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Dandapani Adapted PE Lesson Plan Friday February 9, 2024

Teacher: Mr. Dandapani

Unit: Volleyball
Unit Objectives: This unit is specifically designed to hep develop students in the
following ways:

- Develop & refine motor skills & movement patterns as they

relate to Volleyball
- Apply developmentally appropriate concepts and strategies
related to skills necessary to play Volleyball
- Achieve & maintain a health-enhancing level of physical
- Exhibit responsible personal & social behavior
- Recognize the value of physical activity for health, enjoyment,
challenge & social interaction.
- Improve skill related fitness components (balance, power,
speed, agility, coordination, reaction time)
- Learn good sportsmanship, social skills and respectful
behaviors (PRIDE)

(Tier 1)
Tiered Essential Questions - Can you state/identify what volleyball is?
- Can you state/identify what skill related fitness components

(Tier 2)

- Can you explain the importance of learning volleyball skills?

- Can you explain the importance of fitness?

(Tier 3)

- Why is it important for us to follow rules and learn volleyball?

- Why is it important for us to exercise?
Students will be able to:
Tiered Learning Objectives (Tier 1)

- Participate in a volleyball/ fitness related activity

(Tier 2)
- Distinguish differences and similarities between skills and
physical fitness activities associated with volleyball.
(Tier 3)

Mr. Dandapani Adapted PE Lesson Plan Friday February 9, 2024
- Understand why playing volleyball is good for our body.
(What does it help?)
- Understand the benefits of specific fitness related exercises
(How does this exercise help us? What does it work on or
help improve?)
Weekly Outline of Lessons Students will focus on specific volleyball skills each week during this unit
Students will also continue to work on skill related fitness components
daily, focusing on a different component each day.

• Week 1: pre-unit Assessment of fundamental skills/

Understanding of rules of the sport:
o Bump
o Set
o Underhand Serve
o Overhand serve
o Spike
o Block
o Conditioning/agility/functional strength training for

• Week 2: (Skill work focusing on the following):

o Bump
o Set
o Spike
o Conditioning/agility/functional strength training for

• Week 3: (Skill work focusing on the following): (we are here)

o Serve
o Block
o Live game simulations
o Mid-unit assessment of skills
o Conditioning/agility/functional strength training for
o Mid-unit fitness assessment (skill-based fitness
• Week 4: (Skill work focusing on the following):

o Passing accuracy
o Serving practice
o Conditioning/agility/functional strength training for

Mr. Dandapani Adapted PE Lesson Plan Friday February 9, 2024

• Week 5: Skill work focusing on all the skills we have worked on

thus far in the unit

o Bump
o Set
o Spike
o Block
o Serve
o Conditioning/agility/functional strength training for

• Week 6: Live game action/Scrimmaging (focus on application of

skills) and End of Unit Skills Assessment :
o Focus on live game simulations with offense/defense
o Focus on students’ awareness of how volleyball skills are
applied in games
o Final Assessment of skills to assess improvement of skills

Standards (Next Generation, STANDARD 2. Applies knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies and
CDOS, NYS SEL, ISTE, Social tactics related to movement and performance.
Justice )
Students will have the necessary knowledge and skills to establish and
maintain physical fitness, participate in physical activity, and maintain
personal health. They will perform basic motor and manipulative skills.
They will attain competency in a variety of physical activities and
proficiency in a few complex motor and sport activities. Students will
design personal fitness programs to improve cardiovascular endurance,
flexibility, muscular strength, endurance and body composition.
Follow precisely a complex multistep procedure when carrying out
experiments, taking measurements, or performing technical tasks, attending
to special cases or exceptions defined in the text.
Next Generation Standards / Cross Content CCSS Standards:
9-10SL1: Initiate and participate effectively in a range of collaborative
discussions with diverse partners on complex topics, texts, and issues;
express ideas clearly and persuasively, and build on those of others.
CDOS: 2 Performance Indicator 1: demonstrate the integration and
application of academic and occupational skills in their school learning,
work, and personal lives.

Mr. Dandapani Adapted PE Lesson Plan Friday February 9, 2024
SEL: Recognize feelings and perspectives of others - 2a.4b: Use
communication skills to gain understanding of others feelings and
Literacy Goal
• Listening for Understanding and Response: Students will learn
about basketball skills and the health benefits related to
basketball Students will continue to learn about exercises and how
they can benefit their performance in basketball and other sports
• Listening to Collaborate: Students will ask and answer questions
throughout the presentation.
• Using Vocabulary: Volleyball vocabulary: Bump, Set, Spike,
Serve, Block. Skill based Fitness Vocabulary: Power, Speed,
Agility, Reaction Time, Balance, Coordination.
• Asking and Answering Questions: Students will answer “wh”
questions throughout the lesson.
• Collaborating with Peers: Students will ask and answer each other
questions. (Peer to Peer Interaction) – (when there are multiple
students in a class)

High Utility Vocabulary Words Volleyball Vocabulary:

Overhand serve
Underhand serve

Skill related fitness components:

Agility, coordination, power, balance, reaction time, speed

Academic Skills Addressed DOK Level 1: Recall, repeat, define
DOK Level 2: distinguish, classify
DOK Level 3: differentiate, revise
DOK Level 4: connect, apply concepts
Suggested Supplemental Google Slides presentation, YouTube videos, Physical Education
Materials Equipment, Adapted Equipment, Cones, Hula Hoops, volleyballs, soft
volleyball, volleyball net (in big gym), athletic tape to mark boundaries in
dance studio when necessary
Throughout lesson:
Formal and Informal • Active listening and responding to questions.
Assessments • Identifying key ideas and supporting details about volleyball

Mr. Dandapani Adapted PE Lesson Plan Friday February 9, 2024
• Participating in all adapted physical education class routines. (Laps,
Warmup, Stretch, Activity, Review, Assessment)
• Sharing their opinions and thoughts in a respectful manner
• Performance in exercises and volleyball activities
• Performance in formal assessments for assessing volleyball skills
and skill related fitness assessments
Students will practice volleyball skills/fitness activities at home/outside of
Homework/Reinforcement of school to reinforce skills learned in class.
- Use different type of volleyball (regular, beach ball) depending
Adaptations/Modifications on skill level
- Modified fitness exercise based on level of fitness
- Modified volleyball drills based on levels of coordination/agility
- Modified distance between people for passing drills.
Higher Order Thinking Explain the relationship between the different skills (bump, set, spike,
Questions serve, block) and different exercises (squats, jumping jacks, sit ups,
pushups) (understand)
Understand how these skills are applied (Why do we practice this skill?
What are we practicing this skill for?) Understand how these exercises are
beneficial (apply)
Why is knowing different skills important when we play? Where would we
use these skills in other sports? Why is it important that we continue to
perform exercises? (draw conclusions)
Paraprofessional Support Throughout the lesson, paraprofessionals can support with:
• Modeling skills being taught
• Visual or verbal prompting
• Redirecting students to remain in activity on task
• Assisting with execution of activities when necessary
• Providing verbal feedback
Aligned IEP Goals Alexander IEP goal: Use print, symbols, number of letters and words to
express ideas

Throughout this unit, Alex will be encouraged to verbally ask questions,

self-assess verbally and/or in writing, and ask questions verbally and/or in
writing that are related to volleyball and skill related fitness components

Jahaziel IEP Goal: manage his academic and social frustrations by utilizing
coping strategies acquired in therapy.

Throughout this unit, we will use self-affirmations and positive feedback

to increase Jahaziel’s self-confidence in completing an activity and to help
with his coping skills when an activity is difficult.

Saidu IEP Goal: Successfully request information using appropriate 'how'

and 'why' questions based on classroom activities.

Mr. Dandapani Adapted PE Lesson Plan Friday February 9, 2024
In APE Class, Saidu will be able to ask and/or answer why and how
questions based on the skill/activity being performed (ex: “How do I
bump/set the ball?”)

Jayvien IEP Goal: Jayvien will use all means available (communication
device, gestures, over-articulation, writing) to answer/ask questions,
comment or describing events and/or topics

In APE class, Jayvien will ask and/or answer questions related to the
skills/tasks performed (ex. “How do I serve a volleyball?)

Venecia IEP Goal: Venecia will develop and demonstrate coping

strategies, such as pausing and restarting during individual or group
activity, in 4 out of 5 instances when stuttering occur

In instances in APE class during which Venecia feels overwhelmed by an

activity or task, the teacher will assist Venecia in performing breathing
exercises to help cope with feeling overwhelmed.

George IEP Goal: George will speak up and verbally express his wants and
needs when he needs to do so in 4 out 5 opportunities for 4 consecutive
sessions, when interacting with peers and adults, in the classroom, and in
other school settings.

In APE class, George will be able to communicate his wants and needs by
expressing his preferred choice time activity or preferred piece of sports

Adan Reyes: Adan will answer a variety of concrete “wh” questions (who,
what, where)

In APE class, Adan will respond to “wh” questions such as “What skill did
we work on?” (bump, set, spike etc…)

Keven Mambru: Keven will independently participate in games that

include running and navigating on obstacle course for a duration of at
least 15 minutes during Adapted Physical Education (APE) class for 4

Mr. Dandapani Adapted PE Lesson Plan Friday February 9, 2024

Lesson Structure/Flow:
Time Activity/Segment Task Presentation Modifications/ Para Support
(minutes) (What you are going to say/demonstrate?)
2 Introduction Students will be greeted at the door (high fives,
fist bumps, elbow bump, smile, etc…)

Review PRIDE Matrix expectations

SEL Check-in: Students will share how they
are feeling
Review Lesson’s Agenda – Warm up,
Exercise, Break, Skills Practice, Reflection,
Choice Time.
5-10 Warmup/ Teacher will direct students to jog 5 times
Instant Activity around the gym. Teacher will demonstrate this
by leading the class. After doing so, the
teacher will guide students through dynamic
warm up exercises (knees to chest, small/big
circles with arms)
2 Mini-lesson Skill-Related Fitness Component Mini-
Lesson: Speed Exercises will be modified based on
students’ needs and fitness levels.
Review skill related fitness component from
previous lesson: speed, agility, balance,
coordination, power, reaction time. Then ask
students: “What is speed?” Inform students
that the skill-based fitness component we will
be focusing on today will be speed. Students
will read the definition of speed and will be
provided with examples of speed (verbally and

For visual example, students will watch a video

of a sprinter and will discuss what they notice
about running technique. Post-discussion,
teacher will emphasize the main points of
running technique to maximize speed:

- Arm movement
- Long Strides
- Picking feet up

Volleyball Mini-lesson:
Today’s skills: Bumping, Setting

Teacher will explain to students we will be

starting a volleyball unit.
• Explain the importance of learning this
• Ask students what they already know
about the sport
• Model the skill we will be working on
for the day: bump, set
Mr. Dandapani Adapted PE Lesson Plan Friday February 9, 2024
• While demonstrating the skills,
emphasize key points:

Knees bent
Staggered stance
Shoulders forward
Elbows locked, arms straight out
Sweet spot


Hand positioning
Fingers spread
Elbows Bent
Using fingertips


Arm swing
Snap wrist

Overhand serving

Tossing accuracy

Arm Swing

Taking a step

5 Exercise: Skill Students will practice sprinting. Students will Exercises will be modified based on
related fitness assess each other on their running technique students’ needs and fitness levels.
exercises by focusing on the 3 points above.

Skills-based Fitness Assessment: Speed


To assess students’ speed, students will sprint

to pick up as many cones as they can and
place them back in hula hoops in 30 seconds.
After finishing, students will record their scores.
Teacher will support students in setting goals
for next time, discussing what they did well,
and and what they can improve to reach their
goal for next time. Emphasis the main points of
running techinque discussed eariler.

Student choice:

Mr. Dandapani Adapted PE Lesson Plan Friday February 9, 2024
Students may choose who would like to
perform the exercise first. This can help some
students who may benefit from seeing another
student perform the exercise first and hear the
feedback that student receives from the

Discussion: Students will be asked how

speed can help them perform better in
volleyball. Teacher will help students
understand that in volleyball, one has to be
able to run fast to be able to get to the ball in
time to hit it. Videos will be shown to pinpoint
examples of speed in volleyball.
6-8 Group/Individual • The focus for this week will be Teacher/Paras will assist students with
minutes Activity: Volleyball practicing foundational skills. modifying certain activities based on
Skills Practice/ students’ needs and present levels of
Teacher will look specifically for performance.
students applying what was
emphasized for each skill: The distance from the net someone
• Bump: serves will vary based on students’
- Knees bent skill level and ability. Alternatively ,
some students who may not be able to
- Staggered stance hit the ball over the net will be tasked
- Shoulders forward with hitting the ball through a hula
- Elbows locked, arms straight hoop which will be held at an
out appropriate height. Also, students will
practice and perform either an
- Sweet spot underhand or overhand serve based
on their skill level and ability (overhand
Set for higher level, underhand for lower
leve). For spiking, students may or
• Hand positioning may not be asked to jump before
• Fingers spread hitting the ball based on athletic ability.
• Elbows Bent
• Using fingertips


• Footwork
• Jumping
• Arm swing
• Snap wrist

Overhand serving

• Tossing accuracy
• Arm Swing
• Taking a step

Volleyball drills/activities:

Mr. Dandapani Adapted PE Lesson Plan Friday February 9, 2024
Bumping Accuracy Drill- Students will try to
bump the ball through a hula hoop. They will
be assessed on their bumping accuracy based
on how many times they are able to bump the
ball through the hoop

Underhand serve accuracy drill:

Students will try to serve the ball underhand

through a hula hoop. They will be assessed on
their bumping accuracy based on how many
times they are able to bump the ball through
the hoop. For higher level students, they will
either underhand serve over the net, or
overhand serve over the net.

2 Checks for During/after volleyball drills/games, Visuals will be provided for students to
minutes understanding/ students will be asked to explain what skill select from when identifying what skill
Opportunities for is being practiced.
they are working on, and to give an
Teamwork explanation of that skill. For example,
students may be asked to identify what
skill is being practiced during a particular
drill. Students may also be asked to
identify what part of the body is used for
that skill

Student roles:

Timer Managers: Jayvien, Hannah, Alex,

and Adan will be responsible for managing
the timer for activities when necessary.

Data Recorders: Vanecia, George,

Jahaziel, and Adan will be responsible for
recording data for activities when

Equipment managers: George, Saidu,

Venecia, Alex, and Keven will be
responsible for putting away equipment.

Students’ roles are subject to change based

on needs/preferences.
15 Skills work/ PE Students will continue to practice the above
minutes games volleyball drills.

Mr. Dandapani Adapted PE Lesson Plan Friday February 9, 2024
5 Choice Time Students will be given the options of baseball,
basketball, tennis, and other equipment Visuals will be provided on a choice
available. board for students to choose from.

3-5 Closing/Cool Have students stand in a circle. Teacher will Teacher will modify certain
Down facilitate cool down/stretching activities which movements/stretches based on
students will follow. students’ range of motion/ability.

2 Reflection Students will reflect on what they did well. Visuals will be provided for each skill.

Students will reflect specifically on what skills

they worked on, and how they performed with
each skill. Students will reflect on ways they
can improve that skill and set goals for next
time when applicable.


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