

3 Instrument Connections
Agilent LC

Table 6. 1120 Compact LC / 1220 Infinity LC (continued)

1120 Compact LC / 1220 Infinity LC Version

G4292B Infinity LC B.07.30 [005]

G4292C Infinity LC VL B.07.30 [005]

G4293A Compact LC B.07.30 [005]

G4293B Infinity LC B.07.30 [005]

G4293C Infinity LC VL B.07.30 [005]

G4294B Infinity LC VL B.07.30 [005]

G4294C Infinity LC VL B.07.30 [005]

Table 7. 1260 Infinity LC

1260 Infinity LC Version

G1156A 6-Position/7-Ports Valve A.07.01 [001]

G1157A 2-Position/10-Ports Valve A.07.01 [001]

G1158A 2-Position/6-Ports Valve (1100/1200) A.07.01 [001]

G1158B 2-Position/6-Ports Valve A.07.01 [001]

G1159A 6-Position Column Selector Valve A.07.01 [001]

G1160A 12-Position Selector Valve A.07.01 [001]

G1162A Micro Valve 2-Position/6-Ports A.07.01 [001]

G1163A Micro Valve 2-Position/10-Ports A.07.01 [001]

G1310A Isocratic Pump (1100/1200) A.07.01 [001]

G1310B Isocratic Pump A.07.01 [001]

G1311A Quaternary Pump (1100/1200) A.07.01 [001]

G1311B Quaternary Pump A.07.01 [001]

G1311C Quaternary Pump VL A.07.01 [001]

G1312A Binary Pump (1100/1200) A.07.01 [001]

G1312B Binary Pump A.07.01 [001]

G1312C Binary Pump VL A.07.01 [001]

G4302A SFC-Binary Pump A.07.01 [001]

G1313A Autosampler (1100) A.07.02 [005]

MassHunter Requirements and Supported Instruments 29

3 Instrument Connections
Agilent LC

Table 7. 1260 Infinity LC (continued)

1260 Infinity LC Version

G1314A Variable Wavelength Detector (1100/1200) A.07.02 [001]

G1314B Variable Wavelength Detector VL A.07.02 [001]

G1314C Variable Wavelength Detector VL+ A.07.02 [001]

G1314D Variable Wavelength Detector (1200) B.07.33 [003]

G1314F Variable Wavelength Detector B.07.33 [003]

G1315A Diode Array Detector (1100/1200) A.07.02 [001]

G1315B Diode Array Detector (1100/1200) A.07.02 [001]

G1315C Diode Array Detector VL+ B.07.33 [003]

G1315D Diode Array Detector VL B.07.33 [003]

G1316A Thermostatted Column Compartment A.07.02 [001]

G1316B Thermostatted Column Compartment SL (1200) A.07.02 [001]

G1321A Fluorescence Detector (1100/1200) A.07.02 [001]

G1321B Fluorescence Detector SPECTRA A.07.02 [001]

G1321C Fluorescence Detector A.07.02 [001]

G1329A Standard Autosampler (1100/1200) A.07.02 [005]

G1329B Standard Autosampler A.07.02 [005]

G1365A Multiple Wavelength Detector (1100/1200) A.07.02 [001]

G1365B Multiple Wavelength Detector (1100/1200) A.07.02 [001]

G1365C Multiple Wavelength Detector B.07.33 [003]

G1365D Multiple Wavelength Detector VL B.07.33 [003]

G1367A Well Plate Sampler (1100) A.07.02 [005]

G1367B High Performance Autosampler (1200) A.07.02 [005]

G1367C High Performance Autosampler SL (1200) A.07.02 [005]

G1367D High Performance Autosampler SL+ (1200) A.07.02 [005]

G1367E High Performance Autosampler A.07.02 [005]

G1369C LAN Interface Card B.07.33 [003]

G1376A Capillary Pump A.07.01 [001]

G1377A Micro Well Plate Sampler A.07.02 [005]

30 MassHunter Requirements and Supported Instruments

3 Instrument Connections
Agilent LC

Table 7. 1260 Infinity LC (continued)

1260 Infinity LC Version

G1389A Micro Autosampler A.07.02 [005]

G1390A Universal Interface Box (UIB) A.07.01 [001]

G1390B Universal Interface Box II (UIB II) C.07.30 [001]

G2226A Nano Pump A.07.01 [001]

G2254A Automation Interface A.07.01 [001]

G4212B Diode Array Detector B.07.33 [003]

G4220B Binary Pump B.07.33 [003]

G4240A Chip Cube MS Interface A.07.01 [001]

G4301A Controller SFC B2_A.3.09 [005]

G4301A Controller SFC C2_A.3.09 [005]

G4302A Binary Pump SFC A.07.01 [001]

G4303A Standard Autosampler SFC A.07.02 [005]

G5611A Bio-inert Quaternary Pump A.07.01 [001]

G5667A Bio-inert HP ALS A.07.02 [005]

Table 8. 1290 Infinity LC

1290 Infinity LC Version

G1170A Universal Valve Drive C.07.30 [001]

G1314E Variable Wavelength Detector B.07.33 [003]

G1316C Thermostatted Column Compartment† A.07.02 [001]

G4204A Quaternary Pump B.07.33 [003]

G4220A Binary Pump B.07.33 [003]

G4212A Diode Array Detector B.07.33 [003]

G4226A Autosampler A.07.02 [005]

G4227A Flexible Cube C.07.30 [001]

* A host may be required. For details see latest driver release note.
† Cluster with up to three G1316C with integrated 8pos/9port valves (products G4230A/B). Minimum two
G1316C TCCs, the third TCC can be a G1316A, B or C.

MassHunter Requirements and Supported Instruments 31

3 Instrument Connections
Agilent LC

Table 9. 1260/1290 Infinity II LC

1260/1290 Infinity II LC Version

G4782A Binary Pump SFC D.07.33 [003]

G4767A Multisampler SFC D.07.33 [003]

G5654A Bio-inert Quaternary Pump D.07.33 [003]

G5668A Bio-inert Multisampler D.07.33 [003]

G7104A Quaternary Pump B.07.33 [003]

G7104C Flexible Pump B.07.33 [003]

G7110B Isocratic Pump D.07.33 [003]

G7111A Quaternary Pump VL D.07.33 [003]

G7111B Quaternary Pump D.07.33 [003]

G7112B Binary Pump D.07.33 [003]

G7114A Variable Wavelength Detector D.07.33 [003]

G7114B Variable Wavelength Detector D.07.33 [003]

G7115A Diode Array Detector D.07.33 [003]

G7116A Multicolumn Thermostat C.07.30 [001]

G7116B Multicolumn Thermostat C.07.30 [001]

G7117A Diode Array Detector FS D.07.33 [003]

G7117B Diode Array Detector D.07.33 [003]

G7117C Diode Array Detector HS D.07.33 [003]

G7120A Binary Pump B.07.33 [003]

G7121A Fluorescence Detector D.07.33 [003]

G7121B Fluorescence Detector SPECTRA D.07.33 [003]

G7129A Vialsampler D.07.33 [003]

G7129B Vialsampler D.07.33 [003]

G7129C Vialsampler D.07.33 [003]

G7132A Bio Binary Pump D.07.33 [003]

G7137A Bio Multisampler D.07.33 [003]

G7165A Multiple Wavelength Detector D.07.33 [003]

32 MassHunter Requirements and Supported Instruments

3 Instrument Connections
Agilent LC

Table 9. 1260/1290 Infinity II LC (continued)

1260/1290 Infinity II LC Version

G7167A Multisampler D.07.33 [003]

G7167B Multisampler D.07.33 [003]

Table 10. Capillary Electrophoresis (CE)

Module Version

G7100A Capillary Electrophoresis (CE) B.07.30 [001]

Table 11. Other modules

Product Module Name Minimum Firmware Revision


G1330A 1100 Series Thermostat n/a

G4277A 1290 Infinity LC Injector HTS 4.3.0

G1330B 1290 Infinity Thermostat n/a

G4270-CTC HTC PAL Auto sampler Agilent 2 6.8 or 4.1.0

G4271-CTC HTS PAL Auto sampler Agilent 2 6.8 or 4.1.5

G7130A Integrated Column Compartment ICC D.06.76

VTC Valve Combinations of G7116B, G1170A and G1316C (valve or See LC Driver Release Notes:
Thermostat column hosts) and G1316A/B and G7130A Valve-Thermostat Cluster

HDR-DAD 2x G4212A, 2x G4212B, 2x G7117A or 2x G7117B, or B.06.57

Cluster G7117A and 1x G7117B

MassHunter Requirements and Supported Instruments 33

3 Instrument Connections
Agilent LC/MS

Agilent LC/MS

Recommended Firmware
Always use the most recent Firmware or Embedded Software installation
package that comes with the driver package.

Triple Quad LC/MS System

These Agilent LC/MS instruments can be controlled with MassHunter

Table 12. 6400 Series Triple Quad LC/MS System

Product number Description Supported source Autotune source Checktune source

G6420A 6420 LC/TQ • ESI • ESI • ESI

G6460C 6460C LC/TQ • AJS • AJS • AJS

G6470A 6470 LC/TQ • ESI • ESI • ESI
G6470B 6470 LC/TQ • APCI • APCI (6470 A/B
• MMI only)
• ChipCube

G6475A 6475 LC/TQ • AJS • AJS • AJS

• Nano ESI

G6495A 6495A LC/TQ • AJS • AJS • AJS

G6495B 6495B LC/TQ • ESI • ESI
G6495C 6495C LC/TQ • APCI • APCI (6495C
• MMI only)
• ChipCube

Table 13. 6400 Series Triple Quad LC/MS System

Product number Description Supported source Autotune source Checktune source

G6465A Ultivo LC/TQ • AJS • AJS • AJS

G6465B Ultivo LC/TQ • ESI • ESI • ESI

34 MassHunter Requirements and Supported Instruments

3 Instrument Connections
Agilent LC/MS

LC/TOF and LC/Q-TOF System

These Agilent LC/TOF and LC/Q-TOF instruments can be controlled with
MassHunter Workstation.
Table 14. Agilent LC/TOF Systems

Product number Description Note

G6224A 6224A Accurate-Mass TOF LC/MS No support for AJS or Dual AJS Source

G6230A 6230A Accurate-Mass TOF LC/MS

G6230B 6230B Accurate-Mass TOF LC/MS

Table 15. Agilent LC/Q-TOF Systems

Product number Description Note

G6520B 6520B Accurate-Mass Q-TOF LC/MS No support for AJS or Dual AJS Source

G6530A 6530A Accurate-Mass Q-TOF LC/MS

G6530B 6530B Accurate-Mass Q-TOF LC/MS

G6530C 6530C Accurate-Mass Q-TOF LC/MS

G6538A 6538 Ultra High Definition (UHD) No support for AJS or Dual AJS Source
Accurate-Mass Q-TOF LC/MS

G6540A 6540 Ultra High Definition (UHD)

Accurate-Mass Q-TOF LC/MS

G6540B 6540 Ultra High Definition (UHD)

Accurate-Mass Q-TOF LC/MS

G6545A 6545A LC/Q-TOF

G6545B 6545B LC/Q-TOF

G6546A 6546 LC/Q-TOF

G6549A 6545XT AdvanceBio LC/Q-TOF

G6550A 6550 iFunnel Q-TOF LC/MS System

G6550B 6550B iFunnel Q-TOF LC/MS System

G6560A 6560 Ion Mobility LC/Q-TOF

G6560B 6560 Ion Mobility LC/Q-TOF

MassHunter Requirements and Supported Instruments 35

3 Instrument Connections
Drivers for non-Agilent Instruments

Drivers for non-Agilent Instruments

If any drivers are available for non-Agilent instruments, they will be available from

36 MassHunter Requirements and Supported Instruments

3 Instrument Connections
Incompatible Instruments and Modules

Incompatible Instruments and Modules

The following tables summarize selected instruments or modules that can not be
controlled with the current revision of MassHunter Workstation.

Incompatible LC and LC/MS Modules

Table 16. Incompatible LC and LC/MS Modules

Product Number Module Name

G1361A 1260 Infinity Preparative Pump

G1364A/B/C/D Fraction Collector / Fraction Cluster

G1364E Fraction Collector (Prep)

G1364F Fraction Collector (Analytical)

G1389A Micro Sampler

G2258A 1260 Infinity Dual-Loop Autosampler

G2260A 1260 Infinity Preparative Autosampler (High flow)

G4218A, G7102A Evaporative Light Scattering Detector (ELSD)

G4260A, G4260B
G4261A, G4261B

G5664A 1260 Infinity Bio-inert fraction collector AS

G5664B Fraction Collector (BIO)

G7157A 1260 Infinity II Preparative Autosampler

G7158B Preparative Open Bed Sampler/Collector

G7159B Preparative Open Bed Fraction Collector

G7161A 1260 Infinity II Prep Binary Pump

G7161B Binary Prep Pump

G7162A Refractive Index Detector

G7162B Refractive Index Detector Micro

G7166A Valve-based Fraction Collector

G7170B MS Flow Modulator

MassHunter Requirements and Supported Instruments 37

3 Instrument Connections
Incompatible Instruments and Modules

Incompatible CE Instruments
MassHunter Workstation cannot be used to control CE Instruments.

38 MassHunter Requirements and Supported Instruments

4 Software Compatibility
Software 40
Libraries and Databases 41

This chapter contains information on compatibility with other Agilent or

Non-Agilent Software.

MassHunter Requirements and Supported Instruments 39

4 Software Compatibility


The MassHunter Workstation 12.0 software includes MassHunter Acquisition for

LC/TQ 12.0, MassHunter Quantitative Analysis 12.0, and MassHunter Qualitative
Analysis 10.0.
These programs are compatible with MassHunter Workstation 12.0:
• LabAdvisor for LC
• Remote Advisor
• MassHunter WalkUp - TOF/Q-TOF only
• MassHunter IM-MS Browser - TOF/Q-TOF only
• MassHunter BioConfirm 12.0 - TOF/Q-TOF only
• MassProfiler Professional (MPP)
• RapidFire
• MOBILion Software1 - TOF/Q-TOF only

1 In a MOBILion MOBIE system, MOBIE EyeOn Software is used to acquire data in HRIM
mode. MassHunter Data Acquisition is used to acquire data in Q-TOF mode.

40 MassHunter Requirements and Supported Instruments

4 Software Compatibility
Libraries and Databases

Libraries and Databases

The following libraries and databases are compatible with MassHunter

• G4975BA NIST 20 LC/MS/MS Library (includes NIST MS Search)
• G3878CA MassHunter Pesticide PCDL B.07.00 or higher
• G3876CA MassHunter Forensic/Toxicology PCDL B.07.00 or higher
• G3879CA MassHunter Veterinary Drugs PCDL B.07.00 or higher
• G6890CA MassHunter Extractables and Leachables PCDL B.07.00 or higher
• G5883CA MassHunter Mycotoxin and related Metabolites PCDL B.07.00 or
• G6882CA MassHunter Water Screening PCDL B.07.00 or higher
• G3874AA METLIN Metabolites PCDL
• G6825AA Personal METLIN Metabolite PCD
• Any user-created library
• G1733CA Pesticides tMRM DB
• G1734CA Forensics tMRM DB
• G1735CA Vet drug tMRM DB
• G6412AA Metabolomics MRM DB

MassHunter Requirements and Supported Instruments 41

In This Book
This document details the minimum
hardware, software, and network
requirements, as well as minimum firmware
required to run an Agilent MassHunter
Workstation, and lists supported
instruments. It includes operating system
© Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2022
Doc No D0026036
October 2022 Revision A.00

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