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Imoprting Libraries

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import os

So basically in dataset we have 12 months of data separately in each csv file so first we
have to merge the data to get the yearly data to make analysis easy for us
#THROUGH listdir() we can get to all files
files = [file for file in os.listdir('./Sales_Data')]

#so if we check what files have

for file in files:


#making a empty dataframe to store data of a year

all_months_data = pd.DataFrame()

#now accessing those files

for file in files:
#we have to concatenate each csv file in all_month_data dataframe
#firstly we have to read the file

#will read each file one by one

df = pd.read_csv('./Sales_Data/'+file)

#now concatenating

all_months_data= pd.concat([all_months_data, df])

#now saving it as new csv

#index = False for not saving ist index column as column :)

all_months_data.to_csv('year_data.csv', index = False)
#now reading the yearly data file

year_df = pd.read_csv('./year_data.csv')

Order ID Product Quantity Ordered Price Each \

0 176558 USB-C Charging Cable 2 11.95
1 NaN NaN NaN NaN
2 176559 Bose SoundSport Headphones 1 99.99
3 176560 Google Phone 1 600
4 176560 Wired Headphones 1 11.99

Order Date Purchase Address

0 04/19/19 08:46 917 1st St, Dallas, TX 75001
1 NaN NaN
2 04/07/19 22:30 682 Chestnut St, Boston, MA 02215
3 04/12/19 14:38 669 Spruce St, Los Angeles, CA 90001
4 04/12/19 14:38 669 Spruce St, Los Angeles, CA 90001


Index(['Order ID', 'Product', 'Quantity Ordered', 'Price Each', 'Order

'Purchase Address'],

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 186850 entries, 0 to 186849
Data columns (total 6 columns):
# Column Non-Null Count Dtype
--- ------ -------------- -----
0 Order ID 186305 non-null object
1 Product 186305 non-null object
2 Quantity Ordered 186305 non-null object
3 Price Each 186305 non-null object
4 Order Date 186305 non-null object
5 Purchase Address 186305 non-null object
dtypes: object(6)
memory usage: 8.6+ MB


Order ID Product Quantity Ordered Price Each \

count 186305 186305 186305 186305
unique 178438 20 10 24
top Order ID USB-C Charging Cable 1 11.95
freq 355 21903 168552 21903

Order Date Purchase Address

count 186305 186305
unique 142396 140788
top Order Date Purchase Address
freq 355 355

Adding some columns to make Analysis easy

Adding Month Column


Order ID Product Quantity Ordered Price Each \

0 176558 USB-C Charging Cable 2 11.95
1 NaN NaN NaN NaN
2 176559 Bose SoundSport Headphones 1 99.99
3 176560 Google Phone 1 600
4 176560 Wired Headphones 1 11.99

Order Date Purchase Address

0 04/19/19 08:46 917 1st St, Dallas, TX 75001
1 NaN NaN
2 04/07/19 22:30 682 Chestnut St, Boston, MA 02215
3 04/12/19 14:38 669 Spruce St, Los Angeles, CA 90001
4 04/12/19 14:38 669 Spruce St, Los Angeles, CA 90001

#we have date but not month month is coving first two indecies of date

#firstly we will convert date into string so that we can get its first
two characeters

year_df['Month'] = year_df['Order Date'].str[0:2]


Order ID Product Quantity Ordered Price Each \

0 176558 USB-C Charging Cable 2 11.95
1 NaN NaN NaN NaN
2 176559 Bose SoundSport Headphones 1 99.99
3 176560 Google Phone 1 600
4 176560 Wired Headphones 1 11.99

Order Date Purchase Address Month

0 04/19/19 08:46 917 1st St, Dallas, TX 75001 04
1 NaN NaN NaN
2 04/07/19 22:30 682 Chestnut St, Boston, MA 02215 04
3 04/12/19 14:38 669 Spruce St, Los Angeles, CA 90001 04
4 04/12/19 14:38 669 Spruce St, Los Angeles, CA 90001 04

Adding a City Column

# To get city we have a Purchase Adress where city is present right in
the middle
#so basically we will split the Purchase Adress on commas and grab the
index: 1 element to get the city

#we will use apply() method that basically helps us to apply any
arbitaray function on dataframe

#so x value is the Purchase Adress column right now

year_df['City'] = year_df['Purchase Address'].apply(lambda x:

#we can also do that with a function but still we will use apply

def get_city(adress):
return adress.split(',')[1]

#and then we can call it like

#year_df['City'] = year_df['Purchase Address'].apply(lambda x:



0 Dallas
2 Boston
3 Los Angeles
4 Los Angeles
5 Los Angeles
Name: City, dtype: object

We have to also mention the state with city because in the dataset we have many cities with
same name, so state is also important
def get_state(adress):
#by splitting on commas and getting second index element we will
get state and postal code also

state_postal = adress.split(',')[2]
#so we have to split again on space and get ist index to properly
get the state

#so on the left side of space we have white space that is covering
the 0th index so that is why we got state of out of
#ist index

return state_postal.split(' ')[1]

#now we have to add state in city column

year_df['City'] = year_df['Purchase Address'].apply(lambda x:

get_city(x) + ' ' + get_state(x))

0 Dallas TX
2 Boston MA
3 Los Angeles CA
4 Los Angeles CA
5 Los Angeles CA
Name: City, dtype: object

Data Cleaning

Dropping NaN Rows

nan_df = year_df[year_df.isna().any(axis = 1)]


Order ID Product Quantity Ordered Price Each Order Date Purchase

Address \
1 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
356 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
735 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
1433 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
1553 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN

1 NaN
356 NaN
735 NaN
1433 NaN
1553 NaN

#so now we will drop all NaN values using dropna()

#it takes parameter how --> that can have two values any and all
#any means even if even 1 column has NaN
#all means it will drop the row that has all values NaN

year_df = year_df.dropna(how = 'all')

Dropping on base of Condition

#Checking if Month have any other value than actaul month

months = ['01','02''03','04','05','06','07','08','09','10','11','12']

or_df = year_df['Month'].isin(months)
#the result variable will contain a pandas Series object with boolean
values that
#indicate whether each row in the 'Month' column has a value from the

#so lets get those values that has some other values
false_rows = year_df.Month[~or_df]


519 Or
1149 Or
1155 Or
2878 Or
2893 Or
185164 Or
185551 Or
186563 Or
186632 Or
186738 Or
Name: Month, Length: 27483, dtype: object

Remvoing Or from Month Column

year_df = year_df[year_df['Month'] != 'Or']


Order ID Product Quantity Ordered Price Each \

0 176558 USB-C Charging Cable 2 11.95
2 176559 Bose SoundSport Headphones 1 99.99
3 176560 Google Phone 1 600
4 176560 Wired Headphones 1 11.99
5 176561 Wired Headphones 1 11.99

Order Date Purchase Address Month

0 04/19/19 08:46 917 1st St, Dallas, TX 75001 04
2 04/07/19 22:30 682 Chestnut St, Boston, MA 02215 04
3 04/12/19 14:38 669 Spruce St, Los Angeles, CA 90001 04
4 04/12/19 14:38 669 Spruce St, Los Angeles, CA 90001 04
5 04/30/19 09:27 333 8th St, Los Angeles, CA 90001 04

Converting Month Column type to a numeric type from string

year_df['Month'] = year_df['Month'].astype('int32')

0 4
2 4
3 4
4 4
5 4
Name: Month, dtype: int32

Converting Quantity Ordered from str to numeric

year_df['Quantity Ordered'] = year_df['Quantity

Converting Price Each from str to float

year_df['Price Each'] = year_df['Price Each'].astype('float')

Adding a Sales Column

year_df['Sales'] = year_df['Quantity Ordered'] * year_df['Price Each']


0 23.90
2 99.99
3 600.00
4 11.99
5 11.99
Name: Sales, dtype: float64


What was the best month for sale?

sales_every_month = year_df.groupby('Month')['Sales'].sum()

1 1822256.73
2 2202022.42
3 2807100.38
4 3390670.24
5 3152606.75
6 2577802.26
7 2647775.76
8 2244467.88
9 2097560.13
10 3736726.88
11 3199603.20
12 4613443.34
Name: Sales, dtype: float64



import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

months = range(1,13), sales_every_month);
plt.ylabel('Sales in USD $');

What City had highest number of sale?

#lets check how our dataset look like

Order ID Product Quantity Ordered Price

Each \
0 176558 USB-C Charging Cable 2 11.95

2 176559 Bose SoundSport Headphones 1 99.99

3 176560 Google Phone 1 600.00

4 176560 Wired Headphones 1 11.99

5 176561 Wired Headphones 1 11.99

Order Date Purchase Address Month Sales

0 04/19/19 08:46 917 1st St, Dallas, TX 75001 4 23.90

2 04/07/19 22:30 682 Chestnut St, Boston, MA 02215 4 99.99

3 04/12/19 14:38 669 Spruce St, Los Angeles, CA 90001 4 600.00

4 04/12/19 14:38 669 Spruce St, Los Angeles, CA 90001 4 11.99

5 04/30/19 09:27 333 8th St, Los Angeles, CA 90001 4 11.99

0 Dallas TX
2 Boston MA
3 Los Angeles CA
4 Los Angeles CA
5 Los Angeles CA

#so we will consider two columns

#Sales and City
#we will group the dataset on the base of city and then we will apply
sum() operation on Sales to sum up all the sales for
#respective cities

#so it will give me max Sale for every city

sales_of_cities = year_df.groupby('City')['Sales'].sum()

Atlanta GA 2795498.58
Austin TX 1819581.75
Boston MA 3661642.01
Dallas TX 2767975.40
Los Angeles CA 5452570.80
New York City NY 4664317.43
Portland ME 449758.27
Portland OR 1870732.34
San Francisco CA 8262203.91
Seattle WA 2747755.48
Name: Sales, dtype: float64



#we can plot that too

#so on x axis we will have names of cities

#we need the same pattern as we have in sales_of_cities
cities = [city for city, df in year_df.groupby('City')], sales_of_cities)
plt.xticks(cities, rotation = 'vertical');
plt.ylabel('Sales in USD $');

What time should we display advertisment to maximize liklihood of customer's buying


Order ID Product Quantity Ordered Price

Each \
0 176558 USB-C Charging Cable 2 11.95

2 176559 Bose SoundSport Headphones 1 99.99

3 176560 Google Phone 1 600.00

4 176560 Wired Headphones 1 11.99

5 176561 Wired Headphones 1 11.99

Order Date Purchase Address Month Sales

0 04/19/19 08:46 917 1st St, Dallas, TX 75001 4 23.90

2 04/07/19 22:30 682 Chestnut St, Boston, MA 02215 4 99.99

3 04/12/19 14:38 669 Spruce St, Los Angeles, CA 90001 4 600.00

4 04/12/19 14:38 669 Spruce St, Los Angeles, CA 90001 4 11.99

5 04/30/19 09:27 333 8th St, Los Angeles, CA 90001 4 11.99

0 Dallas TX
2 Boston MA
3 Los Angeles CA
4 Los Angeles CA
5 Los Angeles CA

#for getting time that we have in Order Date, we can split and get it
due formatting issues

#so we have to convert it to Date Time object

#and then we can easily grab Time out of it

year_df['Order Date'] = pd.to_datetime(year_df['Order Date'])

year_df['Order Date'].head()

0 2019-04-19 08:46:00
2 2019-04-07 22:30:00
3 2019-04-12 14:38:00
4 2019-04-12 14:38:00
5 2019-04-30 09:27:00
Name: Order Date, dtype: datetime64[ns]

#so now we have that column in proper format

#now lets grab hour out of that column

#we will do that using .dt that can give access to hour
year_df['hour'] = year_df['Order Date'].dt.hour
#similarly we can do that for minutes
year_df['minutes'] = year_df['Order Date'].dt.minute

year_df[['Order Date','hour', 'minutes']].head()

Order Date hour minutes

0 2019-04-19 08:46:00 8 46
2 2019-04-07 22:30:00 22 30
3 2019-04-12 14:38:00 14 38
4 2019-04-12 14:38:00 14 38
5 2019-04-30 09:27:00 9 27

#lets look at data now


Order ID Product Quantity Ordered Price

Each \
0 176558 USB-C Charging Cable 2 11.95

2 176559 Bose SoundSport Headphones 1 99.99

3 176560 Google Phone 1 600.00

4 176560 Wired Headphones 1 11.99

5 176561 Wired Headphones 1 11.99

Order Date Purchase Address Month

Sales \
0 2019-04-19 08:46:00 917 1st St, Dallas, TX 75001 4
2 2019-04-07 22:30:00 682 Chestnut St, Boston, MA 02215 4
3 2019-04-12 14:38:00 669 Spruce St, Los Angeles, CA 90001 4
4 2019-04-12 14:38:00 669 Spruce St, Los Angeles, CA 90001 4
5 2019-04-30 09:27:00 333 8th St, Los Angeles, CA 90001 4

City hour minutes

0 Dallas TX 8 46
2 Boston MA 22 30
3 Los Angeles CA 14 38
4 Los Angeles CA 14 38
5 Los Angeles CA 9 27

#TO answer "What time should we display advertisment to maximize

liklihood of customer's buying Product? "
#We will consider Sales column and hour and minutes column
sales_with_hours = year_df.groupby('hour')['Sales'].sum()

0 713721.27
1 460866.88
2 234851.44
3 145757.89
4 162661.01
5 230679.82
6 448113.00
7 744854.12
8 1192348.97
9 1639030.58
10 1944286.77
11 2300610.24
12 2316821.34
13 2155389.80
14 2083672.73
15 1941549.60
16 1904601.31
17 2129361.61
18 2219348.30
19 2412938.54
20 2281716.24
21 2042000.86
22 1607549.21
23 1179304.44
Name: Sales, dtype: float64



#lets plot the things

#this time hours will be on x axis

hours = [hour for hour, df in year_df.groupby('hour')]

plt.plot(hours, sales_with_hours);

Text(0, 0.5, 'Sales')

#we can also do same thing by counting orders for every hour

#this time hours will be on x axis

hours = [hour for hour, df in year_df.groupby('hour')]

#so what count do is it will count the number of rows where specific
hour will occur and that shows order took place at that hour

#so graph will be same

plt.plot(hours, year_df.groupby('hour').count());
plt.ylabel('Number of Orders')

Text(0, 0.5, 'Number of Orders')

What Products are most often Sold Together?

Order ID Product Quantity Ordered Price

Each \
0 176558 USB-C Charging Cable 2 11.95

2 176559 Bose SoundSport Headphones 1 99.99

3 176560 Google Phone 1 600.00

4 176560 Wired Headphones 1 11.99

5 176561 Wired Headphones 1 11.99

Order Date Purchase Address Month

Sales \
0 2019-04-19 08:46:00 917 1st St, Dallas, TX 75001 4
2 2019-04-07 22:30:00 682 Chestnut St, Boston, MA 02215 4
3 2019-04-12 14:38:00 669 Spruce St, Los Angeles, CA 90001 4
4 2019-04-12 14:38:00 669 Spruce St, Los Angeles, CA 90001 4
5 2019-04-30 09:27:00 333 8th St, Los Angeles, CA 90001 4

City hour minutes

0 Dallas TX 8 46
2 Boston MA 22 30
3 Los Angeles CA 14 38
4 Los Angeles CA 14 38
5 Los Angeles CA 9 27

#So the orders that have same order Ids are sold together like at
index 3 and 4

#first thing we need to do is to create a dataframe that has only

those items that were ordered together
#so for that we need to store those enteries where Order ID is
duplicated or its same
#so we will use duplicate() function to get thos orders

#so this dataframe will have only those rows where the Order ID is
repeated (once, twice or ....)

#we did keep = False to keep

all the duplicates
#press shift tab to check
details about other parameters
dup_df = year_df[year_df['Order ID'].duplicated(keep = False)]


Order ID Product Quantity Ordered Price Each

3 176560 Google Phone 1 600.00

4 176560 Wired Headphones 1 11.99

18 176574 Google Phone 1 600.00

19 176574 USB-C Charging Cable 1 11.95

30 176585 Bose SoundSport Headphones 1 99.99

31 176585 Bose SoundSport Headphones 1 99.99

32 176586 AAA Batteries (4-pack) 2 2.99

33 176586 Google Phone 1 600.00

119 176672 Lightning Charging Cable 1 14.95

120 176672 USB-C Charging Cable 1 11.95

Order Date Purchase Address Month

3 2019-04-12 14:38:00 669 Spruce St, Los Angeles, CA 90001 4

4 2019-04-12 14:38:00 669 Spruce St, Los Angeles, CA 90001 4

18 2019-04-03 19:42:00 20 Hill St, Los Angeles, CA 90001 4

19 2019-04-03 19:42:00 20 Hill St, Los Angeles, CA 90001 4

30 2019-04-07 11:31:00 823 Highland St, Boston, MA 02215 4

31 2019-04-07 11:31:00 823 Highland St, Boston, MA 02215 4

32 2019-04-10 17:00:00 365 Center St, San Francisco, CA 94016 4

33 2019-04-10 17:00:00 365 Center St, San Francisco, CA 94016 4

119 2019-04-12 11:07:00 778 Maple St, New York City, NY 10001 4

120 2019-04-12 11:07:00 778 Maple St, New York City, NY 10001 4

Sales City hour minutes

3 600.00 Los Angeles CA 14 38
4 11.99 Los Angeles CA 14 38
18 600.00 Los Angeles CA 19 42
19 11.95 Los Angeles CA 19 42
30 99.99 Boston MA 11 31
31 99.99 Boston MA 11 31
32 5.98 San Francisco CA 17 0
33 600.00 San Francisco CA 17 0
119 14.95 New York City NY 11 7
120 11.95 New York City NY 11 7

#so now what we need is, we will make seprate column where we will
have products (having same ID) in the same the Row
# so we will use groupby() to group Order Id and then we will use
tranform() to basically join the rows on the base grouped Ids :)

#so group same id orders together

#get there product
#and join
those product semrate by ','
dup_df['Grouped Product'] = dup_df.groupby('Order ID')
['Product'].transform(lambda x: ','.join(x))

A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame.
Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead

See the caveats in the documentation:
dup_df['Grouped Product'] = dup_df.groupby('Order ID')
['Product'].transform(lambda x: ','.join(x))

dup_df[['Order ID', 'Product', 'Grouped Product']].head(10)

Order ID Product \
3 176560 Google Phone
4 176560 Wired Headphones
18 176574 Google Phone
19 176574 USB-C Charging Cable
30 176585 Bose SoundSport Headphones
31 176585 Bose SoundSport Headphones
32 176586 AAA Batteries (4-pack)
33 176586 Google Phone
119 176672 Lightning Charging Cable
120 176672 USB-C Charging Cable

Grouped Product
3 Google Phone,Wired Headphones
4 Google Phone,Wired Headphones
18 Google Phone,USB-C Charging Cable
19 Google Phone,USB-C Charging Cable
30 Bose SoundSport Headphones,Bose SoundSport Hea...
31 Bose SoundSport Headphones,Bose SoundSport Hea...
32 AAA Batteries (4-pack),Google Phone
33 AAA Batteries (4-pack),Google Phone
119 Lightning Charging Cable,USB-C Charging Cable
120 Lightning Charging Cable,USB-C Charging Cable

df = dup_df[['Order ID', 'Grouped Product']]


Order ID Grouped Product

3 176560 Google Phone,Wired Headphones
4 176560 Google Phone,Wired Headphones
18 176574 Google Phone,USB-C Charging Cable
19 176574 Google Phone,USB-C Charging Cable
30 176585 Bose SoundSport Headphones,Bose SoundSport Hea...
#now we need to drop the duplicate items

df = df.drop_duplicates()


Order ID Grouped Product

3 176560 Google Phone,Wired Headphones
18 176574 Google Phone,USB-C Charging Cable
30 176585 Bose SoundSport Headphones,Bose SoundSport Hea...
32 176586 AAA Batteries (4-pack),Google Phone
119 176672 Lightning Charging Cable,USB-C Charging Cable

#now we have to basically count the number of repeated combinations to

get the answer of:

#What Products are most often Sold Together?

#for this we need to import some new libraries

from itertools import combinations

from collections import Counter

count = Counter()
#now we have to iterate over every row of "Grouped Product"
for row in df['Grouped Product']:
#now we will split on ','
row_list = row.split(',')
#so this line below will count the Combination as they will appear
in the dataframe
#so 2 here shows that it will
count those orders where 2 items are ordered together again and again
count.update(Counter(combinations(row_list, 2)))

#printing all combinations count


Counter({('iPhone', 'Lightning Charging Cable'): 1005, ('Google

Phone', 'USB-C Charging Cable'): 987, ('iPhone', 'Wired Headphones'):
447, ('Google Phone', 'Wired Headphones'): 414, ('Vareebadd Phone',
'USB-C Charging Cable'): 361, ('iPhone', 'Apple Airpods Headphones'):
360, ('Google Phone', 'Bose SoundSport Headphones'): 220, ('USB-C
Charging Cable', 'Wired Headphones'): 160, ('Vareebadd Phone', 'Wired
Headphones'): 143, ('Lightning Charging Cable', 'Wired Headphones'):
92, ('Lightning Charging Cable', 'Apple Airpods Headphones'): 81,
('Vareebadd Phone', 'Bose SoundSport Headphones'): 80, ('USB-C
Charging Cable', 'Bose SoundSport Headphones'): 77, ('Apple Airpods
Headphones', 'Wired Headphones'): 69, ('Lightning Charging Cable',
'USB-C Charging Cable'): 58, ('Lightning Charging Cable', 'AA
Batteries (4-pack)'): 55, ('Lightning Charging Cable', 'Lightning
Charging Cable'): 54, ('Bose SoundSport Headphones', 'Wired
Headphones'): 53, ('AA Batteries (4-pack)', 'Lightning Charging
Cable'): 51, ('AAA Batteries (4-pack)', 'USB-C Charging Cable'): 50,
('Apple Airpods Headphones', 'AAA Batteries (4-pack)'): 48, ('AA
Batteries (4-pack)', 'AAA Batteries (4-pack)'): 48, ('USB-C Charging
Cable', 'USB-C Charging Cable'): 48, ('AAA Batteries (4-pack)', 'AAA
Batteries (4-pack)'): 48, ('USB-C Charging Cable', 'AAA Batteries (4-
pack)'): 45, ('Wired Headphones', 'USB-C Charging Cable'): 45, ('AA
Batteries (4-pack)', 'Wired Headphones'): 44, ('AAA Batteries (4-
pack)', 'Lightning Charging Cable'): 44, ('AAA Batteries (4-pack)',
'Wired Headphones'): 43, ('Wired Headphones', 'AAA Batteries (4-
pack)'): 43, ('USB-C Charging Cable', 'Lightning Charging Cable'): 42,
('AA Batteries (4-pack)', 'Apple Airpods Headphones'): 41, ('AAA
Batteries (4-pack)', 'AA Batteries (4-pack)'): 39, ('Wired
Headphones', 'AA Batteries (4-pack)'): 39, ('Lightning Charging
Cable', 'Bose SoundSport Headphones'): 39, ('USB-C Charging Cable',
'AA Batteries (4-pack)'): 38, ('Bose SoundSport Headphones', 'AAA
Batteries (4-pack)'): 37, ('AA Batteries (4-pack)', 'USB-C Charging
Cable'): 37, ('Wired Headphones', 'Lightning Charging Cable'): 37,
('Lightning Charging Cable', 'AAA Batteries (4-pack)'): 36, ('Apple
Airpods Headphones', 'Lightning Charging Cable'): 35, ('Wired
Headphones', 'Wired Headphones'): 35, ('AA Batteries (4-pack)', 'AA
Batteries (4-pack)'): 35, ('USB-C Charging Cable', 'Apple Airpods
Headphones'): 34, ('Bose SoundSport Headphones', 'Lightning Charging
Cable'): 33, ('AAA Batteries (4-pack)', 'Apple Airpods Headphones'):
33, ('Apple Airpods Headphones', 'Bose SoundSport Headphones'): 32,
('Wired Headphones', 'Apple Airpods Headphones'): 31, ('USB-C Charging
Cable', '27in FHD Monitor'): 31, ('Apple Airpods Headphones', 'USB-C
Charging Cable'): 29, ('Apple Airpods Headphones', 'AA Batteries (4-
pack)'): 29, ('AA Batteries (4-pack)', 'Bose SoundSport Headphones'):
28, ('Bose SoundSport Headphones', 'Bose SoundSport Headphones'): 27,
('Bose SoundSport Headphones', 'AA Batteries (4-pack)'): 27, ('Bose
SoundSport Headphones', 'USB-C Charging Cable'): 25, ('Apple Airpods
Headphones', 'Apple Airpods Headphones'): 24, ('AAA Batteries (4-
pack)', '27in FHD Monitor'): 22, ('27in FHD Monitor', 'AAA Batteries
(4-pack)'): 21, ('Wired Headphones', 'Bose SoundSport Headphones'):
21, ('AAA Batteries (4-pack)', 'Bose SoundSport Headphones'): 20,
('34in Ultrawide Monitor', 'AA Batteries (4-pack)'): 19, ('Lightning
Charging Cable', '27in 4K Gaming Monitor'): 18, ('AA Batteries (4-
pack)', 'iPhone'): 18, ('27in FHD Monitor', 'Lightning Charging
Cable'): 18, ('Lightning Charging Cable', '27in FHD Monitor'): 18,
('34in Ultrawide Monitor', 'Lightning Charging Cable'): 18, ('Wired
Headphones', '27in 4K Gaming Monitor'): 18, ('Bose SoundSport
Headphones', 'Apple Airpods Headphones'): 18, ('iPhone', 'AAA
Batteries (4-pack)'): 17, ('Wired Headphones', '34in Ultrawide
Monitor'): 17, ('ThinkPad Laptop', 'AAA Batteries (4-pack)'): 16,
('Lightning Charging Cable', 'Google Phone'): 16, ('27in 4K Gaming
Monitor', 'Lightning Charging Cable'): 16, ('34in Ultrawide Monitor',
'USB-C Charging Cable'): 15, ('27in FHD Monitor', 'AA Batteries (4-
pack)'): 15, ('Wired Headphones', 'iPhone'): 15, ('AAA Batteries (4-
pack)', '27in 4K Gaming Monitor'): 15, ('iPhone', 'USB-C Charging
Cable'): 15, ('20in Monitor', 'USB-C Charging Cable'): 15, ('Lightning
Charging Cable', '20in Monitor'): 15, ('27in 4K Gaming Monitor', 'AAA
Batteries (4-pack)'): 15, ('Lightning Charging Cable', '34in Ultrawide
Monitor'): 15, ('Google Phone', 'AA Batteries (4-pack)'): 14, ('Apple
Airpods Headphones', 'Google Phone'): 14, ('USB-C Charging Cable',
'iPhone'): 14, ('Bose SoundSport Headphones', '27in FHD Monitor'): 14,
('AA Batteries (4-pack)', '27in 4K Gaming Monitor'): 14, ('AAA
Batteries (4-pack)', 'iPhone'): 14, ('iPhone', 'AA Batteries (4-
pack)'): 14, ('AA Batteries (4-pack)', 'Flatscreen TV'): 13, ('AA
Batteries (4-pack)', '34in Ultrawide Monitor'): 13, ('AAA Batteries
(4-pack)', '34in Ultrawide Monitor'): 13, ('Apple Airpods Headphones',
'iPhone'): 13, ('Wired Headphones', 'Macbook Pro Laptop'): 13, ('Apple
Airpods Headphones', '27in 4K Gaming Monitor'): 12, ('Apple Airpods
Headphones', '27in FHD Monitor'): 12, ('27in FHD Monitor', 'Bose
SoundSport Headphones'): 12, ('27in FHD Monitor', 'USB-C Charging
Cable'): 12, ('Google Phone', 'Lightning Charging Cable'): 12, ('Apple
Airpods Headphones', 'Macbook Pro Laptop'): 12, ('27in 4K Gaming
Monitor', 'USB-C Charging Cable'): 12, ('Macbook Pro Laptop', 'USB-C
Charging Cable'): 12, ('Wired Headphones', '27in FHD Monitor'): 12,
('20in Monitor', 'Wired Headphones'): 12, ('Lightning Charging Cable',
'Flatscreen TV'): 12, ('27in FHD Monitor', 'Apple Airpods
Headphones'): 12, ('USB-C Charging Cable', 'Google Phone'): 12, ('27in
4K Gaming Monitor', 'AA Batteries (4-pack)'): 12, ('34in Ultrawide
Monitor', 'AAA Batteries (4-pack)'): 12, ('AAA Batteries (4-pack)',
'Google Phone'): 11, ('AAA Batteries (4-pack)', 'Macbook Pro Laptop'):
11, ('USB-C Charging Cable', '27in 4K Gaming Monitor'): 11, ('USB-C
Charging Cable', 'ThinkPad Laptop'): 11, ('34in Ultrawide Monitor',
'Wired Headphones'): 11, ('20in Monitor', 'Lightning Charging Cable'):
11, ('AA Batteries (4-pack)', '27in FHD Monitor'): 11, ('Bose
SoundSport Headphones', '34in Ultrawide Monitor'): 11, ('ThinkPad
Laptop', 'Lightning Charging Cable'): 11, ('Google Phone', 'AAA
Batteries (4-pack)'): 11, ('USB-C Charging Cable', '34in Ultrawide
Monitor'): 11, ('Macbook Pro Laptop', 'Lightning Charging Cable'): 11,
('AA Batteries (4-pack)', 'Google Phone'): 11, ('AAA Batteries (4-
pack)', 'ThinkPad Laptop'): 11, ('Macbook Pro Laptop', 'Bose
SoundSport Headphones'): 11, ('27in 4K Gaming Monitor', 'Wired
Headphones'): 11, ('Flatscreen TV', 'AAA Batteries (4-pack)'): 11,
('Flatscreen TV', 'Lightning Charging Cable'): 10, ('Wired
Headphones', 'ThinkPad Laptop'): 10, ('USB-C Charging Cable', '20in
Monitor'): 10, ('27in 4K Gaming Monitor', 'Apple Airpods Headphones'):
10, ('USB-C Charging Cable', 'Flatscreen TV'): 10, ('27in FHD
Monitor', 'Wired Headphones'): 10, ('AA Batteries (4-pack)', '20in
Monitor'): 10, ('AAA Batteries (4-pack)', 'Flatscreen TV'): 10,
('Lightning Charging Cable', 'iPhone'): 10, ('Bose SoundSport
Headphones', 'Flatscreen TV'): 10, ('Lightning Charging Cable',
'Macbook Pro Laptop'): 10, ('Bose SoundSport Headphones', '27in 4K
Gaming Monitor'): 10, ('Apple Airpods Headphones', 'ThinkPad Laptop'):
9, ('Wired Headphones', 'Google Phone'): 9, ('27in 4K Gaming Monitor',
'Bose SoundSport Headphones'): 9, ('20in Monitor', 'Bose SoundSport
Headphones'): 9, ('Macbook Pro Laptop', 'AA Batteries (4-pack)'): 9,
('ThinkPad Laptop', 'USB-C Charging Cable'): 9, ('ThinkPad Laptop',
'Bose SoundSport Headphones'): 9, ('Vareebadd Phone', 'AA Batteries
(4-pack)'): 9, ('USB-C Charging Cable', 'Macbook Pro Laptop'): 9,
('27in FHD Monitor', '27in FHD Monitor'): 9, ('AA Batteries (4-pack)',
'ThinkPad Laptop'): 9, ('Lightning Charging Cable', 'ThinkPad
Laptop'): 9, ('AA Batteries (4-pack)', 'Macbook Pro Laptop'): 8,
('Flatscreen TV', 'AA Batteries (4-pack)'): 8, ('Apple Airpods
Headphones', 'Flatscreen TV'): 8, ('ThinkPad Laptop', 'AA Batteries
(4-pack)'): 8, ('AAA Batteries (4-pack)', '20in Monitor'): 8, ('34in
Ultrawide Monitor', 'Apple Airpods Headphones'): 8, ('Bose SoundSport
Headphones', 'Google Phone'): 8, ('20in Monitor', 'Apple Airpods
Headphones'): 7, ('Macbook Pro Laptop', 'Apple Airpods Headphones'):
7, ('Wired Headphones', 'Flatscreen TV'): 7, ('Wired Headphones',
'20in Monitor'): 7, ('Macbook Pro Laptop', 'Wired Headphones'): 7,
('USB-C Charging Cable', 'Vareebadd Phone'): 7, ('Google Phone', '27in
FHD Monitor'): 7, ('Macbook Pro Laptop', 'AAA Batteries (4-pack)'): 7,
('34in Ultrawide Monitor', 'iPhone'): 7, ('34in Ultrawide Monitor',
'34in Ultrawide Monitor'): 7, ('Flatscreen TV', 'USB-C Charging
Cable'): 7, ('Bose SoundSport Headphones', 'iPhone'): 7, ('ThinkPad
Laptop', 'Apple Airpods Headphones'): 7, ('Google Phone', 'Apple
Airpods Headphones'): 7, ('Macbook Pro Laptop', '27in 4K Gaming
Monitor'): 7, ('iPhone', '27in 4K Gaming Monitor'): 6, ('Flatscreen
TV', 'Flatscreen TV'): 6, ('Apple Airpods Headphones', '34in Ultrawide
Monitor'): 6, ('iPhone', '34in Ultrawide Monitor'): 6, ('Vareebadd
Phone', 'Apple Airpods Headphones'): 6, ('27in 4K Gaming Monitor',
'34in Ultrawide Monitor'): 6, ('27in 4K Gaming Monitor', 'Macbook Pro
Laptop'): 6, ('Bose SoundSport Headphones', '20in Monitor'): 6,
('iPhone', 'Flatscreen TV'): 6, ('Apple Airpods Headphones', '20in
Monitor'): 6, ('Apple Airpods Headphones', 'Vareebadd Phone'): 6,
('Wired Headphones', 'Vareebadd Phone'): 6, ('34in Ultrawide Monitor',
'Bose SoundSport Headphones'): 6, ('Google Phone', 'iPhone'): 6,
('27in FHD Monitor', 'Macbook Pro Laptop'): 6, ('20in Monitor', 'AA
Batteries (4-pack)'): 6, ('iPhone', 'Bose SoundSport Headphones'): 5,
('27in 4K Gaming Monitor', '27in 4K Gaming Monitor'): 5, ('Flatscreen
TV', '34in Ultrawide Monitor'): 5, ('27in 4K Gaming Monitor', 'Google
Phone'): 5, ('27in FHD Monitor', '34in Ultrawide Monitor'): 5,
('Flatscreen TV', 'Apple Airpods Headphones'): 5, ('34in Ultrawide
Monitor', '27in FHD Monitor'): 5, ('Macbook Pro Laptop', '34in
Ultrawide Monitor'): 4, ('iPhone', 'Vareebadd Phone'): 4, ('Bose
SoundSport Headphones', 'ThinkPad Laptop'): 4, ('20in Monitor',
'Macbook Pro Laptop'): 4, ('Vareebadd Phone', '34in Ultrawide
Monitor'): 4, ('Flatscreen TV', 'Wired Headphones'): 4, ('Flatscreen
TV', '27in FHD Monitor'): 4, ('LG Dryer', 'AA Batteries (4-pack)'): 4,
('Flatscreen TV', 'Macbook Pro Laptop'): 4, ('27in FHD Monitor', '27in
4K Gaming Monitor'): 4, ('ThinkPad Laptop', 'Flatscreen TV'): 4,
('Flatscreen TV', 'iPhone'): 4, ('27in 4K Gaming Monitor', 'ThinkPad
Laptop'): 4, ('Vareebadd Phone', 'Google Phone'): 4, ('Macbook Pro
Laptop', 'Google Phone'): 4, ('27in 4K Gaming Monitor', '27in FHD
Monitor'): 4, ('Lightning Charging Cable', 'LG Washing Machine'): 4,
('27in FHD Monitor', 'ThinkPad Laptop'): 4, ('ThinkPad Laptop', 'Wired
Headphones'): 4, ('iPhone', 'ThinkPad Laptop'): 4, ('Bose SoundSport
Headphones', 'Macbook Pro Laptop'): 4, ('AAA Batteries (4-pack)',
'Vareebadd Phone'): 4, ('LG Washing Machine', 'AAA Batteries (4-
pack)'): 4, ('Macbook Pro Laptop', 'ThinkPad Laptop'): 3, ('ThinkPad
Laptop', 'Google Phone'): 3, ('34in Ultrawide Monitor', 'Macbook Pro
Laptop'): 3, ('Lightning Charging Cable', 'Vareebadd Phone'): 3,
('Google Phone', 'ThinkPad Laptop'): 3, ('20in Monitor', '20in
Monitor'): 3, ('ThinkPad Laptop', 'iPhone'): 3, ('Vareebadd Phone',
'Flatscreen TV'): 3, ('34in Ultrawide Monitor', 'Flatscreen TV'): 3,
('Macbook Pro Laptop', 'Macbook Pro Laptop'): 3, ('34in Ultrawide
Monitor', 'ThinkPad Laptop'): 3, ('Macbook Pro Laptop', 'iPhone'): 3,
('Vareebadd Phone', 'iPhone'): 3, ('Wired Headphones', 'LG Washing
Machine'): 3, ('Google Phone', '34in Ultrawide Monitor'): 3, ('Macbook
Pro Laptop', '27in FHD Monitor'): 3, ('Flatscreen TV', 'Bose
SoundSport Headphones'): 3, ('AA Batteries (4-pack)', 'Vareebadd
Phone'): 3, ('27in FHD Monitor', '20in Monitor'): 3, ('iPhone',
'Google Phone'): 3, ('27in 4K Gaming Monitor', 'iPhone'): 3, ('Google
Phone', 'Google Phone'): 3, ('Flatscreen TV', 'Google Phone'): 3,
('Google Phone', 'Macbook Pro Laptop'): 3, ('27in 4K Gaming Monitor',
'Flatscreen TV'): 3, ('Apple Airpods Headphones', 'LG Dryer'): 3,
('20in Monitor', 'AAA Batteries (4-pack)'): 3, ('iPhone', 'Macbook Pro
Laptop'): 3, ('34in Ultrawide Monitor', 'Google Phone'): 2, ('Macbook
Pro Laptop', '20in Monitor'): 2, ('Lightning Charging Cable', 'LG
Dryer'): 2, ('Flatscreen TV', '27in 4K Gaming Monitor'): 2, ('ThinkPad
Laptop', 'Macbook Pro Laptop'): 2, ('Macbook Pro Laptop', 'LG Washing
Machine'): 2, ('20in Monitor', '27in FHD Monitor'): 2, ('ThinkPad
Laptop', 'ThinkPad Laptop'): 2, ('Bose SoundSport Headphones',
'Vareebadd Phone'): 2, ('Vareebadd Phone', 'ThinkPad Laptop'): 2,
('20in Monitor', 'ThinkPad Laptop'): 2, ('iPhone', 'iPhone'): 2,
('27in FHD Monitor', 'LG Dryer'): 2, ('Vareebadd Phone', '27in 4K
Gaming Monitor'): 2, ('27in 4K Gaming Monitor', '20in Monitor'): 2,
('LG Washing Machine', 'Lightning Charging Cable'): 2, ('LG Washing
Machine', 'Bose SoundSport Headphones'): 2, ('AA Batteries (4-pack)',
'LG Dryer'): 2, ('Vareebadd Phone', 'AAA Batteries (4-pack)'): 2,
('iPhone', '20in Monitor'): 2, ('20in Monitor', 'Google Phone'): 2,
('Flatscreen TV', 'ThinkPad Laptop'): 2, ('ThinkPad Laptop', '27in FHD
Monitor'): 2, ('27in FHD Monitor', 'Flatscreen TV'): 2, ('Google
Phone', '20in Monitor'): 2, ('27in 4K Gaming Monitor', 'Vareebadd
Phone'): 1, ('27in FHD Monitor', 'iPhone'): 1, ('Vareebadd Phone',
'Lightning Charging Cable'): 1, ('Google Phone', 'Vareebadd Phone'):
1, ('20in Monitor', 'iPhone'): 1, ('LG Dryer', 'Vareebadd Phone'): 1,
('Macbook Pro Laptop', 'Flatscreen TV'): 1, ('ThinkPad Laptop',
'Vareebadd Phone'): 1, ('Google Phone', 'Flatscreen TV'): 1, ('LG
Washing Machine', 'Google Phone'): 1, ('LG Washing Machine', 'Wired
Headphones'): 1, ('LG Dryer', 'Flatscreen TV'): 1, ('27in FHD
Monitor', 'LG Washing Machine'): 1, ('LG Dryer', '27in FHD Monitor'):
1, ('20in Monitor', '34in Ultrawide Monitor'): 1, ('34in Ultrawide
Monitor', '20in Monitor'): 1, ('34in Ultrawide Monitor', 'LG Washing
Machine'): 1, ('Google Phone', '27in 4K Gaming Monitor'): 1, ('LG
Washing Machine', 'iPhone'): 1, ('LG Dryer', 'Wired Headphones'): 1,
('27in FHD Monitor', 'Vareebadd Phone'): 1, ('LG Washing Machine',
'27in 4K Gaming Monitor'): 1, ('LG Washing Machine', 'Apple Airpods
Headphones'): 1, ('27in 4K Gaming Monitor', 'LG Dryer'): 1, ('20in
Monitor', 'LG Washing Machine'): 1, ('LG Dryer', 'Google Phone'): 1,
('Vareebadd Phone', '27in FHD Monitor'): 1, ('ThinkPad Laptop', '27in
4K Gaming Monitor'): 1, ('20in Monitor', 'Flatscreen TV'): 1, ('USB-C
Charging Cable', 'LG Dryer'): 1, ('LG Washing Machine', '20in
Monitor'): 1, ('Flatscreen TV', '20in Monitor'): 1, ('27in FHD
Monitor', 'Google Phone'): 1, ('iPhone', '27in FHD Monitor'): 1, ('LG
Dryer', 'AAA Batteries (4-pack)'): 1, ('ThinkPad Laptop', '34in
Ultrawide Monitor'): 1, ('iPhone', 'LG Washing Machine'): 1, ('AAA
Batteries (4-pack)', 'LG Dryer'): 1, ('LG Dryer', '27in 4K Gaming
Monitor'): 1, ('LG Dryer', 'Lightning Charging Cable'): 1, ('ThinkPad
Laptop', 'LG Dryer'): 1, ('LG Washing Machine', 'AA Batteries (4-
pack)'): 1})

#for top ten most repeated/most ordered combinations


[(('iPhone', 'Lightning Charging Cable'), 1005),

(('Google Phone', 'USB-C Charging Cable'), 987),
(('iPhone', 'Wired Headphones'), 447),
(('Google Phone', 'Wired Headphones'), 414),
(('Vareebadd Phone', 'USB-C Charging Cable'), 361),
(('iPhone', 'Apple Airpods Headphones'), 360),
(('Google Phone', 'Bose SoundSport Headphones'), 220),
(('USB-C Charging Cable', 'Wired Headphones'), 160),
(('Vareebadd Phone', 'Wired Headphones'), 143),
(('Lightning Charging Cable', 'Wired Headphones'), 92)]

What Product Sold the most?

sold_item = year_df.groupby('Product')['Quantity Ordered'].sum()


20in Monitor 4129
27in 4K Gaming Monitor 6244
27in FHD Monitor 7550
34in Ultrawide Monitor 6199
AA Batteries (4-pack) 27635
AAA Batteries (4-pack) 31017
Apple Airpods Headphones 15661
Bose SoundSport Headphones 13457
Flatscreen TV 4819
Google Phone 5532
LG Dryer 646
LG Washing Machine 666
Lightning Charging Cable 23217
Macbook Pro Laptop 4728
ThinkPad Laptop 4130
USB-C Charging Cable 23975
Vareebadd Phone 2068
Wired Headphones 20557
iPhone 6849
Name: Quantity Ordered, dtype: int32



#we can plot that too

#so on x axis we will have names of items

items = [item for item, df in year_df.groupby('Product')], sold_item)
plt.xticks(items, rotation = 'vertical');
plt.ylabel('Number of Orders of Each');
#So to make it more clear basically we can find price of each product
and plot it with its number of times it got order

price_of_each_item= year_df.groupby('Product')['Price Each'].mean()


20in Monitor 109.99
27in 4K Gaming Monitor 389.99
27in FHD Monitor 149.99
34in Ultrawide Monitor 379.99
AA Batteries (4-pack) 3.84
AAA Batteries (4-pack) 2.99
Apple Airpods Headphones 150.00
Bose SoundSport Headphones 99.99
Flatscreen TV 300.00
Google Phone 600.00
LG Dryer 600.00
LG Washing Machine 600.00
Lightning Charging Cable 14.95
Macbook Pro Laptop 1700.00
ThinkPad Laptop 999.99
USB-C Charging Cable 11.95
Vareebadd Phone 400.00
Wired Headphones 11.99
iPhone 700.00
Name: Price Each, dtype: float64

#for platting
fig,ax1 = plt.subplots()

ax2 = ax1.twinx()
#so our 1 y axis will sold_items, sold_item, color = 'green')
#and other y axis will have price of items
ax2.plot(items, price_of_each_item)

ax1.set_xticklabels(items, rotation = 'vertical');

ax1.set_ylabel('Number of Orders of Each');
ax2.set_ylabel('Price of each Item');

UserWarning: FixedFormatter should only be used together with
ax1.set_xticklabels(items, rotation = 'vertical');
So you can see why AAA Batteries have so much orders because its price is very low on the
other hand things that have high price, have less number of orders :)

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