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Sample Questions

For Class 6 to Class 8

Puzzles & Brain Training Exercises
designed to make students think!

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Class 6 & Class 7
Q1) Given below in the options are certain arrangements of tiles. If
you superimpose these arrangements on the image given below,
then numbers in which of these arrangements will add up to 23?
(Note: You CANNOT rotate the question image or the options )

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Q2) How many Mondays are there in a particular month of a

particular year if the month ends on Thursday?
(a) 4 (b) 3 (c) 5 (d) Cannot be determined

Q3) Jaideep was given some money by his mother on his birthday.
Jaideep spent all of it in four stores. He spent one rupee more
than half of what he had when he came in in each store. How
much did he get from his mother?
(a) Rupees 25 (b) Rupees 30 (c) Rupees 46 (d) Rupees 52

Q4) Akshay is out on a promotional tour for his new movie JLLB2. He
needs to visit three different cities A, B, and C in any order. He
cannot come back to the same city again. He can start or end
with any city. How many different ways are possible in which he
can cover these three different cities?

(a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 6 (d) 9

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Class 6 & Class 7

Q5) Four friends, A, B, C & D got the top four ranks in a competitive
examination, but A did not get the first, B did not get the second,
C did not get the third, and D did not get the fourth rank. Neither
A nor D were among the first 2. Who secured the first rank?
(a) A (b) B (c) C (d) D

Q6) Find the number of triangles in the given figure.

(a) 3 (b) 5 (c) 7 (d) 9

Q7) You have three chests in front of you, the 1st chest is labelled
GOLD, the 2nd is labelled SILVER and the 3rd is labelled GOLD OR
SILVER. You have been told that all the labels are on the wrong
chests and that one chest contains gold coins, one contains silver
coins and one contains bronze coins. How many chests do you
need to open to deduce which chest has gold?
(a) 0 (b) 1 (c) 2 (d) Cannot be determined

Q8) Which of the designs best represents the next term in the
following sequence?

(a) (b) (c) (d)

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Class 8
Q1) Each child in a family has at least 4 brothers and 3 sisters. What
is the smallest number of children the family might have?
(a) 7 (b) 8 (c) 9 (d) 10

Q2) Two friends are playing a game of Tic-Tac-Toe. They follow the
given rules while playing:
The player who gets the first 3 marks in
a horizontal, vertical or diagonal line
wins irrespective of who started first
A player will always place his or her
mark in a line that already contains
(a) two of his or her own marks
(b) two of his or her opponent's marks
giving priority to (a) over (b).
Only the last mark is to be placed in the current game (shown in
the image.) Who won the game?

Q3) Speaking to a team, a manager said, "If yesterday was

tomorrow, today will be Friday". On which day did the manager
make this statement?
(a) Saturday (b) Friday (c) Thursday (d) Wednesday

Q4) At a minimum, how many match-sticks should

be removed so that exactly 2 squares are left
in the final image?
Note: the squares can be of different sizes.
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4

Q5) There are a total of 4 players (A, B, C, D) participating in a chess

tournament. In the first round, there are two matches with two
players competing in each match, and the winners from the
two matches in the first round reach the final. If A loses against
C and A also plays against D, who won the tournament?
(a) A (b) B (c) C (d) D

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Class 8

Q6) Which letter can be fitted in the blanks to form a meaningful

word in the picture given below. Please note the letters in the
word need to follow clockwise order.

(a) V, D (b) V, C (c) M, C (d) M, D

Q7) There are two cups, one containing orange juice and one
containing an equal amount of lemonade. One teaspoon of the
orange juice is taken and mixed with the lemonade. Then a
teaspoon of this mixture is mixed back into the orange juice. Is
there more lemonade in the orange juice or more orange juice in
the lemonade?
(a) More orange juice in the lemonade
(b) More lemonade in the orange juice
(c) Equal amount of each juice between the two cups
(d) Cannot be determined

Q8) There is a cube of dimensions 4 X 4 X 4 cm. Two adjacent

surfaces of this cube are painted yellow on the outside, while the
remaining are left as is. Now this cube is cut into 8 smaller cubes
of dimensions 2X2X2. How many cubes will have color on only
one surface?
(a) 4 (b) 2 (c) 8 (d) Depends on the surfaces

Q9) In the number grid, given below, each

column follows a certain rule. Decipher
the rule and find the missing term

(a) 66 (b) 60 (c) 72 (d) 78

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LogIQids Critical Thinking Test

Recognizing the importance of logical reasoning and problem solving abilities,

EducationWorld has decided to partner with LogIQids for their Critical
Thinking Test. The results of the same will be used to evaluate schools under
the parameter of co-curricular activities for the forthcoming India School
Rankings 23-24.

The test will be designed and administered by LogIQids, a pioneer in the field
of developing and enhancing logical reasoning skills in school children.
LogIQids has been conducting completely FREE of Cost programs for schools
since 2016 and has positively impacted over 10,00,000 students from 2000+
schools across India & UAE




Next Steps
1) Register your school and choose a convenient slot for Critical Thinking Test
2) Nominate 10 students each from classes 6 to 8
3) The POC will receive exam instructions & login credentials 48 hours before
the selected slot
4) Students to take a 30 minute Online MCQ Test as per the selected slot

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