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AI Question Bank

Short Answer Questions
1. What are Uninformed search strategies?
2. Write the four components of state space search
3. Define Artificial Intelligence. What are the four categories of intelligent systems?
4. write the characteristics of good control strategy
5. What are the various applications of AI?
6. Define Heuristic function?

Long Answer Questions

1. What is missionaries and cannibals problem? Give the Production rules for its
2. Solve the following crypt arithmetic puzzle. Write constraint equations and find one
solution using DFS by showing the steps involved in finding the solution.
3. Consider the Water Jug problem as stated here: “You are given two jugs, a 5gallon
one and a 3-gallon one. Neither has any measuring markers on it. There is a pump that
can be used to fill the jugs with water. How can you get exactly 4 gallons of water
into the 5-gallon jug?”
Represent this as a problem in State Space Search and state its Production Rules.
Show at least one solution to this problem
4. Consider the following initial and goal configuration for 8-puzzle problem. Draw the
search tree of A* algorithm to reach from initial state to goal state. Assume suitable
heuristic function for the same.
Initial state Goal state

3 7 6 5 3 6
5 1 2 7 2
4 8 4 1 8
5. Explain Depth first search and Breadth first search with example.
6. Explain the method of Hill climbing with an example.
Short Answer Questions
1. Write truth tables for logical operators.
2. Show that B is a logical consequence of s={A->B,A}
3. Define Modus pones rule in propositional logic?
4. Write negation and distributive equivalence laws in FOL.
5. For the given sentence “All Pompeian’s were romans” write a well-formed formula in
predicate logic.
6. Define unit clause and goal clause.

Long Answer Questions

1. Consider the following statements
a) Anyone passing his history exams and winning the lottery is happy.
b) Anyone who studies or is lucky can pass all his exams.
c) John did not study but he is lucky.
d) Anyone who is lucky wins the lottery.
Prove that John is happy! using resolution
2. What is Semantic Nets? Consider the following statements and draw the semantic net:
Tom is a cat. Tom caught a bird. Tom is owned by John. Tom is ginger in color. Cats
like cream. The cat sat on the mat. A cat is a mammal. A bird is an animal. All
mammals are animals. Mammals have fur.
3. What is semantic tableau? Write rule for semantic tableau method? Consider a set
S={⁓(A˅B), (C→B), (A˅C)} of formulae. Show that S is unsatisfiable using tableau
4. Illustrate the Forward Reasoning and backward reasoning Inference Method in
semantic networks by using some Example
5. Consider the following statements
a) John likes all kinds of food
b) apples are food
c) chicken is food anything anyone isn’t killed by is food.
d) Bill eats peanuts and is still alive
e) Sue eats everything bill eats
i. translate these sentences into formulas in predicate logic
ii. prove that john likes peanuts using backward chaining
iii. convert the formulas of a part into clause form
iv. Prove that john likes peanuts using resolution
6. Explain about inheritance in semantics with an example
Short Answer Questions
1. Write the axioms of probability.
2. Define Monotonic TMS (Truth Maintenance System)
3. Define Measure of Belief?
4. Write the responsibilities of knowledge engineer.

Long Answer Questions

1. Let U= {viral, measles, mumps, cough, conjunctivitis} in diagnostic system. Suppose
we have measure of belief function m1 based on evidence of fever as m1({viral,
measles, mumps}) =0.85 and m2 function based on evidences of fever and headache,
respectively, also, m2({viral,conjunctivitis}) =0.6. combine the given belief functions
to generate an m3 function using Dempster’s rule.
2. How is an expert system different from a traditional program?
3. For the Bayesian network given in below figure and the corresponding probabilities,
generate the conditional probability table.

P(A)=0.4 P(B|A)=0.5 P(B|~A)=0.1 P(C|A)=0.6 P(C|~A)=0.3 P(D|A,B)=0.8

P(D|A, ~B)=0.3 P(D|~A,B)=0.3 P(D|~A, ~B)=0.05
Also compute the following probabilities
i)Joint probability P(A, B,C,D) ii) P(A|B) iii)P(A|C) iv) P(A|B,c)
4. What is Expert System? Explain its Architecture.
5. A)What are the different phases in building an Expert Systems?
B) What are the Characteristics of the Expert Systems?
6. A) Suppose you make the initial observation E1 that continues our Belief in H with
MB[H,E1]=0.4 and MD[H,E1] =0 . Consider a second observation E2 that also
contains H with MB[H,E2]=0.3 and MD[H, E2]=0.1 .compute CF[H,E1 and E2].
B) Suppose we are given MB[H1,E]=0.4 and MB[H2,E]=0.3; MD[H1,E]=0.1 and
MD[H2,E]=0.2. using the given data, Compute the following: i)MB[H1 and H2,E]
ii) MD[H1 and H2,E] iii)MB[H1 or H2,E] iv)MD[H1 or H2,E] v) CF[H,E1 and E2]
VI) CF[H,E1 or E2].
Short Answer Questions
1. What are types of learning algorithms.
2. Draw neuron diagram
3. What are the applications of reinforcement learning?
4. What are the components of artificial neural networks?
5. What are the components of the learning system?
6. Write the objective functions for K means

Long Answer Questions

1. Solve it with the help of K-mean clustering.
subject A B
1 1.0 1.0
2 1.5 2.0
3 3.0 4.0
4 5.0 7.0
5 3.5 5.0
6 4.5 5.0
7 3.5 4.5
Centre points are: (1,1) and (5,7)
2. Describe multilayer feed forward network.
3. Explain about linear and nonlinear classifier in support vector machine?
4. Explain perception neurol model with examples and its limitations.
5. What is Decision Tree Learning? Why it is useful in AI applications?
6. Define weight computation method for Hopfield network? Consider a Hopfield
network with three nodes and train this for waits for the following input vectors
X1=[1-1-11] x2=[1 1-1 1] x3[-1 1 1 -1]
Short Answer Questions
1. List the phases of Sentences analysis?
2. Write XML representation for a book
3. Write the sample case frame for “Jhon gave an apple to mike in the kitchen”
4. Draw the transition diagram for sentence parsing?
5. Construct the top down and bottom up parse tree for the given sentence “the cute girl
ate an apple”.
6. What is RDF schema and write the main RDFs constructs?

Long Answer Questions

1. Explain link parser and chart parser with examples?
2. Explain about semantic roles in case grammars?
3. Draw the parse tree structures for the following sentences and parse the sentences
using chart parsing method.
i)The cute girl sings a song
ii)The boy goes to the market
4. Explain about simple and augmented transition networks.
5. Write the DCG for handling the following sentences
a) Every human is mortal.
b) Every woman loves a child.
6. Explain all the main cases in case grammar with example?

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