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Entrepreneurship & Small Business Management

300+ MCQs on
Entrepreneurship & Small
Business Management
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Entrepreneurship and Small Business

Management Multiple Choice Questions
1. Which of the following is the correct definition of
the term ‘entrepreneur’, as used by the OECD?
A. Entrepreneurs are those people who start new businesses
with the aim of making a profit.

B. Entrepreneurs are those persons (business owners) who

seek to generate value through the creation or expansion of
economic activity, by identifying and exploiting new
products, processes or markets.

C. Entrepreneurs are those persons who seek to create value

by starting new businesses with innovative products and
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D. Entrepreneurs are those people who seek to create value

for local communities, people or customers by starting new
ventures which exploit new products, processes or markets.

Answer: B. Entrepreneurs are those persons (business

owners) who seek to generate value through the creation or
expansion of economic activity, by identifying and exploiting
new products, processes or markets.

2. What is the definition of the term, ‘social

A. A commercial organization that seeks to combine a profit
seeking motive with the provision of social benefits.

B. A trading organization that is motivated by profit and a

societal orientation.

C. A social enterprise undertakes social marketing and can

take a variety of legal forms, including co-operative, a
limited company and a community interest company.

D. A trading organization which serves a social purpose and

which can take a variety of legal forms, including co-
operative, a limited company and a community interest

Answer: D. A trading organization which serves a social

purpose and which can take a variety of legal forms,
including co-operative, a limited company and a community
interest company.

3. Intrapreneurship often takes the form of …

A. a semi-autonomous group (e.g. an internal venture team),
operating within the overarching structure of the parent

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B. a spinout venture from a university to commercial a new

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C. a subsidiary of a large corporation developing a new


D. a semi-autonomous group operating outside the

overarching structure of the parent organization.

Answer: A. a semi-autonomous group (e.g. an internal

venture team), operating within the overarching structure of
the parent organization.

4. The goals motivating entrepreneurial activity can

include which of the following options:
A. To improve the social welfare of people, e.g. in terms of
their health.

B. To improve the wealth of the entrepreneurs.

C. To maintain influence amongst powerful local figures.

D. All of the above.

Answer: A. To improve the social welfare of people, e.g. in

terms of their health.
5. Can entrepreneurship be ‘learned’?
A. Entrepreneurs are born and not made

B. It’s a discipline and like any other discipline it can be


C. You will never become an entrepreneur simply by reading

a book

D. Practical exercises, study and critical reflection can be a

good way to think about

Answer: D. Practical exercises, study and critical reflection

can be a good way to think about

6. Which of these statements best describes the

context for entrepreneurship?
A. Entrepreneurship takes place in small businesses.

B. Entrepreneurship takes place in large businesses.

C. Entrepreneurship takes place in a wide variety of


D. Entrepreneurship does not take place in social


Answer: C. Entrepreneurship takes place in a wide variety

of contexts.

7. Which statement is not true of entrepreneurs?

A. They change the way businesses convert inputs into
B. They generally stick to the processes already in use.

C. They take risks

D. They apply innovative ideas

Answer: B. They generally stick to the processes already in


8. Pichot suggested three roles for the intrapreneur

in promoting innovation. What are they?
A. Team builder, information source and advocate

B. Inventor, innovator and sponsor

C. Inventor, developer and marketer

D. Inventor, product champion and sponsor

Answer: D. Inventor, product champion and sponsor

9. Why is the notion of ‘vision’ important in

A. Without it there is no driving force or sense of direction.

B. People need a sense of fantasy in order to create

ambitious ventures.

C. Investors prefer to invest in visionaries.

D. Having a vision helps to create a paradigm shift.

Answer: A. Without it there is no driving force or sense of


10. What are the two key issues that arise when you
create an effective entrepreneurial team from
A. Team mentality and team synergy

B. Team numbers and team quality

C. Team composition and team roles

D. Team experience and team experience

Answer: C. Team composition and team roles

11. Establishing a shared vision amongst team

members refers to:
A. Members of the team starting out with an essentially
similar set of ideas about what they want to create.

B. Members of the team sharing moral principles and

standards of behaviour.

C. Members of the team sharing the factors driving them to

take part in the venture.
D. Members of the team sharing profits in an equitable

Answer: C. Members of the team sharing the factors

driving them to take part in the venture.

12. What are the main differences between

marketing in a ‘corporate setting’ and an
‘entrepreneurial’ one?
A. Lack of resources; lack of brand name; difficulties in
making contacts.

B. Greater emphasis on personal selling and personal


C. Faster decision making; more personal responsibility.

D. Better profit margins; lower costs and greater flexibility.

Answer: A. Lack of resources; lack of brand name;

difficulties in making contacts.

13. According to Schumpeter, Innovation occur in

the following forms:
A. 2

B. 3

C. 4

D. 5

Answer: D. 5

14. Innovative entrepreneur ensures:

A. Static equilibrium

B. Dynamic equilibrium

C. Static disequilibrium

D. Dynamic disequilibrium

Answer: D. Dynamic disequilibrium

15. The book “Innovation and Entrepreneurship” is

written by:
A. J.B. Say

B. J.A. Schumpeter

C. Peter F. Drucker

D. Cantillon

Answer: C. Peter F. Drucker

16. No. of sources for innovative opportunity is

given by Peter Drucker.
A. 5

B. 6

C. 7

D. 8

Answer: C. 7

17. Fabian Entrepreneurs are characterized by:

A. Hardworking

B. Religious and traditional

C. Shy and Lazy

D. Ready to take risk

Answer: C. Shy and Lazy

18. Drone entrepreneur are those who generally

A. Earn super profit

B. Earn normal profit

C. Earn profit or even losses

D. Incur losses

Answer: C. Earn profit or even losses

19. Systematic innovation means

A. Monitoring different sources of or innovative opportunity

B. Developing different types of entrepreneurial behavior

C. Identifying different new business opportunity

D. Creating bases for systematic creativity

Answer: A. Monitoring different sources of or innovative


20. Supply of entrepreneur depends on the

A. Rate of the profit available

B. Prevailing social climate

C. Rate of profit and social climate

D. None of the above

Answer: C. Rate of profit and social climate

21. The ‘enterprise culture’ is a general interest in

developing new ventures
A. True

B. False

C. all

D. none

Answer: B. False

22. Which of the following is presented as evidence

of social factors influencing whether someone
becomes an owner-manager?
A. Although people believe self-employment runs in families,
there is little evidence to support this view.
B. There seems to be little relationship between self-
employment and age.

C. Self-employment is more common among some ethnic


D. Self-employment is more common among single people

than among the married.

Answer: C. Self-employment is more common among some

ethnic groups.

23. Which of the following is not one of the

environmental factors that may influence the
potential of a small business?
A. Close contacts with customers related to problem solving

B. Clusters of technically advanced small firms

C. An industry with economies of scale

D. Banks recognising the needs of small firms

Answer: C. An industry with economies of scale

24. What factors have contributed to the blurring of

boundaries between different industries?
A. Technological innovation; political change; legal and
socio-economic changes

B. Technological innovation

C. Changes amongst customers, competitors and suppliers

D. Both (a) and (d)

Answer: A. Technological innovation; political change;
legal and socio-economic changes

25. One of the differences between marketing in a

corporate setting and an entrepreneurial one is the
reliance by the entrepreneur on personal credibility
and skills in persuasive communication.
A. True

B. False

C. all

D. none

Answer: A. True

26. EDP meant for developing

A. Professional skill

B. Entrepreneurial motive

C. Personal qualities

D. Entrepreneurial monitoring

Answer: B. Entrepreneurial motive

27. EDP is required to help

A. Existing entrepreneur

B. First generation entrepreneur

C. Future Entrepreneur

D. None of the above

Answer: B. First generation entrepreneur

28. Following is not involved in EDP

A. Identification of entrepreneurs for training

B. Selection of entrepreneurs for training

C. Developing entrepreneurial capabilities

D. Arranging infrastructural facilities

Answer: D. Arranging infrastructural facilities

29. EDII was developed by the

A. Government of India

B. State Government

C. All India Financial Institutions

D. Public sector banks

Answer: C. All India Financial Institutions

30. NIESBUD was established in

A. 1980

B. 1983

C. 1986

D. 1989

Answer: B. 1983

31. All but which of the following is considered to be a myth

associated with entrepreneurship?
A. Successful entrepreneurs are born not made

B. First ventures are always successful

C. All entrepreneurs must willingly invest significant sums of


D. Successful entrepreneurs must have a break-through


Answer: A. Successful entrepreneurs are born not made

32. An ______ is best described by stating it is any business

that is independently owned and operated and is not
dominate in its market.
A. strategic alliance

B. corporation

C. entrepreneurship

D. proprietorship

Answer: A. strategic alliance

33. For small business owners, one of the most important

objectives is _______.
A. market presence

B. growth

C. profitability

D. adaptability
Answer: C. profitability

34. Which of the following is not considered a common

characteristic of an entrepreneur?
A. Internal locus of control

B. High need for achievement

C. Self-confidence

D. External locus of control

Answer: A. Internal locus of control

35. The entrepreneur who is committed to the

entrepreneurial effort because it makes good business sense
is classed as a/an _____.
A. inventor

B. opportunist

C. hacker

D. craftsman

Answer: B. opportunist

36. Melissa is one of the newest and most successful

entrepreneurs in the technology industry. She handles
numerous dealings with other companies for the exchange of
goods and services. Her primary goal is to ensure that all
parties involved receive favorable and acceptable terms.
Melissa is most probably excellent at the entrepreneurial
skill of _______.
A. negotiating
B. networking

C. leadership

D. analysis

Answer: C. leadership

37. The ideas for new businesses that are obtained by

entrepreneurs are derived from many sources. These various
sources include all but _______.
A. replication of an existing business

B. trade journals

C. trade shows

D. family members

Answer: C. trade shows

38. Which of the following shows the process of creating

something new?
A. Business model

B. Modeling

C. Innovation

D. Creative flexibility

Answer: C. Innovation

39. Which one of the following theory has the attribute of

moderate risk taking as a function of skill, not chance?
A. Need for independence
B. Need for achievement

C. Need for affiliation

D. Need for authority

Answer: B. Need for achievement

40. In which of the following domain; individuals take

decision to help others for achieving their dreams?
A. Traditional managers

B. Entrepreneurs

C. Intrapreneurs

D. Administrative managers

Answer: C. Intrapreneurs

41. An entrepreneur is a person who is a:

A. Risk taker

B. Initiator

C. Actor

D. All of the given options

Answer: D. All of the given options

42. Which one of the following is NOT an intrapreneurial

leadership characteristic?
A. Understands environment

B. Encourage the team work

C. Not flexible

D. Persistent

Answer: C. Not flexible

43. All but which of the following is considered to be a myth

associated with entrepreneurship?
A. Successful entrepreneurs are born not made

B. First ventures are always successful

C. All entrepreneurs must willingly invest significant sums of


D. Successful entrepreneurs must have a break-through


Answer: B. First ventures are always successful

44. A/An ______ is best described by stating it is any

business that is independently owned and operated and is
not dominate in its market.
A. strategic alliance

B. corporation

C. entrepreneurship

D. proprietorship

Answer: C. entrepreneurship

45. Which of the following is not considered a common

characteristic of an entrepreneur?
A. Internal locus of control
B. High need for achievement

C. Self-confidence

D. External locus of control

Answer: D. External locus of control

46. Bobby believes that what takes place within his new
company is mostly the result of fate or factors that are
outside of his control. It could be stated that Bobby
possesses a/an ______.
A. innovative spirit

B. intrapreneurship

C. internal locus of control

D. high need for achievement

Answer: A. innovative spirit

47. Entrepreneurial Opportunities are defined as:128

A. situations in which new goods, services, raw materials and
organizing methods can be sold at greater than their
production cost.

B. New market entry through entrepreneur action.

C. The entrepreneur’s mental processes in deciding whether

or not to act on a potential opportunity.

D. A feasibility assessment.

Answer: D. A feasibility assessment.

48. Which among the following aspects affects an
entrepreneur’s perception of feasibility?
A. Locus of control

B. Learning style

C. Perceived desirability

D. Self-efficacy

Answer: C. Perceived desirability

49. As the venture becomes established and starts growing,

which of the following types of experience becomes
increasingly important?
A. Technical

B. Financing

C. Managerial

D. Marketing

Answer: B. Financing

50. Intrapreneurship is best described as:

A. the hiring of former Entrepreneurs.

B. Entrepreneurial action within an organization.

C. The process of buying acquiring entrepreneurial firms.

D. The process of hiring consultants to teach a firm how to

be more creative.

Answer: D. The process of hiring consultants to teach a

firm how to be more creative.

51. _____ includes initiative and risk taking, as well as

competitive aggressiveness and boldness.
A. New business venturing

B. Self-renewal

C. Innovativeness

D. Proactive Behavior

Answer: B. Self-renewal

52. In regards to the differences between the entrepreneurial

and administrative focuses which ofthe following is correct?
A. Entrepreneurs focus on slow steady growth and
managers’ focus on rapid growth

B. Entrepreneurs rent or sporadically use resources;

managers like to own resources

C. Entrepreneurs are driven by controlled resources;

managers by opportunity

D. Entrepreneurs tend to use a hierarchical management

structure; managers use a more fluid, flat approach

Answer: C. Entrepreneurs are driven by controlled

resources; managers by opportunity

53. . Entrepreneurial culture and growth orientation consists

of all of the following except:
A. Encouraging employees to generate ideas.

B. Focusing on opportunities.
C. The desire to grow at a slow and controlled pace.

D. Being creative.

Answer: A. Encouraging employees to generate ideas.

54. All these are characteristics of an entrepreneurial

environment except:
A. there is short term horizons.

B. new ideas are encouraged.

C. the organization operates on frontiers of technology.

D. it uses a multidiscipline teamwork approach.

Answer: B. new ideas are encouraged.

55. Which of the following is true about corporate

entrepreneurship (Inrapreneurship)?
A. Equity in a new venture should not be used as a reward
due to its uncertain value

B. A company must be willing to invest money without a

guarantee of a return in the short term

C. Teams should be segmented by department

D. Top management should not be involved in the process.

Answer: B. A company must be willing to invest money

without a guarantee of a return in the short term
Unit 2

56. Which of the following is a disadvantage of the ‘drafting a

traditional business plan’ approach?
A. They do not reflect the way in which people shape their
entrepreneurial visions.

B. It can be difficult to explain your vision to other people.

C. This approach lacks rigour.

D. The process involved can help an entrepreneur to

improve their own understanding

Answer: A. They do not reflect the way in which people

shape their entrepreneurial visions.
57. Which of the following are ‘drivers’ underlying the
opportunity business model?
A. Societal, commercial, legal, technological, people

B. Societal, commercial, legal, technological

C. Societal, ethical, commercial, legal, technological

D. Societal, commercial, legal, technological, environmental.

Answer: B. Societal, commercial, legal, technological

58. What are the main sources of entrepreneurial
A. Personal – entrepreneurs experience or perceive
something that others do not.

B. Secondary research – from industry analyses.

C. Primary research – from speaking to potential customers

to determine their needs.

D. Observation – of other peoples’ experiences with products

and services.
Answer: A. Personal – entrepreneurs experience or
perceive something that others do not.
59. Social innovation refers to:
A. the introduction of new social practices, activities or ways
of organizing.

B. the introduction of novelties; the alteration of what is

established by the introduction of new elements or forms.

C. new designs, processes, marketing approaches, or a new

way of conducting training.

D. the means by which entrepreneurs exploit change as an

opportunity for a different business or service.

Answer: A. the introduction of new social practices,

activities or ways of organizing.
60. Entrepreneurial opportunities are a particular type of
opportunity, which could lead you to create a self-sustaining
A. True

B. False

C. all

D. none

Answer: A. True

61. Porter also argues that much of innovation is ‘dependent

on a single, major technologicalbreakthrough rather than
mundane and incremental’
A. True

B. False
C. all

D. none

Answer: B. False
62. In the creativity and innovation matrix, what is a
‘medium level of creativity’ and a ‘mediumlevel of
innovation’ referred to as?
A. Winner

B. Loser

C. Mediocre

D. Average

Answer: D. Average
63. The following example of networking represents which
type of activity: In an entrepreneurial setting, you might be:
renewing contact with a old school friend, now working in a
finance house, to provide advice or support for the venture;
converting an informal contact made while on holiday into a
potential client; or building a much closer relationship with
a supplier, which may lead to a formal alliance or merger.
A. Creating new ties

B. Renewing and pruning existing ties

C. Developing existing ties

D. Extending existing ties

Answer: A. Creating new ties

64. _________ __________ between people in the
personal contact network play an important
communications role, enabling the entrepreneur to identify
opportunities that are not evident to others.
A. Good relations

B. Weak ties

C. Strong ties

D. Unique connections

Answer: C. Strong ties

65. What are the missing words in the following definition:
‘The management of regular marketing can be characterized
by a careful planning process which is informed by _____
_____ to guide the selection of target markets and the
composition of a marketing mix with which to position
products competitively within the marketplace.
A. Environmental forecasting

B. Market research

C. Product analysis

D. Customer understanding

Answer: B. Market research

66. What characterizes the techniques used in

entrepreneurial marketing?
A. Mass media, passive reception, customer resistance

B. Low cost, word-of-mouth

C. Informal, personal and strongly interactive

D. Guerrilla marketing and ambush marketing

Answer: C. Informal, personal and strongly interactive
67. New entrepreneurial ventures face the same marketing
opportunities and challenges, as compared to their larger
and more well-established counterparts.
A. True

B. False

C. all

D. none

Answer: B. False
68. Business opportunity relates with
A. Business possibilities

B. Commercially feasible projects

C. Risky projects

D. Favourable market demand

Answer: B. Commercially feasible projects

69. Early growth stage fails to consider following symptoms.
A. Very slow

B. Perceived comfort zone

C. Very rapid

D. Rapid

Answer: D. Rapid
70. Very rapid situation indicates
A. Increase in production
B. Rapid increase in production

C. Rapid increase in sales

D. Increase in sales

Answer: D. Increase in sales

71. Enterprise positioning is meant for
A. Short-term arrangement

B. Continuous process

C. Long-term process

D. None of the above

Answer: C. Long-term process

72. Techno-economic analysis deals with identification of the

A. Supply potential

B. Demand potential

C. Export potential

D. Import potential

Answer: B. Demand potential

73. Input analysis relates with
A. Funding requirement

B. Material requirement

C. Labour requirement

D. Resource requirement
Answer: D. Resource requirement
74. General objective of selecting a location is not he
A. Minimise the cost of production

B. Minimise the distribution cost

C. Minimise the cost of capital

D. None of the above

Answer: C. Minimise the cost of capital

75. External economies affect location
A. Generally

B. Exceptionally

C. All of the above

D. None of the above

Answer: B. Exceptionally

76. The initial stages of the entrepreneurial process are

generating new business ideas (i.e. creativity and
innovation) and recognizing opportunities that have the
potential for exploitation (i.e. evaluation and selection).
A. True

B. False

C. all

D. none

Answer: A. True
77. Which of the following is NOT one of the definitions of
‘business models’ as identified in the text?
A. The system of components, linkages and associated
dynamics, which that make commercial advantage of the

B. A business model describes the rationale of how an

organization creates, delivers and captures value.

C. Business models identify where the resources necessary to

establish a venture will come from.

D. Business models describe, as a system, how the pieces fit


Answer: C. Business models identify where the resources

necessary to establish a venture will come from.
78. Which of the following statements is true?
A. The entrepreneurial process starts with creativity and the
task of generating new ideas.

B. The creativity process starts with innovation and the task

of generating new ideas.

C. The idea generation process starts with creativity and the

task of innovation.

D. The innovation process starts with creativity and the task

of generating new ideas.

Answer: D. The innovation process starts with creativity

and the task of generating new ideas.
79. What are markets made up of?
A. Customers and competitors

B. Customers and potential customers

C. Customers, competitors and suppliers

D. Customer, competitors, suppliers and regulators

Answer: B. Customers and potential customers

80. Product development process involves
A. One stage

B. Two stage

C. Three stage

D. Four stage

Answer: D. Four stage

81. Incubation stage deals with

A. Sample development

B. Idea development

C. Prototype Development

D. None of the above

Answer: C. Prototype Development

82. Product design defines
A. Micro activities of the project

B. Macro activities of the project

C. Allied activities of the project

D. Individual activities of the project

Answer: A. Micro activities of the project

83. Feasibility study is defined as
A. Formal investigation of profitable opportunity

B. Informal investigation of profitable opportunities

C. Intensive investigation of profitable opportunities

D. None of the above

Answer: A. Formal investigation of profitable opportunity

84. Project selection is
A. Product idea is used as a basis for project idea

B. Project idea is used as a basis for product idea

C. Both are the same

D. None of the above

Answer: A. Product idea is used as a basis for project idea

85. General criteria is concerned with
A. Entrepreneur’s own interests

B. Economic development of the country

C. Business environment of the country

D. None of the above

Answer: A. Entrepreneur’s own interests

86. A(n) ________ is defined as a form of business that is

an association of two or more people acting as co-owners of
a business.
A. proprietorship
B. partnership


D. corporation

Answer: B. partnership
87. Which one of the following would not be considered an
advantage to a partnership formation?
A. Potential for double taxation

B. Less governmental control

C. Ease of formation

D. Direct share of profits

Answer: A. Potential for double taxation

88. Which one of the following would not be considered a
disadvantage of a corporation?
A. Limited continuality of life of enterprise

B. Extensive government regulations of activities

C. High incorporation fees

D. Corporate capital, profits, dividends, and salaries are

double taxed

Answer: A. Limited continuality of life of enterprise

89. Entrepreneurships require financial backing in order to
get started in the business world. Which of the following is
not one of the methods commonly utilized to obtain the
financial resources needed?
A. Equity
B. Commercial loans

C. Personal finances provided by friends

D. Venture capitalists

Answer: D. Venture capitalists

90. Of the following, which one would not be considered an
alternative to independententrepreneurship?
A. Franchise

B. Spin-off

C. Intrapreneurship

D. Extrapreneurship

Answer: B. Spin-off
91. Of the following, which is best identified as an
independent entrepreneurship thatproduces a product or
service that originated in a large company?
A. Diversification

B. Intrapreneurship

C. Trade-off

D. Franchise

Answer: A. Diversification

92. Management tactics purported to maximize innovation

for an entrepreneurship include allbut which of the following
A. Cutting of losses
B. Culture

C. Benchmarking

D. Customer orientation

Answer: B. Culture
93. In franchising, the entrepreneur assumes fewer risks
because the franchise provides all but which one of the
A. Established market for the product

B. Management assistance in operating the business

C. Economies of scale for purchasing

D. Oversale of rights

Answer: A. Established market for the product

94. The ideas for new businesses that are obtained by
entrepreneurs are derived from manysources. These various
sources include all but _______.
A. replication of an existing business

B. trade journals

C. trade shows

D. family members

Answer: A. replication of an existing business

95. The steps involved in an entrepreneurial endeavor
include all but which one of the following?
A. Business plan formulation

B. Obtaining financing
C. Selecting the type of legal structure

D. Hiring a partner

Answer: D. Hiring a partner

96. Common reasons for entrepreneurial failure include all
but which one of the following?
A. Poor implementation

B. Lack of capital

C. Adequate financial support

D. Faulty product design

Answer: C. Adequate financial support

97. A/An ________ is defined as the blueprint describing
the business strategy for entering the
A. business alliance

B. spin-off

C. intrapreneurship

D. competitor analysis

Answer: C. intrapreneurship

98. A(n) ________ is defined as a form of business that is

an association of two or more people acting as co-owners of
a business.
A. proprietorship

B. partnership

D. corporation

Answer: B. partnership
99. ______ is best described as doing something differently
and has been described as discontinuous or complementary
A. Entrepreneurship

B. Innovation

C. Spin-off

D. Variance

Answer: B. Innovation
100. An opportunity assessment plan:
A. is the same thing as a business plan.

B. is longer than a business plan.

C. has a lot of computer-based spreadsheets.

D. focuses on the opportunity, not the venture.

Answer: D. focuses on the opportunity, not the venture.

101. All of the following are questions an opportunity

assessment plan might answer except:
A. How much capital do I need?

B. What market need does it fill?

C. What business skills do I have?

D. Can a patent be obtained?

Answer: A. How much capital do I need?
102. Which of the following statements is (are) true?
A. The business plan describes both internal and external

B. The preliminary business plan should be prepared by a


C. Most business plan resources on the Internet are too

complex and expensive to be of use to the new venture.

D. Once made, a business plan should not be changed.

Answer: A. The business plan describes both internal and

external elements.
103. Which of the following interested parties should not
have access to the venture’s business plan?
A. Competitors

B. Lenders

C. Investors

D. Suppliers

Answer: A. Competitors
104. The depth and detail of a business plan depend on:
A. The target audience.

B. The size and scope of the new venture.

C. The experience of the entrepreneur.

D. The amount of capital needed.

Answer: B. The size and scope of the new venture.

105. When evaluating business plans _________ are
primarily concerned with the general guidelines of credit.
A. investors

B. employees

C. vendors

D. lenders

Answer: D. lenders

106. Equity investors often place more emphasis on the

entrepreneur’s _________ than lenders do.
A. character

B. experience

C. financial records

D. personal viewpoint

Answer: A. character
107. Which of the following documents is not usually
included in the Financial Plan?
A. Statement of cash flows

B. Income statement

C. Price lists from suppliers

D. Projected balance sheet

Answer: C. Price lists from suppliers

108. _______ identifies potential hazards and alternative
strategies to meet business plan goals and objectives.
A. Assessment of risk

B. Financial planning

C. Alternative planning analysis

D. The financial plan

Answer: A. Assessment of risk

109. All of the following are questions that should be
considered in the environmental and industry analysis
section of the business plan except:
A. what are total industry sales over the past five years?

B. Who are the nearest competitors?

C. What is my promotional strategy?

D. What is anticipated growth in this industry?

Answer: C. What is my promotional strategy?

Unit 3
110. New small business owners have which of the following
two common motivations?
A. Be their own bosses, greater reward potential

B. Achieve dependence, less reward potential

C. Achieves dependence, become a stakeholder

D. Be their own bosses, lower reward potential

Answer: A. Be their own bosses, greater reward potential

111. The other names for a small business include:
A. Entrepreneurial businesses
B. Small businesses

C. Small-to-medium-sized-businesses

D. none

Answer: D. none
112. According to development commissioner a sick
company should have :
A. Less than 50% capacity utilization

B. More than 50% erosion in net worth

C. Unit has remained closed for a period of more than six


D. Bank financing is restricted to 25% of networth.

Answer: D. Bank financing is restricted to 25% of networth.

113. Incipient sickness is not an indication of:
A. Continuous cash losses from year to year and trend is
expected to continue in future

B. Continuous losses for last two years

C. Deterioration in the current ratio

D. Gradual erosion in the networth during the previous and

current financial years

Answer: B. Continuous losses for last two years

114. Industrial sickness occurs as per Kapoor Committee if:
A. Cash losses to a minimum 50% of networth

B. Cash losses to a maximum 50% of peak networth

C. Accumulated cash losses to a minimum 50% of peak

D. Cash losses to a maximum 50% of networth

Answer: C. Accumulated cash losses to a minimum 50% of

peak networth

115. BIFR became operational from:

A. 1st April, 1987

B. 15th May, 1987

C. 1st July, 1987

D. 30th Sept. 1987

Answer: B. 15th May, 1987

116. Committee concerned with industrial sickness is:
A. Kapoor committee

B. Nayak committee

C. Goswami committee

D. Gupta committee

Answer: C. Goswami committee

117. Tiny sector was launched by
A. IPR-1948

B. IPR- 1980

C. IPR- 1985

D. IPR- 1990
Answer: C. IPR- 1985
118. Number of items dereserved during 2001-02 was:
A. 45

B. 49

C. 50

D. 51

Answer: D. 51
119. Nayak Committee was concerned with:
A. Reservation of items

B. Subsidy and incentives

C. Investment ceiling

D. Institutional credit

Answer: D. Institutional credit

120. Which Committee has given focus on cluster system;

A. Kapoor committee

B. Nayak committee

C. Goswami committee

D. AbidHussain Committee

Answer: D. AbidHussain Committee

121. Abolition of Reservations was recommended by:
A. Kapoor committee

B. Nayak committee
C. AbidHussain committee

D. Gupta committee

Answer: C. AbidHussain committee

122. Kapoor Committee was constituted to assess:
A. Reservation of items

B. Investment ceiling

C. Credit delivery system

D. Government support system

Answer: D. Government support system

123. Policy of reservation was primarily initiated in
A. 1976

B. 1967

C. 1997

D. 1982

Answer: B. 1967
124. Violation of reservation policy is punishable under
A. Small Industries act

B. Consumer protection act

C. I (D & R) Act

D. None of the above

Answer: C. I (D & R) Act

125. ______ are three basic forms of franchising.
A. Sole proprietorship, partnership, and corporation

B. Product, service, and mix-format

C. Trade name, product distribution, and business format

D. Regional, local, and global

Answer: C. Trade name, product distribution, and business


126. ______ is a document designed to detail the major

characteristics of a firm.
A. Mission statement

B. Business plan

C. Executive summary

D. Marketing plan

Answer: B. Business plan

127. ______ is NOT a business plan concern of family and
friend investors.
A. Amounts and schedules for returns

B. Funds use

C. Competitive advantage

D. Stability of firm

Answer: C. Competitive advantage

128. All of these are business plan concerns of bankers
A. Monitoring compliance.
B. Asset/collateral base.

C. Cash flow and cash cycle.

D. Long-term prospects.

Answer: A. Monitoring compliance.

129. ______ is not included in the business planning
presentation types.
A. Mission

B. Elevator pitch

C. Executive summary

D. Annual objectives

Answer: D. Annual objectives

130. What is an ideal length of an elevator pitch?
A. 20 – 50 words

B. 250 – 500 words

C. 60 – 100 words

D. 5 – 10 words

Answer: C. 60 – 100 words

131. The firm’s goals and competitive advantages can be

described by
A. Mission statement.

B. Vision statement.

C. Executive summary.
D. Elevator pitch.

Answer: A. Mission statement.

132. _______ is a one- to two-page overview of the
business, its business model, market,expectations, and
immediate goals.
A. Vision statement

B. Executive summary

C. Mission statement

D. Elevator pitch

Answer: B. Executive summary

133. The appropriate size for a business plan, where the type
of business is well established is
A. 25 pages.

B. 10 pages.

C. 10 pages.

D. 40 pages.

Answer: C. 10 pages.
134. A one-page document on letterhead introducing the
business plan is considered a
A. Cover letter.

B. Business plan.

C. Outline.

D. Executive summary.
Answer: A. Cover letter.
135. ______ is a product or service that is kept as a trade
secret or is protected legally usingpatients, trademarks,
copyright, or service mark.
A. Tagline

B. Pioneering business

C. Test marketing

D. Proprietary technology

Answer: C. Test marketing

136. ______ is NOT an idea that good marketing strategy

focuses on.
A. Harvesting the business plan

B. Overall strategy your firm pursues in the market

C. The sales plan

D. The longer-term competitive plan

Answer: A. Harvesting the business plan

137. ______ is a statement that is not expected in the
business plan.
A. Balance sheet

B. Income statement

C. SEC filing statement

D. Cash flow statement

Answer: C. SEC filing statement

138. ______ is when a firm sells its products in a limited
area, for a limited time.
A. R & D venture

B. Pioneering business

C. New entrant business

D. Test marketing

Answer: D. Test marketing

139. ______ is a firm whose product is new to the industry.
A. R & D venture

B. Pioneering business

C. New entrant business

D. Test marketing

Answer: B. Pioneering business

140. All of these are special purpose plans EXCEPT which of
A. Business plan

B. Screening plan

C. Invention plan

D. Informational plan

Answer: A. Business plan

141. ______ provides information on the company and
critical risks to prospective businesspartners.
A. Partner plan
B. Invention plan

C. Operational plan

D. Concept plan

Answer: A. Partner plan

142. Out of the total population of people you approach,

__________ is the percentage of peoplewho buy.
A. Mini plan

B. Test marketing

C. Hit rate

D. Proof-of-concept

Answer: C. Hit rate

143. The distinction between an “entrepreneur” and “small
business owner” , if made, revolvesaround:
A. a.really nothing; they are truly one and the same

B. b.the Small Business Administration definitions

C. c.whether the business is an Internet based one or not

D. d.the risk taking or re-invention of a business vs.

someone who “simply” starts a

Answer: B. b.the Small Business Administration definitions

144. Which of the following was NOT one of the
classifications of entrepreneurs presented inour text?
A. Franchise entrepreneur

B. Classic entrepreneur
C. Multipreneur

D. Intrapreneur

Answer: A. Franchise entrepreneur

145. The primary reason entrepeneurs start companies is to:
A. prove they could do it

B. recover from a layoff

C. create something new

D. make money

Answer: C. create something new

146. One study found that entrepreneurs tend to
demonstrate all of the following traits except:
A. opinionated

B. emotionally aloof

C. calm

D. focused

Answer: A. opinionated
147. The technical characteristics of the small business
would include all of the followingexcept:
A. independently managed

B. owned by an individual or a small group of investors

C. based locally, even though the market might be


D. significant influence in its industry

Answer: B. owned by an individual or a small group of

148. Which of the following might be termed a disadvantage

faced by the small business?
A. a.greater flexibility

B. b.greater ability to serve specialized markets

C. c.extreme personal commitment of the owner

D. d.more personal service

Answer: D. d.more personal service

149. Key features of a well written business plan would
include all of the following except:
A. financial plan

B. description of the product

C. an analysis of the market

D. a review of the advertising firms analyzed

Answer: D. a review of the advertising firms analyzed

150. Which of the following is not a main element of the
project management process?
A. Estimation.

B. Schedule.

C. Monitor.

D. Systems design.

Answer: D. Systems design.

151. Which of the following is not a main project objective?
A. Time.

B. Structure.

C. Quality.

D. Cost.

Answer: B. Structure.
152. Which of the following is a main PRINCE project aim?
A. Stay within budget.

B. Meet specified quantity.

C. Meet specified quality.

D. All of the above

Answer: D. All of the above

153. Which of the following is not a reason to reduce project
completion time?
A. Release resources for other projects.

B. Avoid penalties for late completion.

C. Eliminate project critical path.

D. Reduce new product development time to market.

Answer: C. Eliminate project critical path.

154. Which of the following is the benefit of the network
analysis approach?
A. Eliminate need for management judgement.

B. Avoid need to use structured approach.

C. Allows progress to be monitored against plan.

D. Derive error free forecasts.

Answer: C. Allows progress to be monitored against plan.

155. A project can be considered to have failed if it:
A. does not meet the users’ requirements.

B. overran significantly on estimated delivery date.

C. was significantly over budget.

D. does not meet the business requirements.

Answer: D. does not meet the business requirements.

156. Why are small businesses important to a country’s

A. They give an outlet for entrepreneurs.

B. They can provide specialist support to larger companies.

C. They can be innovators of new products.

D. All the above.

Answer: D. All the above.

157. Which of the following factors is the most important in
forcing U.S companies to focuson new product development
and increased productivity?
A. Entrepreneurship

B. Hyper competition

C. Governmental laws
D. Organizational culture

Answer: B. Hyper competition

158. Which of the following is alternatively called corporate
A. Entrepreneurship

B. Intrapreneurship

C. Act of stating a new venture

D. Offering new products by an existing company

Answer: B. Intrapreneurship
159. Individuals influencing an entrepreneur’s career choice
and style are known as which of the following?
A. Moral-support network

B. Role model

C. Professional support network

D. Support system

Answer: B. Role model

160. The activity which occurs when the new venture is
started is called:
A. Motivation

B. Business skills

C. Departure point

D. Goal orientation

Answer: C. Departure point

161. The level at which an individual is viewed by society is
A. Financial status

B. Qualification

C. Social status

D. Achievement

Answer: C. Social status

162. Which one of the following is an important source of
idea generation due to their familiarity with the needs of
A. Existing products and services

B. Distribution channels

C. Federal government

D. Consumers

Answer: B. Distribution channels

163. Members of distribution channels are excellent sources
for new ideas because:
A. They earn a handsome profit from new business

B. They are familiar with the needs of the market

C. They do not bother if entrepreneur bears a loss

D. They have well-developed sales force

Answer: B. They are familiar with the needs of the market

164. Which one of the following is the most important
characteristic of a successful business website?
A. Innovation

B. Speed

C. Graphics

D. Products

Answer: B. Speed
165. Which one of the following is the next stage to the
Concept Stage of Product Planning and Development
A. Idea Stage

B. Product Planning Stage

C. Product Development Stage

D. Test Marketing Stage

Answer: C. Product Development Stage

166. SBA stands for:
A. Small business accountants

B. Small business administration

C. Small business adequacy

D. Small business advisors

Answer: B. Small business administration

Unit 4
167. An example of collecting primary data is;
A. Observation

B. Interviewing
C. Focus groups

D. All of the above

Answer: D. All of the above

168. An internal environmental variable.
A. Financial resources

B. Technology

C. Industry demand

D. The economy

Answer: A. Financial resources

169. What is a target market?
A. A group of customers a venture reaches by accident.

B. All consumers who purchase the venture’s product.

C. A specific group of potential customers toward which a

venture aims its marketing plan.

D. A chain of discount stores.

Answer: C. A specific group of potential customers toward

which a venture aims its marketing plan.
170. Monitoring ___________ during the implementation
of the marketing plan allows the entrepreneur to establish
controls on the process.
A. sales data

B. research data

C. consumer data
D. none of the above

Answer: A. sales data

171. The ___________ of a marketing plan is sometimes
dependent on the solvency of theorganization.
A. length

B. success

C. failure

D. all of the above

Answer: C. failure

172. A product can include all of these except _______.

A. price

B. ideas

C. people

D. goods

Answer: A. price
173. ______ refers to a quality of a service in which each
time it is provided it will be slightlydifferent from the
previous time.
A. Perishability

B. Tangibility

C. Heterogeneity

D. Inseparability
Answer: C. Heterogeneity
174. A balanced combination of good and service is called
A. Heterogeneous services.

B. Hybrid products.

C. Core products.

D. Augmented products.

Answer: B. Hybrid products.

175. ______ is the group of people on which a marketer
focuses promotion and sales efforts.
A. Me-too group

B. Maturity group

C. Target market

D. Breakeven market

Answer: C. Target market

176. ______, in the new product development process, is

the stage that comes after idea generation.
A. Product development

B. Commercialization

C. Idea evaluation

D. Idea screening

Answer: D. Idea screening

177. The difference between the buying and selling price is
called _____ and it should be enoughto cover all fixed costs.
A. psychological price

B. breakeven

C. mark-up

D. elasticity

Answer: C. mark-up
178. A product for which there are few substitutes and for
which a change in price has littleeffect on quantity
purchased is considered __________.
A. elastic

B. inelastic

C. marked-up

D. elasticity

Answer: B. inelastic
179. Charging the highest price the market will bear is called
which of these?
A. Return pricing

B. Psychological price

C. Skimming

D. Breakeven

Answer: C. Skimming
180. Setting a price that ends in the number 5, 7, or 9 is
A. Return pricing
B. Psychological price

C. Skimming

D. Odd even pricing

Answer: D. Odd even pricing

181. ______ refers to setting the price for an item relatively

low and then charging much higherprices for the
expendables it uses.
A. Prestige pricing

B. Odd-even pricing

C. Partitioned pricing

D. Captive pricing

Answer: D. Captive pricing

182. Which of the following applies to organizations with 15
or more employees?
A. The Civil Rights Act of 1991



D. Affirmative action

Answer: A. The Civil Rights Act of 1991

183. Which of these is the first step in crafting a job
A. Job overview

B. Credentials and experience

C. Duties and responsibilities

D. Job title

Answer: D. Job title

184. ______ is an area that Job analysis does NOT cover.
A. The competitive pay required

B. The mental and physical tasks involved

C. The qualifications needed

D. How the job will be done

Answer: A. The competitive pay required

185. Which of the following questions might give you insight
into an applicant’s career goals?
A. Can you name some weaknesses?

B. What motivates you most in a job?

C. Did you work while going to school?

D. Are you willing to work flextime?

Answer: D. Are you willing to work flextime?

186. When interviewing candidates, the questions asked

should be seeking all of these EXCEPT______.
A. Specific and measurable responses

B. Analytical answers

C. Personal information

D. Descriptive responses
Answer: C. Personal information
187. Which of these training is delivered to employees while
they perform their regular jobs?
A. Online

B. On-the-job

C. Paid

D. Off-the-job

Answer: B. On-the-job
188. ______ is NOT an on-the-job training method.
A. Case studies

B. Apprenticeships

C. Coaching

D. Orientations

Answer: A. Case studies

189. Which of these factors is most important to employees,
according to Jill Kickul’s research?
A. Benefits

B. Job security

C. Rewards and opportunities

D. Autonomy and growth

Answer: D. Autonomy and growth

190. ______ refers to employees’ beliefs about the promises
between the employee and the firm.
A. Open-book policy
B. Autonomy

C. Psychological contract

D. Work facilitation

Answer: C. Psychological contract

191. A suggested guideline for training is
A. Training should be provided at the initial stage of the
employment only.

B. Think of training as an investment.

C. Employees should practice what they have learned on

their own time.

D. Have employees sign long-term contracts so they do not

leave after receiving training.

Answer: B. Think of training as an investment.

192. Which of Kickul’s factors, includes the psychological

contract item, job training?
A. Rewards and opportunities

B. Job security and work responsibilities

C. Work facilitation

D. Autonomy and growth

Answer: A. Rewards and opportunities

193. A management philosophy of selecting and promoting
people based on their being the mostcapable person for the
job is considered which of the following?
A. Nepotism
B. Meritocracy

C. Merit privilege

D. Family practice

Answer: B. Meritocracy
194. The first step in the small business development process
A. Planning

B. Organizing

C. Controlling

D. Retaining

Answer: A. Planning
195. The tasks a new business owner must identify to
develop a critical path analysis include:
A. Number of hours the owner is involved

B. Prerequisite tasks

C. Who is responsible for the task

D. All of the above

Answer: D. All of the above

196. The critical path chart is a living document that should
be _________ during the process of actually
accomplishing the tasks.
A. Stopped

B. Started
C. Modified

D. Evaluated

Answer: C. Modified
197. The location decision should address all of the
_________ points required for your industryand should
enhance the _________ points.
A. Orthodox / unorthodox

B. Unorthodox / orthodox

C. Ordinary / unordinary

D. Unordinary / ordinary

Answer: A. Orthodox / unorthodox

198. The _____________ describes attempts to sell

current products to new customers.Product-customer
exploitation strategy
A. Product development strategy

B. Customer development strategy

C. Product-customer expansion

D. none

Answer: A. Product development strategy

199. All of the following are signals of potential decline in
organizational performance EXCEPT:
A. Poor communication within the organization

B. Intolerance of work incompetence

C. Fear of conflict and taking risks

D. Negative cash flow

Answer: D. Negative cash flow

200. ________ is a common short-run strategy designed to
address organizational weaknessesthat are leading to
performance declines.
A. Retrenchment

B. Turnaround

C. Expansion

D. Diversification

Answer: B. Turnaround

201. ________ is a strategy designed for situations in

which the organization’s performance problems are very
serious, as reflected by its performance measures.
A. Retrenchment

B. Turnaround

C. Expansion

D. Diversification

Answer: B. Turnaround
202. _______ is a radical redesign of the organization’s
business processes.
A. Reengineering

B. Downsizing
C. Bankruptcy

D. Expanding

Answer: A. Reengineering
203. Which of the following restructuring actions involves
laying off employees from theirjobs?
A. Reengineering

B. Downsizing

C. Bankruptcy

D. Expanding

Answer: B. Downsizing
204. ______ involves dissolving or reorganizing a business
under the protection ofbankruptcy legislations.
A. Reengineering

B. Downsizing

C. Bankruptcy

D. Expansion

Answer: A. Reengineering
205. Valuation techniques generally fall into any of the
following categories EXCEPT:
A. Asset valuations

B. Earnings valuations

C. Cash flow valuation

D. Depreciation valuation
Answer: B. Earnings valuations

206. Which of the following agencies was created specifically

to foster the creation, growth,and expansion of minority-
owned businesses in the United States?

B. Minority Business Development Agency

C. The World Trade Organization

D. The Federal Reserve

Answer: D. The Federal Reserve

207. Entrepreneurships require financial backing in order to
get started in the business world. Which of the following is
not one of the methods commonly utilized to obtain the
financial resources needed?
A. Equity

B. Commercial loans

C. Personal finances provided by friends

D. Venture capitalists

Answer: C. Personal finances provided by friends

208. _________ financing is raising money by selling part
of the ownership of the business to investors.
A. Debt

B. Equity

C. Venture capitalist

D. Public offering
Answer: B. Equity
209. Of the following, which one would not be considered an
alternative to independent entrepreneurship?
A. Franchise

B. Spin-off

C. Intrapreneurship

D. Extrapreneurship

Answer: D. Extrapreneurship
210. Of the following, which is best identified as an
independent entrepreneurship that produces a product or
service that originated in a large company?
A. Diversification

B. Intrapreneurship

C. Trade-off

D. Franchise

Answer: C. Trade-off

211. In franchising, the entrepreneur assumes fewer risks

because the franchise provides all but which one of the
A. Established market for the product

B. Management assistance in operating the business

C. Economies of scale for purchasing

D. Oversale of rights
Answer: D. Oversale of rights
212. Which of the following is the reason for business failure
A. Lack of market research.

B. Poor financial control.

C. Poor management.

D. All the above.

Answer: D. All the above.

213. Goods or services reach the market place through
A. marketing channels.

B. multilevel pyramids.

C. monopolies.

D. multiplication.

Answer: C. monopolies.
214. To provide financial assistance to entrepreneurs the
government has set up a number of___________.
A. financial advisors.

B. financial intermediaries.

C. Industrial estates.

D. financial institutions.

Answer: B. financial intermediaries.

215. State Industrial corporations engage in the development
A. industrial estates.

B. institutional estates.

C. individual investors.

D. agricultural entrepreneurs

Answer: D. agricultural entrepreneurs

216. Competitor analysis begins with:
A. Gathering samples of the competitors’ product(s).

B. Discovering each competitors advertising budget.

C. Documenting the current strategy of each primary


D. Identifying which competitors are most successful.

Answer: C. Documenting the current strategy of each

primary competitor.

217. Marketing research begins with:

A. Setting the advertising budget.

B. Definition of objectives or purpose.

C. Identifying direct marketing strategy.

D. Collecting a list of primary and secondary sources of


Answer: C. Identifying direct marketing strategy.

218. Which stage of marketing research is considered to be
the most difficult for an entrepreneur due to lack of
knowledge or experience in marketing?
A. Analyzing and interpreting the results

B. Gathering data from primary sources

C. Gathering data from secondary sources

D. Defining the purpose or objectives

Answer: B. Gathering data from primary sources

219. The major interacting components that enable a firm to
successfully provide products to the marketplace are called
A. Marketing plan.

B. Marketing mix.

C. Marketing system.

D. Marketing structure

Answer: B. Marketing mix.

220. The marketing mix consists of:
A. Product, price, research, and promotion.

B. Product, research, distribution, and promotion.

C. Product, price, distribution, and promotion.

D. Product, price, distribution, and research.

Answer: B. Product, research, distribution, and promotion.

221. Market segmentation is the process of:
A. Describing market conditions.

B. Dividing the market into smaller homogeneous groups.

C. Presenting future opportunities.

D. Exploring new market opportunities.

Answer: A. Describing market conditions.

222. The management team of a new venture:

A. is encouraged to operate the business as a sideline.

B. must operate the business full-time.

C. can expect to draw a large salary.

D. should be employed elsewhere to assure adequate


Answer: D. should be employed elsewhere to assure

adequate income.

223. The _____ budget is used to project cash flows for the
cost of goods produced.
A. operating

B. production

C. capital

D. depreciation

Answer: B. production

224. Fixed expenses:

A. Are incurred regardless of sales volume.

B. Can be estimated by taking into consideration the

C. Includes labor, raw materials, and commissions.

D. Must be linked to strategy in the business plan

Answer: C. Includes labor, raw materials, and


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