25 Vichara Sagara Volume 25

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A Treatise in Advaita Philosophy

By Sri Vasudeva Brahmendra Saraswathi Swamigal

Chapter 6
The description of the falsity of the teacher, Vedanta and
all the means for the Kanistha Adhikari

S. No. Topics Title

91 Avarta 352 - Three questions of Agrdhadeva
92 Avarta 353 - 382 - Who am I? Answer to this first question


S. No. Title Page No.

VII Chapter 6 :
308) Topic 352 4499
309) Topic 353 4512
310) Topic 354 4518
311) Topic 355 4525
312) Topic 356 4586
313) Topic 357 4646
314) Topic 358 4658
315) Topic 359 4684

The Description of the Falsity of the
Teacher, Vedanta and all the means for the
Kanistha Adhikari
Topic 352 :

Gita - Chapter 4 :

Know that by long prostration, by question, and service; the wise who have realised the Truth
will instruct you in (that) Knowledge. [Chapter 4 – Verse 34]
• Without sishya Asking for Knowledge don’t teach
• Adihi Bhagawan… Question shows Sadhana of a Student, Qualification.
Pari Prashna Anu Prashna
- 1st Time Question - Gita - Arjunas repeated
- 2nd Level Question 4499
Taittriya Upanishad - Brahmananda Valli :

Om, the knower of Brahman attains the Supreme. With reference to that, is the following
hymn recited: Brahman is the truth, knowledge and infinity. He who knows it as existing in the
cave of the heart in the transcendent Akasa, realises all his desires along with omniscient
Brahman. [2 - 1 - 1]

Of that, of the former, this one verily is the embodied self. Different from this self made up of
intellect (Vijnanamaya) is another self within, formed of bliss (Anandamaya). By this, that is
filled (By Anandamaya the Vijnanamaya is full). It also has the shape of man. According to the
human form of that is the human form of this. Of it, Joy (Priya) is the right side, Rejoicing
(Moda) is the left side, and bliss (Pramoda) is the trunk. Brahman is the tail support. There is
this following Vaidika Verse about it. [2 - 5 - 2]
• Based on teaching Anu Prashna
3 Questions

Who am I Who is the Creator of What is the means of

Samsara Dvaitam Mukti

- Knowledge
- Karma
- Upasana or
i) Aham Kaha
ii) Samsarasya karta Kaha?
iii) Muktehe Karanam Kim?
• Jnanam, karma, Upasana Ubhe Api? 4501
Why Agrude Deva Developed Doubt Regarding Himself?
• What is notion I have regarding 1st Question?
• What is my intention?
i) Am I Body?
• Scientist = Individual is the body
= Nothing other than Body
• Why Sraddham, Tarpanam?
• Whom for? Useful or not?
• What is Proof for Sukshma, Karana Shariram, Atma?
• We are all Atheist because of Modern Science
• Why Sacred thread?
• Why light lamp in the Morning? Is there someone other than the Body. 4502
Katho Upanishad :

There is that doubt. “When a man is dead,” Some say ‘He exist’ and some again say ‘He does
not.’ this I should like to know, being taught by thee. This is the third boon, that I ask.
[1 - 1 - 20]
I am Human :
• Refers to Body
• Sukshma Shariram not Human
• It was in many bodies before
• Manushya - Refers to Sthula Shariram
ii) I Say :
• My Body is weak today
My Body :
• Owned by me
• Possessed by me
I Body

Possessor Possessed


2 Statements

Aham Manushya Mama Deha

I am Body Body is Mine

Which is Correct?
• Both are thought expressions.

• Agruda Deva in his Dream has met a Dream Guru
Asking - 3 Questions

(I) ( II ) ( III )

Jiva Ishvara Moksha sadhana

Am I Identical or Different
from Body?
• Is Atma karta, Bokta?
• Is Atma Akarta Abokta?
• Is Atma one in all Bodies? 4505
• Different Answers given to these Questions by Sankhya, Yoga, Nyaya, Veiseshika
• What is Right, Wrong? Why Answer is Wrong?
• I want to Make my knowledge thorough
• Tarqa Drushti intellectually Very Active
• 1st Question - Regarding Jivatma
2nd Question :
• Ishvara Different Option by different Philosophers
• What is right, wrong Answer?
• Why Answer is Wrong?

• Who is Ishvara, the creator of Universe.


Is there Creator? Is it Natural Creation

- Intelligence behind Creation - Big Bang

- Tara Tamyam seen in Universe - Evolves by itself
- Has Jiva or Ishvara Created the - Does it have all Answers
Universe - Is it Random Creation
Mandukya Upanishad :

Those who are acquainted with the quarters (Pada-s) call the Atman as quarters. Those who
are familiar with the sense-objects, declare that the only fundamentals in the world are the
sense-objects; those familiar with the Loka-s declare the reality to be the Loka-s and those
who know the Deva-s equally insist on believing that the Deva-s constitute the great Reality.
[2 - K - 21]
Is Creator Located in some Place at some time?
• Is Bhagawan Ihepatiwala throwing down lokas down one by one… Bu Loka, Buar, Suar
Loka… 4507
Tatastha Ishvara?
• Is he Located far away or in the Universe somewhere - Himalayas?
• Is he Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva or father in heaven
• If god is located he will become finite, Parichinna
• Is Ishvara all pervading, if so can’t have form
• Is all pervading God different from finite Jiva?
• Is all pervading Paramatma different from Non-pervading Jivatma
• Is he like all pervading Akasha different from every finite Object?
• Is Ishvara different than Jiva, are identical with Ishvara?
• 2nd Question Centered on Ishvara
Clearly known means

Know what is right, wrong Why Right is Right Amlaka Vatu Sphutam
• Then Sthiraprajna
• When secret of Jiva, Jagat, Ishvara is Clearly known as one Brahman, the one is Set to
be Shitaprajna
• Student is Tarqa Pradhanam, wants reason for all conclusions.

3 Questions

Jiva Centre Ishvara Centric Sadhana Centric

Aham kaha Samashti Kaha Means for liberation,

Mukta Karana Kim




Jiva Ishvara Liberation

What gives

Karma Upasana (Bhakti) Jnanam Combination of 2

Jnana karma Jnana Upasana Karma Upasana

Answer to all 3 Questions is the entire Course for Tarqa Drushti :
• 1st - Tattva Drushti - Chapter 4
• 2nd - Adrushti - Chapter 5
• 3rd - Tarqa Drushti - Chapter 6
Gita - Chapter 8 :

Arjuna said : What is that Brahman? What is the Adhyatma? What is action? O best among
men, what is declared to be the Adhibuta? And what is Adhidaiva said to be?
[Chapter 8 – Verse 1]
• Lord Krishna orders in the same Sequence
• Here also same
Topic 353 to 382 - 20 Topics :
• Answer to Generic Question on Jiva

Topic - 353 to 382 :

Question :
• Who am I
Presentation :
i) Advaita Darshanam
ii) Refute Sankhya / Yoga / Nyaya / Veiseshika
• Tarqa Drishtis intellect Very Curious
• We learn Advaitam and other Schools
Question :
• Am I Body or different from Body? 4512
Answer :

3 Layers 5 Koshas

Gross, Subtle Causal

• I am Atma, witness Consciousness - Different from Body
Pancha Kosha Explained in Chapter 5 :
• Topic 273 - 287
• Atma not 5 Koshas
• Vyashti and Samashti Analyzed
• Vilakshanam - Vyashti Sakshi and Samashti Sakshi is one and the same
• Vyashti and Samashti Bheda at Kosha Level not Sakshi Level
i) Gurus Answer :
• Tvam Satchit Ananda Svarupam, you are of the nature of Pure Existence,
Consciousness, happiness
ii) Pure = 5 Features of Existence, Consciousness, happiness :
• Not Part, Property, Product of Body, Mind, Objects 4513
• Pure Existence = Pure Consciousness
= Pure Happiness
• Not Pure Existence and Pure Consciousness
• They will become Different
• Sad Eva Chit, Chit Eva Ananda, Ananda Eva Sat…
iv) Atma, Satchit Ananda Different than Body - Mind Complex :
• Diagonally opposite Nature
• Body = Asat, not Non-existence but Mithya
• Chit = Achit = Jadam
• Ananda = Aanandaha = Dukham
• Mithya, Jadam, Dukha Rupam = Anatma Deha
• You are different from 5 Fold Kosha, 3 Fold Body
• Nature of 3 Fold Body = Asat not Non-existent
Gita - Chapter 2 :

The unreal has no existence; there is no non-existence of the Real; the truth about both these
has been seen by the knowers of the Truth (or the seers of the Essence).[Chapter 2 - Verse 16]
• That Asatu = Mithya = Inert = Dukha Rupa
• Nature of body, Mind = Dukham natural
• Mind naturally Dukham, in-between happy - Unhappy, mind gets reflection of the
Happiness of Atma (Temporarily)
• Mind happy with Borrowed, Incidental happiness, Pratibimba Ananda
• Atma has Bimba Ananda
• Anatma = Nature of Sorrow
• Nature, Anatma is Intrinsically of the nature of Sorrow
• We don’t Say - Mind has Sorrow
• Mind is Sorrow
• Atma = Diagonally Opposite it, is sat Chid Ananda Svarupa

• Atma is different from Body
• Atma is neither Karta, Bokta
Reason :
• Atma being Ananda Svarupa, need not do any Action for happiness
Purpose of Human Activity

Sukha Prapti Dukha Nivritti

- Get Happiness - Remove Sorrow

- Elimination of Sorrow
• In Atma, there is no Sorrow, it is Happiness - Bliss Absolute
• Hence Atma Can’t be Karta, Bokta
Peace Definition

Dukha Nivritti Gaining Joy

• Removes Misery to become Merry
• All Sorrow in the Mind
• Manasa Sakshi = Atma
• All actions are to remove sorrow and Gain Joy
• Sugar Does not require Addition to Make it Sweet its nature is Sweetness
• Atma need not remove Sorrow, nature is Bliss
• Can’t do Actions for Ananda Prapti
• Ego - Ahamkara - False Shadow Born when mind is Awake, is Karta, Bokta
• Does all karma, Anatma, Body, Mind Sense complex with Borrowed Chidabhasa
• Sthula, Sukshma Shariram Resolve in Karana Shariram
• Karana Shariram not for Karta as Ego Drops Karma in Karana Shariram
• Anatma = Karta = Ahamkara
= Ego ‘I’
= False ‘I’
• Shubha Ashubha Karta
• Producer of Dharma - Adharma, Punya, Papam
• Good news = You are not Ahamkara
• You are Ahamkara Sakshi
• Atma is Different from Body, not Karta - Bokta
• Is Atma Parichinnaha or Vyapaka?
Topic 354 :

What is Nature of Atma

Vyapakaha - All Pervading Anekaha

- One - Karta, Bokta

- Abokta, Akarta - Ahamkara
- Many Atmas?

• Karta - Boktas, Many in the world

Questions of Agruda Deva

Jiva Ishvara Moksha Sadhanam

- Am I Jiva? - Is there Creator for - What gives Liberation?

- Identical with Body or Universe - Jnanam, karma,
Different from Body - Has Universe evolved Upasana (Bhakti), or
- If Atma, different, Am I by itself Randomly? Combination
Karta, Bokta - Is Creator Located, in
- Is Atma one in all Time - Space?
Bodies - With Form? All
Revision 302 :
3 Groups of Questions by
Agruda Deva

Jivatma Ishvara, Jagrat Karanam Moksha Sadhanam

Vedantic Answer :
• Not Focused, but given in Chapter 4, 5 4519
• Here Focus on Wrong Answer of Sankhya / Nyaya / Yoga / Veiseshikas Tarquikas
• Show Mistake is Committed
• Manana Pradhana Text, negate other Schools by Logic
• Tarquikas Accept Veda
• Veda = Supportive
• Logic Pradhanam
Advaita Darshanam :
i) Atma is Different from :
• Pancha Kosha, 3 Sharirams, 3 Avasthas
• They belong to Matter, Prakirti has Manifest, Unmanifest condition
ii) Atma Akarta - Abokta :
• Karta has to do karma for Sukha Prapti and Dukha Nivritti
• I Consciousness become as though Waker I with Reflection on Body - Mind complex
Atma Consciousness

Already Sukha Svarupa Has no Dukham

No Karma required Need not Do karma to get Rid of

Dukham 4520
• If I am Akarta, I will be Abokta also
iii) Who is Karta Bokta?
• Sangatah - Body - Mind - Sense complex is Karta, Bokta
Gita - Chapter 3 :

All actions are performed, in all cases, merely by the qualities in nature (gunas). He, whose
mind is deluded by egoism, thinks I am the doer. [Chapter 3 – Verse 27]

But he, who knows the Truth, O mighty-armed, about the divisions of the qualities and (their)
functions, and he, who knows that gunas as senses move amidst gunas as objects, is not
attached. [Chapter 3 – Verse 28] 4521
• All actions done by product of Prakriti - Body - Mind - Senses
iv) Atma is Ekaha, me not many
Advaitam Other Philosophers
- Atma Sarvagyaha Ekaha, - Atmas Many
Akarta, Abokta - Atma karta, Bokta
- Body - Mind Different - Karta Boktas Many
• Consciousness blessing all Bodies is one
Gita - Chapter 13 :

He sees, who sees the supreme lord existing equally in all beings, the unperishing within the
perishing. [Chapter 13 - Verse 28]
What is Supporting Logic for Vedantin :
• All Pervading can be only one Atma
• All Pervading can’t be karta, Bokta, can’t be Many (Nana) only Ekaha 4522
Logic of Sankhya :
• We see many people
• Each one has Different Experiences, Happy, happier, happiest
• Boktas, Experiencer of Pleasures many, hence kartas should be Many
• Based on Pratyaksham and Anumanam, therefore Atma must be Many
v) Logic of Advaitin :
• Agree if Atma is karta, Bokta, then Atma will be many but Atma is not, karta
• Therefore Atma not many based on Plurality of Karta Bokta
• Sankhya First Established Plurality of Bokta, then, Karta, then Atma
• If Karta, Bokta is one, then when one is Happy, all will be happy
• One Child Cries, all Cry, Sympathic Vibration
• Advaitin Accepts many Kartas, Boktas but Atma is Akarta, Abokta Ekaha, All
Pervading, formless
• Therefore, there is no Pratyaksha Pramanam to Prove Plurality of Atma
• Accept Shastra Pramanam - Atma is Ekaha
• Therefore one all Pervading Atma, life Principle, Keeps all Bodies alive, Awarefull,
• All Bodies to live require Atma
• One Atma Pervades all bodies 4523
Eka Atma Sarva Shariram Vyapta :
• Other Philosophers Don’t Agree : Ekatvam, Akartrutvam of Atma, have fallacious logic
• What is their Wrong Conclusion?
• Sankhya matam and Trividha naiyayika Matam.

Topic 355 :

• Sankhya Accepts Veda, but they are Nastika - Don’t accept God
• Vedic Angle Astitva
• Ishvara Astitva Angle - Nastika
Sankhya Says :
• Atma is Akarta, Abkta Same as Advaitin but bahutva Atma matam Plurality
• Sankhya Karika - Gives Sankhya Darshanam
• Sankhya Sutrani by Kapila Muni
• Ishvara Krishna, Condensed Sankhya Karika into 72 Slokas
• Reconstructed Sankhya Sutram Original gone
• Sankhya, Yoga, Nyaya, Purva Mimamsa, Vyakarana first studied in Traditional Schools
• Then Vedanta Sankhya Karika - Mandukya Upanishad : By Ishvara Krishna

There is no doubt that the mind which is in fact non-dual, splits itself into many in dream. In a
like manner in the waking-state too undoubtedly the non-dual mind appears as though dual.
[4 - K - 62]
• Atma Akarta, Abokta, Asamsari but many
• Prakrti goes through Samsara and Moksha
Why Plurality?
• Summary of Sankhya in a Nutshell Philosophy :

Conclusion :

Prakirti - Matter Principle Purusha

24 Tattvams - Atma Chaitanyam Many

- Spiritual Principle
• No God required to create world
• Matter evolves into Universe by 24 Tattvams
Tattva Bodha :
• Atho Chatur Vimshadi… 24 Adapted in Veda
Gita - Chapter 7 :

Earth, water, fire, air, ether, mind, intellect, egoism; these are my eightfold Prakrti.
[Chapter 7 – Verse 4] 4527
i) Prakirti not in time, Anaadi :
• Karanam not Karyam
ii) Creation evolves from Prakirti (Matter and Energy) :
Moola Prakiti - Kevala


Ahamkara Cosmic Ego

Sattva Rajas Tamas

- 1 Manaha - 5 Jnana Indriya and 5 - 5 Subtle Elements

Karma Indriya - Tan Mantras
- Indriyas - Sukshma Butani
- 5 Gross Elements

iii) 3 + 16 + 5 = 24 :
24 Tattwas

3 Groups

Kevala Karanam Kevala Karyam Karanam and Karyam

- Moola Prakirti - Vikriti - Prakirti Vikriti

- Only produce Vikriti - Final Products Example :
- (1) - Mind - Parents
- 10 Sense organs - 2 Angles
- 5 Gross Elements - Mahat
- ( 16 ) - Ahamkara
- 5 Sukshma Butani
- (7)
iv) Purusha :
• Neither Prakirti or Vikriti = Non-matter, Consciousness.

Sankhya Vedanta
- Many Atmas - One Atma
- Matter and Consciousness - Consciousness alone real
equally Real - Matter is Appearance
Sankhya Karika :
• Moola Prakirti…
Vivekchudamani :
• Prakirti Vikriti Binna Shunya…

Prakirti Vikriti Prakirti Vikriti Prakirti Vikriti

- Karanam - Karyam - Karanam and - Chaitanyam
- (1) - (16) Karyam - (1)
- (7)

Total 25
24 = Matter and Energy :
• Upto this Vedanta, Sankhya Same
How Many Atmas?
i) Mandukya Upanishad :

It is not that which is conscious of the internal subjective world, nor that which is conscious of
the external world, nor that which is conscious of both, nor that which is a mass of
consciousness, nor that which is simple consciousness, nor is it unconsciousness: it is unseen
by any sense-organ, beyond empirical dealings, incomprehensible by the mind, uninferable,
unthinkable, indescribable, essentially by of the self alone, negation of all phenomena, the
peaceful, the auspicious and the non-dual. This is what is considered as the fourth (Turiya).
This is the Atman and this is to be realised. [Mantra 7]
• Advaitam = One

ii) Svetasvatara Upanishad :

God, who is one only, is hidden in all beings. He is all-pervading, and is the inner self of all
creatures. He presides over all actions, and all beings reside in Him. He is the witness, and He
is the Pure Consciousness free from the three Gunas of Nature. [Chapter 6 – Verse 11]
• Atma is one in Advaitam, many in Sankhya
• Sankhya commits Blunder, Purusha = Many
• You have one Consciousness, I have one Consciousness
Advaitin :
• Body Mind Reflects Consciousness

Sattva Rajas Tamas

Sattvic Component of Rajasic Component of Tamasic Component of

Matter matter Matter
• 3 Combined is called Prakirti
• Guna = Substance not attribute
• In Nyaya Philosophy Guna = Attribute
3 Substances

Sattva Rajas Tamas

• Intertwined like 3 Strands of a thread
• 3 Strands not Attributes of thread
Prakirti (Sattva / Rajas / Tamas)

3 Constituent Threads 3 Properties

- 3 Substances Matter, Sankhya - Matter

- Intertwined like 3 threads - Nyaya
Constituting one thread
When 3 Strands on Equilibrium :
• 33 1/3 % then it is Called Prakirti, Pradhanam of Prapancha
• No time, No Place No Causation Anaadi, Beginningless
• Matter can never be Destroyed, created
• Prakirti is Eternal matter
• Matter is Eternal
• 3 Gunas in Equilibrium = Pradhanam
= Samya Avastha
• Not infinite Atmas - One Atma
Example :
• Why Run after one Ball, give 22 Balls, will stop Running football Match for ignorant
• Matter changes from manifest to Unmanifest State
• Unmanifest Matter becoming Manifest = Srishti
• Manifest matter goes to Unmanifest = Pralayam
• Matter is Expanding
• Science, Sankhya, Vedanta Darshanam Similar

Gita :

Beings were unmanifest in the beginning, and unmanifest again in their end, seem to be
manifest in the middle, O Bharata. What then, is there to grieve about?[Chapter 2 - Verse 28]
• What is difference Between Modern Science, Sankhya, Vedanta?
Science, Sankhya Advaitam
- Matter, Consciousness equally Real - Matter, Unreal - Consciousness (Real)
- Purusha and Prakirti real - Matter appearance does not exist by
- Consciousness really eternal, lends
existence to appearing Matter
• Waker lends existence to Appearance of Dream.
• Matter unreally eternal


Prakirti Vikriti

Material Cause Effect Product

Example :

Carpenter Wood

- Intelligent Cause - Material Cause

- Nimitta Karanam - Upadana Karanam
o Word Prakirti
o Technical
o Reserved for Material Cause, Upadana Karanam
o Not General Karanam
Derivation of Root Prakirti :
• Prakarshena Karya Rupena Kriyamanatvat Prakirti
• That which is Deliberately transferred into a Product
• Wood Transformed into Furniture
• Carpenter not Prakurshena Kriya Manatvat
Why Prakirti called Upadana Karanam?
• That which is taken by intelligent cause for Producing an Effect
• Nimitta Karanena Karya Upadartham
• Intelligent cause takes Material Cause to Produce an effect.
Material Cause Intelligent Cause
- Taken Cause - Taker Cause
- Upadana Karanam Upadiyate

Pravritti Vikritti
Upadana Karanam Karyam
Why Prakirti called Pradhanam? Creation residing in Dormant form, Unmanifest form :
• Pra - Dha - Nam
• Word Speaks to you, if you know Prefix - Root - Suffix, Conveys Meaning
• Dha - Dharayati - Uphods universe in Manifest form = Prakirti = Pradhanam
• I am repository of Universe
• Mahat = Karyam of Prakirti
• Tathaahi Krutirnabhavati….
Agruda Deva

Student in Dream

3 Questions

Jiva Svarupam Ishvara Svarupam Moksha Sadhana

Teaching over in Chapter 4 to 5 :
• Repetition here conclusion of other Darshanas refuted
• Student - Tarqa Drushti other Darshanas, Tarqa Pradhana
• Rely more on Tarqa less on Veda, accept Veda
• Limitation of Tarqa Revealed by Tarqa based Logic, ideas, Vision
• Tarqa used in Mananam is good
• Criticize Tarqa in Sravanam 4538
• Sankhya, Yoga, Nyaya, Veiseshika logic Oriented
• Conclusions wrong because of Over Reliance of Tarqa
Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6
Uttama Madhyama Tarqa

Atma = Jiva Svarupam


Chaitanya Svarupam Asanga Akarta


Pancha Kosha Vilakshana Ekaha Abokta

Sankhya :
• All 6 Ok
• Atma Aneka, each Body has one all Pervading Atma
• My Atma Pervades all of you
• Your Atma Pervades all of us 4539
Svetasvatara Upanishad :

God, who is one only, is hidden in all beings. He is all-pervading, and is the inner self of all
creatures. He presides over all actions, and all beings reside in Him. He is the witness, and He
is the Pure Consciousness free from the three Gunas of Nature. [Chapter 6 – Verse 11]
• Ekaha = Crucial word Missed by Sankhya
ND :
• Demolishes Plurality of Atma
25 Tattvams

24 1

Material Cause Non-material Atma

• Shunya Avastha = Pradhanam
• Prakirti = Vedantic Maya

Vishnu Sahasranamam :
• Pradhanam Vishnu Pradhanena Purusha Ishvara…
Svetasvatara Upanishad :

Know then that Nature is Maya, and that the great God is the Lord of Maya. The whole world is
filled with beings who form His parts. [Chapter 4 – Verse 10]
• Pradhanam and Prakirti used by Sankhya
• Sankhya Avoids word Maya for Prakirti as it Signifies lower order of reality, Mithya
• Sankhya does not accept Mithyatvam of Prakirti
• Pradhanam = Prakirti = cause of jagat
• Never product of Anything, not a Vikriti
Moola Prakirti Vikriti
- Upadana Karanam - Karyam
- Causeless cause of Jagat
• Prakirti
• Upadana Karanam for Mahat
Sankhya Borrows word Mahat from Katho Upanishad :

Beyond the great (Mahat) is the unmanifested (Avyaktam). Beyond the Avyaktam (Prakrti) is
the Purusa ; beyond the Purusa there is nothing ; that is the end ; that is the highest goal.
[1 - 3 - 11]
• Not Sleep but Unmanifest Matter
• Mere Mahat = Unmanifest principle matter = Inert
• Mahat and Reflected Consciousness = Hiranyagarbha, Sutratma
• Chidabhasa Sahita Mahat = Chetanam
• Chetana Mahat = Hiranyagarbha
• Hiranyagarbha born out of Prakirti or maya
• Pradhanam = Anaadi, beggingless matter, not born in Time
• Maya not born out of Brahman
• Maya = Prakirti = Pradhanam = Anaadi
= Never Vikriti - Never Product
o Prakirti - 1
o Prakirti Vikriti = 7 Products
o Vikriti = 16
o 1 + 7 + 16 = 24 Tattvams
• Prakirti / Maya
• Mahat
• Macro Ahamkara Cosmic Ahamkara = Virat
Vedanta :
• From Ishvara
• Hiranyagarbha
• Virat
• Include Chidabhasa in Maya = Ishvara
• Include Chidabhasa in Mahat = Hiranyagarbha
• Ishvara = Maya and Consciousness (Hiranyagarbha Born)
Foot Note :
Vedanta Sankhya
- Mahat - Hiranyagarbha - Mahat, Ahamkara
- Virat came - Sattva / Rajas / Tamas
- Bheda Vishayas
• 3 Gunas Associated with Cosmic Ahamkara, become Sattvic, Rajasic, tamasic
Ahamkara responsible for gross, Subtle Creation
• Ahamkara Endowed with 3 Attributes Sattva / Rajas / Tamas - Gunas are born

Sattvic Rajasic Tamasic

Becomes 1 Mind Becomes 10 Indriyas Becomes 5 Sukshma


• Tamasic Tanmatras
• Sukshma Butani
• 5 Sthula Butas born 4544
Why Called Tanmatras?
• Gross elements not Tanmatras
• In Subtle element, Sukshma Akasha only exists, Unadulterated not Mixed, Like
Nascent Hydrogen
• Gross elements not tanmatra, not Pure Akasha
Gross Akasha = 50 % Akasha :
• 12 ½ % - Vayu + 12 ½ % - Agni + 12 ½ % - Jalam + 12 ½ % - Prithvi = Alloy
• 7 Called as Prakirti vikriti both cause - Effect
From 2 Standpoints :
Former Latter
- Cause - Effect
- Karanam - Karyam

• 1 Mahat
• 1 Ahamkara 7
• 5 Tanmatras

Kevala Prakirti Kevala Vikriti Prakirti Vikriti
- 1 - Mere products - 7
- 16
- 5 Jnana Ishvara +
Karana Ishvara + 5
Sthula Butas
• Sankhya Left out 5 Pranas
• Includes Prana Shakti pervading Manaha, Indriya
• Takes them as Attributes of Indriyas and Manaha
• Prano - born of Rajo Guna in Tattva Bodha
Sankhya :
• 10 Indriyas Born off Rajo Guna 4546
Tattva Bodha Sankhya
i) 5 Jnana Indriyas born out of i) 5 Jnana Indriyas born out of Rajo
Sattvic Guna Guna
ii) Prana born of Rajo Guna ii) Prana assumed from Rajo Guna
• It Does not matter because ultimately creation is Adhyaropa Stage
• In Apavada it will be negated
• In Bhagawatam, Sankhya Srishti taken not Tattva Bodha Srishti
Ahamkara (Cosmic Ego)

Tamo Guna Rajo Guna

Pancha Butani 10 Indriyas

• 16 Shodasha - Only products not causes
Aside Note :
• 5 Gross Elements only Products
• No Karanam, Cause Physical Bodies = Karyam from Pancha Butas not in Sankhya Srishti
• Here total Creation is the focus Coming out from 25 Tattvams
Creation (25)

Only Purusha Only Prakirti Prakirti Vikriti Only Vikriti

1 1 7 16
• 25 Building Blocks not explaining full Creation
• Tattvam = Crucial
• Purusha not Karanam or Karyam but Vilakshanam
Vivekachudamani :

That which, even though it is one existence, is the cause for the many, which refutes all other
causes but itself is without cause, which is distinct from cause and effect and is independent
‘That Brahman thou art’ - Meditate on this in you mind.[Verse 260]
Mandukya Upanishad :

Dream is the mis-apprehension of reality, while sleep is the state in which one is in a state of
non-apprehension of Reality. When the erroneous knowledge in these two states disappears.
Turiya is realised. [1 - K - 15]

1st and 2nd Pada 3rd Pada Turiyam

- Karyam - Karanam - Karya Karana
- Vikriti - Prakirti (Binnaha) Vilakshana
• A thing is Karanam only w.r.t Something else
• A thing by itself not Karanam or Karyam
• Get name Karyam in relation to something
• Rama Son w.r.t Dasharatha and = Prakirti in Relation to Vikriti its Product
Product :
• Effect
• Karyam in relation to Karanam
• All 24 Tattvams - Prakirti, Vikriti, or Prakirti - Vikriti
• 1, 16, 7 = 24
• All have common feature
• All Jadam, Anatma, Drishyam
• There is something else in Creation whose Existence can’t be Questioned
• In Picture - Camera not Seen but Exists
• Consciousness Visibly not seen, in Body, Mind, Universe = I not material principle
• Scientific Instrument and Process Designed to Detect matter only
• Adhyasa - Artha, Jnana Dharma
• Purusha not Husband but Chiatanyam
• Purusha = Sthula, Sukshma, Karana Vyatirikta, Avastha Traya Sakshi, Satchit Ananda
• Sankhya and Advaitin Agree on this
• In Asanga Atma neither there is Bogaha or Moksha
• Sankhya uses word Apavargaha for Moksha
• Yadyapi, Thathapi… Superficially Purusha has bandha and Moksha
• Really, both not there for Purusha, Nitya Mukta Atma Aham Asmi


Sattvic Rajasic Tamasic

Sukham Raaga, Dvesha, Krodha, Aviveka, Ajnana Vritti

Lobha, madah, Matsarya

• All thoughts belong to Prakirti not Purusha

Gita - Chapter 13 :

Desire, hatred, pleasure, pain, aggregate (Body), intelligence, fortitude - This Ksetra has been
thus, briefly described with its modifications. [Chapter 13 - Verse 7]
• Ichha, Dvesha… All Kshetram = Prakirti
• Transformation, change in the Mind.
Brahma Sutra Bashyam :
• Yushmat Asmat Pratyaya Gocharoyoho….
• Ekaha Atma Asti
• Due to lack of Discrimination between Prakriti and Purusha, Aviveka is there, Kshetra -
Kshetrajna Samyoga is there
• Viveka is not there
• Therefore both Bondage and liberation do not belong to Atma
• They are Transferred from Buddhi / Mind
• Upto this Advaitam and Sankhya Close
Sciences Sankhya
- Consciousness Attribute of - Separated Matter and
matter Consciousness
- Equal Degree of Reality
Baudha :
• Matter is Mithya
• Left Behind is Consciousness
Westerners :
• Shankara Created Advaitam by merging Sankhya and Buddhism
Sankhya :
• No Ishvara, Only Prakirti and Purusha
Prakirti Purushas
- One, inert - Many
- Evolves into Creation
- Random
Vedantin :
• Creation as per law of Karma
Sankhya :
• Creation benefits Purusha
One more Sankhya Matam :
• Adds Ishvara as 26th 4553
Yoga :
• Sa Ishvara Sankhyam
• Accepts 25 Tattvams
• Ishvara is Consciousness without Samsara Problem
• Jivatma (Many) = Samsara and Consciousness
• Paramatma one
Revision 305 :
• ND Analysing Sankhya Matam
Moola Prakirti :
• Cause of entire Universe
• Modifies to become entire Vishaya and Vishayi
Prakriti only Aim :
• Serve the Purusha
• Give Moksha to Purusha
• Prakirti does everything for
• Purusha, helps Purusha enjoy
• Moksha is because of Jnanam, Jnanam comes from Sattva Guna vritti
• When Purusha - Prakirti Viveka takes Place, one gets Moksha 4554
Gita - Chapter 14 :

Knowledge arises from sattva, greed from rajas, heedlessness, delusion and also ignorance
arise from tamas. [Chapter 14 - Verse 17]
• Really Purusha (Atma Chaitanyam) does not have Bandha and Moksha
Atma Prakirti
- Asangaha - Has Vritti Jnanam, Sukham
- No Bhoga, No Moksha Dukham, Raaga, Dvesha
- No Apavargaha
• They are all Transformation in the Buddhi and there is Adhyasa Problem
• Attributes of Anatma Transferred to Atma
• There is Non-discrimination between Prakirti and Purusha
• Because of this, both Bondage and Liberation do not belong to Atma but belongs to
Buddhi, Mind
• Upto this, Advaita and Sankhya Close 4555
Where is the Problem? Beautiful Portion :

• Enjoyment, Experience, Bogaha = Vritti only

• Every vritti belongs to mind only
• Vritti Rupa Bogaha = Prakirti Rupa Bhoga
= Atmani Adhyaste
= Transferred to Atma
Ignorant :
• Atma has Bogaha, Joy, gets Bogta Status
• Purusha is Bokta, not from Jnanis Drishti
• Majority of Ajnanis Conclude Purusha is Bokta
Prakirti Purusha
- Karta - Bokta
- Temporarily Accepted
• In The end, Sankhya says Purusha not Bokta
• Bhoga = Falsely transferred on Atma
Sankhyas Atma

Before Knowledge After Knowledge

Bokta Abokta
Really Speaking :
• Atma not Bokta
• Buddhi alone Bhoktri (Buddhi Strilling hence Bhoktri not Bhokta)
• Prakruti alone Karta - Bokta…
• Purusha is different from Buddhi
• Purusha and Prakirti intimately together in waking, in Proximity but not one and Same
• Have Viveka
Prakirti Purusha
- Buddhi - Atma
- Kartri - Akarta
- Boktri - Abokta
- Mithya - Satyam
- Dependent - Independent
- Comes and goes - Always exists
- Savikaram - Nirvikaram
- Thought is a Motion,
Spandanam in Consciousness
Brihadaranyaka Upanishad :

‘Which is the self?’ ‘This infinite entity (Puruṣa) that is identified with the intellect and is in the midst
of the organs, the (self-effulgent) light within the heart (intellect). Assuming the likeness (of the
intellect), it moves between the two worlds; it thinks, as it were, and shakes, as it were. Being
identified with dreams, it transcends this world—the forms of death (ignorance etc.).’ [4 - 3 - 7] 4558
• Atma as though karta, Bokta, really not
• Only Jnana Adhyasa in Vyavahara
• Sankhya and Advaitin are in Agreement on all these
• Aviveka, lack of Discriminative knowledge is in Nanatvam Atma - Plurality of Atma
• Atma Asangaha Asti, Paramartikam
• Sukha, Dukha, Raaga, Dvesha, Emotions, Cognition, Confusion at Lower Vyavaharika
• Modifications of Buddhi taken as I
• Attributes of Buddhi transferred to Atma
• Till now with hand on Shoulders walking Side by Side with Sankhya
Blunderous Statement of Sankhya :
• Atma nana Cha… Sankhya and Nyaya are Atma bahutva Vadis
• This fallacy, Shankara Punches hard.
Sankhyas Logic forget - Svetasvatara Upanishad :

God, who is one only, is hidden in all beings. He is all-pervading, and is the inner self of all
creatures. He presides over all actions, and all beings reside in Him. He is the witness, and He
is the Pure Consciousness free from the three Gunas of Nature. [Chapter 6 – Verse 11] 4559
• Sankhya has selective Amnesia, dropped Veda came to fallacious Logic
What is logic used by Sankhya to Arrive at Plurality?
• ND - Deals here
Shankara Punches Sankhya on another fallacy Elsewhere :
• Inert Prakirti works thoughtfully for benefit of Purusha, illogical
• Purposeful creation Done by Prakirti independently without Ishvara’s Intelligent
Nimitta Karanam
• ND Does not Attack here, Advaitins Attack
Example :
• Grains and Vegetables thinks what is Breakfast for Yajaman and Cook themselves
Example :
• Adai and Avial
Advaitin Say :
• Looked up Philosophy of Sankhya
• How Prakirti creates sense Organs, sense objects, Universe? Illogical, wrong.
• ND attacks Atma Nanatvam
Sankhya :
• Jivas are many
• Jiva = Purusha, no Paramatma
Logic :
• Different Jivas have - Different experiences Happy / Unhappy, Raagi, Dveshi,
knowledge - ignorance
• Plurality of attributes prove Plurality of Atma, Jivas
• Attributes Appear in Atma because of Aviveka
• Attributes belong to Mind, Plurality of Buddhi, emotions, Bodies - Superimposed on
Atma by Sankhya
• Atma = Nirgunaha, has no attributes Says Veda
• Attributes transferred to Atma
• It is Transferred Plurality of Atma not factual 4561

Really Non-dual Taken to be Plural

Sankhya takes Plurality to be real

• Upto attributes, accept Adhyasa
• Bahutvam = Mistake
• We Accept Adhyasa of Atma

Dharma Not Bahutvam

• Many Jivas seem to be there in Many bodies Because of Distinct experiences
• Plurality of Body - Mind - Senses Creates illusion of Plurality of Atma.

Gita - Chapter 13 :

Indeed, he who sees the same lord everywhere equally dwelling, destroys not the self by the
Self; therefore, he goes to the highest goal. [Chapter 13 - Verse 29]

Sarveshu Bhuteshu Samam Tishtanti

Anatma - Plural Atma - Singular
• Sees same lord, Atma everywhere, equally, Dwelling, he alone knows
• I Say I - You say I
• Each uses 1st Person Singular, does not have Plurality in “I” - Aham
• Many Chairs, tables - Balls, not many I’s
• We = Plural of I and you and he and She
• I and I not equal to we
• Wrong we, taken as Plural by Sankhya as Many I’s
• You can be Proud = No I like me in the world
• None like you / i… incomparable, Matchless 4563
Oppilamani Uppaliyamani
Matchless Not without Salt
• Paramatma has no Comparision
• I - Jiva also has no Comparision
o Atma = One
o Paramatma = One
• If Paramatma different from Jivatma, he will be Anatma, Jadam, Drishyam
Bheda Nasti

Jivatma Jivatma

Jagat Paramatma
• Plurality belongs to Body - Mind - Senses
• Sankhya Missed this Point

Svetasvatara Upanishad :

God, who is one only, is hidden in all beings. He is all-pervading, and is the inner self of all
creatures. He presides over all actions, and all beings reside in Him. He is the witness, and He
is the Pure Consciousness free from the three Gunas of Nature. [Chapter 6 – Verse 11]
Sankhya takes :
• Wrong - Mundak Upanishad :

Two birds bound to each other in close friendship, perch on the self-same tree. One of them
eats the fruits of the tree with relish, while the other (just) looks on, without eating. [III – I – 1]
• Got into Trouble
• Plurality of Attributes, belonging to Anatma taken to Atma
• If Attributes were belonging to Atma, because of Plurality of attributes, you could
have talked about Plurality of Atma
• Attributes are vrittis belonging to Buddhi
• It is Bhoga and Apavarga 4565
How can Plurality belong to Atma :
• Attributes Transferred
• Means Plurality transferred
Buddhi Parinama

Sukham Dukham Mohaha

Sattvic Rajasic Tamasic

Gita :

Deluded by these natures (states or things) composed of the three gunas (of prakrti), all the
world knows Me not as immutable and distinct from them. [Chapter 7 – Verse 13]
• Sukha, Dukha, Moha not attributes of Atma
• Atma is witness of Mental Sukham, Dukham
• Witness only one

What should be Right Conclusion?

• Rama is Happy, Krishna is Unhappy
• Mind happy, unhappy, appears in Atma
• One Atma behind both Minds
• You say 2 different Atmas because of appearing attributes
• Don’t conclude Atma is different
Example :
Space Akasha

In one Container In Big Container

Small, Contaminated Big 4567

• Space seems to be Plural because containers many
• Similarly Atma seems to be Plural because of Container of Body - Mind
Atma Space
- Eka - Eka
- Appears Plural in Many - Appears Plural in Many
container Bodies container pots
• This is Right Conclusion
Revision (306) :
• ND Talking about logical fallacies in Sankhya Matam w.r.t Concept of Atma

6th Chapter

3 Main Topics


Jiva Svarupa Vichara Ishvara Svarupa Vichara Moksha Sadhana Vichara

Approach of ND

Our view Views of others Negate others Why our View

Views Right
1st Topic :
• Jiva Svarupa Vichara : Sankhya
a) Atma - Different from Anatma :
Atma Anatma
i) Consciousness, Purusha i) Matter, Prakirti
ii) Independent ii) Dependent
iii) Asanga iii) Satsanga
iv) Nirguna iv) Saguna
• All Above Common features Accepted by Sankhya and Advaitin.
b) Sankhyas Blunder
Sankhya Atma Vedantin Atma
- Bokta, Experiencer - Ekam
- Atma Bahutvam - Abokta

Sankhya :
a) Emotions - Sukham, Dukham, Raaga, Dvesha
b) In the beginning of Teaching for Junior Students
c) Later, Really Atma not Bokta :
• Asanga Chaitanyam
• Emotions belong to Mind - Buddhi
• Mental Emotions transferred to Atma
• Atma Appears as Bokta
• Atma really not Bokta, Seeming Bokta
d) Atma is Plural, there are Many Atmas :
• Everybody is Jivatma
• Every Mind Packed by Jivatma
• Body - Mind - Jivas Many
How does Sankhya Arrive at Plurality?
• Pratyaksha, Anumana Shastra
• Atma Apratyaksaha
• Never Object of Sense organs
• Pramanam = Anumana, Arthapatti logical Consideration
• Atmas Many
e) Each Jiva has Distinct Emotion :
• Happy, Unhappy, Raagi, Dveshi
• Emotions different, hence Atmas Different
• Based on Plurality of different experiences, Emotions, Sankhya says Atmas many
• Emotions transferred to Atma from Mind
• Atma has Transferred emotions
• Plurality of Emotions Prove Plurality of Atma
Advaitin :
a) If Atma has transferred emotions, Plurality also is transferred :
• Atma not Plural - Minds, Emotions, many transference not real, seeming
• No Real Plurality of Atma
• Artha Patti Pramanam can’t Prove Plurality of Atma
• Atma is seemingly Plural
• Auphadika Bahutvam Vedanta Accepts
Brahma Sutra :

But the mention of that (viz., birth and death of the individual soul) is apt only with
reference to the bodies of beings moving and non-moving. It is secondary or
metaphorical if applied to the soul, as the existence of those terms depends on the
existence of that (i.e., the body). [II – III – 16] 4571
Charachara Adhikaranam :
• Achara Vyapashraya Adhikaranam

Is Jiva

Born and Dies Not Born, Doesn’t Die

Taittriya Upanishad : Jiva is Anaadi Gita :

- Yatho va Imani Butani jayante - Chapter 15 - Verse 3 : Na Rupam
- Upanishad Says Asye…
- From Standpoint of Body, Jiva - Advaitin Says
Born - Svarupa Drishtya, No Birth
- Birth of Body and Assumed as - Nirupadhika Svarupa
Birth of Jiva - Vastava Ekam
- Punyena, Papena Lokan Sharira
Drishtya Jiva has Janma
- Auphadhika Janma
- Upadhi Bheda, Bahutvam
- Vastava Bheda, fallacious

Taittriya Upanishad :

To him (Bhrgu) he (Varuna) Again said: “That from which these beings are born; that by which,
having been born, these beings live and continue to exist; and that into which, when
departing, they all enter; That sleekest thou to know. That is Brahman”. He, (Bhgru) Performed
Penance; and after having done Penance….. [3 - 1 - 2]
Gita - Chapter 15 :

Its form is not perceived here as such, neither its end, or its foundation, nor its resting place;
having cut asunder this firm-rooted Asvattha-tree with the strong axe of non-
attachment…[Chapter 15 - Verse 3] 4573
Example :
• One All pervading Akasha, Space exists, Appears Many because of Enclosures,
• Ghata, Mata, Akasha
• Seemingly many Spaces
• Factually one Space
• Attributes of Container exists in each Space
• Dirty Place (Space)
• Place = Akasha
• In Bhumi there is Dirt, not in Space
• Transfer dirtiness of Bhumi to Akasha = Error
• Enclosures Impurity imputed
• Mandukya Upanishad - Gaudha Pada - Karika - Chapter 3 - Verse 1 to 10 is Ghata
• Pot Spaces many
• Plurality belongs to Pot, Body, Minds, not Atma or Space
• Upadhi = Container
• Attributes of Container transferred to content Space, Consciousness, Awareness
• Attributes of thoughts transferred to container Atma. 4574
• We say Space is Dirty in Vyavahara
• All Vyavahara Due to Adhyasa transfer done, due to Aviveka, Non-discrimination
• Anyonya = Adhyasa
• Pratiyante = Appear
• Yatha, Thatha, therefore, there is only one all Pervading Atma
• Attributes of Plurality of Minds we Accept and they also Accept
• Buddhi - Atma - Non-discrimination causes an Appearance
• Sankhya must Accept
What does he do - Says ?
• Atma is all Pervading
• There are Many all Pervading Atmas to Accommodate many emotional differences
• We accept many emotional minds, not Atma
• Atma = Asanga and Sarvagyaha Relationless and All pervading
• Plurality of Atma is wrong conclusion
• Futile, not required
• Anumana and Artha patti can’t prove Plurality of Atma
• Pratyaksha can’t prove Atma
• Atma is Apratyasha must come to Shastra for Proof
• Sarva Buteshu Ekam Atma
Gita - Chapter 6 :

With the mind harmonised by yoga, he sees the Self abiding in all beings and all beings in the
Self; he sees the same everywhere. [Chapter 6 – Verse 29]
Isavasya Upanishad :

He who constantly sees everywhere all existence in the Self and the Self in all beings and
forms, thereafter feels no hatred for anything. [Verse 6]
• Proof for Atma Ekatvam in Shastra Pramanam.

• Sankhya gives 2 Artha Patti Arguments to Support Atma Bahutvam, Plurality of Atma
i) Sukham, Dukham, Individuals are different, there fore Atmas Different :
• ND - This is Fallacious
ii) Some Jivas Liberated, Some in Bondage :
• Sankhya Accepts Jeevan Mukti
• If there is one Atma, with Atma Jnanam all Jivas must be liberated
• To Accept Bound, liberated Jivas you must Accept many Atmas
• Karma Yogi, Upasana Yogi, Jnana Yogi Atma… All in different levels of Liberation. 4577
2 Contentions

Sukha Dukha Refinement Required Bound / Liberated Atmas Required

• There is no Param Atma in Sankhya, all Jivas
• Hence there is Atma - Atma Bheda
Vedantin :
• Such conclusion is wrong
• Atma Asangaha = Bondage can’t touch Atma
• Moksha can’t touch Atma
• Atma has no Moksha, Bandha, both belongs to Buddhi

Aviveka Viveka

- Bound - Liberated
- Tamo Guna Janyam - Sattva Guna Janyam
• All Gunas belong to Buddhi, Prakirti
• Buddhi, has Sattva, Rajas, Tamas because Buddhi is product of Prakirti. 4578
• Bandah, Moksha belongs to Buddhi
• Atma not bound, liberated
• If Atma was bound, liberated, there will be Taratamyam in Jivas, Differences
Sankhya Karika :
• Na Bandaha Na Mokshasya Purushasya….
• No Bondage, liberation because Atma is ever Unconnected to Buddhi, Asanga
Buddhi Has

Aviveka Viveka

- Bandha - Moksha
- Non-discrimination - Discrimination
• Problem of Buddhi we transfer to Atma
• Bondage and liberation of Buddhi transferred to Atma, Superimposed on Atma
Advaitin : Nirvana Shatkam :

I have neither dislikes nor likes, neither greed nor delusion, neither pride nor jealousy. I have
no duty to perform, nor any wealth to acquire, I have no craving for pleasures and the Self is
never bound, so I have no desire for Liberation. I am of the nature of pure Consciousness and
Bliss, I am all auspiciousness, I am Siva. [Verse 3]
• Superimposed Bandah, Moksha negated through Jnanam
• Bandah, Moksha is Mithya, negation also Mithya
• Based on Mithya bandah, Moksha can’t conclude Atma is Plural
• That Plurality is also Mithya - It is negated like Rajju Sarpah
• Adhyastham and Nivritti both Mithya
Conclusion :
• Sankhyas Bandah Moksha based Plurality of Atma is Mithya Jnanam.
• Tarqa - Drishti’s - Logical Fallacies, Conclusions, Destroyed by ND
• Next Nyaya Matam - 3 Types

• Seeming Bondage and Liberation

• Seeming Plurality in Akasha Room Space, Stadium space, because of Enclosures.
• Similarly Atma Plurality can be Explained because of Body Container.
Why Sadhana Required to removal unreal Bondage?
• Karma Yoga, Upasana Yoga, Sravana Yoga, Manana Yoga, Nididhyasanam yoga all to
know real is unreal
• Bondage is unreal - Once known, Job of Jnanam and Sadhana is Over
• Not to removal Unreal Bondage to educate Unreal bondage is not there, to know
Sadhana is not required for moksha.
Agyana Nivritti Samsara Nivritti
- Requires Questions - No Qualification required
- Sadhana Chatushtaya - There is no Samsara
Sampatti required for getting
• There is a Huge foot note with Arguments to Refute Plurality.

• Sankhya and Yoga - Combined
• Nyaya and Veiseshikas - Combined
• Vedantins Primer = Tattva Bodha
• Nyaya Veiseshika primer = Tarqa Sangraha
4 Headings Given :
To negated - Not Garland

Main Heading 3 Subheadings

- Atma Vyapakaha Vibhuti - 3 Types of Nyaya Philosophy

- Atma is Biggest one in size,
infinitely Big

Vibhu Parama Anu Madhyama

In Between
• Unique Topic - Only in Vichara Sagara
What is Proof of all Pervasiveness of Atma?
• Jiva has following features
i) Many Atmas there
ii) Each Atma is all Pervading
• My Atma will pervade you
• Your Atma will Pervade me
• Like Many Akasha, Vyapakatvam
iii) Nityatvam :
• Eternity, Permanent
iv) Jnana Gunatvadi = Saguna
v) Atma has 14 Attributes According to Neiyayika 4583

Saguna in Neiyayika Nirgunam in Vedanta

One of Attributes of Atma

vi) Atma = Jada = Inert, Jada Atmani Chaitanya Gunaha bhavati :
• Jnanam = Consciousness = Guna of Atma
• Atma with Conscious attribute
• Tarqa Drishti intellectually over Active, more Confused
• Tarqa Drishti requires Logical Analysis
• Present teaching is 4th Heading
• Nyaya = Name of Philosophy
• Neiyayika = Name of Philosophy
• Atma Bheda is Fallacious.
Sankhya 25

1 Consciousness, 1 Prakirti 7 Vikriti 16 Prakirti - Vikriti

Purusha 4584
Salient features of Neiyayika :
• Plurality of Atma, ND Refutes this
Brahma Sutra - 2nd Chapter - 2nd Section :
• Tarqa Pada - Pancha Anukam, Neiyayika Khandanam taken up
• Here one Issue Atma Bahutvam negated

3 Main - Topic’s of Chapter


Jiva Svarupam Ishvara Svarupam Moksha Sadhana

Jiva Svarupa :
Sankhya Advaitin
Jivas Many Jiva = One
Neiyayika :
• Jiva = Atomic, All pervading, infinite

Topic 356 :

Nature of Jiva in Vedanta :

i) Chaitanyam
ii) All Pervading
iii) Seemingly Many, really one, identical with Paramatma
Example :
Enclosures Space
Many One

Bodies Atma
Many One
• Sankhya - Jiva Svarupam close to Vedanta
• Atma = Chaitanyam, Akarta, Abokta, Nirguna, Sarvagataha, Nitya
• Attributes transferred from Mind to Atma
Blunder :
• Atmas are many, this is fundamental difference w.r.t Jiva Svarupa 4586
• How Sankhya commits Blunder?
• Explained earlier
Now Neiyayikas :
i) Jivas - Plural, all Pervading
ii) Consciousness not Jiva
iii) Consciousness is Attribute of Jiva :
• Subtle difference for Advaitin - Consciousness = Atma
• For Neiyayika - Consciousness is attribute of Atma
iv) 14 attributes of Atma are there :
• Atma = Sagunam, endowed with 14 Gunas
• Plurality of Atma is inappropriate, wrong conclusion of Neiyayikas like Sankhya
v) Neiyayika Philosophy :
• Universe
• 7 Categories, Padarthas, meaning of word, Broad Classification

7 Categories, Padarthas,
meaning of word, Broad

9 24 5 1

Dravyam Substance Gunaha Attribute Karma Action Samanyam


4 1 1

Absence Non- Intimate Infinite particular

existence of Abava relationship Visesha
Nyaya Siddhanta Mauktavalli :
• Dravyam Gunatastha Karma Samanyam Savisishaka Samanvaya Thatha Bhava
Padartha Sapta Keertika…
• 7 Padarthas are beginning of Shastras
• Rest are Subdivision of 7
• Each Padartha Subdivided. 4588
• ND Avoids all, he is interested in Atma
• Zooms into Atma
• 7 Padarthas Have - 9 Dravyam - 9 Substances, one is Atma
7 Padarthas :
i) Substance - All Objects
ii) Attribute - Colour, Weight, height
iii) Action - Physical, Verbal, Mental
iv) Samanyam Universal - Humanness, Chairness Manushyatvam, Plants
v) Particular - Mango tree - Alphonso Rasalu
• Everywhere we have Universal and Particular
• Samavaya = Substance and Attribute
= Padartha
• Substance and Attribute can’t be Separated
Example :
• Green Flower
• Colour / Attribute - Flower Substance
• Can’t Separate 4589
ii) Substance and karma can’t be Separated :
Speaker Speech
Substance Attribute
Example :
• Can’t send Speech for the talk on Zoom by itself without the Speaker
iii) Substance and Universal can’t be Separated :
• Manushya and Manushyatvam can’t be separated
iv) Dravyam and particular can’t be separated :

Guna Karma Samavaya Samanyam

All 5 pairs can’t be separated :
• 4 Pairs in 1st 5 Padarthas, Categories
• 4 Pairs have intimate relationship with
• Samanvaya - 6th Category
• Drivya Gunaho, Karmanho, Samanvayo, Viseshaho Samanvaya Sambandha 4590
• This is Picturization of whole Universe
vi) Padartha : Samanvaya :
• Absence
Example :
• Darkness = Padartha
= Object of the word
• Room is in Darkness
• Darkness is Object outside
• 7th Padartha = Absence of light
= Prakasha Abavaha

Positive entity Negative entity

- Bhava Rupa Padartha - Abhava Rupa Padartha

- Here
• Out of 7 Padarthas, ignore 6 Padarthas.

Taken only Dravyam here


9 Types

5 Butas 6th Kala

vi) Kala :
• Time = Substance
Definition of Substance :
• What can have attribute is Substance
Kala - Ashraya - 3

Past Kala Present Kala Future Kala

Buta Kala Vartamana Kala Bavi Kala

• Atita Anagata Guna, Ashraya Dravyam = Kala 4592

Tangible Intangible

Chair Time
• Whatever can take attribute = Substance
• Adjective = Attribute - Past, Present, Future time
• 6th Dravyam - Substance not Category
• 7th Drivyam = Dik Direction
• Substance - Takes Attribute
Northern Direction
- Guni - Guna
- Substance - Attribute
viii) Dravyam = Atma
ix) Dravyam = Manaha
• ND ignores 8 Drivyams and 6 Padarthas
• Focusses on one Drivyam, Atma
• Padartha → Dravya → Atma 4593
Swamiji introduces 2 Topics :

Jivatma Paramatma One

• Veiseshikas don’t accept god = Nirishwara Vadi
• Nyaya - Accepts god
• ND talks of 14 Attributes of Atma

• 14 Attributes of Jivatma
• Atma in Vedanta has no Attribute
i) Sukham - Happiness
ii) Dukham - Unhappiness
iii) Jnanam - Consciousness not knowledge
iv) Ichha - Raaga = Like
v) Dvesha - Dislike 4594
vi) Prayathna - will power not effort
vii) Dharma - Merit Punyam
viii) Adharma - Demerit Papam
ix) Jnana Janya Samskara - Punya - Papa, Vasana, imprints formed in every experience
Responsible for dream
x) Sankhya - Number - Jiva - Anantha
xi) Parimanam - Measurement, quantity
xii) Prithaktvam - Difference, distinction Chair Different Atma, Bheda
xiii) Samyoga - Union, Combination
xiv) Vibhaga - Separation


I to IX - Specific X to XIV - 5 Butas

- Belongs to Atma only - Samanya 5 Gunas

- Visesha Guna - Sankhya, Parimanam, Pritaktvam
- Happiness only for Atma, not - In Atma and other Drivyams
other 8 Dravyams
- Upto Samskara
- Panchabutas, Kala, Dik can’t have
- According to Nyaya - Mind has
happy - Unhappy attribute

14 Gunas in Atma According to Tarqa Shastra - Nyaya, Sankhya, Veiseshikas :

• Student here Tarqa Drishti

• Out of 14 Gunas, Delete 6, Retain 8

• 8 Gunas belong to Ishvara
• 6 Gunas belongs to Jiva 4596
Ishvaras Gunas :
i) Sankhya (Number) - Ishvara Ekaha
ii) Parimanaha - Measurement :
• Vibhu - Parimana - Ishvara
• All pervading, infinite
iii) Pritaktvam :
• Ishvara different from Jiva, Akasha, Vayu, other Drivyams
Advaitam :
• Ishvara Eva Idagum Sarvam
Gita - Chapter 11 - Vishwa Rupa Ishvara :
• No Akasha Separate from Ishvara
• Ishvara Different in Neiyayika Dvaitin
• Triangle format - Moment we see difference in Jiva, Jagat, Ishvara, we are Neiyayikas,
Dvaitin, Tarquikas.
• Samyoga : Ishvara comes in contact with world while Srishti, Sthithi, Laya
• Vibhaga : Ishvara gets separated from all Objects
• Jnanam : Consciousness
• Ichha : Desire to create the world, Bhakta Paripalanam
• Prayathna : will to do 8 Ishvara Gunas
What is Absent?
• Sukham, Dukham, Dvesha (Hatred), Dharma Adharma (Punya - Papam), Samskaras
• 6 not there

• 8 Gunas Common between Jiva and Ishvara

Differences :
Ishvara Jiva
i) Consciousness - eternal i) Consciousness - Temporary
- During sleep Jiva becomes inert,
- During waking Chetanam
ii) Ishvara - One ii) Jivas - Anekam Many
iii) Vyapakaha - All Pervading iii) Limited - Parichinnaha
iv) Nitya - Eternal iv) Anitya - Temporary Sentiency
- Consciousness leaves Jivatma and Atma
becomes Jadam, like a Rock, inert Material 4598
• 8 Dravyams which are not Relevant are 5 Butas, kala, Dik, Manaha
• Eternal Dravyams in Sankhya
i) Akasha - Nityam :
• (In Vedanta Non-eternal) - Taittriya Upanishad :

From that (Which is ) this Atman, is space born; from Akasa, air; from air, Fire; from fire, water;
from water, earth; from earth, herbs; from herbs, food; and from food, man. [2 - 1 - 2]
ii) Kala - Nityam :
• (Negated in wake of Knowledge, it is Anaadi but Sa-Antaha)
iii) Dik - Nityam :
• (Not Separate in Advaitam, One with Space)
iv) Manaha - Eternal :
• Anityam in Advaitam - No Mind in Sleep
• 4 Dravyams eternal out of 8 4599
Non-eternal Dravyams :
• Agni, Vayu, Jalam Prithvi
Revision 308 :
i) Jivatma Svaroopa Vichara going on
ii) First Sankhya’s Philosophy :
• Atma - Plural Negated
• Atma - Advaitam
Nyaya Veiseshika Philosophy : Universe :
i) 7 - Sapta Padartha / Categories
9 Dravyams - Substance (All 5
Nityam, All Pervading Dravyams)

5 Pancha Buta Dik Manaha

Kala Atma

One Dravyam
One Dravyam

Jivatma Paramatma

- Many - Anekaha - One - Ekaha

- All Pervading - All Pervading
- Eternal - Eternal
- Consciousness is temporary - Consciousness is Permanent,
attribute in waking and dream eternal attribute
- In Deep Sleep consciousness lost,
not knowledge
- Become = Jadam rock like

iv) 4 Dravyams Prithvi, Vayu, Agni, Jadam

2 Versions

Pralaya Kala Srishti Kala

- Karma Drivyam - Karya Dravyam

- Always exists in Anomic size - Activitated by Ishvara and karma
- Param Anu - Never Destroyed - Param Anus Start Combining into
Molecules, Diodes


Vedanta Nyaya

- Sattva Guna Product - Eternal

- In time - Paramanu Size
- Medium Size as per Body
- Elephant, ant, Human body, Mind
- Madhyama Parimana
- Not Anu / Vibhu 4602
Taittriya Upanishad :

Of that former (Annamaya), this Pranamaya is the Atman. Different from this Pranamaya – Self
made up of the Pranas, there is another self constituted of the mind. With that self made of
mind, the Pranamaya is full. This also is of the form of man. Its human form is according to that
of the former. Of it, Yajus is the head, Rk is the right side, Saman is the left side, the scriptural
injunction (Adesa) is the trunk and the group of hymns of Atharva-Vada is the tail and the
support. There is the following Vaidika Verse about it. [2 - 3 - 2]

• Prithvi, Vayu, Agni, Jalam
Brahma Sutra :
• Each Element has infinite Param Anus, Atoms
v) Param Anu :
• (Size of Param Anu = Parimandalyam)
vi) Diode - Vyanukam :
• (Each Diode 2 Param Anus)
vii) 3 Vyanukams :
• Combine to for 3 Anukams, Traianukum = Trasa Renu
= 6 Param Anu
• Visible Version
• Paramanu ( 1 ) and Vyanukam ( 2 ) = Invisible
• Trasa Renu ( 6 ) = Visible
How do you see Trasa Renu or 6 Paramanukams?
• Early Morning, Sunlight comes from window, See patch on the wall
• Clean Room, can see Dust particles floating, in the patch of Sun
• Floating particles = 3 Vyanukam
= 6 Anukam
• Size of Param Anu = 1/6 of Floating particle 4604
• Parimadhya Parimana = Karana Dravyam
• Paramanu = Nityam
• Vyanukam = Anityam = Karyam Dravyam
• Formed at time of Creation
• Dismantled During Pralayam
• Trianukam = Anityam
• Wall - Combination of Prithvi Param Anukam
• Visible water = Combination of Jala Param Anukam
• Visible Agni, Sensible Vayu - Felt by Skin, Karya Vayu, Anityam
• Karana Vayu, Invisible, Nityam, Baryabuta not Mentioned as Anitya
• Relevant Topic = Jiva Atma

Here one Padartha

9 Drivyam

Nityam Anityam 4605

6 More Padarthas :
• i Dravyam, ii Gunaha, iii Karma, iv Samanya, v Visesha, vi Samavaya Abhava
o Tarqa Studies
o 7 Padarthas
o Size, Life span, Nitya - Anitya, Paramanu, Madhyama, Vibhu

Nityam Anityam
- Samanya Universal of things - Guna - Attribute
- Human beings Humanness - Karma - Action
- Certain Traits pervades all
- Human beings, Manushyatvam
- Universal pervades individual
and all members

Individual Universal
- One Human body - Samanyam
- All Vyaktis Pervaded by one Jati - Humanness jati
- Individual Non-eternal - Manushyatvam, pashutvam, Keetatvam
- Anekam - Universal = Eternal = Jati
- Anugatam - Nityam, Ekam one
- Pervades individual beings - Tarqa Definition of Universal
- Manhood = Nityam
- Jati pervades Individual beings 4606
In Advaitam :
• Jati negated, Non-existent
• Samanyam = Cardinal Principle of Tarqa
• Adhyasa = Cardinal principle of Advaitam
• Foundation of Tarka Shastra refuted in Brahma Sutra
• Here, Atma, Dravyam like Jati, Samanyam, Samavaya, Sambandha
• Samanyam and Samavaya Samabandha very Critical for Tarqa - Like Adhyasa for
• To Talk of Samanyam - Universal, require Plurality
• On When Several human beings are there, you can talk of humanness
• No Samanyam when one alone exists
o Chairs - Chairness
o Trees - Treeness
o Space - One, no Spaceness
o Many - Atma Atmaness
• Advaita can’t accept Samanyam
• Only one Truth, not many Truths
• Plurality = Myth, False Appearance, Mithya
• All concepts of Tarqa are Veda Viruddham, Contradictions to Veda - Atyantam,
• Don’t require all these 7 Padarthas to explain Atma - No Prayojanam.
• Next Topic - Fundamental feature Regarding Atma
• Diagnosis of Problem of Samsara

Western Philosophers Eastern Philosophers

- Study for Scholarship, to form Purpose :

theories - Darshana
- To remove human problem of
- Bhava Roga

2 Paths

Pravritti Nivritti

- Nyaya, Sankhya, Veiseshika - Yoga Shastra

- Introduce medicine for Samsara

All Philosophers Diagnose Samsara to Arrive at cause :
• Doctor
• Which bacteria Cause of Infection
• Specific Antibiotic Selected
Cause of Samsara / Karanam

Agyana Adhyasa

- Ignorance - Misconception
- Branti Jnanam
• All Eastern Philosophers Agree Above 2 Causes for Samsara
Brahma Sutra :

But that Brahman (is known from the Upanisads), (It) being the object of
their fullest import. [I – I – 4]
• Jnanat Eva Kaivalyam…

Purva Mimamsaka :
• Karma gives Moksha
• Shankara joins Nyaya - Yoga - Veiseshikas, Quotes Nyaya Shastra to Mimamsakas in
Brahma Sutra
• Jnanena Agyanena Branti Jnana Nashat Moksha
• Here Diagnosis of Tarqa, ND Mentions.

What is Cause of Samsara?

• I am Manushya, Deha Manaha…
• Identify with Body as Atma

Anatma Atma

Ajnanam Jnanam 4610

• Atma - Anatma Aviveka
• Human, Brahmana, Jati, Deha Atma Branti = Adhyasa
• All Schools Accept Adhyasa, mechanisms Different

Atma Asat Anirvachaniya Sat - Asat

How it comes? Differs in Different Philosophies?
• Adhyasa = Samsara
• Visishta Advaitin and Dvaitin Question - Adhyasa, Don’t accept Adhyasa
• Ramanujacharya negates Adhyasa - 7 Logical Fallacies, Sapta Vidha Anupapattihi to
Refute Adhyasa
• Sankhya, Yoga, Nyaya, Veiseshika Accept Adhyasa
• Visishta Advaitins Philosophy has Adhyasa, but they don’t recognise
• Atma Branti Bhavati…


Raaga - Dvesha

Pravritti Nivritti

Likes Dislikes
Gita :

Attachment and aversion for the objects of the senses abide in the senses; let none come
under their sway; for, they are his foes. [Chapter 3 – Verse 34]


Dharma Adharma

- Phalam - Phalam
- Punyam - Papam
• Cycle of Birth - Death get new Body to Enjoy Punyam
• Sharira Sambandha Created Association with Body not Bhagawans will
Association with Body

First 50 Years Next 50 Years

- Sukham - Dukham
- Prarabda Bashes

Cause of Samsara :
o Moola Agyanam
o Branti Jnanam
o Raaga - Dvesha
o Pravritti - Nivritti
o Punya - Papam
o Sukham - Dukham
o Sharira Sambandha
• Same Discussed in Naishkarmya Siddhi - 1st Chapter - Big Introduction
• Nyaya and Vedanta Similar w.r.t Diagnosis of Samsara and Solution of Samsara
• Branti Jnanam (Adhyasa) is Karanam
• Misconception born out of Agyanam
Brahma Sutra :
• Adhyasa is Karanam not Agyanam
Reason :
• Pure Ignorance does not cause Problem
• Ignorance = Bliss
• No Master Check up Bliss
• Deep Sleep = have ignorance, Agyanam, but no Samsara 4614
Deep Sleep Waking - Dream
- Agyanam, no Samsara - Agyanam and Branti Jnanam
- Bliss (Adhyasa)
- Agyanam not cause of samsara - Branti Jnanam = Cause of Samsara
- Example for Moksha - Ignorance and Branti Jnanam of
Brihadaranyaka Upanishad : Ahamkara Ego = cause of Samsara
- Sleep = Example for Moksha - Ego = Projection of Mind
- Ignorance and Bliss exist together - False knowledge
- Agyanam Asti, Samsara Nasti - I Associated with Body - Mind
- Branti Jnanam Asti, Samsara Asti
• By Anvaya Vyatireka - Co-existence - Co-absence
• Yatra Yatra Branti Jnanam, Tatra Tatra Samsara = Vyapti Jnanam
Conclusion :
• Branti Jnanam Eva Samsara
• If you can Sleep Continuously, Vedanta not required
• Can’t Sleep have to come to Jagrat Vedanta to get Sleep like Moksha.

• Diagnosis over in Point 7
Remedy :
• Point 8 for Agyanam Jnanam alone is Remedy


Ajnanam Branti Jnanam

• Samsara Karana Buta Branti Jnanam, by Right knowledge of the self alone, Samsara is
• Ignorance Centered on the Individual if not Corrected, his view on Jagrat, Ishvara will
not be Correct
Right Knowledge :
• I Atma am different from Deha, Manaha, Indriya
• They are there but I am different
• Atma - Anatma - Viveka
• Kshetra - Kshetrajna - Vibhaga (Must be done with full Clarity)
Example :
• Pack of cards falls if you remove one 4616
Lean on Ajnanam Lean on Atma Jnanam
- Raaga - Dvesha - Everything else Collapses
- Pravritti - Nivritti - Jiva, Jagat, Ishvara format
- Punya Papam Collapses
- Sharira Sambandha
- Sukham - Dukham
Branti :
• I am not Manushya = Moksha
Revision 309 :

ND Analyses Neiyayika Matam :
i) Definition, nature of Atma
ii) Definition of Samsara
iii) Solution for Samsara
a) Nature of Atma :
• Nitya Sarvagataha Dravyam
• Eternal, All pervading, Substance
• Atma is Inert


Jivatma Paramatma

- Get attribute of Consciousness - Enjoys Consciousness all the time

during waking, Dream - World exists all the time
- Looses it in Sleep - Eternally Sentient
- Jiva Subject to Sentiency, in
- Jiva has Samsara
Cause of Samsara

Agyanam Adhyasa

Ignorance regarding Nature of Atma Misunderstanding Atma = Body, Mind,

• Sankhya, Yoga, Nyaya, Veiseshika, Uttara Mimamsa Agree
• Atma - Anatma Anyonya Adhyasa = Samsara Karanam
Moksha Karanam :
• Anyonya Adhyasa Nivritti by Jnanam, only Solution
• Common Approach
Adhyasa Atma Jnanam
Samsara Karanam Moksha Karanam
Shankara : Brahma Sutra :

But that Brahman (is known from the Upanisads), (It) being the object of
their fullest import. [I – I – 4] 4619
• 4 Schools Accepts Adhyasa as Problem and Jnanam as Solution
• Nyaya Sutra Quoted and explained in Point 7
Sutra :
• Dukha Janma Pravritti Dosha, Mithya Jnanam Uttara Uttarotara Abhaye Tad Anantara
Prayag Abayat.
• Domino effect
• When lowest card Removed all heaps of cards fall down on the Floor
Parallel in Yoga Sutra :
• Adhyasa = Avidya Said in Adhyasa Bhashyam
• Savettam Eva Vetta lakshana Avidya iti Panditaha Manyante…
• Anitya Ashuchi Dukha Anatmasu Nitya Shuchi Nitya Sukha Atma Khyati, Brantihi…
• Body = Anityam, Ashubha Impure, Dukha will all Diseases, in that Body
• Branti in Yoga, Nyaya Sutra = Adhyasa, Superimposition
Patanjali Yoga Sutra :

Ignorance is taking that which is non-eternal, impure, painful, and non-Self, for the eternal,
pure, happy, Atman (Self). [Chapter 2 - Verse 5]
• Avidya Nivritti = Adhyasa Nivritti = Moksha
There is Misconception :
o Raaga - Dvesha
o Pravritti - Nivritti
o Punya - Papam
o Sharira Sambandha
• Next birth we order now in Current birth
• Once Body comes, Pleasure, Pain can’t be Avoided

1st Half 2nd Half

Physical joy Physical Pain

Gita - Chapter 13 :

Indifference to the objects of the senses and also, absence of egoism, perception of (Or
reflection Upon) evils in birth, death, old age, sickness and pain… [Chapter 13 - Verse 9]
Moksha :
• Remove Adhyasa
• Remove Pravritti Nivritti
• Remove Punya - Papam, Sharira Sambandha Sukham - Dukham Samsara
• All Branti Jnanam Eliminated by one card of Tattva Jnanam
• Knowledge of Bahutva Atma eliminates all Samsara
Point No - 9 :
• I am Different from all Anatmas
• I am, Satya Atma, Different from Satya Anatma
• Atma - Anatma - Viveka Jnanam
- Tattva Jnanam
How Atma has to be Known?
• Advaitam - Atma = Self evident
• Don’t require Pramanam to know Atma
• Atma Aparoksha need Pramanam for Only Adhyasa Nivritti
• Remove Misconception by Pramanam not to know Atma, Already Self evident
• Chidabhasa and Chit - Self evident Consciousness, Awareness Principle
• Chit and Chidabhasa Mixture alone is Available as Aham
• From Mixture, Chidabhasa component, I negate as Mithya
• This is Atma, Turiya Jnanam for Advaitin, negate 3 Chidabhasa waker I, Dreamer I,
Sleeper I
• In Nyaya, no Chit, Chidabhasa
• Atma = Dravyam, temporary Consciousness
• Know Atma different from Body and Mind Upadhis
• Claim Upahita Atma
Vedanta :
• Atma Does not require Pramanam to know
Nyaya :
• Atma has to be known through Anumana Pramanam Nishchaya
How Anumanam is to be done?
• Atma Jnanam Anumanat Bhavati = Tattva Jnanam
• Once you gain that knowledge, Adhyasa, Misconception, I am Brahmana gone
• Jeeva Bhava goes - Body - Human being, Animal, Plant
• Atma not human, Body, Plant
• Father - Rich - Born - Die - Bigger Adhyasa
• Domino Effect… Jnana Prapti (Adhyasa Nivritti)
Domino Effect :
i) Delusion - Branti goes
ii) Raaga Dvesha - Likes - Dislikes go
iii) Dharma - Adharma goes
iv) Pravritti - Nivritti actions go :
• No inclination Towards dharma, Adharma Artha Karmani, Artha = Phalam
• When no Karma, Karmaphalam, Agami Punya - Papam after Atma Jnanam
• Nyaya Similar to Advaitam
• Prarabda Exhausted through Present Experiences
• Sharira Sambandha, no Punar Janma, Abhava Avoided
• Current Body, Naturally goes
• Sharira Sambandha goes
• Sukha Dukha goes, I remain as Atma
• Sambandha Abhave Atma
• 21 Sorrows will be Destroyed
Blunder of Nyaya :
Agami Prarabda
Avoided Exhausted
• Sanchita - Not Discussed
- Future Janmas will come
Advaitin :
• All Karmas - Sanchita, Agami, Prarabda Mithya, Lower Order, Appearance
• Jnana - Atma - Satyam
• Mithya negated through Jnanam of Atma - Substratum
• Badaha - Negation = Nashyaha Destruction
• Neiyayika Can’t talk of Destruction, for him 2 Satyams
Atma Anatma
Real Real
• Big Mistake not Noted by ND

• End of Sorrow, Adhyasa, Raaga Dvesha, karma, Punya - Papam, Sharira Sambandha,
• Dukham Eliminated through Jnanam
• Elimination of Raaga - Dvesha = Moksha = end of Sorrow in Nyaya
• Vedanta = Atma = Ananda Svarupa
• Moksha = Removal of sorrow and Claiming of Ananda
• Dukha Nivritti and Sukha Prapti = Moksha
• In Nyaya, Ananda not Nature of Atma
• Moksha = Abidance as Svarupa Ananda
• Dukham = 21 Sorrows
i) Shariram Body
ii) 5 Sense Organs and 1 Mind = 6 Indriyams Shad Indriyam 4626
Is Mind

Indriyam Non-indriyam

In Tarqa

Vachaspati Vivarna Matam

Mind is Indriyam Mind not Indriyum

• Both Prove through Sruti, Yukti, Anubahva
Gita - Chapter 15 :

An eternal portion of myself, having become a living soul in the world of life, abiding in Prakirti,
draws (to itself) the (Five) senses, with mind as the sixth. [Chapter 15 - Verse 7] 4627
Self Knowledge through

Sravanam Nididhyasanam

- Ears not Mind - Mind not Ears

- Vachaspatti - Mind in Indriyam
- Mind gives Indirect knowledge
- Aparoksha Jnanam
- Vachaspati Borrows from Nyaya
21 Dukhams

(1) (6) (6) (6)

Shariram 6 Indriyam, 5 Sense Object of 6 Sense Experiences

organs and Mind organs

( 21 ) ( 20 )

Dukham Sukham 4628

• 20th - First Karanams - 1 Karyam 21st = Dukha Karyam
• 20th - Worldly Sukham also Dukha Karanam
Gita - Chapter 5 :

The enjoyments that are born of contacts are only generators of pain, for they have a
beginning and an end. O son of Kunti, the wise do not rejoice in them. [Chapter 5 – Verse 22]
• Jnanam = Indriya Janya Sambandha Anubhava = Cognition
• Indriya Janya Jnanam produces Sukham and Dukham experiences
• Both Dukham according to ND
• No : 21 = Dukham
• No : 20 = Sukham
• No : 1 to 20 = Dukha Karanam
• No : 21 = Dukha Karyam
• Karya - Karana Rupa Dukham = 21
• They are generators of Sorrow
• Jahati Lakshanaya - 20 Dukham 4629
How Sukham Dukham? How Light Darkness?
• Worldly Sukham = Cause of Dukham when they leave
• Sorrow before, Sorrow in the end
Vedanta :
• Janya Sukham = Dukham Only
• Takes time to understand
Mundak Upanishad :

Let a brahmana (an aspirant), after he has examined the worlds gained by Karma, acquire
freedom from all desires, reflecting that nothing that is eternal can be gained by Karma. Let
him, in order to obtain the knowledge of the eternal, take sacrificial fuel (Samit) in his hands
and approach that preceptor alone who is well-versed in the Veda-s and is established in
Brahman. [I – II – 12]
• Removing Worldly pain Easy
• Removing worldly Pleasure not easy
• Vairagyam towards family Members not Easy
• Think of Joy they give
• Dwell on it… Brings attachment to the family 4630
Gita - Chapter 13 :

Non-attachment; Non-identification of self with son, wife, home and the rest; and constant
even-mindedness on the attainment of the desirable and the undesirable…
[Chapter 13 - Verse 10]
• Get Vairagyam

Nyaya Imagining a Purva Paksha - Against Moksha Definition :
• All 18 Items, Sukham, Dukham will go away in Moksha
Nyaya Matam :
9 Dravyams eternal

9 Dravyams

5 Butas Dik Atma

Kala Manas
• Mind is one of the Indriyams
• One Dukha will remain in 21 Dukhams
• Dukha Nasha not complete in Moksha
Purva Paksha 2 :
• Srotriya Indriyum Space Enclosed in Ears is eternal
• It will not go Away
• Moksha not possible
• 21 Dukhams goes away = Moksha 4632
i) What is 1st Purva Paksha? Nyaya Matam :
• 2 Things eternal
• Mind and Space
9 Dravyams

5 Indriyum Kala, Dik Atma Manas

• Mind = One of 6 Indrium
• In Destruction of 21 Dukhams, Manaha Stays
• 5 Indriyums go away
• Dukha Nasha not total
• Manaha Nityatvat through Tattva Jnana, no Moksha
ii) 2nd Purva Paksha :
• Out of 5 Sense organs ear is Unique
• Ear = Eternal Akasha
• Space functions as Ears
• Space enclosed within Physical ear Lobe, Karna Golakam
• Ear lobe not Indriyum
• Enclosed Akasha = Srotra Indriyam
• Srotra not Indriyum but essentially Akasha 4633
• Jivatma is all Pervading Consciousness
• When Enclosed within Body, functions as an Individual
• Jiva = Avachinna Chaitanyam in a Body
• Paramatma = Avachinna Chaitanyam in the Universe
Nyaya uses Same Logic :
• Srotriya Indriya = Avachinna Akasha
• After death, Body is not there
• Srotra Indriyam will be there because of Akasha
• Akasha is eternal in Nyaya in Vedanta Akasha not eternal
2 Eternal in Nyaya

Manaha Srotra Indriyam - Akasha

• 2 Dukhams out of 21 Nityam
• 19 Go away in Moksha
Example :
• 2 Mosquitos within net can Disturb your Sleep
Purva Paksha :
• 2 Dukhams will be there, how Moksha?
Answer :
• Akasha Nityam
• Body not there, Karna Golakam not there, only Akasha is there
• Enclosed Akasha is not there when enclosure is gone
• Ghata Nashe, Ghata Akasha Nasha
• Karna Indriya Akasha not Nitya
• Akasha can’t Function as Srotra Indriyum by itself
• Can’t Generate Sukha - Dukha Anubhava
Mind :
• By itself can’t be cause of Dukham
Tarqa :
• Mind = Jadam
• Atma = Jadam
• Mind and Atma combine in Jagrat and Svapna, then Consciousness is Generated
• Only when Consciousness is Generated in Jagrat and Svapna then Sukha Dukha
Anubhava comes.
For Mind to Generate Dukha, Conditions required are :
i) Mind should Join Atma
ii) Generate Jagrat, Svapna Awareness
iii) Indriyas contact world
iv) Dukha comes
• In Moksha, Mind will be there, but will not Generate Consciousness
• For Jagrat, Svapna, Shariram required
• When Shariram goes, Manaha Sharira Sambandha goes
• Dukha Anubava can’t be there
• After Moksha Mind and Atma will be Separately there as Jadam
• No Dukham at all
• After Mananam Tattva Jnani will enjoy Moksha, not Advaita Rupa Moksha
• Eternal Jadam, Stone in Creation, I Atma exist as Jada Dravya Rupena
• Like Chair has no Dukham
• Atma Dukha Rahita Jada to have this Moksha, Study Tarqa
Revision 310 :

Jiva Svarupam in Vedanta and other Systems Compared :

a) Sankhya negated
b) Neiyayika Matam :
• 3 Types - 1st Type
Nature of Atma :
i) All Pervading, eternal, by itself inert, gets consciousness during Waking and Dream
ii) Suffers Samsara because of Identification with Body, Raaga - Dvesha, Pravritti - Nivritti,
Punya - Papam, Punaha Punaha
• Sharira Sambandha, Sukham - Dukham
iii) Basic Reason :
• Branti Jnanam Adhyasa
• Mistaking body as self 4637
iv) Moksha = Remove Branti Jnanam, accomplished by Right Knowledge of Atma
v) When right knowledge is Clearly Known, Branti Jnanam :
• Raaga - Dvesha, Pravritti - Nivritti, Punya - Papam, Sharira Sambandha, Sukham -
Dukham removed
vi) Moksha = Dukha Dvamsaha, not Ananda Prapti :
• Dukha - Dvamsha Purvaka Ananda Prapti is Moksha in Vedanta
• No Ananda Prapti Component in Neiyayika
• Dukha Dvamsa Matram - Moksha in Neiyayika
21 items of Dukham

20 Karanam Karyam


Shad Indriyani Shad Vishaya Shad Anubhava

• Experiences born of Contact cause Dukham.
Gita - Chapter 2 :

The contacts of senses with objects, O son of Kunti, which cause heat and cold, pleasure and
pain, have a beginning and an end; they are impermanent. Endure them bravely, O descendant
of Bharata.[Chapter 2 - Verse 14]

Balance 3

Shariram Sukham Dukham

viii) By gaining Jnanam, Jnani removes all karmas :
• Prarabda Exhausted at death, Sharira Sambandha nasti
• 21 Dukhams end = Moksha in Neiyayika Matam.

ix) Tarqa Drishti Intellectually Overactive :
2 Purva Paksha’s Introduced

Srotriya Eternal Manaha Eternal

• Srotra Indriyam = General, space enclosed in Srotra Karana Golakam - Ear Lobes
• Space = Nityam, Srotra Indriyam - Nityam, Hence Continues in Moksha, Anuvartate
• Atyantika Dukha Nivritti not Possible
x) Answer of ND :
• Srotraya Indriyum can’t exist as Srotra Indriyum
• To exist requires Karana Golakam
xi) When karma ends, Shariram gone :
• Hence Srotriya Indriyam can’t function, Dukham Gone
• Karna Golakam Avachinna Akasha is not there
• Ears can’t float without Body
• Body goes, karma Abhava, Karna Golakam Abhava, Indriya Abhava
Nir-upadhika Indriyam Sophadika Indriyam
- Is there - Not there
- No Knowledge Possible in
Moksha kala 4640
2nd Purva Paksha :

1st Purva Paksha :

• Among 21 Srotra Indriyam Continues, hence no Moksha, Akasha is Nityam
2nd Purva Paksha :
• Mind Nityam in Veiseshika
Vedanta :
• Mind Generated by Sattva Guna of all Sukshma Butas
• Butas gone, Manaha gone
Manaha :
• Karyam, Anityam
• 9 Dravyams - Eternal
• 5 Butas, Kala, Dik, Atma, Manaha
• 6 Indriyams don’t end… Mind continues
• Dukha Karanam, no Moksha, Atyantika Dukham not Possible
Answer :
• Mind itself not cause of Sorrow
• Mind Jadam, inert Mind and Atma produce Consciousness
• Consciousness not eternal
• Eternal Mind and Atma join and Non-eternal Consciousness is Generated.
• Generated Consciousness becomes attribute of Atma, it is not a Substance
• Substance exists Independently
• Consciousness - Attribute Does not Join Mind which is Always inert
Vedanta :
• Mind = Inert and Reflected Consciousness in Tarqa, No Reflected Consciousness, No
eternal Consciousness
• Temporary Consciousness Joins Atma
• Only then, Atma can have Dukham
In Moksha :
• Atma and Mind exists
• Combination will not take Place, no Samyoga, remain as friends, not married
• Samyoga, Viyoga Determined by Karma.
• Infinite Atmas, Minds are there
• Mind Decides which Ajnanam to connect
• Infinite all Pervading Atmas are there
• Infinite Anu Minds are there, inert, not all Pervading
• Which Mind joins which Atma Determined by Punya - Papa Karmas in Atma
• Neiyayika Atma - Karma has ended
o No Atma - Manaha Samyoga
o No Birth of Chaitanyam
o No Sambandha with Objects
o No Sukha Dukha Anubava
• Chair Carpet - No Sambandha don’t interact, Dukham
• No Unhappy chair = Moksha
• Mind continues, Atma Continues when contact takes Place, Jnanam takes Place
• In Sankrit Vichara Sagara, all foot Notes Discussed.

Tarqa Shastra :
3 Types of Contact,

Left hand touches Right Right touches Left Both touch each other

- Vam Hastha - Dakshina Hastha - Ubhaya Hastha

- Bird Contacts tree - Goats fight each other

Atma Manas
All pervading, no Motion Alone can move
Moksha Kala : Samsara Kala :
• Mind Joins particular Atma, Decided by Karma
• Punyam - Papam belongs to Atma in Tarqa (In Vedanta - Mind)
• Atma has 14 Gunas
• Mind Unites with Relevant Atma Guna
• Neiyayika Jnanam has no Punya - Papam in Moksha
• Therefore will not get associated with any Mind
• Manasa - Kriya Determined by Atma
• Atma chooses mind through its Karma 4644
• In Moksha Kala, Mind is there but Consciousness is not generated
Matam No : 2
• Sentiency = Samsara
• Moksha = be inert Like a Stone
• Atma = Inert
2nd Purva Paksha :
• Answered

3rd Purva Paksha :
Topic 357 :

There is Subdivision of Neiyayika :

No. 1 - 1 (a) :
• Neiyayika
• 3 Divisions
• Discussing 1st Division
• Consciousness is generated Atma, Mind - Jadam, Eternal
• Consciousness - Non-eternal, fleeting
How Consciousness is Generated?
1st :
• Atma Manas Samyogena Chaitanya Utpatti
1 (a) :
• Combination of Mind and Tvak (Skin) Indriyum to Generate Consciousness
• Mind - Eternal
• Mind and Skin Indriyum = Consciousness
• Tvak Indriyum goes off with Body, not in Moksha Kala 4646
Previously :
• Karma was not there, No Body Golakam, No Samsara, Mind Continues, Atma
Continues as Jadam
• No Consciousness, No Samsara.

• Jnanam here means Consciousness

• Consciousness is the Most difficult Phenomenon to Understand even for Scientists.
• Can’t Explain
• Sankhya close to Vedanta but Says Many Consciousness are there
• Agree Consciousness is Independent, Eternal
Visishta Advaitin :
One Many
All pervading Consciousness Attribute Consciousness 4647
Nyaya :
i) Non-eternal Skin and Mind Produce :
• Temporary Consciousness, Sentiency
• Generated Consciousness Joins Atma
ii) Combination of Atma and Mind generates Consciousness :
New Purva Paksha :
• In Sushupti is Consciousness Generated or not?
Tarqa :
• Consciousness is not Generated in Sushupti
• Mind Travels through Various Nadis and Rests in Hridayam, Puritat Nadi (Membrance)
• Because Naadi has resolved in Heart, it is not in Skin anymore
• Manaha Samyoga Nasti
• Mere Mind does not Produce Sorrow
• Mind and Tvak Indriyam produces Sorrow
• Tvak Associated with Mind = Sorrow, not there Pure Mind
• In Sleep, Tvak Manaha Viyoga takes Place
• In Moksha, No Skin, No Body (Karma Over)
• Mind is there in Moksha, No Sorrow because no Skin Connection. 4648
Revision 311 :

i) Nyaya Veiseshika Darshanam 3 Types :

• Give important Concepts of Jiva and Moksha
Definition of Moksha :
• Eka Vimshati (21) Dukha Dvamshaha Moksha
• Cessation of 21 Types of Sorrows = Moksha
21 Sorrows

Shad 6 x 3 = 18 Shariram (Physical Body)

Sukham, Dukham

Vishaya (6) Indriya (6) Indriya Vishaya Samyoga,

Anubhava (6) 4649
• 5 Sense Organs and Manaha, 5 Sense objects and Object of Manaha
• 21 Actual Sorrow
During Moksha :
• All karmas end
• 21 Sorrows end
ii) 2 Objections :
a) How can Srotriya Indriyam end in Moksha Kala?
• Srotra Indriyam = Akasha = Nityam
• No Destruction of Akasha, eternal
Answer :
• Akasha Enclosed within Earlobe = Indriyam not Physical Akasha
• Karna Golaka Avachinna Akasha = Indriyam
• Ava Chedakam = Karma Golakam
= Enclosure
= Not Eternal
• Moksha Kale = No Shariram, No Karna Golakam
• No Avachinna Akasha
• Hence Dvamsha takes Place 4650
b) 2nd Purva Paksha :
• No Mano Dvamsha
• Manaha = Eternal, Anurupa Atomic in Size
Answer :
• Mind Continues - Eternal
• Consciousness Generating Mind not there
• Mind can’t Generated Consciousness
• 2 Subdivisions in Answer first Answer
i) Mind Generates Consciousness only when Mind and Atma Combine together :
• Mind and Atma Join in Karma Kale
• Moksha Kale : Karma Nasha
• Atma Mind Samyoga can’t take Place
• Karma Abhavat, Chaitanya Abhavat, Dukha Abhavat
ii) Second Answer :
• 2nd Group of Neiyayika, Consciousness is generated by Mind and Tvag Indriyam - Skin
• When Samyoga ends, no Consciousness, no Dukham. 4651
2 Occasions when

Samyoga ends

- Sleep - Death
- Temporary - Permanent

Sleep :
• Mind enters Puritat Nadi (Pericardium Skin Surrounding Heart)
• Mind not exposed to Tvag Indriyam
Example :
• Shake Someone in Sleep
• Mind comes out of Pericardium (Heart) to the Skin and Person Conscious
• Mano Tvag Sambandha Abhavat
• In Jagrat - Mind comes out of Puritat - Pericardium Membrance Surrounding heart.
• Sukha - Dukha - Anubhava Starts
In Moksha Kala :
• No Tvag - Manaha Sambandha
• No Body, Chaitanya Abhava, Moksha Bhava 4652
• Dukha Karnabuta Manaha Nasti because Chaitanya Nasti
• Parantu, Mind Continues Problematic Mind, Consciousness generating Mind not there
• Dukha Hetu Jnana Jnanakam
• Problematic Mind = Tvak Samyuktam
• Samyoga Nashat, No Connection with the Skin, Samsara Nasha Bhavati = Moksha.
Neiyayikas Philosophy :
• Objective Presentation
Vedantin Refutes it in (After 4 Classes) :

• In this manner, liberated all pervading Atma remains

• Para - Atma, different from Samsari Atma
• Dukha Rahita Atma Continues
Who no Sorrow?
• It is Like Akasha
• Jada Rupa 4653
Why Space no Dukham?
• Jadam like Chair
• Self becomes Sentient only with Contact of Consciousness
• Consciousness is a Temporary attribute
• Atma gets temporary attribute of Consciousness
• Now not Associated with temporary attribute of Consciousness
• It is Free from Consciousness
• It does not declare its existence
• Shining in Vedanta means existence not glow like glow worm
• When I am able to Declare my existence and talk about others existence, I shine
• Chair → Can’t declare it is existent or of others existence
• Self Awareness and Awareness of others = Shining, technical
• I know I am in Singapore and you are in Singapore
• Book does not know
• This knowingness = Consciousness
• I know I am writing, reading
• This is important concept in Philosophy
• Science can’t explain State of self Awareness
• When does Matter reach State of Awareness? When does Matter Evolve to such a
State of self Awareness and Awareness of others. 4654
• Stage of Evolution researched by Science
• Matter Atma gets self Awareness when it produces Consciousness at a Particular time.
• When it comes in Contact with matter Mind
Science :
• Does not Accept Material Atma, Mind
• What makes Self awareness Possible because of which I Say I am and Chair can’t say
I am.
• Chair = Body = Matter, profound Topic
• Self Awareness = Extra ordinary
Nyaya :
• Dropping self Awareness = Moksha with self Awareness, Atma Shines
• In Moksha, Atma looses its Shine by Dropping its self Awareness
• For Jiva all forms of Awareness, subject - Object Awareness comes with Shad Indriyas
• Atma - Sense organs contact is Temporary because it is generated
• Same in Science, not Nitya
For Advaitin :
• Satyam Jnanam Anantham Brahma Consciousness is Eternal, All pervading
• Mind Does not Produce Consciousness
• Mind reflects, manifests Consciousness
• Consciousness is self existing already there Principle
• Unique Concept in Vedanta
• Consciousness is Ungenerated, Non-material principle, Spiritual principle
Nyaya :
• Generated Consciousness Subject, Object Awareness Generated
• Destroyed in Moksha Kala
• Closer to Science
• Matter is Fundamental Consciousness is an offshoot of Matter
Vedanta :
• Consciousness is fundamental material World = Temporary offshoot
Sankhya :
• Tasmat, Prakasha Rahitaha…
• Light = Self Awareness, Subject Awareness, Object Awareness
• Inert Atma = All Pervading
• Different from other Atma = Moksha
• Vichara Sagara - Presents Clarity in Nyaya Philosophy, other Schools of Philosophy
Another Text :
• Sarva Darshana Sangraha
• Summarises 12 Schools of Indian System, by Vidyaranya (Madhva Acharya) 4656
Author :
• Chandradhar Sharma, Primer for all Schools
• Commentary Available, no translation, uses Jargons, Technical terms
• Example = 2 Doctors Discuss our Disease in Tarqons
Vichara Sagara :
• Analyses Jiva, Ishvara, Bandah, Moksha, Mind, Consciousness very well
Buy Book based on Sarva Darshana Sangraha :
• Schools of Philosophy by Chandra Dhar Sharma
• Published by Motilal Benarasidas
• Discusses Visishta Advaitin, Dvaitin, Aurobindo Philosophy
• Advaita Criticises.

Topic 358 :


7 Padarthas

1 Padartha =

9 Categories

5 Butas Atma Manaha

Kala DIK
• All Pervading will Contact with all things in the world all the time

Nyaya Raises Purva Paksha :
• How Many all Pervading Atmas Possible?
• Space only one, all Pervading
• Sarva Vyapakatva Lakshanam
Nyaya Vedanta
Can have Many Atma Only one all pervading

Nyaya :
• Sukha, Dukha, bandha, Moksha Possible for Atma is Possible because they have
defined how each has come
• Branti Jnanam, Raaga - Dvesha, Karma, Punya Papam, Sharira Sambandha, Bandah
Moksha Possible for each Atma
• Atma one all Pervading enjoying all Conditions, Vyapakatvam = all Pervasiveness
• Alpa Padartha = Finite entity
Vichara Sagara :
• Alpam = Finite
• Nyaya - with every Object if Connection is there, then all Pervading
Example :
• Space has Connection with every body, Sun, Moon, Stars all Pervading
• Vedanta Definition of Vyapakatvam
• Sajatiya, Vijatiya, Svagata Bheda Rahitam, Shunyatvam
• What does not have 3 Fold Differences = All Pervading.

Panchadasi - Chapter 2 :

He is not born, nor does He ever die; after having been, He again ceases not to be; unborn,
eternal, changeless and ancient, He is not killed when the body is killed. [Chapter 2 – Verse 20]


Sajatiya Vijatiya Svagata

- Mango - Coconut tree - 2 Different groups - Internal Difference

- Both trees, chair, man - Tree - man - Branch, Leaf, fruit,
- 2 members same Flower, Chair, Seat back
specie legs
- Man - Head - Stomach -
Leg - Hands
• If 3 Differences are there then thing not all Pervading
• When 3 Differences absent, where No 2nd Thing - No 1st thing
• By its Existence, excludes 1st
• Vyapakatvam, Sajatiya, Vijatiya, Svagata Bheda Rahitatvam
Chandogyo Upanishad :

Somya, before this world was manifest there was only existence, one without a second. On this
subject, some maintain that before this world was manifest there was only non-existence, one
without a second. Out of that non-existence, existence emerged. [6 - 2 - 1]
• Sajatiya, Vijatiya, Svagata Bheda Rahitaha
• Atma has no internal differences
• Atma is Partless
• Nirvayatvat Svagata Bheda Rahitataha
• Nishkalatvat Svagata Bheda Rahitaha
• Since Atma is one, no Sajatiya Bheda
• If Many Jivatmas, there will be Sajatiya Bheda
• If Jivatma, Paramatma Sajatiya Bheda will be there 4662
• Advaitam accepts one Atma
• Plurality of Jivatma belongs to Plurality of Body but Atam is seemingly Plural
• No 2 Atmas, No Sajatiya Bheda
• If Anatma Accepted, there will be Consciousness and Matter
• It will come under Vijatiya Bheda
• If you accept Separate Matter, Atma will have Vijatiya Bheda
i) For Junior Student :
• Consciousness and Matter exists
• Drk - Drishya Viveka
• Atma - Anatma Viveka
• Observer - Observed Viveka
• Vedanta Starts with Consciousness and Matter
ii) For Senior Student :
• After Upanishads especially Mandukya Upanishad :

There is neither dissolution, nor birth; neither anyone in bondage, nor any aspirant for
wisdom; neither can there be anyone who hankers after liberation, nor any liberated as such.
This alone is the Supreme Truth. [2 - K - 32] 4663
• Huge Bombshell
• Matter is Appearance in Consciousness
• It does not have existence of its own
• It Appears existent in Consciousness
• This matter = Maya
• Since Maya Does not have Existence of its own, it can’t be Counted as 2nd thing.
• We don’t negate Appearance of 2nd thing
• We negated existence of 2nd thing
• Maya Appears, does not exist
• Therefore no Vijatiya Bheda
• Sajatiya, Vijatiya, Svagata Bheda Rahita Vyapakaha Atma Asti
• Maya - Vedanta Definition not accepted by Tarquikas
Nyaya Definition :
• Sarva Alpa Padartha, Samyogatvam = Sarvagatatvam.

Revision 312 : Topic 358 :
ND :
• Analyses Atma Svarupam w.r.t Nyaya School
• Definition of all Pervasiveness of Atma
• Atma all Pervading in Vedanta and Nyaya but
i) Definitions are Different : Vedanta Definition :
• Sajatiya, Vijatiya, Svagata Bheda Shunyam Sar-vagataha
• Thing is all Pervading when it is free from Sajatiya, Vijatiya, Svagata Bhedas
ii) Atma does not have Sajatiya Bheda :
• No 2nd Atma
• 2nd Jivatma is Seemingly there, not really there
• Plurality belongs to Bodies and Minds of Jivatma, not Jivatma
• Jivatma not Plural
• No Second Jivatma
• No Jivatma, Jivatma Bheda
iii) No Jivatma, Paramatma Bheda :

Jivas Shariram Paramatma Shariram

Sthula Shariram Sthula Prapancha
• Sharira Bheda Asti
• Bhedaha Svarupaha Nasti
No Bheda

Jagrat / Jivatma Jivatma / Paramatma

• Hence no Sajatiya Bheda
iv) No Vijatiya Bheda :
• If 2, then Vijatiya Bheda different Specie
• Anatma not Atma
• In Vedanta, Anatma does not exist
There is only Atma - No. 2 things :
• Anatma appears but does not exist in Vedanta
• Anatma Appears Borrowing existence from Atma
• 3 States of Mind appear borrowing existence from Atma
• This is Critical factor for Moksha
• Appearance no 2nd
• No Vijatiya bheda
• Anatma Abhavat, no Vijatiya Bheda 4666
v) No Svagata Bheda :
• No internal Difference within Atma
• Atma has no Limbs, Parts, Nir-avayatvat, Svagata Bheda Nasti

Sajatiya Bheda Rahitaha Vijatiya Bheda Rahitaha Svagata Bheda Rahitaha

• Therefore Atma is all Pervading, Vyapakam
ND :
• This Definition does not apply in Nyaya Matam
• If you apply, then their Atma will not be all Pervading
vi) Nyaya :
• Many Atmas are there
• Each Atma Saguna, 14 Gunas
• Gunas of one Jivatma different from other

a) Atma has Sajatiya Bheda and Vijatiya Bheda in Nyaya :

9 Different

5 Elements Atma Kala Desha

• Many Drivyams other than Atma
• Therefore Atma has Vijatiya Bheda
• Atma - Akasha, Vayu, Prithvi, Agni, Jalam - Anatma Bheda
b) No Internal Svagata Bheda :
• Atma has Sajatiya, Vijatiya
• Hence not all Pervading
If you apply all Pervasive Definition :
• Sajatiya, Vijatiya, Svagata Shunyatva Vyapakatvam can’t Apply to Atma
• This seen only in VS in 40 Years of Swamijis Teaching
• Therefore Atma not all Pervading 4668
c) Nyaya Definition :
• Whatever is in Contact with all Limited Finite Objects in the world = Alpa, Murtha
• Sarva Alpa Padartha Samyogatvam Vyapakatvam
• Contact = All Pervasiveness
• Atma like Space is in contact with all Objects
• Stars, Bodies, have Akasha Sambandha
d) Is Akasha all Pervading According of Vedanta Definition :
• No, Does not fulfill Sajatiya, Vijatiya, Svagata
• No Sajatiya Bheda : No 2nd Akasha
• No Svagata Bheda : No Parts
• Akasha has Vijatiya Bheda
• Therefore, not all Pervading
• We in Vedanta have used Nyaya Definition to say all Pervading
• Akasha not all Pervading Vijatiya Bhedatvat
• Vyapakatvat According to Nyaya Matam
• Atma without Internal Parts, free from Svagata Bheda Internal Differences
Atma :
• Sajatiya, Vijatiya Bhedatvam na Sambavati
• Atma not free from Sajatiya, Vijatiya Bheda as in Nyaya Many Atmas are there 4669
• Not free from Sajatiya Vijatiya Bheda also
• In Nyaya there is Sajatiya Bheda, Many Atmas with different Attributes
• Happy. Sorrowful, Raaga, Dvesha, Kama, Krodha Atmas
• Hence Atma has Sajatiya Differences
• In the Same way, Vijatiya Bheda exists with Anatma - 5 Butas, Kala, Desha, Manaha
Anatma Dravyams.
• Atma - Anatma difference is Vijatiya Bheda
• Pot - Different from Atma
• Pot - Satyam, in Nyaya Philosophy
• There exists Vijatiya Bheda between 2 Satyams
Vedanta :
• Pot = Mithya, Applying Vedanta Definition in Nyaya Atma not Possible
• Sajatiya, Vijatiya, Svagata Shunyatvam = Vyapaka Lakshana in Vedanta not accepted by
Nyayas Definition :
• Sarva Alpa Padartha Samyogam Eva Vyapaka Lakshanam
• All Pervading because it is in Contact with everything in Creation
• One new Purva Paksha comes to Neiyayikas Definition of Vyapakatvam
• Later Neiyayika will Defend 4670
Summary - Nyaya Matam :
i) Many all Pervading Atma, Space, Kala, Dik - Direction
ii) All 4 Contact all Objects
iii) Param Anu = Subtlest Contacted by Desha, Kala, Atma, Dika
iv) Param Anu = Patless can’t say one Part contacts Desha, Another kala, Akasha :
• Akasha already contacted, can’t be contacted by others, Place already blocked by all
Pervading Dravyam.
• Left finger contacts right Finger - Nothing else can contact the same Tip
Example :
• Seated on Chair, Another can’t sit on Same Place Contacted by you
• Surface of Chair Occupied
• If Akasha is all Pervading, other Dravyams can’t be all Pervading
• All pervading must be one, it Blocks others Dravyams to be all Pervading
Purva Paksha :
• Only one Pervading Akasha is Atma or Kala or Drk
• Param Anu Atomic in Size Niravayava, Partless
• If it had Parts, one Part for each Dravyam can be there to Pervade
• Param Anu not like 4 Parts of my Body
• Param Anus not Savayavam
• It is Accepted only by Nyaya not Vedanta.
• It is Different from Scientific Atom
• Param Anu Nasti, Pramana Abhava
He Says :
• Nirguna Brahma Nasti, Pramana Abhava
• Atheist : Show me God
Param Anu :
• Nir-avayava, Sukshma 4672
• One Dravyam has to contact all 4 Dravyams
• Kala will be waiting for Desha to leave the Place
Childs Quiz :
• Elephant Sleeping in Carpet
• How to Pull the Carpet? Bring Crane?
• No, wait for Elephant to Wake-up and Walk out!
• Once Akasha vacates, Kala can Occupy, not Simultaneously
• Ekasya Vyapakam Dravyam not Possible
• Niruddha = Blocked in Param Anu… No Samyoga possible of all 4 Dravyams
Example :
• Blocked seat not available for others
In Niruddhe - Sthane - Blocked, can’t have Several all Pervading Dravyams
• We accept all Pervasiveness of one Dravyam
• Tada, Upto this is Purva Paksha
Nyaya :
• it is Possible
Answer :
• Many all Pervading Dravyams, Materials, can Co-exist
• Our Pratyaksha Pramanam, experience, Anubhava is Proof
• Experience can’t be Rejected by Logic. 4673
• Under Certain Conditions Purva Paksha’s Statement is true, exceptions are there
• Samyoga between 2 Materials with Savayava, Murtha Dravyam, in which 2 Portions
exist, Solid, tangible, all pervasiveness is possible
• Right land contacts Palm, area Blocked, no other Dravyam can contact.
• Partless thing can Simultaneously contact Several Niravayavas
Law :
• Niravayave Ayam Niyam Nasti
• Akasha, Kala, Desha, Kala, all Niravayava, Partless
• They can call Simultaneously contact Savayava, Kalpa Dravyam
• Savayava vastunaha Samyoga Eva Bhavati…
• Anya Vastu Samyoga Nasti… They can Block other Objects coming in Contact
Example :
• You touch Bumi by touching hand on Ground
• Can’t put foot on Same Ground 4674
• Pada Savayavam can’t contact
• Niravaya Vastu can contact
Example :
• Akasha Contacts Bhumi and Does not Block for others
• It will be Available for Contact with another Dravyam
• We can keep hand in Bhumi where Akasha is in Contact
• Kala Can contact after Akasha has contacted
• Niravayava Vastu Contacts and Leaves Vastu for other Contacts.
Pramanam :
• Anubhava Siddham Akasha comes in Contact with Book, I can also contact
• Hand Blocks Book but not Akasha
Revision 313 :
i) ND :
• Discussing Jeeva Svarupam w.r.t Nyaya School
3 Types of Nyaya Matam :
1st Matam :
• All Pervading Nature of Atma
ii) Vyapakatvam :
• Sarvagatatvam in Gita - All Pervasiveness. 4675
iii) Vedanta Definition of Vyapakatvam :
Advaitin : Vyapakatvam Definition :
• Sajatiya, Vijatiya, Svagata Bheda Rahitatvam = Vyapakatvam
• Only Non-dual entity alone, will get Status of Vyapakatvam
• No 2nd Entity should be there
ND :
• Definition not acceptable to Nyaya Dvaitins
Nyaya - Vyapakatva Definition :
• All Pervasiveness is that which is in Contact with all finite entity
• Table, Chair, man, Women, Mountain finite
Example :
• Space is in Contact with all finite
• Sarva Alpa Samyogavatvam = Vyapakatvam
• That which is Endowed with contact with Every finite Entity is all Pervading entity
• Sarva Murtha Dravyam
• Akasha, Kala, Atma, Desha (Dik)
• Four all Pervading entities 4676
All Pervading

Akasha - One Atmas - Many

v) Objection by others to Nyaya :
• Multiple all Pervading entities not possible
• Each entity will contact one finite entity and Obstruct others
Example :
• In Chair, All Pervading entity will Obstruct other all Pervading entity after Occupying it,
covering it
• 2nd All Pervading entity can’t Occupy the same Place
• 2nd One will loose all Pervasiveness
Nyayas Answer :
• All Pervading entity = Niravayavakam and Sarvagatam
• Whatever is all pervading, is Partless
• If Partless, 1st Partless Niravaya entity will contact Savaya Vastu No. 1
• It will not block the other Niravayava, Savayava Vastu from Contacting Chair
• Allows Peaceful Co-existence
• Akasha will allow kala to Contact Chair. 4677
• Savayava Chair has Akasha and Kala Sambandha Simultaneously
• Every finite Object has Desha, Kala, Sambandha Simultaneously
• Body has Desha, Kala Sambandha Simultaneously
• Desha, Kala, infinite, All pervading
• My Body has Kala and Desha Sambandha
• If Desha Sambandha blocks kala Sambandha, what will happen? I will be eternal
kala Ateeta
• I will be all Pervading beyond Desha…
• Every finite Object has Desha Kala Samyoga
• Nirvayatvat, Simultaneity is Possible
• If Body in one Chair, others can’t sit be cause 2 Bodies are with Parts - Savayavam
• Sarva Murtha Dravya Samyoga is Possible
• Many Niravaya Vastus can be all Pervading
• Therefore Many Atmas Possible
• My Atma contact my Body and other Bodies like Space
• Atma is Niravayavam, can’t Block Sambandha of other Atmas
• Samyoga Rule of Savayava and Niravayava Vastu Different
• Don’t extend Limitation
• Niravayavam Means partless
• Akasha can’t be used for Blocking a Seat, Anubhava Siddham. 4678
• Take any Portion of Pot
• In every Portion Dik, Desha, Kala Samyoga is there
• Body faces all Directions at same time
• If Contact Blocked, then Outside Dik
• No finite Object outside Desha, Kala
• All Objects Associated with Desha kala
• There can be Many all Pervading entities
• Anubhava Pramanam, no Shastra required.

Dakshinamurthy Stotram :

(Salutations to Sri Dakshinamurthy Who Awakens the Glory of the Atman within us through His
Profound Silence)This World is Like a Sprout of a Seed Within which transforms what is
Changeless state Before, appear Again as Space and Time, and endless Varieties of Pictures
over it; all due to the Creation of Maya, This Unfolding of the World (from the Seed) which is
Like a Play of a Magician, happens to one Who is Like a Mahayogi out of His Own Free Will (i.e.
a Mahayogi can enter the state of Samadhi out of his own free will and witness the unfolding
of the world when He comes out of Samadhi), Salutations to Him, the Personification of Our
Inner Guru Who Awakens This Knowledge through His Profound Silence; Salutation to Sri
Dakshinamurthy. [Verse 2]
• World is in time, Space Co-ordinates
• No Object outside Desha kala, Drik
Conclusion :
• All pervading entities are in Contact Simultaneously with all Paramanus.
• In this manner, Same Rule Extended to Paramanu - Atom Also
Param Anu Chair
- Dot - Has Parts, top, Bottm, Middle
- All pervading
- No Top / Bottom
- Niravayavam

Akasha Param Anu

- Partless - Partless
- Biggest Entity - Smallest entity
- Niravayava, Sarvagata - Niravaya Sarvagatu
• Partless Space is Simultaneously in Contact with all Param Anus
Atma - Nyaya :
• Individual Self
• Anekam, many all Pervading
• Many Jivatmas

Atma - Advaitin :
• Ekam, one Jivatma
• Sankhya, Yoga, Nyaya, Purva Mimasa, Veiseshikas, all Dvaitins
• Jivatma - Paramatma - Different in Visishta Advaitin
Paramatma Jivas
One Many
Advaitin :
• Jiva Appears to be many because of its Availability in Many Bodies
• Plurality of Shariram, transferred to Eka Atma
Brahma Sutra :

But the mention of that (viz., birth and death of the individual soul) is apt
only with reference to the bodies of beings moving and non-moving. It is
secondary or metaphorical if applied to the soul, as the existence of those
terms depends on the existence of that (i.e., the body). [II – III – 16]
Immovable Movale One Common
Trees Human Life - Atma 4682
• Based on Plurality of Body, Atma not Plural
Tarqa :
• Atma Nana Bhavati each Atma, All pervading, every Object contacted by all Pervading
Desha, Kala, Atma
• Neiyayikas Establishing Many all Pervading Atmas
Advaitin :
• Dosha, Fallacy in neiyayika, contradicts our Experience and Svamata Virodha.

Topic 359 :

Refutation of Nyaya Philosophy who has following Ideas :

i) Atma is All pervading, Pluralistic, Karta, Bokta (Enjoyer of karma Phalam)
ii) In Sankhya, Yoga, Nyaya, veiseshika, Purva Mimamsa, 5 Philosophies Jivatmas Many, all
iii) Visishta Advaitin :
• Jivas Many, not all Pervading
• Jiva = Anuhu, Atomic
• Paramatma = All Pervading
iv) Advaitin : Gita - Chapter 2 :

This Self cannot be cut, nor burnt, nor moistened, nor dried up. It is eternal, all-pervading,
stable, immovable and ancient. [Chapter 2 - Verse 24] 4684
• Jiva = Sarvagata, all Pervading in Gita (karmadharaya Samasa)
Visishta Advaitins Interpretation :
• Sarvagatasthaha Anuhu Jiva is in Paramatma and is Anuhu
• Plurality different in 4 and one
• Now comes 2 Pages of negation of Nyaya Matam
• Pluralistic all Pervading Atma

• If All Atmas have Samyoga, Connection with All finite objects, Sense organs, in the
• Mind = Anu in Nyaya
• No Particular Atma can get Connected to a Particular Body
• In Advaitam only one all Pervading Atma
Problems in Neiyayika Matam :
• All Atmas connected to all Bodies
• We can never Say I in Any body, I will refer to all bodies
Who certifies that this body belongs to me?
• No Bramana, Kshatriya, Vaishya Classification Possible
• Each Atma will be Vishwarupa Paramatma not Jivatma if all Pervading
Tarqa :
• Atma has 14 Gunas
• Dharma and Adharma = karma
• Each Atma Associated with particular Prarabda karma = Identity
• Karma will decide which Atma Goes with which Body
• Atma - All Pervading, Sharirams, many
Advaitam :
• Atma = Nirgunam therefore, Problem

Revision 314 :

i) Discussing Neiyayikas - 1st Matam :

• Various Principles mentioned
• Now Refutation going on…
ii) Atma - Vyapakam, Anekam, Karta, Bokta Nirakaranam :
Nyaya :
• Atma = All Pervading, Many, Sagunam Advaitam
• Atma = Ekam, Atma Sarvagatam, Nirgunam, Akarta, Abokta

Nyaya Advaitam
- All Atmas connected to all Bodies - Atma one
- Sarva Alpa Dravya Samyogatvam = - Asanga
Vyapakatvam - Atma = Sajatiya, Vijatiya, Svagata
- Infinite Atmas come in contact with Bheda Rahita, Sarvagatam
infinite Bodies
Purva Paksha - Objection to Nyaya :
• What is Pramanam to connect Atma to a Body?
• If all bodies contact all Atmas, they will suffer all Pain of Joints and 32 Teeth.

Nyayas Reply :
• Every Body is Generated by Specific karma of Jiva
• Jivas Connection to Body clear as per karma
Advaitin’s Question :
• This Arrangement not proper
• Previous karma done by Whom?
• Body does karma with Jnana Indriyas, Karma Indriyas and Manaha
• Bunch of karma will be connected to all Atmas
• Can’t Say : Particular Body connected to particular Body
• Rudra Abhishekam Punyam goes to all Atmas as All Atmas connected to all Bodies.
• All Sharira and Atmas Connected, no particular karma for one Body / Atma
• Shariram, Manas, Karmas will be connected to all Jivatmas
• No particular karma will be connected to a Parituclar Atma. 4688
• Mind = Anu, Countless Minds are there
• Mind alone Produces Chaitanyam in the Atma of Contact
• Generated Consciousness Joins only Atma not the Combination
• Vedantins Answer

In Purva Paksha - Solution :

• Mind Generated Consciousness is there in All Atmas
• Will have contact with all Body - Mind
Vedantin :
• Particularisation not possible through Mind
• Mind also Connected to every Atma
• No Pramanam to Prove Particular Shariram, Mind Connected to Particular Atma
• Every Jiva Connected to all this is Anubhava Virodha Dosha.
• We don’t experience, sense organs being Connected to all Atmas. 4689
• My house in which Body is there is Connected through Mamakara
• Any house will be connected to All Atmas
For Advaitin :
• All Pervading = Asanga like Akasha = Accommodating
• Nyayas All Pervading = Connecting with Everything
• This is an Important Difference
• Mamakara Pratyaya can’t be a Determing Factor
• Shariram, manas, Indriyas, Bahya Padarthas, Connected to All Atmas is Neiyayikas
Vedantin :
• They are all Anubhava Viruddha.

Whole Para is Another Solution by Neiyayika :
• I - Thought and My - thought
• I am the Body, Sense organs are Mine
• I - Thought and my thought = Attribute, belongs to one Substance, Atma
• Only one I will say, I am this Body, Sense Organs, mind
• Others don’t claim this body
• Claiming body done by one thought
• One thought Connected to one Atma
• I thought - Body - Shariram, Manaha, Indriyas Connected
• I thought only one whichever Jivatma is connected to whichever Shariram thought I
thought, that is the Pramanam.
• Through this external things can also be connected. 4691
• I - My - thought = Dharma, Attribute can belong to only one Substance
• Eka Dharma, Eka Dharmi Ashraya
• Rama has I thought only in a particular Body
• Aham Buddhi and mama Buddhi claimed in one Body only
• This is our Anubhava, experience
• I - Thought = Pramanam to connect Body - Mind - Sense organs, family

• Above solution illogical in Nyayas own Matam

• In Nyaya Buddhi = Jnanam = Awareness
In Vedanta :
• Pot knowledge = Vritti Jnanam
• I - Thought = Self Awareness, Consciousness in a particular Body.
• Self Awareness Rises only in Aham Buddhi
• You can’t say Rises in one Atma as All Atmas are Connected
• I thought Should be connected to all Atmas, all Bodies
• Self Awareness = Jnanam - Belongs to Atma
• Any Jnanam belongs to Atma and all Atmas
• Thathahi, to explain
• In Nyaya, Buddhi = Awareness
• We talk of one Generated all Pervading Consciousness
• For Nyaya, knowledge is always Particularized object - Here self Awareness
How does knowledge Rise in the Buddhi? New Approach of Nyaya :
Samyoga - Combination

Atma Mind Sense Organs Object

Vedanta :
• Chaitanyam → Independent
• Chidabhasa → Reflection
• Vritti Jnanam in the Mind
Nyaya :
• Born out of Combination, Association of 4 Factors
• Body Jnanam = I - Thought, I - Jnanam
• When no sense organs and Objects are Operational
• In Vedanta I = Atma Jnanam in Sleep when senses and Mind not Operating
= Atma Samanya Jnanam
= Nir-upadhi Jnanam
= Chaitanyam
= Kshetrajna
Visesha Jnanam in

Jagrat Svapna Sushupti

Gross Body Subtle Body Causal Body


I - Jnanam

Nyaya Advaitin

- Body Jnanam - Atma Jnanam

- Always Particular - Samanya Jnanam
Crucial Answer : Advaitin to Neiyayikas :
• Rising knowledge will be Connected with All Atmas within Body as Atma is All
• We Give name to Jivatma
• All Jivas will be in One Shariram
• Any knowledge including Self Awareness will Simultaneously take Place in all Atmas
• Therefore, Atma - Asanga but All Pervading in Vedanta
• Self knowledge will belong to all People in Neiyayika Matam
• No Pramaman to Particularize knowledge

Revision 315 :

• ND Dealing with 1st Matam of Neiyayika

i) Atma is all Pervading and Many :
• Countless Bodies, Anu Minds, (Atomic Size), all Pervading Atma has Association with
all Finite Alpa Drivyams
• Sarva Alpa Drivya Samyogatvam = Sarvagatatvam
• Alpa = Finite
ii) Advaitins Objection :
• If all Atmas Connected to all Bodies, how to Connect one Atma with one Body? No
iii) Neiyayikas Solution :
• Every Jiva has one I - Thought - My thought with one Body
• There is no Overlapping of I thought
• I thought belongs to one Atma
• In Neiyayikas Matam, it is I knowledge, Awareness 4696
• Aham iti Janami
• All knowledge attribute of Atma
Advaitin :
• I thought for Body - Ok
How I Awareness to One Body?
• Every Jnanam, Self Awareness is connected to all bodies
• All Atmas through I thought will be connected to a Particular Body
• Particular Atma can’t be connected to a Particular Body
• I knowledge rises Because of Combination of Atma and Mind
• Can’t Say, One Atma is connected with the Mind
• All Atmas will have connection with the Mind and they are all Pervading
• Mind Atma Connection in One Body gets Aham Vritti, Self Awareness
• For all Atmas, I thought Should Rise because in One Body, all Atmas are there
• I thought will rise in all Pervading Atmas
• Therefore, Aham Buddhi, Awareness, Can’t be Determinant factor
• Next Verse is Last Attempt of Neiyayika 4697
• Thathapi - Still… There is a Factor which connects Atma with I thought
• Determinant factor = Karma
• In Astika Darshanams - Karma Powerful factor to explain the world
Example :
• Earthquake : Some die, Survive Due to Karma
• Punyam, Papam, Adrushtam connects I thought - Body and Atma
• I thought not Developed even if other Body is Close to Atma in a Plane
• Ahamkara - Mamakara = I thought
= Aham Buddhi
= Self Awareness
= Identification with particular Body 4698
Advaitin :
• Neiyayikas Suggestion not Logical
• All Pervading Atma Connected with all Finite bodies in Creation
• Adrushta Punya papam generated by karma also connected to all bodies
• Karma Done by Body with karma Indriyas
• Karma belongs to all pervading Atma
• Generated Punyam also connected to all Atmas
• All Atmas will have all Punya Papam in Neiyayika Matam
• Already said before in Topic 359 - Last 4 Lines
• Atma Connected to Body because of karma
Connections :
• Atma
• Aham buddhi (Karana Shariram Connection)
• Sukshma / Sthula Shariram
• Karma
• 1st Adhyasa - Apparent, not real, By Atma Jnanam can come out
• Other Adhyasas - Secondary - Prarabda has to be fulfilled
Nyaya Matam :
• All karmas belong to all Atmas 4699
• Karma can’t be Determinant factor in Nyaya Matam
• All Atmas will experience all Pain in all bodies can’t Survive
My Experience :
• I Experience Pain only of My Body, not other Bodies
• ND Concludes refutation of 1st Nyaya Matam
Nyaya Matam : Atma :
i) Vyapakaha - All pervading
ii) Nana - Many
iii) Sagunam - 14 Gunas
- Punya, Papam, Raaga, Dvesha
iv) Karta - Bokta
We accept Only one :
• Vyapakatvam - All Pervading
• Reject Nana, Karta, Bokta
• Don’t Accept his Definition of all Pervasiveness
Definition of All Pervasiveness in Nyaya Matam :
• Sarva Alpa Dravya Samyogatvam…
• Simultaneous Association with Finite Objects of the World 4700
Advaitin :
• Does not Accept Association of Atma with Anything “Asangatvam” in Vedanta
Advaitin Definition of all pervasiveness :
• Unique Definition, only in Vichara Sagara
• Sajatiya, Vijatiya, Svagata Bheda Rahitatvam is Vyapakatvam
• Definition only for Non-duality in Advaitam = Sajatiya, Vijatiya, Svagata Bheda Rahitam
• Uniqueness of Vichara Sagara, Same Definition given for Vyapakatvam of Atma
• We Accept Vyapakatvam of Non-dual Atma
• Do not accept Nanatvam, Karta, Bokta…
How does Advaitin connect Atma to a Particular Body?
• In Nyaya, one Atma can’t be Connected to a Particular Body
• All Atmas connected to All Bodies
They Say :
• If you have one Atma, all pervading, you will also have Same Problem
• Will have Simultaneous experience of all Bodies
• How you explain Sukha - Dukha to one Body?
• How to connect Atma to one Body in Advaitam?
Advaitin :
• We need not Connect
• Atma is not connected to Any Body
• Atma - Asangaha
• Jnani who knows I am Atma is never connected to one Body or any Body at any time
• He is Nirmama, Nir-Ahamkara
• How do you explain Jivatma identifying with one Body in Advaitam?


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