SKAB Plantilla

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Barangay Bihis, Municipality of Sta. Teresita

Province of Batangas

Compensation Increase /
Item SK Officials / Current Year Budget Year
Name of Incumbent
Number Designation
SG Annual Rate SG Annual Rate

1 SK Councilor Michael M. Bron 9 9 9,127.18 maintained

2 SK Councilor Kent Steven L. Ramos 9 9 9,127.18 maintained
3 SK Councilor Janette V. Maligaya 9 9 9,127.18 maintained
4 SK Councilor Jayson M. Tenorio 9 9 9,127.18 maintained
5 SK Councilor Anthony Parayno 9 9 9,127.18 maintained
6 SK Councilor Piolo N. Endaya 9 9 9,127.18 maintained
7 SK Councilor Julius Ivan M. Ilao 9 9 9,127.18 maintained
8 SK Secretary Dandridge S. Pagcaliwagan 9 9 9,127.18 maintained
9 SK Treasurer Timothy John C. Padua 9 9 9,127.18 maintained
Total SB Members - 82,144.59 -

Legal Basis:
Section 4 of RA No. 11768, amending Section 16 of the SK Reform Act of 2015 (RA No. 10742), insofar as
pertinent, provides the following:

(6) The [SK] members, including the [SK] treasurer and secretary, shall receive a monthly honorarium,
chargeable against the [SK] funds, in addition to any other compensation provided by this Act and shall be
granted at the end of every regular monthly [SK] meeting: Provided, That the monthly honorarium shall not
exceed the monthly compensation received by their [SK] chairperson: Provided, further, That not more than
twenty-five percent (25%) of the [SK] funds shall be allocated for personnel services.

Limit Tests for buget year PS appropriation:

a. Monthly honoraria of SK Chairperson is greater than the monthly honoraria of one SK Official.

b. Estimated SK Income for this budget year P 328,578.35

Multiply by 25%
limit 25%
Maximum Limit
Maximum Limit P 82,144.59
Annual PS appropriated
PS appropriated for for
SK SK Officials
Officials P
Postive Result = Within the Limit
Postive Result = Within the Limit / Negative
/ Negative Result Result = Over
= Over the limit P
the limit 82,144.59

Prepared by:


SK Treasurer

Noted by:


SK Chairperson

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