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Generic Name: Clozapine____________________________ ______________________________

Brand Name: Clozaril______________________________________________________________

Specific Name: atypical antipsychotics______________________________________________
Dosage and Mode of Indication (for Side Effects Contradictions Nursing
Route of Admin Action the specific Responsibilities/Patient
disease Teaching
12.5 mg P.O. Unknown. Schizophrenia in CNS: drowsiness, sedation, Contraindicated in patients ODTs contain phenylalanine.
once daily or Binds severely ill dizziness, vertigo, etc. with uncontrolled epilepsy,
b.i.d., if using selectively to patients CV: tachycardia, history of clozapine- Clozapine has a risk of
ODT, cut in half dopaminergic unresponsive to cardiomyopathy, myocarditis, inducted agranulocytosis, causing agranulocytosis, a
and discard receptors in other therapies; to cardiac arrest, etc. WBC count below severe reduction in white
unused half, the CNS and reduce risk of EENT: visual disturbances 3,500/mm³, severe CNS blood cell count. Regular
adjust dose to may interfere recurrent suicidal GI: constipation, excessive depression or coma, monitoring of complete blood
25-50 mg daily (if with behavior in salivation, dry mouth, nausea, paralytic ileus, and counts (CBC) is essential.
tolerated) to adrenergic, schizophrenia or etc. myelosuppressive
300-450 mg daily cholinergic, schizoaffective GU: urine retention, abnormal disorders. Educate the patient about the
by end of 2 histaminergic disorders ejaculation, incontinence, importance of regular blood
weeks. , and urinary frequency or urgency. Contraindicated in patients tests, typically weekly or bi-
Subsequent serotonergic Hematologic: leukopenia, taking other drugs that weekly initially and less
dosage receptors. agranulocytosis, suppress bone marrow frequently once stabilized.
shouldn’t granulocytopenia, function.
increase more eosinophilia.
than 50 to 100 Metabolic: hyperglycemia,
mg increments. weight gain,
Most patients hypercholesterolemia,
respond to 200- hypertriglyceridemia
600 mg daily, but Musculoskeletal: muscle
some needs 900 pain or spasm, muscle
mg daily. But weakness.
don’t exceed 900
mg daily
Generic Name: Diazepam____________________________ ______________________________
Brand Name: Valium_____________________________________________________________
Specific Name: Benzodiazepine______________________________________________

Dosage and Mode of Indication (for Side Effects Contradictions Nursing

Route of Admin Action the specific Responsibilities/Patient
disease Teaching
Anxiety A Anxiety, Seizure, CNS: drowsiness, dysarthria, Contraindicated in patients Perform a thorough patient
Adults: 2 to 10 mg benzodiazepine Muscle spasms, slurred speech, tremor, etc. hypersensitive to drug or assessment, including
P.O. b.i.d. to q.i.d. that probably Alcohol CV: CV collapse, bradycardia, soy protein; in patients medical history, allergies, and
Or, 2 to 10 mg I.M. potentiates the Withdrawal, hypotension experiencing shock, coma, current medications.
or I.V. every 3 to 4 effects of Insomnia, EENT: diplopia, blurred vision, or acute alcohol
hours, p.r.n. GABA, Sedation before nystagmus. intoxication (parenteral Assess the patient's vital
Children age 6 depresses the medical GI: nausea, constipation, form); in pregnant women, signs, especially respiratory
months and CNS, and procedures diarrhea with rectal form. especially in first trimester; rate, as diazepam can cause
older: 1 to 2.5 mg suppresses the GU: incontinence, urine and in infants younger than respiratory depression.
P.O. t.i.d. or q.i.d., spread of retention. age 6 months (oral form).
increase grad- seizure activity. Hematologic: neutropenia. Diazepam is Administer diazepam
ually, as needed Hepatic: jaundice. contraindicated in patients according to the prescribed
and tolerated. Respiratory: respiratory with acute angle-closure dosage, route, and schedule.
Elderly patients: depression, apnea. glaucoma. Use cautiously
Initially, 2 to 2.5 Skin: rash, phlebitis at injection in patients with liver or Follow proper procedures for
mg once daily or site. renal impairment, medication administration,
b.i.d.; increase Other: altered libido, physical or depression, history of considering the patient's age,
gradually.• Acute psychological dependence. substance abuse, or weight, and specific condition.
alcohol chronic open-angle
withdrawal glaucoma. Use cautiously
in elderly and debilitated

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