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Submitted by


ARYAN RAJ (22BCS16132)

in partial fulfilment for the award of the degree of

Bachelor in Computer Science and Engineering

Computer Science

Chandigarh University
March 2024


Certified that this project report “BMI CALCULATOR” is the

bonafide work of “SAMAR KUMAR(22BCS16131),ARYAN
RAJ (22BCS16132), PRIYA KUMARI (22BCS16134)” who
out the project work under my supervision.

Submitted to
Er. Mohit Bishist

Assistant Professor
CSE 2nd Year


We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all those who have contributed to the successful completion of
this project on the "BMI CALCULATOR."

First and foremost, we would like to express our sincere appreciation to our project supervisor, „Mr.
Mohit Sir‟, whose guidance, encouragement, and insightful feedback have been invaluable
throughout the development process. Her expertise in the field of data science , machine learning and
unwavering support has been instrumental in shaping this project. We would also like to thank the
faculty members of the Department of Computer Science for their continuous support and
encouragement. We are immensely grateful to our peers and friends for their encouragement and
assistance during various stages of the project.


List of Figures ............................................................................................................................... 5

CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION ........................................................................... 7

1.1. Identification of Client/ Need/ Relevant Contemporary issue ............................................ 7

1.2. Identification of Problem ...................................................................................................7

1.3. Identification of Tasks ........................................................................................................ 8

CHAPTER 2. BACKGROUND STUDY ........................................................... 9

2.1. Existing solutions ...............................................................................................................9

2.2. Problem Definition ............................................................................................................... 9

CHAPTER 3. METHODOLOGY ........................................................................10

3.1. Methodology .................................................................................................................... 11

CHAPTER 4. RESULTS ANALYSIS AND VALIDATION......................... 15

4.1. Implementation of solution .............................................................................................. 15

CHAPTER 5. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK.................................. 18

5.1. Conclusion .......................................................................................................................... 18

5.2. Future work ..................................................................................................................... 18

REFERENCES .................................................................................................... 17

List of Figures

Figure 4.1… ........................................................................................................................ 15.

Figure 4.2 .............................................................................................................................15

Figure 4.3 .............................................................................................................................16

Figure 4.4 ............................................................................................................................ 17


Body Mass Index (BMI) is a widely used measure for assessing an individual's
weight status and overall health. It provides a simple numeric indicator of a person's
body fatness based on their height and weight. The BMI Calculator project aims to
develop a user-friendly application that allows individuals to quickly and accurately
calculate their BMI and understand its implications for their health.

The BMI Calculator project will be implemented as a web-based application,

accessible through both desktop and mobile devices. The application will feature an
intuitive user interface where users can input their height and weight measurements.
Upon submission, the application will compute the BMI value using the standard BMI
formula (BMI = weight(kg) / height(m)^2) and provide an interpretation of the result
based on established BMI categories (underweight, normal weight, overweight, and
The BMI Calculator project aims to promote awareness of healthy weight
management and facilitate informed decision-making regarding lifestyle choices and
health behaviors. By providing individuals with easy access to their BMI
information, the application seeks to empower users to take proactive steps towards
maintaining or achieving a healthy weight and overall well-being.

Through continuous refinement and updates based on user feedback and advancements
in technology, the BMI Calculator will strive to remain a valuable tool for health
assessment and promotion in the digital age.


1.1 Project overview :

➢ Body Mass Index (BMI) is a simple yet commonly used measure to assess the relationship
between your weight and height. It provides a general indication of whether you are
underweight, normal weight, overweight, or obese, based on the calculated value. BMI is
widely used by healthcare professionals and individuals alike as a screening tool to identify
potential health risks associated with weight.
➢ A BMI calculator is a convenient tool that allows you to quickly determine your BMI by
inputting your weight and height. It then computes your BMI and categorizes your weight
status according to established ranges. Understanding your BMI can help you assess your
overall health and make informed decisions regarding diet, exercise, and lifestyle choices.
➢ However, it's important to note that BMI is a rough estimate and doesn't take into account
factors such as muscle mass, bone density, or overall body composition. Therefore, while
BMI can provide a general indication of weight status, it may not always accurately reflect
an individual's health. It's always recommended to consult with a healthcare professional
for a comprehensive assessment of your health status and weight management strategies.
➢ Despite its limitations, BMI remains a valuable tool for monitoring weight trends and
identifying potential health risks associated with weight-related issues. With the
convenience of BMI calculators available online and on various mobile applications,
individuals can easily access this information and take proactive steps towards maintaining
a healthy lifestyle.
1.2 Project Objective :

➢ The objective of a BMI (Body Mass Index) Calculator project could be multifaceted,
depending on the context and the target audience. Here are some common objectives for
such a project:

➢ Health Awareness: The primary objective could be to raise awareness about the importance
of maintaining a healthy weight and understanding BMI as a basic indicator of health.

➢ Health Monitoring: The BMI Calculator can serve as a tool for individuals to monitor their
own weight status regularly and understand how it relates to their overall health.

➢ Education: Educating users about what BMI is, how it's calculated, what the different BMI
ranges mean in terms of health risks, and providing additional resources for healthy living.

➢ Preventive Health Care: Encouraging individuals to take proactive steps towards

maintaining a healthy weight to prevent obesity-related health issues such as diabetes, heart
disease, and hypertension.
➢ Accessibility: Making the BMI Calculator easily accessible to users across different
platforms (web, mobile, etc.) to ensure widespread usage and reach.

➢ Customization: Providing options for users to input their personal data such as height,
weight, age, gender, and activity level to calculate a more personalized BMI and offer
tailored health recommendations.

➢ Integration: Integrating additional features such as tracking progress over time, setting
goals, connecting with healthcare professionals for further advice, or linking to resources
for healthy diet and exercise plans.

➢ User-Friendly Interface: Designing an intuitive and user-friendly interface that makes it

easy for users to input their data, understand their BMI results, and navigate additional
resources or features.

➢ Privacy and Security: Ensuring that user data is handled securely and privately, especially
if the BMI Calculator requires users to input personal information.

➢ Feedback and Improvement: Gathering feedback from users to continuously improve the
BMI Calculator, update information, and add new features based on user needs and
advancements in health science.

➢ Overall, the objective of a BMI Calculator project should be to promote health awareness,
encourage healthy lifestyle choices, and empower individuals to take control of their own
health and well-being.

1.3 Identification Of Tasks :

1. User Interface Design:

• Design a clean and intuitive user interface (UI) for the BMI Calculator application.
• Include input fields for the user to enter their height and weight.
• Integrate buttons for calculating the BMI and displaying the result.
2. Backend Development:
• Develop the backend logic to calculate the BMI based on the user's inputs.
• Implement error handling to validate user inputs (e.g., non-numeric values, negative
• Write algorithms to convert height and weight inputs into BMI using the formula:
BMI = weight (kg) / (height (m) * height (m)).
3. Testing:
• Conduct unit testing to ensure the accuracy of BMI calculation algorithms.
• Perform integration testing to ensure seamless communication between the UI and
backend components.
• Test the application across different devices and screen resolutions to ensure
4. User Experience Enhancement:
• Implement features to enhance user experience, such as real-time feedback on input
• Incorporate visual elements to display the BMI result categorization (underweight,
normal weight, overweight, etc.).
• Provide additional information or tips related to BMI and healthy weight
5. Deployment:
• Prepare the application for deployment on various platforms (web, mobile, desktop).
• Optimize the application for performance and compatibility.
• Publish the application on relevant app stores or hosting platforms.
6. Documentation:
• Create comprehensive documentation including user guides, API references (if
applicable), and developer documentation.
• Document the BMI calculation formula and any relevant references used in the
• Provide instructions for installation, usage, and troubleshooting.
7. Maintenance and Updates:
• Establish a plan for ongoing maintenance and updates to address any issues or bugs
discovered post-deployment.
• Consider implementing user feedback mechanisms to gather input for future
• Stay updated with new BMI calculation guidelines or recommendations and
incorporate changes accordingly.
8. Optional Features (Depending on Project Scope):
• Multi-language support for international users.
• Integration with fitness trackers or health monitoring devices.
• Customizable BMI thresholds based on user preferences or medical guidelines.
• Social sharing features to encourage user engagement and awareness.


1. Understanding BMI :
• BMI is a measure of body fat based on a person's weight and height.
• It is calculated by dividing a person's weight in kilograms by the square of their height in
• The result is typically expressed in units of kg/m².
2. Significance of BMI :
• BMI is widely used as a screening tool to identify potential weight problems in adults.
• It provides a rough estimate of a person's overall health status based on their weight status.
• Different BMI ranges indicate underweight, normal weight, overweight, and obesity.
3. BMI Categories :
• Underweight: BMI less than 18.5
• Normal weight: BMI 18.5–24.9
• Overweight: BMI 25–29.9
• Obesity: BMI 30 or greater
4. BMI Calculation Formula :
• BMI = weight (kg) / height^2 (m^2)
5. Interpretation of BMI :
• BMI values provide a general guideline, but they don't account for factors like muscle mass,
bone density, and overall body composition.
• While BMI is a useful screening tool, it should be interpreted alongside other measurements
and clinical assessments.
6. Limitations of BMI :
• BMI doesn't differentiate between fat mass and lean body mass.
• It may not be accurate for certain populations, such as athletes or the elderly.
• Other health indicators, such as waist circumference and body composition analysis, may
provide additional insights.
7. Applications of BMI :
• BMI is used in various settings, including healthcare, fitness, and nutrition.
• It helps healthcare professionals assess individuals' risk for obesity-related diseases and plan
appropriate interventions.
• BMI is also used in epidemiological studies to analyze trends in population health.
8. BMI Calculator Project Objectives :
• Develop a user-friendly tool for calculating BMI based on weight and height inputs.
• Provide interpretation of BMI results and associated weight status categories.
• Consider additional features such as metric/imperial unit conversion, graphical representation
of BMI categories, and health recommendations.

By conducting a thorough background study, you'll gain insights into the relevance of BMI, its
calculation method, interpretation, limitations, and potential applications, which will inform the
development of your BMI Calculator project.
3.1 Methodology :

➢ The calculate_bmi function takes two parameters: weight (in kilograms) and
height (in meters). It calculates the BMI by dividing weight by the square of
height (BMI = weight / height^2) and returns the calculated BMI value.

def calculate_bmi(weight, height):

Function to calculate BMI (Body Mass Index)
:param weight: weight in kilograms
:param height: height in meters
:return: BMI value
bmi = weight / (height ** 2)
return bmi

def interpret_bmi(bmi):
Function to interpret BMI value
:param bmi: BMI value
:return: interpretation
if bmi < 18.5:
return "Underweight"
elif 18.5 <= bmi < 25:
return "Normal weight"
elif 25 <= bmi < 30:
return "Overweight"
return "Obese"

def main():
print("Welcome to BMI Calculator")
weight = float(input("Enter your weight in kilograms: "))
height = float(input("Enter your height in meters: "))

bmi = calculate_bmi(weight, height)

interpretation = interpret_bmi(bmi)

print(f"Your BMI is: {bmi:.2f}")

print("You are", interpretation)

if name == " main ":

➢ The interpret_bmi function takes the BMI value as input and returns an interpretation based
on common BMI categories. These categories are "Underweight" (BMI < 18.5), "Normal
weight" (18.5 <= BMI < 25), "Overweight" (25 <= BMI < 30), and "Obese" (BMI >= 30).

➢ The main function is where the user interacts with the program. It prompts the user to enter
their weight and height, then calculates the BMI using the calculate_bmi function and
interprets it using the interpret_bmi function. Finally, it prints out the calculated BMI and
its interpretation.

➢ The if name == " main ": block ensures that the main function is only executed if
the script is run directly (not imported as a module).

➢ This code allows users to input their weight and height, and then it calculates their BMI and
provides an interpretation of the BMI value according to standard categories.


4.1 Implementation Of Solution:

Fig 4.3

home / fitness & health / bmi calculator


BMI Calculator
• US Units

• Metric Units

• Other Units

Age ages: 2 - 120
Gender Male Female
Height 5 7

feet inches
Weight pounds


BMI = 19.4 kg/m2 (20%, Healthy weight)
5%85%95%BMI = 19.4

• Weight-for-age percentile: 41%

• Height-for-age percentile: 85%
• Healthy BMI range: 17.8 - 26.5 kg/m2
• Healthy weight for the height:
113.7 lbs - 169.2 lbs
• Ponderal Index: 11.4 kg/m3

The Body Mass Index (BMI) Calculator can be used to calculate BMI value and
corresponding weight status while taking age into consideration. Use the "Metric Units" tab
for the International System of Units or the "Other Units" tab to convert units into either US or
metric units. Note that the calculator also computes the Ponderal Index in addition to BMI,
both of which are discussed below in detail.


5.1 Conclusion:

weight and height inputs. It follows a straightforward logic: calculate BMI using weight and height inputs, then
interpret the BMI value based on common categories such as underweight, normal weight, overweight, and obese.
Users can easily understand their BMI status and get an idea of whether they fall within a healthy weight range or if
they need to consider lifestyle changes.
The provided BMI calculator is a simple and effective tool for users to quickly determine their BMI based on their

5.2 Future Work:

1. Enhanced User Interface: Incorporating a graphical user interface (GUI) could make the
calculator more user-friendly, especially for individuals less familiar with command-line
2. Extended BMI Categories: While the current calculator covers basic BMI categories,
future versions could incorporate more detailed categories or provide additional health-
related information based on the calculated BMI.
3. Integration with Health Data: Integration with health data from wearable devices or
fitness apps could provide more personalized insights and recommendations for users.
4. Localization: Consideration for different units of measurement and regional BMI
standards could improve the calculator's usability for a global audience.
5. Error Handling and Validation: Implementing robust error handling and input validation
mechanisms can enhance the calculator's reliability and prevent unexpected behavior
when users input invalid data.
6. Incorporating Health Recommendations: Providing personalized health
recommendations based on BMI status, such as diet and exercise suggestions, could
further assist users in maintaining or improving their health.
7. Tracking and Monitoring: Adding features for tracking BMI changes over time and
setting goals could encourage users to monitor their progress and stay motivated
towards achieving a healthier BMI.

By incorporating these enhancements, the BMI calculator can evolve into a more
comprehensive tool for promoting health awareness and facilitating informed decisions
about lifestyle and wellness.






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