IR Mid-Term Guide

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A guide for Mid-term assignment

This short assignment of 1500 words, is a response to ONE of the following questions:

Topic 1: Was the world after the Cold War more stable and peaceful?
Topic 2: Apply Realism to explain one contemporary international relations event (2010
Topic 3: Are we now in another Cold War?

Some notes:
- You must answer ONE of the three questions, NOT ALL.
- You must have a clear structure for your essay.
- Your essay must include the following:
1. The central argument: It is a focused statement that clearly express your argument.
Something does not have to be widely controversial to constitute an argument. A good
central argument simply states a position and supports it with evidence in a clear and logical
fashion. (i.e., This essay argues that ….)
2. Scholarship
You are required to use a minimum of seven (7) scholarly sources. Citations and a
bibliography are important, so that the reader knows where you found evidence, and that
you are using it properly.
You can use APA referencing for your reference. (See the attachment of the 6th APA
referencing in this post)
Any forms of plagiarism (copying) are strictly prohibited.

3. Organisation. Your essay needs to have:

o An introduction: The introduction should engage the reader and establish the
paper’s focus. It must also include the thesis statement Furthermore, it must establish
the relevance of your topic and include a short paragraph explaining how your essay
is organised (i.e., what are the subsections of your main body; First, this essay will
introduce the theoretical framework, next, it will present what is understood by the
Cold War. In the third section, the essay will …. (and so on)).
o A main body which is divided into subsections, each with a heading that is clearly
indicated. Having subheadings help to structure your ideas and make it easier for the
reader to follow your line of thought.
o A conclusion which reminds us of the thesis of the essay and explains how you have
proceeded to demonstrate this point. Remind the reader what you have argued and
what you have proven. Traditionally, conclusions also analyse the subject from a
broader perspective, exploring the implications of the thesis.
4. Communication
The paper must be well organised and written as clearly and concisely as possible.
Ask yourself: It the structure of the paper well organised? Are there spelling and grammar
faults? Proper spelling and grammar are important because mistakes of this nature detract
from your argument.
5. Presentation
- Font: Times New Roman
- Size: 13
- Line spacing: 1.5

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