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The constitution which is systematically and rationally written down and embodied
in a single document, bearing a specific date or different dates, is said to be written
Contrary to this, an unwritten constitution does not mean that no provisions or laws
of the constitution will be found in written form, but it means that they are not
legally incorporated in a single book, however, they are documented.



Meaning Written Constitution is the Unwritten Constitution

constitution which is codified refers to the constitution
and compiled in a structured which is not embodied in a
and logical manner. single document.

Nature Properly framed and enacted Evolved

Type Rigid, flexible or both Flexible

Supremacy Constitution is supreme Parliament is supreme

Judiciary Enjoys wide powers. Possesses limited powers.

Powers Unitary, Federal or Quasi Unitary


Prevalent in USA, India, Canada, Sri UK, New Zealand, Israel,

Lanka, etc. etc.
 Written Constitution, as the term itself clarifies, is that type of constitution
wherein there is a legal and formal book or series of documents bound as a book
containing the nature of the constitutional arrangement, the laws governing the
entire system and the rights and duties of the citizens and the government.
 It explicitly lays down the primary organs and bodies of the government.
 Written Constitution is perfectly framed, duly passed and enacted after deep
analysis and consideration, concerning the situation and conditions of the
country. For the purpose of its enactment, a specialized body is assigned, who
formulate and adopt the constitution.
 The constitution gives a proper design to the government institutions,
hierarchies, powers, functions, relationships, supremacy etc. Further, the
government is bound to adhere to the provisions of the constitutions and work
 A written constitution is preeminent because it is difficult to amend, as
compared to ordinary law, as well as in the event of any dispute between the
two rules of the constitution prevails. However, amendments can be made to the
written constitution as per the definite procedure stated in the constitution itself.
 In a written constitution all the laws are present in writing, and so people can
refer to it whenever needed. Further, powers, functions, organization of the
different bodies are specified, which does not leave a room for confusion and


 Unwritten Constitution refers to a constitution wherein the fundamental laws,

legal decisions and rules that govern the nation are not embodied in a single
written document systematically.
 However, they are defined by customs, usage, precedents, formal and legal
enactments and instruments such as certificates, bonds, deeds, contracts, acts,
writ, process, will, etc. as manifested in statutes and decisions taken by
judiciary. The laws evolve through continuous use and practice, which become a
part of the constitution.
 In better words, the unwritten constitution is the constitution which is neither
drafted nor enacted with a proper procedure by the constituent assembly. And
so, it does not mean nothing is written, rather it means that it is not codified in a
single legal document or book. Further, there is no specialized body assigned to
enact of the constitution.
 One can understand the provisions relating to the constitution with the help of
reading explanation given by the judiciary, committees or experts. The
information about it can be obtained from historical charters, principles, laws
etc. The government is systematized and it works as per the well established and
predefined rules. Further, all the citizens of the country follow these rules.


One thing is to be noted that in a written constitution a fine line of difference is

maintained between constitutional law and ordinary laws, whereas no clear
distinction is there in case of an unwritten constitution.

In a written constitution, all the provisions are present in writing and are laid down
with great consideration and so it cannot be twisted and modified as per the
conditions and emotions, which ensures consistency in decisions.

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