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Binalonan, Pangasinan

OBE Course Syllabus

M-105 – Comprehensive Family Planning

Vision: Mission:
University of Eastern Pangasinan is the best holistic higher institution known University of Eastern Pangasinan exists to develop highly competent professionals and
to cultivate excellent and virtuous individuals to become catalyst of progress morally responsible individuals through innovations and industry oriented instruction, strong
relevant research, responsive extension programs, value-based curricular offering and
and development for both the local and the global communities principle-centered culture that define the way of life in the university.

Institutional Outcomes: Program Outcomes:

The graduates of University of Eastern Pangasinan should be able to: Given a situation and actual patient, the learners should be able to:
1. Critically analyze and solve problems in order to render sound
1. Discuss the importance of Family Planning
2. Generate new knowledge and produce scholarly works contributory to 2. Assess client's condition.
the advancement of their profession and sustainable development.
3. Identify appropriate method for the clients using the MEC wheels.
3. Practice their respective professions efficiently and effectively.
4. Build relationships among individuals and promote camaraderie and 4. Provide family planning method following informed Choice and
teamwork in the working environment.
5. Express themselves exemplarily in both oral and written
communication. 5. Conduct Family Planning Counselling to individual, couple and group
6. Demonstrate and uphold moral values and standards of the society.
7. Promote and preserve the historical and cultural Filipino heritage.

I. Course Description:

This course deals with population dynamics, population program, assessment of family planning (FP) client, modern methods of FP,
promotion/counselling. Motivation, provision of FP services. Provision of higher-level family planning services like assisting in insertion of IUD and
assisting in sub dermal implant insertion and removal, and assisting in BTL and vasectomy. This will also include Gender and Development,
adolescent and youth reproductive health and informed choice and volunteerism among FP clients.
The clinical practicum develops the students' skills in providing family planning counselling and modern family planning methods to the target
population. This gives the opportunity to practice the skills in promotion/counselling, motivation, provision of FP services following the informed
choice and voluntarism protocol.

II. Course Outcomes:

Given a situation and actual patient, the learners should be able to:
1. Discuss the importance of Family Planning
2. Assess client's condition.
3. Identify appropriate method for the clients using the MEC wheels.
4. Provide family planning method following informed Choice and Volunteerism
5. Conduct Family Planning Counselling to individual, couple and group (Usapan)
III. No. of Units: 6 Units (3 units lecture, 3 Clinical Practicum (1 unit SL/2 CP)
IV. Course Pre-requisite: Introduction to Obstetrics and Newborn Care
V. Rubrics
VI. Course Outline:

Intended Learning Learning Experiences Instructional Teaching/Learning Assessment Tasks

Outcome (ILO) Material Activities (TLAs) (ATs)
Content Delivery Time
Mode Allotment
Prelim Period

After completing this

course, STUDENTS
Reflect on the Vision, Vision, Mission, Goals and VMGO 1 hour Student manual Fishbowl activity Report with rubrics
Mission, Goals and Objectives of UEP
Objectives of UEP
After completing this
course, STUDENTS

1. Discuss the 1. Introduction

importance of Family

2. Assess client's A. History of Family

condition. Planning in the Philippines
3. Identify appropriate B. Population Situation of
method for the clients the
using the MEC wheels. 1. World
4. Provide family 2. Philippines
planning method C. Maternal High-Risk
following informed Factors
Choice and Volunteerism D. Laws and legislations
5. Conduct Family Related to FP
Planning Counselling to 1. P.D. 965-A Decree
individual, couple and Requiring Applicant for
group (Usapan) Marriage License to
Receive Instructions on
Analyze Laws affecting Family Planning and
practice of family Responsible Parenthood
planning 2. P.D. 79: A decree
that authorized the
nationwide promotion of all
acceptable contraceptive
methods and the use of
Simulate the benefits of clinics, pharmacies, and
FP commercial distribution
channels for the purpose.
3. P.D. 6365:
Population Act of the
4. PD. 69: Limits the
number of children to four
(4) tax exemption
5. RA. 10354:
Responsible Parenthood
and Reproductive Health
6. Department of Health
Administrative Orders
6.1 Executive Order No.
12, s. 2017: Attaining and
Sustaining "Zero Unmet
Need for Modern Family
Planning" Through the
Strict Implementation of
the Responsible
Parenthood and
Reproductive Health Act.
Providing Therefore, and
for other Purposes
6.1 Administrative Order
2017-0005: Guidelines in
Achieving Desired Family
Funds Size through
Accelerated and
Sustained Reduction in
Unmet Need for Modern
Family Planning Method
6.2 Administrative Order
2016-0005: National
Policy on the Minimum
initial Service Package
(MISP) for Sexual and
Reproductive Health
(SRH) in Emergencies and
6.3 Administrative Order
2017-0002: Guidelines on
the Certification Standing
Family Planning Clinics
6.4 Department Order
2017-0435: Guidelines in
the Forecasting ,
Procurement, Allocation,
and distribution of Modern
Family Planning
6.5 Administration
Order 2015-0006:
Inclusion of Progestine
sub dermal Implant as one
of the modern Methods
Recognized by the
National Family Planning
6.6 Administration
Order 2014-0042:
Guidelines on the
Implementation Mobile
Outreach Services for
Family Planning
6.7 Department
Memorandum 2015-0384:
Establishment of Family
Planning Logistic Hotline
6.8 Department
Memorandum 2028-0275:
Legality of Midwives
Performing Insertion and
Removal of Progestin
Subdermal Implants

Intended Learning Learning Experiences Instructional Teaching/Learning Assessment Tasks

Outcome (ILO) Material Activities (TLAs) (ATs)
Content Delivery Time
Mode Allotment
Midterm Period

After completing this E. Roles, Functions of

course, STUDENTS Midwife
SHOULD BE ABLE TO: 1. Motivators/Counsellor
2. Service provider
3. Family Planning
F. Health Benefits of FP
Simulate the benefits of
FP II. Human Reproductive
Simulate the roles and A. Female Reproductive
functions of the midwife Anatomy and Physiology
in FP program B. Male Reproductive
Anatomy and Physiology
Discuss human sexuality C. Concept of Fertility
and gender and and Joint Fertility
III. FP Client assessment
Assess FP Services A. The FP Service Record
in Client Assessment
Perform simple B. WHO Eligibility Criteria
laboratory examination for Contraceptive Use
Interpret findings of
assessments IV. Infection Prevention in
FP Services
A. The Disease
Transmission Cycle and
Infection Prevention
B. Infection Prevention

V. Counselling for FP
Conduct FP counselling A. Values Clarification
to clients using the B. Informed Choice and
GATHER approach Volunteerism
C. Types of
Communication in FP/RH
D. Effective
Communication Skills
E. Counselling for FP
F. Effective
Communication Skills
G. Usapan Series as
Method of FP Counselling
1. Intro to Usapan
2. Variants of Usapan
3. Requirements for
4. Steps of Usapan
6. Recording, Reporting
VI. Methods of Family
A. Fertility Awareness -
Based Methods
1. Cervical Mucus
Method (Billings Method)
2. Basal Body
3. Septo-thermal
4. Standard Days
5. Lactational

B. Hormonal Contraceptive
1. Low dose Combined
Oral Contraceptives
2. Other Combined
3. Progestin-only Pills
4. Progestin only-
C. Barrier Method
1. Male Condom
2. Spermicides
3. Diaphrams
Permanent Methods
1. Bilateral Tubal Ligation
2. Vasectomy
Long Acting And
Permanent Method
1. Intrauterine Device
1.1 Interval IUD
1.2.1 Introduction to
1.2.2 Infection
1.2.3 Client
1.2.4 IUD insertion
and Removal
1.2.5 Follow-up care
and management of
potential problems
2.1 Postpartum IUD
2.1.1 Postpartum IUD
as a Contraceptive
2.1.2 Postpartum
Anatomy and
2.1.3 Counselling in
2.1.4 Client
Screening PPIUD
2.1.5 PPIUD insertion
2.1.6 Follow-up care
and management of
potential problems
2.1.7 PPIUD
3.1 Progestin Subdermal
3.1.1 Intro to PSI
3.1.2 Patient Counselling
3.1.3 Medical illegibility
and Client Screening
3.1.4 Infection Prevention
3.1.5 Insertion and
3.1.6 Post Insertion and
3.1.7 Management of
side effects and

Intended Learning Learning Experiences Instructional Teaching/Learning Assessment Tasks

Outcome (ILO) Material Activities (TLAs) (ATs)
Content Delivery Time
Mode Allotment
Final Period
VII. Family Planning for
After completing this Special Populations
course, STUDENTS A. Women with
SHOULD BE ABLE TO: previous problems in
pregnancy, labor and
B. Women over 40
years old
C. Obese Women
D. Adolescents
Reproductive Health
1. Understanding
2. Stages of
3. Reproductive
4. Reproduction and
5. Gaining
Adolescent’s Trust
6. Adolescent’s
Friendly Health
7. Home, Education,
Activities, Drugs,
Sexuality, Suicide
8. Adolescents
9. Adolescents
10. Alcohol, Tobacco,
and other Drugs

Explain the Management VIII. Management of

of Family Planning Family Planning
Services , overview of Clinic
management and A. Managing for Quality
B. Facility Based Family
Prepare operational plan Planning Services
of a birthing clinic and C. Management Support
Family Planning Clinic System
D. Monitoring and
Prepare an accurate and E. Health Care Providers
organize filling system Networks

VIII. Course Family Planning Competency Based Training Manuals Department of Health
References Post Partum IUD Training Manual - DOH
Post Training Manual-DOH
Haskett TF: Essential Management of Obstetrics Emergencies. Clinical Press Limited, 3rd Edition, 2018. 2. Yeomans E: Eclampsia: A Survival
Guide. Presented at the Alabama Section Meeting of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists; May, 2018. 3. Avery DM:
Conversion to Breech Presentation Following Successful Vaginal Elevation of the Head. Medico-legal OB/GYN News. 2020.
Love C, Wallace E. Pregnancies complicated by placenta praevia: what is appropriate management? Br J Obstet Gynaecol 2016;103:864-7.
Piliterri, Adelle, Maternal and Child Health Nursing, Lippincott 2019.
Novak’s Gynecology, 12th edition 2018.
Douglas K, Redman C. Eclampsia in the United Kingdom. BMJ 20144;309:1395-400.
James D, Steer P, Weiner C, Gonik B. High risk obstetrics. London: Saunders, 2019
SANDS (Stillbirth and Neonatal Death Society). Guidelines for professionals. London: SANDS, 2019.

Note: Faculty teaching this course should have Family Planning Competency Based Training 1& 2 . Postpartum IUD insertion and
Progestin , Subdermal implant training and adolescent Health Education and Practical ( ADEPT)

IX. Course The student is expected to comply with the following:

Requirements 1. Must have at least 80% attendance of the prescribed number of days
2. Obtain satisfactory rating for quizzes, exercises/presentation, recitation/reports, projects and major examinations
3. Finish and submit all requirements at the end of the semester
X. Course Assessment LECTURE GRADE
Major Exam 40%
Class Standing 60%

 CS Breakdown Quizzes 30%

Recitation 20%
Ass/PW/Project 10%
FINAL GRADE: (Prelim Grade + Midterm Grade + Tentative Final Grade)/3

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