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19-4132; Rev 0; 5/08

MAX17020 Evaluation Kit

General Description Features

Evaluates: MAX17020
The MAX17020 evaluation kit (EV kit) demonstrates the o 6V to 24V Input Range
MAX17020’s standard application circuit. This dual o 3.3V, 5mA RTC Power (Always On)
Quick-PWM ™ synchronous DC-DC converter steps o Internal 5V, 100mA Linear Regulator (Adjustable
down high-voltage batteries and/or AC adapters, gen- from 0.6V to 4V)
erating main supplies for notebook computers. The
MAX17020 EV kit provides dual 1.5V (V OUT1 ) and o Output Voltages:
1.05V at 10AMIN (VOUT2, Dynamic Adjustable
1.05V (VOUT2) output voltages from a 6V to 24V battery-
from 0 to 2V) or Preset 3.3V
input range. It delivers at least 6A output current for the 1.5V at 6AMIN (VOUT1, Adjustable from 0.7V to 5.5V)
1.5V output, and 10A for the 1.05V output. Both outputs 8VMIN at 2mA (Charge-Pump Output)
are adjustable between 0.7V and 5.5V. An external
o Dynamic 0 to 2V REFIN2 Input on Second Output
unregulated charge pump generates an 8V (VSEC)
auxiliary voltage capable of delivering 2mA from the o 400kHz/300kHz Switching Frequency (1.5V/1.05V,
1.5V output. Respectively)
The MAX17020 also has an internal fixed 5V low- o Power-Good (PGOOD1 and PGOOD2) Indicators
dropout (LDO) linear regulator capable of supplying o Secondary Feedback Input Maintains Charge Pump
100mA, and an always-on 3.3V, 5mA real-time clock o 32-Pin, 5mm x 5mm Thin QFN Package
(RTC) supply. o Fully Assembled and Tested
The MAX17020 EV kit operates at 400kHz/300kHz
switching frequency (1.5V/1.05V, respectively) and has
superior line- and load-transient response.
Ordering Information
For 5V and 3.3V output evaluation, the MAX8778 EV kit PART TYPE
can be used. The MAX17020 is a pin-for-pin replace- MAX17020EVKIT+ EV Kit
ment of the MAX8778. +Denotes lead-free and RoHS compliant.
Component List
BYP, GATE, 470µF, 2.5V, 7mΩ low-ESR capacitors
PGOOD1, C11, C12 2 (D case)
0 Not installed, test points SANYO 2R5TPF470M7L
REFIN2 4.7µF ±10%, 6.3V X5R ceramic
capacitor (0805)
10µF ±20%, 25V X5R ceramic C19 1
TDK C2012X5R0J475K or
capacitors (1210) Taiyo Yuden JMK212BJ475KG
C2–C5 4 TDK C3225X7R1E106M
100V, 200mA, dual diodes (SOT23)
AVX 12103D106M
Fairchild MMBD4148SE (Top Mark: D4)
Taiyo Yuden TMK325BJ106MM D1, D2 2
Central Semi CMPD7000 Lead Free
1µF ±20%, 10V X5R ceramic
(Top Mark: C5C)
capacitors (0603)
C6, C13, C18, D3, D4 2 Green LEDs, clear SMD (0805)
5 TDK C1608X5R1A105M
C21, C23
Murata GRM188R61A105M JU1, JU2 2 3-pin headers
AVX 0603ZD105MAT 2.2µH, 12A, 5.2mΩ inductor
C7 0 Not installed, capacitor (D case) Cooper Bussmann HC7-2R2-R
L1 1
330µF, 2.5V, 9mΩ low-ESR capacitor 2.2µH, 12.5A, 5.4mΩ inductor
C8 1 (D case) Sumida CEP125NP-2R2MC
SANYO 2R5TPE330M9 1µH, 20A, 1.6mΩ inductor
0.1µF ±10%, 25V X7R ceramic Cooper Bussmann HC7-1R0-R
C9, C10, L2 1
capacitors (0603) 1µH, 16.5A, 2.5mΩ inductor
C14–C17, 8
Murata GRM188R71E104K Sumida CEP125NP-1R0MC
C20, C22
TDK C1608X7R1E104K
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________________________________________________________________ Maxim Integrated Products 1

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MAX17020 Evaluation Kit

Component List (continued)

Evaluates: MAX17020


N-channel MOSFETs (PowerPAK SO-8) R9, R10, R11,
N1, N3 2 Fairchild FDS6298 (SO-8) R13, R14, R15,
0 Not installed, resistors (0603)
Vishay/Siliconix Si7634DP R18, R19, R27,
N-channel MOSFETs (PowerPAK SO-8) R31
N2, N4 2 Fairchild FDS8670 (SO-8) R17 1 10Ω ±5% resistor (0603)
Vishay/Siliconix Si7336ADP
R21 1 80.6kΩ ±1% resistor (0603)
N-channel MOSFET (SOT23)
R22–R25, R30 5 100kΩ ±5% resistors (0603)
Q1 1 Fairchild 2N7002 (Top Mark: 702)
Zetex ZVN3306F (Top Mark: MC) R26 1 140kΩ ±1% resistor (0603)
R1, R8, R12, SW1 1 4-position, low-profile DIP switch
R16, R20, R28, 7 0Ω resistors (0603) Dual synchronous DC-DC converter
R29 U1 1 (32-pin TQFN-EP*, 5mm x 5mm)
R2, R3 2 4.7Ω ±5% resistors (0603) Maxim MAX17020ETJ+
R4, R5 2 1kΩ ±5% resistors (0603) — 1 PCB: MAX17020 Evaluation Kit+
R6 1 590kΩ ±1% resistor (0603) *EP = Exposed pad.

R7 1 200kΩ ±1% resistor (0603)

Component Suppliers
AVX Corporation 843-946-0238
Central Semiconductor Corp. 631-435-1110
Cooper Bussmann 916-941-1117
Fairchild Semiconductor 888-522-5372
IRC, Inc. 361-992-7900
Murata Electronics North America, Inc. 770-436-1300
SANYO North America Corp. 619-661-6835
Sumida Corp. 847-545-6700
Taiyo Yuden 800-348-2496
TDK Corp. 847-803-6100
Vishay 402-563-6866
Zetex Semiconductors 631-360-2222
Note: Indicate that you are using the MAX17020 when contacting these component suppliers.

2 _______________________________________________________________________________________
MAX17020 Evaluation Kit

Quick Start Refer to the MAX17020 IC data sheet for selection of

Evaluates: MAX17020
output capacitor and inductor values for different out-
Recommended Equipment put voltages.
Before beginning, the following equipment is needed:
1.05V Output-Voltage Setting (VOUT2)
• MAX17020 EV kit
The MAX17020 provides a fixed 1.05V output (VOUT2)
• One 6V to 24V, 100W DC power supply when REFIN2 is connected to RTC (R12 = 0Ω, R11 =
• Two dummy loads capable of sinking 10A or open), or a fixed 3.3V output when REFIN2 is connected
greater to VCC (R11 = 0).
• Three voltmeters VOUT2 can also be adjusted from 0 to 2V using a resis-
tive voltage-divider formed by R13 and R15. REFIN2 sets
Procedure the feedback-regulation voltage (VOUT2 = V REFIN2).
The MAX17020 EV kit is a fully assembled and tested To change the output voltage to a value between 0 and
surface-mount PCB. Follow the steps below to verify 2V, set R15 equal to 49.9kΩ ±1%. Calculate R13 using
board operation. Caution: Do not turn on the power the equation:
supply until all connections are completed.
R13 = R15 [(VREF/VOUT2) - 1]
1) Verify that there is no shunt across JU1.
where VREF = 2V.
2) Verify that there is a shunt across JU2, pins 1-2.
By changing the voltage at REFIN2, the MAX17020 can
3) Verify that all SW1 settings are in the open posi- be used in applications that require multiple dynamic-
tions. output voltages. Control FET Q1 changes the voltage at
4) Connect a voltmeter across the VOUT1 and GND REFIN2 by switching resistors in and out of the resistor
pads. network. An external signal at GATE can control Q1
5) Connect a voltmeter across the VOUT2 and GND and the voltage at REFIN2.
pads. Refer to the MAX17020 IC data sheet for selection of
6) Connect a voltmeter across the VSEC and GND output capacitor and inductor values for different out-
pads. put voltages.
7) Turn on the power supply. LDO Voltage Setting (LDO)
8) Verify that the output voltages are VOUT1 = 1.5V, The MAX17020 provides a fixed 5V, 100mA output lin-
VOUT2 = 1.05V and VSEC = 8V. ear regulator (LDO) when LDOREFIN is connected to
GND (R20 = 0Ω, R18/R19 = open), or a fixed 3.3V lin-
Detailed Description of Hardware ear output when LDOREFIN is connected to VDD (R19
= 0Ω, R18/R20 = open).
1.5V Output-Voltage Setting (VOUT1)
The MAX17020 provides a fixed 1.5V output (VOUT1) LDO voltage can also be adjusted from 0.6V to 4V.
when FB1 is connected to VCC (R8 = 0Ω, R9/R10 = LDOREFIN sets the LDO regulation voltage (VLDO = 2 x
open) or a fixed 5V output when FB1 is connected to VLDOREFIN) for a 0.3V to 2V LDOREFIN range.
GND (R10 = 0, R9 = open). VLDOREFIN = VREF [R20/(R18 + R20)]
VOUT1 can also be adjusted from 0.7V to 5.5V using a where VREF = 2V.
resistive voltage-divider formed by R9 and R10. The
MAX17020 regulates FB1 to a fixed reference voltage 8V Output-Voltage Setting (VSEC)
(0.7V). An external unregulated charge pump is connected to
VOUT1 and generates an 8VMIN (VSEC) auxiliary volt-
The adjusted output voltage is: age capable of delivering 2mA from the 1.5V output.
VOUT1 = VFB1(1 + R9/R10) When the SECFB voltage drops below its 2V feedback
where VFB1 = 0.7V. threshold, the MAX17020 issues an ultrasonic pulse.
This forces a switching cycle, allowing the external
To change the output voltage to a value between 0.7V unregulated charge pump to be refreshed. Refer to the
and 5.5V, set R10 equal to 49.9kΩ ±1%. Calculate R9 Ultrasonic Mode (SKIP = Open or REF) section in the
using the equation: MAX17020 IC data sheet for more information.
R9 = R10 [(VOUT1/VFB1) - 1]
where VFB1 = 0.7V.

_______________________________________________________________________________________ 3
MAX17020 Evaluation Kit

To change the VSEC refresh voltage, set R7 = 200kΩ Jumper and Switch Settings
Evaluates: MAX17020

±1%. Calculate R6 using the equation: The switching frequency of the MAX17020 is adjusted
R6 = R7 [(VSEC/VSECFB) - 1] by changing jumper JU1. As configured, the
MAX17020 EV kit operates at 400kHz/300kHz. When
where VSECFB = 2V. changing the switching frequency, refer to the
To disable the secondary feedback, connect SECFB to MAX17020 IC data sheet for the proper component
VDD by installing R31 with a 200kΩ resistor. Uninstall selection and calculations for the MOSFETs, inductors,
the secondary feedback resistors R6 and R7. and output capacitors.

Table 1. Jumper JU1 Functions Table 2. Jumper JU2 Functions

(Switching-Frequency Selection) (Operating-Mode Selection)
1-2 Connected to VDD 200/300 Low-noise, forced fixed-
1-2* Connected to VDD
2-3 Connected to GND 400/500 frequency PWM operation
Not Automatic, high-efficiency,
Pulled to REF 400/300 (as shipped)
installed* 2-3 Connected to GND pulse-skipping operation at
*Default position. light loads

Floating Ultrasonic mode
*Default position.

Table 3. Switch SW1 Settings

Off (Open) Resistor R14 is switched in and out of the resistor
Control FET Q1 is on
SW1-A network changing REFIN2 voltage.
On (Short) Control FET Q1 is off
(Note: R14 is not populated in the default circuit.)
Off (Open) ON1 pin is connected to VDD Enables SMPS1, VOUT1 = 1.5V; VSEC = 8V
On (Short) ON1 pin is connected to GND Disables SMPS1, VOUT1 = 0V; VSEC = 0V
Off (Open) ON2 pin is connected to VDD Enables SMPS2, VOUT2 = 1.05V
On (Short) ON2 pin is connected to GND Disables SMPS2, VOUT2 = 0V
Off (Open) ONLDO pin is connected to VIN Enables LDO output, VLDO = 5V
On (Short) ONLDO pin is connected to GND Disables LDO output, VLDO = 0V
Note: As configured, the MAX17020 EV kit is shipped with all SW1 settings in the off positions.

4 _______________________________________________________________________________________
MAX17020 Evaluation Kit

Evaluates: MAX17020

Figure 1. MAX17020 EV Kit Schematic

_______________________________________________________________________________________ 5
MAX17020 Evaluation Kit
Evaluates: MAX17020

Figure 2. MAX17020 EV Kit Component Placement Guide— Figure 3. MAX17020 EV Kit PCB Layout—Component Side
Component Side

6 _______________________________________________________________________________________
MAX17020 Evaluation Kit

Evaluates: MAX17020
Figure 4. MAX17020 EV Kit PCB Layout—Layer 2 (PGND Plane) Figure 5. MAX17020 EV Kit PCB Layout—Layer 3
(PGND/Signal Layer)

_______________________________________________________________________________________ 7
MAX17020 Evaluation Kit
Evaluates: MAX17020

Figure 6. MAX17020 EV Kit PCB Layout—Solder Side Figure 7. MAX17020 EV Kit Component Placement Guide—
Solder Side

Maxim cannot assume responsibility for use of any circuitry other than circuitry entirely embodied in a Maxim product. No circuit patent licenses are
implied. Maxim reserves the right to change the circuitry and specifications without notice at any time.

8 ______________________________Maxim Integrated Products, 120 San Gabriel Drive, Sunnyvale, CA 94086 408-737-7600

© 2008 Maxim Integrated Products is a registered trademark of Maxim Integrated Products, Inc.

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