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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VI-Western Visayas
Division of Sagay City


S.Y. 2023-2024
Direction: Read the questions carefully. Write the letter of the correct answer on your paper.
1. Which of the following objects at home resemble a cylinder?
A. sardines can C. shoe box
B. TV set D. cabinet

2. What kind of solid figure is a ball?

A. cone C. rectangular prism
B. sphere D. pyramid

3. Which of the following is a cube?

A. shoe box C. pitcher
B. glass D. die

4. What solid figure has 6 square faces, 8 vertices and 12 edges?

A. Cube C. Cylinder
B. Rectangular Prism D. Pyramid

5. A solid figure that has no vertices nor faces is called ____________.

A. Cylinder C. Sphere
B. Cone D. Prism

6. Which is not a solid figure?

A. C.

B. D.

7. Which of the following illustrations is a solid figure?

A. C.

B. D.

8. Which is a plane figure?

A. cube C. pyramid
B. circle D. cone
9. Which of the following shapes make up the faces of a cube?
A. circle C. square
B. triangle D. rhombus

10. How many faces do a rectangular prism has?

A. 3 C. 6
B. 4 D. 8

11. Which shape can be a face of pyramid?

A. C.

B. D.

12. Which of the following is the nets of a cylinder?

A. C.

B. D.

13. What solid figure has this nets?

A. rectangular prism C. pyramid
B. cylinder D. cone

14. What object can be formed by this nets?

A. C.

B. D.

15. Which of the following is an expression?

A. a number increased by four is twelve.
B. a number decreased by nine is equal to eleven
C. n + 4 = 12
D. 2m + 5

16. Which of the following is an equation?

A. 3m + 2 C. n + 12 = 20
B. 4d D. the product of 5 and a number.

17. Which of the following is not an equation?

A. five times a number is fifty
B. the quotient of a number and seven is eight.
C. the difference between six and a number
decreased by four
D. 2m + 10 = 50

18. Which is not and expression?

A. 7y + a = 22 C. 21 diminished by 4
B. 12 increased by 9 D. ( 5 + 8 ) - 2n

19. What expression will fit this situation? Helen is 13 years old, and Helen’s father is 4 years
more than twice her age.
A. 2n + 4, where n= 13 C. (13 + 4) 2
B. 13n + 4, where n= 2 D. (2 + 4) 13

20. Lilia’s height is 10 cm less than twice Edna’s height. How do you translate the situation
into algebraic expression?
A. 2d – 10 C. 10 – 2d
B. (n – 10) 2 D. 2d + 10

21. Aling Martha, when asked about her age, replies “I am six years older than twice the age
of my youngest child.” Express her age in an algebraic equation if her age now is 66.
A. 6 + 3y = 66 C. 2n + 6 = 66
B. 3x - 66 = 6 D. 6n + 2 = 66

22. Linos's weight is 13 kg. more than twice Peter's weight. Which is the correct algebraic expression
for this statement?
A. 2n -13 C. 13n + 2
B. 2n + 13 D.13n x 2
23. Francis is ten years old. Ben is twice as old as Francis. How old was Ben?
A. 5 C. 12
B. 7 D. 20
24. The Grade 6 basketball team scored three less than thrice as many points as their
opponent. Their total score at the end of the game was 108. How many points do their
opponent get?
A. 96 C. 37
B. 105 D. 108
25. During the council meeting, the number of women is 2 times the number of men. How
many women and men attended the meeting if there were 30 people present?
A. 20 women and 10 men
B. 15 women and 15 men
C. 10 women and 20 men
D. 25 women and 5 men

26. If a car travels 400m in 20 seconds how fast is it going?

A. 10 m/s C. 20 m/s
B. 10 km/h D. 20 km/h
27. How far would you have traveled if you drove for 2 hours at 30 km/h?
A. 20 km C. 60 km
B. 40 km D. 80 km

28. How long does it take to travel 100 km at 20 km/h?

A. 5 hours C. 9 hours
B. 7 hours D. 1 hour

29. A taxi travels at a constant speed of 90 km per hour. How far can it travel in 6 hours?
A. 540 km C. 590 km
B. 580 km D. 600 km

30. A car travels 360 km in 4 hours. What is the average speed of the car in km per hour?
A. 100 km/h C. 80 km/h
B. 90 km/h D. 60 km/h

31. A boy walks at a speed of 4 km/h. How much time does he take to walk a distance of
20 km?
A. 2 hours C. 4 hours
B. 3 hours D. 5 hours

32. What is the area of the figure on the right?

A. 21 sq. ft
B. 27 sq. ft
C. 30 sq. ft
D. 34 sq. ft

33. What is area of the shaded area of the illustration below?

A. 33.76 m2
B. 50.24 m2
C. 84 m2 12 m
D.134.24 m2

14 m
34. Find the area of the composite figure illustrated below.
A. 28 cm2
B. 21 cm2 6 cm
C. 49 cm2
D. 91 cm2
7 cm

35. How much larger is the pizza made in a circular pan with 14 inches’ diameter than a pizza
made in a square pan with sides measuring 14 inches?
A. 42.14 in2 C. 196 in2
B. 153.86 in2 D. 206.86 in2

36. A photograph measuring 10 cm by 4 cm is mounted on a rectangular cardboard

leaving a margin of 3 cm all around. What area of the cardboard is not covered by the
A. 40 cm2 C. 160cm2
B. 120 cm2 D. 200 cm2

37. What is the surface of a cube with 6 cm side?

A. 36 cm2 C. 6 cm2
B. 216 cm2 D. 144 cm2

38. A square pyramid has a side of 16 meters and a slant height of 13 meters. Find its surface
A. 627 sq. m C. 762 sq. m
B. 672 sq. m D. 772 sq. m

39. The edge of a crate measures 10 meters long, 12 meters wide, and 15 meters high.
What is the surface area of the crate?
A. 240 m2 C. 300 m2
B. 360 m D. 900 m2

40. A conical tent has a radius of 6m and the slant height is 5 m. What should be the area
of the canvas used for making it?
A. 94.2 m2 C. 207.24 m2
B. 113.04 m2 D. 204.27 m2


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