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Business Enterprise Simulation

Quarter 3 - Module 5: Preparation of

a Strategic Plan – Lesson 1 –
Strategic Planning
What I Need to Know

This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to help you master the
crafting of Enterprise Business Plan. The scope of this module permits it to be used in many
different learning situations. The language used recognizes the diverse vocabulary level of students.
The lessons are arranged to follow the standard sequence of the course. But the order in which you
read them can be changed to correspond with the textbook you are now using.

This Module 5 titled “Preparation of a Strategic Plan” is divided into three lessons, namely:

● Lesson 1 – Strategic Planning

● Lesson 2 – Environmental Analysis
● Lesson 3 – Management Study

After going through this module, you are expected to:

1. prepare a strategic plan outlining the competitive environment;

2. prepare a strategic plan focusing on the appropriate competition strategy;
3. conduct an environmental analysis; and
4. conduct a management study

What I Know

Multiple Choice. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. It is a tool/device that is useful for guiding/supervising day-to-day decisions and also for
evaluating/assessing progress and changing approaches/altering tactics when moving
A. Management Planning
B. Market Planning
C. Strategic Planning
D. Financial Planning
2. The Enterprise Business Plan section that includes business name registration
C. Management study
A. Enterprise study
D. Marketing study
B. Financial study

3. In this business simulation activity, the teams scan the macro and micro environments
surrounding the enterprise
A. Financial statement analysis
B. Environmental analysis
C. Micro-environmental analysis
D. Data analysis
4. The mission, goals and objectives are in this section of the Enterprise Business Plan
A. Enterprise study C. Management study
B. Financial study D. Marketing study

5. A is also known as company information or a company summary.

A. Company structure
B. Company history
C. Company overview
D. Company facilities
6. Strategic planning is a tool that is useful for guiding
decisions and also for evaluating progress and changing approaches when moving
A. Monthly
B. Annually
C. Day to day
D. Weekly
7. In the Management Study section of the Enterprise Business Plan, includes
A. Business plan
B. Financial plan
C. Business name
D. Marketing plan
8. In environmental analysis, the teams scan the environments
surrounding the enterprise
A. Natural environments
B. Macro and micro
C. Social environments
D. Technological environments
9. In the Management Study section, the mission, goals and are
A. Plans
B. Studies
C. Objectives
D. Anticipations
10. A company overview is also known as company information or a company
C. Summary
A. Structure
D. Facilities
B. History
11. “The business owner envisions not just female youth but all young at heart coming and going to
the store and browsing to Facebook page satisfied with the store.” This is an example of a:
A. Goals
B. Objectives
C. Mission
D. Vision
12. “Live Life the K-pop Way, Simple yet Elegant.” is an example of what element of a strategic

A. Goals
B. Objectives
C. Mission
D. Vision
13. The following statement is an example of: “Provide employees with workshops to come up with
creative ideas to better fit with customer expectations.”
A. Operational, Tactical and Strategies
B. Standards of measurement
D. Core Values
14. The business owner can only claim that the business venture if its sales can come up with the
goal set that at 6 months the company will meet at a break-even point. This is an example of:
A. Operational, Tactical and Strategies
B. Standards of measurement
D. Core Values
15. The business owner will be having a close relationship with the community to make the
neighborhood spear thru word of mouth the information about the business. If an entrant
threatens the business, the owner will take it as opportunity to grow not as threat. These are
examples of:
A. Operational, Tactical and Strategies
B. Standards of measurement
D. Core Values
Strategic Planning
As you proceed to this module, you will understand the first section of an enterprise business
plan. Do you see yourself planning the future? If given such opportunity to plan, how are you going to
accomplish it? How will you plan your dream business so you will have a clear-cut vision on how it will run?

Let us recall and freshen up your

memory by identifying the 7

What’s In components of the business

plan. Grab a pen and let’s

Strategic planning is significant to an organization because it offers a sense of direction and
summaries quantifiable goals. It is a device that is beneficial for supervising day-to-day decisions and
also for assessing progress and altering tactics when moving forward.

1. Executive summary
2. Approval Sheet
3. Business description
4. Market strategies
5. Acknowledgement
6. Competitive analysis
7. Abstract
8. Design and development plan
9. Operations and management plan
10. Financial factors
Have you ever wondered what
a planner does? Let’s try to
elevate your planning skills by

What’s New filling out the table below. Grab

a pen and let’s begin!

List down your answer on the following table, choosing between products or services. Row 1
has been done as an example.

Ideas Product Services

Food Merchandise Own With Help of


What: list your prospective Taro Okoy Kikay Stuffs

dream business

When: your target date to

implement the business

Where: the location you will

be putting up your business

Who: list down your target

market/person to

How: Ways and means on

how to achieve your plan

How much: Budget needed

to implement the business

What is It

It is good to know that your understanding was tested with what and how you need to fill the
table on the previous page. Let us now identify the connection of your answers to our lesson as we go
along with the module.
Have you ever pondered why there is a need to plan? Plan strategically? Does it bring benefits to
you as an ABM student? Is there a purpose why an ABM student like you to identify all the elements of a
strategic plan section of an Enterprise Business Plan?
It is not enough to know what a strategic planning is, you must also know how to craft your own strategic
plan section of an enterprise business plan. I know all of these are new to you, are you now excited to
know all of these? Come on, let us do it together.
Let us realize all the answers to your queries… together we will open the door for your dream to
become a businessman/woman… a dream for you to own and implement a small business.
Do you know that strategic planning is the process of documenting and establishing a direction
for your small business by assessing where you are and where you’re going? It also gives you a place to
record your mission, vision, and values, long-term goals and action plans. There are benefits from
planning strategically such as:

Did you find these beneficial for you in the future? Do you think these will help you build a small
business? These are not all, there’s still a lot more to know about our topic. In your strategic plan, you
must know the various information vital to sell your company in the future for possible investors such


The major parts of a standard strategic plan include the following:

My dear ABM students, are you now excited to see what a strategic plan section manuscript
looks like? Here it is. (To the teacher, provide your students with a manuscript of an enterprise business
plan strategic plan section.)

Hey buddy! More activities

are waiting for you. It’s okay

What’s More to take a break, but only for

a while. Then go back to

learning. Ready?
Analyze carefully those ideas that can be interchange with your own ideas of the dream
business venture you have in mind by filling copying the activities below in your paper and filling
out the blanks with necessary data from your business. Some part of Activity 1 is done for you.
Independent Activity 1: Crafting of Company Summary
Company Summary

트와이스시대’s Korean-Pop Collectibles Shopaholic Store brings out the optimum

Korean-Pop products which are founded on trends in the market by the different Korean Pop stars
personally chosen by customers themselves from and among the various design readily made
available to them. Storeowner , better known as
witness to
. The owner/entrepreneur represent
area while the will be handled by the
The owner/entrepreneur will provide funding from , which will
cover and provide a for the of
operation. A , loan will cover the rest of the
required financing. The company plans to build in the town, due to
the _ and attitude possessed.
Independent Activity 2: Crafting of Company Ownership
Company Ownership
is a
in the of in . It is
owned by .
Independent Activity 3: Crafting of Start-up Summary
Start-up Summary
is a company.
Financing will come from . The following and
illustrate the company's .
offers or
. ranges from ,
, and . All comes with
but very open for and . The
the which are founded on

by personally hand-picked by
customers themselves from .
Assessment 1: Preparation of Start-up Expenses
Table 1: Start-up
Start-up Expenses
Premise renovation
Expensed on Equipment
Total Start-up Expenses
Start-up Assets
Cash Required
Total Assets

Assessment 2: Preparation of Start-up Funding

Table 2: Start-up Funding
Start-up Funding
Start-up Expenses to Fund
Start-up Assets to Fund
Total Funds Required
Cash Requirement from Start-up
Additional Cash Raised
Total Assets
Liabilities and Capital
Current Borrowing

Long-term Liabilities
Total Liabilities


Loss at Start-up (Start-up Expense)
Total Capital
Total Capital and Liabilities
Total Funding

Assessment 3: Crafting of the 8 Elements of a Strategic Plan,








Let us now check what you have
learned from this module
by answering the questions
What I below. Are you ready? Grab a

Have Learned pen and let’s begin!

It’s now time for us to look back and see what have you learned on this particular

1. What does strategic planning offer?

2. What are the benefits of strategic planning?

3. What are included in Company Summary?

4. What are the 8 elements of a standard strategic plan?

What I Can Do

With all the many information you have learned and acquired in this
module, let us make an evaluation on how important the lesson will be for your future. Answer concisely
what is being asked.
1. Among the benefits of strategic planning, which among them will be most valuable to you? And

2. Considering your answer to number one, how will you apply these in your dream business in
the future?

Multiple Choice. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. It is a tool/device that is useful for guiding/supervising day-to-day decisions and also for
evaluating/assessing progress and changing approaches/altering tactics when moving
A. Management Planning C. Strategic Planning
B. Market Planning D. Financial Planning

2. The Enterprise Business Plan section that includes business name registration
C. Management study
A. Enterprise study
D. Marketing study
B. Financial study

3. In this business simulation activity, the teams scan the macro and micro
environments surrounding the enterprise
A. Financial statement C. Micro-environment
analysis al analysis
B. Environmental analysis D. Data analysis

4. The mission, goals and objectives are in this section of the Enterprise Business Plan
A. Enterprise study C. Management study
B. Financial study D. Marketing study

5. A is also known as company information or a company

A. Company structure C. Company overview
B. Company history D. Company facilities

6. Strategic planning is a tool that is useful for guiding decisions

and also for evaluating progress and changing approaches when moving forward.
A. Monthly C. Day to day
B. Annually D. Weekly

7. In the Management Study section of the Enterprise Business Plan, includes

C. Business name
A. Business plan
D. Marketing plan
B. Financial plan
8. In environmental analysis, the teams scan the _ environments
surrounding the enterprise
A. Natural environments D. Technolog
B. Macro and micro ical
C. Social environments environm
9. In the Management Study section, the mission, goals and are
B. Plans D. Objectives
C. Studies E. Anticipations

10.A company overview is also known as company information or a company

C. Summary
A. Structure
D. Facilities
B. History

11. “The business owner envisions not just female youth but all young at heart coming and going to
the store and browsing to Facebook page satisfied with the store.” This is an example of a:
A. Goals C. Mission
B. Objectives D. Vision

12. “Live Life the K-pop Way, Simple yet Elegant.” is an example of what element of a strategic
A. Goals C. Mission
B. Objectives D. Vision

13. The following statement is an example of: “Provide employees with workshops to come up with
creative ideas to better fit with customer expectations.”
A. Operational, Tactical and C. SWOT
Strategies D. Core Values
B. Standards of measurement

14. The business owner can only claim that the business venture if its sales can come up with the
goal set that at 6 months the company will meet at a break-even point. This is an example of:
A. Operational, Tactical and C. SWOT
Strategies D. Core Values
B. Standards of measurement

15. The business owner will be having a close relationship with the community to make the
neighborhood spear thru word of mouth the information about the business. If an entrant
threatens the business, the owner will take it as opportunity to grow not as threat. These are
examples of:
A. Operational, Tactical and Strategies
B. Standards of measurement
D. Core Values
Additional Oh! There’s another

Activities activity left! Come on!

Let’s finish it! Grab your
pen and let’s begin!

Kindly copy this on your paper and check on the appropriate box the status of your enterprise business


Company Researching Preparing First draft Editing of the Final draft
on how to on how to formulation first draft already
Summary formulate it craft it

Company overview

Company History

Management Team

Location and
Legal Structure &
Mission Statement

Vision Statement

Core Values


Tactical &
Standards of

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