15.4 GPSPE CC QUA 005 Template Site Quality Documentation Procedure

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g GPSPE CC QUA 005 Site Quality

Documentation Procedure
Rev 1.1
Date: 02 May 2017
Author: Chandra-Mohan Vainala

“Project Name”

Projects and Customer’s Information:

PLANT : Input data

CUSTOMER : Input data
PLANT TYPE : Input data
FUEL TYPE : Input data
COUNTRY : Input data
LOCATION : Input data

Space for Logos:

Space for Stamping (Review and Validation status - if needed)

Revision History
Re Revision Created by Checked by Approved by Description
v. Date

Responsible dept. Created by Checked by Approved by Format

Originator Title, Subtitle Document Status

Site Quality Documentation Released
Procedure Identification number
ZZZ/00/P/DOC-- -----/QA/001
Rev. Date Lang. Sheet
- Mm/dd/yy En 1/11
Description latest Revision:

Table of content
1 PURPOSE ...................................................................................................................................................... 3
2 SCOPE ...........................................................................................................................................................3
3 ABBREVIATIONS, GENERAL TERMS AND DEFINITIONS .......................................................................3
4 TYPES OF DOCUMENTS AND REQUIREMENTS ......................................................................................4
5 CLASSIFICATION STRUCTURE ..................................................................................................................9
6 DOCUMENTS AND FILES NUMBERING / REFERENCE ........................................................................... 9
7 DOCUMENTS SITE RETENTION PERIOD AND STORAGE REQUIRMENTS .........................................10

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Instruction/Guide for adapting this procedure for project

IMPORTANT: This section is to be deleted as well as all red sentences within the procedure,
before releasing the document

This is a standard template. GE site Quality manager is responsible to review and adjust the
procedure per project conditions.
It is used for TKP and TKSI projects only.

The fields which requires a review are highlighted in yellow & blue:
- Test highlighted such as GE or Partner shall be replaced with project name, name of the responsible
party (could be the Consortium name) or other project specific information.
- Text highlighted such as “Project communication channel - sub contractors” shall be reviewed and
replaced /updated with appropriate description or statement for the project.

GE or Partner to maintain one file, for each Subcontractor, which has 3 sections: 4.1, 4.2, 4.3. Subcontractor will provide
binders or files as required for section 4.4 documents.

The purpose of this procedure is to set the rules for quality records handling, involving the Customer, GE, the Partner
and the Subcontractors. It gives guidance for the minimum expected GE or Partner requirements to be followed
regarding the site quality records and its handling at various stages during project execution.
The intent is that consistency among various records providers is reached, eliminating rework on format, structure,
aspect, classification, numbering…

If conflict is identified between this document and any other contractual documents, specifications, applicable
regulation and standards, this conflict shall be brought to the attention of GE or Partner Site Quality Manager for

This document is valid for the [Project Name]. The procedure is meant for use by all site GE or Partner stakeholders,
Customer and sub-contractors.


Abbreviation or Term Definition
Customer The Employer as defined in the Main Contract between the Contractor and the
Contractor GE (TKSI) or GE/Consortium partner (TKP)
CTO Civil Turnover
EC Erection Completion
ER Engineering request
ECN Engineering Change Notification
ITPL Inspection and test plan
NCR Nonconformance report
PAC Provisional Acceptance Certificate
PD Project director
PEM Project Engineering Manager
PQM Project Quality manager
PMI Positive material identification

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NDT Non destructive tests
SIM Site Manager
SQM Site Quality manager
Subcontractor The companies with which GE or Partner has contract/order for site execution work.
TKP GE Turnkey EPC project with Partner
TKSI GE Turnkey EPC project Self implementation
TOP Turn over from Erection to commissioning
TO Turnover


During project execution, Subcontractors are required to submit quality records which are broadly classified in 5 types:
1. Subcontractors Company Quality system documents
2. Project Quality process control, inspection/test procedures
3. Inspection records & test reports
4. Process stage binders or files: CTO, TOP, Hydro test
5. Final Quality Dossier

The following pictogram represents the typical interaction of these 5 types of documentation:

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4.1 Subcontractors Company Quality system documents

These are Subcontractors Quality Management System documents, adapted to project requirements, called
Subcontractor Quality Plans.
Subcontractors submit their Subcontractor Quality Plans in small binder (typical A4 -50mm) with Binder title “Company
Name Quality Plan for Project Name”. The binder to contain index and separators as per index.

Subcontractors to submit this binder & soft copy (pdf with book marks) within fourteen (14) calendar days upon the
Commencement Date of their respective subcontracts. Any revision to thereof shall be submitted as well to GE or
Partner for review prior to implementation.

Without submission of Subcontractor Quality Plans, related site work cannot be started.

The Subcontractors Quality Plans contain the following sections.

a) Management system certificates: To include in this section - ISO 9001 certificate, other certificates if applicable ISO
14001, ISO 18001
b) Quality policy & Site Quality objectives: To include in this section - quality policy of ISO 9001 and site Quality
c) Quality assurance procedures: To include in this section – Subcontractor Quality Management System
procedures that are applicable to its site team, such as “Document control procedure”, “Non-conformance
control procedure”, “Instrument calibration and control procedure”, etc.
d) Site Quality plan: The “Site Quality plan” is a brief document established by Subcontractor which describes
which of its Quality Management System procedures and which of the GE or Partner procedures (e.g. Punchlist
Item Procedure) apply at site during quality assurance and quality control execution of its scope of work.
e) Site organigram: The site organigram shall be completed and extended to include positions such as supervisors,
welders, electricians, civil work force, painters etc. The interface between the Subcontractor site quality
manager and the rest of the Subcontractor site quality team or quality stakeholders shall be clearly established.
Subcontractor head office Quality function representatives involved in site activities must also to be included
(e.g. Office welding engineers, line manager of Quality, Project Quality manager, etc.).
Organigram is updated and revised with the names for all the positions when information becomes available.

4.2 Project Quality process control, inspection/test procedures

These are the applicable procedures described in c) Quality assurance procedures and d) Site Quality plan above, which
are used during the execution and control of the Subcontractor scope of work.

4.2.1 GE or Partner indicates the minimum requirements in several documents issued to Subcontractors. The
following list is not exhaustive:
 The subcontract
 The GE or Partner Project Quality Plan
 Quality requirements (Quality Control Plan, Inspections and tests plans provided by GE or Partner)
 Construction practices for:
o Material receiving, storage and preservation
o Welding work
o Supports installation
o Pressure test and leak test
o Fluid systems cleanliness
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o Cables pulling and connecting
 Walkdowns, Erection completion and Punch list items procedure
 Site quality documentation procedure (this document)

4.2.2 The Subcontractors procedures are thoroughly reviewed by GE or Partner for acceptance and must be
submitted well in advance of the actual activity start, considering the lead time for resubmissions if any
rejection at review stage.

The below is listing such procedures that are expected from Subcontractors (list not exhaustive):

Civil works subcontractors

 Rebar control and traceability
 Concrete pouring traceability and cube results approval process

Mech. & piping subcontractors

 NDT Procedures
 Welding consumable control procedure
 Pipe bending procedure
 Hardness test procedure
 Heat treatment procedure
 PMI procedure
 Hydro test procedure
 Piping traceability control

Electrical and I&C subcontractors

 Cable drums and cable pulling traceability

4.3 Inspection records & test reports

Inspection records & test reports are parts of Quality documentation. This is the output of the controls or tests
undertaken at site.
Data is recorded on agreed templates, test certificates or third party test / inspection reports.
Each record requires an immediate and thorough approval by the Subcontractor (and third parties where applicable),
before it is archived.
Each record must have at least one approval signature from the Subcontractor authorized party, e.g. competent persons
such welding inspectors, NDT level II inspectors, etc. and/or Subcontractor site quality manager.
The approval can be indicated directly on records or on a summary document which lists referenced records.

The below are general requirements for records and reports:

 Ensure hand written details are clear and legible
 Signatures must have name/personnel code of signee and date (The signature date is not necessarily the actual
activity/test date)
 Original reports must be scanned and archived within a week maximum in the final Quality documentation file.
 In some cases, test is repeated in the process. In such cases, record is to be produced each time the test is
repeated with the date of the repetition. Preceding records are kept and can be crossed out as “obsolete” once
the new record is created.
 Subcontractor site Quality manager must monitor the progress of records collection against the progress of the
work, and take corrective actions where required on daily basis when discrepancy appears.
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GE or Partner reviews records through periodic checks. Review frequency can increase if issues are detected.

The below is the typical list of possible inspection & test records:
 Welding plans and welding map
 NDT Reports, Radiography films
 Hardness testing records
 PMI records
 Preheat and Heat treatment report / charts
 Visual inspection records
 Cable pull and termination records
 Electrical test records, HV, Megger test
 Painting records
 Insulation records
 Equipment installation records
 Rotating equipment alignment records
 Maintenance records
 Preservation records
 Concrete cube results records
 Material certificates
 Hydro test reports
 Flushing records
 Load test records
 Bolt Torqueing records
 Other records as per GE or Partner Quality requirement

Red-correx / Red mark-up are additional records that are gathered along the execution of the work.
The following process flow diagram applies:

Red-correx / Red mark-up are generated against the list of expected documents all allong the construction and
commissioning phases. Any additional relevant documents can also be considered as be eligible for Red-correx / Red

Records consistency is checked before to be accepted. Sign off is required on each record from each involved party.
Providing timely, correct and complete Red-correx / Red mark-up is mandatory and subject to evaluation.

 Note: Red-correx / Red mark-up shall be updated in all related documents where the same details are indicated
(e.g. Termination Chart / Junction Box / Equipment Drawing).
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 Note: No site demobilization is authorized without any suitable delegation / handover of the remaining Red-correx
/ Red mark-up for the concerned Subcontractor.

4.4 Process stage Binders or files

GE or Partner communicates to Subcontractors, through respective process steps or through site meetings, the definite
list of packages in their scope and associated expected turnovers.

Subcontractors are required to submit a binder, a file or a list of validated documents for each package, which is a
compilation of all required documents for that package.
If it is decided that the compilation is physically done in a binder, a cover sheet is created. Irrespective of individual
documents submitted to GE or Partner before, Subcontractors must include all required documents once again as
specified by the turnover process.

Package types are: (GE SQM can add other package types as required)

 iTO : Internal turnover (turnover other than CTO & TOP, e.g. from piling to Civil pouring)
Binder: Plastic or small A4 binders.
Print Quality: The copied or printed information must be clear and legible. Unless requested otherwise, other
than iTO certificate rest can be copies.

Typical table of contents for this package (GE SQM to update as required)
o iTO certificate
o Pile layout drawing
o Approved pile inspection records including concrete test results
o Pile load test & integrity reports
o Pile topographical report

 CTO: Civil to M&E turnover

Binder: Small A4 binder
Print Quality: The copied or printed information must be clear and legible. Unless requested otherwise, other
than CTO certificate rest can be copies.

Typical table of contents for this type of file (GE SQM to update as required)
o CTO certificate
o Layout drawing to define scope of turnover
o Punch list record copy. Sign of sheet copy (if any Cat A items involved)
o Approved structure inspection report
o Survey reports
o Concrete test records
o Torque records for steel structures (where applicable)
o Approved piling iTO records (where piling applicable)

 TOP: M&E to Commissioning turnover

Binder: Small A4 binder
Print Quality: The copied or printed information must be clear and legible. Unless requested otherwise, other
than TOP certificate rest can be copies.
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Typical table of contents for this type of file (GE SQM to update as required)
o TOP certificate
o Layout drawing to define scope of turnover
o Punch list record copy. Sign of sheet copy (if any Cat B items involved)
o Approved stage inspection report
o Hydro test report, pump alignment record, preservation record, flushing records,

 Hydro test: generally called “Hydrotest pack”

Binder: A4 binder
Print Quality: The copied or printed information must be clear and legible. Unless requested otherwise, other
than hydro test release certificate rest can be copies.

Typical table of contents for this type of file (GE SQM to update as required)
o Hydro test release certificate
o Layout drawing to define scope of test
o Hydrotest report filled with required test pressure details
o WPS & WPQR summary
o Welding map
o NDT reports
o Pre & PWHT charts
o Hardness test reports

4.5 Final Quality Dossiers

Final Quality documentation is arranged in the Final Quality Dossiers

This is most important and permanent record compilation.
Binder: Good Quality 4 rings A4 binder, white colour
Print Quality: Legible Originals (Scannable / photo copy quality). Print quality shall be 600 dpi above for prints/copies on
premium quality paper at least 90gsm or above. A3 prints shall be folded to fit in A4 binder.

 Note: for all documents described in previous sections of this procedure, colored soft copies must be generated in
pdf format, with book marking for each tables of contents. Soft copies clarity to be set to an adequate standard for

To be described by SQM (In future, it will be a standard structure when created and agreed)


Each document which will be created must receive a unique document reference as follows:


Project Unit number Doc Originator Main code (10 digits)** Doc type Incremental
identified code* code*** number

*Doc Originator code:

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- “W” for Civil design and contractor
- “X” for GE, erection site
- “Y” for GE, commissioning site
**Main code:
- The first 5 digit is for KKS code or significant categorization
- The last 5 digits is related to discipline
*** Doc type code is related to the nature of the document (e.g. EK for record)

CPL/11/X/MBH-- GT---/EK/101

File name: doc reference + description + file extension

Red-correx / Red mark-up files name:

The Red-correx / Red mark-up file name shall be the unique document reference of the original engineering document +
document revision + the suffix “-RX”.

Original engineering file name: PEB_00_M_EK--------_FD_001-F.pdf
Red-correx / Red mark-up file name: PEB_00_M_EK--------_FD_001-F-RX.pdf


The site period of retention for documents equals to the duration of the site activities. When the site is demobilized,
temporary archives are transferred to permanent GE or Partner archive solutions.

7.1 Soft copies

Soft copies are stored on secured local servers or cloud solution (GE Box or GE or Partner / Subcontractors respective

7.2 Hard copies

Hard copies storage can be of the following types depending on the nature of documents:
 Secured storage
 Open Controlled storage

The storage areas must be damp free, have proper ventilation & light. A risk assessment is to be made for fire safety,
and fire extinguishers are to be available where necessary.

Secured Storage: This is a locked storage whose keys are in Quality hands. This could be a room or a streel cub board
with locking facility. This type of storage is mandatory for records which cannot be reproduced due to project
progression, which may result in additional costs or cause delays to project if reproduced, which have legal liability,
which contain sensitive information…

Documents / records which require this type of storage are:

o Radiography Films
o Heat treatment charts
o Approved Final Quality dossiers
o Storage of any other documents which may have to be stored temporarily in secure location

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Open controlled storage: This is usually storage in wooden or steel cub boards located in Quality department. It must be
ensured that storage is not near to and not facing common path ways. The storage location should be arranged in such a
way that only personnel who does business with Quality are visiting that area, and hence movement of people in the
area is minimised. After business hours, the building in which the storage is located must be locked.
All documents are stored here and subsequently once reviewed few of them may be moved to secured storage.

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