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Subject Term of Reference (ToR) bathymetry & Topography survey

Project Pros 2640B - Al Samaliyah Island Marine
Client Godwin Austen Johnson (GAJ)
Project code @@
Status Draft
Date 02 April 24
Reference -
Author(s) Defri Nur Arifah

Checked by Nurisa
Approved by Nurisa/Joost N

Appendices -



Miral aims to further develop Al Samaliyah Island plan to develop an existing mixed-used development
consisting of heritage sites, museums, variety of wildlife, a working farm, beaches, glamping sites,
boardwalks, hospitality, and mangroves.

In order to support transportation of people and logistic from and to this Island, three jetties will be
constructed to replaced/upgrade existing ones:
- Guest jetty : located at north-east of the island.
- Service jetty : located at south-east of the island.
- Jetty in Al Raha Creek

This memorandum describes the Terms of Reference (ToR) for the Topography and Bathymetric surveys.

PT Witteveen Bos Indonesia is part of the Witteveen+Bos-group

Park View Plaza, 6th floor | Jl. Taman Kemang no. 27 | Kemang - Jakarta Selatan 12730 | Indonesia
t +62 21 719 12 82 | f +62 21 719 12 83 |
MLHR no. AHU-0132340.AH.01.11.Year 2018 | NIB no. 8120018190819 | NPWP no. 73.665.774.3-014.000
Figure 1.1 Project location

The scope of works of the survey are :
1 BM and Tidal survey as reference for bathymetry and topography (BM & Tidal survey should in
same elevation reference, MSL)
2 Bathymetry survey for jetty development area
3 Topography survey around the jetty development land area (this area is required to be surveyed
as long as not inundated by the water

Total area of survey bathymetry is about 46.5 Ha and survey topography is about 32.7 Ha, as summarised in
Table 2.1 and Table 2.2.

Table 2.1 Bathymetry area

Survey Bathymetry area Area [Ha]

Bathymetry for Guest Jetty area 20.6

Bathymetry for Service Jetty area 15.9

Bathymetry for Jetty Al Raha Creek 19.9

Total area 56.4

Table 2.2 Topography area

Survey Topography area Area [Ha]

Topography for Guest Jetty land area 9.6

Topography for Service Jetty land area 5.4

Topography for Jetty Al Raha Creek land area 14

Total Area 29

Figure 2.2 Area to be survey (blue area is bathymetry survey area, green area is topography survey area)

Area 2 = 694.34 Ha

The topography survey shall used the same coordinate system and reference as the bathymetry. The
contactor shall detail the area defined for topography and bathymetry survey with clear definition, method
proposed and unit price.


The survey comprises the following elements:

- Check the available Bench Mark (BM) in the project area or closest to project area. New BM is needed
when no available BM is found. Reference for elevation is using MSL for both topography and
bathymetry data.
- Tidal measurement at the project area using GPS during bathymetry survey with interval 10s and verified
with manual mesurement for 30 days using peilschaal with interval measurement every 1 hour. This
measurement is used to make a correlation between benchmark level with water level.
- Survey lines sailed by a survey vessel perpendicular to the present coastline. The vessel is to be equipped
with echo sounder, motion unit and positioning system.
- The interval contour lines for bathymetry and topogrpahy is expected every 0.5 m
- The preferred coordinate system is UTM (Zone 40N).

The coordinate system for the works (including mapping) is WGS 84 zone UTM 40 N.
The vertical reference system is MSL (Mean Sea Level).


The positioning system shall be designed to achieve an accuracy of ± 0.5 m in the horizontal plane. The
depth recording (including reduction for the tide) shall achieve an accuracy of 1cm or 0.1% of water depth.


- Bathymetry survey:
· The single beam echosounder shall be provided with a double frequency transducer (30 kHz, 210
· The survey vessel shall be provided with motion unit to compensate for ship movement and
combined with DGPS positioning system.
· The measurement’s range of water depth should be up to 100 m.

- Topography survey:
· Total station
· Prism
· GPS geodetic


To maintain the quality control of the survey, the Contractor shall verify the accuracy of his equipment,
following the instruction of the equipment supplier. Equipment use for survey should be calibrated.


The survey shall be carried out during weather suitable to achieve the above tolerances, but not at wind of
more than Bf 4 and waves higher than 0.5 m. Delay due to bad weather is responsibility of the survey


The deliverables should be consists of followings:

1 Survey report:
a. Description of equipment, methodology, benchmarks and reference point used.
b. Results of calibration tests.
c. Results of tidal measurement (tidal level, tidal constants). The illustration of tidal position at chart
datum, lowest, mean, highest level and BM elevation should be shown in report.
d. Maps in scale1:5,000 each survey areas (topography and bathymetry each locations) and entire
survey area with contour interval of 0.5 m.

2 Drawing:
a. The bathymetry maps shall be prepared for the results of the 30 KHz transducers. Different maps
shall be prepared in case the results of the 30 KHz transducers and the 210 kHz transducers differ
more than 0.1 m.
b. Maps in AutoCAD (dwg format), printed at paper size A3.

3 Raw data:
1 set of USB’s shall be provided with the raw survey data (bathymetry, topography and tidal) in excel
format and drawing in cad format.

Report and maps shall be delivered in 2 hardcopies with 2 USB’s with the electronic files


Contractor shall provide a unit rate for additional/less survey work. Total costs will depend on the actual
survey work and will be adjusted based on the unit rate.


The survey will be supervised by representatives of the client.


PT Witteveen Bos Indonesia | 133303/agui/002 | Appendix I | Final version 01

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