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Project Brief for Recruitment Tracker Dashboard Creation:

Objective: You are tasked with creating an interactive recruitment tracker dashboard in Excel
that provides real-time insights into our hiring process. The dashboard will be driven by data
from the 'Raw Data' sheet and visualized on the 'Dashboard' sheet.
Sheet Overview:
 'Raw Data' Sheet: Contains detailed recruitment data that is subject to updates.
 'Dashboard' Sheet: Will serve as the interactive face of the tracker, pulling
information from 'Raw Data'.
Step-by-Step Instructions:
Step 1: Initialize Dashboard Sheet
 Open the Excel workbook and familiarize yourself with the data in the 'Raw Data'
 Go to the 'Dashboard' sheet where the tracker will be developed.
Step 2: Create Department Dropdown
 Insert an ActiveX control combo box for the 'Department' filter.
 Use a script to populate this dropdown with unique values from the 'R&D
Department' column in 'Raw Data'.
Step 3: Develop Position Dropdown
 Add another ActiveX control combo box for 'Position'.
 Program this dropdown to dynamically update with positions based on the
department selected in the first dropdown. This position dropdown should not have
all the positions. It should only have positions that are related to the department
Step 4: Dynamic Data Retrieval
 Write a VBA script or formula that retrieves and displays all rows related to the
selected 'Department' from 'Raw Data' onto the 'Dashboard'.
 Similarly, implement a data fetch for the 'Position' selection, which filters the already
filtered department data.
Step 5: Structuring Dashboard Content
 Create a table in 'Dashboard' to neatly display the filtered data.
 Ensure that as new data is added to 'Raw Data', the dashboard reflects these changes
without manual refreshes.
Step 6: Dashboard Visualization Enhancements
 Develop charts to visualize recruitment metrics like the number of applicants per
position and as well as department, and stages of the recruitment funnel, Total hires
in each department, Time taken for the complete process from start to end(CV
shared date to DOJ)
 Also the dashboard should have columns or a separate table that shows for each row
calculating the time taken between each stage.
 Use conditional formatting to make the dashboard intuitive, such as highlighting
stages of the interview process or marking 'Offer Accepted' candidates.
 Have all the charts at the top, make it dynamic with respect to selection in
dropdown, and make it aligned properly.
Step 7: Compatibility Checks
 Confirm all features and functionalities are compatible with Excel 2016.
 Avoid using formulas or features not supported by Excel 2016.
Step 8: Finalization and Testing
 Test the functionality of the dropdowns and the dynamic display of data.
 Validate that the dashboard updates accurately with the addition of new data in 'Raw
Step 9: User Guide Creation
 Draft a simple guide explaining how to use the dashboard, including how to update
data and interpret the charts.
Step 10: Review and Feedback Loop
 Present the initial draft of the dashboard to us for feedback.
 Make necessary revisions based on our comments and ensure the final product
meets our specifications.

For example, I’m providing you how the dashboard should look. But you can have the metrics
mentioned above and the feasible ones from the below with the columns in Excel sheet. Along with
the dashboard it should also have the dropdowns and tables to display the data

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