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Before using the App, You must be on-line so that the App can SYNC and UPDATES can be loaded on
to your GameChanger. Without SYNCING you could cause duplicate players to appear.

NOTE: If you lose internet while scoring a game, don’t worry, you can keep scoring off line and
everything will sync when you go back on-line.

ADD YOUR PLAYERS TO YOUR ROSTER (Before you go to the game)

Adding players to your Roster (using a computer)
1) Go to and sign in with your Apps email and password.
2) Click on the Roster & Lineup tab
3) Click on Add or Edit Players
4) Enter player information
5) Click Save Roster
Roster upload (web) During the team creation process, you can upload your
roster directly from and .sls, .xlsx or .csv file.

Adding players to your Roster (USING THE APP)

1) From the Team News page, navigate to the Roster screen
2) Select Create New Player
3) Enter player information
4) Choose save & close or Save & add Another Player


(for Ipad) Log into your GameChanger app. Tap on the 3 lines on the top left corner and you will see a
list of team names. Tap the team name and it will open the page for game coming up to score etc. if you
tap on the "Upcoming game" It will take you to the scoring page. Then to score the game tape on Score
game and follow the prompts.


1) Open the GameChanger app and go to the Team tab at the bottom of the left hand side
labelled either My Team or Opponent and tap on the required team.
2) Tap “Add from bench”.
3) Tap each player in batting order, then tap “Done” above. If a player is not on the list you
can tap Done, and go to the Add Player (at bottom of screen) and add the player details
and save.
4) Tap each player and assign defensive (fielding) position, then tap <Back and continue till
all players are completed.
5) If you batting order is incorrect, just press on the end pass the EH and drag to where he
should be batting.

NOTE: If you require MORE THAN 9 BATTERS, add the batters as per your line-up and leave the
fielding position as EH (Extra Hitter)
Version 3 – updated October 2020
SET A DESIGNATOR HITTER (DH) This is required when a pitcher is not in the batting line-up and
appears as the 10th player. Do not enter the 10th player on the batting line-up:
1) When you choose DH for a player, “HITTING FOR:” will appear. It will say “Unfilled” – Tap to
choose who is going to Pitch/field for him/her, choose their position.
2) This will return you to the Line-up and you will be able to see the fielder at the bottom of the list
(Not batting).

How to make a Substitution (batting position changes)
1) Tap which player in the lineup you wish to substitute.
2) Tab Sub out of Lineup
3) Choose the player you want from the Bench

Making fielding Changes

1) Tap the player who is going into another position
2) Choose the position he is going to and tap <Back
3) Check with your book scorer that the position changes are correct.
4) Below the words At Bat at the top of the lineup, if one of the positions is in red, means that
someone has not got a position or a position has not been allocated.
5) OR Tap fielders or the batter’s name to swap positions, sit a player, or substitute players. Do
not rename players to make substitutions. You can create a new player.

BATTING OUT OF ORDER – Manually changing batters

Tap on AB the batter box above the scoring screen – tap Skip to Different Batter and choose the batter
you require.


Tap the runner on base and choose an option, then choose the player that will become a Pinch Runner
or Special Pinch Runner. Remember that a Pinch Runner is a substitution and a Special Pinch Runner
is only a courtesy runner NOT A SUBSTITUTION. STATE LEAGUE 1 does not have courtesy runners,
they have pinch runners who are Substitutions.

Tap on the Person At Bat (AB), choose Sub out/pinch Hitter, and choose the person from the Bench
and change his “Fielding Position” to “EH”, then in the fielding inning, put in his actual Fielding position if
he goes into the field. This is required especially if the PH is for a Catcher as the program will record the
PH as being a catcher and you can’t remove it from the stats.


If you need EXTRA INNINGS, go into Menu, tap Settings, tap Innings per Game and choose more
innings. And tap on the Menu to close.

TIE BREAKER – Placing a runner on base in a Tie-Breaker

To accommodate for situations such as tie-breakers, the GameChanger Scorekeeping app allows for
scorekeepers to place players on a specific base.

Little Leagues Tie Breaker is to set the last batter from the previous inning.
 Tap second base ( ) and Choose the last batter from the previous inning.

For International Tie Breaker setting two runners on base as per the below:
1) Look for the two batters who batted prior to the current batter
2) Tap second base and insert the second last batter of the previous inning
3) Tap first base and tap on the last batter of the previous inning
4) You are now ready to continue to score with the first batter for this inning.

Version 3 – updated October 2020

GameChanger does not yet offer a tool that will specify that a game has been decided by a forfeit.
However, the easiest workaround to communicate such a result would be to edit the Game Details of the
game in which one team forfeited. You may then edit the game score to reflect a 9-0 (seniors) 7-0 (BL,
SL, JL and IL), 6-0 (LL, Minors & Machine Pitch) win for one of the teams (if the forfeit is notified on
game day). To do this:

1) enter the scoring game

2) tap on Menu
3) tap on Manual Overrides
4) Enter the score by tapping the 0 and type in score for that team. IL, JL to SL = 7-0 and LL
is 6-0 forfeit.
5) You may then also go one step further and open the game on scoring device and use the
Message Fans tool to inset a “Forfeit” line of text in the game’s Play-by-Play.

1) To check on the pitching stats during the game, Tap on the Pitcher’s name at the top of the
scoring screen and tap View Pitch Counts
2) OR click on Stats at the bottom of the lineup list on the scoring page. You can choose Pitching at
the top of the screen.


1) Once you have reached the end of your game you will be notified (triggered by your
innings/game setting which can be changed in the Settings option under the Game Menu).
2) Go into the Game Menu and tap the "Game Over" option.
3) Choose your Winning / Losing / Saving Pitchers if applicable and Tap on Finalize
4) Tap Exit game.

CORRECTING STATS (on your app) after the game.

1) After you exit the game, tap on Box Score
2) Tap on Edit Stats
3) Tap on Continue
4) You can edit the Batting stats from here as the edit boxes are open. Click Save at the bottom
of the screen before moving to the next page.
5) You can tap on Pitching and Fielding and to edit, click on the Edit Stats on the right of the
screen above the last stats column. Remember to save in each screen before moving to the
next page.

CORRECTING STATS (on a computer)

1) Go to and sign in with your Apps email and password.
2) From your team’s page, under “Team News Feed” click on the game you’d like to edit (it’s
written in bold writing)
3) Click on “Box Score” and choose your team’s “Edit Box” on the right above the SO column
4) Begin editing the stats, or use the up and down arrows to add or remove players to the lineup.
There are three sections, Batting | Pitching | Fielding. Only need to edit what is incorrect and
leave the rest.
5) Save
6) Go through each tab and check the column you need and leave the rest alone.

NOTE: Left on Base – in GameChanger LOB is given to the Batter who left on any runners when he
came up to bat. Do not change this stat in GameChanger. This is actually how LOB’s should be done.

Version 3 – updated October 2020

EDITING PLAYS – this can only be done in iOS (cannot be done on a tablet).
Only certain play outcomes can be edited:
 Errors/Hits, Ground out/Sacrifice bunt, Wild pitch/passed ball/stolen base.
 You can also edit the pitcher or another defensive player. This edit will take place for the
remainder of the game, or until that player was substituted out. Since the app will only sync
while the game is being scored, edits should be made prior to the game being finalized. You
can go back and restart the game to do this editing.
While in the scoring mode:
1) Tap on the “Plays” at the bottom of the scoring screen
2) Tap on the play you want to edit
3) In “outcome” change the Hit to Error or vice versa
4) Check the stats, and if it has not change, change them manually after the game.
5) Also read

The button to export the stats is located at the bottom of the "Stats" page on the team website.
1) Go to and sign in with your Apps passwords.
2) Click on Season stats tab
3) Scroll to the bottom of the page and you will see the link for Export Season Stats (CSV) and
click on it. From here there is also a link to edit stats. Just click on Schedule
4) Choose the game you need to edit
5) And click on Edit box Score.
6) Remember to save each page before going to the next.

More information can also be found on:

Practice Mode
To Practice Scorekeeping on an iOS Device:
1) Launch your app
2) From the menu screen select "Try Scorekeeping"

To Practice Scorekeeping on an Android Device:

1) Launch your app
2) Tap the three dots on the top right of the scorekeeping app
3) Select "Try Scorekeeping"

The teams will already have complete rosters, and game data will not sync to the website, so you are
free to explore the scoring experience as you'd like.

Base Hits: Once the ball is in Play, tap on Ball in Play, Choose your options, then tap and drag the
fielder’s glove where he/she played the ball, tap every field that was involved in the play (assists) in
correct order, then tap Done when finished.

Begin each at-bat by tapping the Pitch button.

Drag fielders to where the ball is hit.

Manually advance runners by dragging them to the next base. Move them to Safe or
Out for a play on the base path.

Made a Mistake? Don’t worry. Use the undo Button to correct a mistake on the last

Version 3 – updated October 2020

Note: Always drag the runner back to previous base if he does not advance and tap Didn’t Advance.
Always let you scoring device Sync and update before scoring.

Symbol TAP
Ball in play, choose type of hit, tap on Error, tap on fielders glove to make the
# - E# play, tap Done, retify any runners who come home (if any), tap on the player who
committed the error
Tap on Menu, If it is the first or second out, Tap on manual overrides, then tap
on 1 out or 2 outs in the outs section then save. Tap on the Batter AB which is
the Auto out, tap on Skip Batter and choose the batter who is supposed to be AT
Automatic Out
Bat. If it is the third out Tap on Menu, and “Tap on End Half Inning”. When the
team comes back to bat, Tap on the Batter AB which is the Auto out, tap on Skip
Batter and choose the batter who is supposed to be AT Bat.
BB (walk) Tapping four Balls will generate a walk
Balk Tap on Balk in the pitch screen
Bunt Single Ball in play, tap bunt, and tap single.
CI2 Tap on C.Interference in the pitch screen
Error (foul Ball) batter not out – tap Ball in Play, Pop Fly, Foul Ball Error, tap fielder who errored
Ball in play, Bunt, Sac Bunt Safe, Safe on Error, tap who did assist and error or
Error (Bunt)
just error (WT)
Tap Ball in Play, tap on type of hit, tap Error, tap on the fielder who erred & tap
extra base error: enter the base hit (single, double etc), then drag the runner to
Extra base Err the next base into the green box, tap on type of error, tap the fielder who made
the error
Tap Ball in Play, choose type of hit, tap on fielder for assist and putout and tap
Fielder’s Choice
Done. Tap on out X for the runner who got out
Fielders choice with error on another base (No safe hit)
Tap Ball in Play, choose type of hit, tap Error, tap on the fielders who made the
play, tap Done, and choose the fielder who made the error. (this will give the
assist and error for the stats. This will not score the fielders choice
HBP Tap on Hit by Pitch in the pitch screen
Tap Ball in Play, choose type of hit, tap on error, tap on field who erred and tap
Done. If there are other runners who move on the error, Drag the runner to the
base he ran to, tap on On Last Play. (if different error, tap On Different Error,
and tap the field who erred)
Score an Obstruction like your score an error. Tap Ball in Play, tap on type of hit,
tap Error, tap on the fielder who erred & tap done. This way you get the stats you
require. (A batter who reaches first base due to a fielding obstruction is not
charged with an At Bat.)
Tap side of screen to get out of the pitch screen, drag the runner/s to the base
Pass Ball there reached, drop into the green box and tap on Passed Ball. For Subsequent
runners – tap on On Same Pitch
Tap side of screen to get out of the pitch screen, drag the runner/s to the base
Stolen Base there reached, drop into the green box and tap on Stolen Base. For Subsequent
runners do the same
Tap side of screen to get out of the pitch screen, drag the runner/s to the base
Wild Pitch there reached, drop into the green box and tap on Wild Pitch. For Subsequent
runners – tap on On Same Pitch
Score the same as an Error, then if he takes a second base, then drag the runner
Wild Throw to the second base, and drop into the green box, and tape on On Same Error. Do
not tap on Wild Throw as it would award a second error
Version 3 – updated October 2020
When a batter reaches 2 strikes, and if first base is unoccupied or there are 2
3rd Dropped
outs, a Drop 3rd Strike will appear on the bottom of the pitch menu. Below are
the 3rd drop strike scenarios:
To score a uncaught (dropped) third strike, Scroll down, tap Drop 3rd Strike,
Select Swinging or Looking, Select Safe on First (WP) or (PB); If it is a
KWP or KPB recovered WP or PB and the Batter gets thrown out at first, out at First, choose
Swinging or Looking,, choose “Batter out at First” and choose the fields involved
in the out and choose done
Tap Drop 3rd Strike, Select Swinging or Looking, tap Select Safe on First tap on
K Fielder’s
Other Runner Out, tap on the fielder who got the put out, then tap on the batter
Choice (KFC)
who is out
Tap Drop 3rd Strike, Select Swinging or Looking, tap Batter Out at First, tap on
K 2-3
fielders for assist and putout, tap Done
Not Possible,
1. If batter gets to second base on the error, you can place the batter on first
base with a KPB or KWP, then drag the batter to second base, drop in the
green box and tap on Fielding Error, and top on who did the fielding
K 2-E# error. You will have to do a manual stat correction to add in the Strike out
for the pitcher.
2. If the batter only gets to 1st base on the error: Tap ball in play and score
like you do or an error. You will have to do a manual stat correction to add
in the Strike out for the pitcher.
Not Possible,
1. If batter gets to second base on the error, you can place the batter on first
base with a KPB or KWP, then drag the batter to second base, drop in the
green box and tap on Throwing Error, tap on who did the wild throw.
K WT# You will have to do a manual stat correction to add in the Strike out for the
2. If the batter only gets to 1st base on the wild throw, Tap ball in play and
score like you do or an error. You will have to do a manual stat correction
to add in the Strike out for the pitcher.
Note: Always drag the runner back to previous base if he does not advance and tap Didn’t Advance
Tap Ball in Play, tap on type of hit, tap on Out at 1st, tap the fields who did the
Assist & PO
Assist and putout and tap Done
Tap Ball in Play, Choose type of hit, tap on Fielder’s Choice, Tap on the fielder
Avoiding the tag
the runner avoided, tap Done and tap out X
Tap Ball in Play, Tap Ground Ball, Tap B.Interference at the bottom of the list,
Tap fielder for Putout (catcher) or Assist & Put out if another runner on base is out
because of the Batters Interference.
In the pitch screen, tap Batter Out: Other. You’ll then have to edit the stats and
BOB# (Batting add in the putout for the catcher. Or if you want the stat, just score as an out and
out of the Box) choose the catcher as the unassisted out.
No Appeal - Tap on the box at top left of screen labelled “At Bat”, tap Skip to
different Batter, tap on the batter who is in the batter’s box and continue scoring.
The batters name should appear in the At Bat box. If the batter reaches 1st base,
BOO (Batting
and the Appeal play is made, then the batter who missed their turn at bat is out,
out of order)
undo the whole play, Put the same pitches in for the batter who was called out on
appeal and score the same play as a ground ball out or if they had a safe hit then
change to out by the Catcher. (Automatic out to the catcher)
Drag the runner to the next base, drop him in the read box and tap on Caught
Stealing, Tap on the fielders who got the Assist and putout, and tap Done
Not Possible. Just drag the runner to the base and tap the fielder who Errored.
CS 2-E4
You’ll have to go into edit stats to add the Assist and CS stat to the runner
With a runner on base, select Ball in Play, Type of hit, Batter out, Double Play,
DOUBLE PLAY tap the fielders in order of the double play and tap Done. Tap out for the runner
who is out

Version 3 – updated October 2020

With runners on base, select Ball in Play, Type of hit, FC Double Play, tap the
fielders and drag to base where the outs were made in order of the double play
and tap Done
Tap Ball in Play, tap on type of hit, tap on Batter out, chose a description, Tap
Fly Ball out
on the field who made the catch and tap Done
(batter still at the Plate) Tap Ball in Play, Fly Ball, Foul Ball + Error, tap on the
Foul Ball Error fielder who made the error. (This will record the error and keep the batter at the
Tap Ball in Play, tap on type of hit, tap on Batter out, chose a description, Tap
Foul Fly out
on the field who made the catch and tap Done
Tap Ball in Play, tap on Line Drive, Tap on Batter Out , tap on Line Out Foul,
Foul Line drive
tap on the field who caught the ball and tap Done
Do the out first. Drag the runner who was hit by the ball into the red square (OUT),
and tap on Offensive Interference, tap and drag on the fielder nearest the
incident and tap Done. For the Batter, Tap Ball in Play, tap on tap type of hit, tap
Single, and tap the fielder closes to the ball for a safe hit.
Tap Ball in Play, choose Pop Fly, tap Batter out, select Infield Fly, tap on the
fielder who caught the ball or the nearest field the ball dropped to and tap Done.
Infield Fly
The option to credit a batter with an Infield Fly will only appear when the situation
Interference by batting team: (no safe hit) Do the play for the batter, Choose
fielders choice, then on the runner who interfered with the fielder, tap Safe, Then
Interference on the runner, tap, hold down and drag down until the red box appear, and tap on
Offensive Interference, Drag the fielder to the area where he was interfered with
and tap Done
K Foul tip The Foul Tip Out will appear after two strikes. Tap on it
K2 Tap the Swing and Miss for the third strike
KC Tap the Called Strike for the third strike
K 2BTS (bunt on
After 2 strikes, tap Ball in Play, tap Bunt, tap Batter out, and tap Foul Ball
third strike)
Score the strike out, then drag the runner on 1st to 2nd for an out, choose Caught
K2 + out on 2nd Stealing add the assist and putout. The DP cannot be entered so you may need
to adjust your stats manually
Tap Ball in Play, tap on Line Drive, Tap on Batter Out , tap on Line Out, tap on
Line Drive
the field who caught the ball and tap Done
(appeal Play) If runner is out on 2nd or third base, first award the hit to as many
bases he reaches safely, then drag and drop him into the red box, tap on Out on
Missed Base Appeal, and award the assist and put outs. If there are any other runners on, and
they get to a second base or home, you will need to advance them by dragging
them to the base or home and click on “on last play”
Tap and Drag the runner down to the Red box and place him in it. Tap Picked Off
Picked off
and tap the fielders who made the pick off
PPR (passing a Give the batter his hit, then by tapping and dragging down on the screen drag the
preceding runner into the red box (OUT), tap on Other, tap the fielder closes to the play that
runner) occurred, and tap Done
Same as an assist and putout and you can tap each glove for the assists, and
Unassisted Tap Ball in Play, tap on type of hit, tap on Out at 1st, tap the field who did the
Putout putout and
Tap Ball in Play, Bunt then Batter Out > Sac Bunt and tap the fielders who
Sacrifice Bunt
made the out
Tap Ball in Play, Fly Ball, Batter Out, Sac Fly, tap the fielder who made the out,
tap Done and tap Safe for the runner coming home. Note: The option to credit a
Sacrifice Fly
batter with a Sac Fly will only appear when the situation allows the play to be
scored as such

Version 3 – updated October 2020

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