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New Enterprise B2 Grammar Book

Jenny Dooley

ISBN 978-1-4715-9045-0

cover enter B2 new GrammBk_pl.indd 1 05.02.2020 09:51

Jenny Dooley

ENT B2 NEW GRAMM Engl Cont-pl-v2.indd 1 04.02.2020 12:18

Published by Express Publishing

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Berkshire RG19 6HW, United Kingdom
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email: [email protected]

© Jenny Dooley, 2019

Design and Illustration © Express Publishing, 2019

First published 2019

Polish edition by EGIS, 2020

Made in EU

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or
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ISBN 978-1-4715-9045-0

ENT B2 NEW GRAMM Engl Cont-pl-v2.indd 2 04.02.2020 12:18

Unit 1 Present simple – Present continuous – Stative verbs – Adverbs of frequency –
Present perfect – Present perfect continuous ............................................................. p. 4

Unit 2 Past simple – Past perfect – Past continuous – Past perfect continuous –
used to/ would/ Past simple – be used to/ get used to ................................................ p. 10

Unit 3 Future simple – be going to – Present simple/continuous (future meaning) –

Future continuous – Future perfect – Future perfect continuous –
Time clauses ................................................................................................................. p. 16

Revision A (Units 1-3)............................................................................................................ p. 22

Unit 4 The passive voice – Personal/Impersonal constructions – Causative form ................ p. 24

Unit 5 Conditionals (0, 1, 2, 3 types)/ Mixed conditionals – Wishes –

Unreal present/ Unreal past ......................................................................................... p. 30

Unit 6 Countable/Uncountable nouns – Singular/Plural nouns – Quantifiers & Partitives –

Some/Any/No/Every & compounds – a/an/the ........................................................... p. 36

Revision B (Units 1-6)............................................................................................................ p. 44

Unit 7 Modals – Modals of deduction ..................................................................................... p. 46

Unit 8 Comparisons – like/as – Exclamations ......................................................................... p. 53

Unit 9 Reported speech – Reported statements/questions – Modals in reported speech –

Reported commands/requests/suggestions/orders/instructions, etc –
Special introductory verbs – Question tags ................................................................. p. 59

Revision C (Units 1-9)............................................................................................................ p. 69

Unit 10 Relatives/ Relative clauses – Clauses of concession – Clauses of reason –

Clauses of purpose – Clauses of result ........................................................................ p. 71

Unit 11 (to)-infinitive/-ing form – Reflexive/Emphatic pronouns .............................................. p. 79

Unit 12 Determiners – Emphatic structures – Plural nouns ..................................................... p. 86

Revision D (Units 1-12)......................................................................................................... p. 92

Word formation ............................................................................................................................. p. 94

Phrasal verbs .................................................................................................................................. p. 98

Key word transformation ............................................................................................. p. 102

Prepositions of place/movement/time – Verbs, nouns, adjectives

with prepositions – Prepositional phrases .................................................................... p. 105

Appendices ..................................................................................................................................... p. 118

Irregular verbs ................................................................................................................................ p. 120

Progress Tests A-F ........................................................................................................................ p. 121


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Present simple/ Present continuous

Present simple Present continuous
Czasu present simple używamy do opisywania: Czasu present continuous używamy do opisywania:
•• stanów trwałych. Jean works for a catering company. •• czynności odbywających się w chwili, gdy o nich mówimy.
•• czynności wykonywanych rutynowo i powtarzających się. Tim is doing the dishes at the moment.
He always takes the bus to school at 7:30. •• czynności odbywających się w teraźniejszości,
•• nawyków i zwyczajów. Steve drinks two cups of coffee a day. ale niekoniecznie wtedy, gdy o nich mówimy. Kim and Jo
•• prawd uniwersalnych i praw przyrody. Water freezes at 0ºC. are currently looking for a flat.
•• czynności odbywających się zgodnie z harmonogramem, •• planów na najbliższą przyszłość, szczególnie gdy czas
np. rozkładem jazdy (w odniesieniu do przyszłości). i miejsce ich realizacji są znane. We’re going to the opera
The last train to London leaves at 9:15 pm. next Saturday.
•• zmian, które właśnie zachodzą. The Earth’s temperature
Czasu present simple używamy także w recenzjach, is getting higher and higher.
komentarzach sportowych i narracjach. In the end, Gail finds •• czynności odbywających się częściej niż powinny, co nas
her mother and they all live happily ever after. denerwuje lub irytuje (zwykle z użyciem przysłówków:
always, constantly, continuously). You’re always leaving
Określenia czasu używane w czasie present simple: the fridge door open!
•• sytuacji tymczasowych. We’re fixing the bathroom this week.
every day/month/hour/summer/morning/evening itp., usually,
often, sometimes, always itp., on Sundays/Tuesdays itp. Określenia czasu używane w czasie present continuous:

now, at the moment, at present, these days, still, nowadays,

today, tonight itp.

1 Identify the tenses in bold, then match them to

the correct use.
2 Underline the correct tense, as in the example.

A B 1 More and more people move/are moving to the

1 b  I am helping (present a permanent state countryside these days.
continuous) Helen shop for b fixed arrangement 2 Alice works/is working as a costume designer for the
clothes on Saturday. in the near future local theatre company.
2  Do bats live in caves? c repeated or habitual
3 The company holds/is holding a two-day seminar on
3  James is always action
software updates for all its employees next week.
interrupting me. d general truth or law
4 Mary doesn’t leave/isn’t leaving her office before
4  He often goes to the mall of nature
on Fridays. 6 o’clock in the evening.
e expressing
5  The match starts at nine annoyance about a 5 No wonder the phone bills are so high! You always
o’clock. frequently repeated talk/are always talking on the phone!
6  Bill and Rob are repairing action 6 I don’t work/am not working at the café at present.
the fence at the moment. f temporary situation 7 Do amphibians live/Are amphibians living both on
7  A group of school children g changing or land and in water?
find a magical land inside developing situation
8 You are always borrowing/always borrow my
a wardrobe. h sports commentary, clothes! I’m so sick of it!
8  The rate of unemployment review or narration
9 They prefer/are preferring to go on holiday in spring
is decreasing slowly. i timetable or
when the resorts are less crowded.
9  Roy is staying with his schedule (future
grandparents for a few meaning) 10 Chris and Helen constantly argue/are constantly
days. arguing about who is the best chef.
j action happening at
10  Does Tina wear glasses? or around the
moment of speaking

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Stative verbs
Czasowniki statyczne opisują stany a nie czynności i na ogół nie mają formy ciągłej. Do tej grupy zaliczamy:
• czasowniki wyrażające uczucia i emocje, np.: like, love, hate, dislike, can’t stand, don’t mind, prefer, enjoy, want, desire.
They don’t mind the summer heat.
• czasowniki opisujące procesy myślowe, np.: believe, know, notice, remember, forget, understand, think.
I notice you’ve done something to your hair – it looks great!
• czasowniki opisujące wrażenia odbierane za pomocą zmysłów, np.: see, hear, feel, taste, look, smell, sound.
This fabric feels so soft! I can hear an alarm clock ringing.
• niektóre inne czasowniki, np.: fit, contain, need, belong, cost, owe, mean, own, appear, want, have (= posiadać).
She helped us move house, so we owe her a favour.

Niektóre czasowniki statyczne mogą być użyte w formie ciągłej, ale zmienia się wtedy ich znaczenie.
Porównaj przykłady w tabeli.

Present simple Present continuous

Jenny is very polite. (= być – w odniesieniu do stanów
He is being very nice. (= zachowywać się)
trwałych, np. cech charakteru)

I think his car is fantastic. (= uważać, sądzić) I’m thinking about going to Scotland. (= rozważać, zastanawiać się)

They have (got) a sailing boat. (= mieć, posiadać) They’re having a good time. (= dobrze się bawić)
Your cousin looks very young. (= wyglądać, wyglądać na,
The mechanic is looking at my motorcycle. (= patrzeć)
wydawać się)
I can see a flock of birds in the sky. (= widzieć) Are you seeing your brother tomorrow? (= spotykać się z)
This scarf feels like silk. (= być w dotyku) Mum is feeling Jo’s forehead. (= dotykać, sprawdzać dotykiem)
This sandwich tastes delicious. (= smakować, mieć smak) He’s tasting the sauce to see if it’s OK. (= próbować, degustować)
Your hair smells nice. (= pachnieć, wydzielać zapach) They’re smelling the flowers. (= wąchać)
Kim appears to be very upset. (= wydawać się) My brother’s band is appearing at the Lexington. (= występować)
Those trousers fit you perfectly. (= pasować na kogoś) Sue is fitting new cupboards in her kitchen. (= instalować, montować)

a. Czasownika enjoy można użyć w czasach continuous, aby wyrazić chwilowy stan.
I’m enjoying this play a lot. (chwilowy stan) ALE: I enjoy going to the theatre. (stałe upodobanie)
b. Czasowników look (= wyglądać – w odniesieniu do wyglądu zewnętrznego), feel (= czuć), hurt i ache można użyć zarówno
w czasach simple, jak i continuous bez zmiany znaczenia.
You look very smart today. ➝ You are looking very smart today.
She feels sick. ➝ She’s feeling sick.

3 Choose the correct item. Give reasons.

1 Luke is loving/loves playing the guitar and singing. 6 Unprocessed cocoa doesn’t taste/isn’t tasting
2 Emma Stone is appearing/appears at the Redgrave sweet.
Theatre on Friday. 7 What do you think/are you thinking about?
3 The police officer is noticing/notices the thief’s 8 This wooden table doesn’t feel/isn’t feeling very
suspicious behaviour and follows him. smooth. It’s got lots of small bumps.
4 Does this contain/Is this containing nuts? I can’t 9 Her parents don’t like dogs. They prefer/are preferring
eat them, I’m allergic. cats.
5 Turn down the volume please! That music sounds/is 10 I enjoy/am enjoying the book you gave me a lot!
sounding awful!

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4 Put the verbs in brackets into the present
simple or the present continuous. Adverbs of frequency
1 A: Michael is being (be) very quiet today. Is anything • Przysłówki częstotliwości informują, jak często dana
wrong? czynność się odbywa. Na przykład:
B: No, I don’t think so. always = zawsze (100%), usually = zwykle (90%),
often = często (70%), sometimes = czasem (50%),
2 A: These towels ............................ (feel) as soft as silk.
occasionally = okazjonalnie (30%),
B: I’ve just washed them. rarely/seldom = rzadko (10%), never = nigdy (0%).
3 A: We ............................ (think) of moving back to • Przysłówki częstotliwości stawiamy przed czasownikiem
England. głównym, ale po czasowniku to be i po czasownikach
B: Really? When? posiłkowych (be, have, do) oraz modalnych (will, may itp.)
She often cycles to work. She is always careful on the road.
4 A: Where’s Andrew? We can’t find him anywhere.
B: It ............................ (look) as if he’s disappeared.
5 A: Your perfume ............................ (smell) lovely.
B: Thanks. It’s called ‘Gold’.
5 Correct the mistakes.

1 My cat always is sleeping near the fireplace because

6 A: The Trio Dance Group ............................ (appear) at it’s warm and cosy.
the Odeon tonight.
2 Lisa and John go rarely on holiday to the seaside.
B: Shall we go?
3 I’m occasionally getting stuck in traffic. It’s so annoying!
7 A: This skirt ............................... (not/fit) me any more.
4 My mum always is sympathetic to other people’s
B: Maybe it shrank in the wash. problems.
8 A: Mum, I ............................... (see) an island on the 5 The number 52 bus comes on time never!
B: Me too! I think, we’ll arrive at the port soon.
9 A: What’s Dad doing? 6 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.

B: He ............................ (taste) the sauce to see if it 1 A: So, what do you think (think) of the film?
needs some pepper. B: Well, I like the fact that the plot ................................
10 A: The Richardsons ............................ (have) a cottage (revolve) around many different characters.
in Cornwall. At times, it ............................................... (look) like
B: I know. They bought it a few years ago. a real-life documentary.
11 A: What time ................................... (the train/leave)? 2 A: Would you like to go to the theatre on Sunday?
B: At 6 o’clock in the evening. B: I’m sorry. I ....................................................... (visit)
my grandparents this weekend.
12 A: This soup ...................................... (taste) delicious.
How did you make it? 3 A: Hurry up! The train ....................................... (leave)
at 2:30.
B: Well, it’s really very simple.
B: OK! I’ll be ready in five minutes.
13 A: What’s that noise?
4 A: Pam ............................................................................
B: It ....................................... (sound) like Jane playing
(always/complain) about something.
her trumpet!
B: Yes, she is easily irritated.
14 A: Are you busy at the moment?
5 A: More and more people .............................................
B: Yes. I .............................................. (arrange) a very
(recycle) their rubbish.
important meeting.
B: That’s good news.
15 A: When ................................... (see) the dentist?
6 A: Could you give me a lift tomorrow morning?
B: Next Tuesday. I’m quite scared!
B: I’m sorry but I ............................................................
16 A: Did you hear about Biology class? It’s cancelled this
(always/take) the bus to get to work.
7 A: Can I speak to Mr Collins, please?
B: I .............................................. (not/believe) it! They
....................................................... (always/cancel) B: I’m afraid he’s not available at the moment. He
my favourite classes! ...................................................... (have) a meeting
with some clients.
8 A: What do you know about snakes?
B: I know that they are reptiles and they
................................................................. (lay) eggs.

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7 Tick the correct sentence, as in the example.
8 Fill in the gaps (1-15) in the dialogue with the
present simple or the present continuous form
of the verbs below.

• look forward to • have (x2) • remember • suit

• want • not do • go (x2) • know • leave (x2)
• sound • work (x2)

A: Hey Susan, long time no speak! How are you? I hope

everything 1) .................................. well.
B: Hey Nicole! Nice to hear from you! Yes, I
2) ...................... some great news!
A: Oh! I’m glad! What about?
B: So, you 3) ....................................... that I
4) .......................................... as a programmer these
days, right?
1 a The train from Brussels arrives at 2:20 at
A: Yeah, I 5) ................................. you telling me that.
Platform 5. ✓
B: Well, my company 6) ................................ me to move
b The train from Brussels is arriving at 2:20
to Madrid for two years and help our team over there!
at Platform 5. .........
A: That 7) .................. amazing! When 8) ........................?
2 a Mr Lewis doesn’t go to the supermarket
today. ......... B: Oh, not until next month, but I 9) .................................
it already. Let’s meet before I 10) ...............................,
b Mr Lewis isn’t going to the supermarket
today. .........
A: Sure! I’m free most evenings next week –
3 a Lisa always breaks things in the kitchen. .........
11) .................... Monday .......................... you?
b Lisa is always breaking things in the
B: Hmm, Monday is not good because I 12) ....................
kitchen. .........
a Spanish class. Tuesday or Wednesday are the best
4 a Greg runs a hotel for a living. ......... for me, I 13) ................................... anything then.
b Greg is running a hotel for a living. ......... A: On Tuesday my friend Jess and I 14) .............................
5 a Do we visit Grandma and Grandpa this to a play at the National Vic. Wednesday
Sunday? ......... 15) .......................... though!
b Are we visiting Grandma and Grandpa B: OK, excellent! Let’s say Wednesday, then!
this Sunday?
6 a Mark never wears a hat.
b Mark is never wearing a hat.
9 There are eight mistakes in the email below.
Find and correct them.
7 a Cats don’t like water. .........
b Cats are not liking water. .........
8 a How much does the silk shirt cost? ......... Hey Patrick,
b How much is the silk shirt costing? ......... How are you? I write to you from Dunoon in Scotland! I’m here
for a training course. I learn deep sea and open water diving!
9 a More and more people eat healthily. ......... I’ve been here for three weeks now, and I really enjoy it.
b More and more people are eating healthily. .......... The weather here is not as cold as you think, although it rains a
10 a I understand French better than English. ......... lot at the moment. One thing that I need to get used to is the
b I’m understanding French better than water temperature – it’s freezing! It’s OK though, because we
English. ......... are having very good diving gear and at least the sea is calm.
11 a Is it me, or does it smell like something Right now, I relax in my room. I’m staying in a small hotel near
is burning? .........
the training centre. The owners are friendly and welcoming, and
it’s so quiet that I am hearing the sound of the waves and
b Is it me, or is it smelling like something seagulls. It’s almost like a holiday, and it’s not costing a lot! Two
is burning? .......... birds with one stone, right?
12 a I love coming to the forest and hearing Well, I’ve got one more week here and I can say that I’m not
the sound of birds chirping. ......... really looking forward to leaving!
b I’m loving coming to the forest and hearing Speak soon,
the sound of birds chirping. .......... David

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Present perfect/ Present perfect continuous

Present perfect Present perfect continuous
Czasu present perfect używamy do opisywania: Czasu present perfect continuous używamy:
•• czynności lub stanów, które rozpoczęły się w przeszłości •• chcąc podkreślić ciągłość czynności, która się rozpoczęła
i trwają nadal w teraźniejszości. Często używamy wtedy w przeszłości i trwa nadal w teraźniejszości. Sean has been
czasowników statycznych: be, have, like, know itp. writing reports for two weeks.
Kate has known John since 2002. •• do opisywania czynności, która się rozpoczęła w przeszłości
•• czynności, które niedawno się zakończyły, a ich skutki są i trwała przez pewien czas. Czynność ta mogła się już
widoczne w teraźniejszości. The children have made a mess in zakończyć albo trwa nadal, a jej skutek jest widoczny
the kitchen. w teraźniejszości. Mr Bolton is upset. His students have been
•• czynności, które miały miejsce w nieokreślonym momencie behaving badly since this morning.
w przeszłości. Czas nie został podany, ponieważ nie jest •• do wyrażania złości, irytacji, zniecierpliwienia lub krytyki.
istotny. Ważny jest fakt, że czynność się wydarzyła, oraz jej Someone has been throwing their rubbish into my garden.
związek z teraźniejszością. Rob and Lucy have booked tickets
to Paris. Określenia czasu używane w czasie present perfect
•• z określeniami: today, this morning/afternoon/week, so far itp., continuous:
jeśli wspomniany okres czasu jeszcze się nie zakończył.
I’ve finished revising three exam units this week. for, since, how long, lately, recently, all day itp.
•• czynności, które właśnie się zakończyły. They’ve just bought
a new house.
•• osobistych doświadczeń i życiowych zmian. We’ve never had
such a wet summer before!
Określenia czasu używane w czasie present perfect:

for, since, already, yet, always, just, ever, never, so far,

today, this week/month itp., how long, lately, recently,
still (w przeczeniach) itp.

have gone to – have been to – have been in

Czasownik go w czasie present perfect występuje w dwóch formach: have gone i have been.
“Where’s Alice?” “She’s gone to Oxford.” (Pojechała do Oxfordu i nadal tam jest.)
I have been to Oxford three times this year. (Byłem w Oxfordzie trzy razy w tym roku, ale już wróciłem.)
Have you ever been to Brazil? She hasn’t been to the theatre for ages.
• have/has been in = have/has lived in
They have been in Sweden since 2008. = They have lived in Sweden since 2008.

10 Identify the tenses in bold, then match them

to the correct use.
11 Fill in the gaps with gone to, been to or been in.

1 Sue has ................................................... the bank to pay

some bills. She’ll be back in an hour.
1  I have been in Zurich a expressing anger,
2 Ian has .......................................................... Malta twice.
since 2001. irritation or annoyance
3 Tony has ............................................................. Bath for
2  I have just finished the b emphasise duration of
three months now.
cake. Doesn’t it look an action
delicious? 4 A: Do you know where Mum is?
c action at an unstated
3  Someone has been time in the past B: Yes, she’s ....................................... the supermarket
making anonymous with Ann.
d recently completed
phone calls to our house. action whose result is 5 My sister has ............................................. hospital since
4  The actor has visible in the present last Friday.
appeared in many films e action which started in 6 Percy is a real adventurer. He’s .......................................
and TV adverts. the past and continues the Amazon Rainforest and the Gobi Desert.
5  It has been raining up to the present
a lot this morning.

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12 Choose the correct verb form. Give reasons.
15 Put the verbs in brackets into the present
perfect or the present perfect continuous
1 Adrian has been playing/has played games on his form.
computer all afternoon!
2 The mayor has given/has been giving a speech on
the new recycling plans.
Hi Robbie,
3 Lately, the team hasn’t played/hasn’t been playing
very well. I’m sorry I 1) ............................................ (not/write) to
4 We‘ve known/’ve been knowing each other for a you but I 2) .............................. (be) busy recently.
long time. As you know, I 3) ........................................ (wait)
5 You look a little tired. Have you slept/Have you been anxiously since June to hear from the universities that I
sleeping enough recently? 4) ....................................... (apply) to. Well, Nottingham
6 Julia hasn’t finished/hasn’t been finishing her University, the university that I 5) ...............................
English essay yet.
.......................... (always/want) to attend, 6) ..............
................................ (accept) my application! Isn’t that
13 Fill in with for or since. great? I 7) .............................................. (decide) not to
live on campus, because I’d like my own space.
1 I’ve been working ................ 9 o’clock this morning and
I still haven’t finished the report. I 8) ......................................................... (look) through
the adverts for a flat and my mother and I are going to
2 The university has been in the same building ................
a very long time. Nottingham tomorrow. I am excited but also a little
3 The company has been looking for a new director nervous as I 9) ................................................. (never/
................ April. live) on my own before.
4 Zak’s car is really well-made. He’s had it ................ What 10) ................................................... (you/do)
years and it’s never broken down. lately? I hope all is well.
5 Nelly has been a chemist ................ most of her life. Take care,
14 Complete the sentences using the present
perfect or the present perfect continuous of
the verbs in brackets, as in the example.

1 Ralph is getting frustrated because the meal he ordered

16 Complete each sentence with two to five
words, including the word in bold.
hasn’t been served yet. (wait)
1 When did you start working at the post office? HAVE
He has been waiting for his meal.
How ..................................................................................
2 The estate agents are taking down the ‘For Sale’ sign in at the post office?
front of the house. (sell)
2 The manager is ill and is coming back to work
They ................................................................ the house.
tomorrow. FEEL
3 Liam and Sarah are travelling to Thailand on Tuesday. The manager ....................................................................
(book) today and is coming back tomorrow.
They ................................................... their plane tickets.
3 Katy hasn’t apologised to David yet. SAID
4 Samantha is reading an email from Karen. (receive) Katy still ............................................................................
She ..................................................... an email from her. David.
5 John started fixing the washing machine this morning. 4 The last time Rob called us was three months ago.
(repair) CALL
He ................................................................ it since 9am. We ..............................................................................from
6 Rachel is getting out of bed. (just/wake up) Rob in three months.
She ................................................................................... . 5 The flight to Lima is scheduled for Tuesday at 10:55 in
7 Lisa started working for the company in 2007. (work) the morning. OFF
She ........................................................ for the company The flight to Lima ..............................................................
since 2007. on Tuesday at 10:55 in the morning.
8 We are still waiting for the bus. (come) 6 This is the first time Michael has travelled by ferry.
The bus ...................................................................... yet. BEEN
Michael ..................................................................... ferry

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