Business Administration - FINAL Summary

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1.Part 1 : multiple choice (focus on definition , key concepts, procedure ,function key
words ) : 30 questions = 60 points
10,11: 10?
13,14,15,16 : 11-30 ?
2.part 2 : open questions : 2 questions = 40 points
-chapter 10 : motivation ( mini case , question )
time motion , scientific management , theory x,y, z , 2 kinds of rewards ( intrinsic ,
extrinsic ) , training(short term ) , development ( long term )
-marketing theory : what is it , explain , give example

CHAPTER 10 : Motivating Employees small business against heavyweights :
-offer more intangible benefits : collaborative management , less bureaucracy , more
life style balance , a sense of independence , potential ownership
-an upbeat , relaxed company culture to gather/ bond with 1 another rather than
compete each other for the next promotion , make workers believe that company
culture belongs to them ( culture includes perks , happiness , fun )
-open communication , broad responsibility , have more say
eg : engage in video , board games , weekly boot camp with certified trainer , can
bring pets to work , good old days of school
=> bond with colleagues , more productive
2.motivate across the globe
-high-context culture ( châu á : giao tiếp bền vững , chặt chẽ , gắn bó , có tính tập
thể =>thúc đẩy quyền lợi chung ) : build personal relationships & group trust be4
focusing on tasks .
-low-context culture ( châu âu : chủ nghĩa cá nhân , độc lập ) : focus on task not rela
-khác biệt về văn hoá dẫn đến sự hiểu nhầm , ko hiệu quả , vì thế , managers phải
develop “ global dexterity “ (shift one’s own cultural behavior in a way that’s effective
and appropriate in the global setting)
3.motivate across generation
-baby boomer ( 1946-1964) : experienced economic prosperity , secure job(vc làm
ổn định) ,opstimism about future
-Gen X ( 1965-1980) : dual career family , latchkey kids /day care , parents layoffs ->
insecure about lifelong job
-Gen Y/echo boomers/millennials ( 1980-1995):have indulgent parents with new
inventions ( tv , phone )
-Gen Z ( 1995-2009) born after 9/11 great recession , countless school violence
-Gen alpha ( after 2010)
-The beliefs you accept as a child affect how you view risk, challenge, authority,
technology, relationships, and economics. When ur manager , it will affect whom u
fire , promote , hire
-Managers need to be flexible or they loose younger workers
-Gen X employees need to use their enthusiasm for change and streamlining to their

One thing in business is likely to remain constant: much motivation will come from
the job itself rather than from external punishments or rewards. Managers need to
give workers what they require to do a good job: the right tools, the right information,
and the right amount of cooperation. Motivation doesn’t have to be difficult. It begins
with acknowledging a job well done—and especially doing so in front of others. After
all, as we said earlier, the best moti- vator is frequently a sincere “Thanks, I really
appreciate what you’re doing.”

4.Social media in workplace

-Harms : use while working(distraction) -> waste time , breach confidentiality , leak
private in4 , hacked

-However , dont ban : alienate young worker(they use regularly) , imply firm doesn’t
trust worker , workers don't feel supported by management -> disengagement , lower
productivity , relaxed .

5.providing advancement opportunities and recognizing achievements are important

in attracting and retaining valuable employees.

Recognition can be as simple as noticing positive actions out loud, making

employees feel their efforts are worthwhile and valued enough to be noticed.

For example: “Sarina, you didn’t say much in the meeting today. Your ideas are
usually so valuable; I missed hearing them.” -> Sarina know her ideas are
appreciated, and she’ll be more apt to participate fully in the next meeting.

6.Ways managers have raised employee spirits without raising paychecks:

-go to Disneyland for the day

-More Media offers perks like Netflix, memberships.,

-three paid days off,more vacation days

-gives flowers to a selected employee in appreciation of a job well done. That

employee passes the bouquet to someone else who helped.

-praise “well done”

-more flexible schedules

Motivation : yếu tố quan trọng của job satisfaction .


Ppl will work hard if they can make a difference and appreciated

Engagement : level of motivation , passion , commitment

Engaged worker : passionate , connect with company

Ways to motivate : recognition , accomplishment , status

-An intrinsic reward is the personal satisfaction you feel when you perform well and
complete goals ; The belief that your work makes a significant contribution to the
organization or to society

-An extrinsic reward is given to you by someone else as recognition for good work.
Pay increases, praise, and promotions are extrinsic rewards.


1.Content theories : FOCUS on identifying ppl’s needs -> understand what motivate
them (intrinsic reward )


-ppl are motivated to satisfy unmet needs

-Satisfied needs NO LONGER MOTIVATE

-Maslow placed needs on a HIERARCHY of importance.

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, whose levels are: a higher order need:

becomes a source of motivation after lower order needs are satisfied.(According to Maslow's
Hierarchy of Needs, workers generally satisfy lower order needs first and then
proceed with satisfying higher order needs.


1.Physiological(sinh lý) needs: Basic survival needs, such as the need for food,
water, and shelter.

2.Safety needs: The need to feel secure at work and at home.

3.Social needs: The need to feel loved, accepted, and part of the group.
4.Esteem needs: The need for recognition and acknowledgment from others, as well
as self-respect and a sense of status or importance.

5.Self-actualization needs: The need to develop to one’s fullest potential.

Equity theory : Employees try to maintain equity between inputs and outputs
compared to others in similar positions.

-Workers often base perception of their outcomes to a specific person or group.

+under-rewarded -> reduce their effort or rationalize that it isn’t important

+ over- rewarded ->increase their effort to justify the higher reward in the future or
rationalize by saying, “I’m worth it!”

=>Inequity -> lower productivity, reduced quality, increased absenteeism, and

voluntary resignation.

TAYLOR : scientific management :Studying workers to find the most efficient ways
of doing things and then teaching people those techniques.

+viewed people largely as machines that needed to be properly programmed.

-3 yếu tố : TIME , METHODS & RULES

-TOOLS : Observations , stopwatch ( time-motion studies:Studies, begun by

Frederick Taylor, of which tasks must be performed to complete a job and the time
needed to do each task.)

principle of motion economy: every job can be broken down into a series of
elementary motions(chuyển động cơ bản )

TAYLOR effect : con người cư xử khác khi bị studied , học về human motivation &
phong cách quản lí giúp nâng cao productivity


1. Sense of achievement.
2. Earned recognition.
3. Interest in the work itself.
4. Opportunity for growth.
5. Opportunity for advancement.
6. Importance of responsibility.
7. Peer and group relationships.
8. Pay.
9. Supervisor’s fairness.
10. Company policies and rules.
11. Status.
12. Job security.
13. Supervisor’s friendliness.
14. Working conditions.

The best way to motivate employees is to làm công vc thú vị , giúp họ đạt đc
objectives , nhận ra thành tích qua advancement và trách nhiệm

hygiene factors (or maintenance factors). These related to the job environment and
could cause dissatisfaction if missing but would not necessarily motivate employees
if increased.

motivators : job factors that cause employees to be productive and that give them


Theory X:
-ppl dislike work=>must be forced ,controlled , directed , threatened (punishment)

-prefer to be directed , wish to avoid responsibility , little ambition , wants security

-Main motivator : fear , punishment

Theory Y : key : empowerment

-ppl like work , natural as play/rest

-làm việc tự nhiên , hướng tới goals như đã cam kết

-Mức độ cam kết với goals phụ thuộc vào rewards

-not only accept but also seek responsibility

- use imagination , creativity , cleverness to solve problems

- average person’s intellectual potential is only partially realized.

-motivated by a variety of rewards. Each worker is stimulated by a reward unique

to him or her (time off, money, recognition, and so on) emphasize a relaxed
managerial atmosphere.

-For empowerment to be a real motivator, management should follow these three


1. Find out the problems

2. Let them design the solutions.
3. Get out of the way and let them put those solutions into action.

THEORY Z : long-term employment, collective decision making, individual

responsibility for the outcomes of decisions, slow evaluation and promotion,
moderately specialized career paths, and holistic concern for employees
(including family). Theory Z views the organization as a family that fosters
cooperation and organizational values.
goal-setting theory The idea that setting ambitious but attainable goals if the goals
are accepted, accompanied by feedback, and facilitated by organizational conditions.

management by objectives (MBO) A system of goal setting and implementation; it

involves a cycle of discussion, review, and evaluation of objectives among top and
middle-level managers, supervisors, and employees.

Helping means working with the subordinate and doing part of the work if necessary.
Coaching means acting as a resource—teaching, guiding, and recommending—but
not participating actively or doing the task.

Central idea of MBO : employees need to motivate themselves.

expectancy theory Victor Vroom’s theory that the amount of effort employees exert
on a specific task depends on their expectations of the outcome ( càng hi vọng càng
nỗ lực ) ​employee expectations can affect an individual’s motivation.

managers follow five steps to improve employee performance:Cải thiện hiệu suất
làm vc

1. Determine what rewards employees value.( phần thưởng mà nhân viên

2. Determine each employee’s desired performance standard.
3. Ensure that performance standards are attainable.(đảm bảo standard phải
attainable )
4. Guarantee rewards tied to performance.(reward phải gắn với performance)
5. Be certain that employees consider the rewards adequate.( make sure reward
is worthy )

reinforcement theory Theory that positive and negative reinforcers motivate a

person to behave in certain ways.

Positive reinforcement includes praise, pay increases and recognition.

Negative reinforcement includes reprimands, reduced pay, and layoff or firing.

Punishment is administering an aversive Consequence(hậu quả gây khó chịu) that

gets a certain behavior to go away or lessen thực hiện 1 việc gây khó chịu

Extinction is a way of trying to stop behavior by not responding to it.

equity theory employees try to maintain equity between inputs and outputs
compared to others in similar positions. (cân bằng inputs-outputs)

Workers perceptions of fairness will affect their level of


-Job enrichment A motivational strategy that emphasizes motivating the worker

through the job itself."thiết kế" lại các công việc để tăng thêm thử thách cho
nhân viên và tránh để công việc lặp đi lặp lại một cách nhàm chán.

five characteristics of work are important in motivation and performance:

1. Skill variety. a job demands different skills.

2. Task identity. thực hiện tất cả các nhiệm vụ cần thiết để hoàn thành công việc
3. Task significance. : ảnh hưởng lớn tới live , work của người khác trong cty
4. Autonomy. The degree of freedom, independence, and discretion in
scheduling work and determining procedures.
5. Feedback. direct and clear information given about job performance.
+job enlargement combining a series of tasks into one challenging and interesting

+job rotation moving employees from one job to another.


​ 1. Study how a job is performed.

• Gather time & motion information.
​ • Check different methods.
​ 2. Codify the best method into rules.
​ 3. Choose workers whose skill matches the
​ 4. Establish a fair level of performance and pay.

Time-Motion Studies -- task nào nên làm và thời gian làm task đó

• Principle of Motion Economy -- Every job can be broken down into a series of
elementary motions;


​ • Researchers studied worker efficiency under different levels of light.

​ • Productivity increased regardless of light condition.
​ • Researchers decided it was a human or psychological factor(yếu tố tâm
lí và con người) at play.

Management by Objectives (MBO) -- Involves a cycle of discussion, review and

evaluation of objectives among top and middle-level managers, supervisors and

​ • Managers formulate goals in cooperation with everyone.

​ • Need to monitor results and reward achievement.

MBO is most effective in relatively stable situations when managers can make
long-range plans and implement them with few changes.

Open communication

-Create an organizational culture that rewards listening

- make it easy to communicate

- train supervisors & managers to listen

-effective questioning techniques

- remove barriers , vague , ambiguous communication

- ask employees what their importance


Human Resource Management -- The process of determining human resource

needs and then recruiting, selecting, developing, motivating, evaluating,
compensating and scheduling employees to achieve organizational goals.

-> là việc của manager

• HRM’s role has grown because:

1. Increased Recognition Of Employees As a resource.

2. Changes In Law That Rewrote Old Workplace practices.

Service and high-tech manufacturing yêu cầu skills cao

nhân lực hiếm -> tuyển dụng , duy trì khó khăn

affirmative action(hành động khẳng định): sửa sai trong quá khứ = cách tăng
cơ hội cho thiểu số và phụ nữ

reverse discrimination(phân biệt đối xử ngược) : discriminate số đông

Job Analysis -- A study of what employees( who holds various job titles) do.=> xác
định nhân viên nào phù hợp nhất cho các công việc cụ thể.

Job Description -- Specifies the objectives , type of work,responsibilities ,duties,

working conditions and relationship to other jobs.

Job Specifications -- A summary of the minimal education and skills needed to do a

particular job.

Recruitment --đúng ng đúng thời điểm obtaining the right number of qualified
people at the right time.

Manager use internal & external sources to recruit

small business use websites to recruit

Selection -- The process of gathering information and deciding who should be
hired, under legal guidelines, to fit the needs of the organi zation and individuals.

6 steps to select :

1. Obtaining complete application forms

2. Conducting initial and follow-up interviews

3. Giving employment tests

4. Conducting background investigations(điều tra lí lịch)

5. Obtaining results from physical exams

6. Establishing trial (probationary) work periods : thiết lập tgian thử vc

Contingent Workers -- Include part-time and temporary workers, seasonal

workers, independent contractors, interns and co-op students(thực tập có

Reasons why they need contingent worker :

- nhân viên full time nghỉ

- During periods of peak demand(nhu cầu cao điểm)

- In uncertain economic times

- To save on employee benefits

- To screen(sàng lọc) candidates for future employment

Training and Development -- All attempts to improve productivity by increasing an

employee’s ability to perform.

• Training focuses on short-term skills.

• Development focuses on long-term abilities.

3 steps to train & develop :

​ 1. Assessing organization needs and employee skills to develop appropriate

training needs.
​ 2. Designing training activities to meet identified needs.
​ 3. Evaluating the training’s effectiveness.


Orientation:giới thiệu nhân viên tới mn trong cty , policy , practices , objectives

On-the-Job Training , Apprenticeships

Off-the-Job Training(ngoài cv) Internal or external training tách khỏi workplace (PhD,personal development)

Online Training ,

Vestibule Training : dạy ở trường có thiết bị giống đi làm

Job Simulation:khác vestibule ở chỗ nó giống làm thiệt (phi công)

Management Development -- NEW MANAGER The process of training and

educating employees to become good managers and tracking the progress of their
skills over time. => huấn luyện nhân viên để đào tạo nó thành manager mới

• Management training includes:

- On-the-job coaching:huấn luyện tại chỗ : ng lâu năm dạy người mới

- Understudy positions:người đc chọn hỗ trợ manager xong làm manager

- Job rotation:làm nhiều việc

- Off-the-job courses and training : nghỉ làm để đi huấn luyện

Networking -- Establishing and maintaining contacts with key managers in and out
of the organization and using those contacts to develop relationships.
Mentors -- Managers who supervise, coach and guide selected lower-level
employees by acting as corporate sponsors.

Performance Appraisal(đánh giá hiệu suất) -- An evaluation that measures

employee performance against established standards in order to make decisions
about promotions, compensation, training or termination.(so sánh performance với
standard => decide promotion,compensation,training,termination)

A 360-degree review gives managers opinions from people at different levels to get a
more accurate idea of the work


1. Establishing performance standards that are understandable, measurable and reasonable.

2. Clearly communicating those standards.

3. Evaluating performance against the


4. Discussing the results with employees.

5. Taking corrective action.

6. Using the results to make decisions.


Reviewing Employees

• Contrast Effect - Comparing one employee to another.

• Halo/Horn Effect - Allowing performances in specific areas to unfairly influence

overall performance evaluation.(Cho phép hiệu suất trong các lĩnh vực cụ thể ảnh
hưởng không công bằng đến đánh giá hiệu suất tổng thể.)

• Similar-to-Me Effect - Generosity(Hào phóng) to those you feel are more like you.

A managed and competitive compensation program helps:

- Attract the kinds of employees the business needs.

​ - Build employee incentive to work efficiently and

​ - Keep valued employees from going to competitors or starting their own firm.
​ - Maintain a competitive market position by keeping costs low due to high
productivity from a satisfied workforce.
​ - Provide employee financial security through wages



• Hourly Wage/Day Work

• Piecework System : trả theo khối lượng sản phẩm

• Commission Plans:theo % sale

• Bonus Plans

• Profit Sharing Plans : lợi nhuận hằng năm dựa trên profit cty

• Gain-Sharing Plans: lợi nhuận hằng năm dựa trên vc đạt mục tiêu

• Stock Options:đc mua stock giá thấp

Compensating Teams

-Skill-based pay :rewards the growth

-gain-sharing systems:bonuses on improvements

Fringe Benefits -- Sick leave, vacation pay, pension and health plans that provide
additional compensation to employees beyond base wages.

Cafeteria-Style Fringe Benefits -- (up to a certain dollar amount). cho phép

nhân viên chọn benefits họ muốn

Soft Benefits include:

- Onsite haircuts and shoe repair

- Concierge services

- Free meals at work

- Doggie daycare

- Onsite farmer’s markets ( chợ nông sản tại chỗ)

Compressed Work Week -- làm đủ số giờ làm vc nhưng ít hơn giờ tiêu chuẩn

​ Employees enjoy long weekends after working long days.

​ • Productivity is a concern.
​ • Nurses and firefighters often work compressed work weeks.

Job Sharing --trên 2 nhân viên partime làm chung full time job

​ • fo people who cannot work full time.

​ • enthusiastic and productive.
​ • giảm Absenteeism and tardiness ( trễ)
​ • can schedule part-time workers in peak demand periods.

Flextime Plan -- tự do chọn giờ miễn là làm đủ việc

​ Most flextime plans require Core Time --all employees are expected to be at
their job stations.
​ • Flextime is hard to incorporate into shift work and managers have to work
longer hours.
​ • Communication among employees can also be difficult under flextime and
managers have to be alert to any system abuses.(lạm dụng hệ thống )


1.đc promoted(thăng chức) or reassigned(bổ nhiệm lại)

-Promotion : cải thiện đạo đức nhân viên ,tiết kiệm chi phí vì ko phải kiếm
thêm nhân viên

-Reassignment(tiếp tục giữ position khi hết hạn) : over>up motivate nhân viên
giàu kinh nghiệm ở lại trong cty ít có cơ hội thăng tiến


​ • economic crisis grew => sa thải workers

​ • economy is booming : hesitant to hire full-time workers (vì cost of
​ • Firing is more difficult vì laws preventing termination (luật ngăn cản vc chấm
dứt hợp đồng ) for certain acts.

RETIRING EMPLOYEES : Tăng cơ hội thăng tiến , nâng cao tinh thần cho nhân
viên trẻ , thu hẹp quy mô , 1 time cash payment(golden handshake)

Losing Valued Employees : vì ngta có cơ hội khác tốt hơn


marketingThe activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating,
communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers,
clients, partners, and society at large.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM)-: học về customer và làm mọi cách

để chiều họ , vượt mong đợi của họ


1.The Production Era:PRODUCE càng nhiều càng tốt

2.The Selling Era :selling and advertising

3.The Marketing Concept Era:responsive to customer

Marketing Concept includes :

1. Customer Orientation -- coi khách muốn gì rồi cung cấp cho họ Finding out what
customers want and then providing it.
2. Service Orientation --tất cả mn trong tổ chức phải cam kết sự hài lòng của khách
Making sure everyone in an organization is committed to customer satisfaction.

3. Profit Orientation --tập trung vào G&S kiếm nhiều profit nhất Focusing on the
goods and services that will earn the most profit.

• Nonprofit marketing tactics include:

- Fundraising

​ - Public Relations
​ - Special Campaigns
​ - Ecological(sinh thái) practices : thực hành sinh thái
​ - Changing public opinions and attitudes
​ - Increasing organizational membership
​ - Determine the firm’s goals and objectives.
​ - Focus on long-term marketing.
​ - Find a competent board of directors.
​ - Exercise strategic planning.
​ - Train and develop long-term volunteers.
​ - Carefully segment the target market.

The marketing mix:

Product -- A good, service, or idea that satisfies a consumer’s want or need.

● Test Marketing -- Testing product concepts among potential product users.

● Brand Name -- A word, letter, or a group of words or letters that differentiates
one seller’s goods from a competitor’s.

Promotion -- All the techniques sellers use to inform people about their products
and motivate them to purchase those products.

​ - Advertising
​ - Personal selling
​ - Public relations
​ - Viral marketing
​ - Sales promotions

Middlemen are important in place strategies because getting a product to

consumers is critical

test marketing The process of testing products among potential users

Marketing Research -- Analyzing markets to determine challenges and

opportunities, and finding the information needed => make good decisions.

● identify products consumers have used in the past and what they want in
the future.xác định sản phẩm người tiêu dùng đã sử dụng trong quá khứ
và những gì họ muốn trong tương lai.
● uncovers market trends and attitudes held by company insiders and
stakeholders.khám phá xu hướng thị trường và thái độ của những người
trong công ty và các bên liên quan.


1. Defining the problem or opportunity and determining the present situation:

researcher cần freedom để discover tình hình hiện tại , vấn đề , cơ hội , alternatives
, thông tin cần thiết , cách thu thập , phân tích dữ liệu

2. Collecting research data: usable in4 là vital

Secondary Data -- Existing data that has previously been collected by sources like
the government.

● no expense, accessible.
● doesn’t always provide all the needed information for marketers.

Primary Data -- In-depth information gathered by marketers from their own


● Telephone, online and mail surveys, personal interviews, focus groups

(A group of people who meet under the direction of a discussion leader to
communicate opinions.)

3. Analyzing the data: biến data vừa thu thập thành thông tin cần thiết

4. Choosing the best solution and implementing it: xác định alternative strategies
, recommend cái nào tốt nhất và giải thích

Marketers :

● must turn data into useful information.

● Must use their analysis to plan strategies and make recommendations.
● evaluate their actions and determine if further research is needed.


● Analyze customer needs and satisfaction.

● Analyze current markets and opportunities.
● Analyze the effectiveness of marketing strategies.
● Analyze marketing process and tactics currently used.
● Analyze the reasons for goal achievement or failure.

Successful marketing research : lắng nghe khách hàng , stakeholder

Environmental Scanning -- quá trình xđ yếu tố ảnh hưởng sự thành công của

● Factors:
​ - Global factors
​ - Technological factors
​ - Sociocultural factors ( văn hoá xã hội)
​ - Competitive factors
​ - Economic factors


CONSUMER MARKET : The size and diversity of the consumer market forces
marketers to decide which groups they want to serve.

Market Segmentation -- chia total market thành những group nhỏ với tính chất
giống nhau

Target Marketing -- (chọn segments nào mà tổ chức có thể có lợi nhuận )


● Geographic Segmentation -- cities, counties, states, or regions.

● Demographic Segmentation -- age, income, education, and other demographic
● Psychographic(tâm lí học) Segmentation -- values, interests, and opinions.
● Benefit Segmentation -- product benefits the customer prefers.
● Volume (khối lượng) (Usage) Segmentation --the volume of product use.


-Niche Marketing -- Identifies small but profitable market segments and designs or
finds products for them.Xác định các phân khúc thị trường nhỏ nhưng có lợi nhuận
và thiết kế hoặc tìm sản phẩm cho chúng.

vd: bán đồ chay cho người ăn chay

-One-to-One Marketing-- Developing a unique mix of goods and services for each
individual consumer. chỉ phát triển 1 unique mix of G&S cho mỗi buyer

vd: đại lí du lịch bán nhiều dịch vụ cho bạn (thuê xe , khách sạn …)

-Mass Marketing -- Developing products and promotions to please large groups of


-Relationship Marketing-- Marketing strategy with the goal of keeping individual

customers over time by offering them products that exactly meet their requirements.

Rejects the idea of mass production and focuses toward custom-made goods and
services for customers. ( ko mass produce mà focus vào custom-made G&S cho

Factors that influence the consumer decision-making process include

learning: học được qua trải nghiệm thông tin eg : mua dầu gội xong xài ko ok => ko mua nữa

reference group(nhóm tham khảo ) beliefs, attitudes, values, or behavior.

eg:t thích style parisian => t mặc style đó

culture: values, attitudes, and ways of doing things transmitted from one generation to another in a
given society

subculture:values, attitudes, and ways of doing things that results from belonging to a certain ethnic
group, racial group, or other group with which one closely identifies (e.g., teenagers).

cognitive dissonance.(Sự bất hòa về nhận thức):xảy ra sau khi mua hàng vì nghi ngờ có như mong
đợi eg: cty ô tô đưa chính sách ,bảo đảm , mặt tốt , warranty để trấn an ng mua


1. Problem recognition

2. Search for information

3. Evaluating alternatives

4. Purchase decision

5. Postpurchase evaluation
customization : Cá nhân hóa việc sử dụng thông tin chi tiết mà doanh nghiệp đã thu
thập và phân tích được về khách hàng - để tạo ra các hoạt động Marketing mix tăng
mức độ liên quan của quảng cáo với đối tượng mục tiêu.


value good quality với fair price ( benefit - cost => benefit>cost)

distributed product development : giao phần khác nhau trong innovation process cho
cty khác

Total Product Offer “augmented product.” (tất cả sp cung cấp)-- Mọi thứ mà người
tiêu dùng đánh giá khi quyết định mua một thứ gì đó.

• Products are evaluated on many different dimensions, both tangible and intangible.

•Marketers must think like a customer and talk to consumers to find out what’s

“Total product” is broad spectrum [bundle] of tangible and intangible benefits

-Primary Characteristics: basic features of the core product

-Auxiliary Dimensions: supplementary benefits


A Product Item is a specific product that has a unique brand, size, or price.

A Product Line A group of products that are physically similar or intended for a
similar market. include competing brands

Ví dụ, Nestle có dòng sản phẩm làm từ Sữa như Milo, dòng sản phẩm Thực phẩm
như Maggi, dòng sản phẩm chocolate như Kitkat
A Product Mix : combination of all product lines (offered by a company or service


Product Differentiation -- The creation of real or perceived product differences.

Actual product differences are sometimes quite small, so marketers use a creative
mix of pricing, advertising and packaging to create different images.


1.CONVENIENCE PRODUCTS : buy thường xuyên , minimum effort


1.Relatively Inexpensive( tương đối rẻ)

2. Purchase is regular and recurring ( mua thường xuyên , định kì)

3. Little Thinking Involved

4. Minimal(tối thiểu) Shopping Effort

5. convenient location

6. Bought on impulse ( mua theo cảm hứng )


1. Make available in every possible place

2. Must be visible inside the store

3. Distribution is a major marketing mix factor

4. Easy substitution by similar brands(dễ bị thay thế )

5. Extensive advertising is used ( quảng cáo rộng rãi)

2.Shopping Products:chỉ mua khi đã so sánh value, quality, price, and style với
các seller khác

1. Product comparisons occur ( có sự so sánh )

2. Consumer seek information

3. Decisions are based on thought

4. Relatively higher prices

5. Often fashion oriented(theo xu hướng thời trang)
6. Monetary & social risks
7. Brand loyalty may be found

1. Selective distribution(phân phối có chọn lọc)

2. Consumers will seek products in less visible locations

3. Quality is important

4. Product differentiation is possible

◦ Consumers see shopping products as either homogeneous or heterogeneous.

+ Homogeneous(đồng nhất): consumer views products as the same.

For example: consumer sees no difference in soft dinks. So the consumer buys Sams Cola because
it is cheaper ,they will mostly focus on price in making their decision

+ Heterogeneous(hỗn tạp): the consumer views products differently.

For example, the consumer sees a difference between Coke and Sams Cola and buys Coke because
of the taste.􏰃the consumer sees products as heterogeneous, they focus more on such things as
physical attributes, service attributes, styling, store reputation, brand name, salespeople, taste, smell,
etc. rather than price

3.Specialty Products:unique characteristics and brand identity ,no reasonable

substitute, nỗ lực để mua (luxury brand)
+Characteristics :

1. Substitutes are not accepted

2. Infrequently purchased

3. Extensive Search

4. Brand loyalty may be strong

5. Loyalty to retailer(nhà bán lẻ) may be as important as brand selection

6. May travel great distances to acquire


1. Limited distribution

2. Consumers will seek products regardless of location

3. Extensive product and price differentiation

4. Strong brand image

4.UNSOUGHT PRODUCT :Products that consumers are unaware of, haven’t

necessarily thought of buying, or find that they need to solve an unexpected

1) New Unsought Products: the consumer was unaware about the product.
Sometimes when a consumer is trying to satisfy a need or solve a problem, they
unexpectedly come across a product or service they never used before. Have you
every traveled, gotten hungry, and started looking for a place to eat. All of a sudden,
you come across a restaurant you never head of before and decide to eat at that

2) Regularly Unsought Products: the consumer doesn’t think about it until it is

needed. Examples are insurance, coffins, tombstones, car towing service. Many
times we buy insurance and don’t think about it until it is time to renew the policy. A
coffin(quan tài) and tombstone(bia mộ) is not bought until it is needed. We don’t think
about car towing service until we need it

◦Business Products are also called Industrial, Trade, or Organizational products.

B.Industrial products (business good/ B2B goods) : dùng để sx các sp khác

- Production Products : part of the final product.

+Raw Materials

+Components : engines

+Production materials : nuts , bolts(bu lông)

- Support Products : helping make the product.

+Installations: major capital equipment (new factories, heavy machinery:

building,equipment,capital rentals )

+Capital items: expensive , last a long time (new factories)

+Accessory equipment: not long-lasting or expensive as installations (tools , office

equipment : computers, copy machines, and various tools)

+Service : maintenance , repair

+Supplies : paper clips, stationery, and other office supplies

3.PACKAGING : change and improve their basic product. (designing and producing
the container or wrapper )


1. Attract attention.
2. Protect the goods inside, stand up under handling and storage, be
tamperproof, and deter theft.
3. easy to open and use.
4. Describe and give information about the contents.
5. Explain the benefits of the good.
6. Provide information on warranties, warnings, and other consumer matters.
7. Give some indication of price, value, and uses.

-Goal of packaging : assist in the marketing of the product.

-Strategy of packaging: bundling: bán 2 hay nhiều sp với 1 giá


● Brand -- Name, symbol, or design that identifies the goods or services and
distinguishes them from competitors’ offerings.
● Trademark -- A brand that has exclusive legal protection for both its brand
name and design.


● Dealer (Private-Label) Brands -- ko xài tên nhà sx mà xài distributor/seller

(house brand/distributer brand)
● Generic Goods -- ko nhãn hiệu nhưng đc bán chiết khấu lớn
● Knockoff Brands -- Illegal copies of national brands HÀNG FAKE
● Manufacturers’ Brands –. PHÂN PHỐI SP TOÀN QUỐC ( BMW,LG…)


● Brand Equity (Tài sản thương hiệu) – Giá trị brand name và associated
symbol [The combination of factors (awareness, loyalty, perceived quality,
images, and emotions) that people associate with a brand name.]
● Brand Loyalty -- The degree to which consumers are satisfied(brand) and
are committed to further purchases.
● Brand awareness : cái nghĩ tới nhanh , dễ khi 1 loại sp đc nhắc tới How
quickly or easily a given brand name comes to mind when a product category is mentioned.
● Brand association : sự liên kết của brand với favorable images
● Brand manager(product manager ) : manager has direct responsibility for one brand or one
product line

Goals of Labeling

Labeling has two objectives:

1) Provide Information 2) Promotes the Product

Many times the label is used to promote a product.

For example, Robert Mondavi found 80% of the time that consumers made their decision on what
wine to buy based on the label. The more colorful the label, the more the wine would sell.


Product Screening -- giảm ideas sp mới , tập trung vào promising products

Product Analysis -- ước tính cost , sales => feeling 4 profitability of new products

Concept Testing -- đưa product idea cho khách để test reaction

Commercialization(thương mại hoá) -- quảng cáo sp tới distributors , retailers ;

phát triển promotional campaign.

New-Product Development Process


1.Build up slowly - When starting up, don’t go too fast.

2.Design for a single function - Pick one function and make it the best you can.

3.Package it perfectly - “Unboxing” your new buy is the best part. Make it exciting to open.

4.Become a status symbol - Make it something to show off.

Why New Products Fail

○ No Competitive Advantage
○ Competitive Reaction
○ Badly Positioned
○ Poor Quality
○ Too Little Marketing Support (SYNERGY!)
○ Low Perceived Value
○ bad Estimates of Market Potential (or other marketing research errors)
○ Forecasts are dangerous, especially those about the future!!!
○ Poor estimates of Production/MARKETING cost
○ Poor Selection of Marketing Channels
○ Rapid Change in the Marketing Environment

Product Life Cycle -- A theoretical look at what happens to sales and profits for a
product over time.

Product Life Cycle Stages:

1. Introduction: giới thiệu tested sp tới market ; sales grow slowly and profit is
● The main marketing objective: Gain Awareness.

2. Growth:rapid increases in sales and competition begins to appear. Profit peaks

from the result of more competitors.

3. Maturity:slowing industry sales or product class revenue. Fewer new buyers

enter the market. Most consumers who would purchase the product are either repeat
buyers of the product or have tried the product and abandoned it.

4. Decline: sales dropping due to shifting consumer preferences.

2 ways to Extend The Product Life Cycle

1. Product Modification:

2.Market Modification involves the strategies of: Increase Frequency of Use, Finding New Uses,
Increase Number of Users.

Pricing Objectives

Cost-Based Pricing:lấy chi phí sx để định giá

Demand-based (target costing): design sp làm hài lòng khách hàng,đáp ứng lợi
nhuận cty ( ước tính giá bán rồi trừ desired profit margin => biết cost)

Competition-Based Pricing: dựa trên competitors ( có thể = trên dưới đối thủ) ,
dựa trên loyalty, perceived differences, competitive climate

price leadership : dominant firms set pricing practice bắt competitor follow

break-even analysis(hoà vốn) : xđ lợi nhuận ở các cấp độ bán hàng khác nhau
phương pháp phân tích để xác định mức sản lượng hoà vốn, tức mức sản lượng
đem lại tổng doanh thu vừa đủ để bù đắp tổng chi phí.

Break-even point(BEP) : TFC / (P - VC)

skimming price strategy prices : định giá cao để bù chi phí ( research ,
development) , càng nhiều lời càng tốt , ít competition

penetration strategy : thâm nhập , chiếm lĩnh thị trường lớn nhanh chóng

Everyday low pricing (EDLP): giá thấp hơn competitor , ko thường có special sales

High-low pricing : giá cao hơn EDLP nhma khi có special sale sẽ thấp hơn

Psychological pricing : less expensive than it is.

NONPRICE COMPETITION:stress product images and consumer benefits


Marketing Intermediaries(middlemen) – Tổ chức hỗ trợ move G&S (B2B) and


Channel of Distribution (kênh phân phối)– toàn bộ marketing

intermediaries(agents, brokers, wholesalers, retailers) liên kết để vận chuyển and
store goods

Agents and Brokers (môi giới ) – trung gian mang buyer và seller lại với nhau để
đàm phán , trao đổi nhưng ko sở hữu sp ( hưởng hoa hồng , fees từ sale revenues )

+Agent : long term rela

+Broker : temporary

Wholesaler – trung gian bán cho tổ chức (retailers, manufacturers, and hospitals)

Retailer – tổ chức bán cho khách hàng cuối cùng

Intermediaries giúp hoàn thành marketing task nhanh và rẻ hơn nhà sx,hiệu quả hơn qua vc giảm
giao dịch , contact

3 key facts about marketing intermediaries :

● Marketing intermediaries can be eliminated but their activities can’t.

● faster and cheaper
● add costs to products but they’re generally offset by the values they provide.

intermediaries create utility :

Utility – The want-satisfying ability, or value mà tổ chức thêm vào làm G&S useful or

how marketers use utility :

Form Utility – biến raw materials-> useful products;

Levi-Strauss transforms denim into clothes.

Time Utility – làm sp có sẵn khi khách hàng muốn

- 24h, Shop & Go stores are open 24-hours a day.

Place Utility – cho sp vào nơi khách hàng mún

- Banks place ATMs at convenient locations.

Possession Utility – chuyển quyền sở hữu từ bên này sang bên khách

- Pay for lunch at KFC with your Visa card.

Information Utility – Opens two-way flows of information(thông tin 2 chiều) between

marketing participants.
- Local government maps show tourist locations.

Service Utility – Provides service during and after a sale and teaches customers
how to best use products.

- Apple offers classes to help computer buyers.

- Universities placement offices help students find jobs.


• Merchant Wholesalers (Nhà buôn có quyền sở hữu hàng hóa) –công ty độc lập
có quyền sở hữu hàng hoá

There are two types:

1. Full-service wholesalers : all distribution functions.

2. Limited-function wholesalers : selected distribution functions.

​rack jobbers Người bán sỉ có kệ trưng bày ở điểm bán lẻ Wholesalers that furnish racks or
shelves full of merchandise to retailers, display products, and sell on consignment.

cash-and-carry wholesalers : phục vụ small retailers với limited product

drop shippers : thu hút đơn đặt hàng từ retailer,wholesaler khác , vận chuyển hàng
trực tiếp từ producer tới buyer Wholesalers that solicit orders from retailers and other
wholesalers and have the merchandise shipped directly from a producer to a buyer.

Retail Distribution Strategy:

intensive distribution : phân phối càng nhiều retail outlet càng tốt ( convenience

selective distribution : phân phối tới preferred retailer trong 1 khu vực (shopping

exclusive distribution(phân phối độc quyền): phân phối 1 retail outlet ở 1 khu
vực địa lí (luxury goods)


electronic(điện tử) retailing Selling goods and services to ultimate customers (e.g.,
you and me) over the Internet.

-social commerce:using social media, online media that supports social interaction,
and user contributions to assist in mua bán online

shopping, recommending, and selling behaviors. As these models are tested and proven to increase
sales and customer satisfaction

telemarketing The sale by telephone.

direct selling:bán ở nhà , chỗ làm

Multilevel Marketing(đa cấp) : bán hàng và tuyển dụng tuyến dưới để tăng doanh
thu, trực tiếp đến mua sản phẩm ngay tại công ty hoặc chỉ qua một nhà phân phối
duy nhất mà không phải thông qua các đại lí hay cửa hàng bán lẻ.

direct marketing : directly links manufacturers or intermediaries with ultimate

consumer.(direct mail, catalog sales, and telemarketing , online marketing)

1.corporate distribution system:1 cty sở hữu all tổ chức

2.contractual distribution system : member hợp tác qua contractual

1. Franchise systems :Bên nhận quyền đồng ý với tất cả các quy tắc, quy định và thủ tục do bên
nhượng quyền thiết lập. Điều này dẫn đến chất lượng và mức độ dịch vụ nhất quán mà bạn tìm thấy ở
hầu hết các tổ chức được nhượng quyền.

2. Wholesaler-sponsored:Mỗi cửa hàng ký thỏa thuận sử dụng cùng một tên, tham gia vào các
chương trình khuyến mãi theo chuỗi và hợp tác như một hệ thống cửa hàng thống nhất, mặc dù mỗi
cửa hàng được sở hữu và quản lý độc lập.

3. Retail cooperatives:Sự sắp xếp này giống như một chuỗi do người bán buôn tài trợ, ngoại trừ nó
được khởi xướng bởi các nhà bán lẻ. Mức độ hợp tác như nhau tồn tại và các cửa hàng vẫn độc lập.
Thông thường trong một hệ thống như vậy, các nhà bán lẻ đồng ý tập trung mua hàng của họ vào
một nhà bán buôn, nhưng các nhà bán lẻ hợp tác cũng có thể mua một tổ chức bán buôn để đảm bảo
dịch vụ tốt hơn.

3.administered distribution system:nhà sx quản lí tất cả marketing functions at

retail level

supply chain (value chain) : các hoạt động liên kết phải được thực hiện bởi các tổ
chức khác nhau để chuyển hàng hóa từ nguồn nguyên liệu thô đến người tiêu dùng
cuối cùng.

supply-chain management :Quá trình quản lý sự di chuyển của nguyên vật liệu, bộ
phận, sản phẩm dở dang, thành phẩm và thông tin liên quan thông qua tất cả các tổ
chức tham gia vào chuỗi cung ứng; quản lý việc trả lại hàng hóa đó, nếu cần thiết;
và tái chế vật liệu khi thích hợp.

logistics: The marketing activity that involves planning, implementing, and

controlling the physical flow of materials, final goods, and related information từ ban
đầu với tay ng tiêu dùng đáp ứng nhu cầu khách với profit
7 Rs: getting the right product to the right place, to the right customer, at the right time, in the right
quantity, in the right condition, and at the right price.

inbound logistics(đầu vào) : The area of logistics that involves bringing raw
materials, packaging, other goods and services, and information from suppliers to

materials handling(xử lí vật liệu) : The movement of goods within a warehouse

warehouses ->the factory floor(xương->various workstations.

outbound logistics(đầu ra):The area of logistics that involves managing the flow of
finished products and information to business buyers and ultimate consumers

reverse logistic:The area of logistics that involves trả về cho manufacturer(vì lỗi ,
để tái chế)
3PLs (third-party logistics providers)

freight forwarder:ship 1 lần nhiều sp ( tiết kiệm )

intermodal shipping: dùng nhiều phương tiện để ship hàng

Piggybacking:Trucktrailersplacedontrains •
Fishybacking:Trucktrailersplacedonships •

specialty store:sells a wide selection of goods in one category.

PromotionMix: COMBINATION of promotional tools

Integrated Marketing Communication(IMC)--Truyền thông marketing : Combines

the promotional tools into one comprehensive strategy. IMC is used to:

​ - Create a positive brand image.

​ - Meet the needs of consumers.
​ - Meet the strategic marketing and promotional goals of the firm.

Advertising--Paid,nonpersonal communication through various media by

organizations and individuals who are in some way identified in the message.

Advertising media: TV , Digital video recorder(DVRs)máy ghi hình , Product

Placement : đặt sp trong phim

Infomercial– 1 kênh chuyên quảng cáo

Interactive promotion : một tiệm kem cung cấp kem theo yêu cầu, khi đặt hàng
trực tuyến trên trang web của tiệm kem khách hàng là người chọn loại kem, và trang
trí. Điều này sẽ giúp chủ tiệm kem biết được những loại kem và mẫu thiết kế được
khách hàng ưa chuộng.

Online ads

Personal Selling--The face-to-face presentation and promotion of a product,

(salesperson’s search for new prospects and follow-up service.) nhân viên bán hàng
cố gắng thuyết phục khách hàng mua sản phẩm

B2B : selling process

1. Pre-approach
2. Approach
3. Make a presentation
4. Answer objections
5. Close the sale
6. Follow up

• Trial Close(kéo tới chốt đơn) -- A statement or question that moves the process
toward the purchase.để người bán hàng chủ động tiếp tục câu chuyện. để đề nghị
khách hàng đưa ra quyết định mua hàng.

Ví dụ: vậy anh/chị quyết định sử dụng gói POS pro hay Enterprise ạ?

Anh/chị sẽ tiến hành thanh toán qua PayPal, thẻ hay chuyển khoản ạ?

Prospecting : nghiên cứu ,chọn ng mua tiềm năng nhất

Prospect--Acustomerwho meets the qualifying criteria.

Qualifying: Đảm bảo khách hàng có nhu cầu về sản phẩm, quyền mua và sẵn sàng
lắng nghe thông điệp bán hàng.

Public Relations (PR) -- Evaluates public attitudes, changes policies and

procedures in response to the public, and executes a program of action and
information to earn public understanding and acceptance.

Publicity -- Any information about an individual, product or organization that’s

distributed to the public through the media and is not paid for or controlled by the
seller. khả năng hiển thị hoặc nhận thức của công chúng đối với bất kỳ sản phẩm,
dịch vụ, cá nhân hoặc tổ chức nào. Nó cũng có thể đề cập đến sự chuyển động của
thông tin từ nguồn của nó đến công chúng, thường là thông qua các phương tiện
truyền thông.

Sales Promotion -- The promotional tool that stimulates consumer purchasing

and dealer interest by means of short-term activities.

1. B2B Sales Promotions

2. Consumer Sales Promotions

Viral Marketing :trả tiền customer để nói tốt về sp trên mạng , set selling plan cho
buyer nhận commission : SWAG which can include free tickets, shirts, and other

Push Strategy -- Producers use advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, and
other tools to get their products stocked on shelves.

mục đích đưa sản phẩm vào qui trình phân phối của các trung gian và thúc đẩy việc
bán hàng bằng cách đưa ra các lí do khiến cho các thương nhân, nhà bán buôn và
nhà bán lẻ nỗ lực hoạt động.

Pull Strategy -- Directs heavy advertising and sales promotions efforts towards
consumers and gets the public to request their products from retailers.
dựa vào quảng cáo sản phẩm hoặc xúc tiến bán cho khách hàng tiêu dùng cuối
cùng. Các hoạt động này với mục đích thúc đẩy khách hàng cuối cùng kéo sản
phẩm thông qua kênh phân phối.

Pick Strategy -- Refers to consumers who pick out their products from online

The promotional technique of __sale promotion________ can take place both internally (within
the company) and externally (outside the company).

advertising : 3 goals inform ,persuade goals , remind goals

marketing to sell more products , get profits

1.satisfy them

2. build rela

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