Dominant Modality Checklist

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Swassing-Barbe Checklist of Modality Characteristics

Area Observed Visual Auditory Kinesthetic

Learning style Learns by seeing; watching demonstrations Learns through verbal instructions from others or self Learns by doing; direct involvement

Reading Likes description; sometimes stops reading to stare into Enjoys dialogue, plays; avoids lengthy description, Prefers stories where action occurs early; fidgets when
space and imagine scene; intense concentration unaware of illustrations; moves lips or subvocalizes reading, handles books; not an avid reader

Spelling Recognizes words by sight; relies on configuration of words Uses a phonics approach; has auditory word attack skills Often is a poor speller; writes words to determine if they
“feel” right

Handwriting Tends to be good, particularly when young; spacing and Has more difficulty learning in early stages; tends to write Good initially, deteriorates when space becomes smaller;
size are good; appearance is important lightly; says strokes when writing pushes harder on writing instrument

Remembers faces, forgets names; writes things down, Remembers names, forgets faces; remembers by Remembers best what was done, not what was seen or
takes notes auditory repetition talked about

Vivid imagination; thinks in pictures; visualizes in detail Subvocalizes, thinks in sounds, details less important Imagery not important; images that do occur are
accompanied by movement

Generally unaware of sounds; distracted by visual Easily distracted by sounds Not attentive to visual, auditory presentation so seems
Distractibility disorder or movement distractible

Deliberate; plans in advance; organizes thoughts by writing Talks problems out, tries solutions verbally, subvocally; Attacks problems physically; impulsive; often selects
Problem Solving
them; lists problems talks self through problem solution involving the greatest activity

Response to periods of Stares; doodles; finds something to watch Hums; talks to self or others Fidgets; finds reasons to move; holds up hand

Response to new Looks around; examines structure Talks about situation, pros and cons, what to do Tries things out; touches, feels; manipulates things

Somewhat repressed; stares when angry; cries easily, Shouts with joy or anger; blows up verbally but soon Jumps for joy; hugs, tugs and pulls when happy; stamps,
Emotionality beams when happy; facial expression is a good index of calms down; expresses emotion verbally and through jumps and pounds when angry; general body tone is a
emotion changes in tone, volume, pitch of voice good index of emotion

Quiet; doesn’t talk at length; gets impatient when Enjoys listening but cannot wait to talk; descriptions are Gestures when speaking; does not listen well; stands close
Communication extensive listening is required; may use words clumsily; long but repetitive; likes hearing self and others talk; uses when speaking or listening; quickly loses interest in detailed
describes without embellishment; uses words such as words such as listen, hear, etc. verbal discourse; uses words such as get, take, etc.
look, see, etc.

Quiet; doesn’t talk at length; gets impatient when Enjoys listening but cannot wait to talk; descriptions are Gestures when speaking; does not listen well; stands close
Communication extensive listening is required; may use words clumsily; long but repetitive; likes hearing self and others talk; uses when speaking or listening; quickly loses interest in detailed
describes without embellishment; uses words such as words such as listen, hear, etc. verbal discourse; uses words such as get, take, etc.
look, see, etc.

General Appearance Neat, meticulous, likes order; may choose not to vary Matching clothes not so important, can explain Neat but soon becomes wrinkled due to activity
appearance choices of clothes

Not particularly responsive to music; prefers visual arts; Favors music; finds less appeal in visual art, but is readily Responds to music by physical movement; prefers
Response to the arts doesn’t voice appreciation of art but can be deeply able to discuss it; misses significant detail, but sculpture; touches statues and paintings; at exhibits stops
affected by visual displays; focuses on details and appreciates the work as a whole; is able to develop only at those in which they can become physically involved;
components rather than the work as a whole verbal association for all art forms; spends more time comments very little on any art form
talking about pieces than looking at them

Excerpted from, TEACHING THROUGH MODALITY STRENGTHS: Concepts and Practices, by Walter B. Barbe, Ph.D., and Raymond H. Swassing, Ed.D. with Michael N. Milone, Jr. Ph.D.
Published by Zaner-Bloser, Inc. 612 N. Park St., Columbus, Ohio, 43215

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