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Sika® Antisol® A (NZ)



Sika® Antisol® A (NZ) is a liquid applied curing mem- The use of Sika® Antisol® A (NZ) eliminates the need
brane for the protection of concrete from loss of wa- for costly and impractical curing methods such as wet
ter during the early age curing period. hessian, polythene sheeting, continuous watering,
ponding, etc.
USES Sika® Antisol® A (NZ) will assist in providing the follow-
ing beneficial properties when applied to freshly
Sika® Antisol® A (NZ) is sprayed onto newly laid con- placed concrete surfaces:
crete surfaces and will not affect the normal setting ▪ Reduction in the incidence of shrinkage cracking
action of the concrete. A thin film barrier is formed to ▪ Improved strength and durability of the concrete
slow down the rate at which water evaporates from ▪ Reduction in surface dusting
the concrete surface during the first few crucial days of ▪ Increased abrasion resistance
curing. This enables more water to be available for the ▪ Reduction in permeability of the concrete
hydration reaction of the cement particles. The con-
crete can then cure more efficiently to achieve maxim-
um performance properties.

Chemical Base Water based acrylic resin
Packaging 20 litres and 200 litres
Appearance / Colour White liquid
Shelf Life Twelve (12) months from date of manufacture when stored as stated.
Storage Conditions Keep containers closed and do not expose to direct sunlight. Store between
+5°C and +30°C.
Density 1.02 kg/litre

Consumption 5 - 7 m²/litre
Ambient Air Temperature Minimum +5°C

Product Data Sheet

Sika® Antisol® A (NZ)
February 2019, Version 01.01

APPLICATION Please note that as a result of specific local regula-
tions the performance of this product may vary from
Mixing: Sika® Antisol® A (NZ) is supplied in a ready to country to country. Please consult the local Product
use form and should not be diluted. Always stir Sika® Data Sheet for the exact description of the application
Antisol® A (NZ) thoroughly before use. Application: fields.
Sika® Antisol® A (NZ) should be applied with hand held
spray equipment at the specified coverage rate to ECOLOGY HEALTH AND SAFETY
achieve a thin and even film. Application should pro-
ceed immediately after the desired concrete surface For information and advice on the safe handling, stor-
finish has been attained. It is important to ensure that age and disposal of chemical products, users shall refer
any surface ‘bleed water’ has disappeared prior to ap- to the most recent Safety Data Sheet (SDS) containing
plication. Once Sika® Antisol® A (NZ) has been applied, physical, ecological, toxicological and other safety-re-
protection against further water loss will start almost lated data.
Cleaning: Clean up with cold water immediately after LEGAL NOTES
use. If cured use mineral solvent.
The information, and, in particular, the recommenda-
FURTHER DOCUMENTS tions relating to the application and end-use of Sika
products, are given in good faith based on Sika’s cur-
Overcoating rent knowledge and experience of the products when
▪ Yes, Sika® Antisol® A (NZ) can usually be overcoated - properly stored, handled and applied under normal
suitable for use with acrylic paints only. Tests are re- conditions in accordance with Sika’s recommenda-
commended first. tions. In practice, the differences in materials, sub-
▪ Sika® Antisol® A (NZ) must be completely removed strates and actual site conditions are such that no war-
before applying other treatments or coatings. ranty in respect of merchantability or of fitness for a
▪ Sika® Antisol® A (NZ) can only be removed by mech- particular purpose, nor any liability arising out of any
anical abrasion e.g. diamond grinding. legal relationship whatsoever, can be inferred either
from this information, or from any written recom-
LIMITATIONS mendations, or from any other advice offered. The
user of the product must test the product’s suitability
▪ Protect Sika® Antisol® A (NZ) from rain and traffic for for the intended application and purpose. Sika re-
3 hours after application, or until the membrane has serves the right to change the properties of its
dried products. The proprietary rights of third parties must
▪ Regular cleaning of spray jets is recommended dur- be observed. All orders are accepted subject to our
ing application to prevent clogging current terms of sale and delivery. Users must always
▪ Early application of Sika® Antisol® A (NZ) to the con- refer to the most recent issue of the local Product Data
crete surface will help reduce shrinkage cracks from Sheet for the product concerned, copies of which will
occurring by significantly reducing the amount of wa- be supplied on request. It may be necessary to adapt
ter evaporating from the concrete after the coating the above disclaimer to specific local laws and regula-
has been applied. However, curing compounds will tions. Any changes to this disclaimer may only be im-
not prevent the effects of any cracking that may oc- plemented with permission of Sika® Corporate Legal in
cur as a result of thermal contraction, long term dry- Baar.
ing shrinkage or slab designs which restrain lateral
movement. Careful attention must always be paid to
the positioning of construction joints and shrinkage
control joints.


All technical data stated in this Product Data Sheet are
based on laboratory tests. Actual measured data may
vary due to circumstances beyond our control.

Sika (NZ) Limited

85-91 Patiki Road
Avondale, Auckland 1026
New Zealand
0800 745 269


Product Data Sheet

Sika® Antisol® A (NZ)
February 2019, Version 01.01


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