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Background of the Study

Computers have unquestionably become an essential component of senior high school

education, with many benefits at the same time as certain drawbacks that have a significant
impact on students' academic achievement. Positively, computers provide pupils with
unparalleled access to knowledge. A plethora of resources for research and self-directed learning
are available on the internet, when combined with instructional software and digital libraries. This
accessibility encourages critical thinking and independent research, two abilities that are
essential for academic achievement. This will enable the investigation to determine if senior high
school pupils' use of computers is beneficial or detrimental.
Nonetheless, there may be drawbacks to computers being used in classrooms so widely.
The distraction element is one major worry. Students' attention can be drawn away from their
academic work by social media, online gaming, and entertainment websites, which can cause
them to procrastinate and lose focus. Establishments can learn more about how students are
currently using computers by conducting a benchmark survey. This will demonstrate the
researchers' efforts.
To guarantee a smooth integration of computers into the educational ecosystem,
cooperation between educators, parents, and students is crucial in the formulation and execution
of these solutions.
By carefully weighing the benefits and drawbacks of computers in senior high school and
implementing targeted interventions, it is possible to enhance both academic achievement and
digital citizenship.

Statement of the Problem

The purpose of this study is to look into the impact of computers on the academic performance
of senior high school students.
It aims to specifically answer the following questions:
1. What are the academic achievements of senior high school students who use
2. Is there a major difference in academic achievement between senior high school
students who have computers and those who do not?
Objective of the Study
The purpose of this research is to determine the impact of computer literacy on the
academic performance of senior high school students.
1. Senior high school students’ academic performance.
2. The significant difference in academic performance between senior high school
students who have computers and those who do not have computers.

Significance of the Study

This research study, which investigates the effect of computer literacy on senior high
school students’ academic performance, is significant because of its implications across
various dimensions of education and beyond.
Teachers – This research will help all teachers gain a better understanding of computer
literacy and how students use computers, which will impact their academic performance.
Students - This study will benefit students whose use of computers has an impact on
their academic performance, and will make them aware of their computer literacy skills on
how to properly use computers as a tool for learning, whether it is advantageous or
disadvantageous to students.
Parents will benefit from this study because it will raise their awareness and
understanding of how students use their mobile phones properly.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This research will investigate the impact of computer literacy on the academic
performance of senior high school students at Kiburiao National High School during the first
semester of the school year 2023-2024
Definition of Terms

To provide clarity and a better understanding of this study, the following terms are defined
theoretically and operationally.
Academic Performance - Is the evaluation of a student’s achievement in various academic
Computer Literacy - Computer literacy is defined as the knowledge and ability to use
computers and related technology efficiently.

An overview of the research and literature currently available on the effect of

computer literacy on senior high school students’ academic performance is given in this
section. It seeks to provide a thorough background for the ongoing study.


Academic Performance
Garcia and Martinez (2019) investigated the impact of the digital divide on
academic attainment. According to their findings, students who do not have access to
computers or the internet frequently struggle academically. Bridging the digital divide
and increasing computer literacy among disadvantaged pupils are highlighted as critical
factors in leveling the academic playing field.
In a unique perspective, Williams and Robinson (2020) examined the role of
parental involvement in fostering computer literacy among high school students. Their
study investigated how parental support, guidance, and computer-related activities at
home can positively impact students' computer skills and, subsequently, their academic
Jones and Martin (2019) investigated the relationship between students' attitudes
toward technology and their motivation to achieve academic achievement. Their
research found that students who have a good attitude toward computer literacy are
more motivated to use educational technology and achieve higher academic
Computer Literacy
Anderson and Smith (2022) conducted a comprehensive review of computer
literacy training programs implemented in senior high schools. Their study focused on
the effectiveness of such programs in enhancing computer skills and, consequently,
their impact on academic performance. The findings emphasized the need for well-
structured computer literacy training initiatives to maximize educational benefits.
Smith and Harris (2018) performed a survey of high school students' academic
use of online resources and learning platforms. Their study emphasized the various
digital learning tools accessible and how students' ability in computer literacy interacts
with successful utilization of these resources to improve academic achievement.
Smith and Foster (2021) carried out a long-term investigation on the impact of
computer literacy on college preparation among high school seniors. Their study
showed a solid connection between high levels of computer literacy and preparation for
college, highlighting the need for early computer skill development.
Harris and Brown (2019) did a meta-analysis of various computer literacy
treatments for high school pupils. Their research revealed successful methods, such as
computer workshops, online tutorials, and teacher training programs, that improved
computer literacy and, as a result, academic achievement.
Davis and Patel (2019) evaluated the use of online learning platforms and their
impact on high school students' academic results. According to their findings, students
with excellent computer literacy abilities were better suited to navigate and succeed in
online learning environments, emphasizing the relevance of computer skills in adjusting
to various methods of education.
Senior High School

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Computer Literacy Academic Performance

Figure 1. This study's paradigm depicts the independent and dependent variables.

Hypothesis of the Study

The following null hypothesis will be analyzed at a significance level of 0.02 (2%) to
determine the degree and the extent of the relationship between variables.
Ho1: There is no significant effect of computer literacy on the academic performance of
senior high school students.
Ha1: There is a significant positive interaction between computer literacy and academic
performance among senior high school students.
This chapter discusses the study's methodology in detail, including the following
sections: Research Design, Study Location, Study Participants, Research Instruments,
Data Gathering Procedure, and Statistical Analysis of Data.

This quantitative study will use a stratified random sample strategy to recruit
participants from various grade levels and gender groups to explore the influence of
computer literacy on the academic performance of senior high school students.
While adhering to ethical requirements and accepting potential limitations, this
study will use regression analysis to investigate the association between computer
literacy and academic success.
Using a survey questionnaire to grade 11 ICT students will help us assess and
cite relevant information for our research.


The research will be undertaken at Kiburiao National High School, situated within
the Purok 1 locality of Kiburiao, Quezon, Bukidnon. This institution, strategically
positioned at the epicenter of this dynamic community, stands as the primary focal point
for our investigative endeavors.
Our research will focus on a specific group of students - those in Grade 11 enrolled in
the ICT (Information and Communications Technology) - Cyberlit (Cyber Literacy)
program. These young scholars represent a dynamic demographic, and their
experiences will provide valuable insights into the intersection of computer literacy and
academic performance. As they embark on their educational journey at Kiburiao
National High School, their experiences will contribute significantly to the study's
Figure 2. Kiburiao National High School is shown on a map of Kiburiao, Quezon,
Participants in the research include Grade 11 ICT - Cyberlit students at Kiburiao
National High School during the second semester of the school year 2023-2024.
The research relied on the responses of students in Grade 11 ICT - Cyberlit, with
30 participants in their section.

An adopted survey questionnaire serves as the study's instrument.
The questionnaire will be designed in such a way that it will meet the primary goal of the
study, which is to determine the effect of computer literacy on academic performance, w
hich will be tallied and assessed accordingly.


1. Selecting a specific title. It must be approved by the subject teacher.
2. Making a mental note to conduct the research.
3. The authorization will be sent to the principal for review.
4. Selecting students, explaining the purpose of the study, obtaining informed conse
nt, and requesting participation. The information gathered will be recorded.
5. Summarising the study's key findings and making recommendations for educatio
nal purposes.
6. The researchers will present their findings to peers and experts, seeking feedbac
k and validation.

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