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Bansri Pandey


❑ User Interface
❑ Navigation
❑ Selecting elements in Revit
❑ Concept of Revit Elements
❑ Understanding Type and Instance Properties
❑ Understanding Revit Families

❑ Revit File Formats
❑ Setting up a project
❑ Levels
❑Files required for this tutorial: TutorialLevels_Input_LearningRevitOnline.rvt

❑ Grids
❑File required for this tutorial: “TutorialGrids_Input_LearningRevitOnline.rvt”
❑RVT – ReViT project file
❑RTE – Revit project TEmplate file
❑RFT – Revit Family Template file
❑RFA – Revit FAmily file
1. Open Revit
2. Go to Models -> New
3. Under template file menu,
click browse to select one of
the template files. Note that
file format is *.RTE. Select
one of the template files.
4. Make sure Project is selected
under ‘Create New’.
5. Say OK to create a new
6. Save this project file as *.RVT
1. Go to Manage tab on the Ribbon
-> Setting Panel -> Project Units
2. In the Project Units dialog box,
Under discipline -> select
3. Change the Length units to the
unit of your choice(Ex: Meters)
4. Select required Rounding values
(Ex: 1 decimal place) and Unit
symbols to be displayed (Ex: m)
5. Click OK for Format dialog box.
6. Click OK for the Project Units
dialog box.
7. Units for the length has been
successfully changed.
1. Go to Manage tab on the Ribbon -> Setting
Panel -> Project Information
2. Project Information dialog box will appear. Add
the details about your project in this dialog box
such as Project name, Client name, Project
Address, etc.
3. Click OK when you are finished adding required
information. If you do not know some of the
information at this stage, it is okay. You can
come back to this dialog box later and add
information when you have it with you.
1. Click Manage tab -> Project Location panel ->
2. On the Location Weather and Site dialog box, under
Define location by -> choose default city list.
3. Alternatively, you can choose to find the location by
choosing Internet mapping service in the same drop
down menu.
4. Under City, choose the city your project is located at.
5. If you do not find the city in the default list, you can
also enter the Latitude and Longitude of the exact
project site location.
6. Click OK to the location and weather site dialog box.
1. Go to File Tab -> Save
2. Give file name and Choose the file type as
*.RVT (Ex: Learning Revit Online_Sample
3. Click Options -> File Save Options dialog
box will appear -> Choose the maximum
number of backups you would like to have
for this file.
 Every time you will save, a previous version of the
file would be saved as a backup till the maximum
number of backups specified here is reached. After
that, it will keep removing the oldest revisions and
add a newer version of the backup file. Each backup
file will get a suffix of “000n”(n=number of the
backup version) with the project name. (Ex:
Learning Revit Online_Sample Project.0001.rvt)

4. Click Save. Now, you have successfully

created a Revit project file.
In this tutorial, you will learn to,
❑Rename a Level
❑Change the elevation height of a Level
❑Create a new Level
❑Copy a Level
❑Create a floor plan view
All elements in Revit are organized in •Model Elements include categories that
a hierarchy of, have 3D geometry such as Walls, Doors,
Windows, etc.
•Elements •Datum Elements include categories that
are used as references for the project such
• Categories as Levels, Grids, etc.
• Families •View-Specific Elements include categories
• Types that describe or document the project on a
specific view such as Dimensions, Text,
• Instances. Annotations, etc.
1. Go to one of the elevation views.
2. Click on the Level 1 line. The text of the level symbol will be highlighted as blue
indicating that it is now editable.
3. Click on the text ‘Level 1’ and replace the text with “00 Ground Level”.
4. The Confirm Level rename dialog box will appear to confirm if the change in level
name should be reflected in all corresponding views also? Say Yes to this
message in order for all corresponding views to also have the same name as the
level in project browser.
5. Notice that the Floor plan view named as Level 1 in the project browser is now
named same as the level name.
1. Go to Architecture tab in the ribbon -> Datum
panel -> Level
2. Click to enter start point of the level line. Drag
your cursor towards the end of the line and
then click to enter the end point of the level
line. The elevation height of the level need not
be accurate at this point.
3. Level 3 will be created in the drawing.
4. Click Esc twice to end the level tool.
5. Change the name of this level line to “-01
Basement Floor Level” and elevation of the level
to “-2.71”.
6. Note that a new floor plan view with this level
name is added in the project browser.
1. Select the “01 First Floor Level” line.
2. Go to Modify|Levels tab -> Select Copy from Modify panel
 Alternatively, use “CO” as the keyboard for shortcut

3. Keep the ‘Multiple’ option checked in the options bar to make multiple copies of that
selected level.
4. Click on any point on ’01 First Floor Level’ line and move your cursor upwards.
5. A temporary dimension (in blue) will appear. You can either choose to graphically select the
point where a copy needs to be placed, or type in the exact distance from the base point
where you want to the copy to be placed.
6. Type “3.05” (m) value on your keyboard to specify the exact distance between the two level
lines. Press Enter after typing the value.
7. As the multiple option is selected, the Copy tool is still active and you can make more
copies by moving your cursor upwards and typing the exact copy distance/graphically
clicking a point on the screen where you want the copy to be placed. Use this tool to create
one more copy of the level
8. Pres Esc twice to finish the Copy tool.
9. Change the name of the levels and elevation height as below:
 Name: “02 Second Floor Level” Elevation Height value: “6.10”
 Name: “03 Third Floor Level” Elevation Height value: “8.84”

1. Go to View tab -> Create panel -> Plan Views drop-down, and then click on Floor plan.
2. In the New Plan dialog box, Select one or more levels for which you want to create a plan
3. Click OK.
4. Now, after creating floor plan views for all levels, note the project browser. All floor plans
are sorted alphabetically in order due to the naming conventions we used earlier.
In this tutorial, you will learn to,
•Add a new Grid
•Offset Grids
•Copy Grids
•Add Grid symbols to both sides
•Offset Grid symbols
1. Open the project file “TutorialGrids_Input_LearningRevitOnline.rvt” and go to “00 Ground Level” Floor plan

2. Go to Architecture tab -> Datum panel -> Grid

 Alternatively, use “GR”as the keyboard shortcut.

3. Click Modify | Place Grid tab -> Draw panel -> Select a straight line option.

4. Let’s start by drawing Grid A. Grid A is located at the left vertical boundary line of the site.

5. Click the start point of the Grid at the top left intersection of the site boundary lines in the project.

6. Move the cursor downwards vertically. Click to enter Grid end point where you want the Grid line to end.

7. Click Esc twice to end the Grid tool.

8. Select the Grid line.

9. In the Grid symbol, click on the text to change the Grid name from 1 to A. Alternatively, go to properties of the
Grid line and in the Instance parameter Name, change the value from 1 to A.

10. While the Grid line is selected, you may notice the two node like circles at both start and end point. Clicking
and dragging these nodes, you can extend the Grid lines. Click and drag the node symbol of the Grid A and
extend the grid line away from the site boundary lines.M2 Grid 9

11. Click Esc to deselect the Grid.

1. Go to Architecture tab -> Datum panel -> Grid
 Alternatively, use “GR”as the keyboard shortcut.

2. Click Modify | Place Grid tab -> Draw panel ->

Select Pick Lines tool.
3. On the options bar, specify offset value as
4. Hover your cursor on Grid A. Revit will show
you a dashed blue reference line where the
offset will be placed. Click if the position shown
by the reference line is correct.
5. Grid B is added in the drawing. The length of
the Grid line is exactly the same as the Grid A
as we have used offset tool.
Using the Pick Lines
and Offset method,
add Grids C-M as
shown in the exercise.

Then, Create Grid 1.

and using Pick Lines
and Offset method,
add Grids 1-10 as
shown in the image.
1. Note that on a scale of 1:100, some Grids
such as Grid 7 & 8, Grid C & D have Grid
symbols that are overlapping each other. For
presentation purposes, this requires
2. Select Grid 8. Note that there is a small
Elbow drag control near the Grid symbol.
Click on this symbol and then drag the
control to the desired location to move the
bubble away from the grid line.
3. Do the same for Grid 7 and 9 if required.M2
Grid 19
4. Click Esc to deselect the Grid lines.
1. Note that by default, Grid symbols are appearing on the
Grid lines only at one side. If you want to add the Grid
symbols on both/either side, select one of the Grid lines.
2. Go to properties palette -> Edit Type -> Type properties
dialog -> Plan View Symbols End 1/ End 2 parameters are
3. Click on Duplicate to duplicate the type and rename it.
4. Check both parameters to make the grid symbols appear at
both sides. (Checking only one of them would make them
appear at one of the sides.)
5. Click OK after making the change.
6. The selected Grid will now have Grid symbols on both sides.
7. Select all other Grids that you would like to have the same
8. Go to Type Selector and change their type to the new type
that you just created.
❑ Revit File Formats ❑Levels
❑RVT and RTE ❑Rename levels
❑RFA and RFT ❑Add new level
❑Copy tool
❑ Setting up a project
❑Create plan view
❑Project units
❑Project information ❑ Grids
❑Project location ❑Add new grid
❑Save Settings ❑Offset and Pick Lines tool
❑Modify Grid symbols
Please find the notes of today’s session at:
❑Understanding Revit file formats

❑About Levels
❑ Practice Tutorial: Levels

❑About Grids
❑ Practice Tutorial: Grids

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