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Roll No. Total No. of page(s): 1 LG/M-21: 30116 Paper-601A: Economics-III (Law & Economics) ‘Time: 3 hrs} Max. Marks: 80 Note: Attempt five questions in all, selecting at least one question from each unit. Question No. 9 is compulsory. UNIT-I . Explain how Economics can become a basis of social welfare and justice? . What is meant by Capitalist Economic system and what are the various pros and cons of this system? pai UNIT-IL Write a detailed note on sustainable development and its importance. What are » its important constituents? 4. Write notes on- a) Environmental legislation. b) Effect of population explosion on environment. UNIT-III . Critically examine the state policy for industrialization. Is it promoting or hindering the growth? 6. Are the main provisions of Industrial Act,1951 take care of the development and regulation of industries in India well? UNIT-IV 7. Do you think SEBI Act provides for Investor protection? Examine critically. 8. What do you understand by Worker's Participation? Elaborate its different types. Compulsory Question 9. Answer all parts briefly — 4x5=20 i. What constitutes a Socialist system? ii, _Isenvironment a public good? Comment briefly. What do you understand by Industrialization? iv. What may be the possible reasons behind industrial unrest?

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